Modals, Genre of Texts, and Pronouns

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1. CAN and COULD

Can and Could digunakan untuk menyatakan :
1. Kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan (ability and disability)
contoh :
- He can sing melodiously
- She can’t come to night
2. Persetujuan dan kemungkinan (permission and possibility)
contoh :
- Can you help me with this homework ?
- He walks slowly, he can be late
Catatan :
1. ‘Can’ digunakan untuk present dan future actions, sedangkan ‘could’ digunakan untuk past
2. ‘Can dan Could’ memiliki sinonim :
· be able to + V1
· be capable of + gerund/ present participle

2.   MAY and MIGHT

May and Might digunakan untuk menyatakan :
1. Perizinan/ persetujuan (permission)
contoh :
- You may choose whatever you want
- She may go home if she is sick
2. Kemungkinan (possibility)
contoh :
- I don’t see her, she may be late
- It may rain. I won’t come.

Catatan :
1. ‘May’ digunakan untuk present dan future actions, sedangkan ‘Might’ untuk past actions.
2. May and Might memiliki sinonim : be allowed to + V1

3.   MUST and HAVE TO

1. ‘Must’ digunakan untuk menyatakan ‘perintah’ (command) atau ‘kewajiban (obligation)
yang biasanya diberikan oleh pembicara.
contoh :
- You must work hard in order to pass the test
- You must not smoke here
2. ‘Have to’ juga digunakan untuk menyatakan ‘perintah’ (command), tetapi kurang kuat
( less direct and forceful), biasanya dilakukan oleh pihak luar.
contoh :
- You have to follow this rules, when you are in this college
- He has to send the letter as soon as possible
3. ‘Have to’ digunakan untuk menggantikan ‘must’, khususnya untuk past, future, and

conditional tenses.
contoh :
- He must be told the truth, menjadi :
             He will have to be told the truth


Should / ought to / had better + V1 digunakan untuk menyatakan :
1. Kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan (expect something to happen)
contoh :
- We should be there by dinner time
- It ought to get better as it goes along
2. Sesuatu yang secara moral benar (something is morally right)
contoh :
- Crimes should be punished
-  I had better study tonight. I will have a test tomorrow.
3. Memberi Nasehat (giving advice)
contoh :
- You ought to obey the law
- I think you should get in touch with your mother

Should, ought to, had better dapat digunakan untuk present, past, and future tense

5. USED TO + V1
Used to + V1 digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di waktu lampau (past habitual action)
yang tidak lagi dilakukan sekarang (to express something that existed or was done in the past,
but no longer exists or is done now)
Contoh :
-  He used to come here very often. (but now he seldom comes here)
-  The boy used to smoke last year. (now he doesn’t smoke anymore)

Used to memiliki sinonim:

- Accustomed to + V1
- Was/were used to +...........present participle

6.  BE USED TO + G
Be used to + G, digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di masa sekarang (present habit)
contoh :
-  I am used to drinking milk every morning
-  The girl gets accustomed to get up early

Be used to + G, memiliki sinonim:

- Be/get become used to + G
- Be/get become accustomed to + G

7.  WILL and SHALL

(1) Will digunakan untuk menyatakan:
(a) undangan (invitation)
contoh : Will you come for a drink with me?
(b) permintaan (request)
contoh : Will you shut the windows, please?

(c) perintah yang tegas (command that is strick and impersonal)
contoh : You will do as you are told
(d) kebiasaan (habit)
contoh : He will get up at 6 every morning
(2) “Shall” digunakan untuk menyatakan :
(a) permintaan nasehat (request for advice)
contoh : Where shall I put this book?
(b) pembicara meminta orang kedua melakukan sesuatu (speaker’s intention to perform an
contoh : You shall have dinner with us before you go
(c) perintah, terutama berhubungan dengan peraturan (command, chiefly concerning rules
and regulation)
contoh : Each contestant shall wear a number.

“would” digunakan untuk menyatakan:
(a) permintaan yang sopan (polite request)
contoh : Would you show me your picture, please?
(b) kebiasaan di waktu lampau (past habitual action)
contoh : He would take a walk every evening after dinner
(c) keinginan yang tidak terpenuhi (unfulfilled wish = subjunctive)
contoh : If only I would come on time (I don’t come on time)
PROBLEM SET01. Amir will have a test next week, so he …. study hard
a. must
b. should
c. may
d. must to
e. can

02. My father ….. go to his office, because he was sick.

a. wasn’t
b. might not
c. didn’t
d. couldn’t
e. shouldn’t

03. Many of the students ….. all those words correctly.

a. can’t to be spell
b. can’t spell
c. can’t to spell
d. can’t spelling
e. can’t spelled

04. You don’t feel well. You ….. go and see the doctor.
a. could
b. would
c. had better
d. will
e. unable

05. I ….. ask Mr. Umar for his advice about that tomorrow night.
a. Would to
b. might
c. could to
d. should
e. has to

06. No one …….explain the exact meaning of the word to me.

a. can to
b. could to
c. be able to
d. can have to
e. can

07. It is raining hard. I …. an umbrella.

a. should bring
b. would bring
c. could bring
d. must bring
e. must bringing

08. Sena ….. to answer all the questions on this paper correctly.
a. must
b. is able
c. can
d. having
e. will

09. ‘ ……… you help me lift this furniture?’

a. don’t
b. must
c. would
d. should
e. may

10. Amar …. run faster than Mahfud and me yesterday.

a. must
b. have to
c. ought to
d. has to
e. could

11. She is very tired. She …. take a rest.

a. has to
b. may
c. have
d. must
e. should

12. X : ‘Have you seen the doctor?’

Y : ‘I ….. him this afternoon.’
a. am seeing
b. may see
c. will see
d. will be seeing
e. can see

