ICP & AAS Glassware & Consumables

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ICP & AAS Glassware & Consumables

Table of Contents

Agilent (Hewlett Packard) 4500, 7500, 7700 & 8800.............................................. 5

3500 Maxi ..................................................................................................... 6
3400/3500 Accuris Mini ................................................................................ 7
Maxim 1 &3 ................................................................................................. 8

27 MHz ......................................................................................................... 9
2000 & 2070 ................................................................................................. 9
PST .............................................................................................................. 10
PSQ and PSX ............................................................................................... 10
AFS-2000 ..................................................................................................... 10
Finnigan Element TS/Sola..................................................................................... 12
JY/lnstruments SA ........... .................................................................................... 13
Plasma 1OOO,2000......................................................................................

Plasma 11...................................................................................................... 14
Plasma 40 & 400 .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .. 15
ICP 5000, 5500, 55008, 6000 & 6500...... .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. ... 15
Optima 3000 Series Radial........................................................................... 16
Optima 3000 Series XL & SC(X)............ .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. 16
Optima 3000 Series DV .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. . 17
Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV Series and 4300V/5300V ....................... 18 -0
NexlON .........................................................................................................
ELAN 250 & 500........................... ............................................................... 19
)> I
ELAN 5000/6X00/9000/DRC 11 .....................................................................
Spectra Modula, CIROS, Genesis, & ARCOS.......................................................
20 OJ
Thermo Scientific
TJA2000-2400 Series ................................................................................ 21
TJA975, 9000, 61 & 1100 .......................................................................... 22
TJA 61 E, Iris Advantage Radial, Intrepid Radial, Intrepid II Radial.................. 23
TJA 61 E Trace, Iris AP, Intrepid, Intrepid 11.................................................... 24
VG PQ 1-3, Axiom, PQ ExCell .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .
700-ES Series, Liberty, Vista ....................................................................... 26
UltraMass-700 ............................................................................................ 27
800-MS Series ............................................................................................ 27

Specialty ICP Glassware...................................................................................... 29

Spray Chambers.................................................................................................. 29
Introduction ................................................................................................. 30
Glass Concentric ........................................................................................ 31
Cross-Flow, V-Groove and Nebulizer Accesories.......................................... 32
Burgener ICP - ICP-MS Nebulizers .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... . 33
Thermo iCAP 600 and X-Series............................................................................ 34

ICP-MS Cones manufactured by Spectron.................. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. 35-38
Pump Tubing
2 Stop ......................................................................................................... 39
3 Stop ......................................................................................................... 40
Flared End .................................................................................................. 41
OEM Cross Reference.......................................................................................... 42-43

Guide 34 Certified Reference Standards

Accredited Standards Introduction................................................................ 44
Premium Grade, 1000 µg/ml ........................................................................ 46-47
Premium Grade, 10,000 µg/ml.................. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... . 48-49
Standard Grade, 1OOOµg/ml.............. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. ... 51-53
Standard Grade, 10,000 µg/ml.................. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... 54-56
Agilent (Hewlett Packard) 4500, 7500, 7700 & 8800
Torches & Accessories
900-01 New Standard Torch, 2.5mm, 2 Projections, HMI Compatible 83270-67002
900-02 Torch for PFA Inert Kit 83285-80050
900-03 One Piece Torch, 1 .Omm Injector (Agilent 7500) 81833-65425
900-04 One Piece Torch, 1.5mm Injector (HP 4500) 81820-65528
900-05 One Piece Torch, 2.5mm Injector (HP 4500) 81820-65028
900-06 One Piece Torch, 2.5mm Injector (Agilent 7500) 81833-65423
900-07 One Piece Torch, 1 .5mm Injector (Agilent 7500) 81833-65424
900-08 Demountable Torch, Inert (HP 4500) 81820-65035
900-09 Demountable Torch, Inert (Agilent 7500) 81833-65422
900-20 Alumina Injector
900-24 Quartz Bonnet (HP 4500) 81820-65026
900-25 Quartz Bonnet (Agilent 7500) 81833-65421
900-30 PTFE Injector Holder 81820-65015

900-10 Scott Spray Chamber, Inner/Outer Tube Flush,

Drain & Exit 180°
900-11 Scott Spray Chamber, Inner/Outer Tube Flush, 81820-65336
Drain & Exit 90° (HP 4500, Agilent 7500)
900-12 Scott Spray Chamber, Inner/Outer Tube Flush,
Drain & Exit 180°, Quartz
900-13 Scott Spray Chamber, Inner/Outer Tube Flush, 81820-65337
Drain & Exit 90°, Quartz (HP 4500, Agilent 7500)
900-14 Scott Spray Chamber, Inner Tube Extended, 81820-65339
Drain & Exit 90°, Quartz
900-16 Cyclonic Spray Chamber
900-16Q Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz
900-01 - New Standard 900-32 Quartz Socket Adapter
Torch, 2.5mm, 900-36 Quartz Ball Adapter
2 Projections, 900-38 Ball & Socket Adapter, Quartz (HP4500) 81820-80237
HMI Compatible 900-39 Ball & Socket Adapter, Quartz (Agilent 7500) 81833-65426

500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3ml/mi 81820-65030

500-77Q A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3ml/min, 81820-61138
500-93 Crossflow Nebulizer, High-Solids 81820-65033
500-94 Crossflow Nebulizer, High Flow 81833-80301
520-30 PTFE End Cap for use with Open End Spray Chamber

PT-2020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk 81820-65220

PT-2160P White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), PVC, 12/pk 81820-65215
PT-2160SI White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), Silicone, 6/pk 81820-65217
PT-2220SA Yellow-Blue, 0.06" (1.52mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 81820-65216

PT-3020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk 81833-65571

PT-3160P White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), PVC, 12/pk 81833-65569
PT-3220SA Yellow-Blue, 0.06" (1.52mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 81833-65570

900-02 - Torch for

- -------
PFA Insert Kit
900-13 - Scott Spray Chamber, 500-77Q -A-Type Concentric
Inner/Outer Tube Flush, Drain & Exit Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi , 3mUmin,
90°, Quartz (HP 4500, Agilent 7500), Quartz, G1820-61138
ARL 3500 Maxi

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
100-05 Maxi Torch 139009-0003
100-05W Maxi Torch, Wear Metals Outer Shield
100-06 Maxi Torch, 20mm Outer Shield
100-08 Torch, ICPQ 137000-0000
100-09 Torch, Nitrogen, 3" Port, 28/15 Ball Join 173127 -0000
120-40 Torch, HF/CR Resistant Body 173131-0000
120-44 PTFE Insert for HF Torch
120-45 PTFE Insert, Adjustable for HF Torch
Torch Extension
Torch Extension with Optical Port J
100-25 Torch Bonnet
100-27 Torch Bonnet, Induction Coil MIS 173251-0000
100-28 Argon Snout Tube 170631-0000
120-42 Alumina Injector 1200079
120-55 0-ring for Torch, PTFE Coated Viton

Spray Chambers& Accessories

100-12 Conical Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer 173142-0000
100-14 Conical Spray Chamber for MDSN
100-16 Conical Spray Chamber, Open End with Impact Bead 139008-0000
100-18 Conical Spray Chamber, Open End with Drain
110-55 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 10mm Drain
110-55J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, 10mm Drain
120-30 ARL Maxi PTFE Spray Chamber
120-51 PTFE Insert, allows 100-14 to use Concentric Nebulizer
120-56 0-ring for Spray Chamber, PTFE Coated Viton

500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 914319-000P/M
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant 173259-0000
510-10S Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr

ARL Type Pump Tubing 100-05 - Maxi Torch

See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 39-41


100-14 - Conical Spray 510-10S - Noordermeer V-Groove

Chamber for MDSN MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr

510-50 - Babington
MDSN, HF Resistant,
100-25 - Torch Bonnet 173259-0000

ARL 3400/3500 Accuris Mini
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
110-30 Mini Torch, 1.5mm Injector 173463-0000
110-30/1.0 Mini Torch, 1.0mm Injector
110-31 Mini HF/CR Torch Body 1734 73-0000
110-32 Mini Nitrogen Torch 170692-0000
110-50 Mini High-Solids Torch
110-35 Torch Bonnet 173252-0000
110-42 Torch Mount 144860
110-48 Injector Assembly 144857
110-54 Argon Snout, Nitrogen 170693-0000
120-55 0-ring for Torch, PTFE Coated Viton

Spray Chambers & Accessories

110-33 Conical Spray Chamber, Mini for Concentric Nebulizer 173142-0002
110-33Q Conical Spray Chamber, Mini for Concentric Neb., Quartz
110-34 Conical Spray Chamber for Babington MDSN 173142-0003
110-36 Conical Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled for Concentric Neb. 173142-0004
110-55 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 10mm Drain
110-55J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, 10mm Drain
110-55QJ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, 10mm Drain, Quartz
110-60 ARL Mini HF System
120-51 PTFE Insert, allows 110-34 to use Concentric Nebulizer
120-56 0-ring for Spray Chamber, PTFE Coated Viton

500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 915375-000P/M
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer 915817-0000
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant 173259-0000

110-30 - Mini Torch, ARL Type Pump Tubing

1.5mm Injector, See our complete range of sizes and materials on pages 39-41


110-31 - Mini HF/CR 110-55J - Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 110-36 - Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled for
Torch Body, Water-Cooled, 10mm Drain Concentric Nebulizer, 173142-0004
1734 73-0000
ARL Maxim 1 &3

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches& Accessories
110-38 Maxim Torch S111403
110-45 Maxim CR Torch S213787
120-55 0-ring for Torch, PTFE Coated Viton

Spray Chambers& Accessories

110-39 Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled for Concentric Nebulizer S702174
110-40 Drain Trap S702232
110-41 Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer S702171
110-41Q Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer, Quartz
120-56 0-ring for Spray Chamber, PTFE Coated Viton

510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer 915817-0000

110-38 - Maxim Torch

110-39 - Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled for 510-10 - Noordermeer

Concentric Nebulizer, S70217 4 V-Groove MDSN
Nebulizer, 915817-0000

110-40 - Drain Trap


110-45 - Maxim CR torch 110-41 - Spray Chamber, for

Concentric Nebulizer, S702171

Baird 27 MHz
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
200-05 Torch, Plasma Standard 025515

I 220-55
Demountable Torch Body
Alumina Injector, 4.8"
Alumina Injector, 5.6"
220-52 Alumina Injector, 7. 7"
220-53 PTFE Insert, Fixed
220-54 PTFE Insert, Adjustable

Baird Type Pump Tubing

See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 40 - 41

200-05 - Torch, Plasma

Standard, 025515

Baird 2000 & 2070

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
200-06 Torch, Low-Flow 075542
200-10 Demountable Torch, Low-Flow 075145
200-21 Torch Extension
200-25 Torch Bonnet 025491
200-30 Window Tube 077611
200-36 Extension, Ball & Socket 062607
220-50 Alumina Injector, 4.8" 075132
220-51 Alumina Injector, 5.6" 075144
220-52 Alumina Injector, 7. 7"
220-53 PTFE Insert, Fixed
220-54 PTFE Insert, Adjustable

Spray Chambers& Accessories

200-12 Scott Spray Chamber, Open End 025492
200-14 Scott Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer
200-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant
200-06 - Torch,
Low-Flow, 075542 Baird Type Pump Tubing
See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 40 - 41

200-12 - Scott Spray

Chamber, Open End,
500-92 - Crossflow Nebulizer 025492
Baird PST

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches& Accessories
200-06 Torch, Low-Flow 075542
200-10 Demountable Torch, Low-Flow 075145
200-21 Torch Extension
200-25 Torch Bonnet 025491
200-30 Window Tube 077611
200-32 PST Purge Window 077200
200-36 Extension, Ball & Socket 062607
220-50 Alumina Injector, 4.8" 075132
220-51 Alumina Injector, 5.6" 075144
220-52 Alumina Injector, 7. 7"
220-53 PTFE Insert, Fixed
220-54 PTFE Insert, Adjustable

Spray Chambers& Accessories

200-12 Scott Spray Chamber, Open End 025492
200-14 Scott Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer
200-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant
200-10 - Demountable
Torch, Low-Flow,
Baird Type Pump Tubing 075145
See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 40 - 41

200-25 - Torch Bonnet,


200-15 - Scott Spray 200-14 - Scott Spray Chamber

Chamber, Water-Cooled for Concentric Nebulizer

510-10 - Noordermeer V-Groove 500-70 - C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 200-30 - Window Tube,
MDSN Nebulizer 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 077611

Baird PSQ and PSX
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
200-06 Torch, Low-Flow (PSQ and New PSX) 075542
200-07 Plasma PSX Low-Flow Torch (Old PSX) 069972
200-08 Plasma Low-Flow Torch (Old PSX) 666011
200-09 PSX Labtest Low-Flow Torch 075128
200-10 Demountable Torch, Low-Flow (PSQ and New PSX 075145
200-11 PSX Low-Flow HF/CR Torch 075129
200-21 Torch Extension
200-25 Torch Bonnet 025491
200-30 Window Tube 077611
200-33 Entrance Tube, Plasma Labtest
200-36 Extension, Ball & Socket 062607
200-36Q Quartz Extension, Ball & Socket
220-50 Alumina Injector, 4.8" 075132
220-51 Alumina Injector, 5.6" 075144
220-52 Alumina Injector, 7.7" 075145
220-53 PTFE Insert, Fixed
220-54 PTFE Insert, Adjustable

Spray Chambers& Accessories

200-12 Scott Spray Chamber, Open End 025492
200-14 Scott Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer
200-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled

200-06 - Torch, 500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin
Low-Flow, 075542 500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant
Baird Type Pump Tubing
See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 40 - 41

Baird AFS-2000
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
210-10 AFS/ICP Torch & Tip 676458
210-11 AFS/ICP Tip Replacements 676459
Baird Type Pump Tubing
See our complete list of sizes and materials on pages 40 - 41

510-50 - Babington 510-10 - Noordermeer V-

MDSN, HF Resistant Groove MDSN Nebulizer
210-10 -AFS/ICP
Torch& Tip, 676458
Finnigan Element TS/Sola

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
850-05 Standard Torch, TS Sola
850-08 Demountable Torch, TS Sola
850-09 Quartz Injector, TS Sola
850-10 Torch & Injector, TS Sola
850-11 Alumina Injector, TS Sola
850-06 Standard Torch, Element
850-12 Demountable Torch, Element 1091250
850-25 Quartz Bonnet for Demountable Torch, Element
850-26 Quartz Bonnet for Demountable Torch, Element, Long
852-10 Quartz Injector, Element 1122800

Spray Chambers & Accessories

850-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Pyrex, Water-Cooled, TS Sola
850-16 Scott Spray Chamber, Quartz, Water-Cooled, TS Sola
850-17 Scott Spray Chamber, Pyrex, Water-Cooled, Element
850-18 Scott Spray Chamber, Quartz, Water-Cooled, Element
850-19 Finnigan Neptune Spray Chamber 1127121
850-31 Ball & Socket Elbow, Pyrex
850-32 Ball & Socket Elbow, Quartz

Finnigan Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk 850-10 - Torch &
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Salva, 12/pk Injector, TS Sola
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Salva, 12/pk
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk
PT-2130V Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Viton, 12/pk

850-18 - Scott Spray Chamber, Quartz,

Water-Cooled, Element

850-12 - Demountable
Torch, Element, 1091250

852-10 - Quartz
Injector, Element,
850-32 - Ball & Socket 1122800
Elbow, Quartz
JY/lnstruments SA
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
150-05 Torch, One Piece with Ball Joint 49.010.100
160-40 Demountable Torch Assembly, Complete 21.356.110
160-45 Demountable Torch, Body Only
160-50 Outer Quartz Tube, 71 mm, Radial 31.023.722
160-51 Outer Quartz Tube, 82.5mm, Radial
160-70 Outer Quartz Tube, Axial 31.031.099
160-52 Inner Quartz Tube 31.023.723
160-46 0-ring Kit for Torch Body
160-53 PTFE Centering Ring 31.023.724
160-55 PTFE Insert 31.021.730
160-58 Alumina Injector 31.021.589
160-59 Quartz Injector
160-60 Quartz Injector, 3.0mm
160-61 Alumina Injector and Teflon Insert 21.356.130
160-63 Sheath Gas, Glass 21.356.040
160-63S Sheath Gas, 12/5 Socket
160-64 Sheath Gas, PEEK 20.925.160

Spray Chambers & Accessories

150-12 Scott Spray Chamber, 12mm Drain
150-120 Scott Spray Chamber, 12mm Drain, Quartz
150-13 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial
150-14 Scott Spray Chamber, Ground Joint Drain 31.026.996
150-05 -Torch, One
150-140 Scott Spray Chamber, Ground Joint Drain, Quartz
Piece with Ball Joint,
49.010.100 150-15 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 4mm Drain 31.031.279
150-15B Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 4mm Drain, Baffled 31.030.809
150-16 Scott Spray Chamber, 12mm Drain for Concentric Nebulizer
150-17 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12mm Drain
150-21 Torch Extension
150-25 Torch Bonnet 49.010.101
160-65 U-Drain Trap 31.026.997

