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R. Liepens, et al

AD-778 207


Research Triangle Institute

Prepared for: Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility

February -974


National Technical Infornton Seivice U.S.DEPARTMENT OF COIMERCE

5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield ,i. 22151

li J-

FOREWORD Information in this report was compiled in the performance of Contract DAAK02-73-C-0128 during the calendar year 1973 by the Research Triangle Institute for the Mine Detection Division, under the supervision of Dr. Karl Steinbach, of the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. tially to the work in this report. Dr. Glenn E. Spangler was the Contract Technical Monitor and contributed substanThe portion of the work contained in this report was sponsored by the U. S. Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility, Indian Head, Maryland, Research and Development Department, Mr. Edward A. Rice, Department Head. In addition to the Their individuals identified in the various sections, many others have participated in the performance of the work which is reported here. Research Triangle Institute, was the Project Leader. contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Dr. J. W. Harrison, of the



TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION COMPOSITION OF THE EXPLOSIVES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 Commercial Dynamites PETN AN/Fuel Oil Compositions Black Powders Smokeless Powders Chlorates/Perchlorates-Combustibles Compositions Photoflash Powders Match Heads Compositions Summary of Characteristic Components Page 1 3 3 7 7 13 13 17 17 17 19 21 21 21 22 23 23 23

HOMEMADE BOMBS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 The Statistics Potential Bombers Explosive Sources Trends in Homemade Bombs The More Common Homemade Bomb Explosives 3.5.1 Black Powder

3.6 3.7

3.5.2 Smokeless Powder 3.5.3 PETN 3.5.4 NG 3.5.5 Dynamite 3.5.6 ANFO Commercial Blasting Accessories Modern Explosives

24 24 24 24 24 25 26
27 28 32 35 37

DETECTABILITY OF EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.4 Availability of Detectable Vapors Detectability of Commercial Dynamites Detectability of ANFO Mixtures Detectability of Smokeless Powder Mixtures

4.5 Detectability of Match-Head Mixtures 4.6 Gas Enrichment by Means of Irradiation 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

37 38 42

REFERENCES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C Manufacturers of Explosives Literature on Explosives Typical Compositions of Explosivei

A-1 B-I C-I

APPENDIX D Typical Components in Various Explosives




FigurePag 1 2

No. 9 10

Apparent Consumption of Industrial Explosives in the United States in 1969 Apparent Consumption of Industrial Explosives in the United States in 1969 by Industry
Schematic Representation of Detection Methods


LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Vapor Pressure of the Nitroglycerin-Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate Blends Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of Dynamites Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of ANFO Explosives Vapor Pressure Data on Sele.ted Components of Smokeless Powder Compositions Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of Chlorates/ Perechlorates-Combus tib les Compositions Summary of "Volatile" Components Page No.

4 6 12

2 3 4


16 19




INTRODUCTION In the gathering of data on conmercial explosives and explosive materials

used for clandestine bomb fabrication, in principle, three sources of information exist: 1) the manufacturers of the vRrious explosives, 2) the

organizations that are known to employ vfolence and explosives to gain their ends, and 3) the open literature. For up-to-date compositional information on presently manufactured explosives an attempt was made to obtain such information from all known U. S. manufacturers of explosives. The list of manufacturers contacted

and the types of explosives they manufacture is given in Appendix A. This approach, however, proved to be futile on several grounds. Most of

the manufacturers indicated that compositional data were proprietary and could not be revealed. It was also pointed out that "just because a

composition is patented it does not mean that it is actually being used" and, finally, it was stated that "it is highly likely that there are many compositions that are used today and are not patented". Thus,

except for two manufacturers, none indicated what the actual composition of the explosives they manufactured. For some general information on the techniques and explosives used by organizations and individuals known to employ violence to gain their ends, the bcok by Stoffel on "Explosives and Homemade Bombs" [Ref. 1] is helpful. Certain parts of it have been summarized in the section "Homemade Probably a more complete information could be

Bombs" of this report.

obtained from major metropolitan police intelligence unts and the FBI.

Thus, the major conclusions in from the open literature.

this report are based on data obtained

The various compendia examined for background

information followed by a list of other serials and pertinent reviews on explosives research, permissible explosives, ammonium nitrate, slurries, evaluating hazardous chemicals, decomposition and combustion of perchlerates and compatibility of explosive. aith polymeric materials are all given in Appendix B.


COMPOSITION Of THE EXPLOSIVES In Appendix C are listed representative compositions of explosives

of the various classes studied.

Many of thene represent compositions According to the

patented or described within the last few years.

literature, the major current activity is in the ammonium nitrate-fuel oil-additives class of exnlusives. Although ae have listed the most

examples of this class of explosives, proportionrise this still does not even begin to indicate the large amount of data available on these
composi zions.


Commercial Dynamites Commercial dynamites comprise the following series of compositions:

1) straight dynamite (nitroglycerin the only high explosive in the composition), 2) straight gelatin dynamites (straight dynamite in which nitroglycerin has been gelatinized most often with nitrocellulose; may also contain ethylene glycol dinitrate and other low molecular weight nitrocompounds);
43) extra dynamite (straight dynamite also containing ammonium nitrate);

4) extra gelatin dynamite (straight gelatin dynamite also containing ammonium

nitrate); 5) permissible dynamite (any dynamite compositions in which the ammonium nitrate is the major constituent; such compositions may also contain a flame coolant); 6) blasting gelatin (a dynamite composition *consisting of only nitroglycerin and nitrocellulcse as the main components;

the composition may contain as much as 10% of nitrocellulose). Thus, the one characteristic volatile component present in practically all dynamite compositions is nitroglycerin. The next two most characteristic

volatile components are ethylene glycol dinitrate and paraffin wax, used





to impregnate containers containing the dynamites.

Ethylene glycol

dinitrate is the best freezing point depressant material and by far the most used in dynamites. According to Urbansky [Ref. 2] ("Explosi"--s, Their Manufacture, Properties, Tests and History, Vol. 2, p. 149) in practice a 50/50

mixture of glycerin and glycol is usually nitrated to produce in one operation a product suitable for uve in low-freezing dynamites. Acording

to the work of Brandner [Ref. 3] the vapor pressure of nitroglycerin and ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN) are as follows:

Nitroglycerin Temperature , OC Vapor pressureA, mmHg 300 0.0012 40 0.0030 500 0.0081

Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate Temperature, C Vapor pressure, mmHg 30 0.125 400 0.299 500 0.648

From the vapor pressure data on the pure components that Brandner had obtained he calculated the vapor pressures of various nitroglycerinethylene glycol dinitrate blends thus showing the contribution ethylene glycol dinitrate makes to the detectable vapors. are shown in Table 1. These vapor pressures

Table 1. Vapor Pressure of the Nitroglycerin-Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate Blends % of EGDN 30 0 C 10 20 40 0.0186 0.0345 0.0624 Total Vapor Pressure, mmHg 40"C 0.0433 0.1159 0.1475 50C 0.1002 0.1841 0.3314

H3wever, such other nitroaomatics as mono- and dinitrotaluenes are also used for this purpose. Some of the other volatile components mono- and dinitro-

that have been used in dlnamite compositions are:

toluene, TNT, formainide, ethylene glycol, tetralin, urea, kerosine, glycerol, fuel oil, diesel oil, light oil, spindle oil, turbine oil and motor oil. Fuel oil and the other oils all have components that The various oils

have high vapor pressures and are easily detected.

usually also contain a small amount of proprietary esters of phosphoric and sulfuric acids. The lower aliphatic glycols, formamide and urea

are used to avoid plasticity loss in dynamites due to the Presence of the various oxidizers. Thus, it may be inferred that these

substances should also be ra-her characteristic of dynazite cezmpositions. All the available vapor pressuic data on the above materials are recorded in Table 2. Nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin are two materials that are photolytically unstable. Thus, depending upon the composition (purity) and

exposure conditions generation of nitrogen oxides takes place to various extents. The ratio of nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen dioxide generated

from a source is thought to be rather characteristic of that source that is presumably constant (Ref. 41. The inplication being that by determi-

nation of such NO/NO 2 ratios, the source can he identified (inferred). The most common container materials for dynamites and explosives in general are waxed paper, burlap and polyehylene. Of these three poly-

ethylene is gaining in usage mainly because of its excellent moisture

Table 2.

Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of Dynamites


Vap. Press. at 25*C(torr)



5 X 10 3 x 10 0.07

1,2 4 3

o-Nitrotoluene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Formamide

0.20 1.7 x 100.02



Ethylene glycol
Tetralin Urea Glycerol

U.40 I x 10- 5 2 x 10-

1,2 6 5,6


Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 47th edition, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1966.


Extrapolation of log p vs I/T plot. 3. Jordon, T. E., Vapor Pressure of Organic Compounds, Interscience, N.Y., 1950. 4. Coates, A. D., Freedman, E. and Kuhn, L., "Characteristics of Certain

Military Explosives," BaUistic Research Lab., Report No. 1507, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., November, 1970, AD877635. 5. Riddick, J. A. and W. B. Bunger, Organic Solvents, Physical Properties and Methods of Purification, 3rd edition, Wiley-Interscience, N. Y., 1970.

~B 6. Calculated from Clausius-Clapeyron eq'n: ~T

log p


barrier properties. considerations.

