One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

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One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 100
Mean .0000000
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation 2.86545264
Absolute .053
Most Extreme Differences Positive .042
Negative -.053
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .531
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .940

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Variables Method

Entered Removed

Technology, . Enter
Knowledge And
Insight, People,

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .729a .532 .512 2.925

a. Predictors: (Constant), Technology, Knowledge And Insight, People,

b. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 924.129 4 231.032 27.001 .000b

1 Residual 812.871 95 8.557

Total 1737.000 99

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

b. Predictors: (Constant), Technology, Knowledge And Insight, People, Process


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 9.593 2.163 4.435 .000

People .199 .045 .334 4.452 .000

1 Knowledge And Insight .213 .070 .223 3.030 .003

Process .413 .078 .413 5.292 .000

Technology .104 .064 .119 1.630 .106

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual Customer Predicted Value Residual


1 1.092 33 29.81 3.193

2 .467 32 30.63 1.366
3 .599 32 30.25 1.751
4 -.689 30 32.01 -2.015
5 -.027 33 33.08 -.080
6 -.952 26 28.79 -2.786
7 .007 25 24.98 .022
8 .563 29 27.35 1.648
9 .265 29 28.22 .776
10 .993 30 27.10 2.904
11 -.097 27 27.28 -.285
12 -1.439 23 27.21 -4.210
13 -1.192 34 37.49 -3.487
14 2.160 33 26.68 6.318
15 -1.840 20 25.38 -5.382
16 -2.114 18 24.18 -6.183
17 -.378 28 29.11 -1.106
18 -.322 34 34.94 -.941
19 -1.382 25 29.04 -4.044
20 -1.148 31 34.36 -3.359
21 -1.686 25 29.93 -4.931
22 -1.008 34 36.95 -2.948
23 .371 32 30.92 1.084
24 -.265 32 32.78 -.776
25 -1.089 24 27.18 -3.184
26 .466 28 26.64 1.362
27 -.167 29 29.49 -.489
28 -.791 22 24.31 -2.313
29 -.105 30 30.31 -.309
30 -1.620 21 25.74 -4.740
31 -.049 35 35.14 -.143
32 -.190 30 30.56 -.556
33 .072 30 29.79 .209
34 .198 29 28.42 .580
35 .627 38 36.17 1.835
36 .009 27 26.97 .028
37 .873 32 29.45 2.555
38 -.850 27 29.49 -2.486
39 -.473 23 24.38 -1.382
40 -1.095 31 34.20 -3.202
41 1.154 32 28.62 3.377
42 1.988 38 32.19 5.815
43 2.070 32 25.95 6.054
44 -.842 24 26.46 -2.463
45 1.300 32 28.20 3.803
46 -.127 30 30.37 -.373
47 .079 28 27.77 .232
48 -1.676 23 27.90 -4.903
49 -.814 25 27.38 -2.380
50 .045 30 29.87 .131
51 .209 28 27.39 .613
52 -2.271 15 21.64 -6.643
53 .434 28 26.73 1.270
54 1.443 31 26.78 4.221
55 -1.186 23 26.47 -3.469
56 1.643 32 27.19 4.805
57 .857 36 33.49 2.507
58 -1.691 27 31.95 -4.946
59 -1.123 28 31.28 -3.284
60 .378 35 33.89 1.107
61 .915 31 28.32 2.676
62 .736 29 26.85 2.153
63 .342 31 30.00 .999
64 .208 31 30.39 .609
65 .648 32 30.11 1.894
66 -.523 29 30.53 -1.531
67 -.115 27 27.34 -.338
68 .773 26 23.74 2.262
69 .176 32 31.48 .516
70 .054 30 29.84 .158
71 .653 29 27.09 1.911
72 -.727 23 25.13 -2.126
73 -1.031 29 32.02 -3.016
74 -.251 26 26.74 -.735
75 1.911 37 31.41 5.590
76 .805 30 27.65 2.353
77 .577 36 34.31 1.687
78 .550 32 30.39 1.609
79 1.346 33 29.06 3.938
80 .540 29 27.42 1.581
81 -.613 26 27.79 -1.794
82 -.283 30 30.83 -.827
83 -.155 30 30.45 -.453
84 -1.172 33 36.43 -3.428
85 -.488 30 31.43 -1.427
86 .493 32 30.56 1.442
87 -.516 28 29.51 -1.509
88 -.931 23 25.72 -2.724
89 1.607 32 27.30 4.701
90 1.060 30 26.90 3.099
91 1.699 31 26.03 4.970
92 1.014 33 30.03 2.967
93 .266 28 27.22 .777
94 .334 32 31.02 .976
95 .009 32 31.97 .027
96 -1.586 22 26.64 -4.640
97 .526 31 29.46 1.538
98 .461 31 29.65 1.349
99 .546 33 31.40 1.597
100 .478 33 31.60 1.398

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 21.64 37.49 29.30 3.055 100

Residual -6.643 6.318 .000 2.865 100
Std. Predicted Value -2.506 2.680 .000 1.000 100
Std. Residual -2.271 2.160 .000 .980 100

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty

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