Final Year Project Proposal
Final Year Project Proposal
Final Year Project Proposal
Phone : +966503965425
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I declare that the materials in this proposed Project Paper shall be my own work and that the materials have not
been published before or presented for another programme or degree in any university.
28 January 2018
……………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………
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……………………………………. ………………………………………
(Name: ) (Name: )
Malaysia is among the earliest nation in Southeast Asia that undertake to design a National Cyber
Security Policy. Malaysia is also among the earliest nations in Southeast Asia to enact cyber related
The main objective of Malaysia’s National Cyber Security Policy is to address the risks to the critical
National Information Infrastructures’ (CNII) to ensure that they are protected to the level of
commensurate with the risks they face. The policy recognises the critical and highly interdependent
nature of the CNII and aims to develop and establish a comprehensive programme and a series of
frameworks that will ensure the effectiveness of cyber security controls over vital assets covering
several sectors. Such assets include those covering national economic strength, national image,
national defence and security, the functioning of the Government and public health and safety. Does all
the programme and policy made by Malaysia Government make Malaysia E-Commerce more safely
and healthy?
These studies will examines some of the articles about the cyber security campaign, policy, acts and
review how these policy, campaign, acts and initiative taken by the government react to the E-
Commerce security together with their knowledge management system. From these studies, we will
collect all information related within the E-Commerce cyber security to manipulate the Knowledge
Management (KM) to be a better guideline for Malaysia Government to enhance their policy, acts and
Through the Knowledge Management (KM) that have been studies before this, all the information from
the studies will be used as a guide to develop these reports. The articles and journal use the Knowledge
Management (KM) related with Cyber Crime in E-Commerce will be analyse to attain and explore the
All works will be based on the Extended Essay (A Critical Review of Literature)
Please send completed form to School of ICT, Asia e University, Level 17, Annex Block Dataran Kewangan
Darul Takaful, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur