Innovation Diffusion Theory Review & Scope in The Study of Adoption of Smartphones in India
Innovation Diffusion Theory Review & Scope in The Study of Adoption of Smartphones in India
Innovation Diffusion Theory Review & Scope in The Study of Adoption of Smartphones in India
Diffusion of innovat ion: How t he use of video games can increase t he adopt ion of new t echnologies
Pablo Cano UCAM, Juan Francisco Hernández Pérez, Maria Concepción Parra Meroño, Sphera Publica
suggest a model for the analysis of adoption and internet it has become easy for users to check
ultimately the difusion of smartphones in India. the pros and cons of every new innovation
he innovation difusion theory in itself has before proceeding to adopt it. he innovation
developed immensely from the time of its origin difusion theory (IDT) has remained one of
(1962) till the present day. his paper will try the strong theories to predict the difusion of
to discuss some of the key elements of Innovation innovations in a social system. Smartphone
Difusion theory. is one such product that falls in the category
Keywords: Innovation Difusion theory of innovation that changes with passage of
(IDT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), time. Smartphones are becoming smarter
Smartphones, Indian Consumers. by each day. he addition of new features
in a way reinvents the use of this product.
his paper is a humble efort to present a
INTRODUCTION comprehensive review of the innovation
of the theory as well as the process of multi-media sharing, online purchasing etc.
diffusion. which no one had thought about doing with
• To provide an introductory summary on these small handheld devices which were
the smartphone market in India. meant for communicating with people over
• To suggest a model based on IDT manner they will surely it in the category
distances. If one sees smartphones in this
Late Majority and Laggards—still more at first but eventually succumb to peer
traditional, often poorer, lower status pressure (Murray, 2009). he last to adopt are
individuals for whom peer pressure is required the laggards, who base their decisions on the
to motivate adoption (Rogers 1995). he past rather than the future. Rogers regrets the
Late Majority category adopts after the mean selection of the term “laggard” and emphasises
(average) part of the population has adopted, that it would be a mistake to imply that
their main characteristics being that they are laggards would be somehow at fault for being
sceptical and cautious (Gouws and George, late to adopt (Kaasinen, 2005). hey may be
2011). hese include sceptical users who prefer known as resistors to change. However they
to wait until most others have adopted the might have their own constraints to resist a
innovation (Kaasinen, 2005). Late Majority change e.g. the monetary problems associated
always doubts the adoption of an innovation with adoption of a new technology may
Figure 3. A Model of Five Stages in the Innovation-Decision Process (Source: Diffusion of Innovations, Third Edition by
Everett M. Rogers, 1983, Pg-165)
• Disenchantment
individual and engulf the whole social system.
An individual rejects the innovation
because he/she feels unsatisied about
the innovation. The reason of non-
satisfaction may be that the innovation
doesn`t meet the requirements of the
he Concept of Reinvention: deined as the
degree to which an innovation is changed
or modiied by a user in the process of its
adoption and implementation (Rogers,
1983). Reinvention generally takes place
in implementation stage .Invention is the
process by which a new idea is discovered or
created, while adoption is a decision to make
full use of an innovation as the best course of
action available. hus, adoption is the process
of adopting an existing idea. As innovations,
computers are the tools that consist of many
possible opportunities and applications, so Figure 3: Variables Determining the Rate of Adoption of
computer technologies are more open to Innovations, Rogers (1983)
reinvention (Ismail Sahin, 2006).
Rogers has separated the adoption process
Rate of adoption is the relative speed with from the difusion process the difusion
which an innovation is adopted by members process from the adoption process. While the
of a social system. It is generally measured as difusion process permeates through society
the number of individuals who adopt a new and groups, the adoption process is most