Heattransfer - : Md. Nur Alam Mondal
Heattransfer - : Md. Nur Alam Mondal
Heattransfer - : Md. Nur Alam Mondal
Heat Conduction
o Basic modes of heat transfer;
o General conduction equation for one dimensional
and three dimensional situation;
o Steady state conduction in different geometrics and
composite structures for one dimensional situation;
o Effect of variable thermal conductivity;
o Analysis of heat conduction of system with heat
sources and heat transfer from finned surfaces;
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o Transient heat conduction in solids with negligible
internal resistance and with internal and surface
o Use of Heisler charts; Analytical and numerical
o solutions of conduction heat transfer problems.
o Heat transfer by the mechanism of radiation; Laws of radiation heat
o Blackbody radiation and radiative properties of surfaces;
o Angle factor;
o Net radiation interchange between two infinite parallel planes,
concentric spheres and long cylinders;
o Simple enclosure problems; Radiation shield;
o Solar radiation and its prospects in Bangladesh.
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Reference Books:
1. Principle of Heat Transfer
2. Heat Transfer
- M.N. Ozisik
3. Heat Transfer
4. Heat Transfer
5. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
-F.P. Incorpera & D.P. DeWitt
6. Heat and Mass Transfer
-Y. A. Çengel
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Objectives of our study:
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Modes of Heat Transfer
1. Conduction HT
2. Convection HT
3. Radiation HT
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It is a mechanism by which heat flows from a region of
higher temperature to a region of lower temperature within
a medium without changing the position of molecules.
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Heat is conducted through stationery fluids primarily by
molecular collisions.
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Thank You
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