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3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

“Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
11. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions” on page 553), (see
“Attributes of static vehicle routes” on page 554).

Tip: You may assign a routing decision to a destination section later on:
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.
2. Hold down the CTRL key.
3. In the Network Editor, right-click the routing decision.
4. Release the keys.
5. Right-click the position on the link where you want to add the destination section.
6. On the shortcut menu, click Add static vehicle route: Define end. Attributes of static vehicle routing decisions

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Static Routing Decisions.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
No Number of static vehicle routing decision
Name Name of static vehicle routing decision
Link Number of the link on which the static routing decision is located
Pos Location: Distance to the beginning of link or connector
AllVehTypes If the option is selected, all vehicle types follow the static vehicle
routing decision.
The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that
automatically includes all new vehicle types and vehicle types that
have not been assigned a vehicle class yet.
VehClasses Valid vehicle classes


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Column Description
RouteChoiceMeth Route choice method for static vehicle routing decision:
Static (default value): Route choice is made based on the Rel-
ative volume attribute of the vehicle route.
Formula: Route choice is based on a user-defined formula. Using
the formula, you calculate the share of vehicles for the vehicle
route depending on the attributes and attribute values of the
CombineStaRoutDec Combine static routing decisions: Combines static routes which
follow one other into one route. You therefore prevent vehicles from
recognizing an imminent required change of lanes only when passing
the next routing decision and therefore artificially causing queues.
Vissim checks at the start of the simulation for all vehicle routes,
whether on the previous link of the vehicle route there is still a further
routing decision downstream of the end of the route, for which the
option Consider subsequent static routing decisions is selected
(see “Editing the driving behavior parameter Lane change behavior”
on page 356).
If node routes are e.g. imported from PTV Vistro, ANM Import
automatically selects this attribute.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Defining the vehicle class” on page 338)
Static vehicle routes (see “Attributes of static vehicle routes” on page 554)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Attributes of static vehicle routes

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Static Routes.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of static vehicle routing decision
of vehicle route
Click on the icon . The Formula window opens. Enter the desired formula:
Operand can be an attribute and attribute value of the vehicle or the vehicle
route to specify the share of vehicles in this vehicle route.
Only active if in the Static Vehicle Routing Decisions list, the route choice
method Formula is selected. The Formula attribute is independent from time
If the formula accesses the parking state or results of evaluations of parking
spaces, parking lots, parking lot groups or parking routes, these values stem
from the previous time step.
No Number of static vehicle route
Name Designation
DestLink Destination link: Number and name of link on which the static vehicle route
DestPos Destination position: Distance between destination section and beginning of
link or connector
RelFlow Relative volume in a time interval = absolute volume in time interval: Sum of all
loads of all time intervals Only active if in the Static vehicle routing decision
list, the route choice method Static is selected.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click > Link sequence.
Attributes of link sequence are displayed: Numbers of links and connectors the static vehicle
route traverses (see “Attributes of links” on page 492):
3. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
4. Enter the desired data.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Relative volumes: Relative volumes of a route must correspond to their absolute
volumes. However, for example, numerous turn volume calculations can deviate at
subsequent intersections. Therefore vehicles in the network are neither inserted nor
removed automatically. You must secure consistent data for modeling real scenarios.
Instead of absolute values, Vissim uses relative shares in order to determine the traffic
volume for destination sections of a routing decision. Thereby real volume values and
percentage shares can be entered. Internally, Vissim totals the relative volume and cal-
culates the absolute share of each flow automatically. Combining static routes

You can connect a static vehicle route with another static vehicle route.
Look ahead distance:
  The routing decision of the static vehicle route must lie on the same route as the destination
section of the other static vehicle route further upstream.
In the Vehicle classes attribute of the two static vehicles, the same vehicle classes must be
Only one routing decision may be selected.

1. In the Network Editor, right-click the routing decision of the downstream static vehicle route.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Combined static routes.
The link sequence of each vehicle route of the selected routing decision is appended to each
vehicle route with a destination section further upstream on the link of the selected routing
decision. These destination sections and the selected routing decision are deleted in the Network
editor. The link sequences are connected and then displayed as a yellow band by default.
The selected static vehicle routing decision is deleted from the Static vehicle routing decisions
The Static vehicle routes list on the right is updated for the static vehicle routing decision, to
which the link sequence is appended.

Tip: Alternatively, in the Static vehicle routing decisions list, right-click the routing
decision of the downstream static vehicle route. Then on the shortcut menu, click
Combine routes. Defining parking routes

If you want a vehicle to use a parking lot, define a vehicle route of the type Parking lot that leads
to the desired parking lot. To define a parking route, insert a routing decision on a link and on a
destination section located on the parking lot of your choice. For a routing decision, you may also
define multiple destination sections located on different parking lots. Your routing decision may lie
on a connector. The destination section may also lie on a connector, if the parking lot is located on
a connector.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

If the vehicle traverses a routing decision of the type Parking lot, Vissim, checks whether there is
a parking rate and a parking duration for the current time interval at the routing decision. If this is
the case, Vissim can decide whether the vehicle will park or not.
You can assign the interval limits via the time intervals (see “Defining time intervals for a network
object type” on page 399), (see “Calling time intervals from an attributes list” on page 400). If a
distribution on a percentage basis of the traffic volume to the routes of a routing decision varies
temporally, you must define multiple time intervals which do not overlap each other.
For parking routing decisions, time intervals assigned in the Select Attributes window, in the list
on the left, are taken into account for the subattributes Parking duration and Parking rate. They
can be selected and displayed in the Parking Routing Decisions list (see “Selecting attributes
and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
If you define a parking route to a parking lot in which the vehicle can reverse out of the parking
space, Vissim will create the parking route internally, using several sections: The shortest path
search defines the section of the routing decision leading to the parking lot. For driving backwards
onto the original route, Vissim defines the following sections:
  A section extends up to the point where the vehicle stops driving backwards, comes to a
standstill and then continues its route driving forwards.
A section extends up to the point where a connector begins that leads to the parking lot.
A section extends from the beginning of this connector up to the next section of the original

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Then select Parking lot.

Tip: Alternatively to the following steps, to insert a routing decision, on the shortcut menu,
click Parking routing decision.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

4. Hold down the CTRL key and in the Network Editor right-click the desired link or connector on
the desired position of the routing decision cross section.
5. Release the keys.
By default, a purple bar is inserted. If for this start section you want to insert multiple
destination sections, carry out the following steps accordingly. Thereby you can insert a
destination section into a parking lot and subsequently define each of its attributes.
If you would like to insert a destination section for this start section, execute the next steps only
6. Move the cursor into the parking spaces of the desired parking lot.
If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a blue band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another parking lot for the destination
section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected properly to a
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is displayed as a blue band by
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A turquoise bar within the parking lot indicates the possible
position of the destination section.
7. Click this position.
8. To insert additional destination sections, in respective parking lots, click the desired position.
9. If you do not want to add an additional destination section, in the Network editor, click in an
empty area.
A turquoise bar is added for the destination section by default. For vehicle routes of the type
Parking Lot, the route ends at the beginning of the destination parking lot. The Parking
routing decisions list opens, if automatic opening of a list after object generation is selected
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
10. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of parking routing decisions” on page 559), (see “Attributes
of parking routes” on page 561).


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Tip: You may assign a routing decision to a destination section later on:
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes > Parking Lot.
2. Hold down the CTRL key.
3. In the Network Editor, right-click the routing decision.
4. Release the keys.
5. In the parking lot of your choice, click the desired position of the destination section.
6. If you do not want to add an additional destination section, in the Network editor, click in
an empty area. Attributes of parking routing decisions

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Parking Routing Decisions.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
No Number of parking routing decision
Name Name of parking routing decision
Link Number of the link, on which the parking routing decision is located
Pos Distance of the parking routing decision to the beginning of link or
AllVehTypes If the option is selected, all vehicle types follow the parking routing
The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that automatically
includes all new vehicle types and vehicle types that have not been
assigned a vehicle class yet.
VehClasses Valid vehicle classes


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Column Description
ParkRate Parking rate: Share of vehicles belonging to the allocated vehicle classes
that are assigned to a parking lot via the parking routing decision. A vehicle
that has been assigned a parking lot carries this out on an automatically
generated route and parks for as long as the dwell time distribution
specifies. This dwell time distribution is allocated in the Parking Routing
Decisions. After the dwell time expires, the vehicle leaves the parking lot
and begins on an automatically generated route, which brings the vehicle
via the shortest path back to its original route behind the position of the
routing decision.
Parking duration Parking time
GenBy Generated by: Indicates whether the parking routing decision is user-
defined or has been generated by Vissim.
User The parking routing decision was defined by a Vissim user.
Dynamic assignment: only for parking routing decisions of dynamic
assignment: For real parking lots, Vissim automatically creates a park-
ing routing decision 50 m upstream of a parking lot and enters
Dynamic assignment in the attribute GenBy box. In the attribute Rout-
ing decision distance of the parking lot, you can change the distance
between the parking routing decision and the parking lot. Use this dis-
tance to ensure that the parking routing decision lies at the beginning of
the last edge before the parking lot.
After simulation has been completed, the list no longer shows
automatically generated parking routing decisions of dynamic
FullOccupBehav Full occupancy behavior: Waiting behavior of vehicles traversing the
parking routing decision:
Waiting: If there is no parking space available, the vehicle drives to the
next parking space that will become available (a vehicle is currently still
parked there) and waits.
Drive on: If no parking space is available, the vehicle ignores the park-
ing routing decision.
By default, the attribute is not displayed in the list.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Parking rate by time interval: The attribute Parking rate is described above.
Vehicle classes (see “Using vehicle classes” on page 337)
Parking routes (see “Attributes of parking routes” on page 561)


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data. Attributes of parking routes

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Parking Routes.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of the parking routing decision of
the parking route
No Number of parking route
Name Description
ParkLot Parking lot: Name of parking lot
Additional attributes (see “Modeling parking lots” on page 582)

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list box, click > Link sequence.
Attributes of link sequence are displayed: Numbers of links and connectors via which the route
leads (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
3. Enter the desired data. Defining a vehicle route of the type managed lane

You can define a vehicle route of the type Managed lanes that starts with a managed lanes
routing decision on a link and ends with a destination section on a link. The managed lanes
routing decision or the destination section may also each lie on a connector.
A routing decision of the type Managed lanes has a maximum of two routes: the managed lane
route and the general purpose route. After you have positioned the managed lanes routing
decision, add the destination section of the toll route (red by default). Subsequently, at the
destination section, insert the toll-free route (green by default). By default, the toll-free route runs


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

along the same link sequence as the toll route from the managed lanes routing decision to the
destination section. Both routes automatically have the same destination section. You can have
one of these two routes run via a different link sequence (see “Modeling a separate route course
for the toll route and toll-free route” on page 565).
A routing decision of the type Managed lanes is only taken into account for the simulation if it is
  A managed lanes route and a general purpose route must be defined.
A managed lanes facility, including a user-defined price model and decision model must
be assigned (see “Defining decision model for managed lane facilities” on page 403), (see
“Defining toll pricing calculation models” on page 404).
Note the effects of routing decisions of the type managed lanes facilities (see “Mode of action of
routing decisions of the type Managed Lanes” on page 547).

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Then select Managed lanes.
4. Hold down the CTRL key and in the Network Editor right-click the desired link or connector on
the desired position of the routing decision cross section.
5. Release the keys.
The link or connector is displayed in red. A turquoise bar is added for the destination section
by default. It superimposes the purple bar of the managed lanes routing decision.
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the destination section.
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. The turquoise bar shows the possible position of the
destination section.
7. Right-click the position.
The shortcut menu opens.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

8. Then select Add managed lane route: Define end.

The managed lane route continues to be displayed in red. The turquoise bar for the destination
section is inserted. The Managed lanes routing decisions list opens, if automatic opening of
a list after object generation is selected (see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an
object” on page 195). The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown
in the list on the left, which consists of two coupled lists. In the Managed Lane Routes list on
the right, a new row with a vehicle routing decision of the type Toll is created. Next, in the
Network editor, add the respective vehicle routing decision type General purpose.
9. Right-click the turquoise bar of the destination section.
The shortcut menu opens.
10. Select Add vehicle route to existing destination.
The toll-free route on the toll route is highlighted in green. In the Managed Lane Routes list, a
new row, with a vehicle routing decision of the type Toll, is inserted.
By default, the course of the toll route and the toll-free route is identical up to their destination
section. You can have one of these two routes run along a different link sequence that starts at
the same managed lanes routing decision and ends at the common destination section. This
allows you, for example, to model the section of a highway that has a toll lane parallel to toll-
free lanes (see “Modeling a separate route course for the toll route and toll-free route” on page
11. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions” on page 563), (see
“Attributes of managed lane routes” on page 564). Attributes of managed lanes routing decisions

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Managed Lanes Routing
The list of attributes opens.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
No Number of managed lane routing decision
Name Name of managed lane routing decision
Link Number and name of link on which the managed lane routing decision lies
Pos Location: Distance to the beginning of link or connector


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Column Description
AllVehTypes If the option is selected, all vehicle types follow the managed lane routing
The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that automatically
includes all new vehicle types and vehicle types that have not been assigned a
vehicle class yet.
VehClasses Valid vehicle classes
Managed Name of the assigned managed lane facility (see “Defining managed lane
lanes facility facilities” on page 401).
Managed The result attribute lists: travel time savings / average speed / current toll for
lanes data managed lane route.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Using vehicle classes” on page 337)
Managed lane routes (see “Attributes of managed lane routes” on page 564)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data. Attributes of managed lane routes

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Managed Lanes Routes.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of managed lanes routing
decision of the managed lane route
No Number of managed lane route
Name Desription


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Column Description
Type Toll: toll route, highlighted in red by default
General purpose: toll-free route, highlighted in green by default
DestLink Destination link: Number and name of link on which the managed lane
route ends
DestPos Destination position: Distance between destination section and beginning
of link or connector

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click > Link sequence.
Attributes of link sequence are displayed: Numbers of links and connectors affected by the
managed lane route (see “Attributes of links” on page 492):
3. Enter the desired data. Modeling a separate route course for the toll route and toll-free route
Once the toll route (green) and the toll-free route (red) have been inserted, their route courses are
identical by default up to the destination section. You can let one of these two routes run along a
different link sequence that starts at the same managed lanes routing decision and ends at the
common destination section. This allows you, for example, to model the section of a highway that
has a toll lane parallel to a toll-free lane.
1. Ensure that the managed lanes routing decision is located upstream of the branching of the
desired toll route and toll-free route.
2. Ensure that the destination section is located downstream of where the link sequences of the
toll-free and toll-bearing routes are merged.
That can also be on a ramp or downstream of a ramp where the vehicle can switch from the toll
route to the toll-free route.
3. Click a destination section, and keep the mouse button pressed.
4. Hold down the mouse button and move the destination section to the link sequence via which
the route is to run.
The new route course is highlighted in color.
5. Release the mouse button.
The following window opens: Shall route 1 be adjusted to decision <Number> as
6. Select the desired entry.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Button Description
Yes Only route 1 (by default the toll route) of the two routes of the managed lanes routing
decision Decision <Number> is moved to the new link sequence. If this route is the
toll route, the toll-free route continues to run on the original link sequence.
Yes Toll-free route and toll route will be moved to the new link sequence.
No Only route 2 (by default the toll-free route) of the two routes of the managed lanes
routing decision Decision <Number> is moved to the new link sequence. If this route
is the toll-free route, the toll route continues to run on the original link sequence.
No (all) Both the toll-free route and toll route remain on their original course. Defining a vehicle route of the type closure

To define a vehicle route of the type Closure, insert a routing decision on a link and a destination
section on a destination link. You may also define multiple destination links or connectors for a
routing decision. The routing decision or destination section may also lie on connectors.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Then select Closure.

Tip: Alternatively to the following steps, to insert a routing decision, on the shortcut menu,
click Vehicle route closure decision.

4. Hold down the CTRL key and in the Network Editor right-click the desired link or connector on
the desired position of the routing decision cross section.
5. Release the keys.
By default, a purple bar is inserted. If for this start section you want to insert multiple
destination sections, carry out the following steps accordingly. Thereby you can insert a
destination section and subsequently define each of its attributes.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

If you would like to insert a destination section for this start section, execute the next steps only
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the first destination
If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a red band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another destination link or a new position
for the destination section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected
properly with a connector.
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is displayed as a red band by
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A turquoise bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
7. Right-click this position.
The shortcut menu opens.
8. When you are done inserting additional destination sections, on the shortcut menu, click Add
vehicle route closure: Define end.
9. To insert addition destination sections, click the desired positions.
10. If you do not want to add any additional destination sections, in the Network editor, click in an
empty area.
A turquoise bar is added for the destination section by default. The Vehicle route closure
decision list opens if automatic opening of a list after object generation is selected (see
“Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
11. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of route closure decisions” on page 568), (see “Attributes of
route closures” on page 568).

Tip: You may assign a routing decision to a destination section later on:
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.
2. Hold down the CTRL key.
3. In the Network Editor, right-click the routing decision.
4. Release the keys.
5. Right-click the position on the link where you want to add the destination section.
6. On the shortcut menu, click Add vehicle route: Define end.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions Attributes of route closure decisions

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Route Closure Decisions.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
No Number of route closure decisions
Name Name of route closure decision
Link Number and name of link on which the route closure decision lies
Pos Position: Distance between route closure decision and beginning of link or con-

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list box, click > Vehicle route closures (see “Attributes of
route closures” on page 568).
3. Enter the desired data. Attributes of route closures

  On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Route Closures.

The list of attributes opens.

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the left may include the following attributes:


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of vehicle routing decision of
route closure
No Number of route closure
Name Description
DestLink Destination link: Number and name of link on which route closure ends
DestPos Destination position: Distance between destination section and beginning of
link or connector

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list box, click > Link sequence.
Attributes of link sequence are displayed: Numbers of links and connectors affected by the
route closure (see “Attributes of links” on page 492):
3. Enter the desired data. Defining partial vehicle routes

To define a partial vehicle route, insert a routing decision on a link and a destination section on a
destination link. The partial routing decision or the destination section may also lie on a connector.
You can assign the interval limits via the time intervals (see “Defining time intervals for a network
object type” on page 399), (see “Calling time intervals from an attributes list” on page 400). If a
distribution on a percentage basis of the traffic volume to the routes of a routing decision varies
temporally, you must define multiple time intervals which do not overlap each other.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

A list box opens.

3. Then select Partial route.

Tip: Alternatively to the following steps, to insert a routing decision, on the shortcut menu,
click Vehicle partial routing decision.

4. Hold down the CTRL key and in the Network Editor right-click the desired link or connector on
the desired position of the routing decision cross section.
5. Release the keys.
By default, a purple bar is inserted.
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the destination section.
If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a yellow band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another destination link or a new position
for the destination section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected
properly with a connector.
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is displayed as a yellow band by
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A turquoise bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
7. Right-click this position.
The shortcut menu opens.
8. Then select Add vehicle partial route: Define end.
A turquoise bar is added for the destination section by default. The Vehicle partial routing
decision list opens if automatic opening of a list after object generation is selected (see
“Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
9. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions” on page 572), (see
“Attributes of partial vehicle routes” on page 573). Defining a partial route based on an existing partial route

If you have defined a partial route, PuT partial route, or a route of the type Managed Lanes for a
link, you can select the destination section and then insert a new partial route that starts at the
existing routing decision and ends at the current destination section.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Select the desired entry.
Partial PT
Managed Lanes
4. In the Network editor, right-click the destination section of the partial route you want to use as
the basis of your new partial route.
5. On the shortcut menu, click Add Vehicle Route.
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the new destination
If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a colored band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another destination link or a new position
for the destination section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected
properly with a connector.
You must select a different destination link or a new position for the destination section or
correct the Vissim network.
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is by default displayed as a colored
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A colored bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
7. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on this position.
8. Release the keys.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

Per default, a colored bar is inserted for the destination section. The list <Variant> Vehicle
Routes opens.
9. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions” on page 572), (see
“Attributes of partial vehicle routes” on page 573)
The attributes are saved in the list.
10. In the Network editor, click into an empty section.
The attributes are saved in the lists of the partial route and the routing decision. Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions

1. On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Partial Routing Decisions.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
The list on the left may include the following attributes:
Column Description
No Unique Number of the partial vehicle routing decision
Name Name of the partial vehicle routing decision
Link Number of the link on which the vehicle partial routing decision lies
Pos Location: Distance to the beginning of link or connector
RouteChoiceMeth Route choice method for partial vehicle routing decision:
Static (default value): Route choice is made based on the Relative
volume attribute of the vehicle route.
Formula: Route choice is based on a user-defined formula. Using the
formula, you calculate the share of vehicles for the vehicle route
depending on the attributes and attribute values of the vehicles.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Defining the vehicle class” on page 338)
Vehicle routes (partial) (see “Attributes of static vehicle routes” on page 554)
Link (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
Destination link (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions Attributes of partial vehicle routes

1. On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Routes > Partial Routes.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
The list on the left may include the following attributes:
Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of partial routing decision of
partial vehicle route (see “Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions” on page
Click on the icon . The Formula window opens. Enter the formula, including
attribute and attribute value, which defines the percentage of pedestrians using
this pedestrian route. Only active if in the Partial vehicle routing decisions
list, the route choice method Formula is selected. The Formula attribute is
independent from time intervals.
No Unique Number of partial vehicle route
Name Name of the partial vehicle route
Destination Number and name of link on which partial vehicle route ends
DestPos Destination position: Distance between destination section and beginning of
link or connector
RelFlow Relative volume in a time interval = absolute volume in time interval: Sum of all
loads of all time intervals. Only active if in the Partial vehicle routing
decisions list, the route choice method Static is selected.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle routing decision (see “Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions” on page 572)
Link sequence (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
Destination link (see “Attributes of partial vehicle routing decisions” on page 572)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data. Inserting intermediate points into a vehicle route

You may insert intermediate points into a vehicle route. Subsequently, you can change the routing
process (see “Changing routing procedure via intermediate points” on page 574). When you add


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

destination section, it is highlighted by default and a colored band shows the course of the link.
This identifies the following possibilities:
  You can add additional destination sections for the routing decisions (see “Defining parking
routes” on page 556).
When you select a destination section, it is highlighted by default and a colored band indicates the
course of the road. This identifies the following possibilities:
  You may move the destination section.
You can add intermediate points on the vehicle route before the marked destination section.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. Make sure that the network object type Vehicle Routes is selected on the network object
2. Click the destination section of the vehicle route into which you want to insert the intermediate
The link sequence is shown as a colored band.
3. Keep the CTRL key pressed and right-click the desired positions for intermediate points on the
colored band of the vehicle route.
The intermediate points are added.
4. If you do not wish to add any additional intermediate points or destination sections, click on the
free space in the Network Editor. Changing routing procedure via intermediate points

You can add temporary intermediate points in a vehicle route and move them to different links.
Vissim calculates a new link sequence or partial link sequence from the next upstream lying
intermediate point via the current new point up to the next intermediate point downstream. In the
case that no further intermediate point was set, the entire route is recalculated. You can add
intermediate points already during the definition of vehicle routes (see “Inserting intermediate
points into a vehicle route” on page 573).
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.
2. Click in the Network Editor on the destination section of the desired route.
The link sequence is shown as a colored band.
3. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on the desired positions of the intermediate points.


