PROF ED 2023 Final Coaching
PROF ED 2023 Final Coaching
PROF ED 2023 Final Coaching
1. Which one goes with the view that a teacher's job B. Final exam
satisfaction is positively related to his/her
performance? C. Placement evaluation
C. Observation of students' use of laboratory 10. This refers to the motivation that comes from
equipment while doing experiments. outside the learner such as reinforcement.
16. Teacher Jhane asked her class to provide D. Oral field observation
feedback on each other's learning. Which form of
assessment was used? 22. Which of the following is the initial task in
preparing a research study?
A. Summative
A. Gathering of evidences
B. Objective
B. Analysis of findings
C. Peer
C. Definition of terms
D. Self
D. Formulation of a problem
23. Teacher John is talking about "grading on the
curve" in a teachers' assembly. This means that his
tests are: 28. What should you do if a parent who is concerned
about a grade his child received compared to another
A. Cumulative method student's grade, demands to see both students'
B. Norm-referenced
A. Refuse to show either record.
C. Criterion-referenced
B. Show both records to him.
D. Averaging method
C. Refuse to show any record without expressing
24. What is the basis for ascertaining that a teacher permission from principal.
succeeds in her work of educating individual
learners? D. Show only his child's records.
A. Their getting out of school 29. Which is NOT a part of grassroots approach of
Hilda Taba?
B. Their getting a diploma
A. Selection of learning content
C. Their acquired competencies
B. Selection of learning environment
D. Their being praised by parents
C. Selection of learning experiences
25. What is the appropriate role of teachers in the
community with respect to their examples and D. Selection of technology
30. The curriculum is defined as the total learning
I. Superior experiences of the children in school. Which part of
the curriculum assures these experiences?
II. Role Model
A. Curriculum planning
III. Community Organizer
B. Curriculum designing
IV. Elder
C. Curriculum evaluation
A. I only
D. Curriculum implementation
B. II and III
31. On the variety of learning dispositions, what is one
C. II and IV work of a learner who can study the relationship
between plants, animals and the environment?
D. I, II and III
A. To be an ecologist
26. Taba's model allows the curriculum to be
designed around students needs. The first step of the B. To be an ophthalmologist
model is to ___.
C. To be an economist
A. Formulating a design
D. To be a globalist
B. Organizing curriculum experiences
32. How can you exhibit referent power on the first
C. Diagnosing students needs day of school?
D. Defining the school agenda A. By taking them the importance of good grades.
27. All of the following are Max Scheler's hierarchy of B. By making them feel you know what you are talking
values, except one:
C. By giving your students a sense of belonging and
A. Emotional Values
B. Vital Values
D. By reminding your students of your authority over
C. Pleasure Values them again and again.
D. Spiritual Values
C. Unity
D. Gender sensitivity
33. By and large educational authorities agree that 39. Values are caught not taught. Which of the
character is "caught" and not "taught". What is the following sources may NOT be helpful in value
rationale for this? formation of our students?
A. Teacher Education Development Program (TEDP) A. After her leature, she divides the class into small
groups to share their reaction to identifled issues.
B. Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)
B. She identifies students to do class presentation
C. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) and interrogates the presenters after as class listens.
36. ___ was the 1980’s foremost educational issue. D. She makes them research on an assigned topic
then requires them to share their findings in class.
A. Bilingual Education
42. Which of the following is practiced in a
B. Values Education brainstorming situation?
38. What does the Madrasah program of the K-12 C. Punish the erring student rather than the entire
Curriculum prove? class
B. Inclusivity
A. Analytical
B. Imagination
C. Judgment
D. Less time for construction and scoring B. Observable and measurable evidence
47. What should a teacher do when he/she falls in C. Church doctrine and morals
love with his/her student?
D. Authoritative rules and norms
A. Court the student at home.
53. It is good to give students creative learning tasks
B. Propose and marry the student. because ___.
C. Wait till the student is no longer under his/ her A. Development is the individual's choice
B. Development is aided by stimulation
D. Act normally as if nothing happens and the student
does not exist. C. The development of individuals is unique
48. Which of the following statements is NOT true D. Development is affected by cultural changes
about the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
54. Under the 21st Century Life and Career Skills,
A. The teacher must select which information to keep which enables a person to respond to the change of
confidential modernity?