13. X : ‘Excuse me, ….. to the post  office?’

Y : ‘Just walk straight about one kilometre. It’s at your left’
a. tell me the way
b. could you tell me the way
c. will accompany me
d. let’s go
e. may I go

14. When I grow up, I ….. be a pilot.

a. am going to
b. am going
c. would
d. was going to
e. was going

15. You …. waste your time.

a. ought not to
b. must
c. should
d. ought to
e. may

16. We….. stay at home if you come in the evening.

a. can
b. will
c. should
d. might
e. had better

17. They promise that they ….. study hard to pass the exams.
a. must
b. should
c. will
d. might
e. would
18. He …… not sleep because he was worried.
a. can
b. might
c. could
d. should
e. must

19. Father said that we …. go to Umroh in the following holiday.

a. have to
b. could
c. should
d. will
e. would

20. As there is no answer when I knock, I think he ..... out.

a.      can be
b. might be
c. must be
d. must to be
e. should be

21. To prevent accidents, parents ....... allow their children to play near the well.
a. might not
b. would not
c. do not have to
d. can not
e. should not

22. If you ask him politely, he ….. agree to your suggestion.

a. could
b.     must
c .    has to
d.     may
e.     had better

23.   I …. wash my own clothes every morning before I come to work.

a. have to
b. had to
c. could
d. might
e. should

24.  ‘Good News!’ Uncle Jacky  …… give me present for my becoming first rank in my class.
a. shall
b. can
c. would
d. will
e. must

25. Before they shifted, we …… visit them frequently.

a. can
b. might
c. used to
d. ought to
e. will

26. ‘There …… be no further discussions on this subject again’ he said.

a. can

b. will
c. may
d. shall
e. has to

27. The dog …… wag its tail and bark joyfully whenever it saw him
a. might
b. could
c. would
d. had to
e. should

28. When he was a baby, he ….. cry a lot

a. could
b. might
c. ought to
d. used to
e. had to

29. The tutor said to Evi :“You can go now”. It means that:
a. Evi was supposed to go
b. Evi was advised to go
c. Evi was ordered to go
d. Evi was requested to go
e.      Evi was allowed to go

30. Bob is usually make a noisy in the class. And some of his friends don’t like him. The
teacher ..... him some advices.
a. has to give
b. ought to have given
c. would have
d. must have been
e.      have to given


Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda atau noun. Kata
ganti mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan kata benda; yaitu dapat digunakan sebagai
subyek atau obyek kalimat. Kata ganti ini digunakan untuk menghindari pemakaian
kata benda yang sama secara berulang-ulang dalam satu kalimat atau paragraph.

Pronouns atau kata ganti dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu:

A. Personal Pronoun (Kata Ganti Orang)

B. Possesive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Milik)
C. Reflexive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Refleksif)

D. Demonstrative Pronoun (Kata Ganti Penunjuk)
E. Indefinite Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Tak Tentu)

Personal Pronouns Possesive
Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
I  me  my  mine  myself 

You you your yours yourself/yourselve

We us our ours
They them their theirs
He him his his
She her her hers
It it its
I, Me, Mine, My, Myself Digunakan untuk menggantikan 

www si pembicara. (Saya)

You, You, Yours, Your, Digunakan untuk menggantikan

Yourself/Yourselves lawan bicara. (Kamu/Kalian)

He, Him, His, His, Himself Digunakan untuk menggantikan

www orang lain (di luar si pembicara dan

www lawan bicaranya) yang berjenis

www kelamin laki-laki. (Dia laki-laki)

She, Her, Hers, Her, Herself Digunakan untuk menggantikan

www orang lain yang berjenis kelamin

www perempuan. (Dia perempuan)

We, Us, Ours, Our, Ourselves Digunakan untuk menggantikan si

www pembicara yang disertai orang lain. (Kami/Kita)

They, Them, Theirs, Their, Digunakan untuk menggantikan

orang lain atau benda yang jumlahnya

lebih dari satu. (Mereka)

A. Personal Pronouns

Sebagai Subject


 Steve studies hard. He will have examination.

( Steve belajar keras. Dia akan mengikuti ujian. )

 Susi goes to school everyday. She is never late.

( Susi pergi ke sekolah setiap hari. Dia tidak pernah terlambat. )

Sebagai Object

Digunakan setelah kata kerja (verb) atau kata depan (preposition).


 Steve is my friend. I like him.

( Steve adalah temanku. Aku menyukainya. )

 Susi is a pretty girl. I know her.

( Susi adalah seorang gadis yang cantik. Aku mengenalnya. )

B. Possesive Pronouns

Possesive adjective tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan selalu diikuti kata benda (yang


 His uncle is very rich. (Pamannya sangat kaya)

 Primus Yustisio is my friend. (Primus Yustisio adalah temanku)

Possesive pronoun selalu berdiri sendiri (tidak diikuti kata benda), tetapi
bendanya harus sudah disebutkan sebelumnya.


 The red hat is mine and the white one is hers.(Topi merah itu milikku dan
yang putih adalah miliknya)

C. Refleksif Pronoun

Digunakan jika subject dan complement menunjukkan orang/benda yang sama.


 When I was cutting the potatoes, I cut myself. (Saat memotong kentang, aku
melukai diriku sendiri).
 She gets angry with herself. (Dia marah pada dirinya sendiri)

D. Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata ganti penunjuk. Kata ganti penunjuk antara lain:

1. This untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang letaknya dekat.

2. That untuk menunjukkan benda tunggal yang letaknya jauh.

3. These untuk menujukkan benda jamak yang letaknya dekat.

4. Those untuk menunjukkan benda jamak yang letaknya jauh.


a. This is your book. (Ini bukumu)

b. These are your books. (Ini buku-bukumu)

c. That is your book. (Itu bukumu)

d. Those are your books. (Itu buku-bukumu)

E. Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti tak tentu yang digunakan untuk menunjuk
orang, benda, atau jumlah yang tak tentu ( belum diketahui identitasnya).

