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ABSTRACT Tibetan architecture is largely associated with the impressive monastic buildings scattered over the
Tibetan Plateau and the adjoining mountain ranges. While these buildings have long attracted the interest from
travellers and researches, the rural vernacular architecture has been grossly neglected. Accounting for more than 90
percent of the cultural heritage vernacular farmhouses incorporate an immeasurable wealth of traditional knowl-
edge and local craftsmanship that is increasingly threatened by the impacts of modernisation. The article draws
on a research project on vernacular architecture in the Tibetan cultural region and presents four examples of rural
houses in former Kham, that is nowadays spread across Sichuan, Qinghai, Yunnan provinces and the Xizang (Tibet)
Autonomous Region. The examples show a surprising diversity in terms of style, size, layout, building materials and
structural systems that are perfectly adapted to local climatic and topographic conditions as well as the resources
available in a particular environment. As examples for this diversity the article presents a rammed earth building
in Chatreng, a house in stone masonry from Dabpa, a house in Pome built with timber log walls, and a house from
Gyalrong with a mixed stone/timber construction. The richness of vernacular farmhouse architecture in Kham de-
serves special recognition and support on various levels.
KEYWORDS Tibetan culture, vernacular architecture, farmhouse, diversity, cultural heritage, preservation, Kham
highly important, we gave priority to the physical rather 1. The extensive use of rammed earth for the outer walls
than covering all aspects in a sweeping and superficial way. with an interior timber structure separated from the
No architects have been involved in building and their enveloping walls is a typical arrangement that domi-
builders remained unknown. These buildings have been nates a fairly large area stretching from the Chatreng
built by local craftsmen using local resources. A rich body valley into neighbouring valleys and parts of Yunnan.
of knowledge about materials, techniques and ecological 2. Another ‘type’ of buildings represented by our example
efficiency was handed down from generation to genera- from Dabpa is built of natural stone with an interior
tion despite the political turmoil that characterised this timber structure similar to the houses of Chatreng.
area over hundreds of years. Even today many of these This type shows both the intensive use of timber (that
buildings fit into the local surroundings ‘instead of trying was abundant in this area in the past) and local granitic
to “con quer” nature as we do’ as Bernard Rudofsky (1965), stone for the outer shell. A specific characteristic of the
one of the first to recognise the beauty and sustainability Dabpa region is the skilfully crafted unplastered pat-
of vernacular architecture, noted more than 50 years ago. tern of the masonry created with various sizes of stone.
We follow his definition of the term ‘vernacular’ as put 3. Our third example located in Pome demonstrates a
forward in the preface to his classical book on Architec- building tradition dominated by the use of timber.
ture Without Architects, which ‘attempts to break down Houses of this type are entirely built with wood and
our narrow concepts of the art of building by introducing have timber log walls with structural details known
the unfamiliar world of nonpedigreed architecture. It is from other mountain forest areas in the world. They
so little known that we don’t even have a name for it. For prevail in the forested valleys of the southern fringes
want of a generic label we call it vernacular, anonymous, towards the Indian plains.
spontaneous, indigenous, rural, as the case may be.’ (Ru- 4. Our fourth example located in Gyalrong stands for a
dofsky 1965) load-bearing stone construction with no posts and only
From the sample houses of the above mentioned re- minor timber elements. Given the steep slopes, this
search project we chose four examples located in former area is characterised by the vertical rise of the house
Kham (Herrle and Wozniack 2017) (Figure 1). The selec- structure.
tion is based on the use of particular local building mate- The ‘types’ mentioned above show an impressive di-
rials and structural criteria only. The underlying assump- versity in terms of size and orientation. The areas where
tion is that building materials and structural systems of those types prevail do not have strict boundaries and tend
houses mirror local characteristics such as climate and to overlap.
the availability of resources and can be an indicator even It may be worth mentioning that, following the focus
for certain local cultural traditions. The four chosen types of our research project providing the material for our
present the following characteristics : examples, there is a limitation on areas with a Buddhist
White, monolithic, cube-like farmhouses are the specific The example presented here, is typical for a building
architectural characteristic of Chatreng. The external walls style and method practiced in the past decades. Inhabited
of the rammed earth buildings are built directly on site by three generations it was estimated by its residents to be
using the local loam. They are constructed by tamping about 90 years old. The house presents several architec-
a soil mixture inside a wooden formwork. The tamping tural features that are no longer common for newly built
was traditionally done by hand using long wooden ram- houses (Figure 3).
mers with various ends, designed for different purposes. This house is situated at an altitude of 3,370 m in the
Though the walls are built entirely with loam they do not village of Seragung, that lies on the terraced and cultivated
feature a frieze or any element designed to protect their riverbank of the Schu River (Shuoyi He) at the northern
tops from the intrusion of rainwater. This uncommon outskirt of the region’s main town, now named Xiangbala.
