ME3122 1 Introduction

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ME3122 Heat Transfer

1. Introduction
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National University of Singapore
AY2016/17 Semester 1
Course Objective

To develop proficiency in applying basic heat

transfer concepts and principles related to
conduction, convection and radiation to analyse
and solve practical engineering problems involving
heat transfer processes.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 2

Learning Outcomes
1. Identify, formulate and solve problems involving different heat
transfer processes
2. Analyse, model heat conduction in one-dimensional cases and
describe two- and three-dimensional heat conduction and be
able to apply them for simple heat conduction problems
3. Identify, model and calculate the heat transfer at radiation and
irradiated surfaces
4. Analyse and apply appropriate empirical correlations in
connection with convection for both internal and external flows
5. Understand principles and different types of heat exchangers
and basic calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient

ME3122 Heat Transfer 3

Lecturers & Tutors

A/Prof PS Lee
Office: E2-02-07
Email: [email protected]
Prof Shu Chang
Office: E2-03-07
Email: [email protected]

Chen Zhen ([email protected])
Wu Tianqing ([email protected])
Zeng Shi ([email protected])

ME3122 Heat Transfer 4

Introduction (PS Lee)
Conduction (PS Lee)
Steady, one-dimensional heat conduction with and without energy
Unsteady heat conduction, lumped system analysis
Extended surfaces
Radiation (PS Lee)
Black and gray body radiation
Radiation between diffuse surfaces
Convection (Shu Chang)
Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers
Laminar and turbulent forced convection
Reynolds analogy
Free convection
Heat Exchangers (Shu Chang)
Effective-NTU ME3122 Heat Transfer 5
Textbook & References
Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals & Applications, 5th Edition
by Cengel and A. J. Ghajar, McGraw-Hill, 2015
CL RBR (Loans Desk 1), QC320 Cen 2015 4 copies

Principles of heat and mass transfer, 7th ed., int'l student Incropera, Dewitt, Bergmann and Lavine, John Wiley &
Sons, 2013
CL RBR (Loans Desk 1) QC320 Inc 2013 4 copies

ME3122 Heat Transfer 6

Grading (%)

Continual Assessment: 50%

Lab Reports (2): 20%
Temperature Measurements
Forced Convection
Quizzes (2): 30%
Final Examination: 50%
28/11/2016 (Mon), 5 PM

ME3122 Heat Transfer 7


ME3122 Heat Transfer 8

Difference between
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Thermodynamics tells us
How much heat is transferred?
How much work is done?
Final/equilibrium state of the system.

Heat transfer tells us

How (with what modes) heat is transferred?
At what rate is heat transferred?
Temperature distribution inside the body.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 9

What is Heat Transfer?
Heat transfer is thermal energy in transit due to a temperature
Thermal energy is associated with the translation, rotation, vibration
and electronic states of the atoms and molecules that comprise
matter. It represents the cumulative effect of microscopic activities
and is directly linked to the temperature of matter.
The transfer of thermal energy as heat is always from the higher-
temperature medium to the lower-temperature one.
Heat transfer stops when the two mediums reach the same
Heat can be transferred in three different modes:
All modes of heat transfer require the existence of a temperature
ME3122 Heat Transfer 10
Application Areas of Heat Transfer
Heat transfer is commonly encountered in engineering systems and
other aspects of life.
Heat transfer equipment such as heat exchangers, boilers,
condensers, radiators, heaters, furnaces, refrigerators, and solar
collectors are designed primarily on the basis of heat transfer analysis.
A knowledge of heat transfer is necessary in order to evaluate cost,
the feasibility, and the size of the equipment to transfer a specified
amount of heat in a given time.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 11

Quantity Meaning Symbol Units
Thermal Energy Energy associated with U or u J or J/kg
microscopic behavior of matter
Temperature A means of indirectly assessing T K or C
the amount of thermal energy
stored in matter
Heat Transfer Thermal energy transport due to
temperature gradients
Heat Amount of thermal energy Q J
transferred over a time interval
t 0
Heat Rate Thermal energy transfer per unit q W or J/s
Heat Flux Thermal energy transfer per unit q" W/m2
time and per unit surface area
ME3122 Heat Transfer 12
Modes of Heat Transfer