1. Indefinite Persons

 Someone ; seseorang
 Somebody ; seseorang
 Anyone ; sesorang
 Everyone ; seseorang
 Everybody ; seseorang
 no one ; tak seorangpun
 nobody ; tak seorangpun

2. Indefinite Things

 Something ; sesuatu
 Anything ; sesuatu
 Everything ; segala sesuatu
 Nothing ; tak satupun

3. Indefinite quantities

 All/all of ; semua
 Another ; yang lain
 Any ; beberapa
 Both/both of ; keduanya
 Each/each of ; masing-masing

 None/none of ; tak satupun
 One/one of ; satu/salah satu


1. Someone/something/somebody digunakan pada kalimat positif.

2. Anyone/anything/anybody digunakan pada kalimat negative dan kalimat tanya.


a) There is someone in the house.

b) There isn’t anyone in the house.

c) Is there anyone in the house?

penggunaan Indefinite Pronoun (Kata ganti tak tentu) dalam bahasa inggris

Indefinite pronoun (kata ganti tak tentu) berfungsi mengganti hal-hal yang spesifik
menjadi konsep-konsep yang umum dan tidak spesifik. Contoh:

 I want to live abroad in Italy.

 I want to live abroad somewhere.

Dalam unit ini kita akan membahas indefinite pronoun yang terbentuk dari kata some,
any, no, dan every.


Some dan any bisa dikombinasikan dengan “-thing” untuk menunjukkan objek yang
tidak ditentukan. Contoh:

 There’s something outside the door.

 There isn’t anything in the box.

Some dan any bisa dikombinasikan dengan “-body” atau “-one” untuk menunjukkan
orang yang tidak ditentukan. Ada sedikit perbedaan makna antara “-body” dan “-one“.

 If you have a problem, someone/somebody will help you.

 Do you know anyone/anybody who can help?

Kata benda gabungan ini mengikuti aturan yang sama seperti some dan any, yakni
some digunakan pada kalimat afirmatif, dan any digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan
pertanyaan. Contoh:

 I need something from the supermarket.

 I don’t need anything from the supermarket.
 Do you need anything from the supermarket?


No bisa dikombinasikan dengan berbagai kata benda yang artinya ketiadaan sesuatu.

 “Did you find your wallet? No, there’s nothing here.”

 “Did anything happen?” “No, nothing happened.”

 This job is going nowhere. (maksud: Tidak menjadi lebih baik.)

 Nowhere is as good as here. (maksud: Aku suka disini yang paling baik.)

 Is anybody here? No, there’s nobody here.

 I waited for an hour but nobody came.

Terkadang kata-kata dengan no- bisa memiliki lebih banyak penekanan dibanding
kata-kata dengan any. Contoh:

 I didn’t tell anyone what happened.

 I told nobody what happened.


Every bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan sekelompok atau jumlah total sesuatu.

 Everything in this house is simple and useful.

 Jane was sick last night, but everything is OK now.

 Everyone was at Michael’s birthday party last night.

 Baseball caps come from America, but people wear them everywhere.

materi bahasa inggris


 Narrative text

Inti dari text/genre berbentuk narrative adalah cerita hiburan

yang berisi berbagai permasalahan (crisis) dan berujung pada
masalh penyelesaian tersebut (resolution). Cerita berbentuk
narrative bias berupa fiksi dan nonfiksi. Cerita fiksi misalnya;
legenda, fable, cerita rakyat, dsb. Sedangkan cerita nonfiksi
bias berupa cerita kejadian nyata dimasa lampau yang penuh
degan konlik/crisis sekaligus terdapat alur penyelesaiannya,
misalnya cerita tentang orang-orang yang selamat dari
terjangan tsunami yang melanda aceh berikut perjuangannya
menyelamatkan diri.

Istilah-istilah penting yang terdapat dalam text berbentuk


Ø  specific/individual participant: tokoh cerita bersifat khusus

yang mengacu pada satu atau beberapa individu  dan tidak
belaku pada general/umum.

Ø  Material process: disebut jug adengan istilah “Action Verbs”

yaitu katakerja yang mengacu pada aksi atau tindakan dari si
tokoh. Misalnya; eat, swim, sleep. etc.

Ø  Behavioral Process: disebut juga dengan istilah “Verbal

Process/Speaking Verbs” misalnya; say, said, tell, dsb.

Ø  Relational process disebut juga dengan istilah Linking Verbs

yang menghubungkan subjek pelengkap, misalnya;to be,
consist of, function as, derive from, to be classified into, to be
identified as, etc.

Ø  Mental Process/Thinking Verbs: yaitu kata kerja yang yang

berhubungan dengan persepsi panca indra. Misalnya; think,
feel, guess, dsb.

Ø  Temporal Conjunction: kata penghubung waktu yang

menghubungkan kejadian yang sat dengan yang lain. Misalnya;
firstly, then, next, after that, meanwhile, at that time, etc.

Ø  Temporal Circumstance: keterangan waktu. Misalnya; once,

once upon a time, etc.

