Mathematics in Our World Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

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CHAPTER 1 Check out examples of some of these patterns and you

MATHEMATICS IN OUR WORLD may be able to spot a few the next time you go for a
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO): walk.
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in 1. Patterns can be observed even in stars which
the world. move in circles across the sky each day.
2. Articulate the importance of mathematics in 2. The weather season cycle each year. All
one’s life. snowflakes contains sixfold symmetry which no
3. Argue about the nature of mathematics, what two are exactly the same.
is it, how it is expressed, represented and used.
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as a
human endeavor.

 Mathematics is the study of pattern and
structure. Mathematics is fundamental to the
physical and biological sciences, engineering 3. Patterns can be seen in fish patterns like
and information technology, to economics and spotted trunkfish, spotted puffer, blue spotted
increasingly to the social sciences. stingray, spotted moral eel, coral grouper,
 Mathematics is a useful way to think about redlion fish, yellow boxfish and angel fish. These
nature and our world. animals and fish stripes and spots attest to
 Mathematics is a tool to quantify, organize and mathematical regularities in biological growth
control our world, predict phenomena and and form.
make life easier for us.

 Many patterns and occurrences exists in nature,
in our world, in our life. Mathematics helps
make sense of these patterns and occurrences.

WHAT ROLE DOES MATHEMATICS PLAY IN OUR 4. Zebras, tigers, cats and snakes are covered in
WORLD? patterns of stripes; leopards and hyenas are
 Mathematics helps organize patterns and covered in pattern of spots and giraffes are
regularities in our world. covered in pattern of blotches.
 Mathematics helps predict the behavior of
nature and phenomena in the world.
 Mathematics helps control nature and
occurrences in the world for our own ends.
 Mathematics has numerous applications in the
world making it indispensable.


WORLD 5. Natural patterns like the intricate waves across
Patterns in nature are visible regularities of the oceans; sand dunes on deserts; formation
of typhoon; water drop with ripple and others.
form found in the natural world and can also be seen in
These serves as clues to the rules that govern
the universe.
the flow of water, sand and air.
Nature patterns which are not just to be
admired, they are vital clues to the rules that govern
natural processes.


6. Other patterns in nature can also be seen in the ball Conflict Resolution using Game Theory and
of mackerel, the v-formation of geese in the sky and Statistics.
the tornado formation of starlings.
7. In music and arts, the rhythm that we find in all
music notes is the result of innumerable
permutations and combinations. Music
theorists understand musical structure and
communicate new ways of hearing music by
applying set theory, abstract algebra, and
number theory.
1. science development includes logic, relations,
functions, basic set theory, counting
techniques, graph theory, combinatorics,
discrete probability, recursion, recurrence
relations and number theory, computer-
oriented numerical analysis and Operation
Research techniques.

2. Cryptography is a combination of both

mathematics and computer science and is
affiliated closely with information theory,
computer security and engineering. It is used in
applications present in technologically
advanced societies, examples include the
security of ATM cards, computer passwords and
electronic commerce.

3. In archaeology, archaeologists use a variety of

mathematical and statistical techniques to
present the data from archaeological surveys
and try to find patterns to shed on past human
behavior an in carbon dating artifacts.

4. In Social Sciences such as economics, sociology,

psychology and linguistics all now make
extensive use of mathematical models, using
the tools of calculus, probability, game theory,
and network theory.

5. In Economics, mathematics such as matrices,

probability and statistics are used. The models
may be stochastic or deterministic, linear or
non-linear, static or dynamic, continuous or
discrete and all types of algebraic, differential,
difference and integral equations arise for the
solution of these models.

6. In political Science, political analysts study past

election results to see changes in voting
patterns and the influence of various factors on
voting behavior or switching of votes among
political parties and mathematical models for


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