Lesson Plan: Einstein Academy of Technology and Management
Lesson Plan: Einstein Academy of Technology and Management
Lesson Plan: Einstein Academy of Technology and Management
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Mechanics of Materials by Beer and Johnston, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Mechanics of Materials by R.C.Hibbeler, Pearson Education
3. Mechanics of Materials by William F.Riley, Leroy D.Sturges and Don H.Morris,
Wiley a. Student Edition
4. Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere, Thomson Learning
5. Strength of Materials by James M. Gere and Barry J. Goodno, Cengage Learning
6. Strength of Materials by S.S.Rattan, Tata Mc Graw Hill
7. Engineering Machanics of Solids by Egor P. Popov, Prentice Hall of India
PRE-REQUISITE: In order to study Strength of Material, students should have the knowledge
of basic, mathematics, engineering mechanics.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Understanding of concepts of stress, strain, strain energy and analyze
axially loaded members.
Analysis of stresses, strains and deflections produced in bending of beams.
Analysis of stresses and strains produced in torsion of circular shafts and
calculation of stresses produced in close-coiled helical spring.
Calculation of principal stresses and principal strains in plane strain and
plane stress conditions and the application of it to combined bending and
twisting problems.
Determination of stresses developed in thin cylindrical and spherical
pressure vessels and Euler's critical load of long columns.
COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Explain the concepts of stress, strain, strain energy and analyse axially
loaded members
Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams under various loading
Calculate principal stresses and principal strains in plane stress and plain
CO3 strain conditions and stresses developed in thin cylindrical and spherical
pressure vessels.
Explain the concepts of bending of beams and deflections produced in
bending of beams and Euler's critical load of long columns.
CO5 Analyse stresses and strains produced in torsion of circular shafts and apply
the concepts to calculate stresses produced in close-coiled helical spring.