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8901 17602 1 SM PDF
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
Research Background
Human resource management is a very important aspect to support the sustainability of a company.
In the setting of an organization or company, a human resource management needs to be directed at a model
that can draw the full potential of the human resources for the organization or in other words the
management of human resources should be directed towards exploring the potential of human resources
capable to be able to contribute positive for the company or organization.
Human resources has a very important position given the organization's performance is influenced by
the quality of its human resources. Besides the natural resources of high -quality useful in motion adjustment
effort on climate change so quickly. If a company already has a strategy and objectives, the next step is to
plan what human resources that need to achieve that goal. Performance is an outcome that you want to
accomplish by every organization, both public and private organizations. Good organization is the
organization that has been able to create a good performance. To achieve performance opportunities and
challenges of an increasingly competitive business environment in the achievement of corporate objectives,
the management of human resources should be directed to become thinkers and running of the company as
well as being determinant for implementing sustainable business continuity.
Success or failure of an employee in the work will be known if the company or organization
concerned implement performance appraisal system. Performance is the result of work that can be achieved
by a person or group of people in an organization, in accordance with the authority and responsibility of
each in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization in question legally, do not violate the law and in
accordance with the moral and ethics. So performance is important for the company or organization as well
as from the employees themselves. Employee performance is influenced by several factors related both to
the workers. Successful leaders not only can carry out the work quickly but also able to carry out all the
tasks there well. The relationship between employees with leadership are factors that also affect employee
performance in an attempt to obtain. Poor relationship between leaders and employees can lead to its own
fault for employees. In addition to labor discipline and leadership, motivation is also important in improving
employee performance. Motivation can be a driver of a person carrying out an activ ity in order to get the
best results. Therefore do not be surprised if the employees who have high work motivation usually has a
peak performance.
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan) is a public program that
provides protection for the workforce to cope with the risk of certain socio economic and its implementation
mechanisms of social insurance. As state institutions engaged in social insurance BPJS Ketenagakerjaan formerly
PT Jamsostek (Persero) is implementing the social security legislation of labor. To improve employee
performance on BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT should consider work discipline, leadership and motivation.
Referring to the above description, the authors raised the title of the study "The Effect of Di scipline,
Leadership and Motivation on Employee Performance (Case Study of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT)".
Research Objectives
This research aims are to determine the effect of :
1. Discipline, leadership and motivation influence simultaneous on employee performance in BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan SULUT.
2. Discipline on employee performance in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT.
3. Leadership on employee performance in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT.
4. Motivation on employee performance in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT.
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
ISSN 2303-1174
Brigita Ria Tumilaar. The Effect of Discipline
be concluded that worker motivation and productivity as a part of the duty of a manager is to channel motivation
collar achievement of organizational goals.
Performance Theories
An organization requires human resource support as key to achieving the goals set. Qualified human
resources will help advance the organization as a container increase labor productivity. Strategic position to
improve the productivity of the organization is the employees, the individuals who work in an organization
or company. Performance is the measurement of result said Robbins (1984:99) in the working performance, to
reward people in company requires some agreed upon criterion for defining their performance. According to
Keijzers (2010) job performance also has its implications the measurement of job performance is mostly not
objective. A high quality of work life is one of that offers the individual such thing as adequate and fair pay for a
job well done, safe and healthy working life condition. It can be concluded that employees as individuals and
members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals,
an example of these approaches are planning work and setting expectations, continually monitoring performance,
developing the capacity to perform, periodically rating performance and rewarding good performance.
Previous Researchers
Setyaningdyah, et.al. (2013) in their article The Effects of Human Resource Competence, Organizational
Commitment and Transactional Leadership on Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance.
Dauda Abdulsalam & Mohammed Abubakar Mawoli (2012) in their article Motivation and Job Performance of
Academic Staff of State Universities in Nigeria: The Case of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. Abdulahi Ali, et.al.
(2013) in their article The Effect of Leadership Behaviours on Staff Performance in Somalia.
Conceptual Framework
Discipline (X1)
Leadership (X2)
Employee Performance
Motivation (X3)
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
Type of Research
The type of this research is categorized as associative research. This study is aimed to analyze the
effect of discipline, leadership and motivation on employee performance.
Place and Time of Research
Research object was at employee BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT. The research was conducted in Manado
between January May 2015.
