Economics Whole Slide
Economics Whole Slide
Economics Whole Slide
The scope of managerial economics means the fields of study which managerial
economics cover. Hence, scope of managerial economics includes the subject
matter of managerial economics.
The scope also covers the relationship of managerial economics with other subjects.
The factors of production are scarce (limited) and have alternative uses. The factors
of productions may be allocated in a particular way to get maximum output. Due to
this, production analysis is also importance in managerial economics.
This chapter presents one of the most powerful tools of economics for analyzing how market
works. The market forces that determine prices and quantities of production in competitive
market are demand and supply. Thus, the basic framework of demand and supply analysis is
more essential.
The market is divided into two different groups of participants: consumers and producers.
Demand analysis focuses on the behavior of consumers, while supply analysis examines the
behavior of producers.
The demand and supply together determine the price and output that occur in a market. The
impact of changing market circumstances on equilibrium price and output is determined by
making the appropriate shifts in either demand or supply and comparing equilibriums before and
after the change.
Where, b, c, d, e, f, & g are slope parameters which measure effect on Qd of changing one of the
variables while holding the others constant. For example, b (=ΔQd/ΔP) measures the change in
quantity demanded per unit change in price holding M, P r, T, Pe and N constant. Sign of
parameter shows how variable is related to Qd. Positive sign indicates direct relationship and
negative sign indicates inverse relationship.
Normal good
A good or service for which an increase in income causes consumer to demand more of the
good, holding all other variable in generalized demand function constant.
Inferior good
A good or service for which an increase in income causes consumer to demand less of the good,
holding all other variable in generalized demand function constant.
Two goods are substitutes if an increase in the price of one of the goods causes consumers to
demand more of the other good, holding all other factors constant.
Two goods are complements if an increase in the price of one of the goods causes consumers to
demand less of the other good, holding all other factors constant.
The generalized linear demand function can sometimes be simplified to include just three
Qd = a + bP + cM + dPr
A demand function can be expressed in the most general form as the equation:
Qd = f(P)
Demand functions – whether expressed as equations, tables or graphs – give the quantity
demanded at various price, holding constant the effects of income, price of related goods,
consumer taste, expected price, and the number of consumer.
The equation plotted in the figure is the inverse of the demand equation since the price is
expressed as a function of quantity demanded i.e. P = f(Qd) or P = 3 – 0.25Qd.
Where, k, l, n, r, & s are slope parameters which measure effect on Q s of changing one of the
variables while holding the others constant. For example, k (=ΔQd/ΔP) measures the change in
quantity supplied per unit change in price holding P i, T, Pe and F constant. Sign of parameter
shows how variable is related to Qs. Positive sign indicates direct relationship and negative sign
indicates inverse relationship.
The generalized linear supply function can sometimes be simplified by including few variables
Qs = h + kP + lPi + sF
Technology and the expected price of the product in the future have been omitted to simplify this
A supply function can be expressed in the most general form as the equation:
Qs = f(P)
Supply functions – whether expressed as equations, tables or graphs – give the quantity
supplied at various price, holding constant the effects of input prices, prices of goods related in
production, the state of technology, expected price, and the number of firms in the industry.
The equation plotted in the figure is the inverse of the supply equation since the price is
expressed as a function of quantity supplied i.e. P = f(Q s ) or P = 0.5 + 0.5Qs .
Market Equilibrium
A Situation in which, at the prevailing price, consumer can by all of good they wish and producer
can sell all of the good they wish. Thus, it the situation at which Qd = Qs .
Equilibrium Price
It is the price at which Qd = Qs .
Equilibrium Quantity
The amount of good bought and sold in market equilibrium.
Where Qd = quantity demanded for good A each month, P = price of good A, M = average
household income, P r = price of related good B, T = consumer’s taste index ranging in value
from 0 to 10 (the highest rating), Pe = price consumers expect for next month for good A and N =
number of buyers in the market for good A.
Qs = 60 + 5P – 12Pi + 10F
Where Qs = quantity supplied, P = price of the commodity, P i = price of a key input in the
production process, and F = number of firms producing the commodity.
Suppose that the demand and supply functions for good X are:
Qd = 50 – 8P
Qs = - 17.5 + 10P
In general, the elasticity of any function is defined as the percentage change in the
dependent variable Y that is caused by a one percent change in the independent
variable X while all other independent variables are held constant.
In theory, the demand function has an elasticity for each of its many independent
variables. However, we shall confine our discussion to the four demand elasticities
that are most widely discussed in the literature of demand theory. These are:
Point elasticity measures elasticity at a given point on a demand function. The point
elasticity concept is used to measure the effect on a dependent variable Y of a very
small or marginal change in an independent variable X.
𝜕Q P
𝜕P Q
If |ϵ| = 1, the function is unit elastic, meaning that 1 percent change in price will
cause a 1 percent change in quantity demanded.
If |ϵ| > 1, the function is elastic, meaning that 1 percent change in price will cause a
greater than 1 percent change in quantity demanded.
If |ϵ| < 1, the function is inelastic, meaning that 1 percent change in price will cause
a less than 1 percent change in quantity demanded.
dTR dQ dQ P
Q P QQ Q(1 e)
dP dP dP Q
1. If demand is elastic (|ϵ| > 1), total revenue rises when price falls or total revenue
falls when price rises.
2. If demand is inelastic (|ϵ| < 1), total revenue rises when price rises or total
revenue falls when price falls.
3. If demand is unit elastic (|ϵ| = 1), total revenue remains unchanged when price
dTR dP dP Q 1
PQ PP P(1 )
dQ dQ dQ P e
2. In the inelastic range of demand function (|ϵ| < 1), marginal revenue is negative
and total revenue decreases as the quantity sold increases.
3. In the unit elastic demand function (|ϵ| = 1), marginal revenue is zero as the
quantity sold increases.
1. Availability of substitutes.
The more substitutes there are for a product, the more price elastic is the good.
𝜕Q I
𝜕I Q
Income and quantity purchased may or may not move in the same direction. More
typical products, whose demand is positively related to income, are defined as
normal goods. In the contrary, goods whose demand is inversely related to
income, are defined as inferior goods.
For example, if ϵ for a particular product is 0.3. This means that a 1% increase in
income causes demand for the product to increase by only 0.3%. Given growing
national income over time, such a product would not maintain its relative importance
in the economy. This might be the reason why farmer’s living standard not
significantly increase when the economy flourished.
If, on the other hand, firms which are producing particular goods with ϵ < 0, face
hard time even in prosperous economy.
The cross elasticity of demand measures the percentage change in the demand of
X due to one percent change in the price of Y, holding constant the effect of all other
variables that influence demand of X.
𝜕Qx P y
𝜕 P y Qx
Where ϵ is cross elasticity, Qx is demand for X good and Py is the price for Y good.
