10 Major Trends (And Related Questions) in Materials Science and Engineering

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10 Major Trends (and related questions)

in Materials Science and Engineering

The common voice for materials science and technology round the world.

The global association of ca. 50 institutes in materials science and engineering.

Based on an initiative of the presidential board, numerous active member
WMRIF institutes have contributed and discussed the 10 most important
trends for future research and development in the field of materials science
and engineering.

As a common voice, these trends will continuously be updated within

WMRIF and adjusted to the future development.

From 2015ff on, these trends will be freely available on the WMRIF website to
get more international partners acquainted to the respective WMRIF work.

The following presentation summarizes the current 10 Trends by the

MSE related key questions. Personal comments and contributions are
regarded as extremely valuable and everybody is cordially invited to
contribute and a forum for member institute comments will maintain

The current version represents a draft only for personal use with exemplary
illustrations and is subject to changes based on the discussion among the
member institutes during the 6th WMRIF General Agenda.
Identification of Trends

Consideration of Global Grand Challenges

Energy Climate Global Agriculture
Change Health and Food
Security and Mobility Housing Communi-
Reflection Safety cation
at regional
activities … require Materials
to withstand extreme and varying service
conditions and loadings at designed technical
components, structures and systems

… represent the roots
for future trends in
Materials Science and Engineering
Identification of the Trends

Are 3 trend-setting factors complied ?

Is there agreement among

the WMRIF institutes that it is

Further development of test and

really a trend ?

analysis technologies
Modelling and simulation in MSE
Tool, less a trend

Nanotechnology in MSE:
Nanomaterials and Nanostructuring
Subgroup in the needs, less trends Innovation and advancement
of materials
10 Major Trends (and related questions) in
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Directly related to the
Materials challenges for…..
grand global challenges
1. Renewable energy and energy storage
2. Transportation and mobility
3. Sustainable buildings and infrastructure
4. Medical technologies and biological functionalization
5. Managing climate change and natural catastrophes

Indirectly related to the

global challenges
Materials related issues to…..
6. Rapid design and manufacturing
7. Recovery and usage of scarce resources: Elements, minerals and
materials including limited market availability and substitution
8. Potable water retrieval, supply and purification
9. Lifetime extension and long term service of technical systems
and their components
including revolution of service life evaluation procedures, materials modelling
10. Deeper insight into materials degradation mechanisms and data mining
including revolution of materials analysis and testing procedures, across the
scales: from atomic to field tests, in-situ detection of effects, thresholds
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage
 Solar energy:
 How can solar cells be designed cheaper, more mobile and more efficient
and how can nano-materials contribute to this ?
 How can the fire safety of solar cells be increased by decreased flammability
of materials, reduced emission of hazardous substances as well as improved
protection of fire brigades, citizens and the environment ?
 Offshore wind turbines:
 How can the material related behaviour can best be assessed for components
subjected to extreme and coupled loads in harsh environments ?
 Do we have the welding procedures for efficient joining of large scale mast
components ?
 Tidal power plants:
 Do we really understand the mechanisms to achieve substantial prevention of
marine and microbiologically induced localized corrosion ?

Photo: B. Wolters/Leer (Baulinks.de) © Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hochstadt SAW of offshore components (TUB)
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage – cont´d Energy
 Geothermal power
Materials are subjected to extreme coupled loads:
 Do we have suitable test procedures to determine reliable threshold values for
erosion corrosion and corrosion fatigue in such harsh environments ?
 Can we improve the materials to increase the sustainability of the components ?
 How do we have to adjust the life time assessment procedures ?
 Do we have to re-consider the risk based inspection procedures ?
 Hydro power plants
 How can we avoid hydrogen assisted cracking and further disasters during
fabrication welding and service start-up of high strength structural steel tubulars ?

Erosion corrosion and corrosion fatigue at Location of fractured down-pipe at hydro power plant
geothermal power pumps (BAM) Cleuson Dixence in 2000 and successful recommissioning in 2010
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage – cont´d
 Long distance energy transmission:
 How can we enhance research on super conductors ?
 How can we improve high strength materials for masts and equipment of power
transmission lines to withstand the loads resulting from climate changes ?
 Can we include climate changes in the standards for power transmission lines ?

 Energy waste management and sustainable energy storage:

 How can we improve the materials for more efficient energy conversion and for
insulation ?
 How can we increase the long term storage capacity of batteries ?
 How can we minimize accidental risks for batteries in cars and houses ?