Recount text 

Inti dari text genre berbentuk RECOUNT  adalah menceritakan

ulang tentang sebuah kejadian yang pernah dialami oleh
seseorang sehingga disebut juga cerita tentang pengalaman
pribadi. Perbedaan jenis genre ini dengan narrative yaitu
bahwa narrative labih menekankan pada konflik dan
penyelesaiannya, sedangkan genre berbentuk recount lebih
menekankan pada cerita ulang sebuah kejadian yang pernah
kita alami tanpa mementingkan konflik cerita dan
penyelesaiannya. Misalnya cerita tentang kegiatan yang kita
lakukan di masa liburan (pergi liburan ke rumah nenek) lalu
kita ceritakan ulang kejadian tersebut di depan kelas, maka
jenis cerita tersebut lebih cenderung ke recount genre.


Inti dari text genre adalah SPOOF biasanya menceritakan

sebuah kejadian (lucu) yang diakhirnya terdapat hal yang tidak
diduga diharapkan oleh tokoh cerita. Sesuatu yang tidak
terduga dan tidak sesuai dengan harapan si tokoh ini disebut
dengan istilah TWIST. Hal itulah yang membedakan antara
SPOOF dan ANEKDOTE. Anecdote itu sendiri biasanya
menceritakan kejadian yang aneh dan jarang sekali terjadi.


Inti dari text/genre berbentuk ANECDOTE adalah cerita hiburan

yang berisi cerita-cerita aneh yang jarang lerjadi dan kadang
tidak masuk akal. Di dalam teks jenis ini biasanya penulis
menggunakan bahasa-bahasa exclamation, admiration,
intensirier and rhetorical question yang mengungkapkan rasa
keterkaguman sekaligus kelidakpercayaan akan kejadian yang


Inti dari text/genre berbentuk DESCRIPTIVE adalah
menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang
spesifik/khusus, bisa benjpa orang, benda, ataupun tempat,
dengan menyebutkan.karakteristik/cirri-ciri yang melekat pada
benda lersebut, bagaimana bentuknya, berapa ukuranya,
terietak dimana, dsb. Tujuan teks berbentuk deskripsi yaitu
menggambarkan objek sejelas mungkin sehingga pembaca
seolah-olah bisa melihat sendiri atau menggambarkan subjek
tersebut secara langsung. Petbedaan teksjenis ini dengan teks
berbentuk report terietak pada specific tidaknya si subjek.
Kalau subjek atau benda tersebut bertaku untuk spesifik
(diungkapkan ciri-cirinya), biasanya tergolong deskriptif,
sedangakan kalau objeknya berlaku general/umum
( diungkapkan kegunaanya, kebiasaanya, dsb) biasanya
tergolong report.


Inti dari text berbentuk report adalah menginformasikan,

menggambarkan, mendeskripsikan, atau mengklasifikasikan
suatu fenomena yang ada di lingkingan kita baik itu berupa
benda, tanaman, binatang dsb yang bersifat umum. Text
berbentuk report ini hamper sama dengan Deskriptive, yang
membedakannya hanya terletak pada subjeknya. Report
biasanya berlaku general/umum sedangkan deskriptif bersifat


Inti dari text bergenre EXPLANATION adalah menjelaskan

bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi dan mengapa hal tersebut terjadi
dengan menggunakan alur kronologis kejadian (proses) yang
jelas sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah memahaminya.
Misal, bagaimana proses terjadinya tsunami, mengapa gempa
bumi bisa terjadi, bagaimana proses terjadinya fotosintesis, dll.
Biasanya untuk membantu pembaca agar dengan mudah dan
komprehensif dalam memahami isi teks, penulis banyak
menggunakan kalimat pasif. 


Inti dari text/genre berbentuk PROCEDURE adalah sebuah

bentuk wacana yang berisi tentang bagaimana cara membuat
sesuatu (misalnya bagaimana cara membuat nasi goreng,
membuat telur mata sapi, membuat juice alpukat, dll) atau
bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu (misalnya bagaimana cara
mengoperasikan komputer, menambal ban bocor, menginstal
program software ke dalam komputer, dsb.) dengan
menggunkan prosedur/tata cara urutan tertentu dalam bahasa


Inti dari text bergenre DISCUSSION adalah menyajikan minimal

dua buah sudut pandang yang berbeda dari satu buah
permasalahan yang masih kontroversial atau
tersebut yaitu PRO (FOR) untuk pihak yang setuju dan KONTRA
(AGAINST) untuk pihak yang tidak setuju.  Masing-masing
sudut pandang harus disertai dengan penjelasan atau elaborasi
argumentasi yang bisa diterima oleh pembaca. Untuk
mempertentangkan pendapat yang satu dengan yang lain,
biasanya terdapat konjungsi pertentangan antara lain : on the
other hand, on the contrary, on the other side, differently,
nevertheless, etc.

news item

Istilah-istilah penting yang perlu diketahui dalam news item


§  Material Process disebut juga dengan istilah “action verb”

yaitu kata kerja yang mengacu pada aksi atau tindakan dari si
tokoh, misalnya: makan (eat/ate/eaten), tidur (sleep/slept),
berenang (swim/swam/swum),dll.

§  Behavioral process disebut juga dengan istilah lain “verbal

process” atau “speaking verbs” misalnya, say, tell, speak, etc.

Communicative Approach/social function/purpose:

§  To inform the readers, listeners, or viewer/audience about

events of the day which are considered newsworthy or

Generic Structure/Text structure organization

§  Newsworthy events :  recount the event in summary form

§  Background  events    :  elaborate what happened, to whom,

in what circumstance

§  Sources                       :  comments by participants in,

witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

Language features:

§  Short, telegraphic information, about it story captured in


§  Use of material processes (action verbs) to retell the events

§  Use of verbal process (said, told etc.)

§  Focus on circumstance 

horhortatory exposition

Inti dari text/genre berbentuk hortatory exposition adalah text

yang memaparkan dan mempengaruhi pembaca/pendengar
bahwa sesuatu seharusnya demikian atau tidak demikian.