Where ϵ is average cross elasticity between the demand range of Q x1 and Qx2 of X
goods when price of related goods Y ranges between P y1 and Py2 respectively.
Cross elasticity is negative for complements; price and quantity move in opposite
directions for complementary goods (ϵ < 0).
Cross elasticity is zero or nearly zero for unrelated goods where variations in the
price of one good have no effect on demand for the second (ϵ = 0).
Price elasticity of supply is positive. Supply is likely to be elastic if firms have plenty
of spare capacity, like extra supply of raw materials, overtime labor supply, etc. The
less these conditions apply, the less elastic will supply be.
Example – 01
a. If Px = Rs 5, Qx = 100 – 5(5) = 75
If Px = Rs 7, Qx = 100 – 5(7) = 65
Example - 02
The generalized linear demand function for good X is estimated to be Q = 250000 –
500P – 1.5M – 240Pr
Where P is price of good X, M is average income of consumers who buy good X,
and Pr is the price of related good R. The values of P, M and Pr are expected to be
$200, $60000 and $100 respectively. Use this values at this point on the demand to
make the following computations.
a. Compute the quantity of good X demanded for the given values of P, M and Pr.
b. Calculate the price elasticity of demand. At this point on the demand for X, is
demand elastic, inelastic, or unit elastic? How would increasing the price of X affect
total revenue? Explain.
d. Calculate the cross price elasticity. Are the goods X and R substitutes or
compliments? Explain how a 5 percent decrease in the price of related good R
would affect demand for X, all other factors affecting the demand for X remaining
the same.
Example – 03
After a careful statistical analysis, the Child seater company concluded that the
demand function for its product is
Q = 500 – 3P + 2Pr + 0.1I
Where Q is the quantity demanded of its product, P is the price of its product, Pr is
the price of its rival’s product, and I is the per capita disposable income in dollars. At
present, P = $10, Pr = $20 and I = $6000.
a. What is the price elasticity of demand for the firm’s product?
b. What is the income elasticity of demand for the product?
c. What is the cross price elasticity of demand between its product and its rival’s
What is the implicit assumption regarding the population?
Where Q is quantity demanded, P is the price of the product and I is the consumer’s
Q = aP-bIc
dQ/dP = -b aP-b-1Ic = (-b/P) aP-bIc = (-b/P) Q = -b (Q/P)
(dQ/dP) P/Q = -b
The left hand side of the equation is price elasticity of demand, it follows that the
price elasticity of demand equals –b, a constant whose value does not depend on P
or I.
Example – 04
The McCauley Company hires a marketing consultant to estimate the demand
function for its product. The consultant concludes that this demand function is
Q = 100 P–3.1I2.3A0.1
Where Q is the quantity demanded per capita per month, P is the product’s price in
dollars, I per capita disposable income in dollars, and A is the firm’s advertising
expenditures in thousands of dollars.
a. What is the price elasticity of demand? Will increase in price result in increase or
decrease in the amount spent on McCauley’s product?
b. What is the income elasticity of demand?
c. What is the advertising elasticity of demand?
d. If population in the market increases by 10 percent, what is the effect on the
quantity demanded if P, I and A are held constant?
If it is felt that market price of a good is unfair to buyers or sellers, price control
mechanisms are usually enacted by policy makers or governments.
Price Ceiling
If the government imposes a legal maximum on the price beyond which it is not
allowed to rise, such legislated maximum is called a price ceiling.
For example, rent control law dictates a maximum rent that landlord may charge
If the equilibrium price or market determined price that balances supply and demand
is below the price ceiling, The price ceiling is not binding. Market forces move the
economy smoothly and the price ceiling has no effect on the price or quantity sold.
Shortage ceiling
Price Ceiling
The excess demand creates many problems like who would get the product in what
quantity or how to distribute the product among the consumers.
If distribution is conducted first come first serve basis, there would be long queue
which would result wastage of time, tensions and fights caused by queue breakers.
Price Floor
If the government imposes a legal minimum on the price beyond which it is not
allowed to fall below, such legislated minimum is called a price floor.
For example, minimum wage law dictates the lowest wage that firms must pay
If the equilibrium price is above the floor, the price floor is not binding. Market forces
move the economy smoothly and the price floor has no effect.
price Price
Dr Purna Bahadur Khand, School of Business, Pokhara University
Supply, Demand and Govt. Policies
Price Floor
If the equilibrium price is below the floor, the price floor is a binding constraint on the
market. This leads to excess supply.
Price Floor
Excess supply also creates many problems. If any, storage requires or need to
export it to the foreign market.
Since storage requires, it costs in terms of space, transport in and out of storage
place, loss through spoilage, etc. Similarly, there is no guarantee about the
availability of foreign market. Workers may loose their job.
Example 1:
The local government in a West Coast College town is concerned about a recent
explosion in an apartment rental rates for students and other low income renters. To
combat the problem, a proposal has been made to institute rent control that would
place $900 per month ceiling on apartment rental rates. Apartment supply and
demand conditions in the local market are: Qs = – 400 + 2P and Qd = 5600 – 4P.
Where Q is the number of apartments and P is the monthly rent.
Determine the quantity demanded, quantity supplied and shortage with a $900 per
month ceiling on apartment rental rates.
Determine the change in social welfare and deadweight loss due to rent control.
Governments levy taxes to raise revenue for public projects. Taxes discourage
market activity. When the government levies a tax on a good, the equilibrium
quantity of the good falls. A tax on a good places a wedge between the price paid by
buyers and the price received by sellers.
Buyers pay more and sellers receive less, compare to before the tax, regardless of
whom the tax is levied on.
Consider demand and supply equations as:
Qd = 200 – 100/3 P and Qs = - 50 + 50P
Equilibrium price and quantity are respectively $3 and 100.
If $0.50 is levied on buyer, new demand and supply equations will be Qd = 200 –
100/3 (P + 0.50) and Qs = - 50 + 50P respectively.
Solving the two equations, price paid by buyer (P + 0.50) = 3.30 and price received
by seller (P) = 2.80
Price Supply, S1
$3.30 Equilibrium without tax
Tax ($0.50)
Price 3.00 A tax on buyers
without 2.80
shifts the demand
tax downward
by the size of
Price Equilibrium The tax ($0.50)
sellers with tax
90 100 Quantity
Consider demand and supply equations as:
Qd = 200 – 100/3 P and Qs = - 50 + 50P
Equilibrium price and quantity are respectively $3 and 100.
If $0.50 is levied on seller, new demand and supply equations will be Qd = 200 –
100/3 P and Qs = - 50 + 50 (P – 0.50) respectively.
Solving the two equations, price paid by buyer (P) = 3.30 and price received by
seller (P – 0.50) = 2.80
Demand, D1
90 100 Quantity
Buyers and sellers share the tax burden. The incidence of tax (that is, the division of
the tax burden) does not depend on whether the tax is levied on buyers or sellers.
