EPP - Poultry Raising

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Chapter 2

Poultry Raising


 Identify chicken/stocks or breed to raise

 Discuss the importance of poultry raising
 Explain the management practices in chicken production

Chicken broiler and egg production are the most progressive animal enterprises in the
Philippines today. The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but has shifted to
the formation of very large integrated contract farming operations.
The growth of tile poultry industry in the Philippines has indeed been impressive but its
problems including inefficient management and the prevalence of many destructive poultry
diseases and parasites cannot be ignored.

Tips on Poultry (Chicken) Production

Chicken Breed/Stock to Raise

The following call be used as a guide in selecting the foundation stock to raise:

 Stock should only be purchased from a reliable hatchery or franchised dealer where the
parent stocks are well-housed and well-managed.
 The kind of stock to buy depends upon the purpose for which it is going to be raised.
 Chicks should be free from diseases and deformities
 Chicks should have uniform size and color and in the case of broiler chicks should not be
less than 33 grams at day-old.
 For a start, a popular strain raised in the community can be selected as it is an indication
of the bird’s good performance under existing farm conditions.
 For broilers, choose those that high livability and are fast growers.
 For layers, choose those that have good egg size, high egg production and long
productive life

Environmental Factors
o Birds must be protected from poor ventilation and extremes in temperature.
When the land dimension allows it, the poultry houses should be constructed
with their length parallel to the wind direction. This setup will expose to the
wind only the southern or the northernmost portion of the houses. If it were the
other way around, that is, the length of the house facing south, all the pens with
the birds therein would be exposed to draft and heavy rain during typhoons and
bad weather.
o Discarded feed sack when available, can be utilized as wind and sun breakers.
Planting tress will also serve as windbreakers.

Sanitary provisions in the Poultry House

o In planning the construction, due consideration should be given to facilitate
cleaning of the poultry house. Thus, in the case of brooders, the floors, sides and
partitions should be detachable. This will permit their removal for thorough
cleaning and disinfection after every batch. There should have good water
drainage from the house site.
o Due consideration should be given to the aspect of poultry disease prevention
and control. When there is ample land area, the breeding, growing and laying
houses should be reasonably spaced from one another as a health safety

Provision for Easy Expansion

 Consider future expansion plans. The buildings that are to be constructed should
consider the setting up of additional new houses that may be needed later.

Economy construction
 Poultry houses need not be very expensive to construct. There are many locally
available cheap materials that are very common to poultry raisers like bamboo,
coconut trunks, cogon, nipa and rattan. The rule is to use local materials that are
readily available.

Housing Equipment

1. Feeding troughs or feeders

 Feeders can be placed inside or along the front of the cages. When making
feeders, consider the ease in cleaning and avoidance of feed spillage. Feed
spillage may be avoided by placing a metal or wooden strip along the inner
mouth of the feeding trough

2. Waterers
 To facilitate the cleaning, the shape and size of the waterers should be semi-
circular, fairly wide and supported by an adjustable bracket to permit easier
adjustment. It may have a removal stopper at the drainage end to allow for
easier cleaning.
 For chicks, the waterers are usually one-gallon plastic jars.
 The most common waterers are the plastic waterers because they do not rust
therefore they will last longer.
 Backyard poultry raisers usually use bamboo waterers. They are cheap but there
is a great tendency for slime (lumot) to develop and oftentimes they do not last
very long. They need constant changing.

3. Portable Catching Panels

 This is usually made of either bamboo, wood or wire frames. This device comes
in handy during vaccination.

4. Feed Carts
 In well-planned poultry house with cemented service alleys, the feed cart is
handy piece of equipment which can reduce the number of house spent in
feeding the chickens. It makes the feeding less laborious and tiresome. In the
absence of a feed cart a wheelbarrow will do.

