Modals, Genre of Texts, and Pronouns
Modals, Genre of Texts, and Pronouns
Modals, Genre of Texts, and Pronouns
Catatan :
1. ‘May’ digunakan untuk present dan future actions, sedangkan ‘Might’ untuk past actions.
2. May and Might memiliki sinonim : be allowed to + V1
conditional tenses.
contoh :
- He must be told the truth, menjadi :
He will have to be told the truth
Should, ought to, had better dapat digunakan untuk present, past, and future tense
5. USED TO + V1
Used to + V1 digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di waktu lampau (past habitual action)
yang tidak lagi dilakukan sekarang (to express something that existed or was done in the past,
but no longer exists or is done now)
Contoh :
- He used to come here very often. (but now he seldom comes here)
- The boy used to smoke last year. (now he doesn’t smoke anymore)
Be used to + G, digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di masa sekarang (present habit)
contoh :
- I am used to drinking milk every morning
- The girl gets accustomed to get up early
(c) perintah yang tegas (command that is strick and impersonal)
contoh : You will do as you are told
(d) kebiasaan (habit)
contoh : He will get up at 6 every morning
(2) “Shall” digunakan untuk menyatakan :
(a) permintaan nasehat (request for advice)
contoh : Where shall I put this book?
(b) pembicara meminta orang kedua melakukan sesuatu (speaker’s intention to perform an
contoh : You shall have dinner with us before you go
(c) perintah, terutama berhubungan dengan peraturan (command, chiefly concerning rules
and regulation)
contoh : Each contestant shall wear a number.
“would” digunakan untuk menyatakan:
(a) permintaan yang sopan (polite request)
contoh : Would you show me your picture, please?
(b) kebiasaan di waktu lampau (past habitual action)
contoh : He would take a walk every evening after dinner
(c) keinginan yang tidak terpenuhi (unfulfilled wish = subjunctive)
contoh : If only I would come on time (I don’t come on time)
PROBLEM SET01. Amir will have a test next week, so he …. study hard
a. must
b. should
c. may
d. must to
e. can
04. You don’t feel well. You ….. go and see the doctor.
a. could
b. would
c. had better
d. will
e. unable
05. I ….. ask Mr. Umar for his advice about that tomorrow night.
a. Would to
b. might
c. could to
d. should
e. has to
08. Sena ….. to answer all the questions on this paper correctly.
a. must
b. is able
c. can
d. having
e. will
Y : ‘I ….. him this afternoon.’
a. am seeing
b. may see
c. will see
d. will be seeing
e. can see
17. They promise that they ….. study hard to pass the exams.
a. must
b. should
c. will
d. might
e. would
18. He …… not sleep because he was worried.
a. can
b. might
c. could
d. should
e. must
a. have to
b. could
c. should
d. will
e. would
21. To prevent accidents, parents ....... allow their children to play near the well.
a. might not
b. would not
c. do not have to
d. can not
e. should not
24. ‘Good News!’ Uncle Jacky …… give me present for my becoming first rank in my class.
a. shall
b. can
c. would
d. will
e. must
b. will
c. may
d. shall
e. has to
27. The dog …… wag its tail and bark joyfully whenever it saw him
a. might
b. could
c. would
d. had to
e. should
29. The tutor said to Evi :“You can go now”. It means that:
a. Evi was supposed to go
b. Evi was advised to go
c. Evi was ordered to go
d. Evi was requested to go
e. Evi was allowed to go
30. Bob is usually make a noisy in the class. And some of his friends don’t like him. The
teacher ..... him some advices.
a. has to give
b. ought to have given
c. would have
d. must have been
e. have to given
Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda atau noun. Kata
ganti mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan kata benda; yaitu dapat digunakan sebagai
subyek atau obyek kalimat. Kata ganti ini digunakan untuk menghindari pemakaian
kata benda yang sama secara berulang-ulang dalam satu kalimat atau paragraph.
D. Demonstrative Pronoun (Kata Ganti Penunjuk)
E. Indefinite Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Tak Tentu)
Personal Pronouns Possesive
Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
I me my mine myself
A. Personal Pronouns
Sebagai Subject
Sebagai Object
B. Possesive Pronouns
Possesive adjective tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dan selalu diikuti kata benda (yang
Possesive pronoun selalu berdiri sendiri (tidak diikuti kata benda), tetapi
bendanya harus sudah disebutkan sebelumnya.
The red hat is mine and the white one is hers.(Topi merah itu milikku dan
yang putih adalah miliknya)
C. Refleksif Pronoun
When I was cutting the potatoes, I cut myself. (Saat memotong kentang, aku
melukai diriku sendiri).
