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Advertising Project

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This project is dedicated towards the understanding of the workings of
the advertising agency and the level of impact of the advertisements on
the targeted audiences.

The advertising agency Media&TA’s client, D.S. Kulkarni Developers

are the scope of this project. The impact of DSK ads in the minds of the
audiences is studied here.

Following are the results:

• 58% of the people recall DSK advertisement.

• 98% of the people are familiar with the slogan of the advertisement
and the company.
• 84% of the people like the DSK advertisement.
• 58% of the people have seen the Television advertisement of the
DSK group.
• 32% of the people know the DSK group through the radio
advertisements, making it the most popular and successful media.
• 74% people like the DSK group advertisements run on the radio
and Television.


This project is done with the view of understanding the workings of an
advertising agency and the level of impact of the advertisements on the
targeted audiences.

The advertisement recall study method is adopted to understand the

effectiveness of the advertisement/s already released.

Statement of the
The Working of an Advertising Agency and Advertisement Recall
Study. This project is dedicated to the understanding of the detailed
workings of an advertising agency. Hence, the advertisement recall
study method is adopted to understand the effectiveness of the
advertisement/s already released.

The client of the advertising agency Media & TA is D.S. Kulkarni

Construction Group.

The advertisement recall study will be limited to the advertisements

rolled out only for their one client, D.S. Kulkarni Construction Group.

Objectives of Study
The objective of the project The Working of an Advertising Agency and
Advertisement Recall Study is to understand the workings of an
advertising agency.

This project also tries to understand the success ratio that every
advertisement carries when it is run on air.

Hence, an advertising recall study has been made to study the impact of
the advertisement on the minds of the general public.

Research Design:

“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and

analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure”

The study was conducted on the basis of list of respondents who were
targeted for vehicle brand. From that customer preference were
collected and were enable to cover almost all the leading brands. This
was the research design for the project.

• Types of Data

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been
defined and research design is chalked out. While deciding about the
method of data collection to be used for the study, the researcher should
keep in mind the two types of data: primary and secondary. The
researcher should decide the sort of data he/she would be using for the

• Primary Data

Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time
and thus happen to be original.

• Secondary Data

Secondary data are those which have already been collected by

someone else and which have been already been passed through the
statistical process.

• Sources of Data:
Sources of data are the various sources from where the data is collected
to analyse. There are various sources of data. They are as follows:
1) Interviews.
2) Books.
3) Internet.
4) Past records.
5) Project which are prepared earlier.
Sources of primary data and secondary data differ as the primary data is
original collected by researcher and secondary data is collected for
various other source.

Sources of data for project:
• Primary data: through interviews.
• Secondary data: from books and internet.

• Sample Plan:

A sample plan has following components:

a. Choosing the sample Unit

b. Choosing the sample Size

c. Choosing the sample Procedure

d. Choosing the sample Media

Stratified random sampling method was adopted in the area under the
study. Throughout the Pune consumers were interviewed. Area under
the study was divided into different groups and consumers in the areas
were interviewed.

Sample Plan for the project: List of people interested in buying new
flats obtained from the ad-agency, through a property exhibition at the
DSK ‘stall’ in Pune city

• Universe:
All items in any field of inquiry constitute Universe or Population. A
complete enumeration of all items in the universe or population is

known as census inquiry. It can be presumed that in such an inquiry,
when all items are covered, on element of chance is left and highest
accuracy is obtained.

Universe for the project: List of people interested in buying new flats
obtained from the ad-agency, through a property exhibition at the DSK
‘stall’ in Pune city.

• Sample size:
The sample size (‘n’) should not be small as it may not serve the
objectives and if it is too large it incurs huge cost and waste of
resources. The sample size should be large enough to give the
confidence interval of desired width.
Size of the sample should be determined by a researcher keeping in the
view the following points:
Nature of Universe
a. Number of classes proposed
b. Nature of study
c. Type of sampling
d. Standard of accuracy and acceptable confidence level.
e. Other considerations.