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1 mUmin 47.929.006
500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 1mUmin 47.929.001
500-71 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 2mUmin 47.929.002
500-72 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 47.929.003
500-73P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 0.5mUmin 47.929.004
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer 47.929.008
150-15 - Cyclonic
Spray Chamber, 4mm
Drain, 31.030.809
JY Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 46.791.022
PT-2160P White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), PVC, 12/pk 46.791.024
PT-2200P Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), PVC, 12/pk 46.791.018
PT-2250P Green-Green, 0.073" (1.85mm), PVC, 12/pk 46.791.016
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Salva, 12/pk 46.791.010
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Salva, 12/pk 46.791.012
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk LK1160497080

160-63 - Sheath Gas,

Glass, 21.356.040 150-12 - Scott Spray Chamber, 12mm Drain
PerkinElmer Plasma 1 OOO, 2000

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
310-03 Torch Tube, Type II N058-0528
310-03W Torch Tube, Type II, Wear Metals N068-1690
310-24 Quartz Bonnet N058-2235
310-35 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings N058-2248
310-36 0-ring Kit for Injector Support Adapter N058-0539 1,
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631 '-

320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292

320-66 Purge Extension Window N058-1497
Spray Chambersand Accessories
300-16 Scott Spray Chamber
300-19 Cyclonic Spray Chamber
300-19J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled

500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574

PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk N068-0376
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552
PT-2180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk N069-1595 310-03 -Torch Tube,
Type II, N058-0528

PerkinElmer Plasma II
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
310-03 Torch Tube, Type II N058-0528
310-09 Torch Tube, Type I, Slotted N058-0376
310-24 Quartz Bonnet N058-2235
310-35 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings N058-2248
310-36 0-ring Kit for Injector Support Adapter N058-0539
320-30 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm, Type I
320-31 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm, Type I N058-0449
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292
320-66 Purge Extension Window N058-1497
300-19 - Cyclonic
Spray Chambers & Accessories Spray Chamber
300-16 Scott Spray Chamber
300-19 Cyclonic Spray Chamber
300-19J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled

500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574
PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk N068-0376 310-35 - Injector
SupportAdapter with
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552
0-rings, N058-2248
PT-2180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk N069-1595
PerkinElmer Plasma 40 & 400
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
310-03 Torch Tube, Type II N058-0528
310-03W Torch Tube, Type II, Wear Metals N068-1690
310-09 Torch Tube, Type I, Slotted N058-0376
310-35 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings N058-2248
310-36 0-ring Kit for Injector Support Adapter N058-0539
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292
320-60 Purge Extension N068-1234
Spray Chambers& Accessories
300-16 Scott Spray Chamber
300-19 Cyclonic Spray Chamber
300-19J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled
300-19Q Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz
500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574
PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
310-03 - Torch Tube, PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
Type II, N058-0528 PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk N068-0376

PerkinElmer ICP 5000, 5500, 5500B, 6000 & 6500

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches& Accessories
300-05 Torch, One Piece with Ball Joint 0047-2048
310-07 Torch Tube, Type I N058-0233
310-03 Torch Tube, Type II N058-0528
300-21 Torch Extension 0047-3052
300-22 Torch Extension with Optical Port
300-23 Torch Extension, Slotted 0047-3560
300-25 Torch Bonnet 0047-2033
320-30 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm, Type I
320-31 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm, Type I N058-0449
310-35 - Injector 320-32 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm, Type I
Support Adapter with 320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
0-rings, N058-2248 320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292
320-62 Purge Tube 0047-3187
320-64 Purge Tube for Slotted Extension 0047-3561
Spray Chambers& Accessories
300-12 Scott Spray Chamber 0041-2047
300-14 Scott Spray Chamber for Concentric Nebulizer
510-26 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket Top, 4mm Drain
510-26J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled
500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574
510-26 - Cyclonic PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
Spray Chamber, 12/5
Socket Top, 4mm
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
Drain PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PerkinElmer Optima 3000 Series Radial

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
310-03W Torch Tube, Type II, Wear Metals N068-1690
310-04 Torch Body, Optima, Radial N069-0568
310-04W Torch Body, Optima, Radial, Wear Metals
310-05 Torch Bonnet, Flat Edge (Optima pre-9/94) N069-5295
310-13 Torch Bonnet, Flat Edge (Optima post 9/94) N069-5456
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
320-43 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm N069-5448
320-40 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N069-5441
320-51 Alumina Injector, 0.85mm N058-2186
320-52 Alumina Injector, 1.5mm N058-2185
320-53 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N058-2184
320-66 Purge Extension Window N058-1497

Spray Chambers & Accessories

300-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Type II, Angled Top
300-16 Scott Spray Chamber, Type II
300-19 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Optima

500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574

PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
310-04 - Torch Body,
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550 Optima, Radial,
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk N068-0376 N069-0568
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552
PT-2180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk N069-1595

PerkinElmer Optima 3000 Series XL & SC(X)

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
310-11 Torch Body, Optima XL N069-5379
310-11W Torch Body, Optima XL, Wear Metals
310-15 Torch Bonnet N069-1664
310-37 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings for Optima XUDV N069-5400
310-39 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings for Optima XUDV N069-0780
320-46 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N069-5460
320-44 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm N069-5449
320-41 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N069-5442
320-50 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N069-5362
320-65 Purge Viewing Window for Optima XL 0999-2731 300-1 BDV - Cyclonic
Spray Chamber,
Spray Chambers & Accessories N812-2188
300-18DV Cyclonic Spray Chamber N812-2188
310-38 0-ring Kit - Optima XL/DV N069-0769

500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 lpm Ar, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574
PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375 310-15 -Torch Bonnet,

PerkinElmer 3000 Series DV
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
310-14 Torch Body, Optima DV, 1 Slot N069-1662
310-14W Torch Body, Optima DV, 1 Slot, Wear Metals
310-14/3SL Torch Body, Optima DV, 3 Slot
310-12 Torch Body, Optima DV, 2 Slot
310-12W Torch Body, Optima DV, 2 Slot, Wear Metals
310-15 Torch Bonnet N069-1664
310-37 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings for Optima XUDV N069-5400
310-39 Injector Support Adapter with 0-rings for Optima XUDV N069-0780
320-48 Quartz Injector, 0.8mm N069-5461
320-46 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N069-5460

Quartz Injector, 1.6mm
Quartz Injector, 2.0mm
320-50 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N069-5362
320-67 Axial Purge Window B006-6549
320-68 Purge Tube Window, Axial N069-1678
320-69 Purge Tube Window, Radial N069-1689
320-73 Purge Tube Window, Radial, Short N069-0672

Spray Chambers& Accessories

310-14 -Torch Body,
300-18DV Cyclonic Spray Chamber N812-2188
Optima DV, 1 Slot,
N069-1662 300-18DVJ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled
300-18DVQ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz
310-38 0-ring Kit - Optima XL/DV N069-0769

500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574

PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
310-15 -Torch Bonnet,
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Selva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Selva, 12/pk N068-0376
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552
PT-2180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk N069-1595

310-12 -Torch Body,

Optima DV, 2 Slot
300-1 BDV - Cyclonic 310-39 - Injector Support Adapter
Spray Chamber, with 0-rings for Optima XUDV
N812-2188 N069-0780
PerkinElmer NexlON

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
400-10 Torch Body, Elan N812-2006
400-10HE Torch Body, High Efficiency W100-8384
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1 .2mm N068-1631
320-34 Quartz Injector, 1 .6mm 0047-3292
320-35 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N812-5029
320-51 Alumina Injector, 0.85mm N812-6039
320-52 Alumina Injector, 1 .5mm N812-6040
320-53 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N812-6041
400-31 Quartz Injector, 61 OODRC& DRC II, 0.85mm WE02-7030
400-32 Quartz Injector, 61 OODRC& DRC II, 1.5mm WE02-7005
400-30 Quartz Injector, 61 OODRC& DRC II, 2.0mm WE02-3948

400-21 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 0-Ring Free, NexlON N814-5014

N814-5013 400-10, Torch body,
400-21Q Qtz Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 0-Ring Free, NexlON
Elan, N812-2006

A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, Quartz

C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, Microflow N814-5012

Pumb Tubing
PT-2200SA 2-stop Santoprene Grey-Grey Pump Tubing
PT-2080PF Flared 2-Stop PVC Orange-Green Pump Tubing

NexlON Cones
SC6000 Insertion/ Removal Tool
SC4011-Ni NexlON 300 Nickel Sampler Cone
SC4012-Ni NexlON 300 Nickel Skimmer Cone
SC4013-Pt NexlON 300 Platinum Sampler Cone
SC4014-Pt NexlON 300 Platinum Skimmer Cone
SC6011 NexlON Aluminum Gaskets
SC4020-AI NexlON Aluminum Hyper-Skimmer

NexlON RF Coils
70-900-2006T PE Elan 6000,9000, NexlON Installation Tool
70-900-2006C PE Elan 6000,9000, NexlON RF Coil - Copper

400-32, Quartz Injector,

1 .5mm - WE02- 7005

PerkinElmer/SCIEX ELAN 250 & 500
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
400-05 Short Form Torch (135mm overall length) N810-2001
400-07 Long Form Torch (151 mm overall length) N810-2006
400-09 Long Form Torch (150mm overall length)
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292
320-35 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N812-5029
400-25 Torch Bonnet

PerkinElmer/SCIEX ELAN 5000/6X00/9000/DRC II

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
400-10 Torch Body, Elan N812-2006
400-10HE Torch Body, High Efficiency W100-8384
320-33 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N068-1631
320-34 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm 0047-3292
320-35 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N812-5029
320-51 Alumina Injector, 0.85mm N812-6039
320-52 Alumina Injector, 1.5mm N812-6040
320-53 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N812-6041
400-31 Quartz Injector, 0.85mm, DRC WE02-7030
400-32 Quartz Injector, 1.5mm, DRC WE02-7005
400-30 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm, DRC WE02-3948
400-35 Injector SupporVTorch Base N812-0116
400-37 Injector SupporVTorch Base, DRC WE02-3951

Spray Chambers & Accessories

300-19MS Cyclonic Spray Chamber N812-0150
300-19MSJ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled
300-19MSQ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz
300-19MSQJ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz, Water-Cooled
400-10 -Torch Body, Elan, 300-19MSQB Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz, Baffled
N812-2006 400-20 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz, DRC WE02-5221
400-20J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Quartz, DRC, Water-Cooled
400-36 Sciex 0-ring Adapter Kit N812-0100
400-38 Sciex 0-ring Adapter Kit, DRC
400-12 Scott Spray Chamber
400-13 Scott Spray Chamber, Quartz
400-14 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled WE01-3829
400-16 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, Quartz
500-70M C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pm,30psi, N810-2012
Microflow (0.1-0.4 mUmin)
500-72 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N810-2011
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 lpm Ar, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574
500-77Q A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pm, 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz WE02-4371
500- 70QQDAC C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin,
Quartz, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
PerkinElmer® Sciex Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
\_ / PT-2180P
Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk
Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
400-30 - Injector, 61 OODRC, PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Salva, 12/pk N068-0376
2.0mm, WE02-3948 and PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552
400-37 Injector Support/Torch PT-2290SA Violet-White, 0.11O" (2.79mm), Santoprene, 12/pk N812-2252
Base, DRC, WE02-3951

PerkinElmer Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV
Series & 4300V /5300V

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches& Accessories
310-16 Torch Body, Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV, 1 Slot N077-0338
310-16W Torch Body, Optima 2000/4000/5000/7000DV, Wear Metals
310-17 Torch Body, Optima 4300V /5300V N077-1500
310-18 Torch Body, Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV, Short Version N077-0344
310-19 Torch Body, Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV, No Slot N077-0343
310-20 Copper Foil for Torch Body Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV N077-5297
310-25 Torch Bonnet N077-5289
310-43 0-ring Kit for Optima 2000/4000/5000/?000DV Torch N077-0437
320-78 Quartz Injector, 0.8mm N077-5225
320-77 Quartz Injector, 1.2mm N077-5226
320-76 Quartz Injector, 1.6mm N077-5223
320-74 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm N077-5014
320-75 Quartz Injector, 3.0mm N077-5224
310-40 Alumina Injector, 0.8mm N077-5227
310-41 Alumina Injector, 1.2mm N077-5228
310-42 Alumina Injector, 2.0mm N077-5177 .I
320-54 Alumina Injector, 1.2mm, Optima 4300V/5300V N077-1531
320-66 Purge Extension Window, Optima 4300V/5300V N058-1497
320-65 Axial Purge Window, Optima 20000V 0999-2731
320-67 Axial Purge Window, Optima 4000/5000/7000DV N077-1116
320-73 Purge Tube Window, Radial, Short, Optima 20000V N069-0672
320-80 Radial Purge Window, Optima 4000/5000/?000DV N077-0322
320-81 Radial Purge Tube, Frosted, Optima 4000/5000/7000DV N077-0944

Spray Chambers& Accessories

300-28 Nebulizer Adapter for Cyclonic Spray Chamber 310-16 -Torch Body, Optima
300-29 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, no Baffle with Nebulizer Adapter N077-6052 2000/4000/5000 DV, 1 Slot,
300-30 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Baffled with Nebulizer Adapter N077-6053 N077-0338
300-30Q Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Baffled, Quartz with Nebulizer Adapter
300-31 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 4mm Baffle with Nebulizer Adapter N077-6090

300-32 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Baffled, Optima 4300V N077-1501
Nebulizers I ,
500-70P C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 50psi, 3mUmin 0047-2022
500-77 A-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 0047-2020
500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin N068-1574

PerkinElmer® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 0990-8587
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk N068-0375
PT-2300P Black-White, 0.125" (3.18mm), PVC, 12/pk N812-2012
PT-2130SVBlack-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 0047-3550
PT-2180SVRed-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk N068-0376
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk 0047-3552 --~=r
--- .,..
PT-2180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk N069-1595
__ _ _ j

310-17 -Torch Body, Optima
4300V, N077-1500

300-29 - Cyclonic Spray

Chamber, no Baffle with L 300-32 - Cyclonic Spray
Chamber, Baffled, Optima 4300V,
Nebulizer Adapter, N077-6052 N077-1501

Thermo Scientific - T JA 2000-2400 Series

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
250-08 Torch
250-25 Torch Bonnet 190400-75

Spray Chambers & Accessories

120-56 0-ring for Spray Chamber, PTFE Coated Viton
250-16 Scott Spray Chamber, Standard 127947-00
250-30 Aerosol Baffle for 250-16 003952-00
285-01 Rinse Station 1 Port, 12mm
285-02 Rinse Station 2 Port, 12mm
285-03 Rinse Station 2 Port, 23mm
510-26 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket Top, 4mm Drain

500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer 126989-00
520-36 0-ring Kit for 500-92 133202-50
520-38 Argon Inlet Fittings for 500-92

TJA® Type 3-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-3020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-3080P Orange-Green, .015" (.38mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-06
PT-3140P Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-00
PT-3180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-01
PT-3140SI Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-02
PT-3180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-03
250-08 - Torch PT-3140SV Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-02
PT-3180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk 78532
PT-3120SV Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Solva, 12/pk 78530
PT-3230SV Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-00
PT-3260SV Purple-Purple, 0.080" (2.06 mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-01
PT-3140V Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-04
PT-3180V Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-05
PT-3210V Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Viton, 12/pk
ISMK-101 Internal Standard Mixing Kit, 5/pk, This product allows for
simultaneous introduction of sample and internal standard. 136708-00

250-25 - Torch Bonnet,


500-92 - Crossflow Nebulizer,

126989-00 0

285-01 - Rinse Station 285-02 - Rinse Station 285-03 - Rinse Station

1 Port, 12mm 2 Port, 12mm 2 Port, 23mm
Spectra Modula, CIROS, Genesis, & ARCOS

PGB Part# OEM Part#

SOP Torches
750-07 Torch, Fixed, 1.0mm 48205001
750-05 Torch, Fixed, 1.8mm, Standard
750-05F Torch, Fixed, 1.8mm, Standard with Fittings 75060596
750-08 Torch, Fixed, 2.5mm
750-06 Demountable Torch, Spectroflame 48206002
750-49 Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 3.0 mm
750-49F Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 3.0 mm with Fittings 75260533