Population and Sample
Population is a generalization region consisting of the object-subject has certain characteristics and the
quantity applied by researchers to be learned and then drawn conclusions. The population in this study was the
employees of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT which amounts to 80 people. Sample is part of the population
studied. The sample is representative of most of the population studi ed. The numbers of samples in this
study were 45 respondents. The sampling method used is purposive non probability sampling. The decision
is sample encountered before the survey was conducted prospective respondents were given an explanation
of the research indicators in the form of statements that respondents results obtained from the sample will be
representative of the properties of the population.
Data Collection Method
1. Primary data refer to information obtained first-hand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the
specific purpose of the study. Individual provide information when interviewed, administered questionnaires, or
observed. Group depth interviews, or focus groups, are the other rich source of primary data.
2. Secondary data refer to the data gathered for some other purpose than the immediate study. Sometimes it is
called desk research while the primary data are called field research.
Data Analysis Method
Validity and Reliability Test
The reliability of a measure is established by testing for both consistency and stability. Consistency
indicates how well the items measuring a concept hang together as a set, Cronbachs alpha is a reliability coefficient
that indicates how well the items in a set are positively correlated to one another. Since reliable scales are not
necessarily valid, researchers also need to be concerned about validity. It assesses whether a scale measures what is
supposed to be measured. Thus validity is a measure of accuracy in measurement (Hair et, al 2010:10).
Test Classical Assumption
Multicollinearity test is to test whether the regression model found a correlation between the independent
variables. In a good regression model, there should not correlation between the independent variables.
Multicollinearity test is done by looking at the value of tolerance and the inflation factor.
Heteroscedasticity implies that the variances (i.e. - the dispersion around the expected mean of zero)
of the residuals are not constant, but that they are different for different observations. This causes a problem:
if the variances are unequal, then the relative reliability of each observation (used in the re gression analysis)
is unequal.
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
Normality test aims to test the regression model whether the dependent variable with several independent
variables has a normal distribution or not. Normality test is a method for testing whether a specified probability
distribution resulted in a given data sample from a population.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Models
In connection with the problems analyzed in this study consists of three independent variables and
one dependent variable, the analysis tool used is multiple regression analysis. This method is used to
determine how much influence discipline (X1 ), leadership (X2), motivation (X3 ), employee performance (Y),
either simultaneously or partially. The formula for multiple regression analysis met hod is as follows:
Y = b 0 + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X2 + b 3 X3 + e
b1 3
Employee Performance
Intercept which describes the average effect of all the variables included in the model to the
brand loyalty variable (Y)
Regression coefficient
error tern
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
Heteroscedasticity Test
Std. Error
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
From the table above, we get the equation for multiple linear regression:
Regression Model: Y = 3.694 + 0,251 X1 + 0.648 X2 + 0.224 X3 + e
Shows that independent variable discipline (X 1), leadership (X2), and motivation (X3) in the regression model can
be described if one independent variable change into 1 (one) and the others are constant, then the change of
dependent variable Y (employee performance), are as large as coefficient value (b) of the independent variable.
Constanta () 3,694 gives us an understanding that if discipline (X1),, leadership (X2), and motivation (X3) do not
undergo any change all at once or are equal to 0, then the Employee Performance (Y) is 3,694 each.
If value b1 which is correlation coefficient of discipline (X 1) 0,251 means to have positive impact on
dependent variable (Y) or in other words, if discipline variable (X 1) increases 1 point, then employee performance
(Y) will likewise increase up to 0,251 with the assumption that the other variables are constant. If value b2 which is
the correlation of leadership (X2) 0,648 which means to have positive impact on dependent variable (Y) means that
if the variables leadership (X2) increase 1 point, then employee performance (Y) will also increase up to 0.648 with
the assumption that the other variables are constant. If value b3 which is the coefficient correlation of motivation
(X3) 0.224 which means to have positive impact on the dependent variable (Y) indicating that if variable motivation
(X3) increases one point, then employee performance will increase by 0224 in the assumption that the other
variables are constant. Hence it is obvious that ever time a change in discipline Factor (X 1), leadership (X2), and
motivation (X3) happen, they can impact the employee performance (Y).
