N30O Service Manual Rev.e
N30O Service Manual Rev.e
N30O Service Manual Rev.e
The programmable digital panel meter N30O is destined for measu-
rements: number of pulses, frequency, period, worktime, encoder
position. Additionally, the meter enables the indication of the current
time. The readout field is a LED display, which allows the exposition
in colours: red, green and orange. The measured input signal can be
arbitrary converted by means of mathematic functions and/or a 21-point
individual characteristic.
Features of the N30O Meter:
l display colour individually programmed in three ranges,
l programmable thresholds of displayed overflows,
l 2 NOC relay alarms operating in 6 modes,
l 2 switched relay alarms with a switching contact operating
in 6 modes (option),
l signaling of measuring range overflow,
l automatic setting of the decimal point,
l programming of alarms and analog outputs with the reaction
on the selected input quantity (main or auxiliary input),
l additional counter input,
l control inputs of the main input work, additional or both simultaneously,
l signaling of additional input state,
l possible control of counter operation by means of the meter keyboard,
l automatic reset of counters at the set point value
l real-time clock with the function of the clock supply support in case
of the meter supply decay,
l programmed averaging time – function of walking window with the
averaging time up to 1 hour,
l monitoring of set parameter values,
l locking of introduced parameters by means of a password,
l mathematic functions for measured value calculation,
l recount of the measured quantity on the base of the 21-point
individual characteristic,
l interface with MODBUS protocol in the RTU mode (option),
l firmware updating by RS485 interface (option)
l conversion of the measured value into a standard – programmable
current or voltage signal (option),
l highlight of any measuring unit acc. to the order.
l signaling of alarm operation – switching the alarm on causes the
highlight of the output number,
l galvanic separation of pulse inputs between them,
l galvanic separation between terminals: alarm, supply, input,
analog output, auxiliary supply, RS-485 interface.
Protection grade from frontal side: IP65
Meter overall dimensions: 96 x 48 x 93 mm (with terminals).
The meter casing is made of plastic.
The set is composed of:
- N30O meter.......................................... 1 pc
- user’s manual....................................... 1 pc
- guarantee card.................................... 1 pc
- set of clamps to fix in the panel........... 4 pcs
- seal....................................................... 1 pc
When unpacking the meter, please check whether the type and option
code on the data plate correspond to the order.
In the safety service scope, the N30O meter meets the requirements of
the EN 61010-1 standard.
Mentioned below applied symbols mean:
The meter has separable strips with screw terminals, what enables the
connection of external wires of 1.5 mm2 cross-section for input signals
and 2.5 mm2 for other signals.
One must prepare a hole of 92+0,6 ´ 45+0,6 mm in the panel, which the
thickness should not exceed 6 mm.
The meter must be introduced from the panel front with disconnected
supply voltage. Before the insertion into the panel, one must check the
correct placement of the seal. After the insertion into the hole, fix the
meter by means of clamps (fig. 2).
4.1. Lead-out of Signals
Signals led out on the meter connectors are presented on the fig. 4.
All input signals are separated between them and separated from
other circuits. Circuits of successive groups of signals are separated
between them.
1-2 W3- Main input. Counting of pulses 11-12 alarm output 1, relay
downwards. 13-14 alarm output 2, relay
3-4 W2 - Additional input. Auxiliary 15-16 24 V external transducer supply
counter. output
5-6 W1- Main input. Counting of pulses 17-18 supply
upwards/ work time. 20-21-22 RS-485 output
7-8 RST- Reset input (reset) of the main 23-24 analog output 1, voltage
counter or/and auxiliary counter. 25-26 analog output 1, current
The function is available after swit- 27-28-29 alarm output 3, relay
ching in the meter menu on. 30-31-32 alarm output 4, relay
9-10 S/S – start/stop of counting. The 34-35 OC – open collector output of
function is available after switching npn type– signaling of the range
in the meter menu on. overflow.
4.2. Examples of Connections
An example of a N30O meter and a inductive sensor connection with
an output of NPN and PNP type is presented on the fig. 5. The way to
connect a transducer with an output of contactron/relay type is pre-
sented on the fig. 6. In examples, the connection of the main input W1
is shown. Other inputs are connected in the same way but we must
remember, that all inputs are galvanically separated between them and
have a system limiting the input current. The range of voltages control-
ling the input should be in the 5..24 V d.c. range.
Fig. 6. Connection of the sensor with the Reed Relay/ Relay Output
Þ moving through the menu – choice of level,
Þ entry in the mode changing the parameter value,
Þ acceptation of the changed parameter value,
Þ stop the measurement – when holding down the button, the result
on the display is not updated.