Istilah-istilah yang perlu diperhatikan :

Ø  Generic human & non human participant: yang diceritakan

bersifat umum/general (bias apa saja) yang penting bias
mempengaruhi audience.

Ø  Mental Process : disebut juga “Thinking Verb” yaitu kata
kerja yang berhubungan dengan persepsi panca indera /
persepsi batiniah, misalnya: guest, think, feel, dsb.

Ø  Material Process : disebut juga “Action Verb” yaitu kata

kerja yang mengacu pada aksi atau tindakan dari si tokoh,
misalnya : makan (eat, ate, eaten), tidur (sleep, slept),
berenang (swim, swam,swum)

Ø  Relational Process : disebut juga dengan istilah “Linking

Verb” (Kata Kerja penghubung) yang berguna untuk
menghubungkan subjek dengan pelengkap ( sbg subject

Analytical Exposition

Inti dari text/genre berbentuk Analytical Exposition adalah teks

yang memaparkan / berisi ajakan pada pembaca atau
pendengar bahwa ada masalah yang tentunya perlu mendapat
perhatian. Misalnya, pentingnya belajar bahasa Inggris,
pentingnya perpustakaan,dsb.

Analytical Exposition

Definition of Analytical Exposition

Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is
important matter.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position

2. Arguments: Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position

3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s position

Contoh text analytical exposition  :

The Dangerous of Using Drugs

Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us.
Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.

In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using
drug. In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us
hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that,
using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia,
blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage,
and finally it can cause DEATH!

When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is

cause badness, self harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause
badness, self harm because it is included zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it
means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means we sin. So, in
terms of Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous.

Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their

future, and endanger their homeland, their country. From the data, 32
percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so, if many teenagers –in
this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth
generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs,
our nation can be destroy!

Istilah- istilah penting yang perlu diketahui dalam Analitycal

Exposition Genre :

Ø   Generic human & non human participant: yang diceritakan

bersifat umum/general (bias apa saja) yang penting bias
mempengaruhi audience

Ø   Relational Process : disebut juga dengan istilah “Linking

Verb” (Kata Kerja penghubung) yang berguna untuk
menghubungkan subjek dengan pelengkap ( sbg subject.

Ø   Causal Conjunction : Konjungsi / kata penghubung yang

menerangkan sebab/ asal muasal suatu kejadian, contohnya:
because, because of, since, for.

Ø   Internal conjunction : 


Inti dari text bergenre review adalah memberikan penilaian

terhadap hasil karya seni atau sastra berupa kritikan atau
pujian. Biasanya text bergenre review berupa ulasan atau
resensi terhadap karya sastra/seni. Karya-karya tersebut dapat
berbentuk: film, drama, buku, sandiwara/pertunjukan, lagu,
konser, dll.

Istilah-istilah penting yang perlu diketahui dalam Review


§  Particular participant: Biasanya berupa judul karya

seni/sastra. Tokoh cerita bersifat spesifik atau khusus, yang
mengacu pada satu atau beberapa individu dan tidak berlaku
pada semua/general.

§  Metaphorical language: Gaya bahasa metafora yang berupa

perbandingan  antara dua hal tanpa menggunakan kata-kata
pembanding ( seperti, laksana, bagaikan, dsb.)

§  Complex sentence: Kalimat kompleks, yaitu kalimat yang

terdiri dari induk kalimat (main clause) dan anak kalimat
(dependent clause).

§  Adjective of appraisal: Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk

memberikan penilaian terhadap karya sastra  baik yang berupa
pujian atau kritikan.


Inti dari text bergenre commentary adalah menjelaskan proses

perubahan bentuk suatu objek atau fenomena alam dan sosial
budaya. Perubahan bentuk tersebut terjadi dalam kurun waktu
yang lama dan lambat atau bersifat evolusi.

Istilah-istilah penting yang perlu diketahui dalam commentary


§  Generic non human participant: Tokoh cerita bersifat umum
dan biasanya bukan berupa manusia

§  Material process disebut juga dengan istilah “Action verb”

yaitu kata kerja yang mengacu pada aksi atau tindakan dari si
tokoh, misalnya: makan (eat/ate/eaten), tidur (sleep/slept),
berenang (swim/swam/swum), dll.

§  Relational Process disebut juga dengan istilah “Linking verb”

(Kata kerja penghubung) yang berguna untuk menghubungkan
subjek dengan pelengkap (sebagai Subject Complement).
misalnya, to be (is, am, are, was, were) taste, look, seem,
become, smell, consist of, derive from, function as, etc.

§  Temporal conjunction: Konjungsi/kata penghubung waktu

yang menghubungkan kejadian satu dengan yang lain, misalnya
firstly, then, next, after that, meanwhile, at that time, etc.

§  Temporal circumstance: Keterangan waktu, misalnya Once,

once upon time, etc.


Definition: A pronoun usually refers to something already mentioned in a sentence or piece
of text. A pronoun is a word that substitutes a noun or noun phrase used to prevent
repetition of the noun to which they refer. One of the most common pronouns is it.

Rule for Pronouns

A pronoun must agree with the noun it refer. Therefore, if the noun is singular, therefore the pronoun must be si
the noun is plural, use a plural pronoun; if the noun is feminine, use a feminine pronoun, and so on.

For example:

 The train was late, it had been delayed.

 The trains were late, they had been delayed.

Types of pronouns
English Pronouns are divided into sub-categories. These are Demonstrative, Personal, Reflexive, Possessive, Inter
Negative, Reciprocal, Relative and Quantifier
Type About Example

Personal Pronoun Takes the place of a specific or named person or thing. I, you, he, she, etc..

