Business Culture in UAE
Business Culture in UAE
Business Culture in UAE
This country profile has been produced to give a short overview of some of
the key concepts to bear in mind when doing business with contacts in the
UAE. It is intended to be an aid to business people who have commercial
dealings with counterparties in the country but should not be seen as an
exhaustive guide to this topic or as a substitute for more substantial research
should there be a need.
With this in mind, we have covered the areas which are key to a better
understanding of the cultural mindset underpinning business dealings in the
UAE and which are, quite often, extremely different from the approach and
thought processes associated with business in other parts of the world.
Teams in UAE
As with most strongly hierarchical cultures, teams tend to be thought of as a
group of individuals working to a strong leader.
The leader tells individual team members what to do and the team members
report back directly to the leader. Therefore teams tend to work vertically
rather than horizontally.
In any case, for a team to work well together, everybody needs to have
formed a strong bond. Traditionally teams would have consisted of extended
family members working together – and so the bonds were already formed. It
can be difficult to bring a group of locals together who do not know each other
and expect them to work easily as a team from the beginning. In such a
situation, people tend to display suspicion of one another and progress can
be slow.
Within any gathering of Emiratis hierarchy will always be present and even if
you wish to develop a flat system within the team it is likely that traditional
class and family issues will result in an unofficial hierarchy developing very
quickly indeed.