750-41 Flared End Torch, 1.8mm 48105052A
750-41F Flared End Torch, 1.8mm with Fittings 75160592
750-40 Flared End Torch, 2.5mm 48105052
750-40F Flared End Torch, 2.5mm with Fittings 75160526
750-42 Demountable Torch 48206007
750-44 Demountable Flared End Torch
750-47 Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 1.8 mm
750-47F Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 1.8 mm with Fittings 75160549
750-48 Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 3.0 mm
750-48F Fixed Sheath Gas System Torch, 3.0 mm with Fittings 75160537

Torch Accessories
750-21 Quartz Injector, 1.5mm, Standard 48105008
750-22 Quartz Injector, 1.8mm, Standard 48105010
750-23 Quartz Injector, 2.5mm, Standard 48105009
750-46 Quartz Injector, 2.5mm, EOP/Standard 48105058
750-55 Gas Adapter
750-40 - EOP Flared
Spray Chambers & Accessories End Torch, 2.5mm,
750-10 Conical Spray Chamber, Slurry, Open End
750-12 Conical Spray Chamber, Vertical Exit, Open End 48105003
750-13 Scott Spray Chamber, Double Pass, 90° Exit 48105051
750-14 Scott Spray Chamber, Double Pass, Large 48105006
750-15 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, GravityDrain
750-16 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, MLN, Gravity Drain
510-27 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, MLN, Pump Drain 48105061
750-17 Elbow Adapter, EOP Torch to Spray Chamber 48105062
750-18 Elbow Adapter, EOP Torch to Slurry Spray Chamber 48105002
750-30 Spectre Drain Pressure Lock

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 76060510
500-92S Crossflow Nebulizer, 34mm 75060502 750-12 - Small Upward
Conical Spray Chamber,
510-20S Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr 48205036
510-20SF Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, with Fittings 76060529
520-30S PTFE End Cap for use with 34mm Open End Spray Chamber 75060522
520-32S 0-ring for 500-92S
750-93 0-ring for Crossflow Nebulizer (OEM Replacement)

Spectra Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2080P Orange-Green, 015" (.38mm), PVC, 12/pk 47201037
PT-2120P Orange-White, 0.025" (.64mm). PVC, 12.pk 47101001
PT-2140P Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), PVC, 12/pk 47101003
PT-2150P White-Black, 0.037" (.95mm), PVC, 12/pk 47101004
PT-2200P Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), PVC, 12/pk 510-20S - Modified Lichte
Nebulizer (MLN), 1 1pm,
PT-2220P Yellow-Blue, 0.06" (1.52mm), PVC, 12/pk 47101006
Ar, 48205036
PT-2230P Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), PVC, 12/pk 47101014
PT-2240P Blue-Green, (1.75mm), PVC, 12/pk 47101005
PT-2080SV Orange-Green, 015" (.38mm), Solva, 12/pk 47501016
PT-2140SV Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Solva, 12/pk 47501018
Thermo Scientific - T JA 61 E, Iris Advantage
Radial, Intrepid Radial, Intrepid II Radial
PGB Part# OEM Part#
CONSUMABLES Torches& Accessories
275-06 Ceramic Base Torch, High/Low Flow with 1.5mm Injector 126432-02
275-06W Ceramic Base Torch, High/Low Flow, 1.5mm lnj., Wear Metals
275-06W/O Ceramic Base Torch, High/Low Flow without Injector 126440-02
275-07 Ceramic Base Torch, High Flow with 1.5mm Injector 126432-01
275-07HF Ceramic Base Torch, High Flow with 1.5mm Alumina Injector 127179-01
275-07W/O Ceramic Base Torch, High Flow without Injector 126440-01
275-08 Ceramic Base Torch, High Flow with 1.0mm Injector.Organics 125124-01
275-08W/O Ceramic Base Torch, High Flow without Injector 126440-01
275-09 Ceramic Base Torch, Slotted with 1.5mm Injector 126432-04
275-09W/O Ceramic Base Torch, Slotted without Injector 126440-06
250-40 Quartz Injector, 1.0mm 125407-01
250-41 Quartz Injector, 1.5mm 125407-00
250-42 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm 136502-01
250-43 Quartz Injector, 2.4mm 136502-02
254-45 0-ring for Injector Tube 125847-00
260-83 Alumina Injector, 1.5mm 136436-01
260-84 Alumina Injector, 1 .Omm
275-07 - Ceramic Base Torch, 275-20 TJA PTFE Adapter, Torch
High Flow with 1.5mm Injector, 275-25 Anti-arc Cap 085207-00
126432-01 275-26 Anti-arc Cap, Flat Edge 085207-01
275-35 Argon Fittings for Ceramic Base Torches

Spray Chambers& Accessories

250-19 Spray Chamber, Open End 130089-00
250-30 Aerosol Baffle for 250-19 003952-00
275-14 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Radial, Pump 139663-00
275-18 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Radial, Pump 140542-00
275-19 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 10mm Drain 136105-00
275-19J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, 10mm Drain
275-21 Conical Spray Chamber 139219-00
275-53 Conical Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled 139123-00
285-01 Rinse Station 1 Port, 12mm
285-02 Rinse Station 2 Port, 12mm
285-03 Rinse Station 2 Port, 23mm

500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 134365-00
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer 126989-00
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer 080963
520-30 PTFE End Cap for use with 35mm Open End Spray Chambers
520-36 0-ring Kit for 500-92 133202-50
520-38 Argon Inlet Fittings for 500-92

TJA® Type 3-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-3020P Orange-Red-Orange, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-3080P Orange-Green-Orange, .015" (.38mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-06
PT-3140P Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-00
PT-3180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-01
PT-3140SI Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-02
PT-3180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-03
PT-3140SV Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-02
PT-3180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Solva, 12/pk 78532
PT-3210SV Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Solva, 12/pk 78530
PT-3230SV Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-00
PT-3260SV Purple-Purple, 0.080" (2.06 mm), Solva, 12/pk 131731-01
PT-3140V Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-04
PT-3180V Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-05
PT-3210V Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Viton, 12/pk
ISMK-101 Internal Standard Mixing Kit, 5/pk, This product allows for
simultaneous introduction of sample and internal standard. 136708-00
Thermo Scientmc - TJA 975, 9000, 61 & 1100

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches& Accessories
250-05 Demountable Torch with Removable 1.0mm Tip 190400-54
250-05-A Demountable Torch with 1 Extra Removable 1.0mm Tip
250-05-B Demountable Torch with 2 Extra Removable 1.0mm Tips
250-05-C Demountable Torch with 3 Extra Removable 1.0mm Tips
250-05W Demountable Torch with Removable 1.0mm Tip, Wear Metals
250-06 Demountable Torch with Removable 1.25mm Tip
250-06-A Demountable Torch with 1 Extra Removable 1.25mm Tip
250-06-B Demountable Torch with 2 Extra Removable 1.25mm Tips
250-06W Demountable Torch with Removable 1.25mm Tip, Wear Metals
250-07 Demountable Torch with Removable 1.5mm Tip
250-07-A Demountable Torch with 1 Extra Removable 1.5mm Tip
250-07-B Demountable Torch with 2 Extra Removable 1.5mm Tips
250-09 Demountable Torch with Removable 1.7mm Tip
250-21 Torch Extension
250-22 Torch Extension with Optical Port
250-25 Torch Bonnet 190400-75
260-55 Demountable Torch with Removable Tip, High Solids
260-62 TJA Standard Low Flow Torch
260-81 Alumina Injector Tube 1.5mm 136436-02
260-82 HF/CR Torch Body for Alumina/Sapphire Injector
260-85 PTFE Injector Holder

Spray Chambers& Accessories

250-12 Scott Spray Chamber 190400-65
250-18 Scott Spray Chamber, Curved Drain
250-20 Scott Spray Chamber, Open Ends, Water-Cooled
250-20R 0-ring for Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled
250-30 Aerosol Baffle for 250-12 & 250-18 003952-00
285-01 Rinse Station 1 Port, 12mm
285-02 Rinse Station 2 Port, 12mm
285-03 Rinse Station 2 Port, 23mm 250-05 - Demountable
Torch with Removable
1.0mm Tip, 190400-54
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer 126989-00
520-36 0-ring Kit for 500-92 133202-50
520-38 Argon Inlet Fittings for 500-92

TJA® Type 3-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-3020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-3080P Orange-Green, .015" (.38mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-06 ,,__ ______ _ ,J.
PT-3140P Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-00
PT-3180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk 130177-01
PT-3140SI Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-02
PT-3180SI Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Silicone, 6/pk 130177-03
PT-3140SV Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Salva, 12/pk 131731-02
PT-3180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Salva, 12/pk 78532 250-12 - Scott Spray
PT-3210SV Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Salva, 12/pk 78530 Chamber, 190400-65
PT-3230SV Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), Salva, 12/pk 131731-00
PT-3260SV Purple-Purple, 0.080" (2.06 mm), Salva, 12/pk 131731-01
PT-3140V Orange-Orange, 0.035" (.89mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-04
PT-3180V Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Viton, 6/pk 130177-05
PT-3210V Yellow-Yellow, 0.056" (1.42mm), Viton, 12/pk
ISMK-101 Internal Standard Mixing Kit, 5/pk, This product allows for
simultaneous introduction of sample and internal standard. 136708-00
Thermo Scientific - VG PQ 1 -3, Axiom, PQ ExCell
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches& Accessories
450-05 Torch, 1.5mm 3201192
450-06 Torch, 2.0mm 3201732
450-08 Torch Body, Demountable 1200080
450-09 Quartz Injector
450-10 Torch Body, Demountable with Quartz Injector
450-11 Alumina Injector 1200079
450-12 Torch Body, Corrosion Resistant 3203095
450-21 Torch Extension
450-25 Torch Bonnet
450-26 Torch Bonnet Cap 1200274
450-27 RF Insulator Shield 3203025
450-28 Torch Bonnet, 72mm 3204703
450-29 Torch Shield 3203789

Spray Chambers& Accessories

450-13 Conical Spray Chamber with Impact Bead, Quartz 3600170
450-14 Conical Spray Chamber with Impact Bead for Concentric Neb.
450-15 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, Pyrex
450-16 Scott Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, Quartz 3200841
450-17 Conical Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled for Maxim 3203739
450-22 Conical Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, Pyrex 3204313
450-22Q Conical Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled, Quartz 3600374
450-30 Elbow for use with 450-13, Quartz 3600169
450-31 Elbow, Ball & Socket, Pyrex
450-32 Elbow, Ball & Socket, Quartz 3200727

450-05 - Torch, 1.5mm, Nebulizers

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 1040894

450-18 Clamp, Stainless Steel, #12 1201261
450-18L Clamp, Stainless Steel, #12 with Lock
450-19 Clamp, Stainless Steel, #18 1202081
450-36 UV Laser Sample Cell 3007383
450-40 Probe UV Laser Sample Cell 3201104
450-42 Micro Probe UV Laser Sample Cell
450-43 Quartz Sleeve 3202287
450-13 - Conical Spray 450-44 Quartz Tube 3201759
Chamber with Impact 450-45 Quartz Sleeve, #2 3200176
Bead, Quartz, 3600170 450-46 Quartz Sleeve, Silica 3201070
450-49 Quartz Socket Tube Adapter 3200004
450-51 Glass Probe 1041167

VG Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2180P Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Salva, 12/pk
PT-2180SV Red-Red, 0.045" (1.14mm), Salva, 12/pk
PT-2130SI Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Silicone, 6/pk
PT-2020P Orange-Red, .0075" (.19mm), PVC, 12/pk
PT-2130V Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Viton, 12/pk
450-28 - Torch Bonnet,
72mm, 3204703
Thermo Scientmc - T JA 61 E Trace,
Iris AP, Intrepid, Intrepid II

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches & Accessories
275-10 Ceramic Base Torch, Trace with 1.5mm Injector 126432-03
275-1 OW/0 Ceramic Base Torch, Trace without Injector 126440-03
275-1 OHF Ceramic Base Torch, Trace with 1.5mm Alumina Injector 138566-03
275-1 ODV Ceramic Base Torch, DV with 1.5mm Injector
275-1 ODVKIT Ceramic Base Torch, DV, 1.5mm Injector, Optic Sleeve, Seal 138562-00
275-10DVW/O Ceramic Base Torch, DV without Injector 126440-05
250-23 Optic Sleeve for DV Torch 137689-00
250-24 Seal for Optic Sleeve - Duo Torch 137688-00
250-26 Duo Torch Sleeve and Seal Kit 138563-00 ()
250-40 Quartz Injector, 1.0mm 125407-01
250-41 Quartz Injector, 1.5mm 125407-00
250-42 Quartz Injector, 2.0mm 136502-01
250-43 Quartz Injector, 2.4mm 136502-02 0
260-83 Alumina Injector, 1.5mm 136436-01
260-84 Alumina Injector, 1.0mm
275-20 PTFEAdapter, Torch to Cyclonic Spray Chamber

Spray Chambers & Accessories

275-13 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Pump 139662-00
275-15 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Gravity Drain, Trace 134620-00
275-16 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Gravity Drain 136120-00
250-19 Spray Chamber, Open End 130089-00
250-30 Aerosol Baffle for 250-19 003952-00
275-10DV - Ceramic Base
285-01 Rinse Station 1 Port, 12mm
Torch, DV with 1.5mm Injector
285-02 Rinse Station 2 Port, 12mm
285-03 Rinse Station 2 Port, 23mm

500-80 K-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 134365-00
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer 126989-00
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer 080963
520-30 PTFE End Cap for use with 35mm Open End Spray Chambers
520-36 0-ring Kit for 500-92 133202-50
520-38 Argon Inlet Fittings for 500-92
TJA® Type 3-Stop Pump Tubing
See page 24 for complete list of TJA® Type Pump tubing.

Determining the Correct Replacement TJA Ceramic Base Torch and Injector 275-15 - Cyclonic Spray
Chamber, Gravity Drain, Trace,
Follow the charts below to identify which torch and injector you have and the correct PGB replacement
part number.
Ceramic Base Torches Injectors
Ringson Injector Ringson Injector
OEM Part# Ringson Outer Tube of Torch PGB Part# OEM Part# PGB Part#
(CenterTube) (CenterTube)
1 Red Ring, Approx. 63mm Long 1.5mm Quartz Quartz, 1 .Omm
126432-02 275-06 125407-01 250-40
Outer Tube Injector, 1 Red Ring bore, 2 Red Rings

2 Red Rings, Approx. 63mm Long 1.5mm Quartz Quartz, 1 .5mm

126432-01 275-07 125407-00 250-41
Outer Tube Injector, 1 Red Ring bore, 1 Red Ring

2 Red Rings, Approx. 63mm Long 1.5mm Alumina Quartz, 2.0mm

127179-01 275-07HF 136502-01 250-42
Outer Tube Injector, No Ring bore, 1 Blue Ring

2 Red Rings, Approx. 63mm Long 1.0mm Injector, 2 Quartz, 2.4mm

125124-01 275-08 136502-02 250-43
Outer Tube Red Rings bore, 2 Blue Rings

2 Red Rings, Approx. 136mm 1.5mm Quartz Alumina, 1.0mm

126432-03 275-10 N/A 260-84
Long Outer Tube Injector, 1 Red Ring bore, No Rings
2 Red Rings, Hole for Radial
1.5mm Quartz Alumina, 1.5mm
138562-00 Viewing, Approx. 136mm Long 275-10DV 136463-01 260-83
Injector, 1 Red Ring bore, No Rings
Outer Tube

Varian UltraMass- 700

PGB Part# OEM Part#
CONSUMABLES Torches & Accessories
800-06 Torch, One Piece, Low Flow 20-1 00783-00
800-11 Torch, Demountable, Body Only 20-1 00793-00
800-41 Quartz Injector, 1.8mm 20-1 00730-00
800-42 Quartz Injector, 0.8mm, 3/pk 20-100775-00
800-45 Alumina Injector, 1.8mm 24-100675-90
800-46 Alumina Injector, 2.5mm
800-48 PTFE Injector Holder 99-100573-00
800-51 Demountable Torch, Complete (800-11, -45, -48) 99-100717 -00

Spray Chambers & Accessories

510-26 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket Top, 4mm Drain
800-17 Sturman-Masters Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled 99-1 00704-00
800-21 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 8mm Top, 4mm Drain 20-100817-00

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 20-100765-00
800-34 - ICP-MS Torch 500-85 K-Type, High Flow Concentric Nebulizer 20-100816-00
with Placement Posts, 800-55 High Solids V-groove Nebulizer, 0. 7 1pmAr, 35psi 99-10057 4-00

Varian 800-MS Series

PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches & Accessories
800-34 ICP-MS Torch with Placement Posts 20-101007-00

Spray Chambers & Accessories

800-31 ICP-MS Sheath Bypass 20-101008-00
800-32 ICP-MS Sheath Gas Port 20-101009-00
800-33 ICP-MS Spray Chamber 20-101010-00