The incidence of a tax depends on the price elasticity of supply and price elasticity
of demand.
Example 2:
Suppose that the market for tires is described by the following demand and supply
Qs = – 500 + 15P
Qd = 700 – P
Example 3:
The inverse demand and inverse supply functions of a commodity are given by
P = 5 – 2Qd and P = 0.5 (Ds + 5) respectively. Find the equilibrium price and
quantity. If subsidy of Rs 2.5 per unit is given to the producer, find equilibrium price
and quantity. Also find total amount of subsidy given in this case.
Also calculate deadweight loss due to subsidy.
1400 Qs = -400+2P
900 Pc =900
Qd = 5600-4P
00 1600 00
14 20 Quantity
DWL=0.5 x 200 x 150 = 15000
Tax Levied on Buyer
Qs = –50 + 50P
Qd = 200 – 100/3 P
Qd* = 200 – 100/3 (P + 0.5)
0 Quantity
90 10
1 2 Quantity
E Import
Sd Dd Quantity
Before After
Int’l trade Int’l trade Change
Consumer surplus A A+B+C+D B+C+D
Producer surplus B+E E –B
Total surplus A+B+E A+B+C+D+E C+D
(Gain from Int’l trade)
Gain & Loss of an Exporting Country
Export Sd
Dd Sd Quantity
Before After
Int’l trade Int’l trade Change
Consumer surplus A+B+C A –(B+C)
Producer surplus E+F B+C+D+E+F B+C+D
Total surplus A+B+C+E+F A+B+C+D+E+F D
(Gain from Int’l trade)
Gain & Loss from Tariff
Import w/ tariff Dd
Before After
tariff tariff Change
Consumer surplus A+B+C+D+E+F+G A+B+C –(D+E+F+G)
Producer surplus H D+H D
Govt surplus – F F
Total surplus A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H A+B+C+D+F+H –(E+G)
(Loss from tariff)
s =5
– 2P
50 200
Qs=50+P; Qd=500–2P
Qs=Qd => 50+P=500–2P => P=150; Q=200
s =5
– 2P
50 100 200
CS2=0.5x400x200=40000; PS2=0.5x(50+100)x50=3750
s =5
P**=110 500
– 2P
50 100 Qs** 200 Qd** Quantity
=160 =280
CS3=0.5x280x140=19600; PS3=0.5x(50+160)x110=11550;
Quota rent=120x60=7200
5 0+
Qs=–50+P; Qd=500–2P
Qs=Qd => –50+P=500–2P => P=183.33; Q=133.33
5 0+
Qs*=–50+Pw=–50+50=0; Qd*=500–2Pw=500–2x50=400
M=Qd*–Qs*=400–0 =400
5 0+
– 2P
93.33 213.34
CS3=0.5x213.34x106.67=11378.49; PS3=0.5x93.33x93.33=4355.24
Quota rent=120x93.33=11199.6; TS3=11378.49+4355.24+11199.6=26933.33
Demand Estimation
Sample size – Perfect result might be expected if we could work with a census
which consists of entire population. Usually, limitation on time and money available
for the data collection, forces us to use sampling method. The size of sample is a
trade off between the rising cost of data collection and the diminishing of sampling
error as the sample size grows larger.
A good rule of thumb is that a properly specified model will require at least three to
four times as many observations as independent variables.
Demand Estimation
Q = a + bP + cM + dPr
In this equation, the parameter b measures the change in quantity demanded that
would result from a one-unit change in price. That is, b = ΔQ/ΔP, which is assumed
to be negative.
Demand Estimation
The parameter c measures the change in demand that would result from a one-unit
change in consumer income. That is, c = ΔQ/ΔM, which is assumed to be positive
for normal good and negative for inferior good.
The parameter d measures the change in demand that would result from a one-unit
change in the price of related goods. That is, d = ΔQ/ΔPr, which is assumed to be
positive for substitute good and negative for complement good.
Demand Estimation
Q = aPbMcPrd
The obvious potential advantage of this form is that it provides a better estimate if
the true demand function is indeed nonlinear.
Demand Estimation
This specification allows us for the direct estimation of the elasticities. Specifically,
the value of parameter b measures the price elasticity of demand. Likewise, c and d,
respectively, measure the income elasticity and cross-price elasticity of demand.
Although we have presented only two functional forms as possible choices for
specifying the empirical demand equation, there are many possible functional forms
from which to choose. Unfortunately, the exact functional form of the demand
equation is not known to the researcher. Sometimes researcher employ a series of
regressions to settle on a suitable specification of demand.
Demand Estimation
ΣQ n ΣP ΣM ΣPr a
a n ΣP ΣM ΣPr ΣQ
Demand Estimation
U = f(X, Y)
U = utility or benefit obtained
X = quantity of commodity X consumed
Y = quantity of commodity Y consumed
2 3
U = X Y = 22 x 33 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 108
If per unit of X and per unit of Y give 2 unit and 3 unit of benefits, consumer obtains
108 units benefit from the consumption of 2 units of X and 3 units of Y.
U = 4XY + 3Y = (4 x 1 x 2) + (3 x 2) = 8 + 6 = 14
If per unit of X and per unit of Y give 2 unit and 3 unit of benefits, consumer obtains
14 units benefit from the consumption of 1 unit of X and 2 units of Y.
Hicks and Allen explained the concept of consumer’s equilibrium using indifference
curve (which shows the consumer’s preference) and budget line (which shows the
consumer’s ability for purchasing goods).
Indifference curve
Indifference curve is locus of points representing different bundles of goods, each of
which yields the same level of total utility.
Indifference Curve
Consumer is equally happy to consume bundle A (contains 1 unit of X and 20 units
of Y) or bundle B (contains 2 units of X and 14 units of Y). Similarly, consumer gets
same level of utility from bundle C or from bundle D or from bundle D.
The rate at which consumer exchanges one good for another to remain at same
level of satisfaction is known as marginal rate of substitution.
Marginal rate of substitution of good X for good Y is defined as the number of unit of
good Y that must be given up in exchange for one extra unit of good X so that
consumer remains at same level of satisfaction. It is denoted by MRS XY.
ΔX = 1; ΔY = -5
MRSXY = ΔY/ ΔX = -5
ΔX = 1; ΔY = -4
MRSXY = ΔY/ ΔX = -4
ΔX = 1; ΔY = -3
MRSXY = ΔY/ ΔX = -3
ΔX = 1; ΔY = -2
MRSXY = ΔY/ ΔX = -2
MRSXY = – 𝜕Y/𝜕X
If consumer looses goods gradually, the intensity of want for that good goes on
increasing. So he is ready to exchange lesser and lesser amount of loosing goods
with other goods.