Reflexive Pronoun Adds information by pointing back to a noun or another pronoun. myself, yourself, etc

Points out a specific person, place, or thing. this, that, these, tho

Begins a subordinate clause and relates the clause to a word in the

Relative pronoun who, whose, which,
main clause.

Interrogative Pronoun Is used to ask a question. who, what, where, e

Possessive Pronoun Used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. mine, yours, his, etc

Negative Pronoun nothing, no, nobody

Reciprocal pronoun Express an interchangeable or mutual action or relationship. each other, one ano

some, any, somethin


Personal Pronoun
Definition: Personal pronouns refer to the person who is doing the action or to whom the
action affects. In that way we distinguish two types of personal pronouns: Personal "Subject
Pronouns" and Personal "Object Pronouns".

Personal Pronouns

Subject form Object form

I Me

You You

He him

she her

it it

we us

you you

they them

Personal Subject Pronouns

We use the Personal Subject Pronouns to refer to the person who is doing the action of the verb or the verb spea
A subjective personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as the subject of the sentence.

For example:

 Jhon is listening to music.

=> He listens to music every day.
* In this case, "he" substitutes "Jhon" which is the subject of the sentence.
 Are you the delegates from Malagawatch?

 After many years, they returned to their homeland.

Personal Object Pronouns

We use the Personal Object Pronouns to refer to the person whom the action of the verbs affects. An objective p
pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as an object of a verb, compound verb, preposition, or infinitive ph
For example:

 Seamus stole the selkie's skin and forced her to live with him.
* The objective personal pronoun "her" is the direct object of the verb "forced" and the objective person
pronoun "him" is the object of the preposition "with."

 Deborah and Roberta will meet us at the newest café in the market.
* Here the objective personal pronoun "us" is the direct object of the compound verb "will meet."

 Christopher was surprised to see her at the drag races.

* Here the objective personal pronoun "her" is the object of the infinitive phrase "to see."

A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate person, number, gender

Reflexive Pronoun
Definition: We use the reflexive pronouns to indicate that the person who realizes the action
of the verb is the same person who receives the action. Reflexive pronouns are identical in
form to intensive pronouns.

Subject Reflexive

I myself
You yourself
Singular He himself
She herself
It itself

We ourselves
Plural You yourselves
They themselves

For example:

 I cut my hair myself.

* In this example "I" does the action of cutting the hair and at the same time "I" gets the action of the hai

 We defended ourselves brilliantly.

* In this example the reflexive pronoun "ourselves" refers back to the subject of the sentence.

 John talks to himself when he is nervous.

* In this example "Himself" refers to John.

Reflexive pronouns always act as objects not subjects, and they require an interaction between the subject and a

For example:

 Because she was not hungry when the cake was served, Ellen saved herself a piece.
* In the independent clause, "Ellen" is the subject and "herself" is a reflexive pronoun acting as the indire
This sentence is grammatically correct.

 Jhon and myself are going to the movie.

* In this sentence, "Jhon" and "myself" are the subjects. Reflexive pronouns cannot be subjects. This sen
grammatically incorrect.

Care must be taken to identify whether the noun is singular or plural and choose the pronoun accordingly.
For example:

 Nor is she shy about giving herself credit for it.

 We gave ourselves a second chance to complete the course.
 Did they lock themselves out of the house again?
 Give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done.

Note: The reflexive pronoun can also be used to give more emphasis to the subject or object (intensive pronoun)
For example:

 I did it myself.
* I want to emphasise the fact that I did it.


 He washed himself.
 She looked at herself in the mirror.
 Diabetics give themselves insulin shots several times a day.
 After the party, I asked myself why I had faxed invitations to everyone in my office building.
 Richard usually remembered to send a copy of his e-mail to himself.

Demonstrative pronoun
Definition: Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point to specific things. "This, that, these, those, none an
neither" are Demonstrative Pronouns that substitute nouns when the nouns they replace can be understood from
context. At the same time, to indicate whether they are close or far, in space or time, from the speaker in the mo
speaking. They also indicate whether they are replacing singular or plural words. Some grammars describe them
members of the class of function words called "determiners", since they identify nouns and other nominals.

 "This" (singular) and "These" (plural) refer to an object or person NEAR the speaker.
 "That" (singular) and "Those" (plural) refer to an object or person further AWAY.

For example:

 This is unbelievable.
* In this example, "this" can refer to an object or situation close in space or in time to the speaker.
 That is unbelievable.
* In this example, "that" can refer to an object or situation farther in space or in time to the speaker.
 These are unbelievable.
* In this example, "these" can refer to some objects close in space or in time to the speaker.
 Those are unbelievable.

* In this example, "those" can refer to some objects farther in space or in time to the speaker.


 Before the noun.

 Before the word 'one'.
 Before an adjective + noun.
 Alone when the noun is 'understood'


 Who owns that house? (distant - physical )

 Is this John's house? (near - physical )
 That's nothing to do with me.. (distant - psychological )
 This is a nice surprise! (near - psychological )

this, that, these and those

Why do we use this and these?

We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:
- to talk about people or things near us:

This is a nice cup of tea.

Whose shoes are these?

- to introduce people:

This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.

We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and this is Michael.

- to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone:

Hello, this is David, Can I speak to Sally?

Why do we use that and those?

We use that (singular) and those (plural):
- to talk about things that are not near us:

What’s that?
This is our house, and that’s Rebecca’s house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.

- We also use that to refer back to something someone said or did:

 - Shall we go to the cinema?

- Yes, that’s a good idea.
 - I’ve got a new job.
- That’s great.
 - I’m very tired.
- Why is that?

this, these, that, those with nouns
We also use this, these, that and those with nouns to show proximity
We use this and these for people or things near us:

We have lived in this house for twenty years.