The measurement is still carried out.
- resignation button:
Þ entry in the menu monitoring the meter parameters (by holding
down ca 3 seconds),
Þ exit from the menu monitoring meter parameters,
Þ resignation of the parameter change,
Þ absolute exit from the programming mode (holding down
ca 3 seconds).
sing of the minimal value.
The pressure of the button combination causes the era-
sing of the maximal value.
The pressure of the button combination causes the display
of the second counter contents. A longer holding down (longer
than 3 seconds) causes the reset of the main counter (if the ser-
vice of counters from the keyboard is switched on). The auxiliary
counter is reset only from the Inp2 counter.
The pressure of the button combination longer than
3 seconds causes counting stop (for pulse counter and work time coun-
ter mode), in case when the button function is on.
The pressure of the button combination longer than
3 seconds causes count start (for pulse counter and work time counter
mode), in case when the button function is on.
The pressure and holding down the button during 3 seconds
causes the entry to the programming matrix. The programming matrix
can be proteced wit security code.
The pressure and holding down the button during 3 seconds
causes the entry to the menu monitoring meter parameters . One must
move through the monitoring menu by means of and
buttons. In this menu, all programmable meter parameters are only ava-
ilable for readout. In this mode, the menu Ser is not available. The exit
from the monitoring menu is carried out by means of the button.
In the monitoring menu, parameter symbols are displayed alternately
with their values.
The service algorithm of the meter is presented on the fig. 8.
5.4. Programming
The pressure of the button and holding it down through ca 3
seconds causes the entry in the programming matrix. If the entry is pro-
tected by a password, then the safety code symbol SEC is displayed
alternately with the set up value 0. The write of the correct code causes
Menu for 3 seconds Reset
Contents of the
montoring meter of
additional counter
parameters counters
3 seconds 3 seconds
Counter stop
3 seconds
Counter start
3 seconds
Entry in the
programming Fig. 8. Service Algorithm of the N30O Meter
Item Inp 1 tYP1 SCAL1 ConS1 t_L1 t_H1 E_In1 Auto1 Cnt1 FUnCt -----
Para- Type of Choice of Constant Miinimal Maximal Permit for Automatic Measure- Mathe-
meters Measured method to to convert Time of low time of external reset of ment time matic
1 of main quantity convert the input pulse level upper functions counters fun-
input Input quantity duration pulse level ctions
quantity duration
2 Inp 2 Cntr2 SCAL2 ConS2 t_L2 t_H2 E_In2 Auto2 CLr2 -----
Para- Contents Choice of Constant Minimal Maximal Permit for Automatic Cancel
meters of metod rescaling Time of low time of external reset of the
of auxiliary to rescale Input pulse level upper function counters counter
auxiliary input Input quantity duration pulse level
input quantities duration
3 Ind IndCp H1 Y1 ... H21 Y21 -----
Para- Number First point First point Last point Last point
meters of of points of the of the of the of the
individ. of Individ. Individ. characte- charac-
Charact. Individ. oharact. Charact. ristic teristic
charact. Point x. Point x.
4 dISP d_P coldo colbe colup colLo colHi ovrLo ovrHi -----
Display Miinimal Lower Middle Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
parame- decimal colour colour colour threshold threshold overflow overflow
ters point of colour of colour
change change
5 ALr1 P_A1 PrL1 PrH1 tYP1 dLY1 LED1 -----
Alarm 1 Tyoe of Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Signaling
Input threshold threshold type delay support
alarm 1
6 ALr2 P_A2 PrL2 PrH2 tYP2 dLY2 LED2 -----
Alarm 2 Tyoe of Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Signaling
Input threshold threshold type delay support
alarm 2
7 ALr3 P_A3 PrL3 PrH3 tYP3 dLY3 LED3 -----
Alarm 3 Tyoe of Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Signaling
input threshold threshold type delay support
alarm 3
8 ALr4 P_A4 PrL4 PrH4 tYP4 dLY4 LED4 -----
Alarm 4 Tyoe of Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Signalling
Input threshold threshold type delay support
alarm 4
9 Out P_An Anl AnH typ_A bAud prot addr -----
Outputs Type of Lower Upper Kind of Baud Kind of Device
quantity threshold threshold output rate frame address
for the for the for the (volt/
analog analog analog current)
output output output
10 SEr Set SEC Hour unIt tESt -----
Service Write Introduce Setup of Highligth Display
standard the the time the unit test
parame- password
the entry in the matrix, the write of an incorrect code causes the display
of the ErCod symbol. The matrix of transitions into the programming
mode is presented on the fig. 9. The selection of the level is made by
means of the button, however the entry and moving through
the parameters of the chosen level is carried out by means of
and buttons. Parameter symbols are displayed alternately with
their current values. In order to change the value of the selected pa-
rameter, one must use the button. To resign from the change,
one must use the button. In order to exit from the selected le-
vel, one must chose the - - - - - symbol and press the button. To
exit from the programming matrix, one must press the -button
during ca 1 second. Then, the inscription End appears for ca 3 se-
conds and the meter displays the measured value. In case of leaving
the meter in the parameter programming mode, the automatic aban-
don of the programming mode parameter (parameter, next the menu)
follows after 30 seconds and the meter displays the measured value.
