Paper 7 1573819312
Paper 7 1573819312
Paper 7 1573819312
1, 2019: 44-58
Journal of ChemResearch
Effect of Deseeding and Domestic Cooking Times on the Proximate Composition, Some
Functional Properties and Mineral Contents of Plantain (Musa AAB)
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of seed removal and heat treatment on the
nutritional composition, proximate and physicochemical properties of plantain. Flour samples
were prepared from raw and boiled samples of unripe, mature plantain (Musa AAB) and the
effect of boiling and seed removal on the proximate composition, functional properties and
mineral composition of the plantain flour were investigated. Results show that boiling had
significant effect on the proximate composition, mineral content, and functional properties of the
flour. However, seed removal had no significant effect on the functional properties except for the
water absorption capacity. The plantain flour contained 2.33–3.65 % crude protein, 6.70–9.82 %
moisture, 2.26–2.78 % ash, 1.45-2.0 % crude fat, and 1.75–2.50 % crude fibre and 80.56–82.58
% carbohydrates. The flour contained 3.2–6.5 mg/kg Sodium, 1.77–11.40 mg/kg Iron, 21.20–
49.75 mg/kg Calcium, 673.5–1140 mg/kg Potassium, 1.78–3.53 mg/kg Magnesium and 14.49–
24.15 mg/kg Phosphorus. The flour had bulk densities between 0.67–0.78 g/ml, least gelation
Concentration of 4–8 %, foaming capacities of 1.68–3.14 %. Water absorption capacities of
196.6 – 473 % and Oil absorption capacity of 96–216 %. Boiling considerably reduced the
foaming capacity and emulsion capacity while water absorption capacity, bulk densities and least
gelation concentration were increased by boiling.
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
1.0 Introduction
Banana plants are monocotyledonous high metabolic activity persist after harvest
perennial and important crops in the tropical (Demirel and Turhan, 2003). Air-drying
and subtropical regions of the world (Strosse alone or together with sun-drying is largely
et al., 2006). They include dessert banana, used for preserving unripe plantain. Besides
plantain and cooking bananas. Plantain helping preservation, drying adds value to
(Musa paradisiaca AAB) and other cooking plantain. Plantain chip is one such value-
bananas (Musa ABB) are almost entirely added product with a crispy and unique
derived from the AA-BB hybridization of taste, consumed as a snack and as an
M. acuminata (AA) and M. balbisiana (BB) ingredient of breakfast cereals. It can be
(Robinson, 1996; Stover and Simmonds, consumed as produced or further processed
1987). Ripe plantain and cooking bananas by coating with sweeteners, frying,
are very similar to unripe dessert bananas dehydrating or boiling (Demirel and Turhan,
(M. Cavendish AAA) in exterior 2003). Banana powder is prepared from
appearance, although often larger; the main dessert bananas after mashing and drying the
differences in the former being that their pulp in drum or spray dryers. The dried
flesh is starchy rather than sweet. They are product is pulverized and passed through a
consumed in the ripe and unripe stages and 100-mesh sieve, producing a free-flowing
require cooking (Emaga et al., 2007). powder which is stable for at least one year
Dessert bananas are consumed usually as after packaging. This powder is used in
ripe fruits; whereas ripe and unripe plantain bakery and confectionery industries, in the
fruits are usually consumed boiled or fried treatment of intestinal disorders and in infant
(Surga et al., 1998). Plantain (Musa spp.) is diets (Adeniji et al., 2006). Dehydration is
an important staple crop that contributes to one of the oldest methods of food
the calories and subsistence economies in preservation (Adams, 2004) and converting
Africa. They are good sources of plantain into flour could contribute to reduce
carbohydrate (Marriott et al., 1981). Plantain losses and allow the food industry to store
cultivation is attractive to farmers due to low the product throughout the year. In order to
labour requirements for production use plantain flours as ingredients for the
compared with cassava, maize, rice and yam food industry it is necessary to characterize
(Suntharalingam and Ravindran, 1993). their chemical and nutritional composition,
as well as their physical, physicochemical,
New high yield cultivars allow plantain rheological and functional properties.
plants to be grown more extensively,
resulting in a higher economic value, as they Instant plantain flours were prepared from
respond to plant improvement methods, ripe and unripe plantain (M. paradisiaca)
fertilization and pest and disease control fingers, by cooking and subsequent oven
(Gwanfogbe et al., 1988). From the dehydration at 76 °C and at 88-92 °C,
nutritional point of view, these fruits are respectively, by Ukhun and Ukpebor (1991).
among the green vegetables with the richest These authors considered the products as
iron and other nutrients (Aremu and having commercial potential on their own or
Udoessien, 1990). However, they are highly as ingredients for other foods such as baby
perishable and subjected to fast weaning foods, puddings, soups and gravies.
