English A Sba
English A Sba
English A Sba
Name of Group Members: Fantasia Donaldson, Sanecia Taylor, Javier Tyson, and Kimani Kerr.
Candidate #: 100068……
Center #: 100068.
Territory: Jamaica.
Year: 2023.
Rihanna McLeod.
Reflection 3 …………………………………………………………………….. 16
Bibliography …………………………………………………………………... 24
Rihanna McLeod.
Plan of Investigation
My group’s chosen topic for the English S.B.A. is ‘Child Abuse,’ and my chosen sub-
topic that I will be focusing on is ‘Ways in which Child Abuse Victims can Suffer at the Hands
of their Abusers.’ I chose this sub-topic because the act of child abuse has always perturbed and
intrigued me regarding the various methods/ways in which a helpless child is abused in our
world daily. Despite my perturbation towards an abuser’s proclivities for child abuse, as an
English student, I aim to improve my research and analytic skills to better educate myself and
understand the content and context of the information I choose to research. I also expect to
improve my vocabulary by learning more about the subject. I intend to gather the necessary
information through the use of songs/music videos, online articles, and vlogs/blogs to ensure that
Rating Scale
0 1 2 3
Material to be Material to be
collected stated collected stated
(type or nature of (type or nature
Material to be material) Limited of material)
collected not list or sources Various sources /2
stated given for possible
(Internet etc…)
Proposal for given
(c) collection and use of
material Use of English Use of the English Use of the
Language skills to Language skills English
be used in outlined and an Language skills
analyzing the attempt made to clearly outlined
material not indicate how they and clear /2
stated will be used indication of
how they will
be used
Rihanna McLeod.
The total mark for individual participants will be 5 marks based on the responses obtained
from the questions asked by the teacher.
Areas Questions for students
1. Do/Did you know what you are/were expected to do to work well in a team? /1
3. How do/did you feel in the group? I feel self-confidence, self-esteem, and self- /1
4. Do/Did you know how to manage how you behave in the group? /1
This scale should be completed by the teacher in discussion with the student on two different
occasions. After the first assessment, a discussion should take place and feedback should be
given to the student to allow for improvement. The second assessment should produce the final
mark out of five agreed upon by the teacher and student.
Total Score
Rihanna McLeod.
Sub-Topic: Ways in Which Child Abuse Victims can Suffer at the Hands of their
Genre: Speech.
Reason for selecting genre: I enjoy researching a lot of information, deep diving, about
any topic that piques the slightest of my interest, so given that a speech not only helps me
Rihanna McLeod.
Rating Scale
Facets of Tasks
0 1 2 3 4
Written Report.
Rihanna McLeod.
A child of any gender, race, religion, or socioeconomic status can suffer in a variety of ways
at the hands of their abusers because they have the self-justified notion or impulse to commit
child abuse. Child abuse and neglect are serious public health issues, as are adverse childhood
experiences, or ACEs, which are potentially traumatic childhood experiences. According to the
World Health Organization (W.H.O.), child abuse is "all forms of physical or emotional ill-
treatment, sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the
adult. Child abuse can be classified into four main types. They are as followed:
1. Neglect
This is an act of omission and undeniably the most common type of child abuse. This
occurs when a parent or caregiver consistently fails to meet a child's basic physical and
emotional needs.
E.g.: Inadequate food, funds, clothing, housing, education, attention to the child, etcetera.
2. Physical abuse.
This is the use of physical force with the intent to cause physical pain, injury, or death. In
most cases, CPA occurs at home and is committed by someone close to the victim, such as a
parent. Even when corporal punishment is warranted, most abusers constantly blow it out of
proportion and blur the lines between corporal punishment and outright abuse. This, in turn,
E.g.: Beating, hitting with inanimate objects, fractures, burns, bruises, or other shows of
abusive force.
Rihanna McLeod.