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

4. Release the keys.

5. Click the first intermediate point you want to move and keep the left mouse button held down.
Then drag the intermediate point to the desired position on another other link.
The new link sequence is shown as a colored band.
6. Release the keys.
7. If desired, move additional intermediate points.
8. If you would like to confirm the new link sequence and hide the yellow band, in the Network
Editor, click an empty area. Defining a vehicle route based on an existing vehicle route

If you have defined a vehicle route of the type Static, Closure or Parking Lot for a link, you can
select the destination section and then insert a new vehicle route that starts at the existing routing
decision and ends at a new destination section.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Select the desired entry.
Parking Lot
4. In the Network editor, right-click the destination section of the vehicle route you want to use as
the basis for your new vehicle route.
5. On the shortcut menu, click Add Vehicle Route.
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the new destination


2.13.3 Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions

If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a colored band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another destination link or a new position
for the destination section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected
properly with a connector.
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is by default displayed as a colored
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A turquoise bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
7. Right-click this position.
The shortcut menu opens.
8. To insert addition destination sections, click the desired positions.
9. When you are done inserting additional destination sections, on the shortcut menu, click Add
vehicle route: Define end.
Per default, a colored bar is inserted for the destination section. The <Scenario> Vehicle
routing decisions list opens if automatic opening of a list after object generation is selected
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
10. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of static vehicle routes” on page 554), (see “Attributes of
route closures” on page 568), (see “Attributes of parking routes” on page 561).
11. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the lists of the route and routing decision. Moving routing decisions or destination sections

1. Click the header of the Network Editor.
2. Click the desired routing decision or destination section and keep the mouse button pressed.
When you move the destination section, by default the route is displayed as a yellow band.
3. Move the start section or destination section to the desired position on a link or connector.
4. Release the mouse button. Deleting vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions
1. In the Network Editor, drag the by default purple From section out of the link by holding down
the mouse button.
2. Release the mouse button.


2.13.4 Using vehicle attribute decisions

The route, partial route or routing decision is deleted. Once you have deleted a routing decision,
all of the corresponding routes are deleted.
When you remove a To Section from the link, the From Section remains intact.

Tip: Alternatively, you may also delete vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes and routing
decisions in the respective attribute list. Checking and repairing routes

When you split or delete links and connectors that run across routes, these routes are
disconnected. Even if you then insert new links or connectors there, these routes remain
disconnected. You can have disconnected routes repaired by Vissim.
1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.
2. Right-click in the Network editor.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Check and repair all routes.
Vissim will find new routes for disconnected routes. These may run via the added or other links
and connectors in the network.

2.13.4 Using vehicle attribute decisions

You can use a vehicle attribute decision to set a vehicle attribute value of your choice. This value
is then applied once the vehicle traverses the marker of the vehicle attribute decision on the lane
of a link or connector. The attribute value can also be based on a distribution defined in Vissim.
You can transfer the attribute value set to a vehicle route. This allows you to select routes based
on the attribute value (see “Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions”
on page 543). You can restrict use of the attribute value to vehicle classes of your choice. Defining vehicle attribute decisions

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Attribute Decisions.

2. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click the desired position of the vehicle attribute decision on
the desired lane of the link or connector.
A dark red bar is inserted. The Vehicle Attribute Decisions list opens.


2.13.4 Using vehicle attribute decisions

3. Edit the attributes:

Short name Long name Description

No. Number Unique number of vehicle attribute decision
Name Name Name of the vehicle attribute decision
AllVehTypes All vehicle If the option is selected, all vehicle types account for the
types vehicle attribute decision.
The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that
automatically includes all new vehicle types and vehicle
types that have not been assigned a vehicle class yet.
VehClasses Vehicle Vehicle classes for which the vehicle attribute decision
classes applies
Attr Attribute Click the symbol: Select the pedestrian attribute for which
a value is to be set or taken from a distribution defined in Vis-
sim. Attribute is independent from time intervals or vehicle
classes. Attribute can be user-defined (see “Using user-
defined attributes” on page 260).
DecTyp Decision Value: Activates the Value box, deactivates the Dis-
type tribution box (Distr).
Distribution: Activates the Distribution box (Distr),
deactivates the Value box.
Value Value Value to which the attribute is set. Only active if in the
Decision Type attribute. Value is selected.
Distr Distribution Defined distribution in Vissim to which the Attribute is set.
Only active if in the Decision type attribute, Distribution is
FromTime From time Start of time interval in seconds for which the vehicle attribute
decision is valid
ToTime To time End of time interval in seconds for which the vehicle attribute
decision is valid
Lane Lane Number of the link and lane with the vehicle attribute decision
Pos Position Distance of vehicle attribute decision from beginning of link

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.


2.13.5 Modeling overtaking maneuvers on the lane of oncoming traffic

The right-hand list is shown. If there is no assignment, only the column titles are shown.
3. Enter the desired attribute values in the right-hand list (see “Defining the vehicle class” on page
The data is allocated.

2.13.5 Modeling overtaking maneuvers on the lane of oncoming traffic

You can model overtaking maneuvers during which the overtaking vehicles use the lane of
oncoming traffic. This for instance allows you to simulate the overtaking of PuT vehicles
temporarily stopping in an urban area, on a link with a single lane only, or the overtaking of slower
vehicles outside of the city. You can model multiple vehicles overtaking and multiple vehicles
being overtaken. The overtaking vehicle shall only then perform the overtaking maneuver, if there
is no oncoming traffic which excludes the option of overtaking.
In Vissim a vehicle wants to overtake when it's desired speed is considerably higher than that of
vehicle preceding it (0 m/s to 4 m/s, normally distributed, around mean value 2 m/s). The vehicle
then checks the following requirements in order to be able to perform the overtaking maneuver:
  At overtaking speed, it would take the vehicle at most 4 seconds to drive into its preceding
vehicle. The overtake speed is the desired speed plus the attribute overtaking speed factor
Its link has a passing lane (see “Attributes of links” on page 492).
The passing lane must overlap with the inner lane of the oncoming lane. The width of the over-
lapping area is not relevant. The z value of the oncoming lane and of the passing lane must
not deviate more than 0.5 m from each other.
The overtaking area, which consists of links and connectors that overlap with the oncoming
lane, must be at least long enough for a vehicle to be able to perform an overtaking man-
Downstream of the last vehicle that is to be overtaken, there must be a large enough gap vis-
ible, so that the passing vehicle is able to change back into its previous lane after completing
the overtaking maneuver. The largest gap must be at least one passing vehicle length, plus
double the safety distance from the front and rear of the vehicle, as required during standard
car following behavior.
The overtaking maneuver must be able to be completed safely, without endangering oncom-
ing traffic. The vehicle recognizes oncoming traffic on the opposite lane from a certain dis-
tance. This distance is defined for the link of the opposite lane in its attribute Look ahead
distance for overtaking (LookAheadDistOvt). The vehicle that wants to overtake safely
assumes that anywhere beyond this distance there will be oncoming traffic. To assess the
course of the trip of oncoming traffic, Vissim uses the attribute Assumed speed of oncom-
ing traffic (AssumSpeedOncom) of the oncoming lane (see “Attributes of links” on page
492). Vissim does not account for any additional vehicles following the oncoming vehicle.
The figure below shows the following in 2D mode:
  a section of a link 1 that runs from left to right via a lane 11 and a passing lane 12 (hatched)
with right-hand traffic running from left to right. Vissim displays passing lanes with hatched
lines as soon as its link has at least two lanes and the attribute Has passing lane is selected.


2.13.5 Modeling overtaking maneuvers on the lane of oncoming traffic

a section of a link 2 that has only one lane in right-hand traffic, running from right to left. Link 2
was created as an oncoming lane of link 1 and fully overlaps with passing lane 12.
For overtaking maneuvers on link 1, vehicles driving from the left to the right use passing lane
Vehicles on link 2, driving from the right to the left, cannot be overtaken, as link 2 does not
have a passing lane.
The gray vehicle that is overtaking on passing lane 12 recognizes that there is no vehicle in
the opposite lane within the distance defined in the attribute Look ahead distance for over-
taking (LookAheadDistOvt) of link 2.

The overtaking vehicle reduces its speed to the desired speed, as soon as it leaves the passing
An overtaking vehicle may cancel its overtaking maneuver, if downstream of the vehicle it is
overtaking, the gap in its previous lane is not yet large enough to change back into it. This may be
the case when there is suddenly unexpected oncoming traffic or the vehicle that is being
overtaken accelerates. When a vehicle cancels an overtaking maneuver and wants to change
back into its lane, the vehicles behind it can reduce their speed to allow for the lane change.
The driving behavior of oncoming traffic is not influenced through the overtaking maneuver.
When the length of the overtaking areas is checked, this is done along the current route or path of
the vehicle. This way, vehicles without a current vehicle route or path cannot overtake on the
oncoming lane.
The vehicle width is not considered a criterion for the option of an overtaking maneuver. It is
generally assumed that there is not enough space on the oncoming lane for oncoming traffic and
a passing vehicle to drive next to each other .
Before an overtaking maneuver takes place, Vissim does not account for network objects on the
oncoming lane, e.g. reduced speed areas, SCs or stop signs. However, as soon as the overtaking
maneuver starts, the passing vehicle reacts to these network objects.
When a vehicle changes from a link with a passing lane to a connector without a passing lane, the
connector then has one lane less than the link with a passing lane. In this case, the distance
defined in the attribute Lane change distance (LnChgDist) also specifies the minimum distance
to the connector at which an overtaking maneuver may be started. Passing on the oncoming lane
is not possible within this lane change distance.

Passing on oncoming lane for both movement directions

You can model overtaking maneuvers for both movement directions. In this case, an additional
passing lane is placed on top of the inner oncoming lane. This means the passing vehicles of both
movement directions use the oncoming lane and need to account for any oncoming traffic.
The figure below shows the following in 2D mode:


2.13.5 Modeling overtaking maneuvers on the lane of oncoming traffic

  a section of a link 1 that runs from left to right via a lane 11 and a passing lane 12
a section of a link 2 that runs from right to left via a lane 21 and a passing lane 22
Links 1 and 2 are placed so that their passing lanes 12 and 22 each overlap with the lane
of oncoming traffic, so that vehicles can pass in both movement directions. Defining network objects and attributes for passing on oncoming lane
1. Make sure that the desired speed and acceleration you have defined for vehicles allows for
2. In the Network Editor, for the vehicles that shall be overtaken, define at least one link with
normal lanes, but without a passing lane (see “Defining links” on page 489).
3. Generate a link for the opposite direction (see “Generating an opposite lane” on page 503).
4. For the first link, specify the following attributes (see “Attributes of links” on page 492):
5. Increase the value for the attribute Number of lanes (NumLanes) by 1.
The number of lanes includes the passing lane.

6. Select Has passing lane (HasOvtLn).

7. Make the desired settings (see “Attributes of links” on page 492).
  Overtake speed factor (OvtSpeedFact)
Look ahead distance for passing (LookAheadDistOvt)
Assumed speed of oncoming traffic (AssumSpeedOncom)
Overtake only PT (NurÖVÜberh): must be deactivated
8. Deactivate the attribute No lane change left – All vehicle types (NoLnChLAllVehTypes)
for the lane the vehicle will change back to after the overtaking maneuver.
9. Make sure that for the passing lane, the attribute Blocked vehicle classes
(BlockedVehClasses) does not contain vehicle classes that are meant to do the passing.
10. Specify the following attributes for the overlapping link(s) (see “Attributes of links” on page
  Look ahead distance for passing (LookAheadDistOvt)
Assumed speed of oncoming traffic (AssumSpeedOncom)


2.14 Modeling parking lots

11. Define vehicle inputs or create vehicles with the add-on module Dynamic Assignment (see
“Defining vehicle inputs” on page 540), (see “Using dynamic assignment” on page 816).
For overtaking on the lane of oncoming traffic, the vehicle must be on a vehicle route or a path
of dynamic assignment.
12. If you have defined vehicle inputs, define vehicle routes that lead via links on which vehicles
shall be overtaken (see “Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions”
on page 543).
If you use dynamic assignment, Vissim will distribute the vehicles across the paths. Vissim
Saves the paths to the path file (see “Using dynamic assignment” on page 816), (see “Files of
dynamic assignment” on page 408).

2.14 Modeling parking lots

There are the following use cases for the network object Parking lot:
  Real parking spaces: With static routes and dynamic assignment, for modeling roadside
parking and parking on pick-up/drop-off parking spaces
You have the following options for defining real parking spaces:
  On a link, you define a network object of the type Parking lot, including the desired
length and number of parking spaces (see “Modeling parking and stopping on the road-
side” on page 582), (see “Defining parking lots” on page 596)
On a new or existing link, you generate a Car park and specify the desired number of
perpendiicular or diagonal parking spaces. You can define relevant parking space
attributes while you are generating the car park. Vissim will insert all other necessary
network objects, such as the parking spaces, the links and connectors for pulling into
and out of parking spaces as well as the parking routing decision. You have to move
the parking routing decision upstream to the desired position so that vehicles can react
in time. (see “Defining a car park” on page 590).
Abstract parking lot: For dynamic assignment to model multiple, real parking lots, e.g. in
an underground garage or parking garage (see “Modeling parking lots and zones” on page
Zone connector: For dynamic assignment to model the origins and destinations of all
trips (see “Modeling parking lots and zones” on page 822)

2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

For a real parking space, you can define a perpendicular or a diagonal parking lot with several
parallel parking spaces.(see “Defining a car park” on page 590).
For parking or stopping on the roadside define:
  a parking lot of the type Real parking spaces. Depending on the attributes Length and
Length of each space: the parking lot may have several parking spaces. The parking
spaces are aligned one after the other towards the lane.


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

a vehicle routing decision of the type Parking lot, with one or several vehicle routes. Each
vehicle route leads from the vehicle routing decision to a parking lot (see “Defining parking
routes” on page 556).
Vehicle routing decisions of the type Parking Lot work similarly to vehicle partial routes (see
“Modeling vehicle routes, partial vehicle routes, and routing decisions” on page 543).
However, instead of routes, the desired number of parking lots is assigned. In the attributes of
the vehicle routing decision type Parking lot you can specify (see “Attributes of parking lots”
on page 597):
  Parking duration: the desired time distribution, how long you want the vehicle to park
Parking rate: The percentage of vehicles that per time interval you want to assign a park-
ing space of the parking lots assigned.

Positioning a parking lot and vehicle routing decision of the type Parking lot
In the network editor, you have the following options for adding parking spaces and routing
  Create a car park together with the necessary network objects
Add a car park if you want to define a perpendicular or diagonal parking lot with several
parallel parking spaces (see “Defining a car park” on page 590).
  Add network objects individually
Add the parking space and the routing decision individually if you want to define longitudinal
parking spaces, individual perpendicular or diagonal parking spaces. A parking lot is created
in the Network editor on a lane (see “Defining parking lots” on page 596). If the lane does not
continue downstream of the parking lot, the emergency stop position of the first downstream
connector must not be tangent to the parking lot (see “Attributes of connectors” on page 506).
The beginning of a parking lot must be positioned in movement direction and at a sufficient
distance further downstream of the corresponding vehicle routing decision of the type Parking
lot. This allows vehicles enough time to slow down and safely reach the first parking space.
Otherwise, it might not be possible to allocate a vehicle to the first parking space(s), or the vehicle
might miss its assigned parking space and block the traffic flow.
If the parking lot is located on a single-lane link, vehicles parked there might hinder free traffic flow
on this link. With each time step, vehicles heading for a parking space in this parking lot check
whether there is another parking space available. The vehicle thus drives far downstream in order
to move up, if possible, and if the value of the Attraction attribute has been set to such a high
level that the parking space located downstream is more attractive than the parking spaces
located upstream.

Requirements for a vehicle to take the routing decision into account

If the vehicle passes the routing decision of the type Parking lot, Vissim checks the following
criteria so that a parking route can be allocated to the vehicle. If a criterion is not met, the vehicle
continues to follow its route or path.


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

  The vehicle has not yet been allocated a destination parking lot.
A routing decision has been defined for this parking route.
The time interval for the parking route is long enough.
Values for the time interval are specified in the routing decision attributes Parking duration
and Parking rate.
The vehicle type is part of a vehicle class selected for the routing decision.
If these criteria are met, Vissim determines whether a parking route can be allocated to the
vehicle on the basis of the distribution of the Parking rate attribute. In doing so, the vehicle
classes selected, including PT vehicles, are taken into account. Vissim then checks whether the
parking duration from the distribution equals 0 seconds.
If the criteria are met, the vehicle is looking for a parking space and Vissim checks whether a
parking space and parking route can be allocated to the vehicle.

Requirements for the vehicle to be allocated a parking space

  A parking route can be allocated to the vehicle.
For the parking routing decision, the entry Waitis selected in the Full occupancy behavior
attribute, not all parking spaces in the parking lot are already occupied and a vehicle is not
already waiting in front of each parking space.
Free parking spaces are long enough.
The car park can be accessed during its normal opening hours.
If the Detect blockage attribute is selected: at least one parking space is accessible.
Free parking spaces are located downstream of emergency stops.
The time distribution period selected in the Parking duration attribute of the vehicle routing
decision type Parking lot is shorter than the time period specified in the Maximum parking
duration attribute of the parking lot.
There is enough parking capacity. The parking capacity of parking spaces is based on the
length of the parking lot and the length of each parking space. To change the parking capa-
city, in the Network editor, change the length of the parking lot.

Vehicle routing decision assigns vehicle parking space

Vissim selects the parking space depending on the following attributes (see “Attributes of parking
lots” on page 597):
  Available parking spaces for the respective vehicle length, depending on the Length per
parking space attribute
Attraction: The best suitable parking space is determined based on the attribute Attrac-
tion. If multiple parking spaces have the same attraction, Vissim choses one of them
based on uniform distribution.
If no suitable parking space is found, the parking request will be rejected and no parking route will
be allocated. The vehicle continues on its route or follows its path. This is also the case if a
parking space cannot be assigned to a vehicle when crossing a parking routing decision because
there is no way back to the current route of the vehicle from any of the available parking spaces.


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

Vissim finds suitable parking space

If a parking lot only consists of a single parking space, a vehicle may park there if it is maximally
as long as the parking space. The vehicle needs at least 2 cm more space for parking than the
length of the parking space.
If the vehicle is longer than a parking space, Vissim checks whether two or more adjacent spaces
are available to accommodate the vehicle. If a vehicle takes up all the parking spaces of a parking
lot, the vehicle may park there if it is maximally as long as the total length of the parking spaces. If
a vehicle does not take up all the parking spaces of a parking lot, the vehicle may park there if the
total length of the parking spaces is at least 0.5 m longer than the vehicle. This ensures that there
is sufficient space for pulling into and out of the parking space and the other adjacent parking
Parking spaces that are only partly used by a vehicle will not be assigned to another vehicle and
are considered occupied. A vehicle always come to a standstill at the beginning of a parking
space. If there are not enough adjacent parking spaces available for the long vehicle, it does not
park, but continues on its route.

Vehicle routes to parking space

Vissim automatically generates vehicle routes that lead from the vehicle routing decision of the
type Parking lot to each parking space of the corresponding parking lots. You cannot change
these internal vehicle routes.

Displaying parking and parked vehicles

During the simulation, vehicle movements are displayed realistically for vehicles pulling into and
out and in reverse of a parallel, diagonal or perpendicular parking lot. Once the vehicle has
reached its final parking position in the parking space, in 2D mode, the vehicle inside is
highlighted in blue (by default). This corresponds to the color of the parking state Parked .
Parallel parking lot Diagonal parking lot Perpendicular parking lot

Dwell time distribution defines parking duration

For the Parking duration attribute of the parking routing decision, you can select the desired time
distribution. The parking duration begins when the vehicle is parked in the parking space in the
direction of travel and the traffic on the adjacent lane, previously blocked, can flow again.


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

Assigning the vehicle a free parking space

If a parking space has not been assigned to a vehicle and no vehicle is parked in it, it is
considered free. Vissim can then assign it to a vehicle. This is also the case, if the parking space
can currently not be reached, as it is blocked by a vehicle, e.g. because of a traffic jam.

Occupying and blocking parking spaces

A parking space is considered occupied and is not assigned to another vehicle, if:
  It has already been assigned to a vehicle. The vehicle follows its route until it comes to a
stop in the parking space. From this point on, the parked vehicle blocks the parking space.
If because of its length, a vehicle is assigned several adjacent spaces, these are con-
sidered occupied. The vehicle follows its route until it comes to a stop in the parking
spaces. From this point on, the parked vehicle blocks the parking spaces.
The parking space is considered occupied and remains assigned to a vehicle, even if the
vehicle has not yet reached it or access to it is blocked by another vehicle due to the fol-
The vehicle is parked in a traffic jam.
The vehicle is stuck in a traffic jam on a lane next to the parking space.
The vehicle is stuck in a traffic jam on the connector leading to the link with the parking
lot where the parking space is located.
as soon as a parking space is reserved for a waiting vehicle, as all parking spaces that can
be assigned according to routing decision type Parking lot are still occupied.

Parking when parking lot is blocked

If a vehicle is unable to park because another vehicle is blocking access to the parking lot, after 60
seconds its driving status changes to IIgnores parking blockage and the vehicle still parks.

Leaving the parking space

After the dwell time, the vehicle leaves the parking space via an automatically generated route
that guides it back to its original route.

Note: Vissim determines the shortest path, in terms of time, to a position downstream of
the parking lot routing decision. For generation of the route that takes the vehicle from the
parking lot back to the route network, Vissim accounts for the entire route as well as for the
current position of the vehicle on the parking lot it wants to leave. Thus, a vehicle might
travel part of its original route twice or skip part of it.

Parking direction when pulling into and out of a parking space

The vehicle drives forward into the parking space. The vehicle cannot back into a parking space.
The Parking direction attribute of the parking space defines whether the vehicle pull outs of a
parking space forward or in reverse (see “Attributes of parking lots” on page 597). This allows the
vehicle to pull into and out a parking space in the following parking directions:


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

  Pull into and out of parking space forward: For modeling parking in a parking lot that the
vehicle can leave driving forward, e.g. a parallel parking lot, with several parking spaces
parallel to the link.
Pull into parking space forward, reverse out: For modeling parking in a diagonal or lat-
itudinal parking lot. At least one connector leads to the link with the parking lot. The link
ends downstream of the parking lot.
In dynamic assignment, vehicles cannot reverse out of parking.

If the vehicle reverses out of the parking space, the following applies:
  The car following model may be Wiedemann 74 or Wiedemann 99.
Visibility is based on the driving behavior parameters for forward driving. This allows Vis-
sim to determine the distance and number of perceived vehicles. The distance is cal-
culated starting from the rear edge of the vehicle. The vehicle reversing out of the parking
space perceives other vehicles on its route. If there is an oncoming vehicle, both vehicles
can brake.
The DesSpeed of the vehicle is based on the DesSpeed specified in the Speed (revers-
ing) attribute of the parking lot.
At the end of the parking duration, the vehicle reverses out of the parking lot and takes the
first connector whose desired direction is All, back onto its starting link. When reversing
out of the parking space, the vehicle may only use connectors whose desired direction is
All, Right or Left and ignores connectors with the direction None. This may be a different
connector than the one used by the vehicle for parking and it may also lead to another link
or lane. The vehicle drives backwards until it has reached the link on which its route lies
and on which it can continue driving forwards. It then comes to a standstill. Once the wait-
ing time has passed, the vehicle continues driving forwards on its route that has been
defined in the parking lot attribute Direction change duration distribution (see “Attrib-
utes of parking lots” on page 597). When driving forward, the vehicle drives at the
DesSpeed valid before parking.
Vissim Internally calculates the position at which the vehicle comes to a standstill, so that
the vehicle can continue driving forward on its route from the next time step.
The Travel direction attribute of the vehicle is set to Reverse, e.g. in the Vehicles in Net-
work list.
The Driving state attribute of the vehicle is set to Reversing, e.g. in the Vehicles in Net-
work list.
The vehicle follows its vehicle route. The route uses the front edge of the vehicle as a ref-
erence point.
Vehicles reversing out of a parking space must be protected against any vehicles
approaching: Vehicles pulling out of a parking space wait for a gap in the major flow,
vehicles parking into a parking space, wait to let a vehicle pull out of parking space. Con-
flict areas on the connectors used by the vehicle for reversing out of a parking space are
sufficient for protection. These conflict areas must be assigned the status passive (see
“Using conflict areas” on page 656). Further network objects for the protection of vehicles
reversing out of a parking space are not required, for example priority rules or stop signs.
In order for Vissim to secure the vehicle reversing out of the parking space, the vehicle


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

must have at least 3 cm more space to reverse out of the parking space than the length of
the parking space. The protection of the vehicle also takes into account vehicles on drive
aisles with oncoming traffic on the opposite lane.

