Theory L/T (Hours Per Week) : 3/0, Credit: 3
Theory L/T (Hours Per Week) : 3/0, Credit: 3
Theory L/T (Hours Per Week) : 3/0, Credit: 3
1. Mechanics of Materials by Beer and Johnston, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Mechanics of Materials by R.C.Hibbeler, Pearson Education
3. Mechanics of Materials by William F.Riley, Leroy D.Sturges and Don H.Morris, Wiley
( Student Edition)
4. Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere, Thomson Learning
5. Bending of beams: Asymmetrical bending, Shear centre, Bending of curved beams, Stress
distribution in beam with rectangular, circular and trapezoidal cross section, stresses in crane hooks,
ring and chain links., Deflection of thick curved bars.
6. Repeated stresses and fatigue in metals, Fatigue tests and fatigue design theory, Goodman, Gerber
and Soderberg criteria, Concept of stress concentration, Notch sensitivity. Introduction to Mechanics
of Composite Materials: Lamina and Laminates, Micromechanics of FRP Composites. Introduction to
Fracture Mechanics: Basic modes of fracture, Fracture toughness evaluation.
1. Advanced Mechanics of Solids, L.S. Srinath, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Advanced Mechanics of Materials : Boresi and Schmdt, Willey
1. Advanced Mechanics of Materials : Siley and Smith
2. Strength of Materials Vol.II, by S.Timoshenko
3. Mechanical Metallurgy by Dieter
4. Strength of Materials by G. H. Ryder, Macmillan Press
5. Mechanics of Materials by Beer and Johnston, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Mechanics of Materials by R.C.Hibbeler, Pearson Education
7. Mechanics of Materials by William F.Riley, Leroy D.Sturges & Don H.Morris, Wiley Student.
8. Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere, Thomson Learning
9. Engineering Machanics of Solids by Egor P. Popov, Prentice Hall of India
10. Strength of Materials by S.S.Rattan, Tata Mc Graw Hill