Budget Line
A budget line describes the limits to consumption choices and depends on a
consumer’s budget and the prices of goods and services.
Budget equation
Budget Line
Px = 5; Py = 10, B = 100
Budget Line
A budget line is the locus of bundles (various combination of goods X and Y) that
can be purchased at given prices if the entire money income is spent.
Budget line rotates on the X-axis when PX changes and rotates on the Y-axis when
PY changes.
Lagrangian Function
L = U(X,Y) + λ(B – PXX – PYY) (3)
Consumer’s Equilibrium
Consumer’s Equilibrium
Utility is maximized where the indifference curve is tangent to the budget constraint
−𝜕Y/𝜕X = −PX/PY
Consumer’s Equilibrium
The tangency rule is only necessary condition. For sufficient condition, we assume
that MRS is diminishing. If MRS is diminishing, then indifference curves are strictly
convex. If MRS is not diminishing, then we must check second-order conditions to
ensure that we are at a maximum.
U = (X + 2)(Y + 1) = (13 + 2) x (5 + 1) = 15 x 6 = 90
2X + 5Y = (2 x 13) + (5 x 5) = 26 + 25 = 51
Example – 02
Find the optimum commodities purchase for a consumer whose utility function is U=
X2Y3. Price per unit of X and Y are Rs 1 and Rs 4, and his total income is Rs 100.
Substituting X = 40 in (5)
Y = 0.375 x 40 = 15
Example – 03
A certain consumer has $100 to spend on beef, chicken, and fish. Suppose that his
utility functions are:
TUB = 400QB – 10QB2
TUC = 550QC – 20QC2
TUF = 200QF – 5QF2
Where subscripts B, C and F indicate beef, chicken and fish respectively. Also
suppose that the average prices per pound are P B = $4.00, PC = $2.50 and PF =
$4.00 respectively.
How will this consumer’s $100 be spent to maximize total utility?
Substituting QC = 7.5 + 0.3125QB from (5a) and QF = 2QB – 20 from (5b) in (4d)
100 – 4QB – 2.5(7.5 + 0.3125QB) – 4(2QB – 20) = 0
100 – 4QB – 18.75 – 0.78125QB – 8QB + 80 = 0
161.25 = 12.78125QB
QB = 161.25 / 12.78125 = 12.62
Assume a point C which contains same composition of X and Y as in IC2 (Y=5X) but
same utility as in IC1 (3.1623)
U1 = X0.5(5X)0.5 => 3.1623 = 50.5X => X = 1.4, Y = 7
A → C: ΔX = 1.4 – 2 = – 0.6, ΔY = 7 – 5 = 2 => Substitution Effect (SE)
Production Function
Production function is the quantitative or physical relationship between quantity of
inputs and quantity of output, other things remain constant. Other thing implies time,
technology, price and other exogenous factors like socio-political, cultural, religious
For the sake of simplicity, let us take simple case which contains only two input
factors – K and L, later it can be generalized for more factors of production.
Q = f(K, L)
There are two types of production function regarding the variability of factor inputs –
short run production function and long run production function.
In the short-run, labor can be changed easily, whereas, capital like land, buildings
and machinery can not be changed easily. However, in the long-run all the factors
can be changed easily. Thus, in short-run at least one factor is variable, whereas in
the long-run all the factors are variable.
The law of variable proportion states that when one factor is increased gradually to
fixed factors, initially total product, then average product and then marginal product
increase. But later (beyond a certain point), first marginal product, then average
product and then total product decline.
Technology of the production remains constant.
One factor input is variable and the other factor inputs are constant.
Variable factor input is uniformly and homogeneously divisible.
Any proportions of variable factor and fixed factor can be employed in production
5 0 - - -
5 1 5 5 5
5 2 15 10 7.5
5 3 30 15 10
5 4 40 10 10
5 5 45 5 9
5 6 45 0 7.5
5 7 40 -5 5.7
TP = f(K , L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TP = f(K , L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0 5
1 5 5 5 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 11 6 5.5
3 19 8 6.33
4 27 8 6.75 10
5 33 6 6.6
6 37 4 6.16
7 37 0 5.28 6
8 34 -3 4.25 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stage – II
TP increases at decreasing rate and becomes maximum.
MP declines continuously and becomes zero.
AP declines continuously from APmax.
Stage – III
TP starts declining from TPmax.
MP is negative (but both TP and AP are positive).
AP is declining.
Reasons to Stage – I
Quantity of fixed factor is abundant relative to quantity of variable factor. When more
and more variable factor is added, fixed factor is effectively utilized.
Reasons to Stage – II
Fixed factor becomes more and more scarce relative to variable factor. Variable
factor gets less contribution from fixed factor.
Indivisibility of fixed factor i.e. since fixed factor is not divisible, no contribution from
fixed factor is obtained for increased variable factor.
Imperfect substitutability between the factors. As one factor can not be perfectly
substituted to another factor, it causes one factor input scarce.
Amount of variable factor becomes too excessive to the fixed factor so that variable
factor impairs efficiency of fixed factor.
Stage I: irrational
Stage II: rational
Stage III: irrational
Elasticity of Production
The elasticity of production is the ratio of the marginal product to the average
product. It is different at every point on the total product curve. The elasticity of
production also helps to explain the three stages of production.
𝐸𝑝 = ∆𝑋 𝑄
= ∆𝑋
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑃
Q = f(K, L)
Capital (K)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 25 52 74 90 100 108 114 118 120 121
2 0 55 112 162 198 224 242 252 258 262 264
3 0 83 170 247 303 342 369 384 394 400 403
Labor (L) 4 0 108 220 325 400 453 488 511 527 535 540
5 0 125 258 390 478 543 590 631 653 663 670
6 0 137 286 425 523 598 655 704 732 744 753
7 0 141 304 453 559 643 708 766 800 814 825
8 0 143 314 474 587 679 753 818 857 873 885
9 0 141 318 488 609 708 789 861 905 922 935
10 0 137 314 492 617 722 809 887 935 953 967
The law of returns to scale states that the successive uniform increment in all inputs
reflects three types of returns to scale – increasing returns to scale, constant returns
to scale and decreasing returns to scale.
If successive uniform increase in all inputs lead more than proportionate increase in
output, it is increasing returns to scale. If proportion of increase in inputs and
proportion of increase in output are same, it is constant returns to scale. If
proportionate increase in output is less than proportionate increase in inputs, then it
is decreasing returns to scale.
There are some production which reflects all three types of returns to scale in
sequence, such production functions are called non-homogeneous production
functions. There are another category of production which reflects either increasing
or constant or decreasing returns to scale, such production are homogenous
production function.
The law of returns to scale can be explained in better way by using homogeneous
production function as:
5 5 100
10 10 250
15 15 450
5 5 100
10 10 200
15 15 300
5 5 100
10 10 175
15 15 225
An isoquant shows the different combination of capital (K) and labor (L) which a firm
can produce a specific quantity of output. It is the case where the firm has only two
factors of production labor and capital, both are variable. Since all factors are
variable, it can be taken as the long-run production function.