C. Creating C. Orientation
56. The teacher provides the learning context and the 62. Teacher Ana found that one item in her
student choose the technology tools. achievement test has a difficulty index of 1. This
means that ___.
A. Adoption
A. The item is very difficult.
B. Adaptation
B. The item is very easy.
C. Entry
C. The item was missed by everyone.
D. Infusion
D. The item has high discriminating power.
57. Which of the following demonstrates that a
teacher is competent in content knowledge and 63. Orientation sessions for new teachers are
pedagogy? important. Why?
B. Skewed to the left 65. Which main quality exemplifies the honesty of
school heads towards everyone in school and in the
C. Skewed to the right community?
D. Symmetrical A. Sensitivity
C. Cognitivism
D. Constructivism
67. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must 72. In Bandura’s social learning theory, what is self-
be done? control over one’s functioning and over events, such
when students maintain their honor and grades?
A. Explain how the grades were computed.
A. Creativity
B. Console parents whose children are non-
performing by telling them that nobody fails. B. Innovation
C. I will ask students to research about social issues 74. This act is discouraged in the Code of Ethics for
and problems. Professional Teachers.
A. Progressivism A. Achievement
B. Essay
C. Objective
D. Multiple Choice
78. These are examples of scaffolds that the teacher 83. Researchers on the brain tell that brain is more
can use to facilitate learning especially for those who "plastic" in younger children and potentially more
falter or fall behind in class discussions, but NOT to malleable for re-routing neural circuits. What is an
include ___. implication on reading disabilities?
B. Checklist
88. There are several components that make up a
morally mature person. Which shows that a teacher C. Test
applies moral principles (e.g. the Golden Rule) when
making moral judgement? D. Procedure
A. Encourages others to share their ideas 95. Which of the following best exemplifies the
application of Gestalt theory on insight learning?
B. Takes into account the opinion of others
A. Teacher uses powerpoint to teach history
C. Reflects on moral choices
B. Teacher relates past history to present events
D. Embraces change
C. Teacher focuses on people who make history
89. Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the
following actually threatens students? D. Teacher gives quizzes after each history lesson
A. Self-record of test scores
96. The following are the specific strategies for
B. Submission of report memory enhancement. Which one is not?
C. Scheduled exam
D. Surprise exam A. Sleep before studying
90. What is the active learning strategy to promote B. Distribute, study and practice new materials
friendly competition and an atmosphere of fun in
C. Use mnemonic devices
A. Games D. Overlearn the material
B. Debate
C. Fishbowl 97. What is the legal basis of shared governance in
D. Case study basic education?
C. para-teachers B. Infusion
101. How are transition activities best handled? C. The scores are negatively skewed.
A. By surprising students on activity transition D. The distribution of scores is skewed to the right.
B. By simply enforcing the next activity 107. Teacher Marriane ensures that students are
ready for their quarterly assessment as she teaches
C. By clustering students in group
and assesses students regularly prior to the
D. By setting instructions for the next activity summative assessment. What principle reflects such
102. What is the lowest mark that can be reflected in
the report card? A. Content principle
A. 60 B. Equity principle
B. 65 C. Learning principle
C. 70 D. Product principle
D. Technology in Education
D. Integrated approach
110. The most basic principle in Mastery Instruction is 116. The students are expected to construct
high ___. knowledge and meaning out for what they are taught
by connecting them to prior experience.
A. corrects instruction e.g. alternative instructional
materials A. Learner-centered approach
114. What Republic Act punishes any person who 120. In the delivery of distance education, what
practices the teaching profession in the Philippines computer application is used to organize instructions
without having first a license as a professional and track students' records and progress?
