Abe 512
Abe 512
Abe 512
II. Objectives
1. To know the different parts of housing for dairy cattle and carabao feedlot structure.
2. To show the different designs of housing for dairy cattle and carabao feedlot production.
3. To identify and assessed sample dairy cattle housing and carabao feedlot in the Philippines
base in PAES.
III. Methodology
1. Conduct a research about dairy cattle housing and carabao feedlot structures.
2. Illustrate and discuss the different housing designs for dairy cattle and carabao feedlot.
Label each parts/ components of the housing.
3. Discuss how dairy cattle housing and carabao feedlot structure were designed base on the
existing housing structure in the Philippines. Mention some of these structures.
4. Discuss your assessment on the chosen housing structure base on the Philippine Agricultural
Engineering Standards or other standards in structural design.
Floor, concrete floors shall be skid resistant. The minimum floor thickness shall be 76 mm
with 2-4% slope towards the drainage. If the floor is earth lot, it shall have a slope of 4-7%. For
the roof, adequate roofing materials shall be provided for the protection against rain and direct
sunlight. The roof slope shall not less than 25%. If roofing is made of indigenous materials, the
minimum roof slope shall be 58%. The minimum height of the top of the roof f beam shall be 2.5
m from the floor. Pen walling and post shall be preferably made of G.I. pipes schedule 40. The
diameter of vertical and horizontal railing member of the pen wall shall be at least 50 mm and 75
mm for the post. The maximum center to center spacing between vertical railing member shall be
1.5 m and for horizontal railing member, spacing shall be 0.4 m. The maximum center to center
spacing between post shall be 3 m and shall be embedded in a concrete pedestal with a minimum
depth of 0.4 m and will be shown in below figure:
Each post shall be provided with 0.15m concrete protectors. The height of the pen shall be 1.2
m – 1.5 m. The fittings and internal surfaces of the pens shall be free from edges or projections
to avoid injury to the animals. Paints that may be toxic to animals shall nor be used on the surfaces
accessible to them. Maternity pens shall be provided for cows that are two months away from
parturition. The pen shall be bended with straw or any suitable bedding materials for use during
calving. Rice hull is preferred than straw because it drains off easily. And the pen shall be
equipped with feeding and watering facility. The calves under 3 months should have individual
stalls for easier feeding and for closer observation. The stalls and its parameters will be shown
The minimum height of the pen shall be 1.2 m and it shall be elevated at least 0.3 m from the
ground. Solid partition to prevent calves from licking each other. Hairballs could be formed I the
underdeveloped rumen of the calf. Pen wall and floor shall be made of metal pipes or bars. The
slat space clearance in the pen wall shall be 115 mm - 130 mm and the slat space clearance in the
pen floor shall be 25mm-30 mm. Feeding facility, feeding trough shall be placed along the sides
of the pen and should either be made of wood or concrete see figure below for the cross section
of a feeding trough:
Feeding trough shall be provided with horizontal rail to restrain the animals from stepping the
trough. For calves up to 6 months, the height of the horizontal rail shall be 0.7m, while for 7
months calves, it shall be 0.9 m. For yearling, heifer, dry, and milking cow, the height should be
1m - 1.2 m. The inside surfaces of the feeding trough should be smooth and it should have rounded
corners to facilitate cleaning. The bed of the trough should be 0.15 m above the level of the apron
to facilitate natural feeding stance. For calves up to one year, the dimension of the feed trough
shall be 0.25 m depth 0.4 m – 0.65 m bottom width and 0.65 m – 0.85 m top width. And for older
animals, the dimension of the feed trough shall be 0.4 m depth, 0.45 m – 0.7 m bottom width and
0.7 m – 0.9 m top width. If the feeding trough is separate from the shed or building, concrete or
gravel packed aprons along the feeder shall be constructed and shall be at least 1.5 m wide. It
shall have a slope of 2-4% towards the drainage. Water troughs should be made of concrete or
galvanized metal tanks. Float activated valve should be provided to regulate the water level. The
water troughs shall be provided with concrete or gavel packed aprons with a slope of 2-4% to
improve sanitation and keep the water clean. If automatic waterer is used, one automatic waterer
shall be provided for 15 animals and it shall be placed at a height of 1 m. The cross section of it
will be shown below:
Lighting, shall be provided within the housing. For feeding area, 200 lux should be provided,
70 lux should be provided for the pens and 30 lux should be provided for feed storage area. The
central alley or the driveway should be elevated and shall have a minimum width of 3 m if vehicles
are allowed to enter within the building and it shall have a solid base. The gutter shall have a
minimum width of 0.46 m and a minimum depth of 0.2 m. Storage sheds for all feedstuffs – hay,
grain, mineral salt, shall be provided to keep it dry, protect from rodents and be inaccessible to
animals. If silo is necessary, the walls should be smooth and air-tight. For a horizontal silo, the
walls should slope about 1:4.
For the cattle and carabao feedlot, floor should be skid resistant. The minimum floor thickness
shall be 76 mm with 2 - 4% slope towards the drainage. If the is earth lot, it shall have a slope of
4 - 7%. Roof, Adequate roofing shall be provided against excessive heat from the sun. The roof
slope shall not be less than 25%. If roofing is made of indigenous materials, the minimum roof
slope shall be 58%. Pen walling and post shall be preferably made of G.I. pipes schedule 40. The
diameter of vertical and horizontal railing member of the pen wall shall be at least 50 mm and 75
mm for the post. The maximum center to center spacing between vertical railing members shall
be 1.5 m and for horizontal railing member, spacing shall be 400 mm. Pen width should be
adequate to provide the required trough length for the number and size of cattle being fed in the
pen. Loading chute should be provided and should be oriented so as to minimize the effect of
bright sunlight. The width shall be 660 mm – 760 mm. A catwalk on one side of the chute should
be provided to allow the handler to load the cattle easier. Loading chute should be provided with
telescoping side panels and a self-aligning dock bumper. The chute should be provided with
loading ramp with a level-loading surface of about 1.5 m wide to walk on or off the truck. Loading
ramp floor shall have cross battens every 200 mm to prevent slipping. Ramp should have a slope
of 30%. The ramp height for different vehicles will show below:
The slope of the permanently installed ramp shall not exceed 36%. For portable or adjustable
loading chute, slope shall not exceed 47%. If stair-stepped concrete ramps are provided, each step
should have 90 mm – 100 mm rise and 300 mm tread width. The step surface shall be roughened.
V. Conclusion
Farmers are experiential learners. They learn more by doing something themselves (and being
able to monitor its impact) than by the more traditional learning programs of classroom tuition
and short ‘hands on’ practical sessions. Model farms provide them with a practically based
learning environment. Thus, to know and to be familiars by the design of housing and parts or
components of cattle and carabao housing and make it them to experienced will eventually help
us to improved or make a add on’s to our should and shall to do, that are written to the Philippine
Agricultural Engineering Standards.
VI. References