Q = f(K, L)
Where Q is fixed and both K and L are variables.
Isoquant Curve
Captal (K)
1 2 3 4 5
Labour (L)
Properties of Isoquant
An isoquant slopes downward or negatively sloped from left to right. This is because when
labor is increased, the quantity of capital must be decreased to keep the same level of output.
Isoquants cannot cross over each other i.e. two isoquants cannot intersect each other.
Isoquants are convex to the origin, because, the marginal rate of technical substitution of one
factor in terms of another factor diminishes along an isoquant. In other words, they are
convex to the origin due to diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution.
Movement from A to B, 4 units of K has been exchanged with 1 unit of L to remain in same
level of output. Similarly, movement from B to C, 3 units of K has been exchanged with 1
unit of L, and so on to remain in same level of output 5.
These rates at which capitals have been exchanged with labors are marginal rates of
technical substitution.
The marginal rate of technical substitution of labor for capital (MRTSLK) is the amount by
which the input of capital can be reduced when one extra unit of labor is used so that output
remain constant.
If price per unit of labor and per unit of capital are respectively P L and PK, producer
has budget B, then, budget equation is
Suppose that the price of labor is $12 and price of capital is $2, and if the producer
has the budget $60, then the budget equation is
60 = 12L + 2K
Producer’s Objectives
Production maximization
Q = f(K,L)
C = rK + wL
Lagranzian: Z = f(K, L) + λ(C – rK – wL)
Cost Minmization
C = rK + wL
Q = f(K,L)
Lagranzian: Z = rK + wL) + λ[Q – f(K, L)]
1. Given the production function Q = AK 0.5L0.5 and prices per unit of K and L are Rs
20 and RS 40 respectively. Determine the firm’s input combination under the
objective of output maximization if total cost is Rs 800.
Q = AK0.5L0.5 (1)
800 = 20K + 40L (2)
Z = AK0.5L0.5 + λ(800 – 20K – 40L) (3)
2. Consider the Miller Company, for which the relationship between output per hour
(Q) and the number of workers (L) and the number of machines (K) used per hour is
Q=10(LK)0.5. The wage per worker is Rs 8 per hour, and the price of a machine is
Rs 2 per hour. If the Miller Company produces 80 units output per hour, how many
workers and machines should it use?
C = 8L + 2K (1)
80 = 10(LK)0.5 (2)
Z = 8L + 2K + 10 λ[ 80 – 10 (LK)0.5] (3)
C = 8L + 2K = (8 x 4) + (2 x 16) = 64
Q = 10(LK)0.5 = 10(4 x 16)0.5 = 10 x 8 = 80
3. A firm manufactures a good using K unit of capital and L unit of labor. The
quantity produced is Q=K0.5L0.5. Each unit of capital and labor cost Rs 20 and Rs 5
respectively. Find the minimum cost of producing 20 units of manufactured good.
C = 20K + 5L (1)
20 = K0.5L0.5 (2)
Z = 20K + 5L + λ(20 – K0.5L0.5) (3)
A firm is a rational economic unit and always tries to maximize profit. Profit is
maximum when revenue is maximum and cost is minimum.
Revenue and cost, thus determine profit. Larger the difference between TR and TC,
larger would be the profit and vice-versa. That is why firm is always interested to its
revenue and cost, and revenue curve and cost curve.
Cost is expenses of firm during production of goods and services. Producer has to
pay rent for land, wage for labor, interest for capital, producer himself needs profit,
and expenses for raw materials, fuel and energy. These all constitute cost of a firm.
Short-run Cost
Short-run is a period when some factors of production such as machineries,
equipments, plants, buildings, etc are fixed and only raw materials, labors, etc are
variable. Thus, there are fixed as well as variable factors of production, and firm can
change its output by changing variable factors only.
Accordingly, the cost of the firm in the short-run are divided into fixed cost and
variable cost. Sum of fixed cost and variable cost gives total cost in the short-run.
Long-run Cost
Long-run is a period when all the factors of production are variable. The firm can
change machineries, equipments and tools, plants, buildings along with the raw
materials and buildings.
There is no concept of fixed factor of production in the long-run as all the factors are
variable, so there is no fixed cost in the long-run.
Fixed Cost
In short-run, there are fixed factors and variable factors in the production process.
Fixed factors are land, buildings, machineries, administrative staff, etc. The cost
corresponding to these factors is called fixed cost. It is same whatever is the size of
production i.e. same for zero production and any production.
Variable Cost
Variable factors of production are those which are changed along with the change in
output level. Variable factors are raw materials, labors, fuel, energy, etc. The
expenditure made on these variable factors is called variable cost. If output is zero,
variable cost will also zero. And if output increases, variable cost will also increase.
It remains same regardless of quantity of output produced and firm has to incurred
even if output is zero. Thus TFC is constant throughout.
Total variable cost increases at a decreasing rate initially, and after a point, it
increases at an increasing rate as the output increases. It is because, initially
increasing returns occurs and later decreasing returns occurs. Thus, it is due to law
of variable proportion.
As total variable cost increases with the increase of output level, total cost also
increases with the increase of output level. Similarly, total cost increases at a
decreasing rate initially and increases at an increasing rate later with the increase in
output level.
TC Curve
TVC Curve
TFC Curve
AFC, AVC and ATC are derived from TFC, TVC and TC respectively. Similarly,
short-run marginal cost is derived from TVC.
When output increases, AFC reduces gradually. It falls at higher rate initially and at
a lower rate later.
The trend of AVC depends on the trend of TVC. If TVC increases at a decreasing
rate, the AVC decreases. If TVC increases at an increasing rate, the AVC increases.
The trend of ATC depends on the trend of TC. If TC increases at a decreasing rate,
the ATC decreases. If TC increases at an increasing rate, the ATC increases.
Marginal cost is independent of fixed cost, because the fixed cost does not change
when output changes. Change in total cost is due to change in variable cost. Thus
marginal cost is also defined as change in total variable cost due to change in
output produced and algebraically:
30 MC Curve
ATC Curve
AVC Curve
AFC Curve
0 Q
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
As output increases, MC falls till TVC increases at decreasing rate, and rises when
TVC increases at increasing rate.
The MC curve is also of U-shaped. It reaches its minimum point before the AVC and
the AC curves. MC is below AVC when AVC is falling, equals AVC at the lowest
point of AVC curve and is above AVC when AVC is rising.
Revenue is the receipt obtained by a firm from the sale of its products. It is
important for the determination of profit. The difference between the revenue and
the cost becomes profit. Hence, a firm always tries to get more revenue from the
sale of its product.