2) setting of the decimal point position (00000., 0000.0, 000.00, 00.000,
0.0000); the button shifts the decimal point to the left, howe-
ver the button shifts the decimal point to the right;
The pressure of the button during the change of the parameter
value will cause the resignation of the write.
Table 1
InP 1
meter Description Range of changes
Cntr – number of pulses
FrEqL – frequency for
(f < 10 kHz)
FrEqH – frequency for
(f > 10 kHz)
tYP1 Selection of measured value tACH – rotational speed
PEr – period
PErH – long period > 10 s.
CntH – worktime counter.
Hour – current time
Enc – incremental encoder
Selection of input quantity rescaling. Mea- And – multiplication by the
SCAL1 sured value is multiplied or divided by the constant
set point value (parameter ConS). diu – division by the constant
Constant rescaling the input quantity.
The write of a negative value causes
ConS1 the counting down (mode of pulse -19999...99999
counter and worktime counter).
Minimal duration time of the low level
pulse on the main input. The intro-
duction of a value lower than 0.25 or
t_L1 5 causes the switching of the length 0...60000
control function of the low signal level
off. The value is given in milliseconds.
Table 1
Minimal duration time of the high level
pulse on the main input. The introduc-
tion of a value lower than 0.25 or 5
causes the switching of the length con-
trol function of the high signal level off.
t_H1 The value is given in milliseconds.
Parameters t_L1 and t_H1 define the
maximal frequency value.
(minimal signal period = t_L1+t_H1 + 0,2s).
oFF – lack of mathematic
Mathematic function. On the mea- operation
sured value is carry out additionaly a sqr – (measured value)2
FUnCt chosen mathematic operation. Then sqrt – √measured value
this value is rescaling by individual Inv – 1/measured value
characteristic. InvSq – (1/measured value)2
InvSt – √1/measured value
Table 2
InP 2
meter Description Range of changes
Cntr2 Current value of the auxiliary counter -19999...99999
Choice of rescaling input quantity for
the auxiliary input. And – multiplication by the
SCAL2 The measured value is multiplied or constant.
divided by the set point value. (para- diu – division by the constant.
meter ConS2).
Constant rescaling the input quantity.
ConS2 The write of a negative value causes -19999...99999
the counting downward.
Minimal duration time of the low
level pulse on the auxiliary input. The
introduction of a value lower than 0.25
t_L2 causes the switching of the length con-
trol function of the low signal level off.
The value is given in milliseconds
Minimal duration time of the high level
pulse on the auxiliary input. The in-
troduction of a value lower than 0.25
causes the switching of the length
t_H2 control function of the high signal level 0...60000
off. The value is given in milliseconds
Parameters t_L2 and t_H2 define the
maximal frequency value. (minimal
signal period = t_L2+t_H2 + 0,2s).
On – Control inputs steers the
work of the auxiliary counter.
Permit for external functions:
E_In2 start/stop, erasing
Off – Control inputs do not
influence the auxiliary counter
The counter is automatically erased
Auto2 after reaching this value. The write of -19999...99999
the value 0 switches the function off.
Erase the counter contents. The nO – Do not erase,
choice of the option Y causes the YeS – Erase the counter,
CLr2 rewrite of the value Auto2 to the AUtO2 – rewrite value of
counter and the transition of the AUtO2 to aux counter
function in the state n.
Table 3
Description Range of changes
Number of points of the individual
characteristic. For a value lower than 2,
the individual characteristic is switched
off. The number of segments is the
IndCp number of points reduced of one.
In CountH and HoUr modes, the indi-
vidual characteristic is not taken into
Point value for which we will expect Yn
Xn (n-point number)
Table 4
Description Range of changes
Minimal position of the decimal point 0.0000 – 0
when displaying the measured value 00.000 – 1
d_P - display format. This parameter is not 000.00 – 2
taken into consideration during the 0000.0 – 3
modes CountH and HoUr. 00000 – 4
Display colour, when the displayed
CoLdo value is ower than CoLLo
Display colour, when the displayed rEd – red
CoLbE value is higher than CoLLo and lower grEEn – green
than CoLHi orAnG - orange
Display colour when the displayed value
CoLuP is higher than CoLHi
CoLLo Lower threshold of colour change -19999..99999
Table 5
ALr1, ALr2, ALr3, ALr4
Description Range of changes
P_A1 InP1 – Main input (indicated
P_A2 value).
