Second Year Post Basic B.SC Nursing
Second Year Post Basic B.SC Nursing
Second Year Post Basic B.SC Nursing
Time Allotted: – Theory - 60 hrs.
This course is to reorient students to sociology related to community and social institution in India
and its relationship with health, illness and nursing.
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Programme & Subject: Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Second Year
Syllabus with Effect from: June - 2013
Course Description
The course enables the students to understand the national health care delivery system and to
participate in the delivery of community health nursing.
Unit Time
(Hrs) Content
Introduction to Community Health – Concepts, principles and elements of Primary
Health Care.
I 6
Introduction to community health nursing.
Concepts of community health nursing – Community nursing process.
Objectives, scope and principles of community health nursing.
Family Health Services
Concept, objectives, scope and principles.
Individual, family and community as a unit of service.
Principles and techniques of home visiting.
II 10
Establishing working relationship with the family.
Working with families in relation to prevention of disease, promotion of health.
Care of the sick in the home, physically handicapped and mentally challenged.
Surveillance and monitoring.
Organization and administration of health service in India.
National health policy
Health care delivery system in India.
Health team concept
Center, state, district, urban health services, rural health services
III 10
System of medicines
Centrally sponsored health schemes
Role of voluntary health organizations and international health agencies
Role of health personnel in the community
Public health legislation.
Health Education
Aims, concepts and scope of health education.
National plan for health education
IV 8 Communication techniques
Methods and media for health education programmes
8Planning for health education and role of nurse
Each student will prepare a community profile.
The students will be allotted families for gaining experience in identifying family health
needs, health counseling and guidance and family budgeting for optimum health.
The students will participate in the activities of primary health center.
Sub-center, MCH Center.
Visits will be made to selected health and welfare agencies, water purification plant and
sewage disposal plant, Infection disease hospital.
Conduct health education programmes for individual / groups / community.
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Programme & Subject: Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Second Year
Syllabus with Effect from: June - 2013
This course enable the students to recognize and appreciate the causes, symptoms and process of
abnormal human behavior. It also introduces the student to the present day treatment modalities in the right
of psychological, social and cultural factors affecting human behavior, This course helps the student to learn
principles of mental health and psychiatric nursing and to develop beginning skills in the management of the
mentally ill in hospital and community.
The student will be provided opportunity to :
Observe, record and report the behaviour of their selected patients.
Record the process of interaction.
Assess the nursing needs of their selected patients, plan and implement the nursing
Counsel the attendant and family members of patient.
Participate in the activities of psychiatric team.
Write observation report after a field visit to the following places:
Child guidance clinic,
School/Special Schools (For mentally subnormal),
Mental Hospital,
Community mental health centers.
De-addiction center.
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Programme & Subject: Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Second Year
Syllabus with Effect from: June - 2013
This course introduces the students to principles and concepts of education, curriculum development and
methods and media of teaching. It also describes the steps in curriculum development and implementation of
education programmes in nursing.
Each student should:
Conduct five planned teaching using different methods and media.
Prepare different types of teaching aids
Plan, organize and conduct inservice education programme.
Conduct at least one counseling session.
Prepare rotation plans.
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Programme & Subject: Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Second Year
Syllabus with Effect from: June - 2013
This course is designed to give an opportunity to the student to gain an understanding of the
principles of administration and its application to nursing service. It is also intended to assist the students to
develop an understanding of professional leadership need.
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Programme & Subject: Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Second Year
Syllabus with Effect from: June - 2013
This course is designed to assist the students to develop an understanding of basic concepts of
research and statistics, use the findings of nursing research in nursing practice, apply the knowledge in
conducting project(s) and solve problems related to nursing using scientific method.
Students will conduct research project in small group in selected areas of nursing
and submit a report (Group studies may include studying of existing health
practices, improved practices of nursing (procedures), health records, patient records
and survey of nursing literature)
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