500-70 C-Type Concentric Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 20-100765-00
800-33 - ICP-MS Spray
500-70MQDAC C-Type Concentric, 1 1pm,30psi, 20-101021-00
Chamber, Microflow (0.1-0.4 mUmin), Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
20-101010-00 500-85 K-Type, High Flow Concentric Nebulizer 20-100816-00
800-55 High Solids V-groove Nebulizer, 0. 7 1pmAr, 35psi 99-10057 4-00

Varian ICP-MS Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PGB Part# OEM Part#
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100272-00
PT-2160P White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), PVC, 12/pk 37 -100344-00
PT-2200P Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), PVC, 12/pk 37 -1 00345-00
PT-2230P Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100346-00
PT-2270P Purple-Black, 0.090" (2.29mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100273-00
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Solva, 12/pk 37 -1 00348-00
PT-2160SV White-White, 0.040" {1.02mm), Solva, 12/pk 37-100350-00
PT-2200SV Gray-Gray, 0.050" {1.30mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100352-00
PT-2100SA Orange-Yellow, 0.020" (.51mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100440-00
PT-2130SA Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100441-00
PT-2160SA White-White, 0.040" {1.02mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37 -1 00442-00
PT-2200SA Gray-Gray, 0.050" {1.30mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100443-00
PT-2230SA Blue-Blue, 0.065" {1.65mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37 -100444-00
Varian 700-ES Series, Liberty, Vista

PGB Part# OEM Part#

Torches& Accessories,Radial
800-05 Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Radial 20-100696-90
800-05B Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Radial with Ball Joint, 20-100696-90B
800-05S Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Radial with Socket
800-08 Extended for Nitrogen Determination 20-100764-00
800-10 Torch, Demountable, Body Only, Radial 20-100729-00
800-25 Torch Bonnet 20-100707 -00
800-41 Quartz Injector, 1.8mm 20-100730-00
800-42 Quartz Injector, 0.8mm 20-100775-00
800-45 Alumina Injector, 1.8mm 24-100675-00
800-46 Alumina Injector, 2.5mm
800-48 PTFE Injector Holder 99-100573-00
800-50 Demountable Torch, Complete Kit for Radial (800-10,-45,-48) 99-1 00568-00

Torches & Accessories,Axial

800-12 Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Axial, 90° Bend 20-1 00904-00
800-12B Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Axial, 90° Bend with Ball Joint
800-12S Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Axial, 90° Bend, 12/5 Socket
800-14 Low Flow Torch, One Piece, Axial 20-100812-00
800-15 Torch, Demountable, Body Only, Axial 20-100834-00
800-41 Quartz Injector, 1.8mm 20-100730-00
800-42 Quartz Injector, 0.8mm, 3/pk 20-100775-00
800-45 Alumina Injector, 1.8mm 24-100675-90 800-05 - Low Flow Torch, One
800-46 Alumina Injector, 2.5mm Piece, Radial, 20-100696-90
800-48 PTFE Injector Holder 99-100573-00
800-49 Demountable Torch, Complete Kit for Axial (800-15, -45, -48) 99-1 0084 7 -00

800-20 Transfer Tube, Torch to Spray Chamber

800-21 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 8mm Top, 4mm Drain 20-100817-00
800-21B Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 8mm Top, 4mm Drain, Baffle 79-100437 -00
800-17 Sturman-Masters Spray Chamber, Water-Cooled 99-1 00704-00

500-70 C-Type Concentric, 1 1pmAr, 30psi, 1mUmin 20-100765-00
500-70MQDAC C-Type Concentric, 1 1pm, 30psi, 20-101021-00
Microflow (0.1-0.4 mUmin), Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-65QDAC K-Type Concentric, 30 psi, 2 mUmin, 20-100964-00
Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-80 K-Type, 0.7 1pmAr, 30psi, 3mUmin 20-100695-00
500-80QDAC K-Type, 30psi, 3mUmin Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect 20-101068-00
500-85 K-Type, High Flow Concentric Nebulizer 20-1 00816-00
510-10 Noordermeer V-Groove MDSN Nebulizer
800-55 High Solids V-groove Nebulizer, 0.7 1pmAr, 35psi 99-10057 4-00

Varian® Type 2-Stop Pump Tubing 800-12 - Low Flow Torch, One
PT-2120P Orange-White, 0.025" (.64mm). PVC, 12.pk 37 -1 00469-00 Piece, Axial, 90° Bend,
PT-2130P Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100272-00 20-1 00904-00
PT-2160P White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100344-00
PT-2200P Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), PVC, 12/pk 37 -100345-00
PT-2230P Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), PVC, 12/pk 37-100346-00
PT-2270P Purple-Black, 0.090" (2.29mm), PVC, 12/pk 37 -1 00273-00
PT-2130SV Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Salva, 12/pk 37 -1 00348-00
PT-2160SV White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), Salva, 12/pk 37-100350-00
PT-2200SV Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), Salva, 12/pk 37-100352-00
PT-2100SA Orange-Yellow, 0.020" (.51), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100440-00
PT-2130SA Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100441-00
PT-2160SA White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37-100442-00
PT-2200SA Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37 -1 00443-00
PT-2230SA Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), Santoprene, 12/pk 37 -1 00444-00
PT-2100V Orange-Yellow, 0.020" (.51mm), Viton, 12/pk 37 -100435-00
PT-2130V Black-Black, 0.030" (.76mm), Viton, 12/pk 37-100436-00
PT-2160V White-White, 0.040" (1.02mm), Viton, 12/pk 37-100437-00 800-21 - Cyclonic Spray
PT-2200V Gray-Gray, 0.050" (1.30mm), Viton, 12/pk 37 -100438-00 Chamber, 8mm Top, 4mm Drain,
PT-2230V Blue-Blue, 0.065" (1.65mm), Viton, 12/pk 37-100439-00 20-100817-00

@:$SLAB Specialty ICP Items
PGB Part# OEM Part#
Torches& Accessories
550-05 1 Piece Torch, Beveled End, 1.0 Injector 318-0016
550-06 1 Piece Torch, Beveled End, 1.5 Injector
550-20 1 Piece Torch with Ball Joint, Aqueous 120-3748
550-20F 1 Piece Torch with Ball Joint, Aqueous with Fittings 120-00336-1
550-22 1 Piece Torch with Ball Joint, Organics 120-3749
550-22F 1 Piece Torch with Ball Joint, Organics with Fittings 120-00336-2
550-22W 1 Piece Torch with Ball Joint, Organics, Wear Metals
550-23 Argon Hose and Fitting for Torch
550-43 Demountable Torch 318-0001
550-50 Aqueous Torch, Axial, 190mm Long 318-00062
550-64 Aqueous Torch, Axial 120-00200-1
550-64F Aqueous Torch, Axial with Fittings 120-00309-1
550-65 Aqueous Torch, Axial, Dual View 318-00065
550-65F Aqueous Torch, Axial, Dual View with Fittings 120-00309-2
550-69 Demountable Torch, Axial, Aqueous 318-00069
550-70 Demountable Torch, Dual View, Aqueous 318-00070
550-45 Quartz Injector 318-0004
550-94 Torch, Axial, 2.5mm Injector
550-94F Torch, Axial, 2.5mm Injector, with Argon Fittings and Restrictor
=-, ·
>==,, 550-95 Torch, DV, 2.5mm Injector
550-95F Torch, DV, 2.5mm Injector, with Argon Fittings and Restrictor

Spray Chambers& Accessories

550-24 Hose and Fitting for Spray Chamber
550-20 - 1 Piece Torch 550-25 Spray Chamber, Scott, Radial 120-3751
with Ball Joint, 550-25J Spray Chamber, Scott, Radial, Water Cooled
Aqueous, 120-3748 550-27 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Radial, Hildebrand Grid
550-37 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Radial, Concentric
550-38 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Long Neck with Knockout Tube
550-39 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Long Neck without Knockout Tube
550-55 Spray Chamber, Scott, Axial 120-00201-1
550-57 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Concentric
550-58 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Axial, Hildebrand Grid
550-60 Quartz Purge Window
550-66 Purge Tube, Axial, Quartz 318-00066
550-67 Purge Tube, V2, Dual View 318-00067
550-68 Purge Tube, Radial 318-00068

Specialty 2-Stop Pump Tubing

PT-2140P Orange, 0.020", PVC, 12/pk 309-3551
PT-2130P Black, 0.030", PVC, 12/pk 309-3552
PT-2180P Red, 0.045", PVC, 12/pk 309-3538
510-26T- Cyclonic
Spray Chamber, PTFE

Spray Chambers
PGB Part#
Spray Chambers& Accessories
510-26 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket, 4mm Drain
510-26J Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket, 4mm Drain, Water Cooled
510-26NB Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket, 4mm Drain, No Baffle
510-26Q Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket, 4mm Drain, Quartz
510-26QJ Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 12/5 Socket, 4mm Drain, Quartz, Water Cooled
510-26T Cyclonic Spray Chamber, PTFE
510-26U Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Ultem
510-27 Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Modified Lichte
510-27J Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Modified Lichte, Water Cooled
510-27Q Cyclonic Spray Chamber for Modified Lichte, Quartz
510-30 Mini Cyclonic Spray Chamber

Nebulizer Type Application Sensitivity
--- ;=
PVDF fluorinated For use with Scott
Moderate sensitivity
Crossflow polymer; Good chemical style spray chambers;
due to wide range of
pg.32 resistance for most acids High stability; Great
droplet size
and organic solvents high-solids capability

500-92 _ Crossflow Nebulizer

For use with Scott

Moderate to high t

Quartz or Pyrex; Good style and cyclonic
Noordermeer sensitivity for a high-
for most acids and spray chambers; Great
V-Groove organic solvents; Not high-solids capability;
solids nebulizer; Better
pg.32 efficiency compared to
recommended for HF Same principle as
Babington V-groove
510-1 o - Noordermeer V-
Groove MDSN Nebulizer

Great sensitivity;
For use with Modified
Quartz or Pyrex; Good Patented design with
Lichte spray chamber;
Modified Lichte for most acids and impingement bead to
Unique patented
pg.32 organic solvents; Not further atomize aerosol
design; Great high-
recommended for HF resulting in uniform
solids capability
droplet size
510-20S - Modified Lichte
MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr

For use with Scott

Quartz or Pyrex; Good Great sensitivity due to
style and cyclonic
Glass Concentric for most acids and uniform droplet size
spray chambers; Not
pg. 31 organic solvents; Not inherent in the
recommended for high-
recommended for HF concentric design
solids applications
500-72 _ C-Type Concentric
Nebulizer, 1 1pm Ar, 30psi,

Mira Mist &
Teflon; can be used for
any liquid. PEEK; Good
chemical resistance for
most acids and organic
For use with Scott
style and cyclonic
spray chambers: Great
Great Sensitivity;
enhanced parallel path
design improves upon
original Babington V-
Ari Mist high-solids capability.
pg.33 solvents. groove.

TMM 3500 - Teflon Mira Mist

Glass Concentric Nebulizers
ICP& ICP-MS Concentric nebulizers sample uptake rates are as follows:
Micro 0.1-0.4
1.0 0.5-1.4
2.0 1.5-2.4
3.0 2.5-3.4

500-70 - 30psi, 1mUmin

PGB Part#
Aerosalt - High Solids, 0.7 1pm Ar

500-65QD 30 psi, 2 mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-65QDAC 30 psi, 2 mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect

C-Type, 1.0 1pm Ar

500-70 30psi, 1mUmin
500-72QD - 30psi, 3mUmin,
500-?0M 30psi, Microflow (0.1-0.4 mUmin)
Quick Disconnect
500-70MQD 30psi, Microflow (0.1-0.4 mUmin), Quick Disconnect
500-?0P 50psi, 1mUmin
500-70Q 30psi, 1mUmin, Quartz
500-?0QD 30psi, 1mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-70QDAC 30psi, 1mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-?0QP 50psi, 1mUmin, Quartz
500-70QQD 30psi, 1mUmin, Quartz Quick Disconnect
500-?0QQDAC 30psi, 1mUmin, Quartz, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-71 30psi, 2mUmin
500-71P 50psi, 2mUmin
500-71Q 30psi, 2mUmin, Quartz
500-BOQDAC- 30psi, 3mUmin, 500-71QD 30psi, 2mUmin, Quick Disconnect
Quick Disconnect, Argon 500-72 30psi, 3mUmin
Connect 500-72P 50psi, 3mUmin
500-72Q 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz
500-72QD 30psi, 3mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-72QQD 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz, Quick Disconnect
A-Type, 1.0 1pm, Ar
500-75 30psi, 1mUmin
500-75P 50psi, 1mUmin
500-75Q 30psi, 1mUmin, Quartz
500-QD - Quick Disconnect for 500-76 30psi, 2mUmin
Nebulizer, Teflon with PFA 500-76P 50psi, 2mUmin
Capillary Tubing 500-76Q 30psi, 2mUmin, Quartz
500-76QDAC 30psi, 2mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-77 30psi, 3mUmin
500-77P 50psi, 3mUmin
500-77Q 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz
500-77QD 30psi, 3mUmin, Quick Disconnect

K-Type, 0.7 1pm Ar

500-80 30psi, 3mUmin
500-800 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz
500-80QD 30psi, 3mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-AC - Argon Connect for 500-80QDAC 30psi, 3mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
Concentric Nebulizers Includes 500-80QQD 30psi, 3mUmin, Quartz, Quick Disconnect
Insert and Body 500-81 30psi, 1mUmin
500-81QD 30psi, 1mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-81QDAC 30psi, 1mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-82 30psi, 2mUmin
500-82QD 30psi, 2mUmin, Quick Disconnect
500-82QDAC 30psi, 2mUmin, Quick Disconnect, Argon Connect
500-85 High Flow Concentric Nebulizer
500-85QD High Flow Concentric Nebulizer, Quick Disconnect
500-AC Argon Connect for Concentric Nebulizers Includes Insert and Body
500-QD Quick Disconnect for Nebulizer, Teflon with PFA Capillary Tubing
Crossflow Nebulizers

PGB Part#
500-92 Crossflow Nebulizer
500-928 Crossflow Nebulizer, 34mm
500-93 Crossflow Nebulizer, High-Solids
500-94 High Flow Crossflow Nebulizer

500-92 - Crossflow Nebulizer

V- Groove Nebulizers

PGB Part#
Nebulizer, Quick Disconnect
Nebulizer, Quartz
Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr
510-10 - Noordermeer V-
Modified Lichte Nebulizers Groove MDSN Nebulizer
510-20 Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer
510-2000 Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer, Quick Disconnect
510-200 Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer, Quartz
510-208 Modified Lichte MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr

Babington V-Groove
510-50 Babington MDSN, HF Resistant
510-20$ - Modified Lichte
MDSN Nebulizer, 1 1pmAr

Nebulizer Accessories

PGB Part#
520-30 PTFE End Cap for use with 35mm Open End Spray Chambers
520-308 PTFE End Cap for use with 34mm Open End Spray Chambers
520-40 PTFE End Cap, 35mm for use with Babington
520-408 PTFE End Cap, 34mm for use with Babington 510-50 - Babington MDSN,
510-51 0-ring for Babington MDSN Nebulizer HF Resistant
520-31 0-ring for Concentric Nebulizer Inlet
520-32 0-ring, 35mm for 520-30 and 520-40
520-328 0-ring, 34mm for 520-308 and 520-408
520-36 0-ring, 35mm for 500-92, 2 per pack
520-368 0-ring, 34mm for 500-928, 2 per pack
520-35 Swagelok Fitting
520-37 Sample Tube, PTFE for Crossflow Nebulizer
520-38 Argon Inlet Fittings for Crossflow
510-52 Tubing and Collet for Babington MDSN Nebulizer 520-30 - PTFEEnd Cap for
510-53 Argon Tube for Babington MDSN Nebulizer use with 35mm Open End
Spray Chambers
Burgener ICP - ICP-MS Nebulizers
CONSUMABLES Mira Mist and Ari Mist Nebulizers for ICP & ICP-MS
TMM 3500 Teflon Mira Mist, Enhanced Parallel Path Teflon Nebulizer. Can operate
on 0.2 ml/min to 2.5 ml/min. Excellent mist, and can handle high level of
particulates in sample. Fits regular chambers as a direct replacement for
glass concentric nebulizers. Operates on standard pressures of 35 - 45
psi. The Teflon Mira Mist can be used for any liquid. Salting is very rare,
but can occur over long periods of time, especially with high Sodium
TMM 3500 -Teflon levels in the solution. Such salting can be cleared easily with a dip in 5 -
Mira Mist 10% HF, (Caution: Be careful when handling HF. It soaks into the skin
before you feel it burning, and in low concentrations it looks like water.)