Input quantity, steering the alarm.
P_A3 InP2 – input of the auxillary
P_A4 counter.
Alarm lower threshold. -19999...99999
Alarm upper threshold. -19999...99999
n-on – normal (transition from
0 to 1),
n-oFF – normal (transition
from 1 to 0),
on - switched on,
tYP1 oFF – switched off,
tYP2 Alarm type. Fig. 12 presents the H-on – manually switched
tYP3 graphical imaging of alarm types on; till the change time of the
alarm type, the alarm output
remains switched on for good
H-oFF – manually switched
off; till the change time of
the alarm type the output
alarm remains switched off
for good.
Table 5
dLY2 Delay of alarm switching (time of
delay by alarm switching on and 0...900
dLY3 switching off.
Table 6
Description Range of changes
InP1 – main input (indicated
Input quantity, on which the value).
P_An analog output has to react. InP2 – input of the auxillary
Table 7
Description Range of changes
Write in manufacturer’s settings.
The setup of the value YES causes no – do nothing.
the write of standard parameters
SEt into the meter. YeS – causes the write of
Values of manufacturer’s param- manufacturer’s settings.
eters are presented in the table 9.
Introduction of a new password.
SEC The introduction of the value 0 0...60000
switches the password off.
Setting of the current time.
The introduction of a wrong time
HOUR cancels the introduction of time.
The introduced value will not taken.
On – unit highlighting
switched on.
unIt Highlighting of the unit.
Off – unit highlighting
switched off.
Display test. The test consists in YeS – causes the test start
a successive lighting up of digital
tESt display segments. Alarm diodes The pressure of the
and unit backlighting diodes button ends the test.
should be lighted. no – do nothing.
The modes of the work of the main input W1/W3 and additional input
W2 taken down in table 8 . The input W3 is auxiliary input of main used
only in the counter and encoder mode. The additional input W2 works
only as the counter of impulses. The crossing value AUTO in the coun-
ter encoder and worktime mode cause automatic erasing the counter.
In the mode: the measurement of the frequency (f < 10kHz), rotational
speed, period, inscription of the value from the range of the time me-
asurement, the time of duration of the single measurement reduces.
For the value AUTO from behind the measuring range, as the time of
the measurement is accepted the longest time of the measurement.
Automatic erasing in dependence from the counting mode according
to the table 8a. When the measured value is increase and value AUTO
is larger than the zero, then after the crossing AUTO is measured value
reset. However when the measured value is reduced and the zero will
cross, then the measure value is placed on AUTO.
Table 8
Functions of measuring inputs ment of Individual Multiplica- Measu- Measurement
Mode cancellation,
of main input minimal charac- tion/ division rement time of the
pulse dura- functions. teristic/ by the con- averaging. signal in
tion mathematic stant (SCAL, Walking seconds
Symbol Description W1 W3 Reset from
time functions ConS) window (AUTO 1)
The crossing
the value
Counting Counting of
Cntr1, AUTO will
Pulse counter of pulses pulses + 1 + + + –
Cntr2 cause
upwards4 downwards4
Measurement of
FreqH frquency Not used – – + + + –
(f > 10kHz)
Signal measure
Measurement of Measuring
IACH Not used +2 – + + + time in sec. 3
rotational speed input
0,5 – 20
Signal measure
Measurement of Measuring
PEr Not used +2 – + + + time in sec. 3
period (t < 11s) input
0,5 – 11
The crossing
the value
AUTO will
CntH Worktime counter of worktime Not used – + – – –
HoUr Current time Not used Not used – – – – – –
1 The measurement of the minimum times of duration of impulses is checked when both times t_L and t_H are 0,25 ms
2 The measurement of the minimum times of duration of impulses is checked when both times t_L and t_H are 5 ms
3 The setting AUTO1 to a value, which is out of range shown in the table will result in setting upper value of the range
as the time of the measurement
4 When ConS1 < 0 pulse counting direction are reverse.
5 You should give the signal on W1 to counting the time of the work near turned on external functions.
For ConS1 < 0 the worktime counter count down
Table 8a
Inputs and worktime counters parameters The value of counters after reset /
Worktime value after reset, In mode measurement
Value CONS1, CONS2 Value AUTO1, AUTO2 worktime for main counter
N30O meters can recount the measured value into any value thanks
to the implemented individual characteristic function. The individual
Control of
Y8 Y9
The user can introduce maximally twenty functions through the given
one less than the number of points. Next, one must program successive
points by giving the measured value (Hi) and the expected value corre-
sponding to it, – value which has to be displayed (Yi) (where i – number
of the successive point, 0 < i < n).
