English SBA
English SBA
English SBA
A tsunami is a series of waves 10 to 20 minutes apart generated by the heave and dip of the sea
floor. As soon as the earthquake happens, tsunami waves begin to spread out at the speed of a jet
liner, but are already being analyzed and queries sent to tide stations near the disturbance. Since
the speed of the tsunami waves can be easily calculated by knowing the depth of the ocean path
they are crossing, the scientists at PTWC can check the observing stations at the estimated time
of arrival of the first waves. The reports and data from the gauges are evaluated with
consideration for the earthquake’s magnitude and depth, the history of tsunamis from that area,
and the proximity to settled coastlines. In a few minutes, the scientists in charge must make a
difficult decision involving many human lives and millions of dollars, and it must be a
“YES/NO” decision. If they expect waves over one meter (three feet) high to impact an inhabited
coast, they will advise the civil authorities in that area; it is up to them to handle the evacuation
of “low-lying areas”. Because the waves travel about 500 miles an hour, they then advance the
warning across the ocean to stay three or four hours ahead of the first wave, while evaluating the
impact on the areas already affected to verify if the warning must be continued and expanded.
Sinha. S. 2013, July 14. <https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/tsunami-38/>
Curtis. G. 2019. <http://tsunami.org/article-tsunami-and-science/>
GBH. 2021. < https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/nvkq.vid.earth.tsunami/birth-of-a-