She gets angry with herself. (Dia marah pada dirinya sendiri)
D. Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun adalah kata ganti penunjuk. Kata ganti penunjuk antara lain:
E. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti tak tentu yang digunakan untuk menunjuk
orang, benda, atau jumlah yang tak tentu ( belum diketahui identitasnya).
1. Indefinite Persons
Someone ; seseorang
Somebody ; seseorang
Anyone ; sesorang
Everyone ; seseorang
Everybody ; seseorang
no one ; tak seorangpun
nobody ; tak seorangpun
2. Indefinite Things
Something ; sesuatu
Anything ; sesuatu
Everything ; segala sesuatu
Nothing ; tak satupun
3. Indefinite quantities
All/all of ; semua
Another ; yang lain
Any ; beberapa
Both/both of ; keduanya
Each/each of ; masing-masing
None/none of ; tak satupun
One/one of ; satu/salah satu
penggunaan Indefinite Pronoun (Kata ganti tak tentu) dalam bahasa inggris
Indefinite pronoun (kata ganti tak tentu) berfungsi mengganti hal-hal yang spesifik
menjadi konsep-konsep yang umum dan tidak spesifik. Contoh:
Dalam unit ini kita akan membahas indefinite pronoun yang terbentuk dari kata some,
any, no, dan every.
Some dan any bisa dikombinasikan dengan “-thing” untuk menunjukkan objek yang
tidak ditentukan. Contoh:
Some dan any bisa dikombinasikan dengan “-body” atau “-one” untuk menunjukkan
orang yang tidak ditentukan. Ada sedikit perbedaan makna antara “-body” dan “-one“.
Kata benda gabungan ini mengikuti aturan yang sama seperti some dan any, yakni
some digunakan pada kalimat afirmatif, dan any digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan
pertanyaan. Contoh:
I don’t need anything from the supermarket.
Do you need anything from the supermarket?
No bisa dikombinasikan dengan berbagai kata benda yang artinya ketiadaan sesuatu.
Terkadang kata-kata dengan no- bisa memiliki lebih banyak penekanan dibanding
kata-kata dengan any. Contoh:
Every bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan sekelompok atau jumlah total sesuatu.
Narrative text
Recount text
Inti dari text/genre berbentuk DESCRIPTIVE adalah
menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang
spesifik/khusus, bisa benjpa orang, benda, ataupun tempat,
dengan menyebutkan.karakteristik/cirri-ciri yang melekat pada
benda lersebut, bagaimana bentuknya, berapa ukuranya,
terietak dimana, dsb. Tujuan teks berbentuk deskripsi yaitu
menggambarkan objek sejelas mungkin sehingga pembaca
seolah-olah bisa melihat sendiri atau menggambarkan subjek
tersebut secara langsung. Petbedaan teksjenis ini dengan teks
berbentuk report terietak pada specific tidaknya si subjek.
Kalau subjek atau benda tersebut bertaku untuk spesifik
(diungkapkan ciri-cirinya), biasanya tergolong deskriptif,
sedangakan kalau objeknya berlaku general/umum
( diungkapkan kegunaanya, kebiasaanya, dsb) biasanya
tergolong report.
news item
Communicative Approach/social function/purpose:
Language features:
§ Focus on circumstance
horhortatory exposition
Ø Mental Process : disebut juga “Thinking Verb” yaitu kata
kerja yang berhubungan dengan persepsi panca indera /
persepsi batiniah, misalnya: guest, think, feel, dsb.
Analytical Exposition
Analytical Exposition
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is
important matter.
The Dangerous of Using Drugs
Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us.
Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.
In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using
drug. In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us
hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that,
using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia,
blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage,
and finally it can cause DEATH!
Ø Internal conjunction :
§ Generic non human participant: Tokoh cerita bersifat umum
dan biasanya bukan berupa manusia
Definition: A pronoun usually refers to something already mentioned in a sentence or piece
of text. A pronoun is a word that substitutes a noun or noun phrase used to prevent
repetition of the noun to which they refer. One of the most common pronouns is it.
For example:
Types of pronouns
English Pronouns are divided into sub-categories. These are Demonstrative, Personal, Reflexive, Possessive, Inter
Negative, Reciprocal, Relative and Quantifier
Type About Example
Personal Pronoun Takes the place of a specific or named person or thing. I, you, he, she, etc..
Reflexive Pronoun Adds information by pointing back to a noun or another pronoun. myself, yourself, etc
Points out a specific person, place, or thing. this, that, these, tho
Possessive Pronoun Used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. mine, yours, his, etc
Reciprocal pronoun Express an interchangeable or mutual action or relationship. each other, one ano
Personal Pronoun
Definition: Personal pronouns refer to the person who is doing the action or to whom the
action affects. In that way we distinguish two types of personal pronouns: Personal "Subject
Pronouns" and Personal "Object Pronouns".