Total revenue
Average revenue
Marginal revenue
Revenue Curves
TR = P×Q
Revenue Curves
AR = TR / Q
Revenue Curves
1 5 5 5 5
2 5 10 5 5
3 5 15 5 5
4 5 20 5 5
5 5 25 5 5
Revenue Curves
1 10 10 10 -
2 9 18 9 8
3 8 24 8 6
4 7 28 7 4
5 6 30 6 2
Revenue Curves
3. When AR curve and MR curve are downward slopped convex curves to the
origin, MR curve passes to the left from mid-point of the perpendicular line drawn
from AR curve to Y-axis.
Revenue Curves
4. When AR curve and MR curve are downward slopped concave curves to the
origin, MR curve passes to the right from mid-point of the perpendicular line drawn
from AR curve to Y-axis.
Revenue Curves
E = AR / (AR – MR)
This is very useful relationship between price elasticity of demand (e), average
revenue (AR) and marginal revenue (MR) at any level of output.
Objectives of Firm
Number of models have been advanced to explain the behavior of firms in terms of
their goals and objectives. Traditional model of the firm is profit maximization
objective as its primary goal. In modern society, the emphasis on profit
encompasses uncertainty with time dimension and leads to various alternative
models for firm’s objectives. Some important objectives are:
1. Profit maximization
2. Sales revenue maximization
3. Output level maximization
4. Minimize cost of production
5. Firm’s value maximization
1. Profit maximization:
Profit as an objective of the firm has emerged from over a century of economic
theory. The behavioral assumption of profit maximization has served economic
theory well. Usually, the main objective of a private sector firms is to maximize its
profit. Profit maximization means increasing profit as much as possible or producing
a level of output which brings the most profit for the firm.
William J. Baumol believes that revenue or sales maximization rather than profit
maximization is consistent with the actual behavior of firms. It is regarded as the
short-run and long-run goal of the firm.
If the sales of a firm are declining, banks, creditors and the capital market are not
prepared to provide finance to it. Its own distributors and dealers might stop taking
interest in it. Consumers might not buy its products because of its unpopularity. But
if sales are large, the size of the firm expands which, in turn, means larger profits.
Thus, the aim of the firm is to maximize its sales rather than profits.
4. Cost minimization:
In case of budget constraint or limit, cost minimization might be the main objective of
a firm. Cost minimization objective makes full utilization of scarce resources. It
prevents the misuse of the resources. As there is no unlimited resource in the long-
run, the objective helps sustainability of the financial as well as other kinds of
Cost minimization do not mean the minimization of cost from the less production, it
is the lowest cost of production for the specified production level by choosing
alternative combination of factors of production.
The behavioral theory of firm developed by Cyert and March focuses on the
decision making process of the large multi product firm in an imperfect market. They
deal with the large corporate managerial business in which ownership is separated.
Their theory originated from the concern about the organizational problem with the
internal structure of such firms.
The assumptions underlying the behavioral theories about the complex nature of the
firm introduces an element of realism into the theory of the firm. The firm is not
treated as a single-goal, single decision unit, as in the traditional theory, but as a
multi goal, multi decision organization coalition. The firm is as a coalition of different
groups which are connected with their activities in various ways, like managers,
workers, shareholders, customers, suppliers and so on.
Each group has its own set of goals or demands. For example, workers want high
wages, good pension schemes, good conditions of work. The managers want high
salaries, power, prestige. The shareholders want high profits, growing capital and
market size. The customers want low prices and good quality and service. The
suppliers want regular contracts for the input materials they sell to the firm, and so
Example 1
Given the demand function, P = 20 – Q, and the total cost function, C = Q2 + 8Q +
2, determine the optimal output level, total revenue, total cost, and profit, under:
a. Profit maximization
b. Sales revenue maximization
c. Sales revenue maximization subject to profit 8.
When Q = 1
TR = 20Q – Q2 = 20 x 1 – 12 = 19
TC = Q2 + 8Q + 2 = 12 + 8 x 1 + 2 = 11
π = TR – TC = 19 – 11 = 8
When Q = 5
TR = 20Q – Q2 = 20 x 5 – 52 = 75
TC = Q2 + 8Q + 2 = 52 + 8 x 5 + 2 = 67
π = TR – TC = 75 – 67 = 8
Example 2
Tamakoshi Electrical Limited has the following demand and cost functions:
P = 2000 – 10Q
TC = 1000 + 200Q
Calculate price (P), output level (Q), total revenue (TR), total cost (TC) and profit (π)
under the objective of:
a. Profit maximization
b. Revenue maximization
c. Revenue maximization subject to profit constraint of Rs 79500
Perfect Competition
The model of perfect competition envisions a market structure with the following
1. Many sellers of a homogeneous product
2. Large number of buyers
3. Free entry and exit
4. Free mobility of economic resources
5. Perfect information
6. The firm is a price taker and quantity adjuster
Profit-maximizing Conditions
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
π(Q) = TR(Q) – TC(Q)
Short-run Equilibrium
1. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
2. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
3. Loss (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR<TC)
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
Price Price
0 q Output 0 Q
Price Price
0 q Output 0 Q
Price Price
0 q Output 0 Q
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
Price Price
0 q Output 0 Q
Problem 01
Zebra Coffee Delight Inc is one of many small independent processors of Brazilian
coffee. The industry’s weekly supply and demand functions are estimated to be
a. What is the market price?
b. What is the profit-maximizing level of output by Zebra?
c. What are Zebra’s total revenue, total cost, unit cost and profit?
a. market price
Qs = Qd
5000P = 90000 – 4000P 9000P = 90000
P = 10
A monopoly is the sole producer/supplier of a product with no close substitutes . The
most important characteristic of a monopolized market is barriers to entry i.e. new
firms cannot profitably enter the market.
Profit-maximizing Conditions
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
π(Q) = TR(Q) – TC(Q)
Short-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
2. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
3. Loss (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR<TC)
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
Short-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
EP b
D = AR
Short-run Equilibrium
2. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
D = AR
Short-run Equilibrium
3. Loss (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR<TC)
Loss a
D = AR
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
EP b
D = AR
Example 1
Given the demand function and cost function of a monopoly:
P = 100 – 4Q and TC = 50 + 20Q
Where P, Q and TC are price per unit, quantity of commodity and the total cost
respectively. Find equilibrium level of output, price, total cost, total revenue and
profit. Also show if the profit is maximized.
TC = 50 + 20Q
MC = ∂TC/∂Q = 20
Price Discrimination
Price discrimination is the practice of a producer/seller to sell the same product at
different price to different customers. The cost of production is same or not
significantly different. Similarly, product or service is same or not significantly
With first degree price discrimination, the firm extracts the consumer’s entire
surplus. The firm succeeds in getting all the area under the demand curve as
revenue. Each consumer pays a price equal to the marginal utility of that unit for
each unit consumed.
