5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Weak Poor
Comprehension Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
and content exceptional strong personal basic personal limited personal little to no
personal insight insight and insight and insight and personal insight
and connection to connection to connection to connection to demonstrated.
the topic. Clearly the topic. the topic. the topic. Lacks relevant
and coherently Effectively Communicates Struggles to examples and
expresses communicates personal express personal coherence.
personal thoughts personal thoughts and thoughts and
and emotions thoughts and emotions with emotions with
with strong emotions with some relevant relevant
supporting relevant examples examples
examples supporting
The writing is The writing is The writing is The writing may Writing is
Writing, clear, organized, well-structured clear but may lack clarity or unclear and
spelling, and exhibits and showcases lack in-depth coherence. Little disorganized.
grammar. excellent critical critical analysis. analysis. Some depth to the Lacking depth
thinking. Few or Few to some grammatical response. Some and critical
no spelling or spelling or errors to many spelling thinking. Many
grammatical grammatical or grammatical spelling or
errors errors errors. grammatical
Found Poems rubric.
Excellent Proficient Developing Limited
Use of Details The poem uses The poem uses The poem uses The poem uses
details from thedetails from the details from the details from the
original passageoriginal passage original passage original passage
successfully, somewhat effectively, but in
ineffectively or
creatively and successfully, with an obvious, simpleinconsistently for
unexpectedly forsome evidence of or predictable an unclear or
effect. creativity for way. unsuccessful
effect. effect.
Communication Mood of the scene Mood of the scene Mood of the scene Mood of the scene
of Mood is conveyed is conveyed is conveyed is conveyed
precisely, clearly, broadly, correctly incorrectly,
insightfully and successfully and and demonstrates vaguely or
demonstrates a demonstrates a a simple or basic indiscernibly and
nuanced clear understanding. demonstrates a
understanding. understanding. confused, vague or
Poetic Structure The poem is The poem is The poem is The poem is
presented in a presented in a presented in a presented in an
logical sequence somewhat logical vaguely logical illogical sequence
that conveys sequence, but sequence, but and meaning is
exceptionally clear meaning may meaning often very vague or
meaning. occasionally breaks down. unclear.