No 1-No 3

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NO 1

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Between- Component
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Variance
0 4 36.35375 22.230311 11.115156 .98036 71.72714 5.629 56.403
7 4 50.05525 31.732202 15.866101 -.43776 100.54826 6.313 81.953
14 4 51.59925 28.479918 14.239959 6.28135 96.91715 11.820 78.360
21 4 60.87600 28.855013 14.427506 14.96124 106.79076 35.797 93.152
Total 16 49.72106 26.660255 6.665064 35.51482 63.92731 5.629 93.152
Model Fixed Effects 28.039422 7.009856 34.44790 64.99423
Random Effects 7.009856a 27.41257a 72.02955a -94.299988
a. Warning: Between-component variance is negative. It was replaced by 0.0 in computing this random effects measure.

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
DATA Based on Mean .242 3 12 .866
Based on Median .175 3 12 .911
Based on Median and with adjusted df .175 3 8.902 .911
Based on trimmed mean .229 3 12 .875
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1227.028 3 409.009 .520 .676
Within Groups 9434.511 12 786.209
Total 10661.538 15
NO 2

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Between- Component
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Variance
1 4 32.150 2.4786 1.2393 28.206 36.094 28.6 34.2
2 4 31.575 3.2531 1.6265 26.399 36.751 26.7 33.3
3 4 31.300 2.8484 1.4242 26.768 35.832 27.8 34.5
4 4 31.675 2.8418 1.4209 27.153 36.197 27.5 33.8
Total 16 31.675 2.5852 .6463 30.297 33.053 26.7 34.5
Model Fixed Effects 2.8686 .7171 30.112 33.238
Random Effects .7171a 29.393a 33.957a -1.9318
a. Warning: Between-component variance is negative. It was replaced by 0.0 in computing this random effects measure.

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
DATA Based on Mean .134 3 12 .938
Based on Median .040 3 12 .989
Based on Median and with adjusted df .040 3 8.944 .989
Based on trimmed mean .107 3 12 .954
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.505 3 .502 .061 .979
Within Groups 98.745 12 8.229
Total 100.250 15
NO 3

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Between- Component
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Variance
1 12 10.608 .6403 .1848 10.202 11.015 9.7 11.8
2 12 10.542 1.3406 .3870 9.690 11.393 8.9 12.8
3 12 11.133 1.1734 .3387 10.388 11.879 9.5 12.8
Total 36 10.761 1.0947 .1825 10.391 11.132 8.9 12.8
Model Fixed Effects 1.0930 .1822 10.390 11.132
Random Effects .1871 9.956 11.566 .0055

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
DATA Based on Mean 5.076 2 33 .012
Based on Median 2.216 2 33 .125
Based on Median and with adjusted df 2.216 2 18.598 .137
Based on trimmed mean 4.813 2 33 .015
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 2.521 2 1.260 1.055 .360
Within Groups 39.425 33 1.195
Total 41.946 35
NO 3

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Between- Component
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Variance
1 12 3.17 .937 .271 2.57 3.76 2 5
2 12 4.75 1.960 .566 3.50 6.00 2 8
3 12 4.17 1.193 .345 3.41 4.92 3 6
Total 36 4.03 1.540 .257 3.51 4.55 2 8
Model Fixed Effects 1.431 .239 3.54 4.51
Random Effects .462 2.04 6.02 .471

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
DATA Based on Mean 4.065 2 33 .026
Based on Median 3.950 2 33 .029
Based on Median and with adjusted df 3.950 2 25.043 .032
Based on trimmed mean 4.090 2 33 .026
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 15.389 2 7.694 3.757 .034
Within Groups 67.583 33 2.048
Total 82.972 35

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