Discrimination of the first degree is the extreme case and very rarely practiced.
Buying land is one common example.
For example, public utility companies practice price discrimination of the third
degree by grouping their customers into separate markets, such as residential,
commercial and industrial or different times day/night. Airlines charge different fare
for different income group people in the same flight.
Example 2
The Thaitronics was established in 1983 in Bangkok, Thailand, as a wholly owned
subsidiary of FTT Corporation. Thaitronics manufactures memory boards for
computers, which it sells in the United States (Market A) and Europe (Market B).
The daily demand in the United States is Q A = 30 – PA and in Europe is QB = 22 –
PB. The average total cost is 2 + 0.1QT, where QT = total output, in units.
a. Find optimal sales quantity and price in each market under price discrimination.
b. Find the maximum profit using price discrimination.
c. Find the maximum profit without price discrimination.
Profit (𝜋) = TR – TC
= [30QA – QA2 + 22QB – QB2] – [2(QA + QB) + 0.1(QA + QB)2]
= 30QA – QA2 + 22QB – QB2 – 2(QA + QB) – 0.1(QA + QB)2
PA = 30 – QA = 30 – 12 = 18
PB = 22 – QB = 22 – 8 = 14
Market A: PA = 18; QA = 12
Market B: PB = 14; QB = 08
b. Profit (𝜋) = TR – TC
TR = = PAQA + PBQB = (18 x 12) + (14 x 8) = 216 + 252 = 468
TC = 2(QA + QB) + 0.1(QA + QB)2 = 2(12 + 8) + 0.1(12 + 8)2 = 40 + 40 = 80
𝜋 = 468 – 80 = 388
Example 3
Assume that a monopoly multi-plant firm has the following demand and cost
Demand function: Q = 120 – 10P
Cost functions: TC1 = 4Q1 + 0.1Q12 and TC2 = 2Q2 + 0.1Q22
Here, P, Q, Q1 and Q2 are price, demand, individual demand for firm A and
individual demand for firm B.
a. Price and total quantity for the multi-plant monopoly firm.
b. Individual demand for firm A and firm B, and total profit.
Example 4
The Thaitronics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of FTT Corporation,
manufactures memory boards for computers, which the firm has been selling in the
United States (Market A) and Europe (Market B). After several months of operation,
the top managers of Thaitronics have obtained sufficient experience to revise their
estimates of demand in the United States and Europe, and they have also decided
to enter a third market in the Far East (Market C). Cost of production remains at
TC = 2QT + 0.1 QT2
Their estimates of demand in the three markets now are:
Market A: (United States) PA = 30 – QA
Market B: (Europe) PB = 22 – QB
Market C: (Far East) PC = 32 – QC
a. Find optimal sales quantity and price in each market under price discrimination.
b. Find the maximum profit using price discrimination.
c. Find the maximum profit without price discrimination.
Monopolistic Competition
Monopolistic Competition
The extremes of perfect competition and pure monopoly are theoretical models that
are far from many actual market situations. Thus in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s,
many economists attempted to develop models of imperfect competition that could
characterize market structures between those two extremes. One of the most
noteworthy of those models is monopolistic competition.
Monopolistic Competition
1. Many firms sell similar but not identical products
2. Many small buyers
3. Free entry and exit (e.g. apartments, fast foods)
4. Downward sloping demand curve
5. Asymmetric information
6. Large advertising cost
Profit-maximizing Conditions
Profit = Total Revenue – Total Cost
π(Q) = TR(Q) – TC(Q)
Short-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
2. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
3. Loss (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR<TC)
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
Short-run Equilibrium
1. Excess Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR>TC)
EP b
D = AR
Short-run Equilibrium
2. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
D = AR
Short-run Equilibrium
3. Loss (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR<TC)
Loss a
D = AR
Long-run Equilibrium
1. Normal Profit (MC=MR, Slope of MC > slope of MR & TR=TC)
D = AR
April Showers Company is a medium-sized manufacturer of sprinkler heads. The
firm has recently developed a square-spraying sprinkler head that greatly improves
lawn watering and requires less water than conventional circular-spraying sprinkler
The firms engineering estimates the total cost function to be
TC = 500000 + 400Q
Where, Q=output in units of 1000 sprinkler heads.
Determine the profit-maximizing output and price.
Determine the profit at the optimum output.
TC = 500000 + 400Q
MC = 400
Oligopoly Competition
The model of oligopoly competition envisions a market structure with the following
1. Small number of large firms (2 – 10)
(duopoly if only 2 firms)
2. Similar or identical products
3. Barrier to entry
4. Interdependence on price and output determination
5. Importance of advertising and selling cost
Classification of Oligopoly:
(i) Product basis
Perfect or pure oligopoly: If the firms produce homogeneous products, then it is
called pure or perfect oligopoly. Though, it is rare to find pure oligopoly situation,
yet, cement, steel, aluminum and chemicals producing industries approach pure
Imperfect or Impure Duopoly: If the firms produce similar products, then it is called
imperfect or impure oligopoly. For example, passenger cars, cigarettes or soft
drinks. The goods produced by different firms have their own distinguishing
characteristics, yet all of them are close substitutes of each other.
Classification of Oligopoly:
(ii) Cooperation basis
Collusive oligopoly: If the firms cooperate with each other in determining price or
output or both, it is called collusive oligopoly or cooperative oligopoly.
Non-collusive oligopoly: If firms in an oligopoly market compete with each other, it
is called a non-collusive or non-cooperative oligopoly.
Cartel is a kind of collusive oligopoly where firms collude in order to reduce the
uncertainties arising out of the inherent rivalries among them.
The colluding firms are usually bound by agreements whereby they seek to
maximize the joint profit of the group. OPEC is an example of such type of collusion.
Cartel (contd.)
To analyze let us consider two profit maximizing firms 1 and 2 forming a Collusive
Oligopoly cartel for joint profit maximization.
The cost conditions are represented in terms of the marginal and average cost
curves (MC and AC respectively). Based on the individual MC curves of the two
firms, we derive the aggregate MC curve (AMC) as the horizontal summation of
MC1 and MC2.
Given the market demand curve, by equating MR with AMC, we can derive the
industry output and the corresponding industry price.
Cartel Model
Cartel Model
Cartel model aims at joint profit maximization which is identical to the multi-plant
Max π = π1 + π2
P = f(Q) = f(Q1 + Q2), C1 = f(Q1), C2 = f(Q2)
π1 = R1 – C1, π2 = R2 – C2
π = R1 + R2 – C1 – C2 = R – C1 – C2
Where, R = R1 + R2
∂2R/∂Q2 < ∂2C1/∂Q12 and ∂2R/∂Q2 < ∂2C2/∂Q22
MC of each firm must be increasing faster than common MR
Example 01
Assume that market demand is
P = 100 – 0.5(Q) = 100 – 0.5(Q1 + Q2)
And that two colluding firms have the cost given by
C1 = 5Q1, and C2 = 0.5Q22
Find output to be produced by each firm (Q1, Q2), price (P), and
joint profit (π = π1 + π2) of the two colluding firms.
