7week Olympic Squat Phase

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http://articles.elitefts.co m/training-articles/7-week-o lympic-squat-phase/

7-Week Olympic Squat Phase

5 sessions per week / Russian squat cycle Upper Body Work Included NOT ES : 1. FL = f rom f loor; Bkn = f rom below knees; HB = high blocks or power position;

2. pulls = use % of best snatch or c&j plus __0___ kg 3. power snatch and power clean = use % of best power snatch or power clean 4. RDL = use % of best c&j or best f ront squat (depending on experience or ability) 5. combinations = use % of WEAKEST of the two or three segments 6. ** REPS x SET S ** (example: 24 means 4 sets of 2 reps) 7. *** whenever possible, take a 20-30 minute break between exercises 8. bef ore every workout: 10 minutes f lexibility work 9. af ter every workout: 5 minutes f lexibility work and 50-75 reps abdominal work

Below is t he program in a phone and print er-f riendly f ormat .

Week 1 Session 1 Exercise Snatch Percentages/Reps 50% 3 Reps 3 Stage Snatch Pulls 70% 6 Reps Core Work Stretch 2 Snatch Pulls (HB) *hold f or 3 sec at top Back Squats 50% 5 Reps 50% 5 Reps DB Press Reverse Hypers 3 Clean Pulls (HB) *hold f or 3 sec at top Back Squats 60% 5 Reps 65% 4 Reps 70% 4 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets 80 Reps 65% 3 Reps 80% 6 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 90% 3 Reps x 2 Sets

6 Reps x 4 Sets 10 Reps x 3 Sets 50% 5 Reps 50% 5 Reps 60% 5 Reps 65% 4 Reps 70% 4 Reps 80% 3 Reps x 6 Sets 80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets

Snatch Grip Press

8 Reps x 4 Sets

*sitting in f ull squat/behind neck Reverse Hyper 4 Power Snatch 10 Reps x 3 Sets 50% 3 Reps Clean & Jerk 50% 3 Reps DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug Core Work 5 Back Squats 65% 3 Reps 65% 3 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 3 Sets 80% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps 80% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps

8 Reps x 4 Sets 80 Reps 50% 65% 80%

Back Squats

50% 4 Reps

65% 3 Reps 70% 5 Reps

80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 90% 4 Reps x 4 Sets

RDLs *Percent Based of f Clean DB Press

50% 6 Reps

8 Reps x 4 Sets

Week 2 Session 1 Exercise Snatch (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 3 Reps Snatch Pulls (HB) 90% 60% 3 Reps 100% 70% 2 Reps x 5 Sets

5 Reps x 5 Sets DB Press Reverse Hypers Core Work 2 Back Squats 6 Reps x 4 Sets 10 Reps x 3 Sets 80 Reps 50% 5 Reps Push/Press *Percent Based of f Snatch DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug 3 Clean (HB) 60% 6 Reps 65% 5 Reps 70% 5 Reps x 5 Sets 80% 4 Reps x 6 Sets 80%

10 Reps x 3 Sets 60% 3 Reps 70% 3 Reps 80% 5 Reps 80% 2 Reps 90% 4 Reps x 4 Sets 85% 2 Reps x 3 Sets

Clean Pulls (FI)

70% 6 Reps

Core Work Stretch 4 Snatch Pulls (HB) *hold f or 3 sec at top Front Squats

80 Reps

60% 5 Reps 50%

70% 4 Reps 65%

75% 3 Reps 80%

80% 3 Reps

85% 2 Reps x 3 Sets

5 Reps Snatch Grip Press

4 Reps

2 Reps x 3 Sets

6 Reps x 4 Sets

*sitting in f ull squat/behind neck Reverse Hypers 5 Snatch Pulls (Bkn) 10 Reps x 3 Sets 70% 5 Reps Back Squats 50% 5 Reps DB Press 80% 4 Reps 65% 4 Reps 90% 3 Reps 80% 5 Reps x 6 Sets 80% 4 Reps 70% 5 Reps

8 Reps x 3 Sets

Week 3 Session 1 Exercise Power Cleans (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 5 Reps Clean Pulls (HB) 90% 6 Reps Core Work Stretch 2 Snatch (HB) 50% 3 Reps Back Squats 50% 5 Reps DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug DB Press 3 Snatch Pulls (HB) 60% 3 Reps 65% 4 Reps 70% 3 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 75% 2 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 3 Sets 65% 4 Reps 100% 5 Reps 80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets 110% 4 Reps 100% 5 Reps 90% 6 Reps

100 Reps

8 Reps x 4 Sets 8 Reps x 4 Sets 70% 5 Reps 80% 4 Reps 65% 4 Reps 70% 3 Reps 90% 3 Reps 80% 6 Reps x 6 Sets 80% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps 90% 1 Rep x 3 Sets 100% 2 Reps

Back Squats Stretch 4 Clean (HB)

50% 5 Reps 60% 4 Reps

Clean Pulls (FI)

60% 5 Reps

70% 4 Reps

80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets

Core Work Stretch 5 Snatch (FI) *2 second pause at knees Front Squats

100 Reps

50% 3 Reps 50% 5 Reps

60% 3 Reps 65% 4 Reps

70% 2 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets

75% 2 Reps 1 Rep


85% 1 Rep x 2 Sets

Snatch Grip Press

8 Reps x 3 Sets

*sitting in f ull squat/behind neck DB Press *sitting on physio ball 8 Reps x 3 Sets