Note: When using Vissim version 2020 or later to open a Vissim network created in a
previous version, make sure the conflict areas have been assigned the status passive on
the connectors that the vehicle uses for reversing out of a parking space. This will
eliminate the need for other network objects defined for securing vehicles reversing out of
a parking space, such as priority rules or stop signs. Also check the protection in the
simulation and delete any unnecessary network objects.

Parking behavior on links with several lanes and parking lots

A vehicle only selects a parking space that is not occupied or blocked by another parking vehicle.
In the following cases, an available parking space is blocked by another vehicle that is either
parked in the space or on a lane next to an available space:
  To the left and/or right of the parking space, there is a lane without a parking lot, on which
a vehicle is parked next to the available parking space.
To the left and/or right of the parking space, there is a lane with parking lots and another
lane without parking lots. A vehicle is parked in the parking space between the available
parking space and the lane without a parking lot.
To the left and/or right of the parking space, there is a lane with parking lots and another
lane without parking lots. There are two available parking spaces next to each other, but a
vehicle is parked on the lane next to the two spaces.
As soon as a vehicle traverses the section of a vehicle routing decision of the type Parking lot,
Vissim checks its vehicle routes and the corresponding parking lots. Vissim then finds and
occupies a parking space for the vehicle. With every time step, Vissim checks for all vehicles that
do not have the status Waiting, whether the occupied parking space is still accessible. If the
parking space is still accessible and lies on a link with a single lane, or if the parking space is no
longer accessible, Vissim will look for an accessible parking space that is available. This parking
space must be located on a parking lot downstream of the current parking route of the vehicle.
If the parking space chosen for a vehicle is still available when the vehicle traverses the decision
point, but is occupied right before it arrives there, the vehicle will choose another parking space.
Precondition: There is still a parking space available further downstream, on the route of the
parking routing decision.
If an attractive parking space becomes available after the vehicle has traversed the decision
section, the vehicle drives towards the originally selected parking space as long as it is still
If the vehicle cannot park on any of the parking spaces because there are not enough spaces
available and accessible, the vehicle routing decision of the type Parking lot is ignored. The
vehicle continues driving on its original route.


2.14.1 Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside

Parking behavior with one lane and at least one occupied parking space
If on a lane with multiple parking spaces in a row, one or several of the spaces are occupied or
reserved, the driver of a vehicle will choose a parking space further upstream that is located
before the other available parking spaces. This is also true if the Attraction attribute suggests a
parking space further downstream. With each time step, the driver of the vehicle checks whether
in the meantime a more attractive parking space has become available and changes its
destination accordingly.

Vehicle reserves parking space and waits until parking space is free
If a vehicle passes a vehicle routing decision of the type Parking lot and there is no free parking
space, you can set the attribute Full occupancy behavior to specify what you want the vehicle to
do in this case (see “Attributes of parking routing decisions” on page 559):
  continue driving
drive to the next parking space that can be reserved, wait there until the parking space
frees up and then park there
Requirements for a parking space to be reserved:
  The parking space is occupied, a vehicle is parked in it.
The parking space has not been reserved.
The length of the parking space is large enough to fit the length of the vehicle. If the
vehicle is longer than the parking space and multiple adjacent spaces cannot be
reserved, the vehicle continues driving.
On its way to a reserved parking space, the vehicle does not look for another free parking space.
The vehicle continues driving in the following cases:
  There is no free parking space available.
No parking space can be reserved.
All parking spaces are reserved.
For the parking routing decision, in the attribute Full occupancy behavior, Drive On is
There is no parking space that is long enough for the vehicle.
Vissim Is unable to calculate the parking duration, as all parking spaces are occupied, but
no vehicles are parked there yet, e.g. because they have not yet reached their assigned
parking space or cannot reach it because another vehicle, stuck in a traffic jam, is blocking

Use parking lot groups

You can allocate parking lot groups to parking lots that you would like to include in the Parking lot
groups evaluation (see “Defining parking lot groups” on page 604), (see “Displaying parking lot
group results in lists” on page 1224).


2.14.2 Defining a car park

Evaluate parking lots

You can use evaluations to enter result attributes for the following object types and display them
in lists:
  Parking spaces (see “Displaying parking space results in lists” on page 1226)
Parking lots (see “Displaying parking lot results in lists” on page 1223)
Parking lot groups (see “Displaying parking lot group results in lists” on page 1224)
Parking routing decisions (see “Displaying parking routing decisions in lists” on page
The evaluations take into account the effects of routing decisions that are traversed within the
same time step.
For the Vehicle record evaluation you can also select result attributes that contain parking space
data (see “Saving vehicle record to a file or database” on page 1251).
If a vehicle is removed from the Vissim network via COM and it is included in an evaluation that
evaluates parking processes, the Number of parked vehicles is reduced by 1. However, this is
not considered pulling out of a parking space.
If a vehicle of the dynamic assignment is added to the Vissim network via COM, the Number of
parked vehicles is increased by 1. However, this is not considered pulling into a sparking space.
If a path is allocated to this vehicle, it will pull out of the parking space and follow its path.

Evaluations take occupied parking spaces into consideration.

If the vehicle occupies several parking spaces in a parking lot due to its length, Vissim includes
this result as a single parking operation in the evaluation.
If the distance between the front edge of the parked vehicle and the next downstream parking
space of a longitudinal parking space is less than the minimum distance of 0.5 meters, this
parking space is also considered occupied by the vehicle, as no other vehicle can use this parking
space. This also applies to the minimum distance between the rear edge of the vehicle and the
adjacent parking space located upstream of the vehicle’s parking space.

2.14.2 Defining a car park

Add a parking space if you want to define a perpendicular or a diagonal parking lot containing
several parallel parking spaces in a few steps in the Network Editor. Select the desired level as
well as attributes for drive aisles, parking spaces and parking routes. It is also possible to define
two parking lots on either side of the link.
You have the following options for defining a car park in the Network Editor:
  Define a car park on an existing link
Define a new link with a car park
If there is a link in the opposite direction, you can specify that vehicles can reach the parking
spaces from both directions, reverse out of a parking space and follow their route again. If there is
no link in the opposite direction, you can create a link when defining the car park.


2.14.2 Defining a car park

After you have specified the attributes, define the number of parking spaces in the Network Editor.
On the link, drag the drive aisle from the desired start point of the car park to the desired end point.
Once you have confirmed your definition of the car park, Vissim will define the required network
objects. The following applies:
  A single-lane link for each parking space.
A connector that leads from the drive aisle to this link. If the drive aisle also includes a link
in the opposite direction, Vissim will also connect this link using a connector. Vissim
adjusts the lane change distance to a fixed value of 50 m and selects the attribute
Applies per lane change.
A connector with a smaller radius to allow the vehicle to reverse out of the parking space.
Reduced speed areas on the connectors
One parking lot for each parking space Length of parking lot = Length of parking space
+1 mm
A routing decision of the type Parking lot for each direction of the drive aisle. You must
move the routing decisions to the desired upstream position. These routing decisions
must refer to static vehicle routes.
Two parking routes for these routing decisions
All required conflict areas on the links and connectors. If the car park is also created for the
opposite direction on a dead end road with entry and exit, Vissim will allocate the status
Undetermined to the conflict areas, for which you can set the status according to your
requirements regarding the desired right of way. Vissim allocates the status Passive to
the remaining conflict areas.
If the drive aisle ends in a dead end in the main direction and in the opposite direction, Vis-
sim generates an additional link for each of the last parking spaces before the end of the
car park and an additional connector that the vehicles use to reverse out of the parking
space into the opposite lane, if only one of the directions ends in a dead end, the vehicles
park out in the other direction. If a parking space is so close to the end of the cul-de-sac
that the vehicle cannot reverse out of the parking space onto the drive aisle, Vissim will
extend the link.
During the definition of the objects in the network editor, the Short help is displayed, in which the
necessary steps are described. You can show and hide the short help (see “Becoming familiar
with the user interface” on page 97).

1. On the vertical Network Editor toolbar, on the very left, click the Create car park button .
The Create car park window opens.

  If you want to define a new link with a car park, hold down the CTRL key, click on the
desired start point of the link with the car park and keep the mouse button pressed.


2.14.2 Defining a car park

Tip: You can set that when you enter network objects you do not have to press the CTRL
key (see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).

  If you want to define a car park on an existing link, click the desired start point of the car
park on the link and keep the mouse button pressed.
Yellow arrows indicate the standard positions of the start and end point of the car park.
2. Move the mouse pointer down until the desired number of parking spaces is displayed.
You can reduce the number of parking spaces by moving the mouse pointer back upstream.
3. Click, if you no longer wish to change the number.
The car park attributes are displayed in the Create car park window. In the Network Editor,
the following symbols are displayed for the car park. You can use them for further editing:
Symbol Position Description
on the link, Vehicles can use the drive aisle in this direction.
upstream and
downstream of If you click the symbol, the drive aisle turns into a dead
the drive aisle
end. The symbol is displayed.
In order to be able to leave the car park, you can define either
the entrance or exit area as a dead end.
on the link, Vehicles cannot use the drive aisle in this direction. In order to
upstream and be able to leave the car park, either the entrance or exit area
downstream of are defined as a dead end.
the drive aisle
By clicking the symbol, the drive aisle is longer a dead end

and vehicles can use it in this direction. The symbol is

in the drive aisle Vehicles can reach the parking spaces on left side from their

direction of travel. If you move the mouse pointer to the

symbol, the parking spaces on the left side will be highlighted.

By clicking the symbol, the vehicles can longer reach the

parking spaces on this side from their direction of travel. The
symbol is displayed.
in the drive aisle Vehicles can reach the parking spaces on the right side from
their direction of travel. If you move the mouse pointer to the
symbol, the parking spaces on the right side will be


2.14.2 Defining a car park

Symbol Position Description

By clicking the symbol, the vehicles can longer reach the

parking spaces on this side from their direction of travel. The
symbol is displayed.
In parking space
By clicking the symbol, the parking space is removed and

filled with a hatch pattern. The symbol is displayed.

in the drive aisle Deleting link in the opposite direction
in the opposite
In parking space The parking space has been deleted and is therefore
displayed with hatching.

By clicking the symbol, the parking space will be re-

inserted. The symbol is displayed.

in the drive aisle Creating link in the opposite direction

Corner drag Changing the angle of the parking spaces to the link
points at the first
parking space

The description below shows you how to edit the drive aisle and the parking spaces in the
Network Editor, using the mouse.

Width of drive aisle

1. Click the left or right edge of the drive aisle, keep the mouse button pressed and drag the
drive aisle to the desired width.
2. Once the desired width is reached, release the mouse button.
Changing the number of parking spaces
1. Click the downstream or upstream edge of the drive aisle, hold down the mouse button
and drag the drive aisle to the desired size.
2. Once the desired number of parking spaces is reached, release the mouse button.
Changing the width of parking spaces
1. Click the left or right edge of the parking space, keep the mouse button pressed and drag
the parking space to the desired width.
This does not enlarge the size of the parking lot. The number of parking spaces is
2. Once the desired width is reached, release the mouse button.
Changing the length of parking spaces


2.14.3 Car park attributes

Width of drive aisle

1. Click the left or right edge of the drive aisle, keep the mouse button pressed and drag the
drive aisle to the desired width.
2. Once the desired width is reached, release the mouse button.
1. Click the edge at the end of a parking space, keep the mouse button pressed and drag the
parking space to the desired length.
2. Once the desired length is reached, release the mouse button.
Changing the position of parking spaces on one side
1. On the desired side, click in a parking space, keep the mouse button pressed and move
the parking space to the desired position.
2. Once the desired position is reached, release the mouse button.

3. Check the attribute values in the Create car park window (see “Car park attributes” on page

4. In the Create car park window, click to confirm.

Tip: As long as you do not click in any field in the Create car park window to edit an
attribute, you can confirm the definition of the car park by either clicking the ENTER or
the button. If you have clicked in a field in the Create car park window and pressed
ENTER, confirm the value and activate the next field.

You can view the attributes in the Parking lots list (see “Attributes of parking lots” on page
5. Move the routing decision of the type Parking lot to the desired position for each direction of
the drive aisle.

2.14.3 Car park attributes

Car park attributes are displayed in the Create car park window. The Create car park window
opens and shows the attributes as soon as you click the size of the car park to confirm it in the
Network Editor. (see “Defining a car park” on page 590). After you have checked the attributes
and edited them, if required, confirm your car park definition in the Create car park window with
. In the Parking lots list, you can display and edit the attributes of the parking lots of the car
park (see “Attributes of parking lots” on page 597).

Element Description
Level Level on which the car park is to be located
Drive Attributes of the section on the link or connector located between the start and end
aisle point of the car park area
Link behavior type (LinkBehavType): Link behavior type for vehicle class-spe-
cific driving behavior on the drive aisle.


2.14.3 Car park attributes

Element Description
Display type: Graphical display of drive aisle
Lane width (LnWid): lane width [m] of the drive aisle. Default value 3.00

Generate opposite direction (GenOppDir): If the option is selected, parking

spaces are generated for the opposite direction if an opposite lane exists and if
the attribute On left and right is selected for parking spaces in the Create park-
ing spaces list box.
Dead end main direction (DeadEndMain): Define the end of the drive aisle in
the direction of the definition either as a dead end, upstream the entry or down-
stream the exit.
Dead end opposite direction (DeadEndOpp): Define the end of the drive aisle
in the opposite direction to the definition either as a dead end, upstream the
entry or downstream the exit.
Accessible parking spaces from main direction (AccessParkSpcMain):
Select the side of the drive aisle in the direction of the definition whose parking
spaces can be reached.
Accessible parking spaces from opposite direction:
(AccessParkSpcOpp): Select the side of the drive aisle in the opposite direction
of the definition whose parking spaces can be reached.
Parking Create parking spaces in the direction of travel:
On left and right: Add parking spaces to the link (both sides) The attribute
list below is displayed in two columns. This allows you to select the attributes
of the parking spaces on the right and left side:
On left only: Add parking spaces to the link (left side)
On right only: Add parking spaces to the link (right side)
As opposite side (AsOppSide): Accept values from opposite parking spaces, if
parking spaces are inserted to the link (left and right side)
Link behavior type (LinkBehavType): Link behavior type for vehicle class-spe-
cific driving behavior on the links and connectors that connect the parking
spaces (that are located on these links and connectors).
Display type: Graphical display of the parking spaces
Length: Length [m] of each parking space. Default value 5.00
Width: Width [m] of each parking space. Default value 3.00
Angle: Angle of the parking spaces to the link. Default 90 degrees to the link
Spacing (Spac): Non-trafficable space [m] between parallel parking spaces.
Default value 0.00
Number: Number of parking spaces based on the positions of the start and end
point of the car park area as set by the mouse pointer. If you insert parking


2.14.4 Defining parking lots

Element Description
spaces on both sides, the number of parking spaces on both sides is identical.
Speed (approaching) - vehicle class (SpeedApprVehClass): Vehicle class
whose speed depends on the Speed (approaching) - Distribution when park-
Speed (approaching) - Distribution (SpeedApprDistr): Speed distribution for
parking vehicles
Speed (reversing) (SpeedRvs): Desired speed of the vehicle reversing out of a
parking space. Default value 5 km/h, value range from 0.001 to 9999 km/h.
Direction change time distribution: (DirChgDurDistr): The period of time dur-
ing which the vehicle remains stationary after reversing out of a parking space
until it moves forward.
Attraction (Attrac): The higher the value, the more attractive the parking lot or
parking space. This allows you to account for features of the parking lot that are
not explicitly available as an attribute. For Real parking spaces, you can create
a linear change in the attractiveness across the parking spaces by entering dif-
ferent values for First and Last. To define a parking lot with attractive parking
spaces in the middle of or at the edge of the parking lot, add two symmetrical
parking spaces of the type Real parking spaces, with mirror-inverted values for
Attraction (last parking space) (AttracLast): Attractiveness for the last park-
ing space in the direction of travel. The higher the value, the more attractive the
parking lot or parking space.
Evaluation group (EvalGrp): group of parking lots to which the parking spaces
of this car park are assigned. Allows for grouped evaluation of parking lots that
belong together (see “Displaying parking lot group results in lists” on page 1224).
Parking Parking routing decision main direction (ParkRoutDecMain): Routing
route decision of the type Parking lot for parking vehicles of the main direction. Allows
you to allocate the parking lots of the main direction of several car parks to the
same parking route decision.
Parking routing decision opposite direction (ParkRoutDecOpp): Routing
decision of the type Parking lot for parking vehicles of the opposite direction.
Allows you to allocate the parking lots of the opposite direction of several car
parks to the same parking route decision.
ParkRate (Parking rate): Share of vehicles parking on the parking route, default
value 100%
ParkDur: Time distribution for the parking period

2.14.4 Defining parking lots

You can define parking lots in a network editor on a link or connector:


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

  Parking lots with the attribute Real parking spaces, for parking or stopping on a lane (see
“Modeling parking and stopping on the roadside” on page 582).
Parking lots for dynamic assignment with the Abstract parking lots or Zone connector
attribute (see “Modeling parking lots and zones” on page 822), (see “Defining parking lots for
dynamic assignment” on page 823)
A parking lot can be modeled as a parallel, diagonal or perpendicular parking lot.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Parking Lots.

2. With the mouse pointer, point to the position in the link at which the parking lot is to begin.
3. Hold down the CTRL key and the right mouse button, and drag the pointer to the desired end
4. Release the keys.
The parking lot is inserted. The Parking Lot window opens.
The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
5. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of parking lots” on page 597).
6. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the Parking Lots list.
For individual, adjacent parallel parking lots, accordingly define long, adjacent links and
connectors on which you can place individual parking lots of the desired length.

Note: For traffic to build up on a lane because of parking vehicles, the Observe adjacent
lane(s) option must be selected (see “Editing the driving behavior parameter Lateral
behavior” on page 363).

2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

The Parking Lot window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to
automatically open the Edit dialog after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and action after
creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the Parking Lots list is opened.
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152). Basic attributes of parking lots

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
1. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
No. Unique number
Name Designation
At Position (Pos): Distance from start of the link or connector
Length Length of the parking lot


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

Element Description
Type Zone Connector: only relevant for dynamic assignment (see “Modeling
parking lots and zones” on page 822). Automatically creates a zone in the
Zones list, if no zone has been defined. In the OD Pairs list, automatically
creates an origin zone and a destination zone, if neither have been defined
Abstract parking lot: only relevant for dynamic assignment

Real parking spaces relevant for simulation with and without dynamic
assignment: modeling parking capacity in movement direction on one lane.
Combined with vehicle routes of the type Parking Lot, you can realistically
model parking maneuvers and stops at the roadside.
Showing If the option is not selected, the label for the parking lot is not displayed,
label even if you selected labeling for all parking lots. For parking lot labels, the
following are available:
Zone No.
Group No.
Current parking availability
Evaluation If the option is selected, the parking lot with this parking lot group will be
groups included in the evaluation of parking lot groups (see “Displaying parking lot
group results in lists” on page 1224). Dyn. Assignment tab

These attributes are only relevant for parking lots of dynamic assignment (see “Defining parking
lots for dynamic assignment” on page 823).


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots Parking Spaces tab

These attributes are only relevant for Real parking spaces.

Element Description
Link - lane Number of the link and lane (Ln) on which the parking lot is located
Length per Length per parking space (LenPerSpc). The maximum length per space must
space not exceed the length of the parking lot. If the total length is not a multiple of the
parking lot length, the remaining length is added to the end of the parking lot, but
is not used by any vehicle.
Blocking (BlockTmDistr, optional: The period of time that a vehicle blocks a lane during a
time parking maneuvers in parallel to a multilane route before it finally comes to a stop
distribution in the parking lot on the other lane. The blocking time begins when the parking
vehicle first stops while heading into a parking space with the rear of the vehicle
sticking out of the parking space onto the parallel lane, and it ends when the
vehicle finally comes to a stop in the parallel-parked position. Not relevant for
diagonally and transversely parked vehicles.
Blocking time distribution is considered for parking lots on the adjacent lane
and thus includes parking maneuvers in parallel to the direction of travel.
Observe adjacent lanes must be selected for lateral behavior.(see “Editing
the driving behavior parameter Lateral behavior” on page 363).
The Length of the parking lot must be longer than the Length per space.
The time distribution may be a normal or an empirical distribution (see “Defin-


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

Element Description
ing time distributions” on page 301).
If the parking lot is precisely as long as the parking space, the vehicle
remains in parking position during the blocking time. In this case, blocking
time distribution is ignored.
0: None: Blocking time is not considered for simulation.
Parking ParkDir: Only for real parking spaces: Direction in which the vehicle is driving
direction into and out of the parking space.
If the direction Forward > reverse is selected in Dynamic assignment and a
zone is assigned to the parking lot, the following applies:
When the vehicle drives into the parking space, it no longer drives out.
When the vehicle is inserted via an OD matrix, it does not leave the park-
ing lot.
Minimum MinGapTmMajFl: Minimum gap time between two vehicles of the major flow, so
gap time that a vehicle may leave the parking space
major flow
Speed SpeedRvs: Desired speed of the vehicle reversing out of a parking space.
(reversing) Default value 5 km/h, value range 0.001 to 9999 km/h. This value can have a
significant impact on the traffic flow.
Direction DirChgDurDist: Only relevant if the attribute parking direction Forward >
change reverse is selected: period during which the vehicle comes to a halt after it has
duration reversed out of parking space until it drives forwards. Default: time distribution
distribution 5 s (see “Using time distributions” on page 301). If no value is specified, the
vehicle remains in standstill for the duration of a time step. This value can have a
significant impact on the traffic flow.


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots Sel. parameters tab

Element Description
Open From (OpenFrom), to (OpenUntil): Time span during which vehicles can enter
hours the parking lot. Vehicles will not drive to the parking lot outside these hours.
Maximum ParkTmMax:
parking for Real parking spaces: Vehicles with a longer parking time are not
time assigned a parking space on this parking lot.
for Zone connector and Abstract parking lot:
Only relevant when using a trip chain file: time span a vehicle may use
this parking lot. If the maximum parking time is shorter than the min-
imum dwell time, the parking lot is not approached by the vehicle.
Vehicles that are assigned a route via a COM interface and vehicles
moving based on an origin-destination matrix during dynamic assign-
ment may select any destination parking lot open at the time of their
departure, regardless of the attribute value Maximum parking time:.
For these vehicles, for selection of a destination parking lot, a parking
time of 1 s is assumed.


2.14.5 Attributes of parking lots

Element Description
Attraction Attrac: The higher the value, the more attractive the parking lot or parking
space. This allows you to account for features of the parking lot that are not
explicitly available as an attribute. For Real parking spaces, you can create a
linear change in the attractiveness across the parking spaces by entering
different values for First and Last. To define a parking lot with attractive parking
spaces in the middle of or at the edge of the parking lot, add two symmetrical
parking spaces of the type Real parking spaces, with mirror-inverted values
for Attraction.
Parking ParkFee: only relevant for Zone Connector and Abstract parking lot:
Cost flat: fee for one-time use of the parking lot, irrespective of the dwell time.
per hour: parking costs depending on the parking time. If a trip chain file is
used, the minimum dwell time is considered. Without a trip chain file, an
hour parking time is assumed for all parking.