MC1 = MR
5 = 100 – Q1 – Q2
Q1 + Q2 = 95
MC2 = MR
Q2 = 100 – Q1 – Q2
Q1 + 2Q2 = 100
Q1 + 2Q2 = 100
Q1 + Q2 = 95
Q2 = 5 => Q1 = 90
P = 100 – 0.5(Q) = 100 – 0.5(Q1 + Q2) = 100 – 0.5(90 + 5) = 100 – 0.5 x 95 = 52.5
Price Leadership
Under price leadership, one firm assumes the role of a price leader and fixes the
price of the product for the entire industry.
The other firms in the industry simply follow the price leader and accept the price
fixed by the leader and adjust their output to this price.
The price leader is generally a very large or dominant firm or a firm with the lowest
cost of production. It often happens that price leadership is established as a result of
price war in which one firm emerges as the winner.
Price Leadership
Low-cost price leader
It is assumed that for simplicity, that there are only two firms in the industry. The
market demand is defined by the function
P = a – b(Q) = a – b(Q1 + Q2); Q1 & Q2 are output firms 1 & 2
Firm 1 assumes that the rival firm will produce an equal amount of output to his own,
that is
Q1 = Q2
The low-cost leader will set the price which max his own profit
Max π1 = TR1 – TC1 = (a – 2bQ1)Q1 – C1
Price P and output Q1 that the leader produce maximizes his profit. Follower will
adopt the same price.
Example 02
Assume that the market demand is
P = 105 - 2.5Q = 105 - 2.5(Q1 + Q2)
The leader will be low-cost firm 1: he will set a price which will maximize his own
profit on the assumption that the rival firm will adopt the same price and will produce
an equal amount of output. The demand function for leader is
TC = 5Q1 => MC = 5
If a firm raises price and other firms leave their prices constant, then the firm would
lose market share and fall in its total revenue making demand relatively price elastic.
On the other hand, if a firm reduces its price but other firms follow, it leads to a fall
in revenue with little or no effect on market share making demand relatively price
e MC
MR1 f
g D2
Qe MR2 Quantity
Example 03
(Kink Demand Model)
Assume that the demand functions for the increase and for the price cuts of an
oligopoly firm for its product "Board Marker" are respectively, Q 1 = 560 – 80P1 (Price
Increase) and Q2 = 200 – 20P2 (Price Cuts), where Q is output and P is price. The
total cost function of the firm is TC = 2Q + 0.0125Q 2
P1 = P2 = P and Q1 = Q2 = Q
560 – 80P = 200 – 20P => P = 6, Q = 80
π = PQ – (2Q + 0.0125Q2)
=6x80 – 2x80 – 0.0125x802 = 240
An externality is the impact of one person’s action on the well-being of a bystander
or neighbor. Whenever an action of a buyer (consumer) and/or a seller (producer)
affects a third party who is neither buyer (consumer) nor seller (producer), therefore
the third party and external to the market transaction, there is an externality.
Example, suppose you buy petrol for your car from a petrol pump. When you drive
your car, you cause pollution to your next door neighbor who has to breathe in
polluted air. Your neighbor is the third party in this transaction who neither has
bought nor sold the petrol and got affected by the transaction between you and the
petrol pump. Therefore the pollution from your car is the externality .
In the process of production and consumption of goods and services, social values
and social costs often differ significantly from the private values and private costs of
the producer and consumer. The difference between social cost and private cost or
social value and private value is known as externality.
Private cost is the cost of production that is actually realized by the producer
measured in the free market. Social cost is the true cost of production which include
all relevant cost i.e. cost realized by the producer and cost or harm realized by other
than the producer.
Private value or benefit is the value realized by the consumer that is measured in
free market. Social value or benefit is the true value which includes all relevant
values i.e. value realized by the consumer and the value realized by other than the
Due to the presence of these externalities, market does not produce economically
efficient output. As a result, market fails to operate. This gives rise to an active role
of government in the economy.
Types of Externalities
Consumption and production of goods and services give rise to externalities, thus
there is consumption externalities and production externalities. Consumption
externalities are further divided into positive consumption externalities and negative
consumption externalities. Similarly, production externalities are divided into positive
production externalities and negative production externalities.
Consumption Externalities
In traditional economics, consumption is supposed to be independent. But in reality,
consumption of an individual generates positive externalities and negative
As for example, when an individual gets higher education, it increases literacy rate
of that society.
Dr Purna Bahadur Khand, School of Business, Pokhara University
Externalities and Market Efficiency
For example, when one gets drunkard, it adversely affect the neighbor.
Dr Purna Bahadur Khand, School of Business, Pokhara University
Externalities and Market Efficiency
In both of the cases, there is difference between social value and the private value.
Production Externalities
Production of goods and services also creates externalities which may be in the
form of positive production externalities and negative production externalities.
In both of the cases, there is difference between social cost and the private cost.
Market Failure
Market failure refers to that situation where resources are not efficiently allocated.
An allocation of resources that maximizes sum of consumer surplus and producer
surplus (social welfare) is said to be efficient. Policy makers are often concerned
with the efficiency.
In case of market failure, the market wastes scarce resources by either producing
too much of the goods and services (over production) or by producing too little of the
goods and services (under production). When the market does not provide efficient
outcomes for society, economists say that the market has failed.
Public Goods
A good is said to be public good when it has two characteristics:
1. Non-rival in consumption
2. Non-exclusion in character
Non-rival in consumption implies that the consumption of one person does not affect
the consumption of other. Similarly, non-exclusion in character implies no one can
be excluded for the consumption of such goods or services.
For example, road, bridge, street-lamp, etc. When one person is using street-lamp,
it does not reduce the consumption or satisfaction of the other. Similarly, no one is
prohibited to use the light.
Since, public goods are non-exclusion in character, private firm will not provide or
produce it as it is not sure of making economic profit. Public goods are usually
produce or delivered by the government and financed by public funds like taxes.
Consumer can take a free ride for the public goods and services. Free-ride principle
says that you can not charge a price to an individual for public goods and any body
can gain benefit from the consumption without paying anything. The name free-rider
comes from a common text book example, someone using public transportation
without paying the fare. If too many people do this, the system will not have enough
money to operate.
3. Market failure due to the externalities: When cost and benefit arises to a
person not because of his or her own efforts but because of effort made by some
other person, externalities arises. When there is externalities, the resources are not
allocated efficiently i.e. the market fails.
4. Market failure due to the lack of information: If the consumer does not have
adequate information about the market condition, consumer can not make optimal