3. Psychological/Emotional abuse.
These verbal or symbolic behaviors and acts cause a child mental anguish and emotional
distress, as well as harm to their self-worth, emotional well-being, mental stability, and
4. Sexual abuse.
In this case, predatory abusers exploit young, vulnerable, and impressionable children to
engage in sexual acts that they did not fully comprehend or consent to.
Child abuse leaves permanent scars, and the abuser's ignorance does not mitigate the
damage. Childhood should be a time of love, laughter, enjoyment, and being somewhat carefree,
not a nightmarish hell of pain, indifference, tears, sadness/unhappiness, and trauma caused by
someone's dark soul. Abuse manipulates and damages a child's natural sense of trust and love,
and there is no life to be found in violence, regardless of the reason. To conclude in the words of
Chris Hemsworth, “Child abuse is one of those issues that are very difficult to talk about because
it’s surrounded by guilt and shame and so on, but us avoiding that issue doesn’t help those kids
Rihanna McLeod.
Content Does not meet the The required number of Context in/from which the Contexts in/from which the
required number of stimuli has been stimuli are chosen are stimuli are chosen are
Rihanna McLeod.
Good evidence of
Issues are not clearly research Analysis focuses on the key
identified issues
Good handing of
Inadequate evidence of documentation with the Findings of discussions and
research occasional error. research of the relevance
to the stimulus material
are clearly stated
Evidence of
All sources of the various
stimuli are acknowledged
and documented.
Rihanna McLeod.
Reflection 1.
It completely perplexes me that so many people have the self-justified notion and impulse
However, the unfortunate truth and fact are that in our everyday world, thousands of children
suffer at the hands of abusers, sometimes even losing their lives. After researching, gathering,
and analyzing multiple data, I finally discovered three pieces that best represent my sub-topic,
Rihanna McLeod.
'Ways in Which Child Abuse Victims Can Suffer at the Hands of their Abusers.' They are as
Collin Raye's song "11th Commandment" is the first piece. It presented the perspective of
children who are abused by family members or at home. This made me realize that in many
cases, the senseless act of abuse against a child outweighs the sense of responsibility, security,
trust, and safety that a family member should provide for a child at home. The child's sense of
betrayal is deep and lasting, lasting well into adulthood and, in most cases, irreversible.
The second piece is an online article titled 'Child Abuse and Neglect' written by
StatPearls authors. They conducted extensive research throughout the article, which helped me
better understand the various forms and consequences of child abuse that the medical field is
responsible for every day. These include physical, psychological, and emotional scars suffered
by abuse victims.
The third and final pieces are a vlog accompanied by a blog titled 'Recognizing Child
Abuse and Neglect' by ProCPR and 'Identifying the Different Types of Child Abuse' by CASA
Child Advocates of Montgomery County, respectively. These provided me with a more in-depth
understanding of the difficulties and identification of child abuse. Unfortunately, many abusers
try to hide or justify the abuse of children. For a disturbing issue such as this, it is the
responsibility of anyone concerned, witnesses, or suffers from such abuse to tell someone they
trust or report it to the proper authorities to raise awareness, cease, and protection for the child
Rihanna McLeod.
Reflection 2.
The tone of the song '11th Commandment' is one of sympathy for the maltreatment of
children. There are four uses of language used in the song. The first use of language is the
narration in the third person, which is used extensively throughout verses 1, 2, and 3 to raise
awareness about various forms of child abuse. The second is an inquiry about God's
Rihanna McLeod.
The use of repetition by the songwriter in choruses 1 and 2 emphasizes his question and concern,
shows resolve. His conviction is that God did not overlook it or anything and that the person
dishonoring a commandment will one day face God’s wrath and judgment.
The tones used in the online article 'Child Abuse and Neglect' are formal and informative.
