— /ˈʌndəkʌrənt/, /ˈʌndərkɜːrənt/ a n; a feeling or belief especially a negative one, that is hidden but whose effects are felt.
— The first records of the term undercurrent come from around 1675. It combines the prefix under–, used to indicate place or situation below or
beneath, and the term current, which describes a flow or stream. In most cases, water and wind currents flow with the warmest on top and coolest
on the bottom. Because of this, an undercurrent is usually colder than those above it. Undercurrents are often talked about in meteorology and
oceanography. The undercurrent of a storm may cause a cold front to come in, for example. When used figuratively, an undercurrent refers to a
true significance or meaning of words that differ from what they seem to mean. For example, two people could say that they want to be friends
while the undercurrent to their words is to make a business deal.
— You can/could sense/detect/feel an undercurrent of resentment/criticism/blame/shame/embarrassment/unease/anxiety/worry/nervous
Undercurrent 1