The graphic interpretation of the individual characteristic is presented
on the fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Individual Characteristic
During the function approximation, one must remember that for the ap-
proximation of functions strongly differing from the linear characteristic,
higher the number of linearizing segments, smaller the error related to
the linearization.
If measured values are smallest from H1 then, recalculations will be
made on the base of the first straight line calculated on the base of po-
ints (H1, Y1) and (H2, Y2). However, for values higher than Hn (where
n < 22 – the last declared measured value) the value to display will be
calculated on the base of the last assigned linear function.
Note: All introduced points of the measured value (Hn) must be arran-
ged in the increasing sequence, such to preserve the following
H1 < H2 < H3...< Hn
If the above is not fulfilled, the individual characteristic function will be
automatically switched off (will not be realized) and a diagnostic flag
will be set up in the status register.
5.4.5. Alarm Types
The N30O meter is equipped with 2 alarm outputs with NOC contact
(make contact) and two alarm outputs with NOC/NCC contact (make
and break contact) (option). Each of alarms can work in one of the six
modes. The work of alarms in modes is presented in the fig. 12: n-on, n-
off, on, off. Two remaining modes: h-on and h-off mean suitably, always
switched on and always switched off. These modes are destined for the
manually simulation of alarm states.
a) n-on b) n-off
c) on d) off
Caution !
l In case of alarms of n-on, n-off, on, off types, the write
of PrL > PrH will cause the alarm switching off.
l In case of a measuring range overflow, the reaction of relays is
compatible with written PrL, PrH, tYP parameters. In spite of the
displayed overflow, the meter still carries out the measurement.
l The meter controls currently the value of the introduced parameter
at the moment. In case when the introduced value overflows the
upper change range given in the table 1, the meter will make
automatically the change into the maximal value. Similarly, in case
when the introduced value overflows the lower change range given
in the table 1, the meter will make automatically the change into the
minimal value.
5.5. Manufacturer’s Parameters
Standard settings of the N30O meter are presented in the table 9.
These settings can be restored by means of the meter menu through
the choice of the option Set from the menu Ser.
Table 9
Parameter symbol Level in matrix Standard value
tYP1 1 Cntr
SCAL1 1 dIu
ConS1 1 1
t_L1 1 0
t_H1 1 0
E_In1 1 but
AUto1 1 99999
Cnt1 1 1
Cntr2 2 0
SCAL2 2 dIv
ConS2 2 1
t_L2 2 0
t_H2 2 0
E_In2 2 OFF
AUto2 2 99999
CLr2 2 no
IndCP 3 no
H0 3 0
Y0 3 0
H1 3 100
Y1 3 100
... ... ...
Hn 3 (n-1)*100
Yn 3 (n-1)*100
d_P 4 00000
CoLdo 4 grEEn
CoLbE 4 orAng
CoLuP 4 rEd
CoLLo 4 5000
CoLHi 4 8000
ovrLo 4 -19999
ovrHi 4 99999
P_A1, P_A2, P_A3,
5, 6, 7, 8 InP1
tYP1, tYP2, tYP3,
5, 6, 7, 8 h-off
PrL1, PrL2, PrL3,
5, 6, 7, 8 1000
PrH1, PrH2, PrH3,
5, 6, 7, 8 2000
dLY1, dLY2, dLY3,
5, 6, 7, 8 0
LEd1, LEd2, LEd3,
5, 6, 7, 8 oFF
P_An 9 InP1
tYPA 9 0_10U
AnL 9 0
AnH 9 99999
bAud 9 9.6
prot 9 r8n2
Addr 9 1
SEt 10 no
SEC 10 0
HOUR 10 Not defined
unIt 10 off
tESt 10 off
N30O programmable digital meters have serial interface
in RS-485 standards for the communication in computer systems
and with other devices fulfilling Master function. An asynchronous com-
munication character protocol MODBUS has been implemented.
The transmission protocol describes ways of information between
devices through the serial interface.
the shield only to a single point of the protection terminal).
The GND line serves to the additional protection of the interface line at
long connections. Then, one must connect GND signals of all devices
on the RS-485 bus.
To obtain the connection with the computer, a RS-485 interface card or
a suitable converter is indispensable, e.g. PD51 or PD10.
The connection way of devices is shown on the fig. 13.
The designation of transmission lines for the card in the PC computer
depends on the card producer.