Sample size for the project: 50 Audiences

• Method of data collection:

the methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since

primary data are to be originally collected, while in case of secondary
data the nature of data collection work is merely that compilation. The
different methods of data collection are described with the pros and
cons of each method. There are several methods of data collection:

i) Observation method
ii) Interview method
iii) Through questionnaire
iv) Through schedules
v) Depth interviews

Method of data collection for project: Interviews through


• Questionnaire:
This method of data collection is quite popular, particularly in case of
big enquiries. It is being adopted by private individuals, research
workers, private and public organisations and even by governments. In
this method questionnaire is sent to the persons concerned with a
request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A
questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a
definite form. The questionnaire is mailed to respondents who are

expected to read and understand the questions and write down the reply
in the space meant for the purpose in the questionnaire it self. The
respondents have to answer the questions on their own.

Quite often questionnaire is considered as the heart of a survey

operation. Hence it should be constructed very carefully. If it is not
properly set up, then the survey is bound to fail. Research should note
the following with regard to these three main aspects of a

1) General Form.
2) Question Sequence.
3) Question formulation and wording.

 Formation of Questionnaire
The researcher must pay attention to the following points while
constructing an appropriate and effective questionnaire.

1) The researcher must keep in view the problem he/ she are to study
for it provides the starting point for questionnaire. She / he must be
clear about the various aspects of his research problem to be dealt with
in the course of his/ her subject.

2) Appropriate from of questions depends on the nature of information

sought, the sampled respondents and the kind of analysis intended. The
researcher must decide whether to use closed or open ended question.

3) Rough draft of the questionnaire is prepared, giving due thought to
his/ her appropriate sequence of putting questions.

4) Researcher must invariably re-examine, and in case of need may

revise the rough draft for the better one. Technical defects must be
minutely scrutinized and removed.

5) Pilot study should be undertaken for per-testing the questionnaire.

The questionnaire may be edited in the light of the results of the pilot

6) Questionnaire must contain simple but straight forward directions

for the respondents so that they may not feel any difficulty in
answering the questions.

• Field work

The method of primary data collection for this project was the
structured questionnaire. I have done the survey on the basis of list of
people interested in buying new flats obtained from the ad-agency,
through a property exhibition at the DSK ‘stall’ in Pune city, through
meetings and telephone. I had not appointed anybody to carry out the
survey on my behalf. Secondary data was collected through internet,
website, and books by me.

• Data Analysis Techniques:
The data, after collection, has to be processed ad analysed in
accordance with the outline laid down for the purpose at the time of
developing the research plan. This is essential for a scientific study and
for ensuring that we have relevant data for making contemplated
comparisons and analysis. The term analysis refers to computation of
certain measures along with searching for patterns of relationship that
exist among data-groups. Thus, “ in the process of analysis, relationship
or difference supporting or conflicting with original or new hypotheses
should be subjected to statistical tests of significance to determine with
what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusions.” The
analysis of the data takes place through processing operations.

Processing operations are as follow:

1) Editing
2) Coding
3) Classification:
• Classification according to attributes
• Classification according to the class intervals
4) Tabulation.

Data Analysis Techniques for the project: Classification, Tabulation

and Average Percentage.

• Presentation of Report
Finally, the researcher has to prepare the report of what has been done
by him/ her. Writing of report must be done with great care keeping in
view the following:

• The layout of the report should be as follows:

A. The preliminary pages:
In this the report should carry title and date followed by
acknowledgements and foreword. Then there should be a table of
contents followed by list of tables and graph.

B. The main text:

The main text of the report should have following parts:
i. Introduction
ii. Summary of findings
iii. Main report
iv. Conclusion

C. The end matter:

At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all
technical data. Bibliography and Index should also be given in the end.

 Report should be written in a concise and objective style in

simple language avoiding vague expressions.

 Charts and illustrations in the main report should be used only if

they present the information more clearly and powerfully.

Limitations are the boundaries wherein the researcher has to work. To
make the research successful a researcher should know his/ her
boundaries. Any project done under the proper guideline comes across
les limitations.

• Limitations for the project:

As the advertising research was for the advertisement of the company

D.S.Kulkarni and Developers, a company with large number of players
in the market has a wide scope for research. But the number days given
and small sample size for the research become the limitations of the
project. So it gave a undersized scope to the research.