The network object has additional attributes that you can show in the Attributes list. Among them
are the following for example:
Short name Description
CurrentOccup Currenty occupancy: Number of oarking spaces with vehicles in Parking
state. Does not contain a value, if for the parking lot, the type Zone con-
nector is selected. Number of parking vehicles, if for the parking lot, the
type Abstract parking lot is selected.
CurReserv Current reservations: Number of free parking spaces that have already
been allocated to vehicles on their way to the parking space. These
vehicles have the parking state Driving to parking space. If the length of
the vehicle requires the reservation of more than one parking space, this is
included in the value.
CurOverbook Current overbookings: Number of occupied parking spaces where
vehicles are waiting for them to become available
CurAvail Current availability: Number of parking spaces that are neither occupied
nor reserved
DetBlock Detect blockage: For real parking spaces only:
Select this option, if you want Vissim to check whether a parking
space is blocked during the simulation. Vissim detects a vehicle
blocking a parking space, without parking in it, e.g. when the
vehicle parks in a space further upstream that lies on the same
single lane link. The blocked parking space cannot be assigned to a
vehicle traversing the parking routing decision.
If this option is not selected, Vissim will not check whether a park-
ing space is blocked during the simulation. Vissim does then not
recognize vehicles blocking a parking space, unless they are park-
ing in it. The blocked parking space can be assigned to a vehicle tra-
versing the parking routing decision. This results in fewer vehicles


2.14.6 Defining parking lot groups

Short name Description

ignoring the routing decision due to a lack of available parking
The option is selected by default.
Zone Allocation of the zone number in the OD matrix to the parking lot. Multiple
parking lots can belong to a zone.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Evaluation groups: Parking lot groups that are used for the evaluation of parking lot groups
and to which the parking lots are allocated.
Dyn assign des speed distributions (see “Defining parking lots for dynamic assignment” on
page 823)
Vehicles (parking): Attributes of the vehicles that are currently parked in the parking lot
Parking spaces: Parking space number of the parking spaces on the parking lot and number
of the parking lot where the parking spaces are located
Paths: Paths of path file from dynamic assignment If no paths are shown and you have per-
formed dynamic assignment, you can use its path file to read in the paths. To do so, on the
List shortcut menu, click the respective command (see “Attributes of paths” on page 877).
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated.

2.14.6 Defining parking lot groups

You can allocate parking lot groups to parking lots that you would like to include in the Parking lot
groups evaluation (see “Displaying parking lot group results in lists” on page 1224).
A parking lot can be allocated to several parking lot groups. Defining a parking lot group in lists

1. On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Parking Lot Groups.
The Parking lot groups list opens.
If no parking lot group has been defined yet, only the column headings are shown.
By default, you can edit the list (see “Using lists” on page 132).


2.15 Modeling short-range public transportation

2. In the list, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.
3. Enter the desired name in the Name column. Defining the parking lot group together with the car park
You can add a new parking lot group while editing the car park attributes when defining a car park.
(see “Car park attributes” on page 594).
1. Use the Network Editor to define a car park (see “Defining a car park” on page 590)
The Define car park window is displayed.
2. In the Parking spaces area, in the ParkingLotGroup list box (Parking lot group), click Add.
3. If required, edit further attributes in the Define car park window.
4. Finalize the definition of the car park.
5. On the Lists menu, click > Private Transport > Parking Lot Groups.
The Parking lot groups list opens. The new parking group you defined is displayed.
6. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of parking lots” on page 597).
7. If you want to display the parking lots of the Parking lot group selected in the list on the right,
click Parking lotsin the Relation list box on the list toolbar. Allocating parking lot groups to a parking lot as evaluation groups

You can allocate parking lot groups to the parking lot which are then used for the evaluation of the
car park in the Parking lot groups evaluation (see “Displaying parking lot group results in lists”
on page 1224).
1. In the Lists menu, select > Private transport > Parking lots.
2. Make sure that the EvaluGrps attribute (Evaluation groups) is displayed.
3. In the field EvaluGrps (Evaluation groups), go to the row of the desired parking lot and select
the desired parking lot groups.

2.15 Modeling short-range public transportation

Vehicles of short-range public transportation (PT) can use the links of the private transportation or
separate links, for example, lanes for buses or tracks for trains.
First define the stops and then the PT line that you assign a route, operated stops, PT vehicles,
and a timetable.

2.15.1 Modeling PT stops

You can construct public transport stops on a link or next to a lane.


2.15.2 Defining PT stops

Types of PT stops
  PT stop: Stop of a PT vehicle on a lane of a link. Select the lane.
Public transport stop bay: Stop of a PT vehicle on a specific link in the movement dir-
ection to the right, next to the lane.

Behavior of vehicles on multi-lane links

For multiple-lane links, following vehicles try to overtake PT vehicles which are stopped at a public
transport stop.

Behavior of vehicles on single-lane links

If a PT vehicle stops at a stop on a single-lane link, the vehicles behind it will wait until the PT
vehicle continues its journey. With regard to exiting the public transport stop bay, the PT vehicle
has the right of way. This is in accordance with the German Traffic Code (StVO) and the rules in
road traffic of other countries.

Behavior of PT vehicles also depends on the length of the public transport stop
While a PT vehicle is parked at a PT stop waiting for passengers to alight and board, it can only be
overtaken by another PT vehicle, moving downstream, looking for a free parking space at the
same PT stop to also allow passengers to alight and board. The PT stop must be sufficiently long.

Emergency stop position at PT stop

The emergency stop position depends on the number of the lane the PT stop is on:
  Even lane number: 1.6 m before the end of the PT stop
Odd lane number: 2.1 m before the end of the PT stop

2.15.2 Defining PT stops

Before modeling, you must define whether or not the passengers at the public transport stop
should be taken into consideration in the simulation:
  Without passengers: Select a pre-defined dwell time distribution per public transport stop and
PT line.
Boarding passenger profile: Allocate Volumes as hourly values to the lines on the public
transport stop. Select the PT parameters per vehicle type.
Viswalk for microscopic pedestrian simulations: Define at least one pedestrian area with the
attributes PT usage - Waiting area or PT usage - Platform edge at the stop.
Parameterize the public transport stops according to the method of your choice (see “Calculating
the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes” on page 624). In the network you
can combine public transport stops of these three methods with each other. Then the
parameterization of a public transport stop applies to all lines which operate at this public
transport stop.


2.15.2 Defining PT stops

  For each defined public transport stop, you can set specific PT line stop parameters for each
PT line and PT partial route (see “Modeling PT lines” on page 612).
For the microscopic pedestrian simulation with Viswalk, the length of the public transport stop
must correspond with at least the length of the longest PT vehicle, which operates at this pub-
lic transport stop. Doors of the vehicle, which at the time of the stop are not positioned at the
platform edge, are not used by the passengers.
You can also define a public transport stop, in which boarding and alighting by multiple PT
vehicles takes place at the same time. For this to occur, the length of the public transport stop
must be correspondingly defined: at least the sum of all vehicle lengths must have enough
space, behind and between the vehicles, which operate simultaneously at the public transport
On a multiple lane link, the PT vehicles can enter or exit when there is a large enough gap.
On a single lane link, for example for bus bays, a following vehicle can only exit once the pre-
ceding vehicle has exited.
If you move PT stops that a PT line uses, these PT stops are shown as passive, in green.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops.

2. With the mouse pointer, point to the position in the link at which the public transport stop is to
3. Hold down the CTRL key and the right mouse button, and drag the mouse pointer to the desired
end position.
4. Release the keys.
The public transport stop is inserted. The PT Stop window opens.
The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
5. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of PT stops” on page 608).
6. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the list Public transport stops.


2.15.3 Attributes of PT stops

2.15.3 Attributes of PT stops

The PT Stops window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to have the Edit
dialog opened automatically after object creation (see “Right- click behavior and action after
creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the PT stops list is opened.
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:
  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).


2.15.3 Attributes of PT stops Basic attributes of PT stops

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
Element Description
No. Unique number
Name Description Base data tab

Element Description
Length Length: Length of the public transport stop [m]
Lane Ln: Lane of the link or connector on which the public transport stop is located.
At Position (Pos): Start of the public transport stop on the link or the connector
Label If the option is not selected, the label for an individual public transport stop is not
displayed when the label for all public transport stops is selected. Boarding Passengers tab

You can set boarding passenger profiles for a public transport stop. The data is used for:
  calculation of stop dwell times
proportional distribution of pedestrians on public transport lines in Viswalk
1. Right-click in the list.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Add.
A new row with default data is inserted.


2.15.3 Attributes of PT stops

The list contains, amongst others, the following attributes:

Element Description
Volume Volume: Passenger volume of the category pedestrians per hour for all or
selected PT lines
TimeFrom Time from: Time from the start of the time interval for which this number of
boarding passengers is valid in simulation seconds.
TimeTo Time to: Time till the end of the time interval for which this number of boarding
passengers is valid in simulation seconds.
PTLines PT lines which may be used by passengers of this boarding passenger profile
AllPTLines All PT lines: If the option is selected, all PT lines take the PT stop into

For a PT stop with Platform edge, enter the relative volume of the public transport
stop instead of the volume in [P/h].
For passengers, who are Viswalk pedestrians, defaults are generated in two cases:
For each automatically generated platform edge.
If a pedestrian area (either a Waiting area or a Platform edge) of a public trans-
port stop is allocated, for which no vehicle volume has been defined.
With regard to the defaults, each pedestrian, who reaches the waiting area in the time
interval of 0 - 99,999, boards each PT vehicle of a preferred PT line.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Boarding volumes: The attributes are described further above.
Vehicles: Vehicles in network (see “Displaying vehicles in the network in a list” on page 1004)
Areas (PT usage) (see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065)
Public transport lines (active) (see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614)
Public transport line stops (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page 620)
Partial PT routes (active) (see “Attributes of partial PT routes” on page 632)
Partial PT route line stops (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page 620)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.


2.15.4 Adding platform edges

The data is allocated.

2.15.4 Adding platform edges

You require the add-on module Viswalk for microscopic pedestrian simulation.
Platform edges are not automatically moved along with the link or the public transport
stop nor are they adjusted to changes in length. Therefore, only add the platform
edges once the links and PT stops will no longer be changed. This way you ensure
that a transition between the network and the PuT vehicle remains possible for ped-

You can define areas of the type Polygon and Rectangle as a Platform edge.
For a stop, you can add an area of the type Rectangle as platform edge to the left or right of the
link on which the stop is located. This platform edge follows the user-defined link using inserted
points, if, for example, the link is not straight. Platform edges are created with a width of 2 m
immediately next to the link.
If boarding passengers are to board and/or alight from both sides, add platform edges to the left
and the right.

When generating platform edges, the volume [Pers./h] is changed in the attribute
Boarding passengers in a relative volume and existing values are taken over.
Every public transport stop with an area for Public transport usage is used by the
passengers, who are generated as pedestrians. These passengers are pro-
portionately distributed among the PT lines.
If there are no pedestrian areas with the attribute Public transport usage, the pas-
senger volume is distributed over the PT stops exactly according to the absolute val-

  The Public transport usage attribute can be used to define a pedestrian area as a Platform
edge or a Waiting area for one or more selected stops (see “Modeling construction ele-
ments” on page 1047). Based on its type, you determine the shape of the platform edge using
the shape of a polygon or the rectangle of the pedestrian area.
A pedestrian area with the attribute Public transport usage defined as a Platform edge
must fulfill the following conditions:
The platform edge and the lane with the public transport stop must be directly adjacent or
overlap so that alighting passengers may alight on the platform edge and boarding pas-
sengers may board the PT vehicle from the platform edge. The overlapping must be smal-
ler than half of the width of the pedestrian area. This means that the center line of the
platform edge, which is parallel to the lane and thus to the public transport stop, must lie
outside the lane.


2.15.5 Generating a public transport stop bay

The length of the pedestrian area parallel to the lane must be at least the length of the pub-
lic transport stop, so that when the public transport vehicle stops, no vehicle door lies out-
side of the platform edge.
If you have not defined the area of the platform edge via the shortcut menu commands
Add platform edge left or Add platform edge right or have decided to edit it later on in
the network editor, make sure that the distance between the lane on which the public trans-
port vehicle stops and the platform edge are is 2 m maximum. Otherwise, the PT vehicle
will not open its doors.

Note: When two platform edges with different parameters overlap, a warning is displayed
during the check. Even so, Vissim assigns the platform edges to the right doors and the
simulation is not interrupted.

1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops.

2. In the Network editor, right-click the desired PT stop.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Add platform edge left or Add platform edge right.
The platform edge is displayed in the Network editor next to the link. Default color: pink. All
relevant area attributes are set automatically, e.g. for public transport usage Platform edge
and for public transport stop(s), the number of the PT stop selected. The name of the
pedestrian area includes numbers and sides of the PT stop, e.g. platform edge PT stop 1
(right). The name is not automatically adjusted when the area of the platform edge is allocated
a later point in time of another public transport stop.

2.15.5 Generating a public transport stop bay

Note: You require the add-on module Viswalk for the microscopic pedestrian simulation.

1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops.

2. In the Network editor, right-click the desired PT stop.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Create lay-by stop.
The lay-by stop is displayed in the Network editor, next to the PT stop in the movement
direction. Connectors and conflict areas are added to the modeling for the right of way of
buses (see “Modeling PT stops” on page 605). By default, all vehicle types may use the public
transport stop bay.

2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

You can define PT lines for buses or trains, which operate in a fixed public transport stop order
(see “Defining PT lines” on page 613). For this, they must have a timetable with departure times at
the first public transport stop, and offset times according to the time table between public transport
stops and dwell times at public transport stops.
Public transport stop dwell times are either obtained from the dwell time distribution or are
calculated on the basis of boarding passenger profiles. They may also be determined via


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

microscopic pedestrian simulation. Before modeling, decide whether and to what extent the
passengers in the simulation should be taken into consideration and parameterize the public
transport stops accordingly (see “Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and
partial PT routes” on page 624). In the network model, you can combine public transport stops of
these three models with each other. However, the selection per public transport stop applies to all
lines which operate at this public transport stop (see “Modeling PT stops” on page 605). For each
public transport stop, you can enter specific PT stop parameters for each PT line and partial PT
route (see “Attributes of PT stops” on page 608).
A public transport line in Vissim always has a fixed route. In the case that a real PT line should
drive on different routes within the Vissim network, then multiple, separate PT lines must be
modeled in the Vissim network.
Modeling PT lines may be compared to the modeling of static routes. However, PT lines do not
distribute incoming vehicles; instead they generate them. Start points of PT lines cannot be

Note: PT vehicles drive the route, which is specified by the PT line. By default, they stay
within the Vissim network afterwards. In order that PT vehicles do not stay within the
network and therefore do not move within the network without routes, model the PT lines in
a way that they must move out of the network at the end of the link. Defining PT lines

Define all public transport stops for the line before defining a PT line (see “Modeling PT stops” on
page 605).

Note: For every PT line, define a link, which will only be used from this PT line.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Lines.

2. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click the desired link on which the vehicles of the line are to
drive into the network.
A blue decision marker is set by default at the beginning of the link, on which the line begins.
3. In the desired link, point with the mouse pointer at the desired position of the destination
section, at which the public transport line should end.


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

If no connection between the start section and the destination section exists, Vissim still
displays the line path. In this case, you must either correct the destination link and/or the
destination section or the Vissimnetwork.
If there is a connector from the start section to the destination section, it is displayed as a
colored band in the PT line fill color over a continuous link curvature. A turquoise bar (default
color) shows the possible position of the destination section.
4. Click this position.
The PT Line window opens. The public transport line is marked in the Network Editor.
The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
5. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614).
6. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the list Public Transport Lines.

If in the Public Transport Lines list, on the toolbar, you click the Synchronization button,
then in the list, click a public transport line, this line is by default displayed as a colored band in the
PT line fill color, with the active stops in red and passive stops in green (default color setting). By
default, all PT public transport stops located directly on the line path are highlighted as active in
The line path of a new PT line does not automatically include public transport stop bays. You can
change the line path of a PT line, so that it does include a public transport stop bay (see “Entering
a public transport stop bay in a PT line path” on page 619). If you modify the line path, PT stops on
the new line path are highlighted as passive, in green. Even if you move these PT stops, they are
still highlighted as passive, in green. Attributes of PT lines

The PT Line window opens automatically when you insert a network object and have selected to
have the Edit dialog opened automatically after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and
action after creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the Public Transport Lines list is
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:
  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

Basic attributes of PT lines

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
Element Description
No. Unique number 1 to 4294967295
Name Description


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

Base data tab

Element Description
Starting on Entry link EntryLink: Link on which the PT line begins
Vehicle type VehType: Vehicle type of PT line
Desired DesSpeedDistr: Initial speed of PT vehicle
speed dis-
Time Offset Entry time offset (EntTmOffset): Time PT vehicles need to enter the network
before their scheduled departure time in order to depart punctually at the
departure times scheduled, from the first stop serviced.
This means you enter the departure times of your timetable as departure times of
the PT line. The time offset is the sum of the time the vehicle requires to get to its
first stop in the network and the average passenger interchange time at this stop.
The resulting network entry time is always set to zero, if the departure time is
smaller than the time offset.
If the time offset is 0 s, the vehicles of the PT line enter the Vissim network
precisely at their defined departure time.
Start time Entry time distribution (EntryTmDistr):Time distribution for variation of
distribution departure time at which the vehicle enters the network (see “Defining time
distributions” on page 301). This value is added as a delay to the calculated entry
time. Entry time = departure time - time offset
Slack Time SlackTmFrac: only relevant for stops with specified departure time: factor for
Fraction wait time of PT vehicle as part of the remaining time until scheduled departure.
Value range 0.00 to 1.00.
Slack time fraction = 1: Earliest departure time is according to the timetable
(see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614)
Slack time fraction < 1: Departure time may be earlier than fixed in the
timetable. Departure time is based solely on arrival time and dwell time. This
allows you to model earliness as well.
Color Define the color of PT vehicle of this line

Departure times tab

You may define individual trips of the line as courses. When you enter departure times, individual
trips (New) and departures based on service frequency rate (Rate) can be mixed. In both cases,
you may in addition to the time also specify a course number and occupancy rate.
The list contains, amongst others, the following attributes:


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

Element Description
Dep Departure time of a public transport vehicle relative to the start time of the
TeleCour PT telegram - course: Optional course number. If PT calling points are defined for
the network, the course number serves to perform evaluations of serial telegrams in
terms of the course number.
Occup Occupancy: Initial number of passenger in PT vehicle when entering the Vissim

Generate start times

You may define several departure times simultaneously.
1. In the Departure Times tab, right-click in the table.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Generate start times.
The window Generate Start Times and Courses by Service Rate opens.

3. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Departure First departure in timetable of service frequency
time Begin: first departure
Rate: service frequency rate. Vissim generates all departures defined this
way as individual trips. You may also define multiple service frequency
rates in a row.
End: last departure
Course Optional course
First: first course number. Is displayed in the Departure Times tab.
Step: increment for all following course numbers. The departure times are
sorted in chronological order.
Occupancy Number of passenger in PT vehicle when entering the Vissim network. Is dis-
played in the Departure Times tab.


2.15.6 Modeling PT lines

PT Telegrams tab
You can define data that is transmitted via PT telegrams to control procedures, when vehicles
pass PT calling points (see “Using detectors” on page 694).
Element Description
Line sends Send PT telegrams (SendTele): Select this option if you want vehicles of this
PT tele- PT line to be recorded by PT calling points.
Line PT Telegrams - Line (TeleLine): Number of PT line, max. 999 999 999
Route PT Telegrams - Route (TeleRout): Number of PT line path, max. 999 999 999
Priority PT telegram - priority (TelePrio): Priority of PT vehicle [1 to 7]
Tram PT telegram - tram length (TeleVehLen): Length of PT vehicle [1 to 7]
Manual Dir- PT telegram - manual direction (TeleManDir): Direction from which the vehicle
ection is coming, if the PT calling point cannot clearly identify this via line or route num-

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Departure times: The attributes are described further above.
Line stops (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page 620)
Link sequence: Numbers of links and connectors via which the PT line leads (see “Attributes
of links” on page 492)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Checking and repairing PT line courses

When you split or delete links and connectors that run across PT lines, these PT lines are
disconnected. Even if you then insert new links or connectors there, these PT lines remain
disconnected. You can have disconnected PT lines repaired by Vissim.
1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Lines.
2. Right-click in the Network editor.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Check and repair all PT line courses.


2.15.7 Entering a public transport stop bay in a PT line path

Vissim will find new PT lines for disconnected PT lines. These may run via the added or other links
and connectors in the network.

2.15.7 Entering a public transport stop bay in a PT line path

1. Enter a public transport stop bay in the link (see “Generating a public transport stop bay” on
page 612).
2. Select Public Transport > PT Lines from the Lists menu.
3. Select the desired entry.
In the Network Editor, the selected PT line is shown as a yellow band; active public transport
stops red; passive public transport stops green. By default, all PT public transport stops
located directly on the line path are highlighted as active in red. Public transport stop bays are
not automatically in the line path of a new PT line.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

4. Press the CTRL key, and in the Network Editor right-click next to the stop bay in the yellow PT
A point is added to the PT line.
5. Click on the point, hold the mouse button down, and drag the point into the stop bay.
The line path runs over the stop.

Moving a specific PT line path section

  In the section you wish to change, add three points at the following positions:

Position of the first point from which the new PT line path shall be recalculated
Position of the middle point you want to move to the public transport stop bay
Position of the third point up to which the new PT line path shall be recalculated

When you move the middle point, only the path between the two outer points is recalculated,
and the PT line path is only changed for this area.


2.15.8 Editing a PT line stop

2.15.8 Editing a PT line stop

You can edit specific attributes of PT stops for a PT line or partial PT route in the Edit PT Line
Stop window.

Note: Alternatively to in the PT Line Stop window, you may also show and edit PT line
stop attributes in the PT line stops list (as a relation of a PT stop attribute list).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops or Public Transport Lines.
2. In the network editor, right-click the PT stop.
3. If a public transport stop is serviced by one PT line only, on the shortcut menu, click Edit PT
Line <No. > PT Stop <No.> Pass<No.>.
4. If a public transport stop is serviced by multiple PT lines, on the shortcut menu, click Edit PT
Line Stop. Then select the desired line stop > PT Line <No. > PT stop <No.> Pass <No.>.
A PT Line Stop window opens with attributes that depend on the network object the PT line
stop refers to:
  For PT stops of a PT line, the number of the line is shown:

  For the PT stops of a partial PT route, the number of the routing decision and the number of
the route are shown:


2.15.8 Editing a PT line stop

  For a PT stop in Viswalk, additional attributes are displayed. These settings allow you to sim-
ulate passengers boarding and alighting at this stop with Viswalk:
The PT stop must be selected in the For PT stop(s) attribute of the area you want to use
as a waiting area or platform edge.
In the Public Transport Usage attribute of the area, Platform edge or Waiting area
must be selected.
The attribute PT stop active must be selected.


2.15.8 Editing a PT line stop

Determining public transport dwell time

The public transport dwell time for PT lines and PT routes can be determined via the following
  Method Dwell time distribution: (see “Defining dwell time according to dwell time dis-
tribution” on page 624)
  Method Advanced passenger model: (see “Calculating dwell time according to the
advanced passenger model” on page 626)
  Method VISWALK: microscopic pedestrian simulation: (see “Calculating dwell time with
PTV Viswalk” on page 627)
You can use different methods at different PT stops. However, only one method is used for PT
lines or PT partial routes at a PT stop.

Showing PT line stop attributes as a relation of a PT stop

1. On the Lists menu, click > Public Transport > Stops.
The list with the attributes is displayed as the left list of two coupled lists (see “Using coupled
lists” on page 160).
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click Public transport line stops.


