Extrusion Cookingusing Fruits Peels Whole Cerealsand Grains

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Global Journal of
Nutrition & Food Science

Mini Review Copyright © All rights are reserved by Jose Luis Ramirez Ascheri

Extrusion Cooking using Fruits Peels, Whole Cereals

and Grains
Jose Luis Ramirez Ascheri1*, Ronel Joel Bazan Colque2, Luana Manfioletti Borsoi3, Diego Palmiro Ramirez
Ascheri4, Arturo Melendez Arevalo2 and Erika Madeira Moreira Da Silva3
Food Extrusion and Physical Properties Lab, Brazil

Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGCTA-UFRRJ), Brazil


Federal University of Espirito Santo-(PPGNS-UFES), Brazil


Campus of Exact and Technological Sciences, Brazil


*Corresponding author: Jose Luis Ramirez Ascheri, Researcher at Embrapa Food Received Date: May 23, 2019
Technology, Food Extrusion and Physical Properties Lab, Brazil. Published Date: May 28, 2019

New equipment, new accessories, better processing techniques in the area of food extrusion, coupled with the possibility of exploring much more
raw materials available. In this way, processing whole grains, using agro-industry by-products, is becoming more and more feasible, with beneficial
results of value added. As a result, products of better quality from a nutritional point of view, with sensory quality and lower cost possibilities, as
well as serving groups that need gluten-free food.

Keywords: Extrusion cooking; Products development; Parameters processing; Quality criteria; Foods; Nutrition values

a product to improve fiber intake, day-to-day, extrusion tests were
Several treatises describe thermoplastic extrusion as an
performed using mixtures of passion fruit peel flour to rice flour [3]
important technology in food product development. Mainly for
in order to obtain a pre-cooked flour, easy to prepare, in the form
the possibility of using several ingredients, either alone or in
of a porridge or be ingested with milk or juices. In this way, to take
formulations. Recently we have gained high market values products
advantage of this natural resource and that can be used to improve
with greater health. In this context, the use of grains and whole
the digestive system, which also suggests possibilities of use in
grains is an important market in the preparation of breakfast
people with diabetes or mainly pre-diabetics [4,5].
foods, or special foods for children or the elderly, which contain
significant nutritional values: antioxidants, fibers, vitamins and, An interesting industrial coproduct, in the manufacture of
possibly, better protein and free gluten [1]. analogs of jabuticaba wine (Plinia cauliflora), corresponds to peel.
This material, already analyzed by several researchers, rich in
Production Alternatives
antioxidants that after dehydration, in the form of flour, could be
Through the extrusion, it is possible to obtain products of used, in mixtures with cereals, like rice, in the preparation of pre-
better nutritional quality. Thus, we can mention sorghum, if we cooked mixed flour of fast preparation. Although the heat treatment
consider, the different existing varieties [2], there are those that during food extrusion can generate some loss of the natural
have high antioxidants levels, these, in turn, can be prepared and antioxidants, there is always a surplus that can be harnessed [6,7].
used in the elaboration of foods such as morning cereals, porridge,
pregelatinized flours for use as an input in other food preparations, To attend populations of extreme food need, as in nutritional
among other alternatives. On the other hand, in order to provide campaigns in countries with populations of extreme poverty, a
mixed flour, of low cost, was elaborated using corn grits and whole

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License GJNFS.MS.ID.000524. Page 1 of 2
Global Journal of Nutrition & Food Science Volume 1-Issue 5