deterioration, as their moisture content and Gwanfogbe et al. (1988) had shown the
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
Digestion of sample
1 g of the sample was weighed into a pyrex 𝑊2−𝑊3
glass conical flask. 10 ml concentrated nitric Percentage moisture = 𝑊2−𝑊1 × 100
acid (HNO3) was introduced into the flask
with a straight pipette. 5 ml of per chloric Where
acid was also added. The mixture was
heated on an electro-thermal heater in a W1 = Initial weight of empty dish
fume cupboard for a period of 20 min until a W2 = Weight of dish + undried sample
clear digest was obtained. The digest was W3 = Weight of dish + dried sample
cooled to room temperature and diluted to
50ml with distilled water. The diluents were Ash Content Determination
filtered into a plastic vial for AAS analysis. Three grams of each of the samples was
weighed into a dried, weighed crucible,
Mineral analysis heated in a moisture extraction oven for 3 h
Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) were at 1000C before being transferred into a
determined using Jenway digital flame muffle furnace at 5500C until it turned white
photometer FP 902PG (Bonire et al., 1990). and free of carbon. The sample was then
Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Iron removed from the furnace, cooled in a
(Fe) were determined desiccator to a room temperature and
spectrophotometrically by using Buck 210 reweighed immediately. The weight of the
VGP Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer residual ash was expressed as percentage
(Buck Scientific, Norwalk) (Essien et al., (AOAC, 1990).
1992). Phosphorus (P) was determined by
vanadomolybdate colorimetric method
(Ologhobo and Fetuga, 1983) and their Percentage Ash (%) =
absorption compared with absorption of 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑠ℎ
× 100
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
prepared analytical standards..
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
The least gelation concentration was taken Determination of Emulsion capacity (EC)
as the concentration when the sample from and Emulsion Stability (ES)
the inverted test tube did not fall or slip.
Triplicate measurements were made and Emulsion capacity and stabilities were
average results taken. determined using the modified method of
Nwosu (2010). 0.5 gram of sample was
Determination of Bulk Density blended in a Kenwood major blender with 5
The bulk density of the samples was ml distilled water for 60 sec at maximum
determined using the method of (Okaka and speed. Executive Chef vegetable oil was
Potter, 1979), 50 g flour sample was put into added in 5 ml portions with continued
100 ml measuring cylinder and the cylinder blending. The emulsion so obtained was
was tapped continuously until a constant centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 5 min. The
volume was obtained. The bulk density height of the emulsion layer was noted in the
(gcm-3) was calculated as weight of flour (g) graduated centrifuge tube. The emulsion
divided by flour volume (cm3). Triplicate capacity was expressed as ml of oil
measurement was made and average results emulsified per gram of sample and was
taken. expressed as a percentage. The emulsion so
prepared was then allowed to stand in a
graduated cylinder and the volume of water
Weight of sample (g) separated at 0.0, 30 min. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hrs
Bulk density (gcm-3) = Volume of sample (cm)
were recorded in mlg-1 as emulsion
stabilities. Triplicate measurement was
made and average results taken.
𝑚𝐿 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑
Emulsion capacity (%) = 𝑚𝐿 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
Abiodun O., Ebun O,, Adewale F., Morounke S, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019: 44-58
(Dzomeku et al., 2006). Due to low sodium which encourages hydrophobicity with polar
and protein contents, plantain is used in amino acids (Fagbemi, 2004). The result
special diets for kidney disease sufferers. obtained for both samples with seeds and
without seeds are comparable with the value
Functional Properties of Plantain Flour of 210 % reported by Osundahunsi (2009).
The result of the functional properties of raw The result of boiled samples gives lower
and boiled plantain flour with seeds and values compared to their corresponding raw
without seeds are as presented in Table 3. samples. Boiling was discovered to bring
reduction in the oil absorption capacity
value with increasing time of boiling. The
Water absorption capacity reduction in the oil absorption capacity
Water absorption capacity is the ability of obtained for boiled samples was due to
the flour to absorb water for improved decrease in protein content observed in each
consistency. Result showed that raw plantain sample which is caused by protein
flour without seeds has higher value (226%) denaturation by the influence of heat
than raw flour with seeds (196%). This through boiling.
result falls within the range reported in the
literature, Fagbemi (1999) in his work on the Foaming capacity and stability
effect of blanching and ripening on The result of the foaming capacity (Table 3)
functional properties of plantain reported the of the plantain flour showed that plantain
WAC of plantain to be between 250% – used in this study has low values (1.68 –
338%. Boiling of each samples for 5, 10 3.14%) which are comparable with the result
and 20 minutes was discovered to have an obtained by Fagbemi (1999) who reported
increasing effect on the water absorption the values of raw and blanched plantain
capacity with increasing time of boiling flour to be between 1.90% – 5.79%. The
(333% - 473%). The high water absorption result showed no significant difference
capacity of the boiled flour samples is due to between the samples with and without seeds
increased temperature and macromolecular which implies that seeds do not have any
structure of the carbohydrates in plantain. effect on the foaming capacity of plantain. It
Unripe plantain has high amylose/ was also noted that there was a decreasing
amylopectin content implying high hydroxyl trend in the foaming capacity of the boiled
(–OH) groups to form hydrogen bonding plantain flour with samples boiled for 20
and hence ability to bind more water. The min. having the least values of 1.84% and
good water absorption capacity of the boiled 1.68% for flour with and without seeds
sample will enhance their uses as binding respectively. The low values obtained for
agents in food processing and in plantain used in this study indicates that
pharmaceutical industry. plantain cannot be incorporated into food
products that requires foam such as ice
Oil absorption capacity cream because improved foaming capacity,
The result of oil absorption capacity of the improved functionality to be used for the
raw plantain flour with seeds was higher production of some foods such as cake and
than that of corresponding flour without ice cream (Abbey and Ibeh, 1988).
seeds which are 216 % and 206 %
respectively. This is due to the higher
protein contents of the flour with seeds
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