2.15.8 Editing a PT line stop

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
Column Description
PTLine Name of PT line that services the PT line stop.
Public Number and name of public transport stop of the PT line stop
Active If this option is selected, the public transport stop is a PT line stop of the PT
A public transport stop created in the Vissim network according to the definition
of PT lines is not automatically contained in a PT line path, even when placed
on a link that is traversed by a PT line. Non-serviced PT stops are displayed in
green and the Active attribute is disabled. You can enable the Active attribute
to include the public transport stop into the PT line path.
If a PT stop is not to be serviced by a PT line, disable its Active attribute.
SkipPoss Skipping possible: If this option is selected, the PT stop is not serviced,
depending on the method used for calculating the public transport dwell time
(see “Defining dwell time according to dwell time distribution” on page 624),
(see “Calculating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model” on
page 626), (see “Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk” on page 627)
DepOffset Departure time offset:: Define departure time according to timetable. The time
offset is used additionally for boarding and alighting time (boarding/alighting).
The resulting departure time is calculated as follows:
Simulation second of arrival + dwell time + max (0, ((departure time of PT line +
departure offset) - (simulation second of arrival + dwell time)) • slack time fraction
of PT line)
If the departure time, according to the time table, is later than the point in time,
which is the sum of the arrival time and dwell time, the PT vehicle waits until the
departure time, according to the time table if the Slack time fraction equals 1.
For slack time fractions < 1, the vehicle correspondingly departs earlier, value
range 0.00 to 1.00.
If the Slack time fraction of the line is 0.00, the timetable will not be taken into
consideration. In this case, the settings in the range dwell time are taken into
consideration for the calculation of the Dwell time. The timetable is taken into
account, if the time offset attribute of the public transport line is > 1.
For line stops in PT partial routes, the following applies:
As long as a PT vehicle has not completed its original line route, its Depar-
ture offset is treated like an offset at a line stop of the original route.
Once the PT vehicle has passed the "to section" of its original line route, the
Departure offset specified for a PT partial route stop is interpreted as rel-
ative to the simulation time when the vehicle passes the respective routing


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

Column Description
decision point.
PedsAsPass Pedestrians as passengers: Pedestrians of an area are used as passengers
for public transport. The area is a waiting area or a platform edge. The area is
assigned at least one PT stop.
DwellTmDef Dwell time definition depends on the method used for calculating public
transport dwell time (see “Defining dwell time according to dwell time
distribution” on page 624), (see “Calculating dwell time according to the
advanced passenger model” on page 626), (see “Calculating dwell time with
PTV Viswalk” on page 627)

2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT
The following methods allow you to model stop dwell times for PT vehicles
Method Description
Dwell time The dwell time is based on the dwell time distribution used (see “Defining dwell
distribution time according to dwell time distribution” on page 624).
Define all desired dwell time distributions (see “Using time distributions” on
page 301).
You then assign the desired dwell time distribution to each stop serviced by a
PT line or partial PT route.
Advanced The dwell time and number of passengers boarding and alighting are
passenger calculated using the advanced passenger model (see “Calculating dwell time
model according to the advanced passenger model” on page 626).
To model stop dwell times with the number of passengers boarding and
alighting instead of with dwell time distributions, define PT parameters for the
respective vehicle type (see “Changing attributes for a vehicle type for the
duration of boarding and alighting” on page 333).
Viswalk Dwell time and number of passengers boarding/alighting are calculated during
(microscopic the simulation (see “Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk” on page 627),
pedestrian (see “Modeling pedestrians as PT passengers” on page 1154) and (see “Quick
simulation) start guide: Defining pedestrians as PT passengers” on page 1157).

Without Viswalk, you can define the Dwell time distribution method faster than the Advanced
passenger model in Vissim. The Advanced passenger model method, however, allows you to
model the behavior at stops more precisely, e.g. the cumulation of vehicles of a PT line at a stop
caused by a delay. Defining dwell time according to dwell time distribution

1. Define the PT line, the PT stop and at least one dwell time distribution (see “Using time
distributions” on page 301).
2. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops or Public Transport Lines.


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

3. In the network editor, right-click the PT stop.

4. On the shortcut menu, click Edit PT Line <No. > PT Stop <No.> PT Pass <No.>.
The PT Line Stop window opens.
5. In the Dwell time section, select Distribution.
6. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Active If the option is selected, the public transport stop for the current PT line or PT
partial route is activated.
If the option is not selected, the public transport stop is not operated and is
shown in green.
Skipping SkipPoss: If the option is selected, the public transport stop is not used if the
possible resulting, random dwell time is < 0.1 seconds. Skipped public transport stops
are reported in the Vehicle Records file with its identifier and recorded as
having a public transport stop dwell time of 0 seconds.
Departure DepOffset: Departure time defined according to timetable (see “Editing a PT
time offset line stop” on page 620)
Door lock DoorLockDurBefDep: This dwell time of the PTV vehicle is the time until
duration departure of the vehicle after the doors have been fully closed. Default 1.0 s
Dwell time Dwell time definition (DwellTmDef). All settings for the dwell time apply for
the line stops of a PT partial route.
Distribution and Calculation are always available if the public transport stop is
not allocated a pedestrian area with Public transport usage.
Distribution: A time distribution must be selected. The stop time is
obtained from the selected dwell time distribution.
Calculation: Alighting percentage as percentage indication (see “Cal-
culating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model” on page
Alighting percentage: Percent of the passengers who alight on this public
transport stop. This value serves the volume-dependent calculation of the
stop time.
Longer dwell times could be caused by selecting the option Late boarding
possible at the line stop and then, for the dwell time, applying a boarding delay
followed by a door closing delay to a pedestrian.


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

Element Description
You can also show further attributes in the attribute list Public Transport Line Stops, e.g.:
Door clos- DoorClosDel: Time after which the last pedestrian has walked through doors
ure delay until the doors begin to close. Default value 3.0 s.
If the option Late boarding possible is selected at the line stop, the door
closer’s delayed mode will only start, if the boarding delay is no longer effective.
(see “Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk” on page 627).
If the option Late boarding possible is not selected at the line stop, the door
closer’s delayed mode will start after the last pedestrian has walked through

7. Confirm with OK. Calculating dwell time according to the advanced passenger model

1. Ensure that the following parameters are defined:
  Boarding passenger profile per PT stop and assignment to desired PT lines (see “Attrib-
utes of PT stops” on page 608)
Specific PT parameters per vehicle type (see “Changing attributes for a vehicle type for
the duration of boarding and alighting” on page 333)
Occupancy rate per PT line (see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614), (see “Editing func-
tions and distributions of a vehicle type” on page 328)
2. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops or Public Transport Lines.
3. In the network editor, right-click the PT stop.
4. On the shortcut menu, click Edit PT Line <No. > PT Stop <No.> PT Pass <No.>.
The PT Line Stop window opens.
5. In the Dwell time section, select Calculation.
6. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
PT stop If the option is selected, the public transport stop for the current PT line or PT
active partial route is activated.
If the option is not selected, the public transport stop is not operated and is
shown in green.
Skipping If the option is selected, the public transport stop is not operated if the vehicle
possible passes the 50 m mark before the public transport stop and no passengers would
like to board or alight. A public transport stop bay can only be fully skipped if both of
these are directly connected to the link, from which the PT vehicle is coming. If the
network structure is more complex or if the PT vehicle has already reached the pub-
lic transport stop bay or the connector, when the 50 m mark is passed, the bay is
passed without making a stop. Skipped public transport stops are reported in the


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

Element Description
Vehicle Records file with its identifier and recorded as having a public transport
stop dwell time of 0 seconds.
Departure Departure time defined according to timetable (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page
time offset 620)
Dwell time All settings for the dwell time apply for the line stops of a PT partial route.
Distribution and Calculation are always available if the public transport stop is
not allocated a pedestrian area with Public transport usage.
Distribution: The stop time is obtained from the selected dwell time dis-
Calculation: The number of boarding passengers is determined on the basis
of the boarding passenger profile at the public transport stop. The time
required for the boarding and alighting is calculated on the basis of the PT para-
meters of the vehicle type.
Alighting percentage: Enter percent of passengers who alight at this public
transport stop. This value serves the volume-dependent calculation of the stop

7. Confirm with OK.

After you have defined the PT line, PT parameters per vehicle type, and the attributes for the PT
line stop, Vissim calculates the stop dwell times of a PT vehicle as follows:
  Number of alighting passengers = Number of passengers x percentage of alighting passengers
Number of boarding passengers = Number of all passengers waiting (who want or are allowed to
take the line) If the number of waiting passengers exceeds the free capacity of the PT vehicle,
the number of alighting passengers is limited to the maximum capacity of the vehicle.
Alighting time = Number of alighting passengers x average alighting time (see “Changing attrib-
utes for a vehicle type for the duration of boarding and alighting” on page 333)
Boarding time = Number of boarding passengers x average boarding time
Passenger service time = Clearance time + alighting time + boarding time
After completion of passenger service, the PT vehicle remains at the stop until the scheduled
departure time that accounts for the respective slack time fraction. Calculating dwell time with PTV Viswalk

You can define parameters for the calculation of the number of boarding passengers and the
dwell time which occurs during microscopic pedestrian simulation. Example (see “Modeling
pedestrians as PT passengers” on page 1154)

Note: For this, you require PTV Viswalk.

1. Ensure that the following requirements are met:


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

  The PT stop must have at least one pedestrian area with the Public transport usage
attribute allocated of the Waiting area or Platform edge type (see “Attributes of areas” on
page 1065).
At least one location distribution must be defined for alighting passengers (see “Using loc-
ation distributions for boarding and alighting passengers in PT” on page 304).
At least one pedestrian composition has to be defined (see “Defining pedestrian com-
positions” on page 1098).
2. On the network object sidebar, click Public Transport Stops or Public Transport Lines.
3. In the network editor, right-click the PT stop.
4. On the shortcut menu, click Edit PT Line <No. > PT Stop <No.> PT Pass <No.>.
The PT Line Stop window opens.

5. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
PT stop If the option is selected, the public transport stop for the current PT line or
active PT partial route is activated.
If the option is not selected, the public transport stop is not operated and
is shown in green.


2.15.9 Calculating the public transport dwell time for PT lines and partial PT routes

Element Description
Skipping If the option is selected, the public transport stop is not operated if the
possible vehicle passes the 50 m mark before the public transport stop and no
passengers would like to board or alight.
A public transport stop bay can only be fully skipped if both of these are
directly connected to the link, from which the PT vehicle is coming. If the
network structure is more complex or if the PT vehicle has already reached
the public transport stop bay or the connector, when the 50 m mark is
passed, the bay is passed without making a stop.
Skipped public transport stops are reported in the Vehicle Records file with
its identifier and recorded as having a public transport stop dwell time of 0
Departure Departure time defined according to timetable (see “Editing a PT line stop”
offset on page 620)
Dwell time section:All dwell time settings apply for the line stop of a PT partial route.
Minimum If this option is selected, a time distribution must be selected to be used as
the basis for calculating the minimum dwell time.
If the option is not selected, the minimum dwell time = 0 seconds.
PT vehicles depart once the minimum dwell time runs out. PT vehicles also
depart if the minimum dwell time = 0 seconds when all alighting passengers
have alighted.
In addition, you can select the option Late boarding possible for each line
Calculation Calculation: Alighting percentage as percentage indication when the public
transport stop is allocated a pedestrian area as Platform edge or Waiting
area. Viswalk pedestrians who board or alight at a public transport stop are
modeled. The calculated public transport stop dwell time depends on the
time necessary for boarding/alighting passengers. The option Late
boarding possible is taken into consideration for the calculation of the
public transport stop dwell time.
Alighting Percentage of the passengers, which will alight at this public transport stop.
percentage This value serves the volume-dependent calculation of the stop time.
Boarding and alighting of passengers section
Alighting Composition of the PT-passengers (see “Defining pedestrian compositions”
composition on page 1098). Within the PT vehicle, the Pedestrian types, corresponding
to the selected composition, are generated and the given percentage set is
Alighting Alighting location: Distribution of the alighting passengers at the doors of
location the PT vehicle at this public transport stop (see “Using location distributions
for boarding and alighting passengers in PT” on page 304). Within the PT
vehicle, the alighting passengers at this public transport stop corresponding
to the selected composition are distributed to the vehicle doors.


2.15.10 Defining partial PT routes

Element Description
Alighting Allow or disallow boarding and/or alighting on the right and left. The arrow in
possible, the schematic drawing of the public transport vehicle shows the direction of
Boarding travel.
Late If this option is selected:
boarding the minimum dwell time is kept
the vehicle only departs after all passengers have boarded or vehicle
capacity has been reached (see “Attributes of vehicle types” on page
The doors close after three seconds have passed in which no pas-
sengers have wanted to board/alight.
If the option is not selected, the minimum dwell time = maximum dwell
If the Slack time fraction = 0, the PT vehicle departs immediately after
the minimum dwell time has been reached.
If the Slack time fraction > 0, the corresponding share of the remain-
ing time to the departure according to the time table adds to the dwell
time if the departure time has not yet been reached.
To ensure that the PT vehicle departs exactly at the time calculated, in case
the option is not selected, no passengers can board the PT vehicle as soon
as the doors begin to close.
The closing of the doors always begins 3 seconds before departure. The
doors also close when a passenger boards immediately before the doors
begin to close.

6. Confirm with OK.

Attributes for the micro-simulation of pedestrians of previous versions

  If you would like to reproduce the results of earlier Vissim versions, select the following attrib-
Attribute Network object type Settings
Use minimum dwell time PT line stop Nothing selected
Late boarding possible PT line stop selected
Slack Time Fraction Public transport line no change
Departure offset PT line stop no change

2.15.10 Defining partial PT routes

To define a partial PT route, insert a routing decision on a link and a destination section on a
destination link. The partial routing decision or the destination section may also lie on a connector.


2.15.10 Defining partial PT routes

You can assign the interval limits via the time intervals (see “Defining time intervals for a network
object type” on page 399), (see “Calling time intervals from an attributes list” on page 400). If a
distribution on a percentage basis of the traffic volume to the routes of a routing decision varies
temporally, you must define multiple time intervals which do not overlap each other.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Vehicle Routes.

The button is highlighted. The variant of the network object type is displayed in parentheses
and the button is shown.
2. Click Vehicle Routes again.
A list box opens.
3. Then select Partial PT route.

Tip: Alternatively to the following steps, to insert a routing decision, on the shortcut menu,
click PT partial routing decision.

4. Hold down the CTRL key and in the Network Editor right-click the desired link or connector on
the desired position of the routing decision cross section.
5. Release the keys.
By default, a purple bar is inserted.
6. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the destination section.
If Vissim does not find a valid link sequence, neither a yellow band nor a turquoise bar are
displayed, or the band might be interrupted. Select another destination link or a new position
for the destination section or correct the Vissim network, for example if a link is not connected
properly with a connector.
If Vissim finds a valid connection via a link sequence, between the start section and the
position the mouse pointer is pointing to, the link sequence is displayed as a yellow band by
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A turquoise bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
7. Right-click this position.


2.15.11 Attributes of PT partial routing decisions

The shortcut menu opens.

8. Then select Add partial PT route: Define end.
A turquoise bar is added for the destination section by default. The PT partial routing
decision list opens if automatic opening of a list after object generation is selected (see
“Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195). The attribute and
attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which consists of
two coupled lists.
9. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of PT partial routing decisions” on page 632), (see
“Attributes of partial PT routes” on page 632).

2.15.11 Attributes of PT partial routing decisions

1. On the Lists menu, click > Public Transport > PT Partial Routing Decisions.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
The list on the left may include the following attributes:
Column Description
No Unique Number of PT partial routing decision
Name Name of PT partial routing decision
Link Number and name of link on which the PT partial routing decision lies
Pos Location: Distance to the beginning of link or connector

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Public transport lines (see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614)
Partial PT routes (see “Attributes of partial PT routes” on page 632)
Link (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
Destination link of partial PT route (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.

2.15.12 Attributes of partial PT routes

1. On the Lists menu, click > Public Transport > PT Partial Routes.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.


2.15.13 Generating a railway crossing

The list on the left may include the following attributes:

Column Description
VehRoutDec Vehicle routing decision: Number and name of PT partial routing decision in
partial PT route
No Unique Number of partial PT route
Name Name of partial PT route
Destination Number and name of link on which partial PT route ends
DestPos Destination position: Distance between destination section and beginning of
link or connector
RelFlow Relative volume in time interval = absolute volume in time interval: Sum of the
volumes of all time intervals If the relative load in a time interval = 0, no public
transport partial route is selected.

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Entry link (see “Attributes of PT lines” on page 614)
Vehicle routing decision (see “Attributes of PT partial routing decisions” on page 632)
Link sequence (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
Partial line stops: Attributes of line stops in partial PT route (see “Editing a PT line stop” on
page 620)
Destination link of partial PT route (see “Attributes of links” on page 492)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.

2.15.13 Generating a railway crossing

In the network editor, you can generate a railway crossing on one or more links, including all the
necessary objects and a simple, traffic-actuated control. To do so, on the link with the railway
tracks, define the start and end of the railway crossing for the secondary direction of the 2-stage
controller it is based on. Vissim records the links that cross this section as the main direction.
Roads or railway tracks can be defined as links for the main direction.
Before you confirm creation of the railway crossing, you can adjust the values of relevant
attributes, such as clearance times and the distance of the call detector from the stop line of the
train. When inserting the call detector, Vissim checks the position resulting from this distance. If
the position is not possible due to conflict areas or connectors, Vissim moves the call detector to
the next possible position upstream or downstream.
Once you confirm the definition, Vissim inserts the following objects:


2.15.13 Generating a railway crossing

  A signal controller of the type Railway Crossing in the main direction upstream of the first
crossing link of the railway tracks. Vissim then assigns two signal groups of the type
Normal to this signal controller.
A signal controller on each crossing link of the secondary direction, with a common signal
control. You do not have to program this signal control, as Vissim generates it and assigns
a signal sequence to the signal groups (see “Modeling signal controllers” on page 677).
Standard length signal head to the conflict area 1 m.
A call detector and a checkout detector for the signal heads on each crossing link of the
secondary direction. Standard length detector 2 m. Position checkout detector: 1 m
downstream of the last conflict area.
Conflict areas with Passive status in the node of the main direction and secondary
During the definition of the objects in the network editor, the Short help is displayed, in which the
necessary steps are described. You can show and hide the short help (see “Becoming familiar
with the user interface” on page 97). Generating a railways crossing in the network editor

1. Make sure that the links you want to define for the main direction and the secondary direction
are assigned the required link behavior types and display types. For the secondary direction,
this can be, for example, the display type Rail (road) or Rail (stones).

2. On the network editor toolbar, on the very left, click the Create railway crossing button .
The Create railway crossing window opens and displays the attributes.
3. Make the desired changes:
Long name Short name Description
Minimum MinGreenRail Minimum time during green interval for the railway.
green time rail- Default 5.0 s
Clearance ClearTmRail Time [seconds] that may elapse between the free
Time Rail driving time of the checkout detector and the start of the
green interval for street traffic. Default 0.0 s
Minimum MinGreenRoad Minimum time during green interval for street traffic.
green time Default 5.0 s
Clearance ClearTmRoad All-red duration [s] after the road signal turned red until
time road the rail signal turns green. Default 5.0 s
Call detector - CallDetPosBefStop Distance between the calling detector and the stop line
position of the train Default 200 m
before stop


2.15.13 Generating a railway crossing

If you move the mouse pointer to a link, a circular selection area is displayed around the
mouse pointer.

Depending on the position of the mouse pointer, white markers show the positions of the
beginning of the railway crossing and the signal heads.
4. Go to the link of the secondary direction and click the desired position of the starting point of
the railway crossing.
5. Then go to the link of the secondary direction and click the desired position of the end point of
the railway crossing.
White markers show the positions of the beginning and end of the railway crossing and the
signal heads. Red markers show the positions of the signal heads. The call detector is inserted
in the secondary direction.

6. In the Create railway crossing window, click to confirm.

Tip: Alternatively, you can define the railway crossing manually by following the steps
below and then editing the attributes. Defining an alternate railway crossing in the list

1. On the Signal Control menu, click > Signal Controllers.
The Signal Controllers list opens.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.

2. In the list, on the toolbar, click the Add button .

A new row with default data is inserted.
The Signal Controller window opens.
3. In the Type field, select Railway Crossing .


2.16 Modeling intersection control without SC

4. In the upper section, enter the desired basic attributes (see “Attributes of SC” on page 705).
5. Confirm with OK.
6. Save the network file *.inpx.
You can edit the attributes in the attributes list (see “Attributes of SC” on page 705).
7. Insert a new signal head at the desired position at the railway crossing (see “Defining signal
heads” on page 680).
8. In the attributes of this signal head or the SC Signal Group, select the signal controller of the
type Railway Crossing you defined.
9. Insert a new detector at the desired position of the railway crossing (see “Defining detectors”
on page 695).
10. In the attributes of this detector for the SC, select the signal controller of the type Railway
Crossing you defined.

2.16 Modeling intersection control without SC

You can model the intersection control without SC for non-signalized intersections, branching
links and merging links. Depending on your use case, you can use priority rules, conflict areas or
stop signs in your model.

2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

You can model the priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled by signals by
means of priority rules.

Note: Model the standard priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled
by signals by means of conflict areas (see “Using conflict areas” on page 656). Only use
priority rules, if conflict areas do not produce the desired results and if you have sufficient
experience in modeling with priority rules.

Priority rules for conflicting traffic flows which are not controlled by signals are required in
situations in which vehicles in different links or connectors need to consider each other. You can
also use priority rules to model keeping intersections clear.
Add a priority rule to the marker at which a vehicle or vehicles on another link have to wait.
Vehicles on the same link mutually observe each other. This also applies to links with several
lanes. Therefore you do not require any priority rules.
During simulation, Vissim automatically adds priority rules to parking lots with real parking


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Tip: You can also use priority rules in Viswalk:

For conflicting flows of pedestrians (see “Modeling priority rules for pedestrians” on
page 1096)
For the interaction between vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic (see “Modeling links
as pedestrian areas” on page 1089) Creating priority rules

A priority rule always consists of at least two elements:
  Red bar: Stop line of the traffic which must wait, and therefore the conflicting markers, in the
image below
Green bar: One or more conflicting markers, in the top-right of the image


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Clearance: The clearance states the distance from the conflicting marker (green line) against the
movement direction up to the first vehicle which is moving towards the conflicting marker. If a
vehicle is still within the conflicting marker, the clearance = 0.
If a vehicle travels to a stop line, Vissim checks whether the prescribed value for the minimum
clearance and the minimum time gap upstream of the conflicting markers are present.
If the prescribed values are not present, the vehicle waits until both gaps are sufficiently long.
Min. clearance: For selected priority rules, green triangles in movement direction indicate a
minimum clearance > 0 as distance between the conflict marker and the green triangle:

The green triangle for the min. headway of a conflict marker is not displayed if the min. headway is
The conflict marker (in figures the top green bar on the left) also detects vehicles on all
connectors, which lead upstream of the green bar onto the link. This behavior causes problems if
the waiting vehicle is also detected by the conflict marker, for example if it is in the area of the
clearance of the green bar. To avoid this, always position the green bar on a link upstream of the
end points of the relevant connectors to the link.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Min. Gap Time: The available time gap is the time that the first upstream vehicle will require in
order to reach the green bar of the conflicting marker with its present speed. A vehicle which is
already on the green bar is not taken into account. In a priority rule, the limiting time gap is
specified: The vehicle must wait if the current time gap is less than the value which has been
Depending on the situation which is to be modeled, either the clearance or the limiting time gap is
more important.
  Primarily, vehicles in a flow which has to wait in order to enter a flow which has priority, or
which wish to cross such a flow, are oriented to the time gap.
The clearance is used if it has to be established whether a conflicting vehicle has already
reached a certain location.
As well as this, the relevance depends on the ease of flow of the traffic in the conflicting marker:
  For a normal traffic flow, it is mainly the time gap which is relevant.
In the case of slow-moving traffic and congestion, the clearance is relevant.
In order that a vehicle does not need to stop and wait at a stop line, the conditions for all of the
associated conflicting marker must be fulfilled.
For each red line (conflicting marker) Vissim takes one or several green bars (conflict markers)
into account. Because of this, several different rules may apply for a stop line (red bar).
In the attributes, you may e.g. enter the following data:
  the vehicle classes of vehicles at the stop line
The vehicle classes of the conflicting marker of the vehicle
The maximum speed which a vehicle in the priority flow may still have in order for it to be
recognized as a conflicting vehicle


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Red and green bars for conflicting and conflict markers can be specific to the route or to the traffic
In order to simplify the modeling, both red and green bars may apply for All lanes. It is then
sufficient to insert a single priority rule. If you have to use different attribute values, which are
specific to different traffic lanes, you must define the appropriate number of green bars (conflict

Note: If it appears that vehicles ignore the priority rules, this may be due to the fact that the
priority rules are so defined that vehicles have to wait for themselves or have to wait for
each other. Vissim resolves this deadlock. The vehicle with the longest waiting time may
drive off first.