PMM 4000 PEEK Mira Mist, Same as the Teflon Mira Mist, but easier to make than
the Teflon Mira Mist, so you save a little. Works for most samples, but
not concentrated acids, and not some organic solvents. Still has Teflon
capillaries for the samples and for the gas. Standard pressure (45 psi),
low sample flow, enhanced parallel path design. Can operate on 0.2
PMM 4000 - PEEK ml/min to 2.5 ml/min. Excellent mist, and can handle high level of
Mira Mist particulates in sample. Fits regular chambers as a direct replacement for
glass concentric nebulizers.

T2100 Enhanced Parallel Path Teflon Nebulizer. Huge Sample Capillary: 750
microns/ 1/32 inch. Designed as replacement for T2002 and BTN.
Essentially unpluggable with un-dissolved particles. Can operate on 0.5
ml/min to 3.0 ml/min. Excellent mist, but not quite as good as Mira Mist,
but better than most concentrics. Can handle very high level of particles
in sample. Fits regular chambers as a direct replacement for glass
T2100 concentric nebulizers. Operates on standard pressures of 30 - 45 psi.
The T 2100 can be used for any liquid. Salting is very rare, but can
occur over long periods of time, especially with high Sodium levels in the
solution. Such salting can be cleared easily with a dip in 5 - 10% HF

PMMCE Mira Mist CE, Designed for ICP-MS - CE interface. Medium pressure
(80-90 psi), Very low sample flow (1O µ1/min or less), enhanced parallel
path design. Can operate on 0.01 mVmin to 2.5 ml/min. With Alcohol
solutions can operate down to .001 ml/min. Excellent mist, can handle
high level of particulates in sample. Fits regular chambers as a direct
PMM CE- Mira
Mist CE replacement for glass concentric nebulizers. Designed for CE / ICP / MS
analysis. Allows CE capillary to extend to tip of nebulizer for zero
suction, zero back pressure CE interfacing with ICP-MS. Works best
with mini chamber.

AM 5000 Ari Mist, Very low sample flow, enhanced parallel path design. Standard
pressure (40 - 50 psi). Black PEEK body, Teflon sample and gas
capillaries. Can operate on 0.050 ml/min to 1.0 ml/min. Good for ICP &
ICP-MS. Only for samples that are particulate free. Fits regular
chambers as a direct replacement for glass concentric nebulizers.

AM HP 5500 Ari Mist HP, Ultra low sample flow, enhanced parallel path design.
Higher Pressure (80 psi). Black PEEK body, Teflon sample and gas
capillaries. Can operate on 0.005 ml/min to 1.0 ml/min. Good for
LC/ICP-MS. Only for samples that are particulate free. Fits regular
chambers as a direct replacement for glass concentric nebulizers.
Mist HP When run at 1O to 15 µ1/min it provides similar results to direct injection
nebulizers without the difficulties of direct injection.

B+5872+D #9;)BD1)6*-;D:>-8><D 
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@:$SLAB Cones manufactured by Spectron

pectron manufactures sampler and skimmer cones for all the major brands of ICP mass
S spectrometers including Agilent, GBC, MicroMass/GV, Nu Instruments, PerkinElmer and
Thermo Fisher. As an OEM component manufacturer supporting these leading instrument
manufacturers, Spectron have extensive experience in ICP-MS and ICP-OES techniques,
bringing a unique level of expertise to the manufacturing process. They offer customers the
highest quality consumables and accessories available.

SC2011-Ni - Nickel Sampler - Using an exclusive proprietary process, Spectron Inc. has created a platinum cone with an
6000/6100, WE02-1140 expanded solid platinum shield. The analytical zone, the area most in need of maintenance,
displays the most significant differences.
These differences, together with sample type (ground water, soil digests, sea water, etc),
contribute to the rate at which oxides and salts accumulate in and around the cone orifice.

All sample and skimmer cones, regardless of ICP-MS manufacturer or design, serve the
same function. They are the differential apertures separating the sample at atmosphere
pressure from the mass filter and detector(s) at high vacuum. The analytical zone, the area
most in need of maintenance displays the most significant differences. These differences,
together with sample type (ground water, soil digests, sea water, etc) contribute to the rate
at which oxides and salts accumulate in and around the cone orifice.
SC2012-Ni - Nickel Skimmer -
6000/6100, WE02-1137 When should I clean or exchange my cone:
Ultimately, the quality of your data is the best diagnostic tool for determining when to clean
or change your cones. However, if you notice significant build-up on the cone(s), which
appear to be occluding the cone orifice, cone removal and cleaning is warranted.

Whenever possible we recommend cleaning your cones under mild, non- mechanical
conditions. This is especially true for platinum cones, where accidental damage is very
Careful handling and proper cleaning will typically enable you to get about 500 hours (several
months) of operational use from each set of nickel cones and about 1500 hours (18 months)
VG1001-Ni - Nickel Sampler,
3004661 from platinum cones. Some common symptoms of cone degradation are elevated oxide
levels (e.g. CeO), doubly-charged species, and in severe cases poor vacuum levels.

VG1004-Ni - Nickel Micro-

Skimmer (Enhanced Interface), T1002A-AI - Aluminum Skimmer T1001-Ni - 100% Nickel Sampler,
3200860 1044530
Cones manufactured by Spectron

e•SPEC™ Products

PerkinElmer Spectron (std) 8• SPEC™ NEW!

Pt Sampler WE027802 SC2013-Pt SC2013-Pte
Pt Skimmer WE027803 SC2014-Pt SC2014-Pte

Agilent Spectron (std) 8• SPEC™ NEW!

Pt Sampler G 1820-65360 HP1006A-Pt HP1006A-Pte
18mm Pt tip

Pt Sampler G1820-65239 HP1006-Pt HP1006-Pte*

10mm Pt tip

*Standard 10mm Pt tip in a nickel core for greater longevity over the Pt in Cu design.

e •SPEC™ platinum cones

for the Elan 6000 and 9000
series ICP-MS
Thermo Finnigan Spectron (std) 0• SPEC™ NEW!
Sampler 1044530 T1001-Ni T1001 TE-Nie
Skimmer 1067600 T1002A-Ni T1002TE-Nie
Guard Electrode 1226640 T5004

High TDS cones for the Thermo Finnigan Element 2 and Neptune series ICP-MS

Thermo Elemental Spectron (std)* 8-SPEC™

Xi Cones Xi Cones NEW!
Sampler 3600812 VG1021-Ni/Cu VG1021TE-Ni/Cue
Skimmer 3600811 VG1022-Ni
* Spectron Xi cones are available in nickel/copper, nickel and aluminum configurations

0 e•SPEC™ Thermally Enhanced

(TE) cones for X-Series ICP-MS

e•SPEC™ HP1006-Pte sampler Displayed e•SPEC™ Thermally Enhanced (TE) cones for
with Pt and Ni skimmers, Pt shields for Element 2 & Neptune in nickel (standard) and
4500 and 7500 aluminum (optional), with Pt Guard Electrode

ICP-MS Cones manufactured by Spectron
PGB Part# OEM Part#
HP1001-Ni Nickel Sampler - (25mm Nickel Insert) G1820-65238
HP1001T-Ni Nickel Sampler - T Mode G 1820-65480
HP1002CE-Ni Nickel Skimmer - 7500ce G3270-65024
HP1002C-Ni Nickel Skimmer - 7500c G 1833-65497
HP1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer (4500) G 1820-65265
HP1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer (7500) G 1820-65050
HP1002T-Ni Nickel Skimmer - T Mode G1820-65481
HP1006A-Pt Platinum Sampler - (18mm Platinum Insert) G1820-65360
HP1006-Pt Platinum Sampler - (10mm Platinum Insert) G1820-65239
HP1008C-Pt Platinum Skimmer - 7500c G 1833-65092
HP1008-CS-Pt Platinum Skimmer - 7500cs G1883-65132
HP1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer - (7.2mm Platinum Insert) G1820-65237
HP1002-Ni - Nickel Skimmer HP5003 Platinum Shield Plate G1820-65357
(4500), G1820-65265 HP5004 Platinum Shield Plate (7500) G1820-65357

LE1001-Ni Nickel Sampler 703-633
LE1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer 703-634
LE1002-Ni/Cu Nickel Skimmer
LE1002-SS Modified; Electro polished 710-804
LE1004-SS Skimmer cone; modified 56 mech. Polish A117-0563
LE1006-Pt Platinum Sampler
LE1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer

HP1001-Ni - Nickel Sampler - T1001-AI Aluminum Sampler
(25mm Nickel Insert), T1001-Ni 100% Nickel Sampler 1044530
G1820-65238 T1001-Ni/Cu Nickel Sampler, Copper Core 1044520
T1002A-AI Aluminum Skimmer
T1002A-Ni Nickel Skimmer 1067600
T-1002X-AI Aluminum X-Skimmer
T1002X-Ni Nickel X-Skimmer 1142160
T1003-Ni Nickel Accelerator
T1006A-PVCu Platinum Sampler, Copper Core 1067500
T1006-PVCu Platinum Sampler, Copper Core
T1006-PVNi Platinum Sampler, 100% Nickel Base
T1007A-Pt Platinum Skimmer, Nickel Base 1047510
T1007-Pt Platinum Skimmer, Nickel Base
T1007-PVCu Platinum Skimmer, Copper Base
T JA1001-Ni Nickel Sampler 133076
T1002A-AI - Aluminum Skimmer T JA1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer 133075
T JA1006-Pt Platinum Sampler 135558
T JA1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer 135827

M1001-Ni/Cu Nickel Sampler, Copper Base M695080BD1
M1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer M695011BD1
M1006-PVCu Platinum Sampler, Copper Base
M1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer
MM1001-AI Aluminum Sampler M749629CD2
MM1001-AI Aluminum Skimmer M695440BD2
MM1001-AI Aluminum Sampler M749629CD2
T1001-Ni - 100% Nickel Sampler, MM1001-Ni Nickel Sampler M749629CD3
1044530 MM1001-Ni Nickel Sampler M749629CD3
MM1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer M695440BD1
MM1002X-AI Aluminum Skimmer Enhanced Low Mass
MM1002X-Ni Nickel Skimmer Enhanced Low Mass
MM1003-Ni Nickel Collimator Cone M749666B
MM3000 Copper Cartridge
ICP-MS Cones manufactured by Spectron

PGB Part# OEM Part#

MicroMass continued
MP1001-AI Aluminum Sampler M695439BD2
MP1001-Ni/Cu Nickel Sampler, Copper Base M695439BD1
MP1002-AI Aluminum Skimmer M695440BD2
MP1002-Ni Nickel Skimmer M695440BD1
MP1006-PVCu Platinum Sampler, Copper Base
MP1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer

NU1001-Ni Nickel Sampler 319-285

NU1004-Ni Nickel Skimmer 319-284 WA6

SC2011-Ni - Nickel Sampler -

Sciex / Perkin Elmer 6000/6100, WE02-1140
SC2001-Ni Nickel Sampler - 250/500 N810-2101
SC2002-Ni Nickel Skimmer - 250/500 N810-2111
SC2003-Ni Nickel Sampler - 5000 WE01-3087
SC2004-Ni Nickel Skimmer - 5000 N812-2000
SC2005-Pt Platinum Sampler - 250/500 N810-2131
SC2006-Pt Platinum Skimmer - 250/500 N810-2141
SC2007-Pt Platinum Sampler - 5000 N812-2025
SC2010-Pt Platinum Skimmer - 5000 N812-2035
SC2011-Ni Nickel Sampler - 6000/6100 WE02-1140
SC2012-Ni Nickel Skimmer - 6000/6100 WE02-1137
SC2013-Pt Platinum Sampler - 6000/6100 WE02-7802
SC2014-Pt Platinum Skimmer - 6000/6100 WE02-7803
SC6000 Insertion Tool WE01-7142

Spectra SC2012-Ni - Nickel Skimmer -

6000/6100, WE02-1137
SP2003-Ni Nickel Sampler 46501063U
SP2004-Ni Nickel Skimmer 46501064U
SP2007Pt Platinum Sampler 46901016
SP2010-Pt Platinum Skimmer 46901017

VG1001-Ni Nickel Sampler 3004661
VG1002-Ni Nickel Mini-Skimmer 3004866
VG1004-Ni Nickel Micro-Skimmer (Enhanced Interface) 3200860
VG1006A-Pt Platinum Sampler - (18mm Platinum Insert)
VG1006-Pt Platinum Sampler - (15.2mm Platinum Insert) 3200262
VG1007-Pt Platinum Mini-Skimmer
VG1008-Pt Platinum Micro-Skimmer (Enhanced Interface) 3201101 VG1001-Ni - Nickel Sampler,
VG1009-Pt Platinum Plasmatrace 1 Skimmer 3202005 3004661
VG1010-Ni Nickel Plasmatrace 1 Skimmer 3200456
VG1011-Pt Platinum Plasmatrace 2 Micro-Skimmer 3201941
VG1012-Ni Nickel Micro Skimmer (PQE) 3201585
VG1014-Ni Nickel Plasmatrace 2 Micro-Skimmer 3201457
VG1021-Ni/Cu Nickel Sampler, Copper Core 3600812
VG1022-Ni Nickel Skimmer 3600811
VG1023-Cu Copper Skimmer Adapter 3600813
VG1026-Pt Platinum Sampler N/A
VG1028-Pt Platinum Skimmer N/A

UM1001C-Ni Nickel Sampler for Cool Plasma 99-1 00920-00
UM1001F-Ni Nickel Sampler F-Series Type 99-1 00940-00 VG1004-Ni - Nickel Micro-
UM1001-Ni Standard Nickel Sampler, Copper Base 99-1 00698-00 Skimmer (Enhanced Interface},
UM1002F-Ni Nickel Skimmer F-Series Type 99-1 00941 -00
UM1002-Ni Standard Nickel Skimmer 99-1 00699-00
UM1006-Pt Platinum Sampler 99-1 00700-00
UM1008-Pt Platinum Skimmer 99-100701-00

2-Stop Pump Tubing

Description I.D. (mm) PVC Selva Silicone Santoprene Viton

12/pk 12/pk 6/pk 12/pk 12/pk
Orange/Black 0.13 PT-2010P PT-2010SV PT-201081 N/A N/A
Orange/Red 0.19 PT-2020P PT-2020SV N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Blue 0.25 PT-2030P PT-2030SV PT-203081 PT-2030SA N/A
Red/Blue 0.31 PT-2050P N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Green 0.38 PT-2080P PT-2080SV N/A PT-2080SA N/A
Green/Yellow 0.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Yellow 0.51 PT-2100P PT-2100SV N/A PT-2100SA PT-2100V

White/Yellow 0.57 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Orange/White 0.64 PT-2120P PT-2120SV PT-212081 PT-2120SA PT-2120V

Black/Black 0.76 PT-2130P PT-2130SV PT-213081 PT-2130SA PT-2130V

Orange/Orange 0.89 PT-2140P PT-2140SV PT-214081 PT-2140SA PT-2140V

White/Black 0.95 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

White/White 1.02 PT-2160P PT-2160SV PT-216081 PT-2160SA PT-2160V

White/Red 1.09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Red/Red 1.14 PT-2180P PT-2180SV PT-218081 PT-2180SA PT-2180V

Red/Grey 1.22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Grey/Grey 1.30 PT-2200P PT-2200SV PT-220081 PT-2200SA PT-2200V
01 01 Yellow/Yellow 1.42 PT-2210P PT-2210SV PT-221081 PT-2210SA PT-2210V
3 3 Yellow/Blue 1.52 PT-2220P PT-2220SV PT-222081 PT-2220SA PT-2220V
3 3
Blue/Blue 1.65 PT-2230P PT-2230SV PT-223081 PT-2230SA PT-2230V

Blue/Green 1.75 PT-2240P N/A N/A N/A N/A

Green/Green 1.85 PT-2250P PT-2250SV PT-225081 PT-2250SA PT-2250V

Purple/Purple 2.06 PT-2260P PT-2260SV PT-226081 PT-2260SA PT-2260V

Purple/Black 2.29 PT-2270P PT-2270SV PT-227081 PT-2270SA PT-2270V

Purple/Orange 2.54 PT-2280P PT-2280SV PT-228081 PT-2280SA PT-2280V

Purple/White 2.79 PT-2290P PT-2290SV PT-229081 PT-2290SA PT-2290V

Black/White 3.18 PT-2300P N/A N/A N/A N/A

3-Stop Pump Tubing

Description I.D. (mm) PVC Solva Silicone Santoprene Viton

12/pk 12/pk 6/pk 12/pk 12/pk
Orange/Black 0.13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Red 0.19 PT-3020P N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Blue 0.25 PT-3030P PT-3030SV N/A PT-3030SA N/A
Red/Blue 0.31 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Green 0.38 PT-3080P PT-3080SV N/A PT-3080SA N/A
Green/Yellow 0.44 PT-3090P N/A N/A N/A N/A
Orange/Yellow 0.51 PT-3100P PT-3100SV N/A PT-3100SA PT-3100V

