Example of Poster and Slogan
Example of Poster and Slogan
Example of Poster and Slogan
As a student who resided inside the CLSU premises, I witness how people embodied the core values of the
university. Workers gave us the quality education that they promised to give. As a person who experienced
the service of CLSU first hand, I learned that CLSU made an honest philosophy, mission, and vision. I see how
the people reflect the characteristic that one CLSUians should have.
CLSU mission wants us to be ready with the life outside the university, train us to be a good professional and
citizen. They see talent, and they see differences and still make those differences compatible with each other,
the university gives opportunity, it serve as the light of our path, path that will lead us to our future. They
secure a good future for us. CLSU philosophy want us to be successful in all aspect of life. They helps us grow
academically, morally, and spiritually, it helps us to develop ourselves. CLSU vision is to be a national research
university, and I think that CLSU are not far from being one because there’s a lot of intelligent people who
works and study in CLSU. There’s a lot of research that has been done by the university and I know that they
are not stopping from doing so.
Being in the college of education especially in EED department is fulfilling, for almost ten months that I spent
their, they showed kindness and professionalism. When I entered the college of education I changed a lot, I
became more mature. I’m not hesitant to show myself anymore they build my personality, and I know this is
not the end of my learning process, CED has a lot more to offer. I know that EED will give me the opportunity
to learn and to grow, and I will use it and become a licensed professional teacher.
It shows that CLSU is succeeding on implementing the philosophy, vision, and mission even during this
pandemic. College of Education is still serving us the best training and education program. True to what is
written in their CED goals and the EED department objectives.