Examples for behavior at a junction with priority rule

In the following figure, the blue vehicle on the left of the main road is traveling at a speed of 50
km/h (approx.14 m/s) and is 49 m upstream of the conflict marker. The present time gap is 49 m /
14 m/s = 3.5 sec. As the minimum time gap is 3.0 sec, the yellow vehicle at the bottom can enter
from the side road.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

In the following figure, the blue vehicle is still only 28 m from the conflicting marker. The present
time gap is 28 m / 14 m/s = 2 s. As the minimum time gap is 3.0 sec, the yellow vehicle must wait:


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

In the following figure, the front end of the blue vehicle has just traversed the conflict marker.
Therefore, the present time gap is 0 sec. However, the yellow vehicle must wait until the rear edge
of the blue vehicle has completely cleared the conflict area, as the clearance is greater than 0 m.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules Defining priority rules

Add a start section for a priority rule and one or more destination sections on the links concerned:
  Start section (stop line): a priority rule on the conflict link, on which vehicles are required to
One or more destination sections (conflict markers) on the conflict link, on which vehicles
have the right of way. By default, its position is set to 1 to 2 m before the end of the conflict
area. This is where the headway and time gaps must be opposite to the movement direction.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Priority Rules.

2. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on the desired position of the stop line on the conflict
link, on which vehicles should wait.
3. Release the keys.
By default, a purple bar is inserted. If for this start section you want to insert multiple
destination sections, carry out the following steps accordingly. Thereby you can insert a
destination section and subsequently define its attributes.
If you would like to insert a destination section for this start section, execute the next steps only
4. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the first destination
On the edge of the link, which you are pointing to with the mouse pointer, a black arrow is
shown in the direction of travel. A colored bar shows the possible position of the destination
section. Thereby you can select links from the different types of links, which are added in the
next step of the destination section.
5. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on this position.
6. Release the keys.
A green bar is added for the destination section by default. The Priority Rule window opens.
7. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of priority rules” on page 645).
8. If desired, go to the Network Editor to adjust the min. headway (see “Editing the minimum
clearance in the network editor” on page 649).
9. Confirm with OK.
The window closes. The attributes are saved in the list Priority Rules. You can add additional
destination sections in links or stop the addition.
10. If you would like to add additional destination sections, on the desired link, point the mouse
pointer to the desired position of the next destination section, and repeat the steps.
11. If you do not want to add any additional destination sections, in the Network editor, click in an
empty area.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules Attributes of priority rules

The Priority Rule window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to have the
Edit dialog opened automatically after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and action after
creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the Priority Rules list is opened.
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:
  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

A network object may have the following attributes: These can be shown in the attributes list.
Element Description
No. Unique number
Name Description
Elements under the sections Stop line and Conflict marker
Link (all Number of the link, in which the marker is located The marker extends over all
lanes) lanes of the link.
Link - lane Ln: Number of link and number of lane on which the marker is located. The marker
extends over one lanes of the link.
At Coordinate of the position of the priority rule: distance from the bus line to the
beginning of the link or connector


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Element Description
Affected AffectDrivDir: If one of the conflict markers of the priority rule recognizes a
driving dir- conflict, the stop line only causes vehicles to stop that are driving in the selected
ection direction.
Forward (default): Only vehicles moving forwards are recorded from the stop
line on.
Reverse: Only vehicles moving backwards are recorded from the stop line on.
These are vehicles that are reversing out of a parking space (see “Modeling
parking and stopping on the roadside” on page 582).
Vehicle VehClasses: Vehicle classes for which the marker applies. The configuration of
classes the vehicle class of a stop line (red bar) affects all of the associated conflict
markers. In order to define a stop line for other vehicle classes, a new (separate)
priority rule must be added, of which the stop line is at the same position.
Elements that are exclusively shown under Conflict marker.
Stop only Use signal controller condition (UseSCCond): When the option is selected,
if the stop line is only active if the corresponding signal state of the chosen signal
group is active. This is useful for example when all vehicles required to wait should
not observe the vehicles located behind the stop line of a red SC. The other
conditions, e.g. Gap time, Clearance are also taken into account.
Label If the option is not selected, the label for individual Priority Rules is hidden, even
when the label for all Priority Rules is selected.
Elements that are exclusively shown in the Conflict marker section:
Gap time Minimum gap time (MinGapTime) (in seconds) between the conflict marker and
the next vehicle driving towards it. Default 3.0 s
Clearance Minimum clearance (MinClear) (distance in meters) between the conflict marker
and the next vehicle upstream. Default 5.0 m (see “Editing the minimum clearance
in the network editor” on page 649).
Max. Vehicles, which are traveling towards the conflict marker, are only considered for
Speed the clearance condition when their speed is ≤ max. speed.
Look bey- LookBeyRedSig:
ond red If this option is selected, vehicles traveling upstream of a red signal are also
signals observed by the conflict marker.
If the option is not selected, the time gaps and clearances are only checked up
to the Red SC.
Effective Effective driving direction (EffectDrivDir): Only vehicles driving into the chosen dir-
driving dir- ection are recognized by this conflict marker.

1. Confirm with OK.

The network object has additional attributes that you can show in the Attributes list. Among them
are the following for example:


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Element Description
SlowDownDist Slow down distance: Distance from stop line at which pedestrians start to
reduce their speed in order to stop at the stop line. Default 3 m.
GenBy Generated by: Indicates whether the priority rule is user-defined or has been
generated by Vissim.
Default value User: The priority rule has been defined by another Vissim
Parking lot: Only during the simulation run: The priority rule has been
defined by Vissim. Vissim will not generate any priority rules if the link the
vehicle is parked on has several lanes. A conflict marker may have the fol-
lowing values:
<Number of priority rule>: Parking lot <number>: Vehicle pulling
out minds major flow: Priority rule that causes the vehicle pulling out
of the parking lot to stop if there is major flow traffic.
<Number of priority rule>: Parking lot <number>: Major flow
minds vehicle pulling out: Priority rule that causes major flow traffic
to stop, if a vehicle is pulling out of the parking lot.
<Number of priority rule>: Parking lot <number>: Vehicle pulling
in minds vehicle pulling out: Priority rule that causes the vehicle
pulling into the parking to stop and let the vehicle pulling out finish
pulling out.
<Number of priority rule>: Parking lot <number x>: Vehicle
pulling out minds vehicle pulling out of parking lot <number y>:
Priority rule that causes the vehicle pulling out of parking lot x to stop,
while a vehicle is pulling out of parking lot y.

In the Priority rules list, double-click a priority rule to open the Priority rule window:
  Only during a simulation run: For priority rules that Vissim has automatically generated, the
attributes of the stop line are displayed.
For user-defined priority rules, the section on the left displays the attributes of the stop line.
The section on the right displays the attributes of the conflict marker.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Defining the vehicle class” on page 338)
Pedestrian Classes (see “Attributes of pedestrian classes” on page 1046)


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Conflict markers: Attributes of conflict markers, e.g. vehicle classes, gap time, clearance (see
“Attributes of links” on page 492). The attributes are described further above.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Editing the minimum clearance in the network editor

By default, Vissim inserts the clearance 5.0 m upstream of the destination section of the priority
rule, as a green triangle on the link:

You can move the green triangle on the link to edit the value of the minimum clearance attribute.
The green triangle for the min. headway of a conflict marker is not displayed if the min. headway is

Tip: Alternatively, edit the Clearance attribute in the Priority rule window or in the Priority
rules / Conflict markers coupled list.

1. Make sure that in the network editor, you have selected the desired priority rule.
2. Click the green triangle and hold down the mouse button.
3. On the desired link, point the mouse pointer to the new position of your choice.
A window at this position shows the number of the priority rule, the link and the lane as well as
the length of the minimum clearance.
4. Release the mouse button. Examples of priority rules

Examples of using priority rules:
  Intersection with a main road, where vehicles have to wait (see “Priority rule Example 1: Minor
yielding road leading into straight main road” on page 650)
Avoiding queues at an intersection (see “Priority rule Example 2: Avoiding queues at an inter-
section” on page 651)
Dual-lane roundabout with dual-lane entry (see “Priority rule Example 3: Dual-lane round-
about with dual-lane entry” on page 652)


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Priority rule Example 1: Minor yielding road leading into straight main road

1. Position the left red bar (conflicting marker) on the stop line of the yielding road.
2. Position the top green bar (conflict marker) on the main road in movement direction, approx.
1 m upstream of the end of the conflict area.
This makes sure that the min. clearance and min. time gap are checked for the main road only.
You thereby exclude the possibility of a yielding vehicle waiting for itself. So do NOT position
the green bar (conflict marker) on the connector between minor and main road.
3. Confirm the default values: min. clearance = 5 m, min. time gap = 3 s.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Priority rule Example 2: Avoiding queues at an intersection

1. Place the red bar below (conflict marker) on the stop line of the yielding link, upstream of the
2. On the same or the following link, place the top green bar (conflict marker) at a distance of at
least one vehicle length from the intersection.
For a vehicle composition consisting of HGV and cars, a distance could for example be 20 m.
The distance you choose should always account for the real driving behavior in such a
Cars only Additional priority rules for HGV/buses

3. The min. clearance must be at least the distance between the stop line and the conflict marker
(green bar). This way, you avoid that vehicles enter the yellow hatched conflict area as long as
another vehicle is in there.

Note: The min. clearance must not extend beyond the stop line. Otherwise, vehicles will
also brake even if the can cross the stop line.

4. Enter a maximum speed of 10 to 20 km/h.

This avoids possible congestion at the intersection. The value defines the willingness of
drivers to keep the intersection clear. With a max. speed of 20 km/h drivers are more careful
and the intersection is more likely to be kept clear.
5. Enter a time gap of 0 sec.
6. Set the clearance to a value which is slightly lower than the distance between the two markers.
7. For calibration of the model, use the position of the conflict marker and thus either the min.
clearance or speed.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Priority rule Example 3: Dual-lane roundabout with dual-lane entry

To model the entry to a roundabout, you need to specify several priority rules. They all serve
different purposes. Cars, HGV and buses are treated differently on account of their acceleration
capability and vehicle length. These vehicles thus have to be looked at separately.
The priority rules and their purpose are depicted in the following illustrations Step 1 to Step 4. For
better understanding, you can find the numbers in the illustrations in the text. With these you can
assign the associated attributes in the text. The values specified for time gap, clearances, and
max. speed have been determined through research and thus form a realistic modeling basis for
most applications.
Set the priority rules according to the following criteria:
  Position the red bar (stop line) on the stop line of the yielding road. This is the typical waiting
position for vehicles. If more than one green bar (conflict marker) refers to this stop line, sev-
eral green bars must be set instead of separate pairs of priority rules.
Position the green bars which are used for the clearances, just before the connector turns into
the roundabout lane. You thereby exclude the possibility of a yielding vehicle waiting for itself.
Because of this the capacity of the roundabout would be drastically reduced.
Position the green bars used for the time gaps at approximately the same distance from the
conflict area as the respective red bars.

Step 1: Protect lane 1

Firstly, the priority rules for vehicles entering the roundabout from lane 1 are defined.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

All 3 priority rules listed here refer to the same stop line. So this stop line has 3 conflict markers.
Select different positions for the min. time gap and min. clearance. This allows you to model a
more realistic driving behavior: A vehicle driving at least 14 km/h on a roundabout will allow
another vehicle to accelerate into the roundabout, even if it is still in the conflict area. This leads us
to the first two priority pairs (1 and 2). They are valid for all vehicle classes.
No. 1 secures the conflict area during slow moving traffic and congestion on the roundabout (min.
No. 2 provides the conditions for a normal flow of traffic (min. gap time).
As entering vehicles on lane 1 are also affected by traffic on the inner roundabout lane, an
additional priority rule with a small gap time condition (No. 3) is needed for the inner roundabout
lane. This priority rule is also valid for all vehicle classes.

Step 2: Protect the HGVs against entering vehicles

So far, all priority rules have applied for all vehicle classes. When long vehicles on the roundabout
cross the conflict area, it is not enough to take of the vehicles that are slower than 14 km/h. To
prevent vehicles entering the roundabout from laterally colliding with an HGV, an additional
priority rule (No. 4) has to be positioned at the same point as rules 1-3. This priority rule must
account for long, obstructive vehicles only. In our example these are HGV and buses.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules

Now we only need to account for the vehicles that have a lower acceleration capability than cars.
To do so, we use priority rule No. 5. Contrary to the previous priority rules, this rule needs a new,
separate stop line, as it only applies for the vehicle classes HGV and bus. The stop line is
positioned at the same point as rule No. 2. However, a longer gap time of 3.6 s must be specified
for priority rule No. 5.

Step 3: Priority rules for the left incoming lane

As for the right lane, general priority rules are defined for all vehicle classes with help of the min.
time gap and min. clearance. As in this case two lanes need to be taken into account, four priority
pair rules have to be specified: No. 6 and 7 for the outer roundabout lane and No. 8 and 9 for the
inner roundabout lane. All 4 conflict markers refer to the same stop line.
Due to the greater distance to the conflict area, the minimum gap time for the inner roundabout
lane (No. 9) must be slightly higher than for the outer lane.


2.16.1 Modeling priority rules


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Step 4: Priority rules for special vehicle classes

Finally, the priority rules for special vehicle classes are followed: as has already been carried out
for lane 1, long vehicles must first be considered, No. 10 is added additionally for the same
conflicting marker as for Nos. 6-9. HGV and buses entering the roundabout need longer gap
times: No. 11 and 12 are added to a new stop line. Here, too, the time gap for the inner
roundabout lane must be slightly longer than for the outer one.

2.16.2 Using conflict areas

You can use conflict areas that are displayed automatically to model conflicts between vehicles
on two links or connectors via priority rules (see “Defining the right of way at conflict areas” on
page 660).
Use conflict areas instead of priority rules to model the right of way at intersections. Conflict areas
are automatically displayed, are easier to edit and reflect the driving behavior better than priority
rules (see “It is better to use conflict areas than priority rules to model driving behavior.” on page
You can also model conflict areas for the priority rules between vehicles and pedestrians. (see
“Modeling conflict areas for pedestrians” on page 1093).


2.16.2 Using conflict areas Using conflict areas to model conflict types

The following conflict types may occur on a conflict area:
  Crossing: crossing links
Merge: Two connectors lead to the same link or a connector leads to a link with other
upstream traffic.
Branching: Two connectors come off the same link or one connector comes off a link that
continues further downstream for more than 0.5 m.
By default, the attribute Conflict type determined automatically is selected for the conflict area.
This allows Vissim to determine the conflict area for the conflict type (see “Attributes of conflict
areas” on page 661). Displaying conflict areas

On the network object sidebar, click Conflict Areas to automatically show conflict areas in the
network, where two links or two connectors overlap. For each conflict area, you can select the link
that has the right of way. The conflict area may also remain passive and thus without any impact
on the vehicles.
Conflict areas are not inserted in the following cases:
  If the height (z coordinate) of both links or both links and the connector differs more than 1.0 m
in their overlapping area.
If the overlapping is less than or equal to 0.5 m
If at least one of the links ends less than 5 m after the start of the conflict area and no con-
nector begins in it. This does not apply for the following links:
Links which are defined as pedestrian areas (see “Modeling links as pedestrian areas” on
page 1089).
Links with input flows with vehicle compositions which contain vehicle types with the cat-
egory Pedestrians (see “Modeling vehicle compositions” on page 537) It is better to use conflict areas than priority rules to model driving behavior.
Conflict areas allow you to model driving behavior better than with priority rules, as in conflict
areas, drivers plan how to traverse the conflict area:
A yielding driver watches the vehicles in the main flow and then decides when to filter in. He then
plans to accelerate for the next few seconds. Acceleration allows him to pass the conflict area. He
thereby accounts for the traffic downstream from the conflict area. If he knows that he will have to
stop or drive slowly because of other vehicles, he will account for more time to cross the conflict
area or he will decide to wait for longer.
Vehicles in the major flow also react to conflict areas: If a vehicle does not manage to cross the
entire conflict area because the driver has misjudged the situation, the vehicle in the major flow
will brake or even stop. If a queue is forming at a signal control downstream of the conflict area,
the drivers of the vehicles in the major flow try not to stop within the conflict area in order not to


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

block any crossing traffic. The drivers that have the right of way carry out a comparable decision-
making process for crossing the conflict area as the drivers whose vehicles are yielding. Colors indicate the status of conflict areas

The status of conflict areas is displayed in the Conflict Areas list and in the Network editor.
  Green: major flow (right of way)
Red: minor flow (yield)
Both red: for branching conflicts, so that vehicles can "see" each other. There is no inter-
section control, as vehicles simply remain in their original sequence.
Both amber: passive conflict area without intersection control


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

In the Network editor:

Display of different statuses: Driving behavior at conflict areas

The driving behavior of vehicles approaching a conflict area shall produce the maximum capacity
for a minor flow, without affecting vehicles of the major flow. Vehicles in the major flow might be
hindered by vehicles on the merge lane, the smaller the user-defined safety distance factor is.
  A vehicle in a minor flow will calculate whether it will be able to filter into the major flow with
every time step while approaching the conflict area. Thereby safety distances are taken into
account (see “Defining the Wiedemann 74 model parameters” on page 350), (see “Defining
the Wiedemann 99 model parameters” on page 352). If the driver feels there is a large
enough gap in the major flow, he will simply continue to drive. If the gap is too small, the
vehicle will decelerate as if it had to stop in front of the conflict area. This calculation is
repeated with the next time step. So braking is either cancelled or the driver continues driving
and might even accelerate, e.g. when finding a gap in the flow to enter.
A vehicle in the major flow is careful not to collide with any vehicles in the minor flow. If it real-
izes that a vehicle in the minor flow will still be within the conflict area when it arrives there, it
will brake in order to reach the conflict area just after the other vehicle has left it. As decel-
erating causes it to arrive later, it might continue its journey without any further braking in a
later time step and pass right after the vehicle on the minor road.


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

A vehicle in a minor flow will brake before reaching a conflict area, if there is not enough
space downstream of the conflict area to leave it. This means that particularly when there are
several adjacent conflict areas, drivers have to either pass all of them or none, if there is not
enough space for a full vehicle length.
With a conflict area of the conflict type Crossing, a vehicle in the major flow will try to keep the
conflict area clear, if this vehicle belongs to the percentage specified in the Avoid blocking
attribute (see “Attributes of conflict areas” on page 661).

Note: Conflict areas in the conflict cases Merge and Branching are not kept free of
vehicles in the major flow. To keep the major flow free of vehicles, you need to create a
priority rule (see “Priority rule Example 2: Avoiding queues at an intersection” on page

  A vehicle in the minor flow will not enter a conflict area if it has to assume that it will not be able
to leave it before the next vehicle of the major flow arrives. It thereby takes the safety distance
into account (see “Attributes of conflict areas” on page 661)
A vehicle of a minor flow that has already entered a conflict area will always try to leave it,
even if this means that it has to enter another conflict area for which the Gap condition is not
or no longer met.
To avoid a collision, a vehicle may temporarily stop at an intersection within a red conflict
area. If vehicle A recognizes that vehicle B is about to leave a conflict area, vehicle A can wait
within another conflict area, for which it does not have the right of way, until B leaves.
A vehicle waiting in a conflict area uses the next sufficiently large time gap to exit it. This beha-
vior can also occur in a yielding vehicle, when it has to yield to the vehicle with the right of
way. Example: A vehicle in a minor flow wants to turn into the major flow. It is waiting at an
intersection in a conflict area because the vehicle in the major flow has the right of way. The
vehicle in the major flow wants to turn left into the minor flow and is yielding because of oncom-
ing traffic in the conflict area. However, if the time gap for the vehicle in the minor flow is suf-
ficiently large, allowing it turn into the major flow in spite of the two vehicles, it leaves the
conflict area and turns into the major flow. If you want a vehicle to take a clearance into
account, define a priority rule (see “Modeling priority rules” on page 636). Defining the right of way at conflict areas

You can define the priority for conflicting traffic flows at automatically generated conflict areas.
1. On the network object sidebar, click Conflict Areas.
The conflict areas are shown in color in the Network editor. Per default, conflict areas that
have not yet been allocated a right of way are highlighted in yellow.

Note: You can change the setting to where you do not have to press the CTRL key (see
“Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).

2. In the Network Editor, click the conflict area for which you want to define the right of way.
The conflict area is highlighted.


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

3. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click in the Network editor until the desired right of way is
  Green: major flow (right of way)
Red: minor flow (yield)
Both red: for branching conflicts, so that vehicles can "see" each other. There is no inter-
section control, as vehicles simply remain in their original sequence.
Both amber: passive conflict area without intersection control

In the Network editor, the conflict area changes its color. In the Conflict Areas list, the
following attributes are automatically adjusted:
  Link 1 and Link 2 are displayed in the color of the intersection control
Status: right of way and colors
4. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of conflict areas” on page 661).
The attributes are saved in the Conflict Areas list.

Note: Alternatively, right-click in the Network editor and on the shortcut menu, click the
desired intersection control. To do so, you need not select Conflict Areas on the network
object sidebar. The shortcut menu will automatically show the intersection control options
available. Depending on the current right of way of the conflict area, these can be the
Set Status to 2 waits for 1:
Second link is highlighted in red: Minor flow (yield)
First link is highlighted in green: Major flow (right of way)
Set Status to 1 waits for 2:
First link is highlighted in red: Minor flow (yield)
Second link is green: Major flow (right of way)
Set Status to Undetermined: Both links turn red: For branching conflicts, so that
vehicles can "see" each other. There is no intersection control, as vehicles simply
remain in their original sequence.
Set Status to Passive: Both links turn amber: No right of way specified Attributes of conflict areas

The attributes of a conflict area influence the driving behavior of any vehicle approaching the
conflict area. This is why a vehicle may change its intention, and thus its driving behavior, in a
particular traffic situation. The situation arising thereof may differ from the attribute values defined.
This is particularly true for any resulting gaps in front of and behind two vehicles.
In the network objects list of the network object type Conflict Areas, you can edit all attributes
and attribute values of conflict areas (see “Opening lists” on page 135), (see “Selecting cells in
lists” on page 145).


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

1. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
No Unique number
Link1, Link 1, Link 2: Number and name of link with the conflict area
VisibLink1, Visibility link 1, Visibility link 2: Maximum distance at which an
VisibLink2 approaching vehicle can "see" the vehicles on the other link. As long as
a vehicle is on a non-priority link still far away from the conflict area, it
plans to stop as close as possible to it. Avoid values < 1 m to keep the
vehicle moving.
In the Figure, the blue vehicle at the bottom on link 2 has reached the
point from where it can fully "see" past the blue building on link 1 where
the red vehicle is (on the left). This means the visibility for link 2 = dL2.

