Q96D4 - Manual Programare
Q96D4 - Manual Programare
Q96D4 - Manual Programare
Ipm0190.4 - Edition 07.11
FRER Srl V.le Europa, 12 I-20093 - Cologno Monzese (Mi) ITALY - www.frer.it
1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of installation and operation of this instrument. Installation and operation of this instrument can be performed by qualified personnel only and according to the relevant Normatives. Servicing can be performed at Factory only. Before installing the instrument make sure that the housing is not damaged, otherwise the unit must be rejected and returned to the Factory for servicing. Ensure that the line and auxiliary power supply are switched off before connecting the instrument to the circuits. Wiring diagrams must be respected according to the required model. Make sure to operate the instrument according to the technical specifications as listed in this Manual. Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere and in presence of flammable liquids or vapours. The environmental operating conditions must be in the range as specified in this Manual. Never attempt to open the instrument's housing for any reason. Water or other liquid cleaners must be avoided. Failure to comply with these precautions and with the instructions given elsewhere in this Manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of this instrument. FRER assumes no liability for the Customer's failure to comply with these requirements. When installing the meters, a protection of the voltage input terminals and of the auxiliary supply terminals must be carried out by means of fast or ultra fast fuses, with rated current at 1A or 2A, rated voltage suitable to the system voltage, and breaking power adequate to the short-circuit current available at the connection point (the types 10x38, with ceramic body, rated voltage at 500V or at 660V, gG or FF characteristic and breaking power at 100KA are normally suitable for this application). NOTE: The contents of this Manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of improvements in performances and functions. Should you have any questions, please contact FRER srl. 2
2. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS led displays max. indication decimal point position status leds readings update measuring type basic accuracy input range nominal input voltage Un nominal input current In operating frequency VT ratio (by steps of 0.01) CT ratio (by steps of 0.01) continuous overload short-term overload current circuits consumption voltage circuits consumption standard power supply 4 (h. 10mm) 999 automatic lighted symbols 1 sec. TRMS 0.5% (Q15/964BW), 1% (Q96D4) 10-120% Un, 5-120% In 100400V 15A 4565Hz 110000 110000 2 x In; 1.2 x Un 20 x In; 2 x Un < 0.5VA < 0,5VA Q15/96B4W: 230V10% 4565Hz, (on request 24V,48V,115V, 400Vac 10% 4565Hz; 24V,48V,110V,220Vdc +20/-10%; 2060V, 80280Vac/dc Q96D4: 115, 230V10% 4565Hz 6VA (Q15/96B4W), 4VA (Q96D4) -10+23+50C -30+70C full 2kV, 50Hz, 60sec. 3
power supply consumption operating temperature storage temperature galvanic insulation test voltage
energy counting (Q15/96B4W only) maximum counting accuracy class bidirectionality alarm outputs (optional, Q15/96B4W only) activation delay programmability pulse outputs (optional, Q15/96B4W only) programmability pulse duration serial interface (optional, Q15/96B4W only) communication protocol speed (bps) communication parameters addressing range 3. DISPLAY PAGES SEQUENCE
kWh and kVarh 9999.999 GWh/GVArh 2 (kWh), 3 (kVArh) no Photo-mos 250V, 100mA programmable 0-100 sec. variable, value, direction, nc/no, histeresys programmable as alternative to alarms pulse value, nc/no 100 msec RS485 insulated ModBus RTU 9600/19200 1,8,N,2/1,8,E,1/1,8,O,1 1247 programmable
At the power on the display shows the first measurement page (that is the last page showed before the power off). The analyzer has, to display the performed measurements, 3 led displays, placed on the left side of the monitor, on which appear the values relevant to the 3 phases (phase variables), and an additional one, with a different colour, placed on the right side of the monitor, to display the system variables (sum or average of the phase variables according to the type). The phase variables displays are blue coloured (Q15/96B4W) or red coloured (Q96D4), the system variables display is red coloured (Q15/96B4W) or yellow coloured (Q96D4). Phase variables displays To display the performed measurements you must push the buttons (forward) and (backward). The indications of the measurement type which is currently displayed are implemented by the yellow leds placed under the displays; the indication of the multiplier (k = kilo or M = mega) is implemented by two yellow leds placed over the displays. 4
Line voltage L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1 (led V) Phase voltage L1 - L2 - L3 (led V ) Phase current L1 - L2 - L3 (led A) Phase active power L1 - L2 - L3 (led W) Phase reactive power L1 - L2 - L3 (led Var) Phase power factor L1 - L2 - L3 (led P.F.) Phase termal current L1 - L2 - L3 calculated in a 15 minutes period (led Aavg) Phase maximum termal current L1 - L2 - L3 (led Amax) Resettable partial functioning hours counter (L1), settable maintenance hours counter (L2), total functioning hours counter (L3) (led hhht). Q15B4W and Q96B4W only perform these measurements. The maintenance hours counter performs a count-down; when it reaches zero, the led hhht flashes until you set the counter again.
The analyzer doesnt display negative active power because doesnt provide measurement bidirectionality. When on a phase there is a negative active power because of a wrong connection, on that display the measured value and the message Err appear alternatively, whatever may be the displayed variable. In reactive power and power factor measurements, when the display showes such variables, to distinguish a capacitive measurement from an inductive one, the measured value and the message cap appear alternatively. System variables display To display the performed measurements you must push the button 3 (forward only). The indications of the measurement type which is currently displayed are implemented by the yellow leds placed under the display; the indication of the multiplier (k = kilo or M = mega or G = giga) is implemented by three yellow leds placed on the right of the display.
