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Over the years I have looked over many primaries to use but have only considered

3 which were HMTD, Lead Styphnate, And DDNP. Unfortunatly for many the material
s needed for Lead Styphnate and DDNP are hard to make and/or buy. However instea
d of resorting to AP there is always HMTD, just as easy to make as AP and much b
etter in my opinion. I have collected much information in the past months about
HMTD and have found many interesting things, for one it is less volatile than AP
meaning HMTD can be stored rather safely without loss of performance or increas
ed sensitivity. HMTD was even at one point considered for commercial use in blas
ting caps but it was a little to sensitive to produce for such use, however for
us that is something that can be overcome with safe handling procedures and prop
er preparation of the explosive itself. Also the only drawback of HMTD is it's r
eactivity with metals, it reacts dangerously with all metals and may explode. Th
ere is no need for metal blasting caps anyway unless you like shrapnell being th
rown at you.
Before I move on to the synthesis I will present some figures about some propert
ies of HMTD and the velocity of detonation.
The molecular formula of HMTD is C6H12N2O6. The vdet is
4511 M/sec. @ 0.88 G/cc and 5100 M/sec. @ 1.10 G/cc. Compared to AP which is onl
y 3750 M/sec @ 0.92 G/cc and 5300 M/sec @ 1.18 G/cc. At first it may seem that A
P is more powerful but as you can see AP requires to be pressed quite more than
HMTD to achieve it's max v.det which is extremely dangerous to attempt without p
roper equipment. Meaning slightly pressed HMTD will be more powerful than slight
ly pressed AP.
Being a peroxide it is still very sensitive (as most peroxides), but not on the
same level as AP. This isn't to say HMTD is a wonderful perfect primary, it is s
till very sensitive and if you don't respect it you will pay dearly for your ign
orance. Also another thing NEVER MAKE PUTTY EXPLOSIVES WITH HMTD! This includes
any nitrocellulose based things such as smokeless powder. If you attempt this th
e HMTD will almost certainly detonate as the putty hardens. And in conclusion I
warn anyone to never make more than 60g of this exposive, the same goes for AP w
hich is even less forgiving.
Now that you have an idea of the power and sensitivity of HMTD we will move on t
o the synthesis. There is one mainly used synthesis for HMTD which uses citric a
cid, I personally suggest using HCl which is cheaper than citric and the HCl wil
l evaporate as the HMTD dries.
First here is the synthesis for HMTD using citric acid. You can subsitute with a
ny other concentration of hydrogen peroxide, such as if you are using 3% just ad
d ten times as much to account for all the extra water. However lower concentrat
ion peroxide seems to produce worse yields than higher concentration. This synth
esis is compiled mostly from my own experiences and what I have read, along with
the synthesis from roguesci which I tweaked.
First measure out 50ml of 30% H2O2 and put it in the freezer until it's tempeatu
re is at 0c to help keep the reaction cool. Next prepare an ice bath and set the
beaker in it. Now you will need 14g of hexamine which can be purchased cheaply
online or from buying hexamine fuel tablets at camping stores. Slowly add the he
xamine to the H2O2 and keep it below 10c or preferably at or under 5c. It will t
ake some stirring and such to dissolve all the hexamine but be patient.
Once this has mostly dissolved measure out 21g of powdered citric acid. You can
begin adding the acid slowly and keep the temperature below 10c or you risk yiel
d loss and possibly a runaway. Once this has been added stirr for a few minutes
and place in a freezer if availible or keep it in a ice bath for 3 hours. You ma
y or may not see crystals forming, either way move the solution into a refrigera
tor or a cool water bath for around 2 hours (I put mine in the refrigerator over
night for better yields). You should see a white precipitate and this is HMTD.
Filter the solution and wash with water until you are sure it's neutral (very im
portant!) you should also wash with a bicarb solution.
The yield will vary depending on what concentration the H2O2 is, how low the tem
perture was kept during the reaction, and how long you leave it in the freezer a
nd refrigerator. Normally you will get good yields when using 30% H2O2.
Next is the synthesis using HCl (what I use).
The synthesis is exactly the same as the one using citric acid exept you would u
se 20g of Hexamine, 60ml of 30% H2O2, and 35ml of ~30% HCl. If your HCl is ~20%
concentration you should use about 45ml to ensure complete reaction.

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