Each meter connected to the communication network must have:
l unique address, different from addresses of other devices
connected to the network,
l identical baud rate and type of information unit.
6.3 Description of Applied Functions
Following functions of the MODBUS protocol have been implemented
in the N30O meter:
l 03 – Readout of n-registers.
l 04 – Readout of one register.
l 06 – Write register
l 16 – Write of n-registers.
l 17 – Identification of the slave device.
6.5. Registers for Write and Readout
Table 11
Selection of input quantity recalibration
Value Description
4004 SCAL2 w/r 0, 1
0 Multiplication by the constant
1 Division by the constant
Permit for external functions
Value Description
2 000.00
3 0000.0
4 00000
Display colour when the displayed value is lover
than coLLo
Value Description
4010 CoLdo w/r 0...2
0 red
1 green
2 orange
Display colour when the displayed value is higher
than CoLLo and lower than CoLHi
Value Description
4011 CoLbE w/r 0...2
0 red
1 green
2 orange
Display colour when the displayed value is higher
than CoLHi
Value Description
4012 CoLUp w/r 0...2
0 red
1 green
2 orange
4013 P_a1 w/r 0, 1 Input quantity controlling the alarm
Value Description
0 Main input
1 Auxiliary input
4015 dLY1 w/r 0...900 Delay of alarm 1 switch on and off (in seconds)
4023 dLY3 w/r 0...900 Delay of alarm 3 switch on and switch off (in seconds)
4024 LEd3 w/r 0...1 Support of alarm 3 signaling
Value Description
0 Support switched off
1 Support switched on
4025 P_a4 w/r 0, 1 Input quantity controlling the alarm
Value Description
0 Main input
1 Auxiliary input
4026 tyP4 w/r 0...5 Type of alarm 4 (description – fig. 12)
Value Description
0 n-on
1 n-off
2 on
3 off
4 h-on
5 h-off
4027 dLY4 w/r 0...900 Delay of alarm 4 switch on and switch off (in seconds)
4028 LEd4 w/r 0...1 Support of alarm 4 signaling
Value Description
0 Support switched off
1 Support switched on
Input quantity, which the analog output
4029 P_an w/r 0, 1
has to react on.
Value Description
0 Main input
1 Auxiliary input
2 19200 bit/s
3 38400 bit/s
4 57600 bit/s
5 115200 bit/s
4032 prot w/r 0...3 Transmission mode
Value Description
0 RTU 8N2
1 RTU 8E1
2 RTU 8O1
3 RTU 8N1
Device address. The write of the value 0 causes the
4033 Addr w/r 0...247
interface switching off.
Update transmission parameters. Causes the
4034 sAvE w/r 0...1 application of introduced RS-485 interface settings.
4035 SEt w/r 0...1 Write of standard parameters
Value Description
0 without changes
1 Setup of standard parameters
4036 SEc w/r 0...6000 Password for parameters
Value Description
0 without password
... Entry in parameters preceded by a
request about the password
4037 hour w/r 0...2359 Current time
This parameter occurs in the ggmm format, where:
gg - means hours,
mm – means minutes.
The introduction of a wrong hour will cause the
setting 23, however the introduction of wrong
minutes will generate the setting of the value 59.
4038 unit w/r 0, 1 Switching on/off the unit highlight
Value Description
0 Highlight swiched off
1 Highlight switched on
... ... ... ... Reserved
4048 Status1 w/r 0...65535 Meter status. Describes the current state of the
meter. Successive bits present the given event. The
bit set up on 1 means, that the event took place.
Events can be only erased.
Bit 15 Break of the supply
Bit 14 RTC clock. Loss of settings
Bit 13 Not used
Bit 12 Lack of communication with data memory
Bit 11 Wrong settings
Bit 10 Manufacturer’ s settings restored
Bit 9 Lack of measured values in data
Bit 8 Reset of the auxiliary counter
Bit 7 Output plate is detected
Bit 6 Output plate – error or lack of calibration
Bit 5 Reset of the main counter (the counter
has been automatically erased)
Bit 4 Not used
Bit 3 Wrong configuration of the individual
Bit 2 Not used
Bit 1 Not used
Bit 0 The averaging period Has not elapsed
Table 12
16-bit registers. These registers include
the same data as 32-bit registers from
The value is placed in two successive
the area 7600
Sym- /
Range Description
bol rea-
Automatic reset of the main counter
6234/7234 7617 Auto1 w/r -19999...99999 Measurement time of the low frequency,
speed and periods (table 8a)
Constant recalibrating the input quantity
6236/7236 7618 Cons2 w/r -19999...99999
on the auxiliary input
Minimal duration of the low pulse level on
6238/7238 7619 t_L2 w/r 0...60000
the auxiliary input
Minimal duration of the high pulse level
6240/7240 7620 t_H2 w/r 0...60000
on the auxiliary input
Automatic reset of the auxiliary counter
6242/7242 7621 Auto2 w/r -19999...99999
(table 8a)
Point of the individual characteristic.