Its growth is

tempered, however, by economic

The inherent flexibiliLy of polyethylene means that To the best

no low nolecular weight plasticizers are needed for it.

of our knowledge no permeability measurements of EGDN or NG or the blends of the two through polyethylene and paper exist. Such measurements

are vital in the assessment of effective detection methods of the vapors. 2.2 PETN A commercial use of PETN explosives is in the explosive forming of metals. Such formulations involve the use of polymeric binders of silicon oil, polyurethanes, epoxy, copolymers, etc. As

many different types, for example:

polyether, polyacrylates, butadiene-acrylonitrile

a result, plasticizers (for example, dioctyl azelate), antioxidants (nonylphenyl phosphite) and catalysts (iron or lead naphthenates) Mry also be present in such compositions. The only characteristic component Its vapor pressure

of all PETN explosive compositions is PETN itself.

at 20*C has been given as 1.1 x 10-torr (Ref. 4 in Table 2). Although in many cases the polyurethane binder is prepared in situ, because of the great reactivity of the diisocyanates (toluen- dilsocyanate, hexamethylene diisocyanate) in general, little if any free monomer would be expected in such formulations. 2.3 AN/Fuel Oil Compositions The importance of AN-Fuel Oil compositions as industrial explosives can not be overemphasized. In 1969 approximately 2.2 billion

pounds of explosives were consumed and better than 84% of that amount were AN containing compositions. The composition of the explosives by

product groups consumed that year is best illustrated in Fig. 1, taken from a Bureau of Mines Circular [Ref. 5]. The te=m "unprocessed ammonium

nitrate" refers to AN purchased in bulk form for onsite mixitg with fuel oil. The black powder share of the market at that time was less than 0.02%.

In Fig. 2 [Ref. 5] is illustrated the apparent consumption of industrial explosives by the type of industry. The position of coal mining as the

major consumer is primarily due to the large amounts of AN-FO used in stripping. The railway and construction, quarrying and nonmetal mining, The

and metal mining industries each consume roughly 20% of the total. trend for the various groups of explosives is as follows:

slurry explosives-

increasing high explosives-constant, permissible explosives-decreasing, rigidly cartridged explosives-decreasing, liquid oxyger explosives-decreasing, black powder-decreasing, dry blasting agents aud unprocessed AN-increasing. The oxygen-balanced armounium nitrate-fuel oil coxposition contains 94.5% AN and 5.5% FO. Because the CO produced from an overfueled composition

is less toxic than NO and NO2 from an underfueled composition, a slight oxygen deficiency is preferrable and thus the common ANFO mixture for field use is 94% AN and 6% FO. Although the simple ANFO mixture is

optimum for highest energy release per unit cost of ingredients, often compositions with different energies and densities are desired. For this

reason thousands of different formulations of ANFO compositions have been and are continually formulated. The one most characteristic component of all ANFO compositions is a variable mixture of hydrocarbons known also as: fuel oil, diesel oil,

light oil, spindle oil, turbine oil, motor oil, paraffin wax and kerosene. All of these materials consist of a mixture of linear and branched alkanes.

+ II



Dry blasving agents and unprocessed AN,

73.0 percent

Fig. 1. Apparent consumption of indiistrial explosives in the United States in 1969. 9

Coal mining, 36.9 percent

mi2L. i g eta M



Fig. 2. Apparent consumption of industrial explosives In the~ United States in 1969 b industry. 10

as the major components and can be rather easily detected by their characteristic odors. Loss of an appreciable amount of the oil by

evaporation or migration is a const-...t problem with these compositions and the oil migration is easily apparent from the oil staining of the containers. Most ANFO compositions also contain low molecular weight nitrobenzene and dinitrotoluene and in some These materials, with the exception of


compounds such as:


TNT, are materials that have high vapor pressure and are easily detected. Such other materials as: benzene, styrene, ethylene glycol, diethylene

glycol, formamide, urea, acetone and glycerin have also been used in ANFO compositions. As most of these same components, including the

oils, are also used in certain dynamites, the identification of the two types of explosives by just their detectable vapors may not be always easy. A new family of products, known as "Tovex" water gel explosives were developed by DuPont to meet the modern day requirements of large volume iron ore mining techniques [Ref. 6]. Tovex is delivered in Tovex consists

either polyethylene bags or through bulk pump trucks.

of a cap insensitive chemical composition of non-nitroglycerin highexplosive ingredients. It is the first TNT sensitized water gel It has a density of 1.4, has good resistance Several

explosive marketed by DuPont.

to freezing and has excellent shelf life during hot %eather storage. grades of Tovex are manufactured today. version of "Tovex".

"Super Tovex" is a higher density

"Tovex A-2, A-4 and A-6" provide a graded strength series A-6 has the highest density (1.6)

of aluminum containing water gel explosives. * and the highest theoretical strength.

In research on water gel explosives it

was noted that water gel explosives containing increased amounts of TNT i11

gave performance much superior to that which had been predicted by theoretical concepts and computer studies. Thus, a new series of

"Tovexes 30, 35 and 40" are also now offered by DuPont. Most of the available vapor pressure data on the more volatile components in UIFO compositions are assembled in Table 3. Table 3. Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of ANFO Explosives


Vap. Press. at 250C(torr)


3 3

Fuel oil Diesel oil

Light oil

0.1 0.1

Spindle oil Turbine oil Motor oil Paraffin wax Kerosene


- 10- 4

3 3

10- 4 10- 4

10-4 -4

3 3

Dinitrotoluene Trinitrotoluene Benzene Styrene Ethylene glycol Diethylene glycol Formamide Urea Glycerir 1.

1.7 x 10-J 3 x 10-6 95 6.5 0.12 0.01 0.02 - 10- 5 2 x 10-4

4 4 5 5 5 1,2 5,6 6 5,6

Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 47th edition, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland Ohio, 1966. Extrapolation of log p vs l/T ,lot. R. E. Kirk, D. F. Othmer, "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2nd edition, New York, Interscience Pub., Inc., 1963. Coates, A. D., Freedman, E. and Kuhn L., "Characteristics of Certain Military Explosives," Ballistic Research Lab., Report No. 1507, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., November, 1970, AD877635.

2. 3.



Riddick, J. A. and W. B. Bunger, Organic Solvents, Physical Properties and Methods of Purification, 3rd edition, Wiley-Interscience, N. Y., 1970.


Calculated from Clausius-.Clapeyron eq'n:

log p


The uncertainty aboit che exact composition of the various oils, especially as to the various proprietary additives that are used in such materials, makes this the least exact identification. 2.4 Black Powders The formula of black powder has changed little over the years consisting basically of 75% potassium or sodium nitrate (chile saltpeter), 15% charcoal, and 10% sulfur. Bituminous coal o activated carbon have also been substituted

for charcoal and graphite is used to impart a glaze finish to the final product where free-flowing and non-lumping characteristics are desired. Black blasting powder is a definitely grained material which is normally supplied as a glazed material. The glazed finish is obtained in the final stage

of manufacture by tumbling the powder in contact with a small amount of powdered graphite. There are two types of black blasting powder - one

containing potassium nitrate and the other sodium nitrate. Black powder pressed into cylindrical pellets is known as "Pellet Powder". The composition of Pellet Powder is basically the same as that of black powder containing sodium nitrate and modified slightly by the addition of additives to control the physical and explosive properties

[Ref. 6].

We have not been able

to obtain information on such additives.

Thus, we find no components of

sufficient volatility in black powder compositions. 2.5 Smokeless Powders Smokeless powder compositions may be subdivided broadly into two groups: 1) those consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin and diphenylamine compositions, and 2) those which contain other components in addition to the ones given Nitrocellulose is the main component

in 1) with or without the nitroglycerin.


in all compositions and nitroglycerin content varytig anywhere from 0 to 43.0%. The other characteristic component that all smokeless powder compositions rontain is diphenylamine which is used as the stabilizer for NC. Most of the

smokeless powder compositions also contain a deterrent (material that re :ards deflagration of the powdei) which can be a low molecular weight material as, for example, dibutyl phthalate, or such high molecular weight materials as: graphite, polyurethane, poly(vinyl acetate), poly(vinyl butyral) acrylic esters, cellulose acetate or melamine-formaldehyde condensation polymer. deterrents are used the following solvents have been employed: When polymeric

methanol, Iso-butyl-

methyl ketone, ethanol, CH2 CZ2 , and CCt 2 FCF 2C9C. Supposedly, all of the solvents are removed from the final product nca the deterrent coating application has been completed. Practically all smokeless powder compositions just as che straight gelatin dynamite, extra gelatin dynamite and blasting gelatin contain NG-NC as the explosive components. The difference between the smokeless powder and

dynamite compositions is that in the smokeless powder compositions NC is the major component while in the dynamites NG is the major component. As far as

the commercial uses of smokeless powder are concerned they are limited, because smokeless powders are too expensive. What commercial usage there

is (mainly for small arms propellants) depends primarily upon the availability of government suplus stocks [Ref. 5]. According to one smokeless powder manu-

facturer, a composition that contains no nitroglycerin is used commercially for oil well tools and other special applications. Some of the available vapor pressure data on the more volatile components in smokeless powder compositions are listed in Table 4.


Table 4.

Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of Smokeless Powder

Compositions Material Vap. Press.

at 25*C(torr) NG DPAm DBP isoButyl Methyl Ketone Resorcinol Triethylene glycol dinitrate 5 x 102 x 10 5 2 x 1010
-2 x10 4


1,2 3 3 3 1,2 4


Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 47th edition, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1966.

2. 3.

Extrapolation of log p vs I/T plot. R. E. Kirk, D. F. Othmer, "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2nd edition, New York, Interscience Pub., Inc., 1963.


Calculated from Clausius-Clapeyron eq'n:

log p = A


ChloratesiPerchlorates-Combustibles Compositions Chlorate explosives in general are more sensitive than the other

types of explosives ard, hence, no large scale commercial usei exist for them. Characteristically, the better known chlorate explosive compositions

are of early origin and have been described in the "International Critical

Tables" of 1930 and Marshall's book on "Explosives, Their History, Manufacture, Properties and Tests" of 1917. Two present day commercial uses A

of chlorates are in match head compositions and photoflash powders.

modern day use for chlorate explosives may develop for the infletion of safety air bags in automobiles. The perchlorates are also used io the

above described applications and have the advantage over the chloraces in that they are more stable and less sensitive. Consequently, they have

been used in several smaller scale commercial applications including mining.