A. Computer-based Multimedia
A. RA 1006
B. Computer-assisted Instruction
B. RA 7796
C. Computer-mediated Education
C. RA 7836
D. Computer-managed Instruction
D. RA 7722
121. Which should be presented first prior to
115. The teaching process brings the learner to the discussing a lesson on Florante at Laura?
process of thinking about thinking. The learner
reflects on what he learn and on his/her way of A. Lesson sequencing
B. Lesson method of learning
A. Metacognitive approach
C. Lesson learning outcomes
B. Problem-based approach
D. Lesson assessment tools
C. Individualistic approach
122. Which of the following is not an example of 127. Which of the following can best encourage
verbal-linguistic skills? participation by learners on the issue of family
A. Journal writing
A. Graphs and charts
B. Debates
B. Power-point presentation
C. Discussion
C. Role playing
D. Computations
D. Photos
123. Which of the following is an example of
summative assessment of students? 128. The concept of globalization came about in
recent years because the world has become
A. Final Exam borderless primarily due to ___.
D. The professioral teacher is not expected to lead in 132. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her metacognition, what does metacognition mean?
A. Ability to do problem solving
134. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple D. Learning starts with clear expectations
nooding of a head or wave a hand?
140. While she is now teaching fourth grade students,
A. Gesture Teacher Niks mainly uses drills in order to advance
memory-building for higher test scores. What principle
B. Facial expression of learning should teacher Niks aware of?
137. Which learning activities involve estimating, 143. Which of the following correctly states an aspect
calculating, budgeting and analyzing? of effective reflective practice?
C. Landscape drawing
144. Which kind of teacher planning establishes 149. Which of the following situations depict a well-
general content and is often prepared by a committee managed and learning-conducive class?
of experts?
A. Students pursue their task without inhibition in Mr.
A. Weekly planning Raymundo's class.
145. Learning is an active process. Which one is an D. The learners are eager to reach their objectives,
application of this principle? especially in Mr. Montesa's music class.
A. Avoid drills which are out of context. 150. The score distribution of an achievement test
has some outliers. Which measure of variability would
B. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary be best to describe the dispersion of scores to the
perspective. students?
146. These are values which are basic, urgent and D. Coefficient of variation
obligatory in character in man's life and activities:
A. Religious values
B. Ethical values
1. A. A licensed teacher is a productive teacher
C. Cultural values and a happy teacher.
B. Italian 6. D. Quizzes
32. C. By giving your students a sense of 64. B. Ability to make own choices or reference
belonging and acceptance.
65. C. Integrity
33. C. Character is generally dependent on what
are seen and experienced 66. A. Preparing lesson plans
34. C. Integrated with English 67. A. Explain how the grades were computed
35. A. Teacher Education Development Program 68. B. I should model the values to children
(TEDP) because "values are caught."
36. A. Bilingual Education 69. C. It starts with the real outside the mind.
37. A. Assimilation 70. A. The sum of the grades of learning areas are
added together.
38. B. Inclusivity
71. C. Cognitivism
39. B. Well-deserved lectures by philosophy
experts 72. D. Self-efficacy
48. A. The teacher must select which information 82. D. all of these
to keep confidential
83. C. I and II
49. B. Imagination
84. C. Diagnostic Tests
85. B. No 119. D. About 17 to 45 years
91. D. By explaining grades and performance of 125. B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of
students the professional teacher.
93. C. That it can affect the whole class 127. C. Role Playing
95. B. Teacher relates past history to present 129. A. Information data gathering
130. B. media
96. D. Overlearn the material
131. A. take active part in the learning process
97. B. I, II and III
132. D. Ability to identify one's own thinking
98. C. RA 9155 process and strategies
101. D. By setting instructions for the next activity 135. C. Hilda Taba
112. D. Albert Bandura 145. C. Let students learn the steps in opening a
computer by making them follow the steps.
113. D. It's clear and simple
146. B. Ethical values
114. C. RA 7836
147. A. German
115. A. Metacognitive approach
148. C. I, II, III and IV
116. B. Constructivist approach
149. D. The learners are eager to reach their
117. B. Informative objectives, especially in Mr. Montesa's music
118. A. Open admission
150. B. Inter-quartile range