Nursing Care Plan: Subjective: "I Drink Alcohol and General: Independent: Independent: Goals Met Genreral
Nursing Care Plan: Subjective: "I Drink Alcohol and General: Independent: Independent: Goals Met Genreral
Nursing Care Plan: Subjective: "I Drink Alcohol and General: Independent: Independent: Goals Met Genreral
Nursing Department
Clustered Cues: Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Outcome Criteria Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
“I drink alcohol and related to alteration in perform or complete At the end of 8hrs Establish Since we are GENRERAL:
smoke pot whenever cognitive functioning bathing, dressing, feeding, nursing intervention rapport to dealing patient After 8hrs
he can, but I don’t (erratic & threatening or toilet activities for self the patient will be able patient. with 'Mental assessment,
have the money behavior) as evidenced [on a temporary, to: Disorder', it is intervention and
available” as patient by disheveled permanent, or progressing Client will important to health education the
verbalized. appearance with dirty basis]. independently establish patient:
stained clothing, address self therapeutic Client will
OBJECTIVE: secondary to care needs and relationship to independentl
Disheveled schizophrenia begin to patient because y address
hair & utilized this could also self-care
unwashed resources that establish as well needs and
appearance will address his 'Trust', that will begin to
Presence of Doenges,M.E. housing needs able help the utilized
stains and dirt etal.(2016). patient feel free to resources that
in clothes Nurse'sPocket Guide: express his will address
Beard has Diagnosis Prioritized emotions and his housing
presence of Interventions and feelings towards needs
dirt and Rationales. helping him in
scraggly Philadelphia. F.ADavis SPECIFIC: addressing his GOALS
Not shaved for Company. At the end of 8 hrs. of problem PARTIALLY
months assessment, (Information also MET:
Uncombed interventions, and could serve as
hair health education the baseline data for SPECIFIC:
Loss of weight patient's condition will possible reference After 8hrs
(accdg. To be able to: of interventions) assessment,
clustering) Client able to Monitor Vital Serve as a intervention and
verbalize and Signs baseline health education the
Inadequate identify the Especially information that patient:
eating patterns ways and Blood Pressure will help the
techniques of and Document healthcare Client able to
V/S: (Lower than taking care of Patient actual workers to give verbalize and
Normal accdg to self. weight. (NOTE appropriate identify the
simulation) Findings shows intervention ways and
BP= As evidenced by: that patient is techniques of
TEMP= Appears to be malnourished). taking care of
RR well-groomed self.
PR= and clean Assess Patient
SP02= Execute General Status As evidenced by:
behavior that (NOTE for any Appears to
promote good signs of Observing patient be well-
hygiene and weakness, general status groomed and
grooming paleness and would serve as a clean
(Bathing, worsening of base line Execute
shaving, etc.) unhygienic information behavior that
behavior). promote
good hygiene
Offer positive and
commendations grooming
when Ronald (Bathing,
independently positive shaving, etc.)
address his reinforcement
self-care needs. enhances self-
esteem and
encourages the
client to continue
to independently
Offer nutritious address his self-
snacks and care needs
Addressing the
client's nutritional
needs is an
important aspect
Dependent: of promoting self-
Carry out
order and To improve the
treatment plan. patient condition
and provide
immediate and
more effective
Collaborative: intervention