Conduction: Heat transfer in a solid or a stationary fluid

(gas or liquid) due to the random motion of its constituent
atoms, molecules and /or electrons.
Convection: Heat transfer due to the combined influence
of bulk and random motion for fluid flow over a surface.
Radiation: Energy that is emitted by matter due to changes
in the electron configurations of its atoms or molecules
and is transported as electromagnetic waves (or photons).
ME3122 Heat Transfer 13
Conduction is the transfer of energy
from the more energetic to less
energetic particles of a substance due
to interactions between the particles.
Conduction can take place in solids,
liquids, or gases.
In gases and liquids, conduction is due
to the collisions and diffusion of the
molecules during their random motion.
In solids, it is due to the combinations
of vibrations of the molecules in a
lattice and the energy transport by free

ME3122 Heat Transfer 14

Conduction (cont.)
Experiments have shown that the rate of heat conduction through a
plane layer is proportional to the temperature difference across the
layer and the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to the
thickness of the layer.

q A
T1 T2

q kA
T1 T2
L x
where x L : thickness of plane wall,
T T1 T2 : temperature difference across the wall,
A : cross-sectional area of plane wall
k : constant of proportionality known as thermal conductivity of the material.
Note: Thermal conductivity k is a transport property, which measures the ability
of a material to conduct heat.
ME3122 Heat Transfer 15
Conduction (cont.)
In the limiting case of x 0,
Heat Rate:
q kA W Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction
where : Temperature gradient C/m or K/m
Heat Flux:

W/m 2

1. The negative sign is because heat is conducted in the
direction of decreasing temperature.
2. The rate of heat conduction through asolid is directly
proportional to its thermal conductivity.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 16

Energy transfer by random molecular motion (as in
conduction) and bulk (macroscopic) motion of the fluid.
Advection: transport due solely to bulk fluid motion.
Types of convection
Forced convection: flow is caused by external means, e.g
fan, pump,wind
Natural (free) convection: flow induced by buoyancy forces
due to density differences arising from temperature
variations in the fluid.
Latent heat exchange associated with phase change
boiling and condensation.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 17

Convection (cont.)

Relation of convection to flow over a surface and

development of velocity and thermal boundary layers:

Edge of BL

Convective heat transfer between a surface and a fluid

can be calculated by Newtons law of cooling:
q h Ts T
h: Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)
ME3122 Heat Transfer 18
Convective heat transfer coefficients
The heat transfer coefficient depends on surface
geometry, nature of the fluid motion, as well as fluid

Flow h (W/m2K)
Air, natural/free convection 6 30
Superheated steam or
air, forced convection 30 300
Oil, forced convection 60 1,800
Water, forced convection 300 6,000
Water, boiling 3,000 60,000
Steam, condensing 6,000 120,000
ME3122 Heat Transfer 19
Thermal radiation is energy emitted by matter.
Energy is transported by electromagnetic waves (or
Can occur from solid surfaces, liquids and gases.
Does not require presence of a medium, e.g. solar energy
travels through vaccum
Radiation heat transfer at a gas/surface interface involves
radiation emission, E, from the surface and the absorption
of radiation incident from the surroundings (irradiation, G).

ME3122 Heat Transfer 20

Radiation (cont.)

For an ideal emitter, or blackbody

Eb = T4s Stefan-Boltzmann law
where Ts: absolute temperature of surface (K)
: Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67x10-8 W/m2K4)
For a real (non-ideal) surface
E = Eb = T4s
where : surface emissivity (0 1)
Energy absorption due to irradiation G:
Gabs = G = T4sur
where : surface absorptivity (0 1)
For a gray surface, =

ME3122 Heat Transfer 21

Radiation (cont.)

Irradiation: Special case of

surface exposed to large
surroundings of uniform
temperature, Tsur

If = , the net radiation heat flux from the surface due to

exchange with the surroundings is:
Eb G Ts4 Tsur
qrad 4

hr Ts Tsur where hr Ts2 Tsur
Note can express qrad 2
Ts Tsur
For combined convection and radiation,
q qconv h Ts T hr Ts Tsur
ME3122 Heat Transfer 22
Example 1
In a manufacturing plant, the walls and ceiling of an oven
are made of 200 mm thick fire-clay brick having a thermal
conductivity of 1.5 W/mK. During steady-state operation,
measurements reveal an inner surface temperature of
1200C and an outer surface temperature of 200C. The
internal dimensions of the oven are as follows:
Length = 4m, Width = 3m and the Height = 3m.
What is the rate of heat input required to maintain steady-
state temperature inside the oven?