Average line voltage (led V) 3-phase system active power (led W) 3-phase system reactive power (led VAr) 3-phase system apparent power (led VA) 3-phase average power maximum demand calculated in a 15 minutes period (led Wmax) Q15/Q96B4W: switchboard internal temperature, frequency, total imported active energy (KWh+) (led CHzWh) Phase displays L1 and L2 show temperature and frequency, active energy (7 digit) is shown on phase display L3, system variables display and an additional digit placed between the two displays; when the analyzer display the energy, the buttons and dont operate. Q96D4: frequency (led Hz) Total reactive energy (led Varh). Q15B4W and Q96B4W only perform this measurement. Reactive energy is shown on 7 digit and the buttons and dont operate.
In reactive power measurement, when the display showes such variable, to distinguish a capacitive measurement from an inductive one, the measured value and the message cap appear alternatively. 4. PARAMETERS SETTING For parameters setting you employ all three buttons. To enter in configuration menu you must push simultaneously and , named SETUP too. In the menu pages, i.e. Ct ratio setting, pushing the button you can move the cursor and select the digit to modify or the digital point to set or the multiplier to set. Entering in the menu page the first digit is selected and by the button you move the cursor according to the sequence 0 . 0 . 0 k M 0.... where k and M are the multipliers implemented by two yellow leds placed over the displays. When you select the digit to modify, this one blinks, then modify by ; move to the following digit and so on until the complete setting. When you select a decimal point, this one blinks; by you can make active or non-active it: in the first case the blinking is long, in the second case the blinking is short. All the same you can make active or non-active the multipliers. Confirm and return by the button 3. 6
You can exit from the menu pushing simultaneously and : you enter in the page SAV. E .? where is requested if you want to save the configuration: you can choose YES by or NO by . Confirm by 3. The sequence of the menu pages is listed below. CT ratio (ct): set the ratio value (from 1 to 10.0k) by and as above described; every time you edit a new CT ratio value the energy measurements are reset; press 3. i.e. if the CT ratio is 150/5A you must set the ratio 30.0, if the CT ratio is 10000/5A you must set the ratio 2.00k. VT ratio (Vt): set the ratio value (from 1 to 10.0k) by and ; every time you edit a new VT ratio value the energy measurements are reset; press 3. i.e. if the VT ratio is 400/100V you must set the ratio 4.00, if the VT ratio is 20kV/100V you must set the ratio 200. Digital output 1 (do1) (Q15/96B4W only): the analyzer can provide two alarm outputs alternatively programmable as pulse outputs for active and reactive energy retransmission. Choose by the variable (typ) (the indication is implemented by the yellow leds). When the variable is a phase variable (i.e. voltage or current) choose the phase (Ph1, Ph2, Ph3) by . If the variable is hhht you can choose h (hP) or h (hm) by . If the variable is CHzWh you can choose ^c, hz or En by and if the variable is En, the pulse output is associated to the active energy. If the variable is Varh, the pulse output is associated to the reactive energy. At last you can choose oFf to deactivate the output. A setting of CT or VT ratio also automatically sets the digital outputs as oFF. Press 3.
Alarm output: - choose by the alarm type as minimum (Min) or maximum (Max) and choose by if the contact must be normally open (no) or normally closed (nc); press 3. - set the alarm threshold value (Set) by and (maximum value is 999 M for the powers, 1.00 M for the other variables); press 3. - set the activation delay (dly) by and (maximum value is 100 sec); press 3. - set the hysteresis value on restore from an alarm (hyS), in % of the threshold value, by and (maximum value is 100 %); press 3. Pulse output: - set the pulse weight (WgT) by and . In the following pulse table, choose the pulse weight value in the range relating to the calculated nominal power active (Pnom) or reactive (Qnom): PULSE TABLE Pnom = (V*I*VT*CT) Pulse weight >200W 2kW 1 pulse = 0.1Wh 100Wh >2kW 20kW 1 pulse = 1Wh 1kWh >20kW 200kW 1 pulse = 10Wh 10kWh >200kW 2MW 1 pulse = 100Wh 100kWh >2MW 20MW 1 pulse = 1kWh 1MWh >20MW 200MW 1 pulse = 10kWh 10MWh >200MW 2000MW 1 pulse = 100kWh 100MWh Press 3. - choose, by or , if the contact must be normally open (no) or normally closed (nc); press 3. Digital output 2 (do2) (Q15/96B4W only): see digital output 1.
Serial output parameters (485) (Q15/96B4W only): - set, by or , the baud-rate value (bps) which can be 9600 (9.6) or 19200 (19.2); press 3. - choose, by or , the parity (Par) which can be none (non) or even (eve) or odd (odd); press 3. - set the logic address (Adr), from 1 to 247, by and ; press 3. Hours counter (Q15/96B4W only): - reset the partial functioning hours counter (hP) by or restore it by ; press 3. - set the count-down maintenance hours counter (hM) by and , the max value is 87600 hours (ten years); press 3. NOTE: remember that you cant reset the total functioning hours counter. Reset of the current and power average and maximum values (rES MAX): reset the values (YES) by or no (No) by ; press 3. Reset of the energy values (rES En)(Q96B4W only): reset the values (YES) by or no (No) by ; press 3. Firmware release: the page shows VER and the firmware release i.e. 2.82; press 3. Now the sequence starts again with CT ratio setting.
Current inputs are intended to be used with CT; direct connection and connection of the secondary winding to ground are not allowed.
*Without terminal no 22
*Without terminal no 22
Q96B4W - Q96D4
59 106 43 cavo ingresso corrente max. 13 current cable passing max. 13
Q15B4W 13