The article employs EMS or medical terminology and acronyms such as "sentinel injury,"
"cognitive function," "TEN 4," "AHT," and "GERD" to extend their knowledge and perspective
The vlog and accompanying blog 'Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect' and 'Identifying
the Different Types of Child Abuse' both use informal and informative tones without the use of
colloquialisms. Throughout the vlog, the vlogger maintains an imperative mood and tone to
emphasize the pertinent information about child abuse to the audience. The diction was also at a
level that I could easily understand, which led me to believe the vlogger was targeting people
Rihanna McLeod.
with varying levels of education. The blog is similar to the online article used as it gives
information on the four major types of child abuse and the resulting injuries.
Reflection 3.
Because of the broad scope of my group's topic, "Child Abuse," I was able to increase my
awareness and knowledge throughout the research execution of this English S.B.A. During my
research on my chosen sub-topic, "Ways in which Child Abuse Victims can Suffer at the Hands
of their Abusers," I realized the importance of providing a stable and safe environment for
children, whether physically, emotionally, financially, or otherwise, given the numerous threats
and struggles they face at such a young and impressionable age. This, in turn, taught me how to
Rihanna McLeod.
recognize the various types and signs of child abuse, as well as the appropriate steps to take to
assist someone who is experiencing such abuse. Completing this SBA also helped improve my
teamwork and cooperation skills and vocabulary, research, analytic, and comprehension abilities.
Rihanna McLeod.
Descriptors Marks
Candidate procedures an excellent reflection comprising THREE entries which
● discusses how the THREE pieces of material have affected the candidate’s
thinking about the issue 5 marks /5
● examines the use of language in the three pieces
● discusses the process and its effect on the candidate
Candidate produces a very good reflection which
● integrates the treatment of the issue in the three pieces
● provides a very good examination of the use of language 4 marks /4
● discusses the process and its effect
Candidates produce a good reflection which
● addresses the treatment of the issue in the three pieces
● provides a good examination of the use of language 3 marks /3
● give little discussion of the process and its effects
Candidate produces a limited reflection which
● provides a limited treatment of the issue in the three pieces
● attempts to provide an examination of the use of language with limited success 2 marks /2
● give very little or no discussion of the process and its effect
At the commencing of the English SBA, our teacher, Mrs. Green began with an
explanation of the different sections of the SBA. Once that was completed and members grasped
the concepts, our teacher then placed us in groups in which our theme ‘Child Abuse’ was
selected. We then, in our groups, each member selected sub-topics pertaining to our theme. Once
this was done and reviewed by our teacher, we did our individual research for our artifacts.
The group made great use of the internet which was the main source of most of the
findings. The three (3) artifacts chosen for this report are ‘Recognizing Child Abuse’ from the
Rihanna McLeod.
vlog ProCPR, ‘Different Types of Child Abuse’ by Crissy B Show, and ‘The Script’ by Abigail.
These artifacts show the different types of abuse in children, the recognition of abuse and neglect
Our group members met during the half sessions of English class as well as taking time
out of our lunchtime to ensure the work was progressing. This resulted in great progress for each
group member who was able to complete the English SBA on time.
At the end of the research, we had similar recurring ideas. With such, we created two
The group members all decided that ‘neglect’ was the most commonly seen.
2. Which form of child abuse has the most serious effects on children?
Although all forms of child abuse affect children badly, according to our research it is
mostly ‘neglect’ as it results in lifelong trauma and affects the child psychologically.
Group Members,
1. Rihanna McLeod.
2. Fantasia Donaldson
3. Sanecia Taylor.
4. Javier Tyson.
5. Kimani Kerr.
Rihanna McLeod.
[Verse 2]
The bruises on his face will go away
Mom keeps him home from school 'til they fade
She's sorry he was born and tells him so
He takes it in, he hangs his chin, he ducks another blow
Did God overlook it
What ought have been written
The eleventh commandment
Honor thy children
Rihanna McLeod.