ME3122 Heat Transfer 23

Solution for Example 1
Ti= To=
1200C 200C

1200 200 3m
Tm 700C
2 3m
L= 200 mm
km 1.5 W/m K 4m
Total heat transfer area, A 2 4 3 3 3 4
3 54 m 2
4 walls

q dT To Ti
Heat flux, q k k
A dx t
200 1200
7500 W/m 2
Rate of heat input required, q 7500 54 405 kW
ME3122 Heat Transfer 24
Example 2
An insulated pipe supplying steam from a boiler runs
through a room where the air and walls are at 30C. The
outer diameter of the pipe is 100 mm and its surface
temperature is 250C. The natural convection heat
transfer coefficient from the surface to the air is 20
W/m2K. Find the rate of heat transfer from the surface due
to convection and radiation per unit length of pipe. For
radiation heat loss, the outer surface of the pipe may be
treated as blackbody surface.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 25

Solution for Example 2
Heat loss due to convection
Do = 100 mm 250C
qconv hA Ts T
h Do L Ts T
h = 20 W/m2K

qconv 20 0.10 250 30
L Tsur = T = 30C
1382.3 W/m
Heat loss due to radiation
qrad A Ts4 Tsur
Note:Absolute temp. in K
Do L Ts4 Tsur

5.67 108 0.1 5234 3034

1182.6 W/m
qtotal qrad 1382.3 1182.6 2565 W/m
ME3122 Heat Transfer 26
Example 3
The temperature in a house located at latitude 40N is
maintained at 23C with a temperature controller. The
temperature of the inner surfaces of walls, floors and the
ceiling of the house are found to be at an average
temperature of 12C in winter and 27C in summer. A
person with an external body surface area of 1.2 m2 and
temperature of 32C remains in standing position for
fifteen minutes inside the room, where the temperature is
23C. Find the rate of radiation exchange between the
person and surrounding surfaces.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 27

Solution for Example 3

The emittance of person (external surfaces of the skin) 0.95

The rate of radiation heat exchange is given by
q A Ts4 Tsur

For summer, Ts =32oC = 305 K, Tsur=27oC = 300 K

q 0.95 5.67 108 1.2 3054 3004

35.8 W
For winter, Tsur=12oC = 285 K

q 0.95 5.67 108 1.2 3054 2854

132.9 W
Although the thermostat setting is the same, one feels chilly in winter
and warm in summer.
ME3122 Heat Transfer 28
Summary of Heat Transfer
- Diffusion of energy due to random molecular motion
- Fourier's Law of Conduction: qx k
- Diffusion of energy due to random molecular motion
plus energy transfer due to bulk fluid motion
- Newton's Law of Cooling: q h Ts T
- Energy transfer by electromagnetic waves
- Stefan-Boltzmann's Equation: q Ts4 Tsur

ME3122 Heat Transfer 29
Exercise 1
1. In a cold climate, a house is heated either using electricity or gas or
coal to maintain the desired temperature. The roof of such a house is
5 m long and 7 m wide, and 0.20 m thick, and is made of concrete
having a thermal conductivity of 0.8 W/mK. On a winter night , the
temperatures of the inner and outer surfaces of the roof are measured
as 16C and 2C, respectively, for a period of 8 hours. Determine (i)
the rate of heat loss through the roof and (ii) the cost of heat loss to
the home owner if the cost of electricity is $0.17 per kWh.

2. An electrical heater, which consists of a rod 300 mm long and 10 mm

in diameter, is placed in room at 12C in steady state operation. Heat
is generated in the rod as a result of resistance heating and the
surface temperature is 140C under steady state operation. The
voltage drop and the current through the rod are measured and found
to be 50 V and 2 A, respectively. Considering negligible heat losses by
radiation, estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient between the
outer surface of the rod and the air in the room.

