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Nursing Care Plan. Cabg

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Name of Patient: No data was provided Age: 62-year-old Name of Student: Nicolas, Kristine
Marie C.
Medical Diagnosis: Ischemic Heart Disease Date of Submission: October 14, 2022

Assessment (Cues) Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Objectives Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

OBJECTIVE DATA: Activity intolerance Short Term: - Establish rapport - Good rapport creates a close . Short Term:
related to post surgery and harmonious relationship
(CABG with aid of CPB) After 8 hours of independent with patients. It allows to After 8 hours of independent and
secondary to Ischemic and dependent nursing understand the patient's dependent nursing intervention,
heart disease intervention, the client will be feelings and communicate the client will be able to:
able to: well with them. 
 The client will identify
 The client will identify - Assess the ability to - To determine the capacity of activity intolerance and
activity intolerance and perform ADL the patient in doing ADLs eliminate or reduce the
eliminate or reduce the (Activities of Daily Living) effects if possible.
Scientific explanation: effects if possible.
 Use identifies techniques
 Use identifies to enhance activity
techniques to enhance - Assess persons perceived - To plan appropriate activity intolerance
activity intolerance capability for increased that fits to patients capability.
activity Long term:
Long term:
After 5 days of independent and
After 5 days of independent - Evaluate current - Provide comparative baseline dependent nursing intervention,
and dependent nursing limitations, degree of the client will be able to:
intervention, the client will be deficit considering usual
able to: status
 Participate in desired
- Assess nutritional status - Adequate energy reserves are activities; meet own self-
 Participate in desired of the client required for activity. care needs.
activities; meet own
self-care needs. Achieve measurable increase in
- Teach the client more - Educating the patient about activity tolerance, evidenced by
 Achieve measurable about his condition, what his condition will enhance his reduced fatigue and weakness and
increase in activity are the factors that might self-awareness and will have by vital signs within acceptable
tolerance, evidenced by affect him and what to more knowledge towards his limits during activity
reduced fatigue and conder to avoid. condition. In this matter. It
weakness and by vital will help prevent him
signs within acceptable worsened his condition.
limits during activity

- Teach the client what he - Educating the client about the

should be avoiding. E,g., things he should be avoid
those activities that will doing will help him decrease
increase the workload of the trigger factors that might
his heart. contribute to worsen his

- Advise the client to do - Light exercise will help the

some light exercise such client to restore his physical
as: walking, or riding on function.
a stationary bike to help
the patient recover

- Encourage patient to - It relaxes the body and

have adequate bed rest promotes comfort. Temporary
and sleep; provide a calm bed rest should also be
and quiet environment. implemented during an acute
exacerbation of heart failure

- Advise the patient to lose - Being overweight or obese

weight if the client is can be a big contributing
overweight or obese factor to those patients who
have heart conditions.
Therefore, having a normal
BMI will reduce the risk of
any complications.

- Advise the patient to

change his lifestyle by - This will help the body to
eating healthy and have a heal, reduce the risk of
balanced diet. complications and enable the
patient to recover well. 

- Educate the patient about - people who have had bypass

the importance of follow surgery have a significantly
up checkups after the increased risk of more cardiac
surgery. events, including recurrent
chest pain, heart attack, heart
failure, and an increased risk
of dying.

- It will avoid the risk for any

- If there are any complications, and it will give
symptoms such as: chest the patient a proper
pain, shortness of breath, assessment and intervention.
feel extremely unwell
advice the client to go to
the nearest hospital.

- It helps enhance the patient’s

- Encourage the client to sense of well-being and raises
maintain a positive the patient’s motivation and
attitude; provide morale. Motivation is
evidence of daily or necessary for patients with HF
weekly progress. who are attempting to become
more physically active but
may not be sufficient to
initiate physical activity. In
addition to a high level of
motivation to be physically
active, patients with HF must
have a high degree of self-
efficacy. Provide a positive
atmosphere during the
exercise regimen to help
minimize patient frustration.

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