CHN Practical Procedure List

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Name: Ms. Rujalben .M. Dabhi Name: Ms. Ranjanben .R.

Disease: Pre – Eclampsia (Urine Albumin) Disease: Diabetes Mellitus (Urine Sugar)
Age: 28 years, 30 Weeks Pregnancy Age: 52 Years, Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Name: Mr. Prafulbhai .S. Das Name: Ms. Gunjanben .P. Das
Disease: Hypertension (TPR, BP) Disease: Anemia (20 Weeks Antenatal)
Age: 72 Years, Geriatric Age: 29Years, Bright color per vaginal

Name: Mr. Prexaben. H. Chauhan Name: Mr. Naksh. D. Patel

Disease: Arthritis (Geriatric Assessment) Disease: Diarrhea (ORS)
Age: 67 Years, Age: 5 Years, Dehydration

Name: Ms. Rahi .J. Sodha Parmar Name: Ms. Sakshi .R. Parera
Disease: Pyrexia (Infant Assessment) Disease: Dengue (toddler Assessment)
Age: 4 months Age: 2 years, Malnutrition

Name: Mr. Luv .V. Macwan Name: Mr. Meet .K. Patel
Disease: Malaria fever Disease: Dental Carries
Age: 7 years (TPR, and Malaria slide) Age: 4 Years (Under five)

Name: Ms. Poojaben Name: Mrs. Rupal Shah

Disease: Anemia and APH Disease: PPH
Age: 30 years, Primigravida Age: 28 year, Multipara, deliver baby 4 days

Name: Mr Prafulbhai Christian Name: Mr. Nilewsh Bhai Patel

Disease: Diabetes mellitus Disease: Cataract,
Age: 70 years, DM Since 10 year Age: 72 year (Geriatric)

Name: Mr PareshBhai Vaghela Name: Mrs. Rosina Bano malek

Disease: Liver Cancer (10 year) Antenatal 28 weeks with Gestational
Age: 50 years, Diabetes, & Sever Anima

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