Tuff Stuff: Item #1284 & #1285
Tuff Stuff: Item #1284 & #1285
Tuff Stuff: Item #1284 & #1285
Revision date:
Item #1284 & #1285 April 2019
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APPLICATION CONTROLS bare metal surfaces. Tuff Stuff Epoxy must be applied
over properly cleaned metal or fiberglass surfaces,
Method: This product may be applied by airless
free of all surface contamination. Some areas may
and conventional spray, solvent resistant rollers and
need to be cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP-1
Solvent Cleaning to ensure all oils, grease and other
Dry Times and Overcoating Intervals: contaminants are removed. Please refer to additional
Overcoating data below. See Technical Bulletin STL45
Substrate Touch Recoating With
With Bottom
Temp. Dry Tuff Stuff Additional Data For Painting Metal Hulls: Prior to
Temp application to any metal surface, we recommend the
Min Min Max Max
F˚ (C˚) area first be grit blasted to SSPC-SP-10 ‘near white
73˚ F (23˚ C) 2 hrs 3 hrs 6 days 24 hrs metal to a blast profile of no less than 1.5 mil, then
cleaned free of dust and blast media and painted
When overcoating Tuff Stuff Epoxy Primer with a
in accordance with the paint system specifications.
solvent-based coating it is important to meet the
Follow the paint system specifications for dry film
required over coating times in order to achieve the
thickness and over coating times. If the system
best adhesion because temperature and humidity
requires more than two coat of Tuff Stuff Epoxy,
control dry times. (Exception: Overcoating with a
make sure the second coat is applied within the over
water-based coating: see Tech Bulletin TSWB-1284)
coating times listed above. Additionally, regardless
An easy rule in epoxies is when the coating is dry to
of the topcoat to be applied over the Tuff Stuff Epoxy
the touch, yet still has some tack, it is ready to be
make sure the over coating windows are followed.
over coated. (Thumb print without lifting any epoxy.)
See Technical Bulletin AL1284
However, if the coating is completely cured (or after
24 hours) it needs to be thoroughly sanded with 80 Recommended Paint Systems for Metal Surfaces
grit sand paper to remove shine, or you must apply Not Blasted: In many cases, some boatyards or
another coat of Tuff Stuff within 6 days, no longer. shipyards cannot blast the metal surface and must
Then you have an additional 24 hour maximum to clean by power tool such as power grinders we
overcoat with antifouling paint. Tuff Stuff immersion strongly recommend the metal surface be primed
should minimum of 24 Hours after application. with one or two coats of Sea Hawk Strontium
Chromate Epoxy before the Tuff Stuff Epoxy High
SURFACE PREPARATION Build is applied. If this system is used make sure
the grinding dust is removed by blown air, brooms,
Paint only clean, dry surfaces. Remove all grease, oil,
brushes or similar. Do not use rags with or without
wax, or other foreign material by solvent or detergent
thinner should be used as this may leave fabric fibers
washing. (SSPC-SPI)
on the cleaned surface which when over coated can
Fiberglass: Soda Blast, Sand with 60-80 grit produce moisture ‘wicking to the substrate and cause
sandpaper, or equivalent. Once desired profile is blistering or delamination problems.
achieved, wipe down with rags saturated with Sea
Blasted Surfaces: For steel surfaces use angular grit
Hawk Thinner 2044 to re-move all the sanding dust.
for blasting. Do not use metal ‘shot’ as this does not
This procedure should be followed by at least 2-3
leave a proper surface for painting. For aluminum,
coats of Tuff Stuff for general purpose applications
do not use any metal blast media. There are specific
or use at least three coats for osmotic blistering
blast media available like select minerals, sand or
prevention. For repair of osmotic gel coat blistering
other non-metallic media provide an acceptable
please contact your local Sea Hawk representative for
profile is provided.
procedures and paint system specification.
Note: Blasted steel and aluminum must be painted
Steel Vessels: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Epoxy Primer
as soon as possible after blasting to avoid any rust
is normally used as part of paint systems for both
‘bloom’ or oxidation from high humidity. Should the
above and below the waterline on hull systems on
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surface ‘turn’ before the first coat of Sea Hawk Tuff LIMITATIONS
Stuff or Strontium Chromate Epoxy primers can
Apply in good weather when air and surface
be applied, we strongly recommend the surface be
temperatures are above 50° F (10° C). Surface
‘grit swept’ in accordance with SSPC-SP-7 Brush Off
temperature must be a least 5° F (1° C) above dew
Blast to remove the ‘rust bloom’ or aluminum oxide
point. For optimum application properties, bring
and then continue with the application of the paint
material to 70-80° F (21-27° C) temperature range
prior to mixing and application. Unmixed material
(in closed containers) should be maintained in
APPLICATION DATA protected storage between 40° and 100° F (4-38° C).
Mixing: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff is a high viscosity epoxy Prolonged atmospheric exposure of this product may
primer and contains a moderate to high concentration detract from performance. Technical and application
of pigments and may have settled in transit, Each data herein is for the purpose of establishing a
component must be thoroughly mixed with power general guideline of the coating and proper coating
mixer/shaker until uniform before use. Mix equal application procedures. As application, environmental
parts (1:1) of Side A and Side C. and design factors can vary significantly due care
should be exercised in the selection, verification of
Induction Time: 20-30 Minutes
performance, and use of the coating.
Thinning: If necessary, maximum 10% with Sea
Hawk Tuff Stuff Reducer 2084 TECHNICAL BULLETIN
Cleaning: Sea Hawk Tuff Stuff Reducer 2084 or 2044 Before putting a water-based antifouling paint over
Tuff Stuff read the Technical Bulletin, TSWB-1284,
Pot Life: 3 hours
regarding this subject on the Sea Hawk Paints
Brush/Rolling: Solvent Resistant Roller Cover website at this url:
3/16”-3/8” (4.76-9.5 mm) pile (nap), smooth to
medium. Prewash roller cover to remove loose fibers
prior to use.
Airless Spray: Use a 30:1 ratio pump or greater, a
17- 27 thou orifice tip and apply with about 3000 psi
(20,684.27 kPa) pressure.
Conventional Spray: Please contact your Sea Hawk
representative for more specific information.
Safety: Prior to use, obtain and consult the “Safety
Data Sheet” of this product for health and safety
information. Read and observe all precautionary
notices on container labels.
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