The characteristic components of the chlorate explosives are sodium chlorat. and/or potassium chlorate. Of the perchlorates--potassium perchlorate is the characteristic component as ammonium perchlorate is much too sensitive for such applications. components are used: Some of the corbustible nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, mono- and poly-

nitrotoluene, benzene and naphthalene, nitrated resins, paraffin wax, fuel oil, castor oil and glycerin. The available vapor pressure data on some of the components of chlorates/perchlorates-combustibles are given in Table 5. Table 5. Vapor Pressure Data on Selected Components of Chlorates/Perchlorates-Combustibles Compositions


Vap. Press. ct 25*C(torr) 5 x 10- 3 0.20 0.28



NG o-Nitrotoluene Nitrobenzene Paraffin wax

1,2 1,2 3

4 4 3,5

Fuel oil Glycerin

- 0.1
-4 2 x 10

1. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 47th edition, The Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1966.
2. 3. Extrapolation of log p vs l/T plot. Riddick, J. A. and W. B. Bunger, Organic Solvents, Physical Properties and Methods of Purification, 3rd edition, Wiley-Interscience, N. Y., 1970. 4. R. E. Kirk, D. F. Othmer, "Enclopedia of Chemical Technology," 2nd edition, New Y3rk, Interscience Pub., Inc., 1963. 5. Calculate: from Clausius-Clapeyron eq'n: log p





Photoflash Powders All the photoflash compositions that we have been able to find

contain a chlorate or a perch.Lorate as the oxidant.

The compositirn can

be as simple as a mixture of two perchlorates (lithium and sodium) and aluminum powder, or as complex as one consisting of ten components. Invariably the compos tions contain a metal powder in addition to the chlorate or perchlorate and no solvents or liquids are involved in the formulation of such compositions. In multicomponent formulations, melt

mixing of eutectic mixtures of perchlorates with other components is involved during preparation. Such other materials as red phosphorus, sulfur

trichlorophenol, magnesium oxide, htdroxyethylce!lulose have been used. Components with appreciable vapor pressures are not used in appreciable amounts in photoflash powders. 2.8 Match Heads Compositions Discounting the early match compositions, the fLrst safety matches were developed in 1855 which used red phosphorus on the side of the box [Ref. 7]. In 1898 the "strike-anywhere" match was develuped which ,used It has long been recognized that

phosphorus trisulfide in the match head.

the adhesive in the match head composition is one of the most important components of the match if is it is to function properly md that animal glue

the best adhesive for this purpose.

Two ;adhesive rixes are used in The former is

match production:

1) the base mix, and 2) the tip mix.

applied directly to the stick and a pure hide glue i with just the "right" foaming characteristics.

used for this purpose

The glue used in the tip

njx must be completely grease free and must possess high foaming charac-

ter.stics in order to provide a light mixture.

Thft purpose of the incorporation A match head

of air into the match her'd mix is to insure a slow, even burning. 17

composition can be made into a powerful explosive by simply eliminating the air bubbles from the mix which is composition. a direct function of the glue used in the

Hatch head compositions are complex consisting of as many as 11 components. Furthermore the density of the mix has to be Just "right" for the material to burn slowly rather than explode. Various types of adhesives are continually this application.

being developed, however, animal glue has not been surpassed in

The charact~ristic and major component of match head compositions is an inorganic chlorate or a perchlorate. Animal glue is the second characteristic

component ini most compositions with all kinds of synthetics being a distant second choice. The third characteristic component is a filler which is comprised diatomaceous earth, ground glass, sand, Apparently all Such other materials

by one or several of the following:

kieselguar,powdered asbestos, mica powder, and quartz powder. compositions also contain a few percent of elemental sulfur. as:

shellac, TiO2 , a pigment, starch, ZnO, rasorcinol, wood resin, poly(vinyl Potassium dichromate and gelatin constitute some of the other components Thus, only small amounts of volatile components are found The bulk (>50%) of the composition is comprised by In some rare cases, a


in the formulations.

in match head formulations.

the chlorates/perchlorates and various inert fillers.

composition may contain more than 30% of animal glue or an organic sulfide as part of the composition. However, such compositions can n*L be regarded Animal glue appears to be the only characThe calculated sulfur

as characteristic of most match heads.

teristic source of volatile components from match heads.

vapor pressure at 250 C is 4 x 10- 4 torr which may be sufficient for detection purposes. 18


Summary of Characteristic Components The "volatile" components (characteristic and otherwise) in the

various explosive compositions are zumnarized in rable 6.


dynamites as well as smokeless powder contain NG and NC as the characteristic volatile components, In addition, present day dynamit.es also cintain ethylene The characteristic volatile

glycol dinitrate as a characteristic component. component of ?ETN explosies in PETN itself.

The characteristic volatile

component of AN-Fuel Oil explosives 5s a complex mixture of straight and branched chin hydrocarbons commonly known as oils of various types. Black

powder, chlorates-combustibles, photoflash powder, and match heads do not possess a characteristic volati?_ component although all of them may contain a non-characteristic volatile component.

Table 6.

Summ;ry of "Volatile" Components Characteristic Components Other Components


Commercial Dynamites straight dynamite straight gelatin dynamite extra dynamite extra gelatin dynamite permissible dynamite blasting gelatin (dynamite) NG; NG; NG; NG; NG; NG; EGD, paraffin wax NC; EGD; paraffin wax EGD, paraffin wax NC; ECD; paraffin wax EGD, NC EGD, NC Mono-and dinitro toluenes, TNT, formamide, ethylene glycol, tetralin, urea, kerosene, glycerol, fuel oil, diesel oil, light

oil, spindle oil,

turbine oil, motor oil. PETN PETN Dioctylazelate, nonylphenyl phosphite, silicone oil. Nitrobenzene, dinitrotoluene, TNT, benzene styrene, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, formamide, urea, acetone, glycerin. Not Available DBP, isobutyl methyl ketone, resorcinol, trietbylene glycol

AN-Fuel Oil

Fuel oil, diesel oil, light spindle oil, turbine oil, paraffin wax, kerosene

Black Powder Smokeless Powder

None NC, NG, DPAm



Table 6 cont.
Summary of "Volatile" Components


Characteristic Components

Other Components



NG, NC, mono and polynitrotoluene, benzene, naphthalene, paraffin wax, fuel oil, castor oil, glycerin. Trichlorophenol, sulfur
Animal glue, resorcinol.

Photoflash Powders
Match Heads


An overall summary of various characteristic components according to their function in the various explosives is given in the Appendix D. were arranged into the following groups: The components

stabilizers, oxygen carrying compounds,

anti-acid materials, gelatinizing agents, binders, energizers, flame coolants, aurfactants, compatibility agents and softening point depressants for binders, plasticizers, some combustibles, water proofing agents, fuel sensitizers for NH4 NO3 , freezing point depressants, gas formers, aerating agents.



HOMEMADE BOMBS 3.1 The Statistics [Ref.

1970 by the Senare

Diring hearings that were conducted in

Investigating Subcommittee on Explocives, the justice Department reported on the results of a survey on bombings covering the period of January 1, 1969, through April 15, 1970. bombings had occurred. A total of 4330 explosive and incendiary

Bombings had resulted in 40 deaths, 384 injuries. In addition, there

Property damage was estimated at 22 million dollars.

were 1475 attempted bombings and 3S,000 bomb threats throughout the country. 3.2 Potential Bombers [Ref. 1] A potential bomber can be loosely identified through his activities and association in an organization that is known to employ violence and explosives to gain their ends. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and

the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are examples of this type of organization. such groups. Apparently schools for bombers have been conducted by

Students for a Democr.tic Society has distributed pamphlets

in which instructions on firebombs, napalm bombs and time bombs have been given. Armed Forces schools have tdught the largest number of individuals the functioning and use of explosives. In many instances, this training

has been put to use upon the return of servicemen to civilian life. A number of recent explosions of "bomb factories" have provided addirional data on potential bombers and their methods. explos-.on of Greenwich Village, N. Y., Weatherman faction were involved. In the 1970

town house, members of the SDS

Bomb components retrieved consisted of


dynamite, blasting caps, doorbell wire, clock timing devices and plumbing pipe. In Chicago, after a bomb factory explosion, sticks of dynamite, In a New

explosive liquid, and literature on bomb making were recovered.

York bomb factory explosion a Black Panther was killed and the following chemicals were recovered: potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, sulfuric

acid, gasoline, smokeless powder and lead pipes. The 1969 study on the characteristics of bombers concluded that a potential bomber could not be identified by any detailed characteristics, but the composite characteristics indicated a young -'hte male of upper middle class or wealthy background. 3.3 Explosive Sources Most of the explosive incidents that confront police agencies involve one of the following sources! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Homemade bombs Commercial explosives Fireworks War souvenirs and military ammunition Transportation accidents involving explosives Military aircraft accidents

While homemade bombs dominate Lhe explosives incidents, explosions involving the other sources do occur. Shipments of explosives and

propellants via railroad and truck are made continually and accidents occur. Explosives in an accident may be scattered and thrown to a The seriousness about war souvenirs

distance of many hundred yards.

and military ammunition in civilian communities is the fact that they are not restricted to the larger cities but can occur throughout the country. The proximity of a large military installation in an area Construction

does present a problem of a continuing source of explosives.

sites may become sources of explosives as a result of pilferage or 22

inadventant "leaving behind" after completion of a construction project. For example, construction sites can be a major source of nitroglycerin. Fireworks are another serious source of explosives. Coupled with this

is the fact that literature on how to "manufacture explosive fireworks in your own home" is available. For example, formulae for pyrotechnics

from sugar, smoke powder, black powder, ammonium picrate, a plastic explosive, rocket mixtures and nitroglycerin are detailed in such sources. 3.4 Trends in Homemade Bombs Prior to about 1968, most bombs employed were simple in const-uction and consisted of one or more sticks of dynamite with a nonelectric blasting cap and a fuse or a fuse and black powaer in a container. Sincc

that time the trend toward the construction of more complex time bombs and the use of other triggering devices, such as anti-disturbance mercury switches, has become apparent. Small transistor batteries have been

increasingly used as power sources for electrically initiated homemade bombs. Devices that will explode if cut into improperly or if disturbed Explosive fillers of more variety than in the

are becoming more common. past are being used.