Have you read all of these books?

… and that and those for things that are not near us:

Who lives in that house?

Who are those people?

Relative Pronoun
Definition: We use the relative pronouns to refer to a noun mentioned before and of which we are adding more
information. They are used to join two or more sentences and forming in that way what we call "relative sentenc

Relative pronouns

Who, Whom, That, Which

whoever, whomever, whichever

For example:

 People who speak two languages are called bilingual.

* In this example, the relative "who" introduces the relative sentence "speak two languages" that describ
gives more information about the noun "people".

Relative pronouns: Subject or Object

As the relative pronouns relate to another noun preceding it in the sentence, they connect a dependent clause to
antecedent (a noun that precedes the pronoun.) Therefore, relative pronouns acts as the subject or object of the
dependent clause.
For example:

 The chef who won the competition studied in Paris.

* Here, "who" relates back to (or is relative to) the noun "Chef". "Who" also acts as the subject of the dep
clause and the verb "won".
=> The dependent clause: who won the competition.
=> The independent clause: The chef studied in Paris.

 The shirt that Carl bought has a stain on the pocket.

* Here, "that" relates back to (or is relative to) the noun "shirt". "That" is also the object of the verb "bou
=> The dependent clause is: that Carl bought.
=> The independent clause: The shirt has a stain on the pocket.

Referring to people: Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever

These pronouns take a different case depending on whether the relative pronoun is a subject or an object in the
dependent clause.

1. Subjective case
Use the subjective case when these relative pronouns are the subject (initiating the action) of the depen
clause: Who, Whoever

For example:

 Negotiations were not going smoothly between the two leaders, who made no bones about not
each other.
* "Who" relates back to the noun "leaders" and is the subject of the dependent clause and the ve
 Most workers, whoever was not employed by the auto manufacturer, toiled at one of the million
minnow companies.
* "Whoever" relates back to the noun "workers" and is the subject of the dependent clause and
"was employed".
2. Objective case
Use the objective case when these relative pronouns are the object (receiving the action) of the depende
clause: Whom, Whomever

For example:

 This is the approach taken by journalists, whom some consider to be objective.

* "Whom" relates back to the noun "journalists" and is the object of the verb "consider". The sub
the dependent clause is "some".

 The three representatives, whomever the committee chooses, should be at the meeting tomorro
* "Whomever" relates back to the noun representatives and is the object of the verb "chooses".
subject of the dependent clause is "Committee".

Referring to a place, thing or idea: Which, That

When using relative pronouns for places, things or ideas, rather than determining case, the writer must decide w
the information in the dependent clause is essential to the meaning of the independent clause or simply addition
When information is critical to the understanding of the main clause, use That as the appropriate relative pronou
not set the information off by commas.

For example:

 Russian generals have delivered a message that is difficult to ignore.

* "That" relates back to the noun "message" and is necessary for the reader to know what "message" the
sentence is about.

 There is another factor that obviously boosts the reputation of both of these men.
* "That" relates back to the noun "factor" and is necessary for the reader to know what "factor" the sent

When information is not critical to the understanding of the main clause, use "Which" as the appropriate relative
and set the information off by commas.
For example:

 The toughest intramural fight of all for Clinton was the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he
undertook a full year before the 1994 election.
* "Which" relates back to the noun "agreement" and the information following it is not necessary for the
to know what "agreement" the sentence is about.

 Clinton refused to head toward the center on affirmative action and abortion, which are the two most sa
issues to the traditional liberal wing of the party.
* "Wich" relates back to the noun "affirmative action and abortion" and the information following it is no
necessary for the reader to know what "affirmative action and abortion" the sentence is about.

When referring to more than one place, thing or idea use these relative pronouns: Whatever, Whichever
For example:

 The three approaches, whichever works is fine, produce a more ambiguous picture of a man.
* "Whichever" relates to the noun "approaches" and the information contained within the commas is ad
not critical information.

 Any excessive profits, whatever exceeded accepted limits, would attract the notice of representatives.
* "Whatever" relates to the noun "profits" and the information contained within the commas is addition
critical information.

Interrogative Pronoun
Definition: An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used in order to ask a question. Some of them refer only to pe
"who" and others refer to people and objects, etc like "what". They do not distinguish between singular and plur
they only have one form. Interrogative pronouns produce information questions that require more than a "yes" o

For example:

 What is her phone number?

 What do you want?

Interrogative pronouns are: What, Which, Who, Whose, Whom. In addition, these pronouns may take the suffix
and -soever.

As we can see in the next table, these pronouns could act as a subject, object or possessive in a sentence.

Subject Object Possessive

who whom whose



WHAT can be used to ask about objects or people.

For example:

 What time is it?

 What is your name?
 What do you want?

WHICH can be used to ask about objects or people.

For example:

 Which chair are you talking about?

 Which jumper do you like?
 Which is your mother?

WHO can be used to ask about people

For example:

 Who are you?
 Which is your mother?
 Who has been sitting in my chair?

WHOSE can be used to ask about a possession relation.

For example:

 Whose is this book?

 Whose car did you drive here?

WHOM can be used to ask about people.It is less usual and more formal than "who"
For example:

 Whom did you phone?

 For whom will you vote?

NOTE: Either "which" or "what" can also be used as an interrogative adjective, and that "who," "whom," or "whic
also be used as a relative pronoun.
For example:

 The man whom she chose will do a wonderful job.


 Who is in charge?
 Which wants to see the dentist first?
 Who wrote the novel Rockbound?
 Whom do you think we should invite?
 What did she say?

