SCT Assignment 2

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Project report on

Neural network and its application from real life problem

Name: Rashmi Priya

Roll: 1901010D
Registration no. : 18030455010
Date: 05/08/2021
What is neural network
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information
processing paradigm that is inspired by biological
nervous systems.
It is composed of a large number of highly
interconnected processing elements called neurons.
ANN is configured for a specific application, such as
pattern recognition or data classification-
Inspiration from Neurobiology

• A neuron: many-inputs / one output unit,

Output can be excited or not excited
• Incoming signals from other neurons
determine if the neuron shall excite
• Output subject to attenuation in the
synapses, which are junction parts of the
A simple neuron

• Takes the inputs.

• Calculate the summation of inputs
• Compare it with the threshold
being set during the learning stage
Types of neural network

Fixed networks in which the weights cannot be

changed, ie dW/dt=0. In such networks, the weights are
fixed a priori according to the problem to solve.

Adaptive networks which are able to change their

weights, ie dW/dt not= 0.
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning which incorporates an external
teacher, so that each output unit is told what its desired
response to input signals ought to be. During the learning
process global information may be required. Paradigms of
supervised learning include error-correction
learning, reinforcement learning and stochastic learning.
An important issue concerning supervised learning is the
problem of error convergence, ie the minimisation of error
between the desired and computed unit values. The aim is
to determine a set of weights which minimises the error.
One well-known method, which is common to many
learning paradigms is the least mean square (LMS)
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning uses no external teacher and is
based upon only local information. It is also referred to as
self-organisation, in the sense that it self-organises data
presented to the network and detects their emergent
collective properties.
From Human Neurons to Artificial Neurons their aspect of
learning concerns the distinction or not of a separate
phase, during which the network is trained, and a
subsequent operation phase. We say that a neural network
learns off-line if the learning phase and the operation
phase are distinct. A neural network learns on-line if it
learns and operates at the same time. Usually, supervised
learning is performed off-line, whereas unsupervised
learning is performed on-line.

❑ Features of finger prints
❑ Finger print recognition system
❑ Why neural networks?
❑ Goal of the system
Features of finger prints

Finger prints are the unique pattern of ridges and

valleys in every person’s fingers.
Their patterns are permanent and unchangeable
for whole life of a person.
They are unique and the probability that two
fingerprints are alike is only 1 in 1.9x10^15.
Their uniqueness is used for identification of a
Finger print recognition system

Image acquisition: the acquired image is digitalized into 512x512

image with each pixel assigned a particular gray scale value
(raster image).
edge detection and thinning: these are preprocessing of the
image , remove noise and enhance the image
Finger print recognition system

Feature extraction: this the step

where we point out the features such
as ridge bifurcation and ridge endings
of the finger print with the help of
neural network.
Classification: here a class label is
assigned to the image depending on
the extracted features.
Why using neural networks?

Neural networks enable us to find solution

where algorithmic methods are
computationally intensive or do not exist.
There is no need to program neural networks
they learn with examples.
Neural networks offer significant speed
advantage over conventional techniques.
Preprocessing system

The first phase of finger print recognition is to capture a

image .
The image is captured using total internal reflection of light
The image is stored as a two dimensional array of 512x512
size, each element of array representing a pixel and assigned a
gray scale value from 256 gray scale levels.
Preprocessing system

After image is captured ,noise is removed using edge

detection, ridge extraction and thinning.

Edge detection: the edge of the image is defined where the gray scale levels
changes greatly.
also, orientation of ridges is determined for each 32x32 block of pixels using gray
scale gradient.

Ridge extraction: ridges are extracted using the fact that gray scale value of
pixels are maximum
along the direction normal to the ridge orientation.
Preprocessing system
Thinning: the extracted ridges are converted
into skeletal structure in which ridges are
only one pixel wide. thinning should not-
Remove isolated as well as surrounded
Break connectedness. Make the image

finger prints can be classified

mainly in four classes depending
upon their general pattern- Arch
Tented arch Right loop
Left loop
Applications of Fingerprint

As finger print recognition system can be easily

embedded in any system. It is used in-
Recognition of criminals in law enforcement bodies.
Used to provide security to cars, lockers, banks ,shops.
To differentiate between a person who has voted and those
who have not voted in govt. elections.
To count individuals.
•Neural network solutions should be kept as simple as possible.
•For the sake of the gaming speed neural networks should be applied
•A large data set should be collected and it should be divided into
validation, and testing data.
•Neural networks fit as solutions of complex problems.
•A pool of candidate solutions should be generated, and the best
solution should be selected using the validation data.
•The solution should be represented to allow fast application.

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