This is due to the increased knowledge about explosives

and increased numbers nf individuals mixing their own explosive combinations. For example, explosive bombs using ammonium nitrate in combination with dynamite were used first during 1970 and are expected to become more common in the future. 3.5 The More Common Homemade Bomb Explosives 3.5.1 Black Powder Black powder is primarily used in fireworks, primer compositions, ignition charges for smokeless powder, core-type safety fuses, and mining. ingredients for homemade black powder may be also obtained easily by anyone in a drug store. 23



Smokeless Powder The easiest method for the average individual to obtain

smokeless powder is to purchase shotgun shells at various retail outlets and extract the powder from the shells. Black and smokeless powders do

not require blasting caps to set them off, a simple homemade fuse will do.
3.5.3 PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate)

PETN is used as the explosive core in detonating cord, as the explosive in new flexible explosive sheets, and as a boosting explosive in blasting caps. The flexible explosive sheet (Deta shce0, DuPont)

consists of an integral mixture of PETN and a binder and has both military and commercial applications. The commercial form contains 85% PETN and

a blasting cap is required for detonation. 3.5.4 Nitroglycerin (NG)

While nitroglycerin may be easily prepared by anyone desiring to do so, the criminal individual most likely obtains it by placing dynamite in boiling water ("cooking") the top. 3.5.5 Dynamite Dynamite is a widely used commercial explosive in the and skimming the NG off

United States and has been the favored explosive in the past for the homemade bomb constructor. 3.5.6 Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil (ANFO)

Ammonium nitrate alone is too insensitive to be used as an explosive. Ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixtures, on the other hand, Ammonium nitrate

are widely used in commercial blasting operations.


in contact with moisture and copper will form a very sensitive nitrate which is as sensitive as lead azide. ANFO explosives are sold either

with the fuel oil in the mixture, or dry for mixing on the site. 3.6 Commercial Blasting Accessories Common commercial blasting supplies and accessories such as time fuses, detonating cords and blasting caps are also used in many homemade bombs. Time fuses (safety fuse) are used to transmit a flame

to a nonelectric blasting cap which then sets off the explosive charge. Most homemade bombs do not require a blasting cap, the fuse itself will set off the bomb. Time fuses contain a core of black powder that is

tightly wrapped with a waterproofing outer core of fabric or plastic material. Time fuses may be ordered through various firework outlets Some variations of homemade fuses are: a cord

or they may be homemade.

dipped in flue followed by black or smokeless powder; potassium permanganate, flour and sulfur mixed together and inserted into a soda straw; potassium chlorate and sugar mixtures used in the same manner. Detonating cord (explosive cord, Prima Cord) consists of a highexplosive cord of PETN contained in a waterproof wrapping. Detonating

cord is used to transmit a detonating wave from an electric or nonelectric blasting cap through the length of the cord to directly explode an explosive charge. Detonating cord has the very high detonating

velocity of 21,000 ft/sec. and does not require a blasting cap on the explosive charge end. Blasting,caps are of two types: electric and nonelectric. They are

copper or aluminum tubes, closed at one end and filled with several highly sensitive explosives that form part of the overall explosive train.


Both ulectric and nonelectric caps contain an ignition charge of a sensitive explosive mixture, an intermediate charge that is generally lead azide explosive, and a base charge of tetryl (trinitrophenylmethylnitramine), PETN or RDX (cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) explosive. 3.7 Modern Explosives Two more recent developments in explosives technology are the "Jet-Axe" and "Astrolite Explosives". designed for fire department use. The Jet-Axe was specifically

By the use of a linear-shaped charge

the Jet-Axe provides the firefighter with a fast, safe method of forcible entry. The explosive used in the Jet-Axe is RDX and depending upon the

model may contain from 2 to 6 ounces of RDX. Astrolite Explosives are basical.y liquids that can be pumped into tubes, sprayed, poured into containers, soaked into the ground, squirted into cracks, and mixed at the site from two nondetonable components in containers. Modifying agents can turn the explosive into gels or rubber-

like solias, sensitize the explosive or change a wide number of physical, chemical and detonating properties. Astrolite explosives were developed

by the Explosives Corporation of America, and are based primarily on hydrazine nitrate.



DETECTABILITY OF EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS In order to detect and identify explosive materials by trace gas

techniques,several factors must be favorable. volatile constituents in the explosive mixture.

First, there must be Second, there must

be a mechanism of the transport of a sufficient amount of detectable volatile material from the vicinity of explosive mixture to the detector. Third, the detector must have sufficient sensitivity and a fast enough response time to indicate a response. Fourth, the response should be

relatively unambiguous, i.e., the detector should be selec:.ive. The survey of sections 2.0 and 3.0 has indicated that several classes of explosive mixtures have volatile constituents that may be available for detection purposes. These are: commercial dynamites, ammonium nitrate-

fuel oil (ANFO) mixtures, smokeless powder and -- perhaps -- homemade match-head bombs. The nature of the volatile constituents and possible Prior to that discussion, however,

means of detection are discussed below.

some perspective must be obtained on the availability of vapors for detection. A large variety of scenarios are possible. Exhaustive coverage

of these is impobbible because of the required detail and the fact that many specific parameter values are not availale to give a good quantitative estimate of detection limits. However, it is

to outline the

factors which influence the t:ansport of vapors from the vicinity of the explosive mixture to a region where they may be available for detection. This is done in Section 4.1. commercial dynamite mixtures. mixtures. Section 4.2 considers the detection of Section 4.3 considers the detection of ANFO

Section 4.4 considers the detection of smokeless powder mixtures

and methods of detection for homemade match-head bombs are discussed in Section 4.5. 27


In these discussions, it is assumed that no change is induced in the explosive mixture to improve detection, such as "tagging" with an easily detectable substance, or physically changing the explosive. As

an illustration of the latter alternative, the use of nuclear radiation to improve detectability is discussed in Section 4.6. 4.1 Availability of Detectable Vapors The detection of explosive mixtures by identifying characteristic vapors depends upon the availability of the vapors for the detection means. Consider the situation depicted schematically in Figure 3. An explosive In the vapor

mixture, 1, is enclosed in a container (primary barrier), 2.

space, 3, between the explosive and the container walls, there is a partial pressure of characteristic vapor, h. The composition of this vapor depends

upon the concentrations of volatile constituents in the explosive mixture. Due to permeation through the container walls or perforations, there may be leakage resulting in a mass flowrate, 4, of characteristic vapors from the primary barrier into the surrounding vapor space, 4. If 1 does

not exceed the vaporization rate of volatiles from the surface of the explosive mixture, the partial pressure, h0 , will be the equilibrium partial pressure, which is the maximum attainable. The mass flowrate 4, will establish a partial pressure, hl, of vapor The

in the non-equilibrium vapor space, 4, beyond the primary barrier.

manner in which h1 varies as a function of distance from the primary barrier will depend upon how this vapor space is bounded. If there is a secondary

barrier (e.g. a suitcase in which several dynamite sticks a.e contained), and the mass flowrate, *2' through this secondary barrier is small compared to


h 2


2 3 4 5

Explosive Mixture Vapor space with vapor in equilibrium with solid Primary barrier (container walls) Non-equilibrium vapor space Secondary barrier

Figure 3. Schematic Representation of Detection Methods


the primary mass flow rate, 0l uniformity.

the partial pressure h1 may approach

If there is no secondary barrier, the sDatial variation

of h1 will be determined by eddy-diffusion of the characteristic vapors. If the secondary barrier, 5, does exist the mass flowrate 02 and eddy-diffusion will determine the spatial variation of partial pressure h, around the barrier. As with the primary barrier the mass flow may

be due to either permeation through the container walls or capillary flow through cracks or perforations. For either case the flow rate

depends upon the difference between concentrations on either side of the barrier. In the case of permeation of the ith species in the vapor phase, the mass flowrate per unit area of surface of the kth barrier is [Ref. 8]


22,400 tk

Mi i k

(hi k-l

h1 k



t Pi

2 surface area of the kth barrier, cm

thickness of the kth barrier, cm permeability of i th species in k th material

Mi i hkl, hk

molar mass of i th species, g i

partial pressures of the ith species on either side of the barrier, cmHg.

The coefficient PL depends upon the diffusion coefficient, DkL, and the solubility factor, Sk, of the i i32


species in the k

barrier material.

With the units used above, pk has units of cm3 of gas at STP-cm/cm 2-sec-cmHg. For permeation to occur, the characteristic vapor must be soluble to some extent in the barrier material, and capable of diffusing through the barrier from the high concentration side to the low concentration side at a reasonable rate. 30

If there are cracks, pores or perforations in the barrier, the mass flow of explosive vapor will be determined by vapor phase diffusion characterized by a diffusion constant D. gas kinetic theory in the form This "constant" can be derived from


where A is the mean free path in air for the diffusing molecule, u the average thermal velocity for the diffusing molecule and 0 a numerical factor which depends upon the nature of the collisional processes between the diffusing molecules and those of air [Ref. 9]. Using the standard expressions

for A and u derived from gas kinetic theory, it can be shown that to a first approximation D is proportional to the three-halves power of temperature, T. For an aperture of cross-sectional area A, and length Z the mass flow rate will be given approximately, by
=1.6 x 10 4


From the data given by Jost for some organic compounds in air, page 412 in Reference 9, a typical value for D is about 8 x 10- 2 cm2/sec at 30*C and 1 atmosphere. In order to gain some perspective on the relative mass transport rates we will use the following moael situation. It is known that at 250 C the cm'(STD) -

permeability of 2,4,6-TNT in dimethyl silicone is about 2 x 10cm/cm -sec-cm Hg [Ref. 10].

