1CE602 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

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1CE602 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

L-T-P-CR: 3-0-0-3
Student should haveattended a course of mechanics of solids and structural analysis.
The objective of the course is to provide the Studentelastic and plastic analyses of structures.

Detailed Course Outline

1. Analysis of Stress: Traction Vector, Cartesian Stress Tensor, State of Stress at a
Point, Stress Components on an Arbitrary Plane, Equations of Equilibrium,
Transformation of Stress wrt another Coordinate, Principal Stresses in 3D, Stress
Invariants, Octahedral Stresses, Mohr’s Circle of Stresses, Equations of Equilibrium
Cylindrical Coordinates. Other Special Cases of Stresses.
8 Lectures
2. Analysis of Strain: Deformation in the Neighbourhood of a Point,Change in length
of line, Definition of Strain, Strain Tensor, Large and Small Deformations and
Strains, Change in the Direction of a linear Element,; Equations of motion,.Principal
Strains, Strain Transformation, Dilatation, Different Special Cases, Compatibility
8 Lectures
3. Stress-Strain Relation for Linear Elastic Bodies: General Theory of Constitutive
equations; Stress-strain relations for linear elastic solids, Types of Elasticity
problems for Isotropic solids. Displacement Equations of Equilibrium.
5 Lectures
4. Torsion: Torsion of thin walled Tubes, Torsion of Noncircular Section: Saint
Venanat’s Method, Membrane Analogy, Torsion of Multiply Connected Sections,
Centre of Twist and Flexure Centre.
5 Lectures
5. Theories of Failure: Basic concepts and Yield Criteria, Different Theories of
Failure, Yield Locus and Yield Surfaces. Equations of Plasticity, Elasto-Plastic
analysis of Torsion and Bending Problems.
5 Lectures
6. Bending of Beams: Straight beams and Asymmetrical Bending, Shear Centre,
Bending of Curved Beams.
4 Lectures
7. Energy Theorems: Theorem of Virtual Work, Variational Methods, Hypoelastic and
Hyperelastic Solids; Conservative Structures. Plasticity: slip lines and plastic flow,
strain hardening.
4 Lectures
8. Axi-symmetric Problems: Thick Walled Cylinders Subjected to Internal and
External Pressure, Problems of Spherical and Axial Symmetry. 3 Lectures
Reference Books
1. Advanced Mechanics of Solids, L.S. Srinath, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.Co., New Delhi
2. Solid Mechanics, S M A Kazimi, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.Co., New Delhi
3. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, A. P Boresi and R J Schmidt, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
4. Theory of Elasticity, S P Timoshenko and J. H. Goodier, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.,
5. Classical and Computational Solid Mechanics, Y C Fung and P Tong, World Scientific, Singapore.
6. Introduction to the Theory of Plasticity for Engineers, O H Hoffmann, and G Sachs, Mc Graw Hill
Book Co. New York.

Expected Outcome:The Studentwill be able to perform elastic and plastic analyses of structures.

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