Nursing Care Plan. Cabg
Nursing Care Plan. Cabg
Nursing Care Plan. Cabg
Name of Patient: No data was provided Age: 62-year-old Name of Student: Nicolas, Kristine
Marie C.
Medical Diagnosis: Ischemic Heart Disease Date of Submission: October 14, 2022
Assessment (Cues) Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Objectives Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
OBJECTIVE DATA: Activity intolerance Short Term: - Establish rapport - Good rapport creates a close . Short Term:
related to post surgery and harmonious relationship
(CABG with aid of CPB) After 8 hours of independent with patients. It allows to After 8 hours of independent and
secondary to Ischemic and dependent nursing understand the patient's dependent nursing intervention,
heart disease intervention, the client will be feelings and communicate the client will be able to:
able to: well with them.
The client will identify
The client will identify - Assess the ability to - To determine the capacity of activity intolerance and
activity intolerance and perform ADL the patient in doing ADLs eliminate or reduce the
eliminate or reduce the (Activities of Daily Living) effects if possible.
Scientific explanation: effects if possible.
Use identifies techniques
Use identifies to enhance activity
techniques to enhance - Assess persons perceived - To plan appropriate activity intolerance
activity intolerance capability for increased that fits to patients capability.
activity Long term:
Long term:
After 5 days of independent and
After 5 days of independent - Evaluate current - Provide comparative baseline dependent nursing intervention,
and dependent nursing limitations, degree of the client will be able to:
intervention, the client will be deficit considering usual
able to: status
Participate in desired
- Assess nutritional status - Adequate energy reserves are activities; meet own self-
Participate in desired of the client required for activity. care needs.
activities; meet own
self-care needs. Achieve measurable increase in
- Teach the client more - Educating the patient about activity tolerance, evidenced by
Achieve measurable about his condition, what his condition will enhance his reduced fatigue and weakness and
increase in activity are the factors that might self-awareness and will have by vital signs within acceptable
tolerance, evidenced by affect him and what to more knowledge towards his limits during activity
reduced fatigue and conder to avoid. condition. In this matter. It
weakness and by vital will help prevent him
signs within acceptable worsened his condition.
limits during activity