Intercultural Management SAUDI ARABIA
Intercultural Management SAUDI ARABIA
Intercultural Management SAUDI ARABIA
Being a Manager in Saudi Arabia The business set up in Saudi Arabia is extremely conservative and to ensure successful cross cultural management you will need to maintain a proper degree of formality and treat everyone with respect. Older people and those in senior positions are always deferred to and treated with the utmost respect.
Patience may be a necessary cross cultural attribute. Things generally take longer than expected since meetings are frequently interrupted and Saudis take time to get to know you. In general, punctuality is expected of the westerner but not of the Saudi. Never do anything that would make a Saudi appear less in the eyes of others. You will need a Saudi sponsor to enter the country. The sponsor acts as an intermediary and arranges appointments with appropriate individuals.
Since Saudis will most likely judge you on appearances, stay in a high standard international hotel. Likewise, wearing good-quality, conservative clothes will impress them.
Approach to Change
Saudi Arabias intercultural competence and readiness for risk is low. Saudi Arabia is a low risk and low change-tolerant culture. New projects will be carefully analyzed to assure that whatever risk they represent is thoroughly understood and addressed.
In order for change to take hold, the idea needs to be perceived as good for the group and be accepted by the group. Intercultural sensitivity is important with Saudi Arabias attitude toward risk dramatically impacted by the negative ramifications of failure on both the individual and the group.
Things generally take longer than expected since meetings are frequently interrupted and several meetings may be required to do what could be handled by a phone call at home. When working with people from Saudi Arabia, its advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadline. Globalization and intercultural expansion means some local managers may understand and appreciate the important of adherence to schedules and deadlines.
Decision Making
Managers reach decisions after many discussions with major stakeholders. Once a decision is reached, it is handed down to subordinates to implement. Employees do not question the decisions that have been reached. Managers or those in a position to do so will make decisions, while in general their subordinates will wait to be told what to do.