Status Identification of right of way by colors:

2 waits for 1: Link 1 green - Link 2 red
1 waits for 2: Link 1 red - Link 2 green
Undetermined: Both red for branching conflicts, so that vehicles
can "see" each other. There is no intersection control, as vehicles
simply remain in their original sequence.
Passive: Both amber: passive conflict area without intersection con-
FrontGapDef Front gap (default):
FrontGap For the types Merge and Crossing: Minimum gap time in seconds
between the rear end of a vehicle in the major flow and the front end
of a vehicle in the minor flow. Default 0.5 seconds To adhere to the
minimum gap time, the yielding vehicle slows down as it
approaches the conflict area and stops in front it, as long as the
vehicle that has priority is front of or in the conflict area. Once the
vehicle with the right of way has left the conflict area, the yielding


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Element Description
vehicle can enter it and no longer takes the Front gap into account.
Into the Gaps list on the right, you can enter the minimum gap time
FrontGap per vehicle class.
The figure below shows the current situation (the non-transparent
vehicles - upstream) and the future situation (the semi-transparent
vehicles - upstream). In the future situation, the vehicle in the major flow
has just left the conflict area. Up until this time, the Front gap is
considered the time required by the vehicle in the minor flow to reach
the empty conflict area (in this case: 0.5s)

RearGapDef Rear gap (default): Only for type Crossing:

RearGap Minimum gap time in seconds between the rear end of a vehicle in
the minor flow and the front end of a vehicle in the major flow. This
is the time that must be provided, after a yielding vehicle has left the
conflict area and before a vehicle with the right of way enters it.
Vehicles are perceived within a maximum distance of up to 100 m.
Default 0.5 seconds
Into the Gaps list on the right, you can enter the minimum gap time
per vehicle class.
The figure shows the current situation (vehicles darker in color -
upstream) and the future situation (as light, semi-transparent vehicles -
upstream), once the vehicle in the major flow has reached the conflict
area. The rear gap is evaluated as the time that has elapsed since the
vehicle in the minor flow has left the conflict area (in this case: 0.7s)


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Element Description

MinGapBlockDef Minimum gap blocking (default): Only applies if the attribute Avoid
MinGapBlock blocking the major flow is not selected and thus a yielding vehicle
may enter the conflict area, blocking the major flow:
Default minimum gap time for the yielding vehicle for entry
before the vehicle with the right of way. Minimum gap blocking
(default) is used for all vehicles that are not part of a vehicle
class for which a class-specific gap time has been defined.
Default 3.0 s
Into the Gaps list on the right, you can enter the Minimum gap
blocking per vehicle class.
MesoCriticGap Meso critical gap: Edit this value in the Meso turn conflicts list or in
the coupled list Nodes - Meso turn conflicts (see “Attributes of meso
turn conflicts” on page 958), (see “Attributes of nodes” on page 833).
SafDistFactDef Safety distance factor: only for the type Merge: This factor is
multiplied with the normal desired safety distance of a vehicle in the
major flow in order to determine the minimum distance a vehicle of the
yielding flow must keep when it is completely in the conflict area of type
Into the Gaps list on the right, you can enter the safety distance factor
per vehicle class.
The figure below shows identical situations, but with different factors:
top = 1.0, bottom = 0.5. This is why the blue vehicle (bottom) can still
enter the conflict area, while the red vehicle (top) has to stop.
In the figure, the relevant part of the safety distance is highlighted in


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Element Description
AddStopDist Additional stop distance: only relevant for vehicles or pedestrians
required to wait: Distance in meters where pedestrians or vehicles must
wait upstream of the conflict area if they have to yield the right of way.
As a result, vehicles or pedestrians are required to stop further away
from the conflict area and thus also have to travel a longer distance to
pass this area. Default value 0 m: The stop line position is immediately
upstream of the start point of the conflict area in the direction of travel.
The additional stop distance describes the upstream position on the link
at which the pedestrians or vehicles have to wait if they have to yield the
right of way. You can position the stop line upstream from the regular
stop line of the conflict area.
ObsAdjLns Observe adjacent lanes: If this option is selected, at merging con-
flicts, incoming vehicles of the minor flow that are required to yield will
account for the vehicles in the major flow that want to change to the con-
flicting lane. This option reduces the simulation speed.
AnticipRout Anticipate routes: Percentage of vehicles required to yield that
account for the routes of vehicles with the right of way. These are
approaching with the major flow and will turn further upstream. They will
thus not reach the conflict area. Value between 0 and 1.
AvoidBlockMinor Avoid blocking the minor flow: If a vehicle with the right of way
belongs to the percentage rate selected, it will check the space
available downstream of the conflict area and does not drive into the
conflict area under the following conditions:
when the space available downstream of the conflict area is less
than the total of the individual vehicle length + 0.5 m and the blocking
vehicle is slower than 5 m/s and slower than 75% of its desired speed
when the obstacle is a red signal
AvoidBlockMajor Avoid blocking the major flow
If this option is selected, a yielding vehicle does not enter or stop
within the conflict area, unless it can drive through it in one go. The
option is selected by default. For the yielding vehicle, the attribute
Minimum gap blocking is not taken into account.
If this option is not selected, a yielding vehicle can enter and stop
within the conflict area, even if it cannot drive into the following lane
conflict, as it is blocked by a vehicle that has the right of way. In this
case, the yielding vehicle might block the major flow. For the yield-
ing vehicle, the attribute Minimum gap blocking is taken into


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

Element Description
Example: You are modeling a long conflict area between a vehicle route
and a very wide pedestrian route with many narrow lanes and with a
priority for pedestrians. Deactivate the option to let a vehicle
successively drive into and traverse the lane conflicts without having to
wait for a time when it can drive through the entire conflict area, and
possibly other conflict areas lying close behind it, in one go.

The network object has additional attributes that you can show in the Attributes list. Among them
are the following for example:
Element Description
Conflict type ConflTypDetmAuto:
determined auto-
If this option is selected, Vissim automatically determines the con-
flict type based on whether links intersect or connectors begin or end
on the link.
If this option is not selected, in the Attributes list, in the Conflict
type (manual) column, the text box is no longer hatched and you
can select the conflict type.
Conflict type ConflTypMan: Select conflict type (see “Using conflict areas” on page
(manual) 656):
A conflict type is valid for all lanes of a conflict area. You cannot select
different conflict types within a conflict area.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Defining time gaps [s]
The attributes are described further above. Defining right of way for conflict areas using major flow
Vissim automatically allocates the status Passive to conflict areas (see “Using conflict areas” on
page 656). When you switch to the Insert mode of conflict areas, in the network editor, Vissim
displays passive conflict areas in yellow. You can change this status for any conflict area and thus


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

control the right of way. To make sure that you do not have to do this for each conflict area at each
intersection and/or node separately, you can define the direction of the major flow and thus
change the right of way of conflicting flows in the conflict areas. This sets the status of the conflict
areas along the major flow to green and the conflict areas of the minor flow to red, giving priority to
the link along the major flow, while the minor flow is required to yield. This is also possible for
several consecutive nodes.

Defining conflict areas and/or two stage control

When you define the major flow in the network editor using the following steps, you can specify
whether Vissim should define only the necessary conflict areas, only the two stage control, or the
necessary conflict areas and the two stage control at the node.

Prerequisites for two stage control

To define a two stage control, nodes must be defined at the desired intersections (see “Defining
nodes” on page 832).

Properties of the two stage control

  Vissim inserts a signal head in the node for turns 1 m before the first conflict area.
If the node is a branching, Vissim inserts the signal head upstream of the conflict area of the
junction on the link, but not on specific lanes.
If the area between conflict areas or between conflict areas and incoming or outgoing con-
nectors is shorter than 1 m, Vissim inserts the signal head further upstream.
If Vissim inserts the signal head further upstream so that it is not located within conflict areas,
the signal head can be located directly at the beginning of the conflict area upstream, the dis-
tance of 1 m is not possible.
Vissim inserts signal heads regardless of the status of the conflict areas

Vissim inserts a detector if the turn is not a major flow turn but has a conflict with the major flow.
This also applies at a pedestrian crossing that has a conflict with the major flow. Thus all turns,
which run parallel to the major flow and have no conflict with it, get green at the same time as the
major flow. The detector is 2 m long on a link for vehicles. The detector is 1 m long on a link for
which the as pedestrian area attribute is selected. Vissim inserts the detector on the same link
as the corresponding signal head.
  For a branching, if the To-link and the From-link of the connector overlap, set the Conflict
type (manual) attribute to Branching for these conflict areas and deactivate the Conflict
type determined automatically attribute.
If a signal head is moved upstream because it would be located within one or more conflict areas,
e.g. branchings, no minimum distance of 1 m between signal head and conflict area applies in this
case. The signal head can then be located directly at the beginning of the conflict area starting
further upstream.
During the definition of the objects in the network editor, the Short help is displayed, in which the
necessary steps are described. You can show and hide the short help (see “Becoming familiar
with the user interface” on page 97).


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

1. On the Network editor toolbar, click the Conflict areas button.

The conflict areas are displayed in color in the Network Editor. Per default, conflict areas that
have not yet been allocated a right of way are highlighted in yellow.

2. On the network editor toolbar, on the very left, click the Define major flow button .
If you move the mouse pointer to a link or connector, a circular selection area is displayed
around the mouse pointer.

  You can hold down the SHIFT key, rotate the mouse wheel, and change the size of the cir-
cular selection area.

The symbol to the right, below the mouse pointer, indicates that you can select the
starting point of the major flow on a link or connector.
The Define major flow section is displayed in the upper left corner of the Network Editor.
You can rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
3. In the Define major flow section, click the desired option:
  Set conflict areas
Create Two Stage Controller
4. If you have selected Create Two Stage Controller or Both, in the Define major flow section,
check the attributes and adjust them to your planning requirements:
Element Description
MinGreenMajor Minimum green time major flow: Minimum green time for the major
flow. Only valid for certain SC types. Default: 5.0
MinGreenMinor Minimum green time minor flow: Minimum green time for the minor
flow. Only valid for certain SC types. Default: 5.0
ClearTmMajor Clearance time major flow: Waiting time after green of the signal group
for the major flow before a conflicting signal group gets green. Default:
ClearTmMinor Clearance time minor flow: Waiting time after green of the signal group
for the minor flow before a conflicting signal group gets green. Default:


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

5. Move the mouse pointer to the position upstream of the conflict areas of the link or connector in
order to define the starting point of the major flow.
Green start sections are displayed on the links and connectors that lie within the circular
selection range. Here you can start to define the major flow.
6. Click the desired position.
7. Point to the position on the link or connector where you want to end the definition of the major
There can be several successive links and connectors and several nodes between the start
and destination section of the major flow. A green ribbon indicates the major flow.
8. Click the position on the link or connector where you want to end the definition of the major
The conflict areas in the area of the major flow are hatched in color:
  Green: major flow (right of way)
Red: minor flow (yield)

If connectors for left-turners end downstream of connectors for right-turners, individual conflict
areas may still have the status Passive.
The symbol to the right below the mouse pointer indicates that you can end the definition of
the major flow.
If the green ribbon of the major flow passes through a Nodes network object, all conflict areas,
that lie within this node or start or end here, will be taken into consideration.
9. If you do not want to change the status for all conflict areas of such a node, but only for the
conflict areas that are within the green ribbon, hold down the CTRL key and click theNode
network object.
The conflict areas outside the green ribbon are displayed in yellow showing their Passive
You can perform the following step more than once.
10. If you want to include conflict areas that are not located in a Node network object, move the
mouse pointer so that the conflict areas are located in the circular selection area and click.

11. In the Define major flow section, click .

The hatching is removed. In the Conflict areas list, the status of the conflict areas and the
colors in the columns Link 1 and Link 2 are adjusted accordingly.
If the major flow uses turning links and connectors, the following applies:
  If the conflict area includes more than two turns and Vissim calculates a different status for
them, Vissim the status is set to Passive. The following applies for a junction’s conflict
area: If one of the two link segments of the conflict area are part of the major flow, the link
of this link segment has priority (green).


2.16.2 Using conflict areas

If a conflict area applies to several turns that allow different right-of-way rules and/or the
right of way cannot be clearly allocated, Vissim gives advanced warning. In the Messages
window, you can view the warnings for the conflict areas affected.
12. Check the status of the conflict areas and select the desired status. Check the following
Left-turns change from a minor flow onto the left lane of a major flow link, right turns coming
from the opposite direction of the minor flow change onto the right lane of the multi-lane link.
The major flow running straight from left to right has priority. Example:

Left turns drive from a minor flow onto a lane of a major flow, right turns coming from the
opposite direction of the minor flow drive onto the same lane. The major flow running straight
from left to right has priority. Example:

Right turns coming from a major flow cross a parallel running major flow (e.g. vehicle crosses
a cycle path). The major flow running parallel and straight from left to right also has priority.


2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters

2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters

Model stop signs on access roads to intersections with a combination of right-of-way control and
stop sign.
Priority rules account for conflicting traffic as well as for the min. clearance and min. gap time.
Stop signs, however, make vehicles stop for at least one time step, independent of whether there
is conflicting traffic or not.
Conflict areas also take desired acceleration, maximum acceleration as well as the vehicle length
of the two vehicles in both streams into account and reflect the driving behavior better than priority
rules (see “It is better to use conflict areas than priority rules to model driving behavior.” on page
Toll counters are a variant of stop signs that are additionally assigned a dwell time distribution
Stop signs can be used for the following modeling scenarios:
  Regular stop sign: You need to define a stop sign and a priority rule. Position the stop sign
at the same position as the stop line (red) of the priority rule (see “Modeling priority rules” on
page 636).
Signal controller with turn on red: Right turns are allowed in spite of a red signal. In the
Green arrow tab, select Only on red, to enable the stop sign only when the selected signal
group of the selected SC indicates red.
Toll counter, e.g. customs office or toll gate: Vehicles stop according to the time distribution
defined in the attribute DwellTmDistr (Dwell time distribution). On the Time Distribution
tab, select Use time distribution (UsesDwellTmDistr).


2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters Defining stop signs and toll counters

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

1. On the network object sidebar, click Stop Signs.

2. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on the desired position of the stop sign in the link or the
A colored bar is added. The window Stop Sign opens.
3. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of stop signs and toll counters” on page 672).
4. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the list Stop Signs. Attributes of stop signs and toll counters

The Stop Sign window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to have the
Edit dialog opened automatically after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and action after
creating an object” on page 195).
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:
  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).


2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters

The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

Basic attributes of stop signs

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
Element Description
No. Unique number
Name Designation
Element Description
Link - Number of the link and lane, on which the stop sign is located.
At Pos: Distance from the beginning of link or connector
Showing If the option is not selected, the label for the individual stop sign is hidden, even
label when the label for all stop signs is selected.

RTOR tab
The tab contains, amongst others, the following attributes:


2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters

Element Description
Connected with SC Number of signal controller and number of signal number group in which
- signal group the green shall be displayed.
Right turn on red: defines a green arrow symbol 720 (see “Using stop
signs for right turning vehicles even if red” on page 675)

Time Distribution tab

In the Time Distribution tab, you can use dwell time distributions to define toll counters as a
variant of stop signs.
The tab contains, amongst others, the following attributes:
Element Description
Use time dis- Uses dwell time distributions (UsesDwellTmDistr): Select wait time at toll
tribution counters:
If the option is selected, under each vehicle class a time distribution (see
“Using time distributions” on page 301) can be allocated in the list.
All vehicles of a vehicle class, which use a time distribution, adhere to their
corresponding, chosen time distributions.
Vehicles without allocated distributions stop for one time step.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.


2.16.3 Modeling stop signs and toll counters

The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click > Dwell time distributions.
The attributes are described further above.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Using stop signs for right turning vehicles even if red
You can also set stop signs to model the behavior for turning, even if red at sign 720 green arrow
(according to StVO German Traffic Code).
  Special right-turn only lanes: The stop sign must be placed on the right turn lanes. Addi-
tionally, a signal head can be placed on the lane and for a vehicle type, for example, a tram or
a pedestrian can be selected. Thereby the turning vehicle in the lane is not affected, but the
state of the signal is visible.
Combined right turning and straight lanes: If the option is selected, the stop sign must be
placed on the connector for right turns. This makes the stop sign only visible for turning
vehicles. The signal heads are placed at the same positions, however, it would be better to
place them on the link rather than on the connector. The signal head controls the traffic driving
The image shows:
  Five signal heads: (dark) red bars at the top, on first three lanes on the left, and at the bottom
Two stop signs: bright (orange) bars on the left, separate turning lane and on the bottom, right
combined turning lane


2.16.4 Merging lanes and lane reduction

1. On the network object sidebar, click Stop Signs.

2. In the Network editor, right-click the desired position of the link.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Add New Stop Sign.
The window Stop Sign opens.
4. Select the RTOR tab.

5. Select the option Only on Red.

6. Select the SC and the signal group.
7. Confirm with OK.
The stop sign is only active during the red phase of the allocated signal control.

2.16.4 Merging lanes and lane reduction

To model driving behavior at acceleration lanes and lane reduction, it is best to define links as
merging lanes.
  Make sure the weaving section is a link with the following properties:
Number of lanes = Number of lanes on main link + number of merging lanes
  Make sure that after the weaving section there is only one connector to the main link. For a
realistic graphical representation, add a dummy link at the end of the merging lane. This will
make reduction of the lanes less abrupt. Do not use a connector for this link.


2.17 Modeling signal controllers

Make sure the through traffic is following a route, so that it does not switch to an acceleration
lane. This route must end no sooner than on the link after the merging lane. Downstream of
the merging lane, the value of the Lane change attribute (Lane change distance) of the con-
nector must be larger than the weaving section length (see “Attributes of connectors” on page
506). If this is not the case, a vehicle on the main link may change to the acceleration lane and
thus to the weaving section. It will then need to change back to the main link. This kind of beha-
vior produces unrealistic lane changes.
The routes of the merging traffic must not end at the weaving section, but extend beyond it. If
not, the interweaving traffic will not know that it needs to change lanes before the end of the
merging lane in order to get on the main link.

Example of a one-lane link merging into a three-lane link.

Merging section in normal display mode:

Merging section in wireframe display mode:

2.17 Modeling signal controllers

You can define signal controllers (SCs) for the following types of signal control procedures:


2.17.1 Fixed-time control and traffic-actuated controls with data files

2.17.1 Fixed-time control and traffic-actuated controls with data files

  Use signal controller Balance-Central (see “Using Balance-Central signal controllers” on
page 713)
Econolite ASC/3 (for North America only) (see “Add-on module Econolite ASC/3” on page
Use signal controller Epics/Balance-Local (see “Using Epics/Balance-Local signal con-
trollers” on page 714)
The SC type External allows you to access dialog DLL files and user-defined program DLL
files for control (see “Add-on module external signal control SC” on page 716)
Fixed time, with add-on module Vissig (see “Using SC type Fixed time” on page 708)
Fourth Dimension D4 (for North America only) (see “Add-on module Fourth Dimension” on
page 718)
LISA+ OMTC (see “Add-on module LISA+ OMTC” on page 719)
McCain 2033 (for North America only) (see “Add-on module McCain 2033” on page 719)
Ring Barrier Controller (for North America only) (see “Add-on module RBC (Ring Barrier
Controller)” on page 720)
SCATS (Australia) (see “Add-on module SCATS” on page 735)
SCOOT (see “Add-on module SCOOT” on page 736)
Siemens VA (Siemens-VS-PLUS, TL, PDM-C by Siemens AG, Munich) (see “Add-on mod-
ule Siemens VA (TL / Siemens VS-PLUS)” on page 738)
TRENDS (see “Using add-on module TRENDS” on page 738)
VAP (vehicle-actuated signal control, freely programmable logic according to RiLSA 1992,
guidelines for signal controllers in Germany) (see “Add-on module Traffic-dependent VAP Pro-
gramming” on page 740)
VS-Plus (Rudolf Keller AG, Basel) (see “Add-on module VS-Plus” on page 742)
For the signal control procedures Fixed time control, Epics Balance/Local and External, you
can use the add-on module Vissig to define and configure signal groups. The Network editor
allows you to add signal heads to the Vissim network. You assign each signal head a signal group
of your choice.

Notes: You are provided with the DLL files for external signal controllers in a 64-bit Vissim
edition according to the 64-bit license purchased.
If your license includes the SC type External, you need to compile the DLL files according
to your 64-bit Vissim version.
Vissim only allows you to access data of an external signal controller, if you have saved
the network file. This way, it is made sure that the controller files and the network file*.inpx
are saved to the same directory.

2.17.2 Traffic-actuated controls without data files

You can define signal controllers (SCs) for the following types of traffic-actuated signal control
procedures without having to provide data files. This enables you to create simple traffic-actuated


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

signal controls without having to program the necessary run control yourself:
  Pedestrian crossing (see “Defining pedestrian crossing” on page 791)
Railway crossing (see “Generating a railway crossing” on page 633)
2-Stage Controller (see “Using 2-stage controllers” on page 745)
Vissim automatically creates two signal groups for these types of signal control procedures:
  Default signal group for the major flow
Calling signal group for pedestrians, railways or minor flows: A call detector port number
needs to be allocated. For the Railway Crossing type, you will also have to allocate a
checkout detector port number.

Signal state sequence of the standard signal group and the calling signal
  Standard signal group: steady green signal, as long as there is no call from the call
detector of the calling signal group.
If there is a call for service, the standard signal group changes to red by taking into
account its minimum green time.
After the clearance time of the standard signal group has elapsed, the calling signal group
changes to green. The calling signal group turns amber or red-amber, if times are set
After the minimum green time of the calling signal group has elapsed, it changes to red.
After the clearance time of the calling signal group has elapsed, the standard signal group
turns green.

2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

Signal groups are the smallest control unit belonging to a controller device assigned a unique SC
number in Vissim. You can assign an LSA up to 125 signal groups, depending on its control logic.
As signal groups are not visible in reality, Vissim also distinguishes between signal heads and
signal groups. A signal group can be assigned to several signal heads that always show the same
Vehicles approaching a red signal will stop at a standstill distance in front of the signal controller
(see “Editing the driving behavior parameter Following behavior” on page 343) .. The default
standstill distance is 0.5 m.
Vehicles approaching an amber signal will cross the intersection if they cannot come to a safe
standstill at the stop line.
Optionally, you can select a method that calculates the probability of the vehicle stopping or
continuing. For this calculation, three driving behavior parameters are required (see “Defining
driving behavior in a driving behavior parameter set” on page 339).
By default, signal groups and thus all signal heads are updated at the end of every simulation
second. If you have specified more than 1 time step per simulation second, signal groups are not
switched at each time step. This means that in the network display, each signal header will show a


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

picture that vehicles on its link will respond to in the next time step. Depending on the signal
header type, switching is also possible every 1/10 s.
Signal headers allow you to model all common situations with precision. This includes different
types of signal groups for several vehicle types on one lane. For instance, for a bus with its
separate signal phases, driving on a mixed lane, select the vehicle class of your choice for each
signal head.

Note: For any SC with conflicting traffic that is allowed to drive at the same time, you need
to define priority rules (see “Creating priority rules” on page 637). Defining signal heads

In the network, you may position signal heads at the stop line accurate to lane level. In Vissim,
signal heads are displayed as red lines per default. To model 3D traffic signals realistically for a
simulation, including the display options for mast, arm, 3D signal head, sign and light, define 3D
traffic signals (see “Modeling 3D traffic signals” on page 685).
1. Ensure that a SC with signal groups is defined (see “Defining SC and signal control
procedures” on page 704).

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

2. On the network object sidebar, click Signal Heads.

3. Hold down the CTRL key and right-click on the desired position of the signal head in the link.
A colored bar is added. The Signal Head window opens.
4. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of signal heads” on page 680).
5. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the list Signal Heads. Attributes of signal heads

The Signal Heads window opens when you insert a network object and have selected to have the
Edit dialog automatically opened after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and action after
creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the Signal Heads list is opened.
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

1. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
No. Unique number
Name Designation
Link Link for which the signal head has been defined
Lane Ln: Number of lane to which you have added the signal head.
At Position (Pos): Distance from start of the link or connector
SC - signal Number and name of respective signal controller SC and respective signal
group group SG
Type Display of the signal head in 3D animation during a simulation run or test run:
Left arrow
Right arrow
Invisible: Hides the signal heads (in 2D mode as well).


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

Element Description
If the normal signal group of an arrow signal head has the signal state Red or
Off and an Or signal group is defined for this signal head, the signal state or
the Or signal group is shown as a bar without an arrow. This also applies if the
normal signal group is yellow and the Or signal group is red-amber or
Or signal OrSG: Is the Or Sig.gr. option: Second signal group which shall influence
group this signal head. Such a signal head shows exactly in green if at least one or
both signal groups are green. Shows the first signal group in red, shows the
signal group the picture of the second signal group, also in amber or red-
amber. For the display of signal states of both individual signal groups, a
short link with a signal head on both signal groups can be created next to the
SC: Number of SC or the Or signal group
Signal group: Number of Or signal goup
You can use the Or signal group to model vehicles turning right with green
right arrows, which are indicated by their own signal group before and
afterwards and by a circular symbol during the actual phase as contractually
stipulated. Define two signal heads on different links:
a signal head for vehicles traveling straight ahead;
a signal head for vehicles turning right. This must be located on a con-
nector not used by vehicles traveling straight ahead. In the signal group of
the green arrow for vehicles turning right, enter the signal group of the
vehicles traveling straight ahead as an Or signal group.
Compliance ComplRate: Every vehicle and every pedestrian has an individual random
rate number. This number is between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%) and is evenly
distributed. If this random number is greater than the compliance rate of a
signal head, the vehicle or the pedestrian will ignore the respective signal
Minimum value: 0.0 = 0%
Maximum value: 1.0 (default value) = 100%
If the compliance rate is below 100%, use conflict areas to model intersection
control (see “Using conflict areas” on page 656).
Discharge DischRecAct: If this option is selected, the vehicles of this signal head
record area are taken into account in the discharge record (see “Saving discharge
active record to a file” on page 1246).
Block signal Is block signal (IsBlocksig): Selecting this option defines the signal head
as a block signal (see “Modeling railroad block signals” on page 794). The
fields SC, Signal group and Or signal group are deactivated.