Test set-up to investigate Test set-up to investigate Failure of power line masts caused
the fatigue resistance of batteries the fire resistance of batteries by extreme ice packages (BAM)
(BAM) at accidental penetration (BAM)
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage – cont´d
 Conventional/fossil fired power plants
 How can we realize that the materials for fossil fired power plant components
resist higher operation temperatures and much more frequent start-up/shut-
down cycles at the same time ?
 Do we have sufficient in process monitoring of materials degradation during
long time higher operation temperatures ?
Corrosion 70 (2014), No. 6, pp. 563 – 578

Fossil fired power station boiler tube wall (dguha1952.blogspot.com), hydrogen assisted
cracking at welded tube section (BAM) and investigated specimens (ISSV)
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage – cont´d
 Nuclear power plants and nuclear waste management
 How can we develop new materials which can sustain irradiation damages ?
 Do we have processes to weld such materials and is there a need to develop
new weld qualification tests ?
 What results and experience can we gain from tear down analysis and
respective testing of long-term used materials for avoidance of any further
nuclear power plant disaster in future ?
 Do we have reliable procedures for accelerated testing of the crack and
corrosion resistance of nuclear waste material and respective containments
subjected to aggressive saline environments for thousands of years ?

Fiber and composite materials

for nuclear applications (ORNL)
Corrosion mechanims of nuclear
fuel pellets (ine.kit.edu)
1. Materials challenges for renewable energy and energy storage – cont´d
 High pressure storage of gases
 How can we improve the materials to increase durability of high pressure storage ?
 How can we improve the materials with respect to technical safety at accidental,
explosion and fire scenarios ?

 Special emphasis: Hydrogen

 Which alternative materials to CNG containers can
be developed for hydrogen storage ?
 What degradation of materials applied to components
for hydrogen transport and combustion might happen?

CNG container and respective Glass capillaries for hydrogen storage

fatigue test set up (BAM) (CEn, BAM)
Enhancement of hydrogen storage capacity and speed in
palladium by applying a metal-organic framework (MOF)
coating to cubic Pd nanoparticles
(Li et al.: Nature Materials 13 (2014), pp. 802 – 806)
2. Materials challenges for transportation and mobility
 Public and mass transportations systems
 How can the fire safety be increased in trains, ships planes, busses and cars ?

 Multimaterial mix and joining processes

 How can the various materials (steel, Al, Mg, Ti) be joined ?
 How can we weld UHSS and maintain the properties at the welded joint ?
 How can crash/impact loads be transferred from one material class to another
(metals, polymers, CFK, ceramics, textiles) ?
 Do we have adequate NDE to evaluate joints of dissimilar materials ?

 Increasing efficiency
 How can friction be reduced in combustion engines ?
 How can the various advanced engine concepts be realized ?

Simulation of the fire and smoke Goede et al.: Eur. Transp. Res. Rev. 1, Laser welded and cut
distribution in a travelling bus (BAM) pp. 5 – 10 CFK profile (FhG-ILT)
3. Materials for sustainable buildings and infrastructure
 Fire resistance of buildings and tunnels
 How can the fire resistance of wall insulations be
increased ?
 How can the various procedures for Novel corrosion
mathematical modelling of fire and smoke resistant reinforcing
steel (NIMS)
distribution at built infrastructure be coupled
(CFD with FEM etc.) ?
 New green building materials
 How can the novel building materials be applied ?
 Ageing of buildings and infrastructure
 How can the usage duration economically
be extended ?

Coupled CFD and FEM Fire at polystyrene insulated front I 35 bridge failure initiated
simulated fire distribution of a residential building by crevice corrosion
in a street tunnel (BAM) (www.feuerwehr.de) (NTSB – USA)
4. Materials challenges for medical technologies and biological functionalization
28 days Materials-
Protein +

Covalent coupling
(chemical, enzymatic)

Oriented attachment Random attachment

(EMPA) Improved materials

 Medical technologies
 Which materials for supporting or maintaining body functions have still to be
developed under consideration of the ageing societies ?
 Which material properties are most important for long term use in the human body?
 How can we avoid failures in the specific environment (body fluids)?
 Which materials are suitable for temporary human body applications and subsequent
resorbing without removal by additional surgery and how can we quantitatively
control such resorbing of materials?
 Which EHS aspects have to be covered during development of new materials and
applications ?
4. Materials challenges for medical technologies and biological functionalization – cont´d
 Biocompatibility and biological functionalization of nano-materials