6244/7244 7622 H1 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 1
6246/7246 7623 Y1 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 1
Point of the individual characteristic.
6248/7248 7624 H2 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 2
6250/7250 7625 Y2 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 2
Point of the individual characteristic.
6252/7252 7626 H3 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 3
6254/7254 7627 Y3 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 3
Point of the individual characteristic.
6256/7256 7628 H4 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 4
6258/7258 7629 Y4 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 4
Point of the individual characteristic.
6260/7260 7630 H5 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 5
6262/7262 7631 Y5 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 5
Point of the individual characteristic.
6264/7264 7632 H6 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 6
6266/7266 7633 Y6 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 6
Point of the individual characteristic.
6268/7268 7634 H7 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 7
6270/7270 7635 Y7 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 7
Point of the individual characteristic.
6272/7272 7636 H8 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 8
6274/7274 7637 Y8 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 8
Point of the individual characteristic.
6276/7276 7638 H9 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 9
6278/7278 7639 Y9 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 9
Point of the individual characteristic.
6280/7280 7640 H10 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 10
6282/7282 7641 Y10 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 10
Table 12
Point of the individual characteristic.
6284/7284 7642 H11 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 11
6286/7286 7643 Y11 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 11
Point of the individual characteristic.
6288/7288 7644 H12 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 12
6290/7290 7645 Y12 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 12
Point of the individual characteristic.
6292/7292 7646 H13 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 13
6294/7294 7647 Y13 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 13
Point of the individual characteristic.
6296/7296 7648 H14 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 14
6298/7298 7649 Y14 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 14
Point of the individual characteristic.
6300/7300 7650 H15 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 15
6302/7302 7651 Y15 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 15
Point of the individual characteristic.
6304/7304 7652 H16 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 16
6306/7306 7653 Y16 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 16
Point of the individual characteristic.
6308/7308 7654 H17 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 17
6310/7310 7655 Y17 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 17
Point of the individual characteristic.
6312/7312 7656 H18 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 18
6314/7314 7657 Y18 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 18
Point of the individual characteristic.
6316/7316 7658 H19 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 19
6318/7318 7659 Y19 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 19
Point of the individual characteristic.
6320/7320 7660 H20 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 20
6322/7322 7661 Y20 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 20
Point of the individual characteristic.
6324/7324 7662 H21 w/r -19999...99999
Point No. 21
6326/7326 7663 Y21 w/r -19999...99999 Expected value for the point No. 21
6.6. Registers only for Readout
Table 13
registers include the same data as
32-bit registers from the area 7500
cessive 16-bit registers. These
Name Unit Name of the quantity
6010/7010 7505 0 — Currently displayed value
Currently measured value on the
6012/7012 7506 value on the 0 —
auxiliary input
auxiliary input
Number of
Number of pulses counted by the
pulses counted
6014/7014 7507 0 — Cnt1 counter without additional
by the Cnt1
Number of
Number of pulses counted by the
pulses counted
6016/7016 7508 0 — Cnt2 counter without additional
by the Cnt2
Function enabling updating of software from the computer of the PC
with software eCon was implementation in meter ND30O. Free software
eCon and update files are accessible on the site www.lumel.com.pl. The
connected to the computer converter RS485 is required on USB to the
updating, e.g.: the converter PD10.
a) b)
After starting eCon’s software COM port, baudrate, transmission mode
and adress should be set. It can be done in Options. Then, N30o meter
should be selected from Device. Push icon Load to read and save current
settings. Open window Lumel Updater (LU) – figure 13b from Updating-
>Updating of devices firmware. Push Connect. Update progress is
shown in Messages section. Text Port opened appear after correctly
opened port. Putting meter in update’s mode can be done in two ways:
remote from LU (with settings from eCon – port, baudrate, transmission
mode and adress) or by turning power on while button pressed.
Meter display shows the „boot” inscription with bootloader version,
LU shows message „Device found” with name and current version of
firmware. Using button browse to the meter upgrade file. If the
file is opened correctly, a File opened message is displayed. Press the
Send button. When upgrade is successfully completed, meter reverts to
the default settings and begins normal operation while the information
window displays Done message and upgrade elapsed time. Close LU
and go to Restoration of default parameters. Select checkbox and press
Apply button. After the LU window is closed, press the Save icon to save
all initially read parameters. Current firmware version can be checked
when meter is power on.