Advertising is paid communication through a non-personal medium in
which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled.
Advertising clients are predominantly, but not exclusively, for-profit
corporations seeking to increase demand for their products or services.
Other organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on
advertising include political campaigns, interest groups, religion-
supporting organizations, and the military. Other non-profit
organizations are not typical advertising clients, and rely upon free
channels, such as public service announcements

Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found

in the ruins of ancient Arabia. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales
messages and wall posters, while lost-and-found advertising on papyrus
was common in Greece and Rome. Wall or rock painting for
commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient media
advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia,
Africa, and South America. For instance, the tradition of wall painting
can be traced back to Indian rock-art paintings that go back to 4000

BC. As printing developed in the 15th and 16th century, advertising
expanded to include handbills. In the 17th century advertisements
started to appear in weekly newspapers in England.

Black-figured lekythos with the inscription: “buy me and you'll get a

good bargain”, ca. 550 BC, Louvre

These early print ads were used mainly to promote books and
newspapers, which became increasingly affordable thanks to the
printing press, and medicines, which were increasingly sought after as
disease ravaged Europe. However, false advertising and so-called
"quack" ads became a problem, which ushered in regulation of
advertising content.
Although advertising has existed for a long time, explicit "branding" is
a product of the late 1800s. Due to the prevalence of dangerous
products and unregulated industries of the Industrial Revolution, brands
were introduced to increase the reputation and value of a particular
manufacturer. An identified brand often meant safety and quality.
Quaker Oats is among the oldest modern brands in continual use.

As the economy was expanding during the 19th century, advertising
grew alongside. In the United States, classified ads became even more
popular, filling pages of newspapers with small print messages
promoting all kinds of goods. The success of this advertising format led
to the growth of mail order advertising. At first, agencies were brokers
for ad space in newspapers.
At the turn of the century there were few career choices for women in
business; however, advertising was one. Since women were responsible
for most of the purchasing in their household, advertisers and agencies
recognized the value of women's insights during the creative process.
In fact, the first American advertising to use a sexual sell was created
by a woman for a soap. Although tame by today's standards, it featured
a couple and said "The skin you love to touch".
In the early 1950s, the television network began the modern trend of
selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors. They had trouble
finding sponsors for many of their programs and compensated by
selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses. This
eventually became the norm for the commercial television industry.

The 1960s saw advertising transform into a modern, more scientific

approach in which creativity was allowed to shine, producing
unexpected messages that made advertisements more tempting to
consumers' eyes.

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television
and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video,
MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for

the advertising message, rather than it being a byproduct or
afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly
prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely
devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and
Marketing through the Internet opened new frontiers for advertisers and
contributed to the "dot-com" boom of the 1990s. Entire corporations
operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything from
coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, the
search engine Google revolutionized online advertising by emphasizing
contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than
inundate, users. This has led to a plethora of similar efforts and an
increasing trend of interactive advertising.
A recent advertising innovation is "guerrilla promotions", which
involve unusual approaches such as staged encounters in public places,
giveaways of products such as cars that are covered with brand
messages, and interactive advertising where the viewer can respond to
become part of the advertising message. This reflects an increasing
trend of interactive and "embedded" ads, such as via product
placement, having consumers vote through text messages, and various
innovations utilizing social networking sites.

Advertising Agency

An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to

creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other
forms of promotion) for its clients. It is independent from the client and
provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's
products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and
branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Typical ad
agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit
organizations and government agencies. Agencies may be hired to
produce single ads or, more commonly, ongoing series of related ads,
called an advertising campaign.

An ad agency has writers, artists, media experts, researchers, television

producers, account executive, etc. these specialists work together to
understand fully the advertiser’s requirements and develop suitable
advertising plans and strategies.