Consider a block of TNT wrapped in dimethyl


silicone of thickness 0.1 cm with a surface area of 100 cm .

Assume that

the vapor pressure inside, ho , is the equilibrium vapor pressure of TNT at


25*C, about 10- 7 cmHg [Ref. I]] and that the outside vapor pressure, hit is negligibly small compared to h0 . Using equation (4.1) the mass flow rate due to permeation is 2 x 10- 13 g/c.

Assume a single perforation of

area 0.1 cm

in the film.

The mass flow rate due to diffusion, from equa-

tion (4.3) will be about 10- 1 2 g/s or about 5 times as large as that due to permeation. In the case where pores, or perforations, are not straight, smooth walled tubes, there will be a reduction in the mass flow rate given by (4.3). This is a "tortuosity factor" which takes into account extra Even with this reduction,

collisions due to the kinks along the path.

however, the presence of several or many perforations greatly enhances the vapor transport and, therefore, the probability of acquiring a detectable amount of material. 4.2 Detectability of Commercial Dynamites All commercial dynamites are based on nitroglycerin (NG), which is present in varying extent from about 10% up to about 75% by weight.

The equilibrium vapor pressure of pure NG at 25*C is about 5 x 10 torr. Therefore, the equilibrium vapor pressure of NG above the various mixtures would be on the order of 10- 3 torr. may be used in varying percentages. In addition, nitrated ethylene glycols Ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGD) has a Depend-

vapor pressure about one order of magnitude higher than NG at 25*C.

ing upon the percentage used, the equilibrium vapor pressure above the explosive mixture may range from about 10- 3 tort to 10- 2 tort.

Both NG and EGDN are electron capturing compounds.

Their detectability

by inctrumental methods such as the electron capture detector, negative


ion mass spectrometer or drI.ft tube mobility spectrometer should be equivalent to 2,4,6-TNT and 2,4-DNT. The specifics of these detection Depending

methods and their capabilities are given in Reference 12.

upon the method used, the amount of material required for detection ranges from about 1 picogram up to about 1 nanogram. Since both NG and EGDN are condensible vapors at room temperature, there will be a strong tendency for these materials to adsorb to surfaces. For the model situation depicted in Figure 1, after a sufficient time period the outside of the primary barrier material and inside surface of the secondary barrier could be expected to have a moderate to high degree of coverage. This ease of adsorption can seriously deplete the

amount of vapor available, but it also provides a possibility of concentratire of enough material to enable detection if the adsorbed material This is most conveniently done by heating.

is released from the surface.

Heat could be applied to the whole container, or, if the container can be opened, like a suitcase, or the trunk of an automobile, the heat can be applied locally. This might be implemented with a resistance heated hotFor coverage approaching a monolayer,

air gun or with an infra-red lanp.

the amount of material available per square centimeter will be on the order of a nanogram. Therefore, heating of a few square centimeters would provide

plenty of material for detection. Several methods have been developed for detection of dynamite by trace gas methods. One approach has been to use a noble metal such as gold or This is

platinum to adsorb condensible vapor from a sample air stream.

followed by desorptive heating in an inert gas stream to deliver the adsorbed


vapors to a gas chromatographic column for analysis.

Detection of the

elements from the column is accomplished with an electroi, capture detector. This method, first developed by Dravnieks [Ref. 13], who used a gold foil adsorption surface, has been modified to make a semi-portable commercial detection instrument which utilizes a platinum wire spiral as an adsorption surface [Ref. 14). Further design improvements have been made to develop Only one of

another connercial portable detection instrument [Ref. 15].

these instruments, the Hydronautics-Israel VTA, has been evaluated [Ref. 12, 16]. The detection limit for TNT, about 1 nanogram, should be about

the same for NG and EGDN. Another approach has been to use a dimethyl silicone membrane to separate condensible explosive vapors from atmospheric gases and to detect the presence of electron capturing species with an electron capture detector. The details of the principles involved in membrane separation have One drawback is that the membrane is

been discussed by Spangler [Ref. 10].

not as specific as a gas chromatographic column in the separation process. A commercial detector using this principle [Ref. 17] has been suc-essfully used by the British Army in Northern Ireland. This instrument is subject

to interferences by electron capturing species such as nitrobenzene (used in some shoe polishes), etc. In order to circumvent this problem, a dual channel

method has been developed [Ref. 18] which uses a pyrolyzer in one channel to eliminate explosive vapor materials (which pyrolyze at a relatively low temperature) prior to impingement of the gas stream on a membrane separator. The differe:lyzed and in signal between the electron capture detectors in the pyro-pyroiyzed gas streams is proportional to the amount of explosive


material present. A commercial instrument using a membrane separation technique with a quadrupole mass filter for specificity and an electron multiplier for detection has been developed for explosives detection [Ref. 191.
prohibits portability. In addition to the electron capturing condensible vapors NG and EGDN, there is a probability that nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) may be found around

Its size

dynamites which contain NG and nitrocellulose.

decomposes to release NO2 [Ref. 20].

Nitrocellulose spontaneously

Since NO2 is a common pollutant in One of the

ambient air, field measurement methods have been developed.

most commonly used depends upon the chemiluminescent reaction of NO (developed by catalytic conversion of NO2 ) and ozone [Ref. 21]. The present

detection limit for a coi=mercial instrument of this type is about 1 ppb. Because of the variable concentration of NO and NO2 in ambient air, there is a variable background level. A differential method of measurement which

automatically subtracts background has been nroposed by one manufacturer [Ref. 22]. The amount of NO2 available from decomposing nitrocellulose

will depend upon the decomposition rate and the flow through the barriers, disctssed in Section 4.1. 4.3 Detectability of ANFO Mixtures Ammonium nitrate based explosive mixtures contain varying amounts of hydrocarbons as the volatile constituents. Older recipes [Ref. 23]

using nitrobenze or dinitrotoluene at about 4 to 6.5 weight percefit provide electrcn capturing compounds which may be detected by an electron capture decector, as discussed previously in Section 4.2. The fuel oils used con-

tain a variety of aliphatic hydrocarbons with a wide distribution of mole-


cular weights.

Appendix D, page D-7, gives some idea of the range of comThe heavier hydrocarbons

nonents and their equilibrium vapor pressures.

such as paraffin wax and lubricating oil have very low vapor pressure. Fuel oil and diesel oils contain many lighter molecular weight fractions that have appreciable volatility at room temperature. ponents that offer the best possibility for detection. Several methods are available for measuring hydrocarbons. One of the It is these com-

most sensitive methods is the flame ionization detector (FID) which gives response roughly proportional to the number of organically bound carbon atoms in the molecule. A commercial instrument is available (Ref. 24]

which gives a precision of 0.05 ppm using an FID with a chromatographic column. This instrument has been used in the field, transported in a van, Infrared absorption measurement using a folded, multi-

but is not portable.

path cell can be used to detect many hydrocarbons down to 0.1 to 0.5 ppm. A portable unit with a wavelength variable source and a path length adjustable from 3/4 meter to 20 meters is available commercially [Ref. 25]. dispersive IR with a multipath cell can also be used for measurement. NonUse

of a wavelength at about 3.4 microns, which is the carbon-hydrocarbon bond stetch length, gives reasonable sensitivity. By pulsing IR radiation at an

audio frequency and using an acoustically resonant detection cell, excellent sensitivity has been obtained for many atmospheric pollutant gases

(Ref. 26].

However in the 3.4 micron region of interest for C-H bond detec-

tion, water vapor is ar. interferent [Ref. 27]. Because hydrocarbons - a extensively used legitimately, there will be many possible interferences which could render the use of hydrocarbon


detectors ineffective unless there are appreciable vapor leaks from the explosive m':ttre. 4.4 Detectability of Smokeless Powder Mixtures Smokeless powders contain appreciable quantities of nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose. Nitroglycerin, is detectable with an electron capture Although nitrocellulose de-

detector, as discussed above in Section 4.2.

composes to release NO and NO2 , diphenylamine is used to suppress the release *and inhibit the decomposition. Until this suppressent is exhausted-determined

by the shelf-life of the mixture as designed by the manufacturer-there will probably not be enough NO and NO2 released for detection. However, if old,

surplus smokeless powder is used to fabricate a bomb it is possible that the suppressent is at or near exhauston and that enough NO or NO2 can be *given off to enable detection by a chemiluminescent detection technique. 4.5 Detectability of Match-Head Mixtures The only "volatile" component of match-head mixtures is sulfur. This is present at about 4 to 8 weight percent. The most sensitive and

specific detector for sulfur is the flame photometric detector (FPD), which uses a hydrogen-air flame and monitors characteristic sulfur emission at 394 nm.

A sensitivity for elemental sulfur of 40 picograms has been repor-

ted [Ref. 28] since at 25C the equilibrium vapor pressure of sulfur is about 4 x 10- 4 torr, reduction to about 5%, based on composition, would give about 67 picograms per cm . Allowing a reduction of 10.2 for barrier effects, about 100 cm3 of air woull have to be sampled to get a detectable signal. This might have to be concentrated to present the material as a

detectable pulse.



Gas Enrichment by Means of Nuclear Irradiation

The data reported in this section are based primarily on the report

of Rosenwasser [Ref. 29].

Both inorganic and organic explosives are considered.

Lead azide [Pb(N 3 )2 ] evolved 4.5 to 5.6 ml of gas (S.T.P.) per gram after 47 x 10


After exposure practically pure nitrogen continued to evolve Irradiation was also conducted at three different After an exposure of 26 x 106

but at a reduced rate.