White/Yellow 0.57 PT-3110P N/A N/A N/A N/A

Orange/White 0.64 PT-3120P PT-3120SV PT-3120SI PT-3120SA PT-3120V

Black/Black 0.76 PT-3130P PT-3130SV PT-3130SI PT-3130SA PT-3130V

Orange/Orange 0.89 PT-3140P PT-3140SV PT-3140SI PT-3140SA PT-3140V

White/Black 0.95 PT-3150P N/A N/A N/A N/A

White/White 1.02 PT-3160P PT-3160SV PT-3160SI PT-3160SA PT-3160V

White/Red 1.09 PT-3170P N/A N/A N/A N/A

Red/Red 1.14 PT-3180P PT-3180SV PT-3180SI PT-3180SA PT-3180V E
Red/Grey 1.22 PT-3190P N/A N/A N/A N/A C\J
Grey/Grey 1.30 PT-3200P PT-3200SV PT-3200SI PT-3200SA PT-3200V

Yellow/Yellow 1.42 PT-3210P PT-3210SV PT-3210SI PT-3210SA PT-3210V

Yellow/Blue 1.52 PT-3220P PT-3220SV PT-3220SI PT-3220SA PT-3220V

Blue/Blue 1.65 PT-3230P PT-3230SV PT-3230SI PT-3230SA PT-3230V LD
Blue/Green 1.75 PT-3240P N/A N/A N/A N/A
Green/Green 1.85 PT-3250P PT-3250SV PT-3250SI PT-3250SA PT-3250V

Purple/Purple 2.06 PT-3260P PT-3260SV PT-3260SI PT-3260SA PT-3260V

Purple/Black 2.29 PT-3270P PT-3270SV PT-3270SI PT-3270SA PT-3270V

Purple/Orange 2.54 PT-3280P PT-3280SV PT-3280SI PT-3280SA PT-3280V I"--

Purple/White 2.79 PT-3290P PT-3290SV PT-3290SI PT-3290SA PT-3290V

Black/White 3.18 PT-3300P N/A NIA N/A N/A

Flared End Pump Tubing

Description I.D. (mm) 2-Stop PVC 2-Stop Selva 3-Stop PVC 3-Stop Selva
12/pk 12/pk 12/pk 12/pk
Orange/Black 0.13 PT-2010PF PT-2010SVF PT-3010PF N/A
Orange/Red 0.19 PT-2020PF PT-2020SVF N/A N/A
Orange/Blue 0.25 PT-2030PF PT-2030SVF PT-3030PF PT-3030SVF

Red/Blue 0.31 PT-2050PF N/A N/A N/A

Orange/Green 0.38 PT-2080PF PT-2080SVF N/A PT-3080SVF

Green/Yellow 0.44 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Orange/Yellow 0.51 PT-2100PF PT-2100SVF N/A PT-3100SVF

White/Yellow 0.57 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Orange/White 0.64 PT-2120PF PT-2120SVF PT-3120PF PT-3120SVF

Black/Black 0.76 PT-2130PF PT-2130SVF PT-3130PF PT-3130SVF

Orange/Orange 0.89 PT-2140PF PT-2140SVF PT-3140PF PT-3140SVF

White/Black 0.95 N/A N/A N/A N/A

White/White 1.02 PT-2160PF PT-2160SVF PT-3160PF PT-3160SVF

White/Red 1.09 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Red/Red 1.14 PT-2180PF PT-2180SVF PT-3180PF PT-3180SVF
Flared end pump tubing from
Precision Glassblowing of
Red/Grey 1.22 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Colorado is a cost effective way Grey/Grey 1.30 PT-2200PF PT-2200SVF PT-3200PF PT-3200SVF
to simplify your capillary to
pump tubing connections, Yellow/Yellow 1.42 PT-2210PF PT-2210SVF PT-3210PF PT-3210SVF
especially when dealing with
small internal diameters. Yellow/Blue 1.52 PT-2220PF PT-2220SVF PT-3220PF PT-3220SVF
Available in PVC and Salva.
Blue/Blue 1.65 PT-2230PF PT-2230SVF PT-3230PF PT-3230SVF

Blue/Green 1.75 PT-2240PF N/A PT-3240PF N/A

Green/Green 1.85 PT-2250PF PT-2250SVF PT-3250PF PT-3250SVF

Purple/Purple 2.06 PT-2260PF PT-2260SVF PT-3260PF PT-3260SVF

Purple/Black 2.29 PT-2270PF PT-2270SVF PT-3270PF PT-3270SVF

Purple/Orange 2.54 PT-2280PF PT-2280SVF PT-3280PF PT-3280SVF

Purple/White 2.79 PT-2290PF PT-2290SVF 3PT- 290PF PT-3290SVF

Black/White 3.18 PT-2300P N/A N/A N/A

OEM Cross Reference

OEM P/N Precision P/N OEM P/N Precision P/N OEM P/N Precision P/N
A ilent (Hewlett Packard) 4500 & 7500 BAIRD cont PerkinElmer® cont
G1820-61138 500-77Q 75128 200-09 N058-0449 320-31
G1820-65015 900-30 75129 200-11 N058-0528 310-03
G1820-65026 900-24 75132 220-50 N058-0539 310-36
G1820-65028 900-05 75144 220-51 N058-1497 320-66
G1820-65030 500-77 75145 200-10 N058-2184 320-53
G1820-65033 500-93 75542 200-06 N058-2185 320-52
G1820-65035 900-08 77200 200-32 N058-2186 320-51
G1820-65215 PT-2160P 77611 200-30 N058-2235 310-24
G1820-65216 PT-2220SA 666011 200-08 N058-2248 310-35
G1820-65217 PT-2160SI 676458 210-10 N068-0375 PT-2180P
G1820-65220 PT-2020P 676459 210-11 N068-0376 PT-2180SV
G1820-65528 900-04 Finni an N068-1234 320-60
G1820-65336 900-11 1091250 850-12 N068-1574 500-80
G1820-65337 900-13 1122800 852-10 N068-1631 320-33
G1820-65339 900-14 1127121 850-19 N068-1690 310-03W
G1820-80237 900-38 N069-0568 310-04
G1833-65421 900-25 N069-0672 320-73
G1833-65422 900-09 20 925 160 160-64 N069-0769 310-38
G1833-65423 900-06 21356040 160-63 N069-0780 310-39
G1833-65424 900-07 21 356110 160-40 N069-1595 PT-2180SI
G1833-65425 900-03 21 356130 160-61 N069-1662 310-14
G1833-65426 900-39 31 021 589 160-58 N069-1664 310-15
G1833-65569 PT-3160P 31 021 730 160-55 N069-1678 320-68
G1833-65570 PT-3220SA 31023722 160-50 N069-1689 320-69
G1833-65571 PT-3020P 31023723 160-52 N069-5295 310-05
G1833-80301 500-94 31023724 160-53 N069-5362 320-50
G3270-67002 900-01 31026996 150-14 N069-5379 310-11
G3285-80050 900-02 31026997 160-65 N069-5400 310-37
.. 31030809
31 031 099
144857 110-48 31 031 279 150-15 N069-5448 320-43
144860 110-42 46 791 010 PT-2130SV N069-5449 320-44
1200079 120-42 46 791 012 PT-2180SV N069-5456 310-13
137000-0000 100-08 46 791 016 PT-2250P N069-5460 320-46
139008-0000 100-16 46 791 018 PT-2200P N069-5461 320-48
139009-0003 100-05 46 791 022 PT-2130P N077-0322 320-80
170631-0000 100-28 46 791 024 PT-2160P N077-0338 310-16
170692-0000 110-32 47 929 001 500-70P N077-0343 310-19
170693-0000 110-54 47 929 002 500-71 N077-0344 310-18
173127-0000 100-09 47 929 003 500-72 N077-0437 310-43
173131-0000 120-40 47 929 004 500-73P N077-0944 320-81
173142-0000 100-12 47 929 006 500-70 N077-1116 320-67
173142-0002 110-33 47 929 008 500-92 N077-1500 310-17
173142-0003 110-34 49 010 100 150-05 N077-1501 300-32
173142-0004 110-36 49 010 101 150-25 N077-1531 320-54
173251 -0000 100-27 LK1160497080 PT-2130SI N077-5014 320-74
173252-0000 110-35 PerkinElmer® N077-5177 310-42
173259-0000 510-50 0041-2047 300-12 N077-5223 320-76
173463-0000 110-30 0047-2020 500-77 N077-5224 320-75
1734 73-0000 110-31 0047-2022 500-70P N077-5225 320-78
914319-000P/M 500-77 0047-2033 300-25 N077-5226 320-77
915375-000P/M 500-80 0047-2048 300-05 N077-5227 310-40
915817-0000 510-10 0047-3052 300-21 N077-5228 310-41
S111403 110-38 0047-3187 320-62 N077-5289 310-25
S213787 110-45 0047-3292 320-34 N077-5297 310-20
S702171 110-41 0047-3550 PT-2130SV N077-6052 300-29
S702174 110-39 0047-3552 PT-2130SI N077-6053 300-30
S702232 110-40 0047-3560 300-23 N077-6090 300-31
0047-3561 320-64 N810-2001 400-05
BAIRD 0990-8587 PT-2130P N810-2006 400-07
25491 200-25 0999-2731 320-65 N810-2011 500-72
25492 200-12 8006-6549 320-67 N810-2012 500-70M
25515 200-05 8050-7486 1000-67 N812-0100 400-36
62607 200-36 8050-7487 1000-68 N812-0116 400-35
69972 200-07 N058-0233 310-07 N812-0150 300-19MS
69987 220-55 N058-0376 310-09 N812-2006 400-10
OEM Cross Reference

OEM P/N Precision P/N OEM P/N Precision P/N OEM P/N Precision P/N
PerkinElmer® (cont) Thermo Scientific® cont Thermo Scientific® cont
N812-2012 PT-2300P 3200841 450-16 140542-00 275-18
N812-2188 300-18DV 3201070 450-46 190400-54 250-05
N812-2252 PT-2290SA 3201104 450-40 190400-65 250-12
N812-5029 320-35 3201192 450-05 190400-75 250-25
N812-6039 320-51 3201732 450-06
N812-6040 320-52 3201759 450-44 Varian®
N812-6041 320-53 3202287 450-43 20-100695-00 500-80
W100-8384 400-10HE 3203025 450-27 20-100696-90 800-05
WE01-3829 400-14 3203095 450-12 20-100696-906 800-05B
WE02-3948 400-30 3203739 450-17 20-100707 -00 800-25
WE02-3951 400-37 3203789 450-29 20-100729-00 800-10
WE02-4371 500-770 3204313 450-22 20-100730-00 800-41
WE02-5221 400-20 3204703 450-28 20-100764-00 800-08
WE02-7005 400-32 3600169 450-30 20-100765-00 500-70
WE02-7030 400-31 3600170 450-13 20-10077 5-00 800-42
Spectra 3600374 450-220 20-100783-00 800-06
47101001 PT-2120P 003952-00 250-30 20-100793-00 800-11
47101003 PT-2140P 085207-00 275-25 20-100812-00 800-14
47101004 PT-2150P 085207-01 275-26 20-100816-00 500-85
47101005 PT-2240P 125124-01 275-08 20-100817-00 800-21
47101006 PT-2220P 125407-00 250-41 20-100834-00 800-15
47101014 PT-2230P 125407-01 250-40 20-100904-00 800-12
47201037 PT-2080P 125847-00 254-45 20-100964-00 500-650DAC
47501010 PT-2200P 126432-01 275-07 20-101007-00 800-34
48105002 750-18 126432-02 275-06 20-101008-00 800-31
48105003 750-12 126432-03 275-10 20-101009-00 800-32
48105006 750-14 126432-04 275-09 20-101010-00 800-33
48105008 750-21 126440-01 275-07W/O 20-101021-00 500- 70M0DAC
48105009 750-23 126440-01 275-08W/O 24-100675-00 800-45
48105010 750-22 126440-02 275-06W/O 37-100272-00 PT-2130P
48105051 750-13 126440-03 275-10W/O 37 -100273-00 PT-2270P
48105052 750-40 126440-05 275-1 ODVW/0 37 -100344-00 PT-2160P
48105058 750-46 126440-06 275-09W/O 37 -100345-00 PT-2200P
48105061 510-27 126989-00 500-92 37 -100346-00 PT-2230P
48105062 750-17 127179-01 275-07HF 37 -100348-00 PT-2130SV
48205001 750-07 127947-00 250-16 37 -100350-00 PT-2160SV
48205036 510-20S 130089-00 250-19 37 -100352-00 PT-2200SV
48206002 750-06 130177-00 PT-3140P 37 -100435-00 PT-2100V
48206007 750-42 130177-01 PT-3180P 37 -100436-00 PT-2130V
75060502 500-92S 130177-02 PT-3140SI 37 -100437 -00 PT-2160V
75060522 520-30S 130177-03 PT-3180SI 37 -100438-00 PT-2200V
75060596 750-05F 130177-04 PT-3140V 37 -100439-00 PT-2230V
75160526 750-40F 130177-05 PT-3180V 37 -100440-00 PT-2100SA
75160537 750-48F 130177-06 PT-3080P 37-100441-00 PT-2130SA
75160549 750-47F 131731-00 PT-3230SV 37 -100442-00 PT-2160SA
75160592 750-41F 131731-01 PT-3260SV 37 -100443-00 PT-2200SA
75260533 750-49F 131731-02 PT-3140SV 37 -100444-00 PT-2230SA
76060510 500-70 133202-50 520-36 37 -100469-00 PT-2120P
76060529 510-20SF 134365-00 500-80 79-100467 -00 800-21 B
48105052A 750-41 134620-00 275-15 99-100568-00 800-50
Thermo Scientific® 136105-00 275-19 99-100573-00 800-48
78530 PT-3120SV 136120-00 275-16 99-10057 4-00 800-55
78532 PT-3180SV 136436-01 260-83 99-100704-00 800-17
80963 510-10 136436-02 260-81 99-100717-00 800-51
1040894 500-70 136502-01 250-42 99-10084 7 -00 800-49
1041167 450-51 136502-02 250-43
1200079 450-11 136708-00 ISMK-101
1200080 450-08 137688-00 250-24
1200274 450-26 138563-00 250-23
1201261 450-18 138563-00 250-26
1202081 450-19 138566-03 275-10HF
3007383 450-36 139123-00 275-53 800-49
3200004 450-49 139219-00 275-21
Demountable Torch, Complete Kit for Axial
3200176 450-45 139662-00 275-13
(800-15, -45, -48), for Varian 700-ES Series,
3200727 450-32 139663-00 275-14
Liberty, and Vista
Why Accredited Standards Matter

How can we assureaccuracy,precisionand STANDARDSOLUTION
most importantlytraceabilityis realised? ' 1~ P~11
Ag1000mg/l in diluted HN03fo

1' ~ M:::107.8682 g/mol %

StartingReagent: AgN0399.
Matrix:2 % HN0 3
. I House
Crucrbe dleigh
measurement ccredited ~~~:tst/

