Social Media Marketing Impact On Delivery Companies
Social Media Marketing Impact On Delivery Companies
Social Media Marketing Impact On Delivery Companies
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Table of Contents
Research Questions & Objectives................................................................................................................3
Literature Review........................................................................................................................................3
Research Design......................................................................................................................................7
Strategy for Research..............................................................................................................................7
The Study's Context and the Amount of Researcher Interference..........................................................8
Data Collection Methodologies...............................................................................................................8
Research Ethics:...........................................................................................................................................9
Time Scale:..................................................................................................................................................9
The research objective is to find the impact of all the factors that relate to marketing in social media
sector. The report takes special consideration of the delivery companies and how they impact the
consumer behavior. Social media began as a tool for amusement, but when its benefits in the business
domain became apparent, it began to be employed in marketing. We shall also discuss the social media
concepts such as marketing and media strategy. The benefits and drawbacks of using social as marketing
tool and how it influneces the consumers intentions to purchase form an integral part of this report. We
would also disarm various patterns of purchase that lie in social media marketing to ensure that we get
the full grip of the subject at hand.
With the advancement in the computer technology, social media strategies deeply impact the consumer
purchase decisions. The expansion of the e-commerce business or online shopping has evolved into a
brand-new individual consumption pattern for consumers. They help in attraction of public almost free
of cost. The effect that social media has on the preferences of the people has vastly effected my choice
for choosing this topic as my preferred thesis topic
Social media began as a tool for people to communicate with their family and friends. Social media,
largely comprsing of the internet has enabled people all around the globe to interact and talk with each
other. It has indeed made the worls as a global village. It can simply be defined as a collection of web
programs that allow users to create and share user-generated content. Some common examples of
these methods include Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, YouTube, Telegram, LinkedIn, and SnapChat. The
reason it became popular was the instant responses. You can see the reaction in minimum time and
here was no waiti time It was more interactive and less time consuming. It was easier to reach million of
people too through a promotion campaign. The benefits of adopting SMM include the ability to engage
in two-way communication with the client, on time, place, media, and cost, as most social media
platforms are free to use (Hausman, 2012). Google Analytics and Facebook insights can also be used to
track social media marketing. We shall discuss in detail the impact of social media marketing on the
delivery companies with special reference to Deliveroo. This is a special delivery service that is providing
food delivery service to the city with many added features.
Research Questions & Objectives
The objective of the research is how social media marketing is effecting the consumer behavior. It also
takes in account the effect it has on the delivery services such as Deliveroo. The research questions that
we have devised for our report are as follows:
1. Does social media marketing effect the consumer choices, with special reference to online
2. To what extent consumers are attracted towards delivery company advertisements, while using
social media.
3. Does social networking increase the possibility of use online delivery services?
4. Is social media marketing effective in promoting businesses online?
5. Do people who are hooked up on Social media, use online delivery services more.
6. Have delivery companies become more prominent after the increase in social media use?
Literature Review
We have seen the advent of Web 2.0 as one of the most significant breakthroughs in the history of
business specially the ecommerce industry. Social media storm is also not ar begins. This is also based on
the evolutionary Web 2.0 that helps in encouragement of content that is generated by users and also
allows them to display their own stories and content around the globe. (Ioanăs, 2018)
During the last decade, this advancement in technology definitely revolutionarised the marketing tactics
being used in the past that pushed the ushering marketers into a new era. Social media is likely to
change marketers' connections with retailers, distribution networks, and final customers in the next
marketing era. It is the Information Age, and customers are bombarded with massive amounts of data
on a daily basis. There are now massive presence of social media campaigns as well as websites that act
as selling agents for the companies. They have been adapted by businesses of all sizes as maintaining
them as sales strategies has become much cheaper. They are also very easy to use and implement.
Traditional marketing's shortcomings are difficult to quantify because we can never be sure how many
people actually see the billboard that is placed. There is no discrete data that can help us in this regard.
In addition placing advertisement whether on print media or in shape of bill boards is quite expensive.
Traditionally commercial channels make huge amount of money by selling these ads. However the cost
that is incurred on social media is next to nothing. (Molly, 2015)
We can not disregard the weaknesses of social media as well. We have seen that there are very small
amount of people who use social media. Not all the targeted market is always available on the internet
and social media. If the clients are not active on social media, there is no way that they can be contacted
over the internet and thererfore the customer can not be tapped for further business.