0 0 temperatures: -40 F, 720F (ambient), and 160 F.

rads, the gas formation at ambient temperature was 1.35 times that at -400F and at 160OF 3 times that at -400 F. These values were adjusted for gassing at Lead azide as well as some other explosives

1600F in the absence of radiation.

when irradiated at 160F and then maintained at this temperature evolved more gas than could have resulted from the thermal effects alone. Mercury fulminate [Hg(CN=C)2 ] upon irradiation evolves gas at a rapid rate (2.97 ml/g after 26 x 10

rads) which increases with the time of exposure. Ch~mical analysis showed

Furthermore, gases continue forming after irradiation. the offgas to consist of 71 vol. % CO2 and 19% N 2 . Lead styphnate-


0bl 2


produced the smallest volume of gases of all of the explosives tested: during exposure to 76 x 106 rads.

0.12 ml/g


Diazodinitrophenol (DDNP)-

2 NO2
when irradiated at ambient temperature produced gas quantities similar to those from lead azide. Increasing amounts of gas were given off for incremental dosages.

After 40 x 106 rads, a total of 7.2 ml/g was produced. TNT is comparatively stable to gamma radiation. evolution was only 0.14 ml/g. After 54 x 10

rads, gas

At 72F gas formation was 1.75 times that at -40F

and at 1600F it was 7.5 times that at -400F. Tetryl-

NO 0 N N


after 76 x 106 rads at 70 F produced 1.4 ml of gas per gram of tetryl.


the irradiation sufficient soluble impurity was formed to lower the melting point by 2 F. than at 720F. RDXNO2 After 26 x 106 rads at 160 F tetryl evolved 4 times as much gas

a 4 NO 2

after 40 x 106 rads evolved 1.8 ml/g. irradiation was discontinued. a trace of H

Additional gas continued evolving after

The gas evolved appeared to consist of N2 , CO2, and

The evolution of gas tended to increase with increasing irradiation.



C(CH 2 ONO 2 )4 during 38 x 106 rads irradiation at 720 F, 2.7 ml/g was evolved. much lower than that for nitroglycerin. This is

However, the gas-evolution curve

for PETN turns sharply upward after about 10

7 rads.

The melting point of

the irradiated material was depressed by 70 F. In the case of binary explosives the volume of gas formed corresponded rather closely to the gassing characteristics of the major gas-producing


Thus, for exampleGas evolved during 26 x 106 rads, ml/g

Material, wt. % *(S.T.P.) Tetrytol (65% tetryl, 35% TNT) Baratol (67% Ba(N0 3 ) 2 , 33% TNT) Composition B (60% RDX, 40% TNT) Tritonal (20% Al, 80% TNT) Pentolite (50% PETN, 50% TNT)

0.32 0.09 0.83 0.09 0.24

Pure nitroglycerin decomposes under gamma irradiation rather easily producing 11.5 ml/g during 50 x 106 rads at 72*F. The decomposition gases

corroded mercury which was not observed with the other explosives tested. The irradiated residue was very viscous and continued evolving fumes of NO2 Dried uncolloided nitrocellulose [Ref. 30] after irradiation to about 107 rads lost 1% of its nitrogen content. The intrinsic viscosity of the

irradiated material was reduced to one third of its initial value. The M-15 propellant consists of 54.7 wt. % nitroguanidine, 2G% nitrocellulose, 19% nitroglycerin, 6% ethyl centralite (summetrical diethyl-


diphenylurea) and 0,3% cryolite (Na 3AlF 6). A granular sample produced 6 3.35 ml of gas during 54 x 106 rads exposure. Nitroglycerin would be expected to be the major source of the gas.
Thus, the above data indicate that nitroglycerin is the most sus-

ceptible component to gamma radiation followed by lead azide, mercury

fulminate, DDNP and PETN. *nor For most cases reported, neither a qualitative Nitroglycerin was

a quantitative composition of data was available. indicated to evolve considerable quantities of NO2 .



SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A survey of commonly available explosive materials has indicated

that mixtures based on dynamite are the most readily detectable by vapoL phase detection methods prasently available commercial instruments. There is a possibility that ANFO-fuel oil mixtures may be detected through hydrocarbon vapors and smokeless powders through NO 2 evolved in decomposition. A more remote possibility is the detection of sulfur

vapor from match-head compositions. As pointed out in Section 4 detection of vapors depends upon their availability, which is determined by the physical barriers to transport these vapors from the vicinity of the surface of the explosive mixture to the vicinity of the detector. If a serious effort is to be made to

develop trace gas detection methods for hidden explosives we recommend that a part of this effort be a study of the characteristics of "barriers" commonly encountered, e.g. soils of different type, papers of different types and weights, cardboard, fabric, plastic films, etc. with respect to their ability to permeate the characteristic vapors from explosives. Also of interest is the adsorption behavior of these vapors on various materials. The release of adsorbed vapors by the application of

local heating represents a convenient method of obtaining a preconcentrated sample. In addition, it is possible that a needle probe of a suitable

metal could be developed for insertion through a paper, plastic or leather coating to adsorb vapor which could then be released by inserting the needle into a detection instrument and heating. Therefore, we recommend

that a study of the adsorption behavior of vapors from explosive materials

be made to determine those circumstances favoring adsorption and release of vapor for detection by localized heating, e.g. by a laser beam. 42

Finally, the work cited on the use of nuclear radiation to degrade explosives has shown that gas may be evolved after gamma irradiation. However, only one compound, nitroglycerin, evolves a readily detectable gas, NO2 . Since nitroglycerin based dynamites are detectable without

such irradiation it does not appear productive to use this approach unless it can be established that low vapor pressure explosives like PETN and RDX also evolve NO 2.


REFERENCES 1. J. Stoffel, "Explcaives and Homemade Bombs", 2nd Ed., Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1972. T. Urbansky, "Chemistry and Technology of Explosives", Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, N. Y., (1965), p. 149. J. D. Brandner, Ind. Eng. Chem., 30, 681 and 881 (1938). 0. Tada, "Nitrogen Oxide Analysis", Preprint, Japan Society of Analytical Chemistry, Tokyo, p. 2 (1971); Presented at the 3rd Nitrogen Oxides Conference, Tokyo, Jan. 22, 1971. R. A. Dick, "The Impact of Blasting Agents and Slurries on Explosives Technology", Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8560 (1972). "Blasters' Handbook", 15th Ed., E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware (1969), p. 27.


3. 4.



7. G. N. Butters in "Aspects of Adhesion", Vol. 1, D. J. Alner, ed., CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1965, p. 100. 8. W. Just, Diffusion in Solids, Liquids, Gases, Third Printing with Addendum, Academic Press, N. Y., 1960, Chapter VII. R. D. Present, Kinetic Theory of Gases, McGraw-Hill Book Co., N. Y. 1958, pp. 46-47. G. E. Spangler, "Membrane Technology in Trace Gas Detection. Part 1: Evaluation of the Universal Monitor Olfax Machine", to be released as a USA-MERDC, Ft. Belvoir, Va., Technical Report. A. Coates, et al, "Characteristics of Certain Military Explosives", Ballistic Research Lab. Report No. 1507, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., November 1970. AD877635. J. W. Harrison, editor, "Final Report. Comparative Evaluation of Trace Gas Technology. Volume II - Analysis and Evaluation of Instrumental Methods", Research Triangle Institute, February, 1974. A. Dravnieks and M. J. Salkowski, "Automatic Bomb Detector, U. S. Patent No. 3,430,482, March 4, 1969. Hydronautics-Israel, Ltd., Ness-Ziona, Israel. Leigh Marsland Engineering, Ltd., Waterloo, Ont., Canada.






14. 15.



G. E. Spangler, "An Evaluat-on of the Hydronautics-Israel Vapor Trace Analyzer", to be released as a USA-MERDC, Ft. Belvoir, Va. Technical Report. Ion Track Instruments, Inc., Waltham, Mass. J. E. Cline, "Explosive Effluent Detector", U. S. Patent Application No. 284868, Sept. 7, 1972. Universal Monitor Corp., Monrovia, California. W. A. Schroeder, et al, Ind. and Eng. Chem. 41 (12), 2818 (1949). J. Hodgeson, et al, "Application of a Chemiluminescence Detector for the Measurement of Totai Oxides of Nitrogen and Ammonia in the Atmosphere", Paper 71-1067, Joint Conference on Sensing of Environmental Pollutants, Palo Alto, Ca., November 8-10, 1971. Proceedings available from AIAA Library, 750 3rd Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. Thermoelectron Corp., Waltham, Mass. W. E. Kirst and C. A. Woodbury, U. S. Patent No. 1,992,217, Feb. 26, 1935. Beckman Instrument Co., Process Instrument Division, Fullerton, Ca. Wilks Scientific Instruments, Norwalk, Connecticut. C. F. Dewey, et al, "An Acoustic Amplifier for Detection of Atmospheric Pollutants", to be published in Applied Physics Letters. W. Eppers, "Atmospheric Transmission", pp. 39-154 in CRC Handbook of Lasers, R. J. Pressley, ed., The Chemical Rubber Company, Cleveland,

17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


Ohio 44128.
28. W. Aue, "Flame Detectors for Residue Analysis by GLC", pp. 39-72 in

Pesticides identification of the Residue Level, Advances in Chemistry Series 104, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C., 1971. 29. 30. H. Rosenwasser, "Effects of Gamma Radiation on Explosives", USAEC Report ORNL-1720, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dece,.ber, 1955. H. Rosenwasser, C. L. Whitman, "Effects of Gamma Radiation on Nitrocellulose", U. S. Navy Powder Factory Report No. 128, January, 1959.