 Which risks are really evolving from nanoparticles, Fullerene (C60)

e.g. interaction with and resorption at biological membranes ? SWCNT

 Are we hyping the effects ?
Nano silver

 Which hazards are evolving from nanoparticles, e.g. structure Nano iron
and element analysis of respirable dust? (Carbon Black)

Titanium dioxide

(Aluminium oxide)

Cerium oxide

Zink oxide

Silicon dioxide



(Nano clays)

Lead Sponsor
OECD: Toxicological
evaluation of
The Trojan-Horse Transport Principle,
14 nano materials
H.F. Krug & P. Wick: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1260 ff. (EMPA)
(BMU Directive)
5. Materials challenges for managing climate changes and catastrophes Climate
 Climate changes significantly affects the long-term service Change
behavior of materials, especially atmospheric corrosion rates
 Which materials resist increased atmospheric corrosion in marine environments ?
 Which materials can we develop to cope with the climate changes ?
A1 Rural (A1 & A2)

Suburban (A3)


A4 Urban (A4) Exposure test of steel specimens in tropical climate

A7 (MTec)


Marine (A5&A6)


Industrial-Marine (A7)

Larger aggression of marine waters due to climate

changes entail significant corrosion in the splash
Test sites for studying climate effects on atmospheric water zone of high-power transmission systems
corrosion of carbon structural steels in Thailand (MTec) (MTec)
5. Materials challenges for managing climate changes and catastrophes Climate
 Carbon Capture and Storage Change
 Which materials are required for CO2 capture conversion ?
 Which test procedures are suitable to address long-
term service behavior of CO2 storage components ?
 Resistance against extreme loading
 How can accelerated corrosion be prevented and
how do we mitigate the difficulties to weld newly
developed corrosion resistant alloys ?
 How can extreme loads due to natural
catastrophes be coped ?
 Reduction of pollution
 Which materials can be developed to increase
the efficiency and temperatures of waste-to-energy Installation of an earth quake damping
device for a building in Japan (NIMS)
plants to reduce polymer pollution ?
 Which materials can we develop that lead to a
Samples of polymer materials taken
reduced carbon-footprint ? Polymer parts in organic waste from organic waste / compost and
 Do we know the nano-hazards of households (BAM) prepared for lab investigations (BAM)

of polymer pollution ?
 Do we understand the ageing
and decomposition of
polymers completely
to combat polymer pollution ?
6. Materials issues related to rapid design and manufacturing

 Additive / rapid manufacturing processes:

 How can we optimize the processes parameters to achieve isotropic and
homogeneous material properties in additive manufactured components ?
 How can we address other markets than aerospace for additive manufacturing ?
 How can we avoid cracking initiated by rapid metallurgical phenomena and loads ?
 Do we understand the physical, chemical and mechanical behaviour at the interfaces
between substrates and coatings at additive manufactured components ?
 Can we apply the same heat treatment procedures used for conventional produced
components to additive manufactured components ?

10 mm




Combination of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Repair of a turbine blade edge by Wear resistant TiC layers by
Laser Powder Welding (LPA) for turbine blades Laser Powder Welding (LPA) Laser Powder Welding (LPA)
6. Materials issues related to rapid design and manufacturing

 Additive / rapid manufactured components:

 How sustainable are additive manufactured repair and replacement parts
in comparison to conventionally produced ones ?
 Do we have substantial test and evaluation procedures to investigate the long term
service behaviour of additive manufactured components ?
 How can we join additive manufactured components to other parts of a structure ?
 Can the materials behaviour at extremes be controlled for effective and efficient
processing and manufacturing ?
 How can we repair (welding) additive manufactured components ?
Size capabilities of additive
manufacturing from single beads
stacked upon each other (blades) to
large dimensions at high deposition
rates (rotors) (EWI)

GTAW (Hot Wire)

First layer Completed deposit

Additive manufacturing with arc welding:

GTAW-HW of a Ti 6 4 vehicle control arm on a 4´by 4´plate (Photos provided courtesy of EWI) PAW (Cold Wire)
7. Materials issues related to recovery and usage of scarce resources:
Elements, minerals and materials
 Usage of scarce resources
 Which quantities of rare elements, minerals, materials are globally justifiable for
improvement of mass material properties ?
 Which substitutes provide the same material properties in a specific component ?
 How does market availability affect fitness for purpose requirements affect the
selection of materials ?
 Structural materials designed for very specific applications are often only limited
available and rest batches usually cannot be used for other purposes …..