Week 4 Session 1 Exercise Power Snatch (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 5 Reps Snatch Pulls (HB) 90% 5 Reps x 5 Sets Core Work Stretch 2 Back Squats 50% 5 Reps Push/Press *Percent Based of f Snatch DB Press Hypers 3 Snatch (FI) *2 second pause at knees 60% 5 Reps 65% 4 Reps 70% 4 Reps 75% 3 Reps 75% 4 Reps 85% 5 Reps x 5 Sets 80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets 50 Reps 60% 4 Reps 70% 3 Reps 80% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps 90% 1 Rep x 2 Sets

6 Reps x 3 Sets 10 Reps x 3 Sets 50% 5 Reps 60% 4 Reps 70% 3 Reps 80% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps 90% 1 Rep x 2 Sets

Back Squats

50% 5 Reps

65% 4 Reps

80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets

DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug Hypers 4 Push Jerk

6 Reps x 3 Sets 10 Reps x 3 Sets 60% 5 Reps 70% 4 Reps 60% 3 Reps 75% 3 Reps 70% 2 Reps x 4 Sets 80% 2 Reps x 3 Sets

Snatch (HB)

50% 4 Reps

Core Work Stretch 5 Snatch Pulls (Bkn)

50 Reps

70% 5 Reps

75% 4 Reps 65% 4 Reps

80% 3 Reps 80% 3 Reps

85% 3 Reps 90% 4 Reps x 4 Sets

Back Squats

50% 5 Reps

DB Press *sitting on physio ball

8 Reps x 3 Sets

Week 5 Session 1 Exercise Cleans (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 4 Reps Clean Pulls (HB) 70% 6 Reps Core Work Hypers Stretch 2 Snatch Pulls (HB) 50% 5 Reps Front Squat *Percent Based of f Snatch 50% 5 Reps 65% 4 Reps 65% 4 Reps 80% 3 Reps x 3 Sets 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 65% 3 Reps 80% 5 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 4 Sets 90% 4 Reps x 4 Sets

100 Reps 10 Reps x 3 Sets

DB Press Hypers 3 Split Jerk *From Rack Power Snatch (FI)

8 Reps x 3 Sets 10 Reps x 3 Sets 60% 3 Reps 50% 3 Reps 70% 2 Reps 65% 2 Reps 1 Rep 80% 2 Reps 80% 50% 1 Reps 75% 2 Reps 90% 1 Rep x 2 Sets 70% 2 Reps 80% 2 Reps

Core Work Stretch 4 Snatch Pulls (HB)

100 Reps

80% 5 Reps

90% 4 Reps 65% 4 Reps

100% 3 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 3 Sets

90% 4 Reps

80% 5 Reps

Back Squats

50% 5 Reps

DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug Snatch Grip Press

8 Reps x 4 Sets 6 Reps x 3 Sets

*sitting in f ull squat/behind neck 5 Snatch (HB) 50% 3 Reps Back Squats 50% 4 Reps DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug 60% 3 Reps 70% 3 Reps 70% 2 Reps 85% 2 Reps 75% 2 Reps 95% 3 Reps x 3 Sets 80% 1 Rep x 3 Sets

6 Reps x 3 Sets

Week 6 Session 1 Exercise Snatch (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 3 Reps Snatch Pulls (HB) 90% 6 Reps Core Work Hypers 60% 3 Reps 100% 5 Reps 70% 2 Reps x 4 Sets 110% 4 Reps 120% 3 Reps x 2 Sets

100 Reps 8 Reps x 3 Sets

Stretch 2 Back Squats 50% 5 Reps Push/Press *Percent Based of f Snatch DB Straight Arm Strict Shrug 3 Clean (HB) *From Rack Clean Pulls (FI) 50% 5 Reps 65% 4 Reps 60% 5 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets 70% 5 Reps x 3 Sets

6 Reps x 3 Sets 50% 3 Reps 70% 3 Reps 65% 3 Reps 80% 4 Reps x 4 Sets 80% 2 Reps 1 Rep 85% 90% 1 Rep x 4 Sets

Core Work Stretch 4 Snatch Pulls (Bkn)

50 Reps

70% 3 Reps

80% 3 Reps 65% 4 Reps

85% 2 Reps 80% 3 Reps

70% 3 Reps 90% 2 Reps

80% 2 Reps 100% 2 Reps x 2 Sets

Back Squats

50% 5 Reps

Core Work Stretch

50 Reps

Week 7 Session 1 Exercise Cleans (FI) Percentages/Reps 50% 3 Reps Clean Pulls (HB) 90% 6 Reps Core Work Hypers 60% 2 Reps 100% 5 Reps 70% 2 Reps x 4 Sets 110% 4 Reps 120% 3 Reps 130% 2 Reps

100 Reps 10 Reps x 2 Sets

Front Squat

50% 5 Reps


80% 2 Reps x 6 Sets

Snatch Grip Push/Press 5 Reps Stretch 3 Snatch Pulls (HB) 90% 4 Reps x 4 Sets Back Squats 50% 5 Reps Stretch 4 Clean (HB) 50% 3 Reps Clean Pulls (FI) 80% 3 Reps x 5 Sets Core Work Stretch 5 Back Squats 50% 5 Reps Stretch 70% 3 Reps 85% 2 Reps 1 Rep 92% 3 Tests 1 Rep Each 50 Reps 65% 2 Reps 80% 1 Rep x 3 Sets 65% 4 Reps 80% 2 Reps x 3 Sets 5 Reps 4 Reps 4 Reps 3 Reps

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