APPENDIX A Manufacturers of Explosives


APACIE POWDER COMPANY Box 700 Benson, Arizona 85602 AUSTIN POWDER COMPANY 3735 Green Road Cleveland, Ohio 44112 THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 2020 Abbott Road Center Midland, Michigan 48640 E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC. Nemours Building Wilmington, Delaware 19898 HERCULES INCORPORATED 910 Market Street Wilmitngton, Delaware ATLAS POWDER COMPANY P. 0. Box 2354 ;iimington, Delaware









IRECO CHEMICALS Suite 726, Kennecott Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 MONSANTO COMPANY 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63166 SIERRA CHEMICAL COMPANY 1490 E. Second Street Reno, Nevada 89502 TROJAN-U.S. POWDER DIVISION Commercial Solents Corporation Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105 GEARHART-04EN INDUSTRIES, INC. L100 Everman Road Fort Worth, Texas 76101





Literature on Explosives

Com-and-a o.


F. Nautu, "Nitroglycerine and Nitroglycerine Explosives", The Williams P. and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1928. 2. A. Marshall, "Explosives, Their Manufacture, Properties, Tests and History", Volumes 1-3, J. and A. Churchill, London, 1917 and 1932. T. Urbansky, "Chemistry and Technology of Explosives", Volumes 1-3, Pergamon Press, New Yurk, 1965. "Properties of Explosives of Military Interest," Engineering Design Handbook, Headquarters, U. 3. Army Material Command, AMCP T06-177, January 1971. B. T. Fedoroff, M. A. Aaronson, E. F. Reese, 0. E. Sheffield, G. D. Cliff, "Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items," Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey, 1960.




Books, Serials and Reviews on Explosives 1. Melvin A. Cook, "The Science of High Explosives," Reinhold Book Corp., New York, 1968. T. Stoffel, "Explosives and Homemade Bombs," Second edition. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1972. "Blasters' Handbook," fifteenth edition, 1969, Explosives Department, E. I. duiont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19898. J. Bebie, "Manual of Explosives, Military Pyrotechnics and Chemical Warfare Agents," The MacMilLan Company, New York, 1943. C. S. Robinson, "Explosions Their Anatomy and Destructiveness", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1944. 6. N. E. Beach, V. K. Canfield, "Compatibilicy of Explosives with Polymers. 1I. Plastec Report No. 33, April 1968, AO 672-061 and III. Plastec Report No. 40, January 1971, AO 721004. L. Deffet, industrie Chinm. Belge, 3, Spec. No. T 32, 502 (1967). review on explosives research. A






"Active list of Permissible Explosives and Blasting Devices Approved Before December 31, 1972," Bureau of Mines Inforaation Circu'.'r, No. 8597 (1973).


OLIN CORPORATIOI! East Alton, Illinois



Dynamite Smokeless powder A&'FO Slurry Explosives PETN Black Powder


9. 10.

C. Reeder, Chemical Engineering Progress, , 49 (1968). A review on ammonium nitrate trends. M. A. Cook, Industrial Engineering Chemistry , 60, 44 (1968). A review on the development of slurries.


R. D. Coffee, J. Paint Technology, 40, 34A (1968). hazardous chemicals. G. S. Pearson, Oxidation Combust. Rev. 4, 1 (1969). position and combustion of various perhlorates.

On evaluating


On decom-


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, Volumes I to date. "Internation Critical Tables," Volume 7, First Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1930, p. 489. Chemical Abstracts, Propellants and Explosives Section, Volumes 76 to date. Richard A. Dick, "The Impact of Blasting Agents and Slurries on Explosives Technology" Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8560 (1972).


15. 16.


9. 10.

C. Reeder, Chemical Engineering Progress, , 49 (1968). A review on ammonium nitrate trends. M. A. Cook, Industrial Engineering Chemistry , 60, 44 (1968). A review on the development of slurries.


R. D. Coffee, J. Paint Technology, 40, 34A (1968). hazardous chemicals. G. S. Pearson, Oxidation Combust. Rev. 4, 1 (1969). position and combustion of various perchlorates.

On evaluating


On decom-


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, Volumes 1 to date. "Internation Critical Tables," Volume 7, First Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1930, p. 489. Chemical Abstracts, Propellants and Explosives Section, Volumes 76 to date. Richard A. Dick, "The Impact of Blasting Agents and Slurries on Explosives Technology" Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8560 (1972).


15. 16.



Straight Gelatin Dynamites



Cereal Starch Chalk

3.0% 1.3% 36.1%

9.0% 2.7% 0.9%

N. G. Johnson, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,963,622, June 19, 1934

NG - Nitroglycol, 62-38% NC Ca(N0 3 )2 Starch Pentolite Fe203


39.2% 2.5% 30.0% 11.7% 12.5% 4.1%

R. Yokogawa, S. Mitsui, S. Asaka, M. Ata, Japan 71 20,159 June 5, 1971


Extra Dynamites

NG NaN0 3 NH4NO 3 Combustibles CaCO3

12 - 25% 14 - 60% 750%

8 - 20% 1%

"International Critical Tables," Vol. 7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N. Y., 1930, p.489


12.5% 1.0% 73.8%

NaNO 3 Wood pulp Chalk

5.07, 7.0% 0.7%

R. W. Cairns, U.S. 2,355,269, August 8, 1944


C- 3

Extra Gelatin Dynamites


60.0% 3.5% 2.3%

24.0% 2.2%


NaNO 3

Cereal Starch Chalk

6.0% 1.0% 1.0%

N. G. Johnson, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,963,622, June 19, 1934

NH4 NO3 Sawdust

30.00% 2.00% 1.13%

57.78% 3.69%

Polyethylene glycol monostearate 0.40% BaSO 4 PbO H. Sakai, K. Tsutsui, Japan 71 2.50% 2.50% 01,600, Jan. 14, 1971

NG - Nitroglycol NC NH 4 NO 3

22.0% 0.6% 72.9%

Societe Francaise des Explosifs, Fr. 2,082,276, Jan. 14, 1972



Nitroglycol, 1:4

32.8% 2.1%

NH4NO 3 NaNO 3 Wood pulp S0 Chalk Expanded polystyrene beads

38.8% 19.1% 3.5% 1.6% 1.0% 1.0%

F. E. Slawinski, U. S. 3,671,342, June 20, 1972

28% 12% 13% 30% 15% 1% 1%

Ethylene glycol Diethylene glycol Formamide Ca(N0 3 )2 NH 4 NO 3 Surfactdnt Hydroxypropylguar 20.0%



NH 4NO3 NaNO3 Hydroxypropylguar Chalk E. L. Falconer, U. S. 3,723,208, March 27, 1973

51.4% 18.4% 0.5% 0.3%


Permissible Dynamites

NG AN Collodion cotton

29% 70% 1%

Melvin A. Cook, "The Science of High Explosives," Reinhold Book Corp., N.Y. 1968, p. 10


2.0% 0.7% 441 15% 4.5% 2.0% 1.0%

Starch Cereal Chalk

N. G. Johnson, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,963,622, June 19, 1934


Blasting Gelatins (Dynamites)

1968, p.9

92 - 93% 78%

Melvin A. Cook, "The Science of High Explosives," Reinhold Book Corp., N.Y.,


90 - 95% 5 - 10%

May contain also a small amount of camphor, chalk and a nitrocompound. "International Critical Tables," Vol. 7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1930, p. 489


PETN PETN Silicone Oil Zn 12-hydroxystearate 85 - 92% 8 - 15% 0.1 - 3.0%

P. Lingens, Ger. Offen. 2,027,709,Dec. 9, 197J

PETN Pb(NO3 ) 2 Epicote No. 871

48% 26% 26%

Y. Nomura, Japan 71 22,760,Jun. 29, 1971

PETN Pluracol TP 1540 Zeolite 4A Vinyl methoxysilane

84% 13% 2% 2%

F. L. J. D. De Prisque, 0. J. Nand, P. 0. G. Binet, J. P. A. M. Kehren, Fr. Demande 2,124,038, Oct. 27, 1972

PETN Polyurethane Al0

60% 30% 10%

Plasticizers, such as dioctyl azelate; antioxidants such as nonylphenyl phosphite, and catalysts such as iron or lead naphthenate may be also present.

G. F. Roche, T. P. Kehren, Fr. 2,144,983, March 23, 1973


AN-Fuel Oil

Fuel Oil

91.3% 6.5%

W. E. Kirst, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,992,217, Feb. 26, 1935





W. E. Kirst, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,992,217, Feb. 26, 1935

NH4 NO3 NaNO 3 NB Paraffin

70% 20% 6.5% 3.5%

W. E. Kirst, C. A. Woodbury, U. S. 1,992,217, Feb. 26, 1935

4NO 03 91.96% Ca(N03) 2 H2 0

33.7% 42.0% 24.3%

Diesel Oil 7.86% .86%


N-lauryl-y-hydroxybutyramide 15%


H2 02

(100%) Dec. 16, 1971

J. D. Butterworth, Ger. Offen. 2,128,253,


NH 4NO 3 Diesel Oil Water Guar Gum Silica

85.0% 5.5% 8.0% 0.3% 0.4%

Expanded polystyrene 0.75% * Na CO


3005 Borax

0.05% trace

W. C. G. Baldwin, S. African 71 04,363, Feb. 11, 1972

NH4NO 3 Fuel Oil Cu naphthenate Kerosene Al powder

96.5% 2.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%

H. E. Mager, Fr. 2.086,735, Feb. 4, 1972

98% 2%

NH 4 NO 3 Urea

Fuel Oil


C. M. Mason, D. R. Forshey, U. S. 3,708,356, Jan. 2, 1973

Wax-impregnated TNT-impregnated Water Ethyiene glycol Polyacrylamide Arsenite


46.30% 32.40% 14.90% 6.10% 0.33% 0.01%



Tannic acid Chromate

0.05% 0.003%

H. W. Sheeran, M. H. Oriard, U. S. 3,717,519, Feb. 20, 1973

MeNH . HNO 3 Ca(NO 3 )