Ru > 1 wt.-% significantly improves the SSC resistance of Ni-Cu welding fillers for AISI 304 SS
(Liang et al.: Corrosion Science 52)
7. Materials issues related to recovery and usage of scarce resources:
Elements, minerals and materials
 Recovery and substitution of scarce resources
 Which procedures can we develop to separate scarce materials during recycling
more efficiently ?
 How can we substitute rare or toxic substances and materials, in particular for
electronic devices, by development of novel materials ?

Mid-term critical supply of the sector

renewable energy with rare elements

8. Materials issues related to potable water retrieval, supply and purification

 Materials for potable water retrieval and supply

 How can we avoid potable water contamination
by emissions from materials during processes,
manufacturing and usage, especially by corrosion ?
 How can we avoid corrosion leakages in the
potable water supply chain ?
 Which materials have to be developed for more
simple and cost-effective water cleaning processes ?
 Which materials have to be developed for filter
systems to improve used water Treatment systems
with respect to purification and sustainability ?

Large-scale molecular
dynamics simulation to assess
the performance
of graphene oxide framework
membranes for water
purification (ORNL)

Water consumption (>water footprint<)

of the nations in m³ per inhabitant
Leakages and corrosion
of potable water pipes
9. Materials issues related to
long term service and lifetime extension of technical systems and their components
New technical systems – faster, higher, stronger (for less money!)
Research requirements (a. o.)
> Innovative Materials - Test procedures for determination of the material behaviour
> Nano structuring and threshold values under real coupled loading
> Multi material mix
- Test procedures for investigation of the interaction between
> Light weight design different materials in the same component or structure
Existing technical systems – extended use (for the same amount of money!)
> Life time extension Research requirements (a. o.)
- Test procedures for complex long term loading and
> Health monitoring
investigation of the last 10% of the product life cycle
> Risk based Inspection
> Preventive repair - Modification of test procedures for consideration of the
exceptional loading conditions during repair procedures
9. Materials issues related to
long term service and lifetime extension of technical systems and their components

 Development of materials testing towards better life time evaluation procedures

- Which life time assessement procedures do we have that take into account the
influence of loads and defects introduced during production on the service life ?
- How can we improve life time assessment procedures to consider coupled and extreme
loads (acting at the same time and location on a component) as well as multi material mix ?

Key for component safety: Key for component safety:

Testing and investigation of the Testing and investigation of
producibility of service failure save behaviour during service
resistant components operation
Production Operation

Fabrication of BEHAVIOUR
LOADING service failure Safe behaviour LOADING
resistant during the total
components life cycle
Thermal Thermal,
mechanical mechanical,
DESIGN tribological

Production phase Service operation phase

Interaction of producability and service behaviour of components:

Driven by the interaction of material, design and loading (Springer Handbook of Technical Diagnostics, Chap. 17)
 Failure resistance / Component safety: Load bearing capacities of all materials at all locations in a specific component
are larger than the actual loads during the complete duration of production phase and the usage duration
9. Materials issues related to
long term service and lifetime extension of technical systems and their components
Development of materials testing towards better life time evaluation procedures
 How do material defects in innovative high strength materials affect the long-term
resistance of components and structures against failures ?
 How do the threshold values and the fatigue strength of components vary towards
the end of the product life cycle under coupled loading (@ > 109 cycles) ?
 How can real loading conditions be transferred to laboratory testing and vice versa
and which parameters are suitable ?
 How to develop materials testing towards a systems and component testing
combining complexity and scale to the best economically feasible gain of knowledge,
also for quantitative risk analyses ?
 How to efficiently and economically combine micro systems technology, analytical
procedures and in-situ monitoring in modern materials testing procedures ?