Personal Pronouns
I Me
You You
He him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
For example:
After many years, they returned to their homeland.
Seamus stole the selkie's skin and forced her to live with him.
* The objective personal pronoun "her" is the direct object of the verb "forced" and the objective person
pronoun "him" is the object of the preposition "with."
Deborah and Roberta will meet us at the newest café in the market.
* Here the objective personal pronoun "us" is the direct object of the compound verb "will meet."
A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate person, number, gender
Reflexive Pronoun
Definition: We use the reflexive pronouns to indicate that the person who realizes the action
of the verb is the same person who receives the action. Reflexive pronouns are identical in
form to intensive pronouns.
Subject Reflexive
I myself
You yourself
Singular He himself
She herself
It itself
We ourselves
Plural You yourselves
They themselves
For example:
Reflexive pronouns always act as objects not subjects, and they require an interaction between the subject and a
For example:
Because she was not hungry when the cake was served, Ellen saved herself a piece.
* In the independent clause, "Ellen" is the subject and "herself" is a reflexive pronoun acting as the indire
This sentence is grammatically correct.
Care must be taken to identify whether the noun is singular or plural and choose the pronoun accordingly.
For example:
Note: The reflexive pronoun can also be used to give more emphasis to the subject or object (intensive pronoun)
For example:
I did it myself.
* I want to emphasise the fact that I did it.
He washed himself.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Diabetics give themselves insulin shots several times a day.
After the party, I asked myself why I had faxed invitations to everyone in my office building.
Richard usually remembered to send a copy of his e-mail to himself.
Demonstrative pronoun
Definition: Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point to specific things. "This, that, these, those, none an
neither" are Demonstrative Pronouns that substitute nouns when the nouns they replace can be understood from
context. At the same time, to indicate whether they are close or far, in space or time, from the speaker in the mo
speaking. They also indicate whether they are replacing singular or plural words. Some grammars describe them
members of the class of function words called "determiners", since they identify nouns and other nominals.
"This" (singular) and "These" (plural) refer to an object or person NEAR the speaker.
"That" (singular) and "Those" (plural) refer to an object or person further AWAY.
For example:
This is unbelievable.
* In this example, "this" can refer to an object or situation close in space or in time to the speaker.
That is unbelievable.
* In this example, "that" can refer to an object or situation farther in space or in time to the speaker.
These are unbelievable.
* In this example, "these" can refer to some objects close in space or in time to the speaker.
Those are unbelievable.
* In this example, "those" can refer to some objects farther in space or in time to the speaker.
- to introduce people:
This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.
We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and this is Michael.
What’s that?
This is our house, and that’s Rebecca’s house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.
this, these, that, those with nouns
We also use this, these, that and those with nouns to show proximity
We use this and these for people or things near us:
… and that and those for things that are not near us:
Relative Pronoun
Definition: We use the relative pronouns to refer to a noun mentioned before and of which we are adding more
information. They are used to join two or more sentences and forming in that way what we call "relative sentenc
Relative pronouns
For example:
1. Subjective case
Use the subjective case when these relative pronouns are the subject (initiating the action) of the depen
clause: Who, Whoever
For example:
Negotiations were not going smoothly between the two leaders, who made no bones about not
each other.
* "Who" relates back to the noun "leaders" and is the subject of the dependent clause and the ve
Most workers, whoever was not employed by the auto manufacturer, toiled at one of the million
minnow companies.
* "Whoever" relates back to the noun "workers" and is the subject of the dependent clause and
"was employed".
2. Objective case
Use the objective case when these relative pronouns are the object (receiving the action) of the depende
clause: Whom, Whomever
For example:
The three representatives, whomever the committee chooses, should be at the meeting tomorro
* "Whomever" relates back to the noun representatives and is the object of the verb "chooses".
subject of the dependent clause is "Committee".
For example:
There is another factor that obviously boosts the reputation of both of these men.
* "That" relates back to the noun "factor" and is necessary for the reader to know what "factor" the sent
When information is not critical to the understanding of the main clause, use "Which" as the appropriate relative
and set the information off by commas.
For example:
The toughest intramural fight of all for Clinton was the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he
undertook a full year before the 1994 election.
* "Which" relates back to the noun "agreement" and the information following it is not necessary for the
to know what "agreement" the sentence is about.
Clinton refused to head toward the center on affirmative action and abortion, which are the two most sa
issues to the traditional liberal wing of the party.
* "Wich" relates back to the noun "affirmative action and abortion" and the information following it is no
necessary for the reader to know what "affirmative action and abortion" the sentence is about.
When referring to more than one place, thing or idea use these relative pronouns: Whatever, Whichever
For example:
The three approaches, whichever works is fine, produce a more ambiguous picture of a man.