Ad agencies come in all sizes. They include everything from one or

two-person shops (which rely mostly on freelance talent to perform

most functions), small to medium sized agencies, large independents,
and multi-national, multi-agency conglomerates.
An agency's size should not necessarily be considered a barometer of
their billing or ability to handle large accounts. Indeed, these days,
smaller boutique agencies are just as likely to count very large
corporations amongst their accounts.
Full-service, or Media-neutral advertising agencies have the talent and
ability to produce creative and advise clients for a full range of media,
for virtually any type of account, or company. Some agencies specialize
in particular fields such as medical, charitable, FMCG, white goods,
retail, etc. Other agencies specialize in particular media, such as print
ads or television commercials. Other agencies, especially larger ones,
produce work for many types of media (creating integrated marketing
communications, or through-the-line (TTL) advertising). The "line", in
this case, is the traditional marker between media that pay a
(traditionally 15%) commission to the agency (mainly broadcast media)
and the media that do not.
Lately, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) firms have been classified by some as 'agencies'
due to the fact that they are creating media and implementing media
purchases of text based (or image based in some instances of search
marketing) ads. This relatively young industry has been slow to adopt
the term 'agency' however with the creation of ads (either text or image)
and media purchases they do qualify technically as an 'advertising
agency' as well as recent studies suggest that both SEO and SEM are
set to outpace magazine spending in the next 3-5 years.

Advertisement recall

Advertisement recall study measures the perceptions, attitude and

effectiveness of the advertisement in the minds of the viewers. It is very
essential for the company and the agency to know the impact of the
advertisement in the minds of the targeted audience.
Following methods are used for post-testing of advertisements already
• Penetration Tests
• Error-in-recognition Measurement
• Gallup-Robinson Impact Test
• Triple Association Test
• The Netapps Method
• Likert Summated Scale
• Unaided Recall Test

• Progress Test
• Intend-to-buy Test
• Sales Result Test


The advertising agency Media&TA was established on 9th September,
1999 (9-9-99), by a visionary, Mr. Manoj Deshmukh.

Mr. Manoj Deshmukh was Science Graduate with a flair for marketing
and creativity. To give a scope to his great potential, he did his Post-
Graduation in Advertising and Public Relations from Symbiosis

Initially, he used to work in a local cable news channel called as

Dinmaan, as their Marketing In-charge. But later he decided to pave
his own path in the field of advertising.

Eight years ago, Media&TA started as small team of creative brains

and with a small budget to keep them moving, but the spirit was high &
the vision was big. And now, the Media&TA is a fully functional
Advertising Agency operating 24X7 through 365 days with all the elite
clients to boast for!

• Media&TA Clientele:

 D.S. Kulkarni Developers

 Sahil Construction Group
 Lycil

 Prasanna Holidays

And many more…

The Working of Media&TA:

Creative Director

Creative Finance
Department Department

Copy Chief Visualiser Artists

Copy Writer Layout Artists Voice Artists

Copy Writer Finished Artists Musicians

Copy Writer Technicians
Creative Director

Creative Finance
Department Department

Copy Chief Visualiser Artists

Copy Writer Layout Artists Voice Artists

Copy Writer Finished Artists Musicians

Copy Writer Technicians




(1) Which of the following real-estate advertisement do you recall from

the electronic media (T.V., Radio, Internet, etc.)?

DSK 29
Kumar Builders 13
Aditya Group 1
Amrut Runwal Group 7






DSK Kumar Builders Aditya Group Amrut Runwal

Kumar Builders
Aditya Group
Amrut Runwal Group

58% of the people recall DSK advertisement.
Slogan Recognition:
(2)“Gharala gharpan denari mansa...” is a slogan of which company?

DSK 49
Kumar Builders 0
Aditya Group 0
Amrut Runwal Group 1






DSK Kumar Aditya Group Amrut
Builders Runw al

98% of the people are familiar with the slogan of the advertisement and
the company.

(3) Do you think, “Gharala gharpan denari mansa...” is a catchy

Yes 42
No 3
Can’t Say 5






Yes No Can’t Say

Can’t Say

The DSK advertisement is quite liked by the people.
Television Coverage:
(4) Have you seen the DSK Group’s advertisement on the Television?

Yes 29
No 21





Yes No

A majority of the people have seen the Television Advertisements of
the DSK group.