Many sectors throughout the world have recently adopted social media as a marketing tool. According
to Tuten and Solomon (2017), social media marketing initiatives have a beneficial impact on target
customers' purchasing inclinations. Many businesses have adopted social media marketing campaigns as
their primary marketing tools, especially in the digital age, due to their capacity to provide them with
possibilities to directly communicate with target customers. The food delivery system in the Bahrain
have adopted the concept of social media marketing in full capacity. They compete in the delivery
service market, which is currently one of the most competitive in the world. This business has been
growing at a rapid pace, owing to rising demand for delivery services by the people in the luxury of their
home. (Fuller, 2019)
The competition in the field has been intense and fierce. This is because people now feel that it is safer
to order through a delivery service as they take care of the requirements as well as pay back if the need
arises. Nowadays, the Food delivery market is facing a stiff competition. There are many new brands
that have built up strategies to capture the internet market. They try to influence the consumer buying
behaviour as well. The company that we shall focus is Deliveroo. It has made social media an integral
part of their marketing strategy. They have capitalized this factor as their competitive advantage and
many companies now prefer to order online rather than ordering individually. It is also important to
note that the company provides all the major retail store and restaurants under one stop which makes it
very easy for the buyer to compare and select the best option available. The fact that there is a live
tracking system is also very convenient A personal check is maintained by the company so that the
restaurant does not delay the service and the consumer is satisfied. They employ all the favored
consumer strategies to make sure that the company delivers the best services to their clients. (Cheema,
WE have seen that the social media gained considerable popularity when they developed chat and other
services. People greatly excited over the whole new prospects and mingling not just through social and
entertainment purposes but also to help and support each other by building job opportunities. Linkedin
is one such site that is very much preferred by professionals around the globe as they can identify the
emerging trends and can cover their social networking gaps to be well informed. Social media marketing
companies were very eager to realize that there were millions of people on these sites and they can be
easily tapped through basic and easy strategies. They just had to make eye catching advertisements and
logo that would make people stop and check out what was in store for them. It meant that all those
people who were visiting their websites could be the prospective customers. Thus, the target market
increased substantially and the race for social marketing also gained more momentum. People now
looked at new versions of the marketing and were naturally intrigued towards them. (Vinerean, 2018)
Using a social media website to create a virtual home for your business gives you a lot of options for
increasing your visibility with customers. Welcoming them to the site enables them to communicate
freely. However, on the consumer side, same flexibility means that someone may now express their
opinion about your product or company in a semi-public setting where many people can read or see it.
Although this is beneficial to your organization if the view is positive, a negative remark has the ability to
drive away business.
Delete nasty posts from pages you manage only partially works, because the commenter can publish the
unfavorable opinions elsewhere, or even create a page dedicated to the negative opinion and your
censorship techniques. Because social networks are built to make information easy to distribute, a
negative critic can simply spread his or her message to others on the network.The spreading of a vast
number of information about a company or product is possible thanks to social networking. Many sites
inside a social media network are dedicated to consumer-collected information, so this information isn't
limited to what your firm puts out there. The increasing accessibility has transformed the average
shopper into a researcher.
Before making a purchase, a buyer can visit a social networking site to check what others have to say
about your items and how you handle customer support. The more information a buyer has, the more
likely he or she is to make a purchasing decision that meets his or her demands — which may or may not
be your company's products if others have had poor experiences.
We have often seen that the customers are more likely to buy from the companies that offer direct
customer service. They like their sales representative with them throughout the purchase process as
they rely on their expertise. This also develops a personal connection which is often lacking in social
media marketing. People feel that they no longer have the empathy of the representative as virtual
assistants are not as empathetic as the physical professionals who are available at the store. The
responses are also delayed and often the customer has to wait for days before his number for contact
comes in the online ticket that is being provided to him by the virtual assistant of the company.
Word-of-mouth marketing has long been an important component of a company's sales strategy. No
advertisement compares to having a friend or family member endorse a product or service. With social
media, a single message delivered by a single consumer can instantly reach millions of people around
the world. With some networks, a consumer can simply communicate with thousands of people at the
touch of a button, quickly spreading a word about your business. Of course, this has problems, as
negative information spreads just as easily as positive information in this ultra-version of word-of-
After considerable consideration we have developed a theoretical framework on which we shall be
basing our research proposal:
The dependent and independent variables have been defined and these shall be elaborated in our
Research Design
The purpose of the research and the type of the research
This study combines descriptive and explanatory (i.e. relational) research. Because the goal of this study
is to identify the relationship between demographic characteristics and consumer behavior, as well as
between social media advertisement and consumer behavior, it is classified as an explanatory/relational
This is a descriptive study because the main goal is to identify and describe the key aspects of social
media marketing that influence consumer preference for apparel brands over competitors.
Questionnaires were used to obtain the primary data for the study. Google forms were used to create
the questionnaires.
1. Internet sites
2. Thesis papers
3. Literature
Field irregularities and how they were handled We included linking questions in our questionnaire to
ensure that the respondent provided accurate responses. There were also a few unfavorable replies that
we had to eliminate for the sake of the study.
Because a few respondents may not be fluent in English, we will also present the data in Arabic. We
required individuals from each age group to ensure that our research was as precise as feasible.
People above the age of 45 showed little interest in filling out the questionnaires, making it difficult to
gather responses.
Research Ethics:
We shall make sure that the research follows the ethical principles as we want to built upon the fact that
there is no plagiarism. There shall be no direct copying and pasting from any articles. Rather we shall
reference each articles explicitly and the link shall also be provided in the references as per the
requirements of the university.
Time Scale:
We have prepared the Time lines as follows:
Task Task Description Date End Date Duration
8/20/202 8/22/202
1 Choice of Topic 1 1 2
8/22/202 8/26/202
2 Gather Information 1 1 4
3 Start Survey 1 9/2/2021 7
4 Combining Data 9/2/2021 9/5/2021 3
5 Writing Data 9/5/2021 1 7
9/12/202 9/14/202
6 Paraphrasing 1 1 2
9/14/202 9/16/202
7 Finalising the report 1 1 2
9/16/202 9/18/202
8 Referencing 1 1 2
9/18/202 9/20/202
9 Proof Reading 1 1 2
9/20/202 9/21/202
10 Printing 1 1 1
Gather Information
Start Survey
Combining Data
Writing Data
Proof Reading
We shall develop a thesis based upon all the above and show that Social Media Marketing is indeed an
effective tool in making the companies successful as they guide he cosumer intention to purchase.
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