Poultry Management

Rearing of the Day-Old Chicks

 Brooding is essential for the chicks. Brooding is the process of supplying artificial
beat to the chicks from the time they are taken out from the incubators up to
the time their bodies can control their beat requirements and they are covered
with feathers.
The following are the basic requirements for brooding day-old chicks:

1. Sufficient Heat
 Provide sufficient artificial heat to keep chicks comfortably warm during the day
or night. Avoid abrupt changes in brooder temperature during the first-two
weeks of life.
 The behavior of the day-old chicks in the brooder can be used as guideline for
the correct brooding temperature. When the temperature is hot, the chicks will
pant, spread out their wings, eat less and remain inactive, move away from the
source of heat and stay close to the edges of tile brooder. When temperature is
low, the chicks will crowd under the heater, pile up and make known their
comfort loud chirping.

2. Adequate Light and Ventilation

o A well-lighted brooder attracts and encourages the chicks to start feeding
o Provide sufficient ventilation to supply plenty of oxygen and facilitate the
removal of carbon dioxide and excess moisture. When there is not enough
ventilation, the chicks will not only be weak and in poor condition but will also be
more predisposed to respiratory diseases.

3. Ample space to avoid overcrowding

 Provide the brooder with enough space to avoid overcrowding which leads to
poorly developed chicks, high morality as well as harmful vices like toe picking,
feather picking or cannibalism

4. Healthy stocks
 Select only healthy chicks, which can be easily recognized by their dry, fluffy
feathers, bright eyes and alert active appearance. Avoid chicks with wet vents
and dull eyes.

5. Correct feeding
 Provide the chicks with good quality feeds either home grown or commercially
 Feed the chicks intermittently rather than continuously. Research studies have
shown that when using intermittent feeding chicks utilize nutrients better
 Do not allow feed troughs to go empty longer than one to two hours

6. Proper Sanitation
 Cleanliness and dryness of the brooding quarters will prevent contamination of
the chicks from parasites and diseases which may be carried by previous
brooded chicks

7. Regularity of Care and Management

 Environment should be kept as uniform as possible. Sudden changes in
surroundings cause a certain degree of stress or insecurity. Such examples are
removal of brooder canopy and slamming doors of brooder houses or the
presence of drafts.
 It is advisable that a regular caretaker feed the chickens following a definite
schedule during the first 3 weeks of the chick’s life.
8. Environmental Control
 Optimum house temperature for laying birds is between 18-29 degrees Celsius.
Within this range, maintain a uniform house temperature when possible. Flock
health and performance are highly dependent on temperature control and good
ventilation. Fans may aid in keeping the birds more comfortable during hot
summer months.

Rearing of the Growing Stock

 Broilers are marketed when they reach 45-60 days of age depending on strain.
 For the egg type, chicks are transferred to the growing houses or pens at 6-8
weeks old. They are kept in these quarters until they are 16-18 weeks old at
which time then they are transferred to the laying house.
 Birds are given anti-stress drugs, either in the feed or in the drinking water 2-5
days before and after they are transferred to the growing houses.
 Thoroughly clean and disinfect the growing houses prior to the transfer of the
growing stock
 Provide clean fresh drinking waters at all times

Management of the Layer Flock

o Pullets are transferred to the laying house at the age of 16-18 weeks or at least 3
weeks before the onset of egg production
o A few days before and after the transfer, the bird’s ration should be fortified
with antibiotics and vitamins to minimize or counteract the effects of stress.
o Provide layers with calcium supplements like limestone and ground oyster shell
and insoluble grit.

Tips of Layer Management on Hot Climate

1. Air movement around birds at floor level has a beneficial cooling effect. In shade
houses, take full advantage of the natural breezes using paddles or circulating fans in
periods of still weather and particularly during heat of the day.
2. In controlled environment houses, over-ventilate during the cool part of the day in
order to cool down the whole house

Floor Space
1. Provide birds with up to 100% more floor space than is recommended for temperate
climates. Three birds per square meter is an absolute maximum

Litter Management
1. Maintain only a very shallow layer of litter on concrete floors. This will maximize any
cooling effect that the concrete floor may have on the birds through absorption of
body heat.
2. Dry, dusty litter can cause sever irritation and damage to the eyes of chickens. Avoid
dustiness by sprinkling water generously on litter at regular intervals. This spraying
can, during extremely hot, dry spells, be advantageously extended to the birds
themselves and the feed.


Make an Activity Plan/Budget Plan for Poultry Project Raising


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