* "Whichever" relates to the noun "approaches" and the information contained within the commas is ad
not critical information.
Any excessive profits, whatever exceeded accepted limits, would attract the notice of representatives.
* "Whatever" relates to the noun "profits" and the information contained within the commas is addition
critical information.
Interrogative Pronoun
Definition: An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used in order to ask a question. Some of them refer only to pe
"who" and others refer to people and objects, etc like "what". They do not distinguish between singular and plur
they only have one form. Interrogative pronouns produce information questions that require more than a "yes" o
For example:
Interrogative pronouns are: What, Which, Who, Whose, Whom. In addition, these pronouns may take the suffix
and -soever.
As we can see in the next table, these pronouns could act as a subject, object or possessive in a sentence.
Who are you?
Which is your mother?
Who has been sitting in my chair?
WHOM can be used to ask about people.It is less usual and more formal than "who"
For example:
NOTE: Either "which" or "what" can also be used as an interrogative adjective, and that "who," "whom," or "whic
also be used as a relative pronoun.
For example:
Who is in charge?
Which wants to see the dentist first?
Who wrote the novel Rockbound?
Whom do you think we should invite?
What did she say?
Possessive Pronoun
Definition: We use the Possessive Pronouns when we want to substitute a group of words that are indicating a p
Subject Possessive
I Mine
You Yours
He His
She Hers
It Its
We Ours
You Yours
They Theirs
For example:
This is my book.
* In this example, we can substitute "my book" for the possessive pronoun "mine". => This is mine.
You can borrow my book as long as you remember that it's not yours.
=> The possessive "my" depends on the noun "book."
=> The possessive "yours" is a pronoun which stands in the place of "your book".
When you drive to Manitoba, will you take your car or theirs?
=> The possessive "your" depends on the noun "car."
=> The possessive pronoun, "theirs," stands in the place of the noun phrase, "their car."
Reciprocal pronoun
Definition: We use the reciprocal pronouns to indicate that two people can carry out an action and get the conse
of that action at the same time. There are two reciprocal pronouns:
Reciprocal pronouns
each other
one another
They enable you to simplify sentences where the same general idea is expressed two or more times.
For example:
On their wedding day Jhon gave Mary a gold ring and Mary gave Jhon a gold ring.
* Using the reciprocal pronoun, "each other", this could be rewritten:
=> On their wedding day Mary and Jhon gave each other gold rings.
If you need to refer to more than two people, say the students in a classroom, then we could use the reciprocal p
"one another".
For example:
indefinite pronouns
The indefinite pronouns are:
We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what
they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in
-thing for things:
We use indefinite pronouns with no- as the subject in negative clauses (not pronouns with
Nobody came.
Nothing happened.
We use else after indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things in addition to the ones we
already mentioned.
All the family came, but no one else.
If Michael can’t come we’ll ask somebody else.
So that's eggs, peas and chips. Do you want anything else?
See those two girls? Helen is the tall one and Jane is the short one.
Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
My trousers are torn. I need some new ones.
See those two girls. Helen is the one on the left.
Let’s look at the photographs. The ones you took in Paris.
Who is that?
Who lives here?
Who did you see?
What is that?
What do you want?
Questions with prepositions:
Questions ending in prepositions are very common in English. After Who, Which or What we
often have a preposition at the end of the sentence:
Cover boy? Mimpi kali! Foto model? Kaga punya modal! Ini hanya korban gara-gara sering
buka-buka majalah remaja ‘GADIS’, ‘MODE’, ‘Aneka Yes’ era ’80-an hingga ’90-an (maklum
gue dulu kan punya profesi pedagang asongan koran dan majalah?). Pada tahun-tahun itu
emang ere lagi ngetrend-ngetrendnya ajang pemilihan ‘cover boy’, ‘cover girl’, ‘foto model’
dan ‘fashion show’. Saya nggak habis pikir, kenapa kala itu saya ‘sok bergaya’ dan ‘berlagak
model’ begitu, ya? Kenapa diam-diam saya terkena pengaruh, ya? Gambar itu, bagusnya
di-‘delate’ dari wall saja! Malu-maluin soalnya. Kampungan, tahu?!
Keterangan tambahan: Perlu diketahui, blue jeans dan kemejanya itu minjem koleksi
konfeksinya Pak Tris (foto modelnya SPG Daha dulu), loh!
Biar unyu-unyu, dua gadis berseragam abu-abu putih itu, dua diantara beberapa primadona
(jaman dulu belum nge-tren pake istilah ‘selebritis’) SPG DAHA era ’87-’90, lhoch?
Inilah artis legenda SPG Daha era ‘87–‘90. Zona Memori 80-an, 90-an? Masih ada!