Possessive Pronoun
Definition: We use the Possessive Pronouns when we want to substitute a group of words that are indicating a p

Subject Possessive

I Mine

You Yours

He His

She Hers

It Its

We Ours

You Yours

They Theirs

For example:

 This is my book.
* In this example, we can substitute "my book" for the possessive pronoun "mine". => This is mine.

 This is your disk and that's mine.

* Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.

A possessive pronoun indicates it is acting as a subject complement or a subject of the sentence.

For example:

 The smallest gift is mine.

This is yours.
* Here the possessive pronouns acts as a subject complement.

 His is on the kitchen counter.

Theirs will be delivered tomorrow.
Ours is the green one on the corner.
* Here the possessive pronoun acts as the subject of the sentence.

Note : Possessive pronouns are very similar to possessive adjectives.

For example:

 You can borrow my book as long as you remember that it's not yours.
=> The possessive "my" depends on the noun "book."
=> The possessive "yours" is a pronoun which stands in the place of "your book".

 When you drive to Manitoba, will you take your car or theirs?
=> The possessive "your" depends on the noun "car."
=> The possessive pronoun, "theirs," stands in the place of the noun phrase, "their car."

Reciprocal pronoun
Definition: We use the reciprocal pronouns to indicate that two people can carry out an action and get the conse
of that action at the same time. There are two reciprocal pronouns:

Reciprocal pronouns

each other

one another

They enable you to simplify sentences where the same general idea is expressed two or more times.

For example:

 On their wedding day Jhon gave Mary a gold ring and Mary gave Jhon a gold ring.
* Using the reciprocal pronoun, "each other", this could be rewritten:
=> On their wedding day Mary and Jhon gave each other gold rings.

 Peter and Mary kissed each other.

* In this example "each other" indicates that both people involved in the action of "kissing" got the resul
at the same time.

If you need to refer to more than two people, say the students in a classroom, then we could use the reciprocal p

"one another".
For example:

 The students in this classroom cooperate with one another.

 The teachers gathered to congratulate one another on the year's conclusion.

indefinite pronouns
The indefinite pronouns are:

somebody someone something

anybody anyone anything

nobody no one nothing

everybody everyone everything

We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what
they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in
-thing for things:

Everybody enjoyed the concert.

I opened the door but there was no one at home.
It was a very clear day. We could see everything.

We use a singular verb after an indefinite pronoun:

Everybody loves Sally.

Everything was ready for the party.

When we refer back to an indefinite pronoun we normally use a plural pronoun:

Everybody enjoyed the concert. They stood up and clapped.

I will tell somebody that dinner is ready. They have been waiting a long time.

We can add -'s to an indefinite pronoun to make a possessive.

They were staying in somebody’s house.

Is this anybody’s coat?

We use indefinite pronouns with no- as the subject in negative clauses (not pronouns with

Anybody didn’t come >> Nobody came.

We do not use another negative in a clause with nobody, no one or nothing:

Nobody came.
Nothing happened.

We use else after indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things in addition to the ones we
already mentioned.

All the family came, but no one else.
If Michael can’t come we’ll ask somebody else.
So that's eggs, peas and chips. Do you want anything else?

one and ones

We use one (singular) and ones (plural) to avoid unnecessary repetition.

See those two girls? Helen is the tall one and Jane is the short one.
Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
My trousers are torn. I need some new ones.
See those two girls. Helen is the one on the left.
Let’s look at the photographs. The ones you took in Paris.

We often use them after Which ...  in questions:

You can borrow a book. Which one do you want?

There are lots of books here. Which ones are yours?


Which question word to use?

We use who to ask questions about people:

Who is that?
Who lives here?
Who did you see?

We use whose to ask about possession:

Whose coat is this? [or] Whose is this coat?

Whose book is that? [or] Whose is that book?
Whose bags are those? [or] Whose are those bags?

We use what to ask questions about things:

What is that?
What do you want?

We use which to ask someone to choose something:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I’ve got two books. Which do you want?

We can also use what and which with nouns:

What subjects did you study at school?

What newspaper do you read?
Which newspaper do you read – the Times or the Guardian?
Which book do you want?
Which one is yours?

Questions with prepositions:
Questions ending in prepositions are very common in English. After Who, Which or What we
often have a preposition at the end of the sentence:

Who does this book belong to?

What are you looking for?
Which university did you go to?
What country do you come from?

Diposkan oleh ade rikardo

Hanya ikut-ikutan gaya foto model

Cover boy? Mimpi kali! Foto model? Kaga punya modal! Ini hanya korban gara-gara sering
buka-buka majalah remaja ‘GADIS’, ‘MODE’, ‘Aneka Yes’ era ’80-an hingga ’90-an (maklum
gue dulu kan punya profesi pedagang asongan koran dan majalah?). Pada tahun-tahun itu
emang ere lagi ngetrend-ngetrendnya ajang pemilihan ‘cover boy’, ‘cover girl’, ‘foto model’
dan ‘fashion show’. Saya nggak habis pikir, kenapa kala itu saya ‘sok bergaya’ dan ‘berlagak
model’ begitu, ya? Kenapa diam-diam saya terkena pengaruh, ya? Gambar itu, bagusnya
di-‘delate’ dari wall saja! Malu-maluin soalnya. Kampungan, tahu?!

Keterangan tambahan: Perlu diketahui, blue jeans dan kemejanya itu minjem koleksi
konfeksinya Pak Tris (foto modelnya SPG Daha dulu), loh!

Biar unyu-unyu, dua gadis berseragam abu-abu putih itu, dua diantara beberapa primadona
(jaman dulu belum nge-tren pake istilah ‘selebritis’) SPG DAHA era ’87-’90, lhoch?

Inilah artis legenda SPG Daha era ‘87–‘90. Zona Memori 80-an, 90-an? Masih ada!


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