2.17.3 Modeling signal groups and signal heads

Element Description
Amber Block signal amber speed (vAmberBlock): Speed assigned to a train
speed when it travels past the block signal and the state of the block signal is Amber
(see “Modeling railroad block signals” on page 794).
The Block signal option must be selected. Default value 0 km/h.
Label If this option is not selected, the label for the signal head is hidden if the
label for all signal heads is selected.
Vehicle VehClasses: Vehicle classes for which the signal head is valid. For example,
classes you can define a separate signal for buses on a link, which should be ignored
by private transportation.
The option All Vehicle Types is a virtual vehicle class that automatically
includes all new vehicle types and vehicle types that have not been assigned
a vehicle class yet.
Pedestrian PedClasses: If the signal head is defined on a link for which the attribute Is
classes pedestrian area is selected: For the simulation of pedestrians, the
pedestrian classes that are valid for the signal head.
Slow down SlowDownDist: In list only: Distance from stop line at which pedestrians start
distance to reduce their speed in order to stop at the stop line. Default 3 m.
Lane width LnWid: only in the list: Width of the lane at the position of the marker of the
signal head
Rotation RotAngle: only in the list: Horizontal rotation angle of the link segment for
angle which the signal head is defined

2. Confirm with OK.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Defining the vehicle class” on page 338)
Pedestrian Classes (see “Attributes of pedestrian classes” on page 1046)
The attributes are described further above.
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Zooming into signal heads and detectors of an SC

In the Network Editor you can enlarge an area that contains signal heads and detectors of an SC.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

1. On the Signal Control menu, click Signal Controllers.

The Signal Controllers table is opened.
2. Right-click the entry of your choice.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Zoom.

2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

In a 3D simulation, you can model 3D traffic signals realistically due to the extensive display
options for mast, signal arm, signal head, sign and light. Defining 3D traffic signals

In the Network editor, you can define network objects of the network object type 3D Traffic
Signals in 2D mode and in 3D mode (see “Defining a 3D traffic signal in the Network editor” on
page 685).
Other signal heads may only be defined in 2D mode (see “Defining signal heads” on page 680).
In 2D mode, you can add a 3D signal head to a signal head in the Network editor (see “Adding a
new 3D signal head for signal head” on page 688). Defining a 3D traffic signal in the Network editor

1. On the network object sidebar, click 3D Traffic Signals.

You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).

2. In the network editor, hold down the CTRL key and right-click the position where you want to
add the 3D traffic signal.
The 3D Traffic Signal window opens. In the window, add an arm, a signal head, a sign and/or
light to the signal mast. Then arrange the objects and edit their attributes (see “Attributes of 3D
traffic signals” on page 688). The 3D Traffic Signal window contains the following sections:
  Section on the left: default entry Signal mast. If you have added an arm, signal head, sign, or
light to the signal mast, this is indicated below it. The number added to the name facilitates the
identification of the element.
3D view in the middle: displays a preview of the signal mast with the elements added. Above
the 3D view, you will find a toolbar with functions that allow you to edit the elements.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

Section on the right: If an element has been selected in the section on the left or in the pre-
view, the attributes of this element are displayed here (see “Attributes of 3D traffic signals” on
page 688).
The figure shows the 3D Traffic Signal window, displaying a signal mast with an arm, three
signal heads and a traffic sign. Several attributes of these elements were edited. The signal
head at the signal arm is selected. On the toolbar, you have enabled the Move button.

Adding arms, signal heads, signs, or street lights

You can align one or several of these elements with the signal mast and edit their attributes. If you
add an arm, you can align one or multiple elements with it.
1. In the section on the left, click Signal mast.
The symbols above the left section are enabled. You can select one symbol at a time.
2. If you have already added an arm and would like to align an element with it, in the section on
the left, below the Signal mast <No>, click the SignalArm <No>.
3. On the toolbar, click the button of your choice.


Signal head


Street light

The element is inserted and activated in the preview.

The attributes are saved in the 3D Traffic Signals list.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

In the 2D mode, in the Network Editor, the contour or outline of the 3D model is displayed.

Element Description
Square 3D traffic signal not selected: green with a red circle in the
inner square
3D traffic signal selected: dark blue in 2D mode
3D traffic signal selected: light blue in 3D mode
Circle Mast
Red line Direction and length of signal arm
Blue arrows on the signal Signal Heads
Navy blue circles In 2D mode: Signal head directly on the mast

In the 3D mode, in the Network Editor, the 3D model is displayed and selected.

Zooming into the 3D view

  Enlarging the view: Rotate the mouse wheel forward.

Minimizing the view: Rotate the mouse wheel backward.

Editing elements in the 3D view

Functions available on the toolbar (see “Editing 3D traffic signals” on page 692):


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

Deleting arms, signal heads, signs, or street lights

1. In the section on the left, under Signal mast, click the SigalArm <No>, Signal head <No>,
Traffic sign <No>, or Street light <No> of the element you want to delete.

2. On the toolbar, click the button.

3. Confirm with OK.

Adding a new 3D signal head for signal head

You can define a 3D traffic signal at the marker of signal head, once the signal head has been
defined in the Network editor (see “Adding a new 3D signal head for signal head” on page 688). Adding a new 3D signal head for signal head

You can define a 3D traffic signal at the marker of signal head, once the signal head has been
defined in the Network editor.
1. Make sure you selected the 2D mode.
2. In the Network editor, right click the marker of the desired signal head.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Add New 3D Signal Head for Signal Head.
The Add 3D Signal Head window opens.
  If no 3D traffic signal has been defined yet, only options for adding a new 3D signal head
are enabled in the window.
If a 3D traffic signal has already been defined, the window displays the possible options
activated, as well as the numbers of existing masts and arms.
4. Make the desired changes.
5. Confirm with OK.
The 3D Traffic Signal window opens.
6. Make the desired settings (see “Attributes of 3D traffic signals” on page 688), (see “Editing 3D
traffic signals” on page 692).
7. Confirm with OK.
In the Network editor, the new 3D traffic signal is placed at the marker of the signal head. You can
move the 3D traffic signal to the position of your choice. Attributes of 3D traffic signals

The 3D Traffic Signal window opens automatically when you insert a network object and have
selected to automatically open the Edit dialog after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and
action after creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the 3D Traffic Signals list is opened.
Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

1. In the preview, click the desired element or in the section on the left, click the desired entry
Signal mast., SigArms <No>, Signal head <No>, Sign <No>, or Light <No>.
In the preview, the element is selected. In the section on the right, the Properties are
2. Make the desired changes:
Mast Description
Type Mast style (MastStyle): Surface of the mast
Height Vertical length of the mast, default 3,000 m
Diameter MastDiam: Mast diameter, default 0.14 m
Color Click in the box to define or select a color.
Relative pos- Moves mast towards the x axis of the insert position. Negative values move
ition (x) the mast to the left. The value used is expressed in the Network Editor, in 2D,
by the extent to which the green diamond is moved from the blue square.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

Mast Description
Relative pos- Moves mast towards the y axis of the insert position. Negative values move
ition (y) the mast to the front. The value used is expressed in the Network Editor, in
2D, by the extent to which the green diamond is moved from the blue square.
Relative pos- Moves the mast vertically. Negative values move the mast downwards.
ition (z)
PosZOffset Position (z-offset): Base height of the mast foot, for example, > 0 for a mast
on a bridge
Scale Zooms in or out of the 3D model in the Network Editor, default value 1000

Arm Description
Type Basic: vertical tube without diagonal frame
Double framed (down): vertical tube with diagonal frame that runs from the
end of the arm, diagonally downward to the signal mast
Double framed (up): vertical tube with diagonal frame that runs from the
end of the arm, diagonally upward to the signal mast
Flipped Select this option if you want the arm to face right.
Deselect this option if you want the arm to face left.
Length Default 5,000 m

Signal Description
Type Private transport (vertical)
Private transport (horizontal)
Public Transport
Depending on the Type, in the Layout list, you can select different layouts for
signal heads. These are sorted according to the number of fields.
Layout From a list of defined signal groups, select a signal group for the desired
direction of travel. You can also define a layout that has a counter (see
“Defining layouts with counters” on page 692).


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

Traffic sign Description

Shape Geometric shape
Width Length of the longest horizontal expansion of the shape, default 1000 m
Height Length of the longest vertical expansion of the shape, default 5000 m
Inner area For traffic signs with a frame: horizontal expansion of the inner area width,
width default 0.950 m
Inner area For traffic signs with a frame: vertical expansion of the inner area width,
height default 0.950 m
Inner area Moves inner areas towards the x-axis, default 0.025 m
position (x)
Inner area Moves inner areas towards the y-axis, default 0.025 m
position (y)
Inner area Moves inner areas vertically, default 0.025 m
position (z)
Texture Select a graphics file with texture for display. By default, the directory
..\Exe\3DModels\Textures\Signs of your Vissim installation is opened.
Border Color Click in the box to define or select a color.
Background Click in the box to define or select a color for the inner area.

Street light properties Description

Length Default 3,000 m
Flipped Select this option if you want the streetl ights to face right.
Deselect this option if you want the street lights to face left.

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Signal arms: Signal arms assigned using the Add Arm button
Signal heads: Signal heads assigned using the Add Signal button
Streetlights: Streetlights assigned using the Add Light button
Traffic signs: Traffic signs assigned using the Add Sign button
The attributes are described further above.
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

3. Enter the desired data.

The data is allocated. Defining layouts with counters

By default, counters show the current remaining red and green times of a signal group within a
cycle for fixed time controllers. Counters assigned to a 3D signal head with a flashing hand or
Don't Walk sign indicate the remaining time of the flashing signal. This corresponds to amber
Counters can also be used in combination with signals for the desired vehicle type. Counters are
activated as soon as they are linked to a signal group.
Counters have the following properties:
  The counter is red as long as the signal group is red or red/amber.
The counter is green as long as the signal group is green, but not if it is flashing green, for
The counter is disabled (dark) during all other states of a signal group, for example,
amber, flashing red, flashing amber, flashing green.
The red and green times displayed (start times of the counter) result from the times of the
last red or green phase of the signal group. Thus the red/amber state also belongs to the
red phase. The counter therefore always starts with the value of the last duration of the
respective state. The counter is not enabled if the duration was zero.
Counters do not work correctly if more than one red or green phase is defined within a
cycle, for example, with a double throw, because a counter then also starts with the dur-
ation of the last green or red phase.

In the first and second cycles after the start of the simulation, counters may display no
values or incorrect values because a counter uses the respective value of the duration
of a state from the previous cycle. This also applies to the first and second cycle after
each signal program change.
Only use counters with a fixed time controller. If you use counters with a traffic-depend-
ent signal control, the counters display incorrect times due to the unforeseeable red
and green times. Editing 3D traffic signals

You can move and rotate 3D traffic signals in 2D mode in Network Editors.
You can edit 3D traffic signals in 2D mode and 3D mode in the 3D Traffic Signal window.

Editing a 3D traffic signal in 2D Mode

In 2D mode, the mast, signal arm, signal head, sign and light are represented by various symbols
(see “Modeling 3D traffic signals” on page 685). You can select and move these symbols in the
Network Editor.


2.17.4 Modeling 3D traffic signals

1. In the Network Editor, click with your mouse on the symbol of the component, hold down the
mouse button and drag the cursor to the desired position.
2. Release the mouse button.

Editing a 3D traffic signal in the 3D Traffic Signal window

1. In the Network editor, double-click the desired 3D traffic signal.
The 3D Traffic Signal window opens. The 3D traffic signal and its components are displayed
in the Preview window.
2. In the Preview window, click the component of your choice.
3. On the toolbar, click the desired function and execute it in the Preview window:

Toolbar Function Key

Click the component.

The component is selected.

1. Next to the selected component, click the blue, green or red
arrow and hold the mouse button down.
2. Move the component in the desired direction:
blue arrow: moves the component vertically
green arrow: moves the component forward or back-
red arrow: moves the component horizontally
1. Click the blue or red ring next to the selected component.
The ring becomes brighter.
2. Click the component, hold down the mouse button, and
rotate the component in the desired direction:
blue ring: rotates the component horizontally
red ring: rotates the component vertically
1. Next to the selected component, click on one of the brown
The cuboids are displayed brighter.
2. Click the component, keep the mouse button held down, and


2.17.5 Using detectors

drag the component in the desired direction:

upwards: reduces the component
downwards: enlarges the component
Reset view
Reset magnification and alignment to default in Preview window
Synchronization: Auto zoom
Display the selected 3D traffic signal centered in the Preview
window and select a large enough section to display all the
selected components.
Enlarge or reduce view in the Preview window PAGE UP
Move view upwards in the Preview window E or F
Move view upwards in Preview window, small step I
Move the view downwards in the Preview window Q or R
Move view to the left in the Preview window D

Move view to the right in the Preview window A

Reduce view in the Preview window (zoom out) Rotate S or

scroll wheel
Enlarge view in Preview preview window (zoom in) Rotate F or
scroll wheel
Rotate view to the left in Preview window J

Rotate view downwards in Preview window K

Rotate view to the right in Preview window L

Save settings and close 3D Traffic Signal window O

The changes are displayed in the 3D Traffic Signal window.

3. Confirm with OK.

2.17.5 Using detectors

You can use detectors to record vehicles or pedestrians for vehicle-actuated signal controls.
A detector must be assigned to the desired SC and can be limited to the PT lines of your choice
(see “Attributes of detectors” on page 695).


2.17.5 Using detectors

To record traffic volumes in your Vissim network, use data collection points and evaluate them
with data collection measurements (see “Defining data collection points” on page 531) , (see
“Evaluating data collection measurements” on page 1299). Using detectors to record vehicles

In order to record vehicles for traffic- actuated signal control, various types of detectors are
deployed, such as induction loops, infra-red sensors, pedestrian push buttons, overhead wire
contacts, point-blocking circuits or reporting points for radiotelegrams.
In Vissim you model detectors of a specific length as network objects on links (see “Defining
detectors” on page 695). A message impulse is then transmitted to the signal controller as soon
as the front of a vehicle reaches the detector. Another impulse is transmitted as soon as the tail of
the vehicle leaves the detector. These message impulses are interpreted by signal control logic
and converted into appropriate switching signals for control. The detector detects platooning
vehicles as individual vehicles. Using detectors to record pedestrians

Vissim recognizes pedestrians on pedestrian links by means of detectors. If a pedestrian leaves a
pedestrian link or enters a free pedestrian link, Vissim detects this at the end of a SC time step.
The change from occupied to vacant or vacant to occupied are transmitted to the control logic
as the front ends and rear ends. If you have selected a sound file, it is started when the first
pedestrian arrives at an empty detector. Defining detectors

You must have defined at least one SC (see “Defining SC and signal control procedures” on page
1. On the network object sidebar, click Detectors.
2. With the mouse pointer, point to the position in the link at which the detector is to begin.
3. Hold down the CTRL key and the right mouse button, and drag the pointer to the desired end
4. Release the keys.
The detector is added. The Detector window opens.
5. Edit the attributes (see “Attributes of detectors” on page 695).
6. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved in the Detectors list. Attributes of detectors

The Detectors window opens automatically when you insert a network object and have selected
to automatically open the Edit dialog after object creation (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195). By default, only the Detectors list is opened.


2.17.5 Using detectors

Into the window, you enter attribute values for the network object. For network objects which have
already been defined, you can call the window using the following functions:
  In the list of network objects of the network object type, double-click the row with the desired
network object.
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Edit.
The network object may have additional attributes. In the network objects list of the network object
type, you can show all attributes and attribute values. You can open the list via the following
  On the network object sidebar, right-click the desired network object type. Then on the short-
cut menu, click Show List (see “Shortcut menu in the network object sidebar” on page 103).
In the Network editor, select the network object of your choice. Then, on its shortcut menu,
click Show In List (see “Selecting network objects in the Network editor and showing them in
a list” on page 440).
On the Lists menu, in the desired category, click the network object type.

In the network objects list of the network object type, you can edit attributes and attribute values of
a network object (see “Selecting cells in lists” on page 145), (see “Using lists” on page 132).
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). On the Lists toolbar, in the Relations box, you can
show and edit the coupled list with the attributes of the desired relation on the right (see below
Showing and editing dependent objects as relation) and (see “Using coupled lists” on page

Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).

The basic attributes of the network element are shown in the upper area of the window and in the
list of network objects for the particular network object type.
Element Description
Port no. Physical Port number (PortNo) of the detector, which identifies the detector in the
control procedures. If multiple detectors of SC (signal control) are available via the
same number, they behave as if they are connected in parallel to one entry port of
the control device (logical OR-operation).
Name Designation
Length Length of the detection range of a detector. The value 0.000 is e.g. permissible and
useful for modeling trolley wire contacts and pedestrian sensors. These are rep-
resented in the network as thin horizontal lines.


2.17.5 Using detectors

Element Description
SC SC to which detector is assigned. If in the Type box, > PT Calling Pt. is selected, the
SC box is deactivated. PT calling points do not belong to a specific SC.
Type Type: Select detector type (see “Modeling PT lines” on page 612):
Standard: Standard detectors detect vehicles, including PT vehicles.
Pulse: Impulse detectors do not send information regarding occupancy to the
control procedures.
Presence: does not send information regarding the impulse via the front end or
back end of the vehicle to the control procedures.
PT calling pt (PT calling point): only records PT vehicles that send PT tele-

Location tab

The list in the tab contains, amongst others, the following attributes:
Element Description
Link Link, in which the detector is located
Lane Ln: Number of lane on which the detector is installed.
At Position (Pos) Distance from start of the link or connector
Before if a signal head exists: Distance of the front end of the detector to the next signal
stop head of the SC (signal control) on its lane


2.17.5 Using detectors

Activation tab for vehicles

The list in the tab contains, amongst others, the following attributes:
Element Description
Vehicle VehClasses: Vehicle classes detected by detector
Restriction PTLines: One or multiple PT lines, for which the detector shall be relevant. Thus
to PT Lines: vehicles of these PT lines are only detected if their vehicle class is selected.
Departure If this option is selected, the detector triggers an impulse for closing the doors
Signal of the PT vehicle under the following conditions:
If a PT vehicle is located on a detector and stops at the stop specified in the
PT stop box, plus the boarding and alighting is completed in the first time
step after the time defined in the s before departure box or before then.
When a PT vehicle is located on a detector that has already decided to omit
the PT stop selected in the PT stop box. The impulse is then triggered upon
reaching the detector.
The time the door is closed can thus be determined via the detector.

Activation tab for pedestrians

A detector defined for a link with the attribute Is pedestrian area is used to model pedestrians
pressing a crosswalk button. Here pedestrian classes are displayed.


2.17.5 Using detectors

1. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Pedestrian Pedestrian classes detected by detector. A pedestrian is recognized by the
Classes detector only if the pedestrian type belongs to a selected pedestrian class.
Maximum If the pedestrian falls below this speed, a registration is transferred. The
speed pedestrian requests a green light. If the pedestrian then exceeds this speed
before the SC switches to green, a deregistration is transferred.
The maximum speed applies only to links used as pedestrian areas. The default
value of 1.0 km/h prevents slow-moving pedestrians coming from the other side of
the pedestrian crossing, for example, from triggering a call again.


2.17.5 Using detectors

Others tab

1. Make the desired changes:

Element Description
Smoothing SmthFactDecr, SmthFactIncr: Factors for the exponential smoothing of
Factors occupancy values, which is conducted for individual control procedures (see
“Exponential smoothing of detector occupancy rates” on page 702).
Smoothing factor decrease: Factor used whien the detector is not occu-
pied (attribute Presence = Passive).
Smoothing factor increase: Factor used when the detector is occupied
(attribute Presence = Active).
Label If the option is not selected, the label for the detector is not displayed, even
if the label for all detectors is selected.
Sound file SoundFile: Wavetable sound file *.wav, which is played each time a vehicle is
(Sound) detected by the detector. This file is saved in the same directory as the
network file *.inpx. A sound card or suitable Microsoft Windows driver must be

2. Confirm with OK.

The network object has additional attributes that you can show in the Attributes list. Among them
are the following for example:
Element Description
Presence Presence state:
Active: A vehicle is located on the detector and is detected. This also applies
for pedestrians.


2.17.5 Using detectors

Element Description
Always Passive for detectors of the type Impulse and PT Calling Pt..
A vehicle is located on a detector, if the following conditions apply:
The vehicle is located on the same link as the detector.
The front edge of the vehicle has passed the start section of the detector: The
Position (Pos) attribute of the vehicle is greater than the Position (Pos)
attribute of the detector.
The rear edge of the vehicle has not yet passed the end section of the
detector: The Position (Pos) attribute of the vehicle, minus the length of the
vehicle (rear edge), is smaller than the Position (POS) attribute of the
detector, plus the length of the detector (end position).
A pedestrian is considered on a detector, if the center of the pedestrian is located
within the rectangle that defines the length of the detector and the width of the
lane on which the detector is located.
Ensure that the detector is at least as long as the distance a pedestrian can walk
within a simulation time step back. In addition, account for the maximum possible
speed of the pedestrian at this position. If the detector dimensions are too short,
meaning that in one time step, the center of the pedestrian will be in front of the
detector and in the the next time step, the pedestrian will be behind it (having
already passed it), the detector will not be able to detect the pedestrian. In front of
and behind refer to the visually assessed walking direction on the pedestrian link.
As pedestrians have no link coordinate, Vissim cannot determine whether the
walking direction is towards or away from the detector.
Detection Detection state:
Active for detectors of the types Standard and Occupancy, as long as the
Presence attribute is active.
Active for detectors of the types Standard and Impulse after a vehicle or
pedestrian occupies or leaves a detector, until the signal controller resets the
detection state to Passive.
A fixed time control resets the value of the Detection attribute after each SC-
time step.
Always Passive for detectors of the type PT Calling Pt.
Impulse Impulse state:
Active, as soon as a vehicle or pedestrian reaches a detector that is not occu-
pied. The impulse state remains Active until the signal controller resets the
impulse state back to Passive.
A fixed time control resets the value of the Impulse attribute after each SC-
time step.
Always Passive for detectors of the type Occupancy and PT Calling Pt..


2.17.5 Using detectors

Element Description
Gap time Time: Period [s] after the attribute Presence (Presence state) had the value
Active. 0 = Presence attribute is Active.
Occupancy Occ: Period [s] that has passed since occupancy of the detector. 0 = The
detector is not occupied (Presence attribute = Passive). Always 0 for detectors
of the type PT Calling Pt.
Occupancy OccupRate: Proportion of time the detector was occupied during the last
rate simulation second. The occupancy rate is exponentially smoothed based on
each simulation second. Value range 0 to 100 %

Showing and editing dependent objects as relation

The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
1. In the list on the left, click the desired entry.
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
  Vehicle classes (see “Using vehicle classes” on page 337)
Pedestrian classes (see “Using pedestrian classes” on page 1046)
Public transport lines (see “Modeling PT lines” on page 612)
The attributes are described further above.
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated. Exponential smoothing of detector occupancy rates

You can use exponential smoothing to smooth the occupancy rate of a detector. This is necessary
as detectors are either fully occupied or not occupied and thus do not provide sufficient
information for signal control decisions.
Vissim calculates the exponentially smoothed occupancy rate using the following equation:

The occupancy rate from the last time interval of the signal control, which was determined
depending on the frequency of the SC, is also taken into account. Thereby the following applies:
s(t) new, exponentially smoothed occupancy rate
s(t- old, exponentially smoothed occupancy rate, determined depending on the frequency of
1) the SC
x currently measured, non-smoothed internal occupancy rate between 0 and 1


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