[Verse 3]
He cries for hours, cries and never stops
He shakes so hard his little cradle rocks
He'll never have the chance to be brand new
He'll never walk, he'll never talk, he's addicted too
Did God overlook it
What ought have been written
The eleventh commandment
Honor thy children
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain
Thou shalt not cause thy children pain
God does not overlook it
What ought have been written
The eleventh commandment
Honor thy children
Honor thy children
1) “What have the children done but to stay innocent and trusting even towards the most
undeserving? Child abuse is child abuse --- there is no excuse that can make it right.”
2) “Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness
of the soul.” Dave Pelzer (1993). ‘A Child Called It: One Child’s Courage to Survive,’ (p.
Rihanna McLeod.
3) “Abuse manipulates and twists a child's natural sense of trust and love. Her innocent
feelings are belittled or mocked and she learns to ignore her feelings. She can't afford to
feel the full range of feelings in her body while she's being abused-pain, outrage, hate,
vengeance, confusion, arousal. So she short-circuits them and goes numb. For many
children, any expression of feelings, even a single tear, is cause for more severe abuse.
Again, the only recourse is to shut down. Feelings go underground.” Laura Davies
(1991). ‘Allies in Healing: When the Person you Love is a Survivor of Child Sexual
4) “It shouldn’t hurt to be a child.” Jan Hunt (2013). ‘The Natural Child: Parenting from the
Free from the Chains of Silence: A Respectful Exploration into the Ramifications of
6) “Abuse is never contained to a present moment, it lingers across a person’s lifetime and
has pervasive long-term ramifications.” Lorraine Nilon (2017). ‘Breaking Free from the
7) “Child abuse does not go away, but 90 percent of child abuse is preventable and instead
of treating your child like how you were treated. Treat them with the same love and
attention you wanted from your parents while growing up.” Rtr. Shehan Sanka (2021).
8) “The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each
day.” Orlando Aloysius Battista (1957). ‘How to Enjoy Work and Get More Fun Out of
Rihanna McLeod.
Life,’ (p.72).
9) “You have to love your children unselfishly. That is hard. But it is the only way.”
10) “Build a bridge over shame by teaching kids about sexual abuse. Give them a chance to
run to us should they encounter it. Be their hero.” Carolyn Byers Ruch.
11) “The rape of a child is a violent act of contempt, not an expression of sexuality or
affection.” Mike Lew (2000). ‘Gay Men and Childhood Sexual Trauma: Integrating the
Shattered Self.’
12) “My childhood ended around the time of my ninth birthday, shamed into sex, obedience
13) “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his
power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator’s first line of
defense. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot
silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure that no one listens. To this end, he marshals
an impressive array of arguments, from the most blatant denial to the most sophisticated
and elegant rationalization. After every atrocity one can expect to hear the same
predictable apologies: it never happened; the victim lies; the victim exaggerates; the
victim brought it upon herself; and in any case it is time to forget the past and move on.
The more powerful the perpetrator, the greater is his prerogative to name and define
reality, and the more completely his arguments prevail.” Judith Lewis Herman (1992).
‘Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political
Rihanna McLeod.
14) “Many abused children cling to the hope that growing up will bring escape and freedom.
But the personality formed in the environment of coercive control is not well adapted to
adult life. The survivor is left with fundamental problems in basic trust, autonomy, and
identity, and in the capacity to form stable relationships. She is still a prisoner of her
childhood; attempting to create a new life, she reencounters the trauma.” Judith Lewis
Herman (1992). ‘Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic
CASA: Court appointed special advocates for children | CASA: Child advocates of
Montgomery County (2023). News & Events >> Identifying the different types of child abuse.
Gonzalez, D., Mirabal, A.B., & McCall, J. D. (2022, 7 Apr.) Child abuse and neglect. Retrieved
from https://www.statpearls.com/ArticleLibrary/viewarticle/26823
ProTrainings: Because life matters | ProCPR (2022, 8 Jun.). Child abuse and neglect:
Rihanna McLeod.