Research Based Assignment Name Tannu Singh Registration No. 2028241

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Research based assignment

Name Tannu singh Registration no. 2028241


1. Project manager leadership role in improving project performance[ CITATION Ana10 \l

1033 ]

The managerial role in this article depicted is leadership role which comes under
interpersonal role. From this article one will get to know the underlying interaction
among the factors contributing to leadership and management skills. The article focused
on the deriving factors that lead to good leadership by methods literature reviews and
survey of 69 project management professionals through structured questionnaire and
interview process. The factors determined are define role and responsibilities of the
employees, communicate expectations from each employee, create clarity in
communication so that they understand what is to be done, employee consistent processes
that is to examine their progress in work, facilitate support to employees, establish trust
and manage outcomes in terms of evaluation of work and determining success and failure
of the goals and objectives. Leadership has its efforts directed toward convincing people
about the importance and need for change, aligning them to new direction, and
motivating people to work together to achieve their objectives within difficult and
demanding situations. From this article communication came up to be the most important
component to develop good leadership skills as a leader has to be first clear in his mind
of the goals, objectives and responsibilities given to the employees then properly
communicate those in a way to avoid communication barriers and then extend help and
support when needed, this will build respect, trust and good relations. The article missed
a current important factor that is considering situation. Leadership actions that work in
one situation may not work in another so a leader should analyze a situation before taking
actions. The important understanding derived from this article was that management is
focused on improving effectiveness and efficiency of functions of organization but
leadership is motivating and guiding people to realize their potential and achieve goals.
2. Understanding employee motivation and organizational performance: arguments
for a set-theoretic approach[ CITATION lee16 \l 1033 ]
This article acknowledge a set-theoretic approach to leverage employee motivation for
organizational performance. The employee motivation theories described here are
motives and needs theory by Maslow (1943 stated hierarchy of needs), expectancy theory
by Vroom (1964 stated work efforts leads to performance and rewards), equity and
justice theory by Adams (1963 stated employees strive for equity between themselves
and others employees), goal setting theory by Locke and Latham (1990 stated specific
and difficult goals lead to better performance), cognitive evaluation be Deci (1971 stated
external elements effects intrinsic need, reward and satisfaction) and reinforcement
theory by skinner(1953 stated managers should positively reinforce employees behavior
that lead to positive outcomes). When compared to current studies then 3 major content
theories were missing like Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, mcclelland’s needs
theory and Alderfer’s ERG theory. This article mainly focused on a different theory of
“human drives” given by Lawrence and Nohria in 2002 which stated employees emotions
or behavior drives to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend. This theory showed that an
organization’s ability to meet the 4 fundamental drives explain about 60% of employees’
variance on the motivational indicators of engagement, satisfaction, commitment and
intention to quit. This theory conclude that the best way to motivate the employees is to
satisfy these 4 drives as these connects to the emotions of the employees which is also
needed to be understood as for example not only high pay would motivate an employee if
for him or her their work seems meaningless so these 4 drives would help in
understanding the employees in a different way.
3. The concept of management control system(MCS) and its relation to performance
measurement [ CITATION sis15 \l 1033 ]
This article revolves around the control function of management. This studies the
prevailing notion of management control system which refers to the system where
resources are obtained and used optimally so that organizational objectives are
determined. To find out the relation and connectivity between MCS and performance
measurement a survey was conducted among 74 accounting researchers along with
review of several articles and textbooks were done. Through analysis of data it was
drawn that MCS is a much wider term, under which performance measurement comes.
According to this study, there are 4 systems of control namely belief system, boundary
system, interactive control system and diagnostic control system which are responsible
for check on core values and beliefs of the organization that is these are followed or not,
risks to be avoided to ensure to less uncertainty and mishappening, managers formally
involve in decision activities of subordinate and have organizational learning and to
monitor organizational outcomes and correct deviations from pre-set standards of
performance respectively. From this article one can draw that control is needed in
different areas of the firm whereas there is setting up of standards, measurement of
performance, comparison to pre-determined standards, checking the deviations, taking
corrective measures for deviations and follow up. Also the difference between control
and controls is known from this article that is controls means measurement or
information whereas control means direction. So there was complete understanding of
controlling as a function.
4. Strategic planning and human resource management [ CITATION dev82 \l 1033 ]
This article describes the strategic planning process, formulation and implementation of a
plan. There was a survey conducted through questionnaire method where 252 executives
representing 168 companies were the respondents, to ascertain the views on strategic
planning. The strategic planning involves the planning of things that would differentiate
the organization from other organization. The planning includes proper formulation and
implementation, the formulation takes in account the history of the organization plus
upcoming opportunities with calculation of risk so that the plans are made to reduce the
uncertainty of future, whereas implementation must be done at appropriate time and
properly so that the competitors don’t take the advantage before us. Also in this article it
is mostly talked about how HR managers ensure the strategic implementation of plans.
HR mangers ensures that every employee is clear with the plan to be incorporated and
timely keeps the check on every employee about the progress and all. Top management
people are responsible to make and build plans whereas implementation in the
organization is taken care be the managers. The purpose of injecting the HR management
in strategic arena is to ensure that things takes places as per priorities and efficient
decisions are made when needed and implement change with the plan gradually and
5. The planning function in the business enterprise[ CITATION duf61 \l 1033 ]
This article talks about planning as a top level management function. Planning involves
decision making which is practiced by the top authorities and implemented in the lower
structure of the organization. As per this article the organizational structure is linked with
planning that is organizational structure influences the planning process on an
organization also the basic orientation of a firm guides the activities of the firm that is
acceptance of generalized values and operative statements are implied in a large firm. For
every business organization the main objective is to earn profits and this is considered as
the symbol of success for the organization so planning is also done as per the objectives
of a firm to achieve the goals pre-determined. So in large firms the plans are made simple
and understandable which seeps down the organizational structure easily and which are
be followed as well as meet by every employee properly. When planning is done then
there are several alternatives in front the top management people to choose from its
become their responsibility to choose the best alternative as the plan to be implemented
taking in account all the external and internal factors affecting it by analyzing their
effects and determining their consequences. Also the top management take advices from
the planning committees who direct there views to the problems in the organization plus
give planning guidance and number of quality alternatives. Mostly the advices and plans
suggested by these committees are taken in consideration. It was also known from this
article that in large business organizations should practice decentralization to shorten the
communication channels so that plans are implemented properly. Therefore, the article
showed the link between planning and goals of the organization which are made by top
level management.
Anantstmuls, V. S. (2010). project manager leadership role in improving project performance.
engineering management journal, 13-22.

devanna, m. a., fomburn, c., tichy, n., & warren, l. (1982). strategic planning anf human resouce
management. 11-17.

dufty, n. f. (1961). the planning function in business enterprise. 51-58.

lee, m. t., & raschke, r. l. (2016). understanding employee motivation and organisational performance.

shi, j. j., & halpin, d. w. (2003). Enterprise resource planning for construction business management.

siska, l. (2015). the concept of management control system and its relation to performance
measurement. 141-147.

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