So what are we actuallysellingwhen we presentGuide34

ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards Premium Grade 1,000 µg/ml
nalyte Matrix Vio Iume Part Reference nalyte Ma1nx
. ,Volume Part
125 ml ASAL1-1 125 ml ASICl1-1
Aluminum.Al Iodide, 1- H,0
500 ml ASAL1-5 500 ml ASICl1-5
125 ml ASALCL1-1 125ml ASIR1-1
Aluminum, Al HCI Iridium, lr HCI
500 ml ASALCL1-5 500 ml ASIR1-5
500 ml ASFE1-5
Antimony, Sb HNOa/ TartaricAcid 125 ml ASSB1-1 Iron, Fe HN0 3
500 ml ASSB1-5 125 ml ASFE1-1
125 ml ASSBF1-1 125 ml ASLA1-1
Antimony, Sb HN0 3 /HF Lanthanum, La HN0 3
500 ml ASSBF1-5 500 ml ASLA1-5
125 ml ASAS1-1 125 ml ASPB1-1
Arsenic, As Lead, Pb HN0 3
500 ml ASAS1-5 500 ml ASPB1-5
125 ml ASBA1 1 125 ml AS6Ll1-1
Barium, Ba 6Lithium, 6Li HN0 3
500 ml ASBA1-5 500 ml AS6Ll1-5
125 ml ASBE1-1 125 ml ASLl1-1
Beryllium, Be Lithium, Li HN0 3
500 ml ASBE1-5 500 ml ASLl1-5
125 ml ASBl1-1 125 ml ASLU1-1
Bismuth, Bi Lutetium, Lu HN0 3
500 ml ASBl1-5 500 ml ASLU1-5
500 ml ASB1-5 125 ml ASMG1-1
Boron,B Magnesium, Mg HN0 3
125 ml ASB1-1 500 ml ASMG1-5
500 ml ASICBR1-1 125 ml ASMN1-1
Bromide, Br H,0 Manganese, Ma HN0 3
125 ml ASICBR1-5 500 ml ASMN1-5
125 ml ASCD1-1 125 ml ASHG1-1
Cadmium, Cd Mercury, Hg HN0 3
500 ml ASCD1-5 500 ml ASHG1-5
125 ml ASCA1-1 125 ml ASM01-1
Calcium, Ca Molybdenum, Mo NH4 0H
500 ml ASCA1-5 500 ml ASM01-5
125 ml ASCH 125 ml ASND1-1
Carbon, C Neodymium, Nd HN0 3
500 ml ASC1-5 500 ml ASND1-5
125 ml ASCE1-1 125 ml ASNl1-1
Cerium, Ce Nickel, Ni HN0 3
500 ml ASCE1-5 500 ml ASNl1-5
125 ml ASCS1-1 125ml ASNB1-1
Cesium, Cs Niobium, Nb HN0 3 /HF
500 ml ASCS1-5 500 ml ASNB1-5
125 ml ASICCL1-1 125ml ASOS1-1
Chloride, Cl- H,0 Osmium, Os HCI
500 ml ASICCL1-5 500 ml ASOS1-5
125 ml ASCR(3)1-1 125 ml ASPD1-1
Chromium+3, Cr+3 Palladium, Pd HCI
500 ml ASCR(3)1-5 500 ml ASPD1-5
125 ml ASCR(6)1 1 125 ml ASPDN1-1
Chromium+6, Cr+6 Palladium, Pd HN0 3
500 ml ASCR(6)1-5 500 ml ASPDN1-5
125 ml ASC01-1 125 ml ASP1-1
Cobalt, Co Phosphorus, p H,0
500 ml ASC01-5 500 ml ASP1-5
125ml ASCU1-1 125 ml ASPTN031-1
Copper, Cu Platinum, Pt {Cl free)
500 ml ASCU1-5 500 ml ASPTN031-5
125 ml ASDY1 1 125 ml ASPT1-1
Dysprosium, Dy Platinum, Pt HCI
500 ml ASDY1-5 500 ml ASPT1-5
125 ml ASER1-1 125 ml ASPTN1-1
Erbium, Er Platinum, Pt
500 ml ASER1-5 500 ml ASPTN1-5
125 ml ASEU1-1 125 ml ASK1-1
Europium, Eu Potassium, K
500 ml ASEU1-5 500 ml ASK1-5
125 ml ASGD1-1 125 ml ASPR1-1
Gadolinium, Gd Praseodymium, Pr
500 ml ASGD1-5 500 ml ASPR1-5
125 ml ASGA1-1 125 ml ASRE1-1
Gallium, Ga Rhenium, Re
500 ml ASGA1-5 500 ml ASRE1-5
125 ml ASGE1-1 500 ml ASRHN1-5
Germanium, Ge HN0 3 /HF Rhodium, Rh
500 ml ASGE1-5 125 ml ASRHN1-1
125 ml ASAU1-1 125 ml ASRH1-1
Gold, Au HCI Rhodium, Rh HCI
125 ml ASAU1-5 500 ml ASRH1-5
500 ml ASAUN1-1 125 ml ASRB1-1
Gold, Au Rubidium, Rb
500 ml ASAUN1-5 500 ml ASRB1-5
125 ml ASHF1-1 125 ml ASRU1-1
Hafnium, Hf HN0 3 /HF Ruthenium, Ru HCI
500 ml ASHF1-5 500 ml ASRU1-5
125 ml ASH01-1 125ml ASSM1-1
Holmium, Ho Samarium, Sm
500 ml ASH01-5 500 ml ASSM1-5
125 ml ASIN1-1 125ml ASSC1-1
Indium, In Scandium, Sc
500 ml ASIN1-5 500 ml ASSC1-5

46 Contact.. Tel: 01702 555577 • Fax: 01702 551772

ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards Premium Grade 1,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference
125 ml ASSE(4)1-1 125ml ASTl1-1
Selenium+4, Se+4 HN0 3 Thallium, TI HN0 3
500ml ASSE(4)1-5 500ml ASTl1-5
125 ml ASSI01-1 125ml ASTH1-1
Silica HNO/HF Thorium, Th HN0 3
500ml ASSI01-5 500ml ASTH1-5
125 ml ASSIONA1-1 125ml ASTM1-1
Silica NaOH Thulium, Tm HN0 3
500ml ASSIONA1-5 500ml ASTM1-5
125 ml ASSl1-1 125ml ASSN1-1
Silicon, Si HNO/HF Tin, Sn HNO/HF
500ml ASSl1-5 500ml ASSN1-5
125 ml ASSINA1-1 125ml ASSNCl1-1
Silicon, Si NaOH Tin, Sn HCI
500ml ASSINA1-5 500ml ASSNCl1-5
125 ml ASAG1-1 125ml ASTl1-1
Silver,Ag HN0 3 Titanium, Ti HNO/HF
500ml ASAG1-5 500ml ASTl1-5
125 ml ASNA1-1 125ml ASW1-1
Sodium, Na HN0 3 Tungsten, W HNO/HF
500ml ASNA1-5 500ml ASW1-5
125 ml ASSR1-1 125ml ASWH201-1
Strontium, Sr HN0 3 Tungsten, W Hp
500ml ASSR1-5 500ml ASWH201-5
125 ml ASMSA1-1 125ml ASU1-1
Sulfur, S (as MSA) Hp Uranium, U HN0 3
500ml ASMSA1-5 500ml ASU1-5
125 ml ASS1-1 125ml ASV1-1
Sulfur, S H20 Vanadium, V HN0 3
500ml ASS1-5 500ml ASV1-5
125 ml ASTA1-1 125ml ASYB1-1
Tantalum, Ta HNO/HF Ytterbium, Yb HN0 3
500ml ASTA1-5 500ml ASYB1-5
125 ml ASTE1-1 125ml ASY1-1
Tellurium,Te HCI Yttrium, Y HN0 3
500ml ASTE1-5 500ml ASY1-5
125 ml ASTEN1-1 125ml ASZN1-1
Tellurium,Te HN0 3 Zinc, Zn HN0 3
500ml ASTEN1-5 500ml ASZN1-5
125 ml ASTB1-1 125ml ASZR1-1
Terbium, Tb HN0 3 Zirconium, Zr HNO/HF
500ml ASTB1-5 500ml ASZR1-5

What is ISO 17034:2016?

""f'hisstandard will be the successor of ISO Guide 34:2009 which is aligned with the relevant requirements
I of ISO/IEC 17025.
ISO 17025 Guide 34 Standards are Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) that have a claim of traceability
to a national or international standard supported by evidence of stability and homogeneity which gives
the analyst confidence that the analytical data derived from their use may be verified and validated. ISO
17034:2016 is currently in its final draft (FDIS) and when implemented by accredited bodies in 2017, will
cancel and replace ISO/IEC Guide 34:2009 developed by REMCO
The adoption of reference materials with ISO 17034 compliance will further assure your laboratory is able
to demonstrate traceability between obtained results of the standard references and that of the sample,
allowing your laboratory to achieve your analytical targets, saving time and money and more importantly
giving confidence in your analytical data.
The new standard has been developed to:
• Include requirements for production of all types of reference materials and additional specified
requirements for certified reference materials
• Convert ISO/IEC Guide 34 into an International Standard
• Harmonise with the revisions of Guides 31 and 35
• Include more details on required reference material documentation
• Add a range of policy, risk and opportunity changes
Accredited Standards products are fully supported by ISO 17025 Guide 34. Once the new standard has
been internationally recognised the manufacturing and quality process will be realigned to satisfy the
demands of ISO 17034.

Information: www.esslab.com • email: [email protected] 47

ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards Premium Grade 10,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Vio Iume Part Reference alyte Ma1nx
· Volume Part R
125 ml ASAL10-1 125 ml ASMG10-1
Aluminum.Al Magnesium, Mg
500 ml ASAL10-5 500 ml ASMG10-5
HNO/ Tartaric Acid 125 ml ASSB10-1 125 ml ASMN10-1
Antimony, Sb Manganese, Ma
500 ml ASSB10-5 500 ml ASMN10-5
125 ml ASAS10-1 125 ml ASHG10-1
Arsenic, As Mercury, Hg
500 ml ASAS10-5 500 ml ASHG10-5
125 ml ASBA10-1 125 ml ASM010-1
Barium, Ba Molybdenum, Mo NH40H
500 ml ASBA10-5 500 ml ASM010-5
125 ml ASBE10-1 125 ml ASND10-1
Beryllium, Be Neodymium, Nd
500 ml ASBE10-5 500 ml ASND10-5
125 ml ASBl10-1 125 ml ASNl10-1
Bismuth, Bi Nickel, Ni
500 ml ASBl10-5 500 ml ASNl10-5
500 ml ASB10-5 125 ml ASNB10-1
Boron,B Niobium, Nb HN0 3 /HF
125 ml ASB10-1 500 ml ASNB10-5
125 ml ASCD10-1 125 ml ASPD10-1
Cadmium, Cd Palladium, Pd HCI
500 ml ASCD10-5 500 ml ASPD10-5
125 ml ASCA10-1 125 ml ASP10-1
Calcium, Ca Phosphorus, p
500 ml ASCA10-5 500 ml ASP10-5
125 ml ASC10-1 125 ml ASPT10-1
Carbon, C Platinum, Pt HCI
500 ml ASC10-5 500 ml ASPT10-5
125 ml ASCE10-1 125 ml ASK10-1
Cerium, Ce Potassium, K
500 ml ASCE10-5 500 ml ASK10-5
125 ml ASCS10-1 125 ml ASPR10-1
Cesium, Cs Praseodymium, Pr
500 ml ASCS10-5 500 ml ASPR10-5
125 ml ASCR/3110-1 125 ml ASRE10-1
Chromium+3, Cr+3 Rhenium, Re
500ml ASCR/3110-5 500 ml ASRE10-5
125 ml ASC010-1 125 ml ASRH10-1
Cobalt, Co Rhodium, Rh HCI
500 ml ASC010-5 500 ml ASRH10-5
125 ml ASCU10-1 125 ml ASRB10-1
Copper, Cu Rubidium, Rb
500 ml ASCU10-5 500 ml ASRB10-5
125 ml ASDY10-1 125 ml ASRU10-1
Dysprosium, Dy Ruthenium, Ru HCI
500 ml ASDY10-5 500 ml ASRU10-5
125 ml ASER10-1 125 ml ASSM10-1
Erbium, Er Samarium, Sm
500 ml ASER10-5 500 ml ASSM10-5
125 ml ASEU10-1 125 ml ASSC10-1
Europium, Eu Scandium, Sc
500 ml ASEU10-5 500 ml ASSC10-5
125 ml ASGD10-1 125 ml ASSE10-1
Gadolinium, Gd Selenium, Se
500 ml ASGD10-5 500 ml ASSE10-5
125 ml ASGA10-1 125 ml ASSl10-1
Gallium, Ga Silicon HNO/HF
500 ml ASGA10-5 500 ml ASSl10-5
125 ml ASGE10-1 125 ml ASAG10-1
Germanium, Ge HNO/HF Silver,Ag
500 ml ASGE10-5 500 ml ASAG10-5
125 ml ASAU10-1 125 ml ASNA10-1
Gold, Au HCI Sodium, Na
125 ml ASAU10-5 500 ml ASNA10-5
125 ml ASHF10-1 125 ml ASSR10-1
Hafnium, Hf HNO/HF Strontium, Sr
500 ml ASHF10-5 500 ml ASSR10-5
125 ml ASH010-1 125 ml ASMSA10-1
Holmium, Ho Sulfur,S (as MSA)
500 ml ASH010-5 500 ml ASMSA10-5
125 ml ASIN10-1 125ml ASS10-1
Indium, In Sulfur,S
500ml ASIN10-5 500 ml ASS10-5
125 ml ASIR10-1 125 ml ASTA10-1
Iridium, lr HCI Tantalum,Ta HNO/HF
500 ml ASIR10-5 500 ml ASTA10-5
500 ml ASFE10-5 125 ml ASTE10-1
Iron, Fe Tellurium,Te HCI
125 ml ASFE10-1 500 ml ASTE10-5
125 ml ASLA10-1 125 ml ASTB10-1
Lanthanum, La Terbium, Tb HN0 3
500ml ASLA10-5 500 ml ASTB10-5
125ml ASPB10-1 125 ml ASTL10-1
Lead, Pb Thallium, TI HN0 3
500ml ASPB10-5 500 ml ASTL10-5
125ml ASLl10-1 125 ml ASTH10-1
Lithium, Li Thorium, Th HN0 3
500ml ASLl10-5 500 ml ASTH10-5
125ml ASLU10-1 125 ml ASTM10-1
Lutetium, Lu Thulium,Tm HN0 3
500 ml ASLU10-5 500 ml ASTM10-5

48 Contact: Tel: 01702 555577 • Fax: 01702 551772

ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards Premium Grade 10,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyt~ I Matrix liYol~me · Ii.fart Reference
125 ml ASSN10-1 125 ml ASYB10-1
Tin, Sn HN0 3 /HF Ytterbium, Yb HN0 3
500ml ASSN10-5 500ml ASYB10-5
125 ml ASTl10-1 125 ml ASY10-1
Titanium, Ti HN0 3 /HF Yttrium, Y HN0 3
500ml ASTl10-5 500ml ASY10-5
125 ml ASW10-1 125 ml ASZN10-1
Tungsten, W HN0 3 /HF Zinc, Zn HN0 3
500ml ASW10-5 500ml ASZN10-5
125 ml ASU10-1 125 ml ASZR10-1
Uranium, U HN0 3 Zirconium, Zr HN0 3 /HF
500ml ASU10-5 500ml ASZR10-5
125 ml ASV10-1
Vanadium, V HN0 3
500ml ASV10-5

What is consideredas accepteduse of my standard?

Information: www.esslab.com • email: [email protected] 49


ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards StandardGrade 1,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference
30ml AS1KAL03-2 30ml AS1KCS03-3
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KAL10-2 100ml AS1KCS10-3
Aluminium, Al Cesium, Cs inHp
HCI 250ml AS1KAL25-2 250ml AS1KCS25-3
500ml AS1KAL50-2 500ml AS1KCS50-3
30ml AS1KAL03-1 30ml AS1KCR03-2
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KAL10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCR10-2
Aluminium, Al Chromium, Cr
HN0 3 250ml AS1KAL25-1 HCI 250ml AS1KCR25-2
500ml AS1KAL50-1 500ml AS1KCR50-2
30ml AS1 KSB03-2C 30ml AS1KCR03-1
in 10-20% 100ml AS1KSB10-2C in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCR10-1
Antimony, Sb Chromium, Cr
HCI 250ml AS1 KSB25-2C HN0 3 250ml AS1KCR25-1
500ml AS1 KSB50-2C 500ml AS1KCR50-1
30ml AS1KSB03-1A 30ml AS1KC003-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSB10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1KC010-1
Antimony, Sb Cobalt, Co
HNO/HF 250ml AS1KSB25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS1KC025-1
500ml AS1KSB50-1A 500ml AS1KC050-1
30ml AS1KAS03-1 30ml AS1KCU03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KAS10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCU10-1
Arsenic, As Copper, Cu
HN0 3 250ml AS1KAS25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KCU25-1
500ml AS1KAS50-1 500ml AS1KCU50-1
30ml AS1KBA03-2 30ml AS1KDY03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KBA10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KDY10-1
Barium, Ba Dysprosium, Dy
HCI 250ml AS1KBA25-2 HN0 3 250ml AS1KDY25-1
500ml AS1KBA50-2 500ml AS1KDY50-1
30ml AS1KBA03-1 30ml AS1KER03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KBA10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KER10-1
Barium, Ba Erbium, Er
HN0 3 250ml AS1KBA25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KER25-1
500ml AS1KBA50-1 500ml AS1KER50-1
30ml AS1KBE03-2 30ml AS1KEU03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KBE10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KEU10-1
Beryllium, Be Europium, Eu
HCI 250ml AS1KBE25-2 HN0 3 250ml AS1KEU25-1
500ml AS1KBE50-2 500ml AS1KEU50-1
30ml AS1KBE03-1A 30ml AS1KGD03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KBE10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1KGD10-1
Beryllium, Be Gadolinium, Gd
HNO/HF 250ml AS1KBE25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS1KGD25-1
500ml AS1KBE50-1A 500ml AS1KGD50-1
30ml AS1KBI03-1 30ml AS1KGA03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KBl10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KGA10-1
Bismuth, Bi Gallium, Ga
HN0 3 250ml AS1KBl25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KGA25-1
500ml AS1KBl50-1 500ml AS1KGA50-1
30ml AS1KB03-3 30ml AS1 KGE03-1 A
100ml AS1KB10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS1 KGE10-1 A
Boron, B in H,0 Germanium, Ge
250ml AS1KB25-3 HNO/HF 250ml AS1 KGE25-1 A
500ml AS1KB50-3 500ml AS1KGE50-1A
30ml AS1KCD03-1 30ml AS1KAU03-2
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCD10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KAU10-2
Cadmium, Cd Gold, Au
HN0 3 250ml AS1KCD25-1 HCI 250ml AS1KAU25-2
500ml AS1KCD50-1 500ml AS1KAU50-2
30ml AS1KCA03-2 30ml AS1 KHF03-2A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCA10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KHF10-2A
Calcium, Ca Hafnium,Hf
HCI 250ml AS1KCA25-2 HCI/HF 250ml AS1 KHF25-2A
500ml AS1KCA50-2 500ml AS1 KHF50-2A
30ml AS1KCA03-1 30ml AS1KHF03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1 KCA10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KHF10-1A
Calcium, Ca Hafnium,Hf
HN0 3 250ml AS1KCA25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1KHF25-1A
500ml AS1KCA50-1 500ml AS1KHF50-1A
30ml AS1KCE03-1 30ml AS1KH003-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCE10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KH010-1
Cerium, Ce Holmium.Ho
HN0 3 250ml AS1KCE25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KH025-1
500ml AS1KCE50-1 500ml AS1KH050-1
30ml AS1KCS03-1 30ml AS1KIN03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KCS10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KIN10-1
Cesium, Cs Indium, In
HN0 3 250ml AS1KCS25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KIN25-1
500ml AS1KCS50-1 500ml AS1KIN50-1
----------------------- -----------------------