soybean meal flour in various proportions (soybean/maize: 40/60, Acknowledgement

50/50, 60/40). These flours have nutritional properties ranging
The authors would like to thank them for research stimulation
from 25-30% protein, good biological value, and caloric, lipid
grant to FAPERJ, FAPES, FAPEG, CAPES and CNPq for their financial
content compatible with the needs for these groups. The flour
result has a good degree of solubility when required in the use of
a preparation of beverages, or porridges, soups, etc. All this with Conflict of Interest
ease preparation, only adding water is cold or hot according to the No Conflict of Interest.
required objective [8,9].
Although the production of the Andean pseudocereals
1. Patricia Morales, Laura Cebadera Miranda, Rosa M Cámara, Filipa S
(Chenopodium quinoa willd, Amaranthus spp) is limited by their Reis, Lillian Barros, et al. (2015) Lentil flour formulations to develop
small production area in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia, they have new snack-type products by extrusion processing: Phytochemicals and
antioxidant capacity. Journal of Functional Foods 19: 537-544.
very high nutrient values. In this sense, breakfast cereals are already
2. Davy Chávez, José Ascheri, Amanda Martins, Carlos Carvalho, Cristiany
available using these grains. The advantage, in this case, is that these
Bernardo, et al. (2018) Sorghum, an alternative cereal for gluten-free
grains can be processed in their integral form. Only depending on product. Rev Chil Nutr 45(2): 169-177.
its quality, the proper handling of the extrusion parameters [10], to 3. Priscila Leal da Silva Alves, Jose D J Berrios, James Pan, José Luis Ramirez
guarantee the least possible loss of its essential amino acids. Ascheri (2018) Passion fruit shell flour and rice blends processed into
fiber-rich expanded extrudates, CyTA. Journal of Food 16(1): 901-908.
On the other hand, the use of green fruits, as in the case of certain
4. Anisha Chandalia, Abhimanyu Garg, Dieter Lutjohann, Klaus Von
varieties of banana, can be used as functional ingredients. Thus Bergmann, Scott M Grundy, et al. (2000) Beneficial effects of high
[11] prepare banana flakes with and without peel and processed dietary fiber intake in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J
Med 342(19): 1392-1398.
by extrusion to study their characteristics: gelatinization, resistant
5. Huma Bader Ul Ain, Farhan Saeed, Aftab Ahmed, Muhammad Asif Khan,
starch, dietary fiber, and functional properties, such as pasting
Bushra Niaz, et al. (2019) Improving the physicochemical properties of
properties, concluded that the product has a high content of non- partially enhanced soluble dietary fiber through innovative techniques:
digestible carbohydrates, which indicates its potential in diabetic A coherent review. J Food Process Preserv 43(4): e13917.

patients or in need of a diet to reduce body weight. 6. Ascheri Diego Palmiro Ramirez, Ascheri JLR, Carvalho CWP, Devilla
AI (2007) Propriedades Termodinâmicas De Adsorção De Água De
It is important to emphasize that, due to this technology, Farinhas Mistas Pré-gelatinizadas de bagaço de jabuticaba e arroz:
Efeito dos parâmetros de extrusão. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology
food thermoplastic extrusion allows the elaboration of several
(ITAL) 10: 183-193.
convenience products, and it offers finished products for immediate
7. Letícia Mazzarino, Heloísa da Silva Pitz, Ana Paula Lorenzen Voytena,
use, in which they can be mixed with a variety of ingredients, Adriana Carla Dias Trevisan, Rosa Maria Ribeiro-Do-Valle, et al. (2018)
including enrichment with sources of minerals, amino acids, Jaboticaba (Plinia peruviana) extract nanoemulsions: development,
stability, and in vitro antioxidant activity. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 44(4):
bioactive, provided that the appropriate tools are used during the
elaboration so as not to diminish their bioavailability.
8. Ascheri Diego Palmiro Ramirez, Silva PHXF, Ascheri JLR, Carvalho CWP
Conclusion (2009) Comportamento reológico de farinha mista extrusada de bagaço
de jabuticaba e arroz. Revista Processos Químicos 2: 68-73.
With the possibility of having different forms of control in the 9. Nascimento KO, Wang Sin Huei, Nascimento Talita P, Batista GS, Ascheri
extrusion system, new accessories, excellent pre-conditioners, JLR (2007) Farinhas de trigo e soja (80:20) pré-cozidas por extrusão
different shapes and configurations of the extrusion system, para sopas cremosas semi-prontas. Alimentos e Nutrição (UNESP) 18:
handling of raw materials, proper grinding, makes possible better
10. Fernandes SM, Wang SH, Ascheri JLR, Oliveira M, Cosra SAJ (2003)
conditions for use of raw materials, or with high fiber content. This Harina de grits de maíz-soya (70:30) precocida por extrusión para uso
will be the reason to make available to the consumer market better como sopa cremosa semi instantanea. Alimentaria (Madrid) 40: 89-96.
products in both sensory and nutritional quality. Still with the 11. Garcia Valle DE, Bello Perez LA, Flores Silva PC, Agama Acevedo Eand
possibilities of a better price and for those in need of products high Tovar J (2019) Extruded Unripe Plantain Flour as an Indigestible
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in fiber and gluten-free.

Citation: Jose Luis Ramirez Ascheri, Ronel Joel Bazan Colque, Luana Manfioletti Borsoi, Diego Palmiro Ramirez Ascheri, Arturo Melendez Page 2 of 2
Arevalo, et al. Extrusion Cooking using Fruits Peels, Whole Cereals and Grains. Glob J Nutri Food Sci. 1(5): 2019. GJNFS.MS.ID.000524.

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