Numerical Numerical
Simulation Simulation

Real Full Scale Test Component Small Basic

component similar compo- oriented test scale test Test
within the nent at realistic
system conditions
Probability x Consequence of Failure

Numerical Numerical
Simulation Simulation Safety Danger

Sound combination of test procedures (ThB –BAM) Risk

9. Materials issues related to
long term service and lifetime extension of technical systems and their components

Avoidance of metal-water reactions

Innovative materials used at the limits of their design reduces the risk by development of large
properties are prone to failure upon small deviations in amounts of hydrogen and explosive gas
structure and composition (BAM) mixtures (Sheperd – CalTech)

 Learning from failure analyses and disasters

 How can knowledge from failures and catastrophes be effectively transferred to
R&D work to prolong service life time ?
 How can experience from damage and failure analysis be transferred to
standardization and providing expert advice to industry, policy and public debate ?
 How can WMRIF institutes‘ competence be made available in major national and
international disaster ?
 How can global standards in damage analysis and failure analysis procedures
be improved?
9. Materials issues related to
long term service and lifetime extension of technical systems and their components

 Materials Informatics I: Modelling and simulation achievements

 How can materials modelling and simulation become an integrated part in the life
time assessment procedures for technical components and systems ?
 How can the various simulation scales be coupled to each other ?
Bridging the gaps between the atomic scale and the real component
 How can simulation and experiment can be validated by each other ?
Identification of the parameters with the largest influence on the results
 How can the models be validated to improve the quality of nondestructive testing ?
 How can we mitigate the challenges associated with modelling of welding materials
(advanced models for grain growth, microstructure formation and properties) ?

Simulation of thermal-mechanical loading Validation of calculated

of a turbine blade (BAM)  FE grid of a Castor lid
temperature distribution
during welding (BAM) Qualitative comparison of weld sealing (BAM)
distortion during AM (Photo
provided courtesy of EWI)
10. Deeper insight into materials degradation mechanisms and data mining
 Advanced structural materials
 Do we really understand the real damage mechanisms under coupled loading, as
for instance for SCC, CF, TMF, reheat and hot cracking ?
 Do we understand the behaviour of materials under extreme loading conditions of
radiation, pressure, strain, temperature and chemical reactivity in detail to allow
new materials to be predicted, synthesized, processed and ultimately designed ?
 Which threshold values are required with respect to realistic coupled loads, and
are these sufficient to describe the real loading capacities ?
 How do material properties and threshold values change after unforeseen loading
events and extreme conditions, as for instance after fire or explosion?
 Which contribution does numerical modelling provide for elucidation of failure
mechanisms as well as to the determination of failure origins ?
 How does increased nano-structuring of materials affect the materials properties
and how can this be transferred to components ?

Hydrogen distribution and cracking Biogenic corrosion Hydrogen assisted cracking

in a multi-layer butt weld (BAM) in DSS microstructure (BAM)
10. Materials issues related to
Deeper insight into materials degradation mechanisms and data mining

 Significant achievements in materials analysis techniques

 How can improved materials measurement procedures
contribute to the clarification of
damage mechanisms and determination of threshold values ?

In-situ detection of deuterium at twins in the ferrite of DSS by TOF-SIMS (BAM)

Verification of the steel TRIP-effect by

synchrotron radiation experiments (BAM)

Element- and microstructural
changes in an austentic
(Dimitrieva, Raabe et al.:
Acta Mater 59 (2011), 364ff)
10. Materials issues related to
Deeper insight into materials degradation mechanisms and data mining
 Materials Informatics II: Data mining
 How can we quantify the various mechanisms to reveal reliable data and threshold
values for engineering life time assessment approaches ?
 Do new material properties emerge at extreme conditions and how to quantify them ?
 Can we develop sufficient digital data fusion concepts for multiple analyses and
imaging procedures ?
 How can we identify and quantify materials parameters and threshold values for
coupled loading and for the large variety of weld and braze filler materials ?
 Can we establish and manage a common (and perhaps freely accessible) platform
for materials data and can we validate freely available data for common use ?

Critical hydrogen concentration

Base metal
Heat affected zone (HAZ)
Weld metal

10 μm S355 S690Q S1100QL
Increasing strength

High-resolution scanning electron microscopy Critical hydrogen concentration for total

and ToF-SIMS: Cracking and deuterium distribution in the loss of ductility in common structural
austenite phase of duplex stainless steels (BAM) steel weld microstructures (BAM)
10 Major Trends
in Materials Science and Technology

Major contributors: Also discussed at:

Thomas Boellinghaus (BAM, D)

Juergen Lexow (BAM, D)
Gian-Luca Bona (EMPA, CH)
Harald Krug (EMPA, CH)
Teruo Kishi (JST, SM4I, J)
Laurie Locascio (NIST, USA)
Mike Fasolka (NIST, USA)
Alber Sadek (EWI, USA)
Robert G. Sumpter (ORNL, USA)
Participants of the 4th WMRIF Young Scientist Workshop

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