Coefficient Determination (r2)
Table 3. r2
Adjusted R
Source : SPSS output data processed, 2015
Std. Error of
the Estimate
The calculation by using SPSS 20 Program, it is visible that value (R) we get is 0.668 which means to
have strong enough relationship. Adj R Square Value is 0.405 or 40.5%. It means the effects of all independent
variables: discipline (X1), leadership (X2) and motivation (X3) toward independent variable employee performance
is 40.5% and the rest 59.55 is affected by other variables.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothetical Formula which is examined with the significance stage used in this research is 5% or = 0,05.
Therefore, the result of this research is:
Simultaneously (F-test)
On the table below it is visible that F Examination to examine all the independent variables effect
discipline (X1), leadership (X2) and motivation (X3) that will affect variable employee performance (Y).
Table 4. F-test result
Source : SPSS output data processed, 2015
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
The analysis regression result using SPSS 20.0 results in 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore it can be concluded that
H0 is rejected or Ha is accepted. It indicates discipline (X1), leadership (X2), and motivation (X3) all at once affect
significantly towards employee performance (Y).
Partially (T-test)
Table 5. T-test result
Source : SPSS output data processed, 2015
T-test is used for the significance of the impact of independent variables towards dependent variables in
respective resulting. Thus T-test T is used for examining each independent variable towards dependent variables.
From the result of T-test above it is visible that discipline (X1) is significant p-value = 0,007 < 0,05. Therefore, it
can be concluded that Ha and H0 result is not accepted or in other words discipline (X1) significantly affect the
employee. From the result of T-test above it is visible that leadership (X2) is significant p-value = 0,000 < 0,05.
Therefore, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 not accepted. In other words, leadership (X2) significantly
affect the employee performance (Y). From the result of T- test above it is visible that motivation (X3) is significant
p-value = 0,020 < 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded H a is accepted and H0 not accepted. In other words
motivation (X2) significantly affect the employee performance (Y).
Discipline is an asset needed in achieving everything. Thus the existence of discipline is extremely
needed in a company because in discipline situation, a company will be able to meet its work programs or achieving
the definite target. Work discipline is a tool used by manager to communicate with employee in order for them to
change their habits as well as to be an effort to increase consciousness and someones availability to comply with all
rules and social norms applied in the company. From the result of T-test above it is visible that discipline (X 1) is
significant p-value = 0,007 < 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that H a and H0 result is not accepted or in other
words discipline (X1) significantly affect the employee of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT. These result are
supported by Daft (2000) discipline is a form of obedience to rules, either written or unwritten that have been set .
Labor discipline on basically always expected to be a feature of any human resources in the organization , because
the organization will run discipline well and could reach its goal well.
A good leadership mirrors how big someones responsibility towards his/her job desks given to him to
motivate others. It urges job spirit and achievable goals for company and employees. Thus, leadership is an
important part in human resources management to increase employee performance. It is hard for a company to
achieve its goals, if its employees do not comply with the rules of the company. A companys discipline is called
good if most of its employees comply with all the existing rules. A leadership style determines discipline so that
employee performance could be increased. From the result of T-test above it is visible that leadership (X2) is
significant p-value = 0,000 < 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that H a is accepted and H0 not accepted. In other
words, leadership (X2) significantly affects the employee performance (Y) of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan SULUT. Thus,
if the leadership of the employee is high in directing and leading the company's performance employee will be
responsible in carrying out their duties. These results are supported by Bass (1985) that stating style of leadership is
behavior and strategy as the result of a combination of philosophy, skills , characteristics and attitudes that often
Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
Brigita Ria Tumilaar. The Effect of Discipline
applied a leader because he is trying to influence the performance of subordinates. Motivation is a strength that
appears from outside or inside someone that boost up spirit and persistence to achieve something we want. Employees
motivation will affect their productivity. It is managers duty to vent motivation to all employees bellow him so that targets can
be more achievable. In a company, the purpose in motivating others is to increase employee performance. From the result of Ttest above it is visible that motivation (X3) is significant p-value = 0,020 < 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded Ha is accepted
and H0 not accepted. In other words motivation (X2) significantly affects the employee performance (Y) of BPJS
Ketenagakerjaan SULUT. These results are supported by Herzberg (1987) that motivation is a series of attitudes and values
that influence individuals to achieve things in accordance with the specific individual goals. Attitudes and values is something
that gives strength to be invisible and encourage the individual to behave in achieving goals.
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Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797
ISSN 2303-1174
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Jurnal EMBA
Vol.3 No.2 Juni 2015, Hal. 787-797