3. A blackbody at 25C is exposed to solar radiation and the temperature

increased to 95C. Estimate the increase in radiation heat transfer.
ME3122 Heat Transfer 30
Exercise 1.1
In a cold climate, a house is heated either using
electricity or gas or coal to maintain the desired
temperature. The roof of such a house is 5 m long
and 7 m wide, and 0.20 m thick, and is made of
concrete having a thermal conductivity of 0.8
W/mK. On a winter night , the temperatures of the
inner and outer surfaces of the roof are measured
as 16C and 2C, respectively, for a period of 8
hours. Determine (i) the rate of heat loss through
the roof and (ii) the cost of heat loss to the home
owner if the cost of electricity is $0.17 per kWh.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 31

Solution Outline for Exercise 1.1

Heat loss from the roof

Ti To
q kA , where tL thickness of the roof

in kW

Amount of heat lost during 8 hours

Q = q no. of hours, kWh
Cost = (amount of energy in kWh) (unit cost of energy)

ME3122 Heat Transfer 32

Exercise 1.2
An electrical heater, which consists of a rod 300
mm long and 10 mm in diameter, is placed in
room at 12C in steady state operation. Heat is
generated in the rod as a result of resistance
heating and the surface temperature is 140C
under steady state operation. The voltage drop
and the current through the rod are measured and
found to be 50 V and 2 A, respectively.
Considering negligible heat losses by radiation,
estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient
between the outer surface of the rod and the air in
the room.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 33

Solution Outline for Exercise 1.2

Neglect radiation heat loss.

Under steady state operation, heat loss from the
surface by convection equals energy generated
within the rod due to resistance heating.
q = energy generated
= V I = (voltage drop, V) (current, A), W

q = heat lost by convection = hAs(Ts Ta), W

h = q / [As(Ts Ta)] = ,W/m2K

ME3122 Heat Transfer 34

Exercise 1.3
A blackbody at 25C is exposed to solar radiation and the
temperature increased to 95C. Estimate the increase in
radiation heat transfer.

Solution Outline
Calculate emissive power at both temperatures. Increase
in radiation heat transfer is equal to the difference in
emissive power.
E1 = T14 , W/m2 E2 = T24 , W/m2

Increase in radiation heat transfer = E2 E1

ME3122 Heat Transfer 35


ME3122 Heat Transfer 36

Conservation of Energy
(First Law of Thermodynamics)

An important tool in heat transfer analysis, often providing

the basis for determining the temperature of a system.
Alternative Formulations
Time Basis:
At an instant
Over a time interval
Type of System:
Control volume
Control surface

ME3122 Heat Transfer 37

Application to a Control Volume
Note representation of system by a
At an Instant of Time: control surface (dashed line) at the

Surface Phenomena
E , E : rate of thermal and/or mechanical energy transfer across the control
in out
surface due to heat transfer, fluid flow and/or work interactions.
Volumetric Phenomena
E : rate of thermal energy generation due to conversion from another enegy form
(e.g., electrical, nuclear, or chemical); energy conversion process occurs
within the system.
E st : rate of change of energy storage in the system.
Conservation of Energy
Ein E out E g E st Each term has units of J/s or W.
ME3122 Heat Transfer 38
Application to a Control Volume (cont.)

Over a Time Interval:

Ein Eout Eg Est Each term has units of J.

ME3122 Heat Transfer 39

Special Case Closed System
Transient Process for a Closed System of Mass (M)
Assuming Heat Transfer to the System (Inflow) and Work Done by the
System (Outflow),
Over a time interval
Ein Q
Eout W
Q W Est
For negligible changes in potential or kinetic energy
Q W U t

Internal thermal energy

At an instant
dU t
q W
ME3122 Heat Transfer 40
Special Case Open System

Steady State for Flow through an

Open System without Phase Change
or Generation:
At an Instant of Time:
m ut pv V gz q m ut pv V
gz W 0
2 in 2
pv flow work
ut pv i enthalpy
For an ideal gas with constant specific heat:
iin iout c p Tin Tout
For an incompressible liquid:
uin uout c p Tin Tout
pv in pv out 0
ME3122 Heat Transfer 41
Special Case Open System (cont.)
For systems with significant heat transfer:

2 in
2 out

gz in gz out 0
For steady state conditions, no changes in kinetic or potential energy,
no thermal energy generation, negligible pressure drop:
p Tout Tin
q mc Simplified steady-flow energy equation

ME3122 Heat Transfer 42

Surface Energy Balance
A special case for which no volume or mass is encompassed by the
control surface.
Applies for steady-state and transient conditions.
With no mass and volume, energy storage and generation are not
pertinent to the surface energy balance.
Consider surface of wall with heat transfer by conduction, convection
and radiation.

Conservation of Energy (Instant in Time):

E E 0
in out
qcond qrad

T1 T2

h T2 T 2 T24 Tsur

L ME3122 Heat Transfer 43

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