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Romulo II F.

11 HUMSS – St. Therese of Lisieux
In this hectic and fast paced world where change overtakes us daily, leaders must be

aware of their leadership style and cognizant of the impact of life experiences in the evolution of

their style. Leaders must determine to remain constant in the areas where change would be

unwanted. Rather than viewing ones leadership as having arrived, a leader should think of it as a

journey where any given point is not the destination, but simply a benchmark on a lifelong

adventure of learning.

Learning is exciting! It is exciting and scary and challenging and stimulating, and eye-

opening. Looking at leadership through the lens of a learner is quite an amazing process. I say

amazing because like a diamond that has been cut by the expert, leadership has numerous facets

that each give a different view to this concept that is so easily recognized, and at the same time

so difficult to define. Each leadership theory that we have looked at has validity, and each has in

its own way advanced the study of this critical yet elusive notion that is leadership.

As I consider the varied and somewhat different types of leadership, I am often struck by

the overlapping similarities of each of the differing styles. From the perspective of my

leadership, I would say that all along my journey I have blended in an ethical and moral factor

because of my Christian faith. For me, one cannot separate the leader from his or her personal

values. While I like the “Authentic” leadership style of Bill George, and its explicit moral

dimension, I am confused that nowhere in his book does he seem to address the servant aspect of

leadership. This glaring omission causes me to continue to sift and refine my new working

definition of my leadership theory as I can clearly not choose the Authentic Style alone and be

true to my inner compass.

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