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ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards StandardGrade 1,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference
30ml AS1KSM03-1 30ml AS1 KSN03-2C
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSM10-1 in 10-20% 100ml AS1KSN10-2C
Samarium, Sm Tin, Sn
HN0 3 250ml AS1KSM25-1 HCI 250ml AS1 KSN25-2C
500ml AS1KSM50-1 500ml AS1 KSN50-2C
30ml AS1KSC03-1 30ml AS1KSN03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSC10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSN10-1A
Scandium, Sc Tin, Sn
HN0 3 250ml AS1KSC25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1 KSN25-1 A
500ml AS1KSC50-1 500ml AS1 KSN50-1A
30ml AS1KSE03-1 30ml AS1KTI03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSE10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTl10-1A
Selenium, Se Titanium, Ti
HN0 3 250ml AS1KSE25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1KTl25-1A
500ml AS1KSE50-1 500ml AS1KTl50-1A
30ml AS1KSI03-3 30ml AS1 KTI03-2A
100ml AS1KSl10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTl10-2A
Silicon, Si in H,0 Titanium, Ti
250ml AS1KSl25-3 HCI/HF 250ml AS1 KTl25-2A
500ml AS1KSl50-3 500ml AS1 KTl50-2A
30ml AS1KNA03-1 30ml AS1KTM03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KNA10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTM10-1
Sodium,Na Thulium, Tm
HN0 3 250ml AS1KNA25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KTM25-1
500ml AS1KNA50-1 500ml AS1KTM50-1
30ml AS1KNA03-3 30ml AS1KW03-5
100ml AS1KNA10-3 in 2-5 % 100ml AS1KW10-5
Sodium,Na in H,0 Tungsten, W
250ml AS1KNA25-3 NHpH 250ml AS1KW25-5
500ml AS1KNA50-3 500ml AS1KW50-5
30ml AS1KAG03-1 30ml AS1KW03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KAG10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KW10-1A
Silver, Ag Tungsten, W
HN0 3 250ml AS1KAG25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1KW25-1A
500ml AS1KAG50-1 500ml AS1KW50-1A
30ml AS1KSR03-2 30ml AS1KU03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSR10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KU10-1
Strontium, Sr Uranium, U
HCI 250ml AS1KSR25-2 HN0 3 250ml AS1KU25-1
500ml AS1KSR50-2 500ml AS1KU50-1
30ml AS1KSR03-1 30ml AS1KV03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KSR10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KV10-1
Strontium, Sr Vanadium, V
HN0 3 250ml AS1KSR25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KV25-1
500ml AS1KSR50-1 500ml AS1KV50-1
30ml AS1KS03-3 30ml AS1KV03-4
100ml AS1KS10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KV10-4
Sulphur, S Vanadium, V
in H,0
250ml AS1KS25-3 H2 so. 250ml AS1KV25-4
500ml AS1KS50-3 500ml AS1KV50-4
30ml AS1KTA03-1A 30ml AS1KYB03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTA10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1KYB10-1
Tantalum, Ta Ytterbium, Yb
HNO/HF 250ml AS1 KTA25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS1KYB25-1
500ml AS1KTA50-1A 500ml AS1KYB50-1
30ml AS1 KTE03-2C 30ml AS1KY03-1
in 10-20% 100ml AS1KTE10-2C in 2-5% 100ml AS1KY10-1
Tellurium, Te Yttrium, Y
HCI 250ml AS1 KTE25-2C HN0 3 250ml AS1KY25-1
500ml AS1 KTE50-2C 500ml AS1KY50-1
30ml AS1KTE03-1C 30ml AS1KZN03-2
in 10-20% 100ml AS1 KTE10-1 C in 2-5% 100ml AS1KZN10-2
Tellurium, Te Zinc, Zn
HN0 3 250ml AS1 KTE25-1 C HCI 250ml AS1KZN25-2
500ml AS1KTE50-1C 500ml AS1KZN50-2
30ml AS1KTB03-1 30ml AS1KZN03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTB10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KZN10-1
Terbium, Tb Zinc, Zn
HN0 3 250ml AS1KTB25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1KZN25-1
500ml AS1KTB50-1 500ml AS1KZN50-1
30ml AS1KTL03-1 30ml AS1 KZR03-1 A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTL10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KZR10-1A
Thallium, TI Zirconium, Zr
HN0 3 250ml AS1KTL25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1KZR25-1A
500ml AS1KTL50-1 500ml AS1 KZR50-1 A
30ml AS1KTH03-1 30ml AS1 KZR03-2A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1KTH10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS1KZR10-2A
Thorium, Th Zirconium, Zr
HN0 3 250ml AS1KTH25-1 HCI/HF 250ml AS1 KZR25-2A
500ml AS1KTH50-1 500ml AS1 KZR50-2A
-------- ---- ------ ------

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ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards StandardGrade 10,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference
30ml AS10KAL03-2 30ml AS 1OKCR03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS 1OKAL10-2 Chromium, Cr in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKCR10-1
Aluminium, Al
HCI 250ml AS10KAL25-2 HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKCR25-1
500ml AS10KAL50-2 500ml AS10KCR50-1
30ml AS1OKAL03-1 30ml AS10KC003-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS 1OKAL10-1 Cobalt, Co in 2-5% 100ml AS10KC010-1
Aluminium, Al
HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKAL25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS10KC025-1
500ml AS 1OKAL50-1 500ml AS10KC050-1
30ml AS1OKSB03-1A 30ml AS 1OKCU03-1
Antimony, Sb in 2-5% 100ml AS10KSB10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKCU10-1
Copper, Cu
HNO/HF 250ml AS1OKSB25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS10KCU25-1
500ml AS1OKSB50-1A 500ml AS 1OKCU50-1
30ml AS10KSB03-2C 30ml AS10KDY03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KSB10-2C in 2-5% 100ml AS10KDY10-1
Antimony, Sb Dysprosium, Dy
HCI 250ml AS10KSB25-2C HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKDY25-1
500ml AS10KSB50-2C 500ml AS 1OKDY50-1
30ml AS10KAS03-1 30ml AS10KER03-1
Arsenic, As in 2-5% 100ml AS10KAS10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KER10-1
HN0 3 Erbium, Er
250ml AS 1OKAS25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKER25-1
500ml AS 1OKAS50-1 500ml AS 1OKER50-1
30ml AS10KBA03-2 30ml AS10KEU03-1
Barium, Ba in 2-5% 100ml AS10KBA10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKEU10-1
Europium, Eu
HCI 250ml AS10KBA25-2 HN0 3 250ml AS10KEU25-1
500ml AS10KBA50-2 500ml AS 1OKEU50-1
30ml AS 1OKBA03-1 30ml AS10KGD03-1
Barium, Ba in 2-5% 100ml AS10KBA10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KGD10-1
Gadolinium, Gd
HN0 3 250ml AS10KBA25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS10KGD25-1
500ml AS 1OKBA50-1 500ml AS10KGD50-1
30ml AS10KBE03-1A 30ml AS 1OKGA03-1
Beryllium, Be in 2-5% 100ml AS10KBE10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS10KGA10-1
Gallium, Ga
HNO/HF 250ml AS10KBE25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKGA25-1
500ml AS10KBE50-1A 500ml AS10KGA50-1
30ml AS 1OKBI03-1 30ml AS10KGE03-1A
Bismuth, Bi in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKBl10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KGE10-1A
Germanium, Ge
HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKBl25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS10KGE25-1A
500ml AS10KBl50-1 500ml AS10KGE50-1A
30ml AS10KB03-3 30ml AS10KAU03-2
Boron, B 100ml AS10KB10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KAU10-2
inHp Gold, Au
250ml AS10KB25-3 HCI 250ml AS10KAU25-2
500ml AS10KB50-3 500ml AS10KAU50-2
30ml AS10KCD03-1 30ml AS10KHF03-1A
Cadmium, Cd in 2-5% 100ml AS10KCD10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KHF10-1A
Hafnium, Hf
HN0 3 250ml AS10KCD25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS10KHF25-1A
500ml AS10KCD50-1 500ml AS10KHF50-1A
30ml AS 1OKCA03-1 30ml AS10KH003-1
Calcium, Ca in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKCA10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KH010-1
Holmium, Ho
HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKCA25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKH025-1
500ml AS 1OKCA50-1 500ml AS10KH050-1
30ml AS 1OKCE03-1 30ml AS10KIN03-1
Cerium, Ce in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKCE10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KIN10-1
Indium, In
HN0 3 250ml AS10KCE25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS10KIN25-1
500ml AS10KCE50-1 500ml AS10KIN50-1
30ml AS 1OKCS03-1 30ml AS10KIR03-2B
in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKCS10-1 in 5-10% 100ml AS10KIR10-2B
Cesium, Cs Iridium, lr HCI
HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKCS25-1 250ml AS10KIR25-2B
500ml AS10KCS50-1 500ml AS10KIR50-2B
30ml AS 1OKCS03-3 30ml AS 1OKFE03-1
100ml AS 1OKCS10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKFE10-1
Cesium, Cs inHp Iron, Fe
250ml AS10KCS25-3 HN0 3 250ml AS 1OKFE25-1
500ml AS 1OKCS50-3 500ml AS 1OKFE50-1
30ml AS10KCR03-2 30ml AS10KFE03-2
Chromium, Cr in 2-5% 100ml AS10KCR10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS 1OKFE10-2
Iron, Fe
HCI 250ml AS10KCR25-2 HCI 250ml AS10KFE25-2
500ml AS10KCR50-2 500ml AS10KFE50-2

54 Contact: Tel: 01702 555577 • Fax: 01702 551772


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ccredited ICP & ICP-MS Standards
Standards Standard Grade 10,000 µg/ml
Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference Analyte Matrix Volume Part Reference
30ml AS 1OKAG03-1 30ml AS1 OKTM03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KAG10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTM10-1
Silver, Ag Thulium, Tm
HN0 3 250ml AS10KAG25-1 HN0 3 250ml AS1 OKTM25-1
500ml AS 1OKAG50-1 500ml AS1 OKTM50-1
30ml AS10KSR03-2 30ml AS10KW03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KSR10-2 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KW10-1A
Strontium, Sr Tungsten, W
HCI 250ml AS10KSR25-2 HNO/HF 250ml AS10KW25-1A
500ml AS10KSR50-2 500ml AS10KW50-1A
30ml AS10KSR03-1 30ml AS1 OKW03-5C
Strontium, Sr in 2-5% 100ml AS 1OKSR10-1 in 5-10% 100ml AS1OKW10-5C
Tungsten, W
HN0 3 250ml AS10KSR25-1 NH.OH 250ml AS1 OKW25-5C
500ml AS10KSR50-1 500ml AS1 OKW50-5C
30ml AS10KS03-3 30ml AS10KU03-1
Sulfur, S inH,O 100ml AS10KS10-3 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KU10-1
Uranium, U
250ml AS10KS25-3 HN0 3 250ml AS10KU25-1
500ml AS10KS50-3 500ml AS10KU50-1
30ml AS10KTA03-1A 30ml AS10KV03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTA10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS10KV10-1
Tantalum, Ta Vanadium, V
HNO/HF 250ml AS10KTA25-1A HN0 3 250ml AS10KV25-1
500ml AS10KTA50-1A 500ml AS10KV50-1
30ml AS 1OKTB03-1 30ml AS10KV03-4
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTB10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KV10-4
Terbium, Tb Vanadium, V H2S0 4
HN0 3 250ml AS10KTB25-1 250ml AS10KV25-4
500ml AS 1OKTB50-1 500ml AS10KV50-4
30ml AS 1OKTE03-1C 30ml AS10KY03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTE10-1C in 2-5% 100ml AS10KY10-1
Tellurium, Te Yttrium, Y
HN0 3 250ml AS1 OKTE25-1C HN0 3 250ml AS10KY25-1
500ml AS 1OKTE50-1C 500ml AS10KY50-1
30ml AS10KSN03-2C 30ml AS1 OKYB03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KSN10-2C in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKYB10-1
Tin, Sn Ytterbium, Yb
HCI 250ml AS10KSN25-2C HN0 3 250ml AS1 OKYB25-1
500ml AS10KSN50-2C 500ml AS1 OKYB50-1
30ml AS10KSN03-1A 30ml AS1 OKZN03-2
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KSN10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKZN10-2
Tin, Sn Zinc, Zn
HNO/HF 250ml AS10KSN25-1A HCI 250ml AS1 OKZN25-2
500ml AS10KSN50-1A 500ml AS1 OKZN50-2
30ml AS10KTI03-2A 30ml AS1 OKZN03-1
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTl10-2A in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKZN10-1
Titanium, Ti Zinc, Zn
HCVHF 250ml AS10KTl25-2A HN0 3 250ml AS1 OKZN25-1
500ml AS 1OKTl50-2A 500ml AS1 OKZN50-1
30ml AS10KTI03-1A 30ml AS1 OKZR03-2A
in 2-5% 100ml AS10KTl10-1A in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKZR10-2A
Titanium, Ti Zirconium, Zr
HNO/HF 250ml AS10KTl25-1A HCI/HF 250ml AS1 OKZR25-2A
500ml AS 1OKTl50-1A 500ml AS1 OKZR50-2A
30ml AS 1OKTL03-1 30ml AS10KZR03-1A
in 2-5% 100ml AS1OKTL10-1 in 2-5% 100ml AS10KZR10-1A
Thallium, TI Zirconium, Zr
HN0 3 250ml AS1 OKTL25-1 HNO/HF 250ml AS1 OKZR25-1A
500ml AS 1OKTL50-1 500ml AS10KZR50-1A

( 100031asat1sfact1on
guaranteewith all standardssupplied

·~ .

56 Contact: Tel: 01702 555577 • Fax: 01702 551772

User notes for your lab lnstrument(s)
Model No:
Page Ref:

Model No:
Page Ref:

Model No:
Page Ref:

Additional Notes:

eVol® XR Electronic
Syringe Starter Kit
includes unit, charger,
stand & 3 syringes:
5µL, 1OOµLand 1ml
P/N 2910200

Cubis® individual with Q-App for Standard Preparation

"because your analytical data is only as good

as the standard you use"

In analytical chemistry the use of RMs and standards is the means by which we may
have confidence that the measured values we realize are accurate. The method by which
we determine the me sured value, our Standard Operatng Procedure (SOP) should
ensure that the value s accurate and precise.

For more information, visit www.esslab.com/GDS
The new standard in automated preparationof referencematerials
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Perfectly synchronized system: High precision balance plus high accuracy liquid
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Integrated standard preparation software: No separate computer, maximum


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Proven valid results: final RM volume and concentration validated through density
and temperature correction

Standardized RM preparation processes: 100% adherence to SOP

Workflow control: 100% consistency in standard preparation, no matter how many


System function validation and documentation: optimal support during validation

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Audit trails for analytical routines: automated documentation and complete

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Cost and time effective: no more high maintenance glassware, no unnecessary

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It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3

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Essex Scientific Laboratory Supplies Ltd., Crucible House, Endway, Hadleigh, Essex, 887 2AN
• www esslabcorn
Tel: 01702 555577 • Fax:01702 551772 • [email protected]

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