42.5% 19.0%

32 NH4NO3 ethylene glycol

formitmide diethylene glycol surfactant hydroxypropylguar

14.2% 11.6%

7.1% 3.6% 1.0% 1.0%

NH4 NO 3 NaNO3 MeNH2 HNO 3 Co(NO 3)2 6H20 S0

56% 12% 8% 2% 2%

E. L. Falconer,

F. 0. K. Finch, U. S. 3,730,790, May 1, 1973

NH4 NO3 Soybean Oil Red phosphorus

95.0% 3.5% 1.0% 0.5%

Dehydrated coffee powder

The use of the coffee powder was said to have increased the detonation rate and the blasting ability of the compositioning the latter by -50%. F. G. Farlan, U. S. 3,733,224, May 15, 1973


NH 4 NO 3 Propylene glycol Maleic anhydride 2 1

7000 parts

Phthalic anhydride
S tyrene Cobalt naphthenate


475 2 4 4400

Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide Al powder ICI Australia Ltd., Fr. Demande 2,144,813. March 23, 1973



Black Powders

KNO 3 S0 Charcoal

62 - 75.7% 10 - 19.4% 5 12%

"International Critical Tables," Vol. 7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1930, p. 489

Activated carbon, ip particle size also used in place of charcoal. K. Lovold, U. S. 3,660,546 May 2, 1972


67.3 - 77.1%


9.4 - 14.3%
8.6 - 22.9%


A. Marshall, "Explosives, Their History, Manufacture, Properties and Tests," 1, J. and A. Churchill, London, 1917, p. 88



Smokeless Powders

NG NC DPAm Co-nercial Source

39.5% 59.5% 1.0%

NG NC DBP DPAm Comercial Source

18% 77% 4% 1%

NG NC DEP DPAm Commercial Source

10.0% 81.4% 7.6% 1.0%



KNO Diethyl phthalate Diphenylamine Methyl cellulose

51.6% (13.2%N)
1.4% 3.25% 0.75% 0.?6% (added)

W. A. Schroeder, E. W. Malmberg, L. L. Fong, K. N. Trueblood, J. D. Landerl, E. Hoerger, Ind. & Eng. Chem., 41, (12), 2818 (1949) C-14




KC 03

70 - 90% 0 - 20%

Aromatic NO2 cpds Paraffii. "International Critical Tables,' Vo 0 - 14%

7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1930, p. 489

Explosive E - KC4O 3

75.36% 1.3% 17.85% 5.32% 0.17%

Nitronaphthalene DNT Castor Oil H 20

"International Critical Tables," Vol. 7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1930, p. 489

Explosive F


75.27% 24.63% 0.10%

Nitrated resin H20

"International Critical Tables," Vol. 7, First Ed., McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1930, p. 489

KCZO Oxamido



5.00 - 13.200% 6.24 - 11.60%

Glycidyl ether of glycerol Maleic anhydride <

4.39% 4.39% 2.50%

Ethylene glycol carbona k. < Diethylene glycol dinitrate Triethylenetetramine < <


(Composition used to inflate safety air bags in automobiles) G. A. Lane, T. E. Dergazarian, R. G. Staudacher, Ger. Offen. 2,240,253, Feb. 22, 1973


Hydroxylammonium perchlorate Polyvinylalcohol Al powder

60% 15% 25%

C. J. Swedenberg, M. J. Cziesla, U. S. 3,697,340, Oct. 10, 1972



NaNO 3 TNT Flour Wood-meal Jelly*

7% 15% 4% 3% 1%

*1 part glycerin and 3.5 Parts gelatin. A. M. Marshall, "Explosives, Their History, Manufacture, Properties and Tests," J. and A. Churchill, London, 1917, p. 384

KCZ0 4 NG Collodion cotton Di-and Tri-nitrotoluene Ammonium oxalate Wood meal

37.2% 22.5% 0.8% 3.5% 25.0% 11.0%

A. M. Marshall, "Explosives, Their History, Manufacture, Properties and Tests," J. and A. Churchill, London, 1917, p. 385


Photoflash Powders

Ti powder KCZO 3 Red phosphorus Hydroxyethyl cellulose MgO Na lignosulfonate

48.01% 24.85% 24.85% 1.30% 0.66% 0.23%

Na (2-ethylhexyl) sulfate 0.03% Trichlorophenol S0 0.04% 0.03%

J. W. Shaffer, U. S. 3,674,411 July 4, 1972

68.6% 31.4%



NaCZO 4 Al powder 40%

(Tetryl used to trigger the above composition.) H. W. Kruse, B. A. Breslow, R. W. Szypulski, U. S. 3,726,728, April 10, 1973


Match Heads Compositions

Ba (C0) 2


So Diatomaceous earth Animal glue

4% 6% 3%

T. Yanagisawa, Y. Mega, U. S. 3,634,152, Jan. 11, 1972

KCkO 3


Ground Glass Kieselguhr Powd. asbestos TiO 2 PbS204 Glue Pigment

8.4% 3.5% 1.4% 0.7% 1.4% 37.8% 0.1%

Societe Industrielle et Forestiere des Allumettes, Fr. Addn. 2,051,933, May 14, 1971

KCZ0 3 Water Sand Poly (vinyl alcohol) Diatomaceous earth Sulfur Starch ZnO

36.40% 35.00% 8.73% 5.20% 4.55% 4.00% 2.50% 1.24%


Resorcinol Wood resin Pigment

1.10% 0.64% 0.64%

R. R. Martin, J. R. Danner, U. S. 3,650,712,March 21, 1972

KC9,0 3 Glass powder S0 Gelatin Quartz powder Corn starch Mica powder K 2 Cr2 07 Glyoxal

61.3% 16.7% 7.9% 5.3% 4.4% 2.6% 1.3% 0.4% 0.2%

M. Takeda, Japan Kokai 73 23,909, March 28, 1973


Surfactants Poly (oxyethylene)oleyl ether Poly (oxyethylene)sorbitan monooleate Poly (oxyethylene)nonylphenol Poly (oxyethylene)sorbitan monopalmitate Compatibility Agents and Softening Point Depressants Foz Binders Phenols Sulfamides (N-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonamide) Polyphenols Nitro and nitroso phenols and polyphenols Partial esters of above phenols Plasticizers Ethylene glycol Epoxidized oils
Naphthenic acid derivatives

Gums Liquid resins Acetyl butyl ricinoleate Acetyl tributyl citrate Dioctyl azelate Dibutyl phthalate Some Combustibles Fuel Oil Diesel Oil Light Oil Spindle Oil Turbine Oil Motor Oil Glycerol C2- C6 Glycols Kerosine Tetralin Soaps of Al, Co, Cn, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, 2n Water Proofing Agents (May constitute 0.1-5% of the composition) Paraffin wax Petrolatum Nitrated resins Na, Ca, Zn soaps Sodium silicate Nitro-toluenes Nitronaphthalenes Wood rosin Ester gum


Polyurethane Dibutylphthalate Castor oil Fuel Sensitizers For NhHNO5 Paraffin wax Fuel oil NG TNT (dissolved in DMF) NB NT Nitroxylenes Nitronaphthalenes Nitrophenols Hydrocarbons Carbohydrates

Alcohols (amyl, ethylene glycol, glycerin) Aldehydes Ketones Amides

Amines Coal Ammonium thiocyanate Al, Mg, Se, S, Sb, Zr Sulfides, carbides, silicides Urea Lignosulphonates Freezing Point Depressants Ethylene glycol dinitrate Dinitrotoluene

Gas Formers Peroxides Acetone NaHO 2

NaHCO 3 Aerating Agents Fibrous pulps and meals Vermiculite Resin microballoons Perlite Glass microballoons Cork D-3

Structural Types

Aromatic, Hydrocarbon

a) b)

Benzene Toluene






Aromatic, Alchol


Resorcinol OH



Aromatic, Ester


Diethyl Phthalate O2Et


Aromatic, Nitro






5N02 CH3


Dinitrotoluene CH 3






NO 2 D-4


Aromatic, Olefin a) Styrene



Aliphatic, Hydrocarbon a) Petroleum fractions


Aliphatic, Alcohol a) Glycerol HOCH 2CHOHCH 20H HOCH 2 CH 2 OH

b) Ethylene Glycol

c) Propylene Glycol HOCH 2 CHOHCH 3 8. Aliphatic, Alcohol-Ether a) Diethylene Glycol HOCH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 0H b) Glycidyl ether of glycerol HOCH2 CHOHCH2 OCH2CHCH2 0 9. Aliphatic, Ether a) Diethyl Carbitol EtOCH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH2OEt 10. Aliphatic, Ester


Dioctyl Azelate

C-O(CH2 ) 7 CH 3 C-a (CH 2 ) 7 CH 3 0

b) Ethylene Glycol Carbonate



Aliphatic, Ketone




C(CH 3 ),

12. Aliphatic, Nitro a) Ethylene Glycol Dlnitrate 02 NC b) Die thylene Glycol Dinitrate


2 C 2

NO 2

0 2NOCH 2 CH 2 Oc:H 2 CH 2ONO2



CH 3 N02

d) 13.


02NOCH 2 CH(0N0 2 ) CH2 ONO 2

Aliphatic, Amide a) Foruamide HC014H2

0 0 :4C,



Petroleum Fraction LCoi oer.ts (v.p. at 25') Ligroin Fr.ction Light oil - 76,% benzene (95.2 mm) 151 toluene (28.5 mm) Kr.-, ane 3raction Co.. 175-325 )

Kzeosene - C9 to C16 bydrocarbons (4.3 - .01 mm)

Dodecane (C1 2 ) (0.12 mm) Tetralin (0.4 mm) Napthaltne (7.45 mm) 1-(2-)-methyl naphthalene

Two alkyl derivatives of benzene (?) Gas oil Fraction (b.p. 250-400 )
Fuel oil, disel oil (C14 to C2 6 hydrocarbons) - estimate v.p., 0.1 to 0.0001 mm

Lubricating oil (b.p. > 400 ) Spindle oil, motor oil, turbine oil (< 10- 4 mm) Residue Paraffin wax (C2 6 to C30 n-alkanes)(< 10- 4 mm)

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