Warning! Turning the meter off during upgrade process may result in
permanent damage!
After switching the meter on or during the work, messages about errors
can appear.
Messages about errors and their reasons are presented below.
Table 14
Error message Description
Measuring Ranges.
Table 15
Output of auxiliary supply 24 V d.c./30 mA
Alarm output OC (option) output of OC type, passive npn,
30 V d.c./30 mA.
Input signals voltage 5...36 V d.c., galvanically
Duration of control signals higher than 10 ms
Serial interface RS 485 address: 1...247
mode: 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1
baud rate: 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6,
115.2 [kb/s].
maximal response time 100 ms
Transmission protocol MODBUS RTU
Error of analog output 0.2% of the set range
Protection level ensured
by the casing:
- frontal side IP65
- terminal side IP10
Weight < 0.2 kg
Overall dimensions 96 ´ 48 ´ 93 mm (with terminals)
Reference Conditions and Rated
Operating Conditions:
- supply voltage 85...253 V d.c./a.c. 40...400 Hz
or 20...40 V d.c./a.c. 40...400 Hz
- ambient temperature - 25...23...+55oC
- storage temperature - 33...+70oC
- relative air humidity 25...95% (inadmissible condensa-
tion of water vapour)
- work position any
- power input < 6 VA
Additional errors:
- from temperature changes: for analog inputs and outputs
50% of the class/10 K
Standards fulfilled by the meter:
Electromagnetic compatibility:
l noise immunity acc. to EN 61000-6-2
l noise emissions acc. to EN 61000-6-4
Safety requirements:
acc. to EN61010-1 standard:
l isolation between circuits: basic,
Example 1. Programming the meter to work with the flowmeter with reed
relay output of the following parameters:
- pulse constant 1K - 4,3956 dm3/pulse = 0,0043956 m3/pulse;
- minimal flow Qmin – 0,02 m3/h
The pulse constant for scaling should be given in m3, but only five
significant digits can be set. When multiplying by a constant (SCAL set
to AND), when rounded to five digits we get value 0.0044 (introducing to
the result of the calculation error of 0.1%). To reduce the error introdu-
ced by the conversion, change the scaling by a constant dividing (SCAL
set to div) and as a constant value write the multiplicative inverse:
ConS1= =227,5002275 ≈ 227,50
When the inverse is rounded to five digits, the error introduced into the
calculations is of the size of 0.0001%.
- SCAL1 should be set to dIv, ConS1 should be set to 227,50;
- t_L1 and t_H1 should be set to a value 10 [ms] (due to the multiplication
of the pulse with a mechanical switch);
- E-In1 – if no control inputs are used, should be set to bUt;
To set the time, after which a zero flow will be indicated, the maximum time
interval between pulses should be calculated for minimum flow Qmin.
- Auto1 – the maximum time interval between pulses for minimum flow
- 16 [s];
- FUnCt – mathematical functions - for frequency measurement should
be set to oFF;
- Cnt1 – set to value 1 (averaging current measurements every second).
Then set the individual characteristics:
- IndCp – set 2 points;
- X1 – set – 0 [Hz], Y1 set the corresponding flow 0 m3/h;
- X2 – set 1 pulse – 1 [Hz], Y2 set the corresponding flow 3600 m3/h.
Table 16
N30O - X X XX XX X X
85...253 V a.c.(40...400 Hz) or d.c. 1
20...40 V a.c. (40...400 Hz) or d.c.d.c. 2
Additional outputs:
lack 0
OC output, RS-485, analog outputs 1
OC output, RS-485, analog outputs
switched-over relay outputs 2
unit code acc. to the table 2 XX
standard 00
custom-made* XX
Polish P
English E
other* X
Acceptance tests:
without extra requirements 0
with an extra quality inspection certificate 1
Code of the backlighted unit Table 17
The N30O digital panel meter does not require any periodical mainte-
In case of some incorrect operations:
1. From the Shipping Date, During the Period Given in the
Annexed Guarantee Card
One should take the meter down from the installation and return it
to the Manufacturer’s
Quality Control Dept.
If the meter has been used in compliance with the instructions, the
Manufacturer warrants to repair it free of charge.
ul. Słubicka 4, 65-127 Zielona Góra, Poland
tel.: +48 68 45 75 100, fax +48 68 45 75 508
Technical support:
tel.: (+48 68) 45 75 143, 45 75 141, 45 75 144, 45 75 140
e-mail: [email protected]
Export department:
tel.: (+48 68) 45 75 130, 45 75 131, 45 75 132
e-mail: [email protected]