Media Coverage:
(5) How did you come to know about the DSK Group?
Radio 16
Television 5
Newspaper 6
2 35
Radio Television New spaper Hoardings Billboards
New spaper

Although all the media channels are popular, the radio advertisements
of the DSK group are the most popular ones.

Public Opinion:
(6) Did you like DSK advertisements on the television and radio?

Yes, Very Much 37

Not Bad 8
Not at all 5








Yes, Very Much Not Bad Not at all
Yes, Very Much

Not Bad

Not at all

The majority of the people interviewed have liked the DSK

& Conclusion


• DSK has the most effective real-estate advertisement from the
electronic media. 58% of the people recognise the brand

• The slogan “Gharala gharpan denari mansa...” is very popular and

98% people recognised and recalled it as the DSK slogan.

• 84% of the people like the slogan “Gharala gharpan denari


• Majority of the people have seen the DSK advertisement on the


• Majority of the people have liked the electronic media

advertisements of the DSK Group very much.

Following are the Suggestions for the advertising agency Media&TA
with respect to their client, D.S. Kulkarni Developers.

 More emphasis can be given to Television advertisements with

respect to Radio advertisements.

 New themes can be created for the advertisements (The current

themes are ‘Nature’).

 Various promotional strategies such as participating in the

exhibitions, contests, etc. can be adopted.


The advertisement recall study conducted shows that the
advertisements of the D.S. Kulkarni Group are successful and have
made a positive impression in the minds of its audiences.


Names of the audiences interviewed for the purpose of data

collection. This data was got from the advertising agency which they
had collected from a DSK stall in a property exhibition.

1 Bhide Ajinkya
2 Chavan Chandan

3 Date Sidartha
4 Desai Pooja
5 Deshmukh Shivram
6 Devdas Heredka
7 Ganesh Acharya
8 Ganesh Mohal
9 Gopal Mistri
10 Hakim Adnan
11 Joshi Sunil
12 Joyti Rao
13 Kukkikatte Bhojrao
14 Kulkarni Sachin
15 Kumar Datar
16 Mande Swapnil
17 Manoj Shah
18 Maral Mahadeo
19 More Bhagwan
20 More Pravin
21 Mujawar Ram
22 Naik Suhas
23 Negi Jaswinder
24 Nimbalkar Ajay
25 Patil Arunesh
26 Pokle Kiran
27 Potnis Suhas
28 Puranik Mahadeo
29 Rajiwade Sarjerao Anant
30 Ramanuja
31 Rao Mohini
32 Rao RamChandra
33 Sada Bhuruk
34 Sagar Rahurkar
35 Satpute Vivek
36 Shaha Sanjay
37 Shinde Ramesh
38 Shinde Vinayak
39 Shitole Ranjit
40 Shraddha Warde
41 Singh Narendar

42 Sonawane Laxma
43 Soswal Ranesh
44 Suresh Adiga
45 Suresh Doshatty
46 Tatkare Chandrakant
47 Thakur Rahul
48 Tilekar Prasad
49 Uday Warungikar
50 Umesn Kadam
51 Vaidya Archana

Contact No.:_______________________________________

Note: This questionnaire is for the purpose of data collection for

the college project for B.B.A. VIth Semester.

(1) Which of the following real-estate advertisement do

you recall from the electronic media (T.V., Radio,
Internet, etc.)?


□ Kumar Builders

□ Aditya Group

□ Amrut Rumwal Group

(2)“Gharala gharpan denari mansa...” is a slogan of

which company?


□ Kumar Builders

□ Aditya Group

□ Amrut Rumwal Group

(3) Do you think, “Gharala gharpan denari mansa...” is

a catchy jingle?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Can’t Say

(4) Have you seen the DSK Group’s advertisement on the


□ Yes

□ No

(5) How did you come to know about the DSK Group?

□ Radio

□ Television

□ Newspaper

□ Hoardings

□ Billboards

(6) Did you like DSK advertisements on the television
and radio?

□ Yes, very much

□ Not Bad

□ Not at all


Reference Books
1) Advertising Theory & Practice – Chunawala, Kumar, Sethia,…
2) Marketing Management – Philip Kotler

1. Google -


2. Wikipedia –


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