feature hints at a specific material property of the locally The settlement of Seragung has a nucleus with narrow
available clay (Figure 2). footpaths winding through the dense cluster of houses
surrounded by walled-in yards. In 2012 the village con- Following the region’s most common and widespread
sisted of about 45 houses. The village features an old 20 construction method the main shell of the building con-
m high rammed earth tower in its midst which obviously sists of rammed earth walls, covered with a flat earth
once served defensive purposes. Similar towers are fre- roof. The battered rammed earth walls have a thickness
quently found in other villages of the Chatreng valley. The of 80 cm at their base and recline to about 50 cm at the
villagers cultivate barley and wheat on the fields outside top. The house is comparatively large with a gross floor
of the village, keep pigs in their yards and herd goats in area of 465 m2. The building is three levels high, with one
the nearby mountains. Some families grow vegetables for room exceeding the overall height, due to varying ceiling
subsistence within their yards. Seasonal cash income of heights. A large part of the third level is made up of an
significant economic importance is generated by the col- open terrace. Parts of the terrace and roof are sealed with
lection of caterpillar fungus and the Matsutake mushroom Arga, a special mineral that is well-known over the entire
that is exported mostly to Japan, where it is prized as a Himalaya for its capacity to improve the water resistance
delicacy (Figure 4–7). of an earth roof. The massive walls have a few irregular
openings that are adorned with delicate, handmaid timber on the first floor, located in the north-eastern corner,
grid windows. The delicate timber grid windows feature serves as sleeping room for several family members and
complex patterns composed of many fine elements, and for storing personal belongings and textiles, such as blan-
their craftsmanship demonstrate the high level of tradi- kets and cloths. This room has a small window towards
tional carpentry feature in this region. The interior post the east and is additionally ventilated by a traditional
and lintel structure is laid out in a regular grid, with the timber skylight. The most outstanding room on this floor
dimensions of 2.80 m x 2.80 m, filling the entire space en- and the entire house is the spacious sacred room with four
closed by the earth walls. Surprisingly, the main beams of interior posts and an increased ceiling height. The room is
the timber structure are not connected to the walls. The richly painted and decorated. All the rooms are connected
interior space is arranged and divided by light timber par- to a central hall that holds the two flights of steep timber
tition walls set within the post grid (Figure 8–11). stairs that provide access to all three floors. The terrace
The ground floor space of the house is mostly undivid- is used for food processing, drying and storing harvested
ed and is typically used a stable and for storage, whereas crops and (nowadays less frequently) for ceremonial pur-
the first floor serves as the family’s main living space hold- poses. Over time two additional sleeping rooms were
ing a multitude of rooms of different sizes, each designed constructed under the roofed part of the terrace. The roof
for a different purpose. The entire first floor has a wooden holds several elements that the family regards as protec-
flooring laid out with thick timber planks. The family’s tors keeping negative influences off the house, such as an
kitchen and main living room is oriented toward the east offering stove that is used for burning incense, prayer flags
and has three significant window openings. A low tradi- and white stones set on each corner. Other elements ap-
tional earthen stove, ventilated by an in-built chimney in plied for protective purposes are the white stripes on the
the wall, is used for cooking and heating. The largest room outer walls that are distinctive for the region’s building
0.4 1.7
1.1 1.8
0 1 2 4m 8 0 1 2 4m 9
0.1 Cow and horse stable 0.5 Storage for tools and metal 1.1 Kitchen and living room 1.5 Former tower entrance
0.2 Storage for dried leaves equipment 1.2 Sleeping room 1.6 Central hall connecting all levels
0.3 Storage for dried grass 1.3 Storage 1.7 Toilet and washing area
0.4 Toilet composting chamber 1.4 Sacred room 1.8 Sleeping room
Figure 8 Ground floor plan of farmhouse in Chatreng (Source: the authors). Figure 9 First floor plan of farmhouse in Chatreng (Source: the authors).
0 1 2 4m 10 0 1 2 4m 11
2.1 Terrace. 2.3 Sleeping room. 3.1 Sleeping room for monks.
2.2 Wind door. Area for beating grain. 2.4 Sleeping room.
Figure 10 Second floor plan of farmhouse in Chatreng (Source: the authors). Figure 11 Third floor plan of farmhouse in Chatreng (Source: the authors).
Figure 13 Interior of central hall of farmhouse in Chatreng (Source: the author).
style of the past. The irregular stripes are applied by pour- sacred mountain peaks of Chenrezig (6,032 m), Chana
ing buckets of liquid chalk from the roof parapet (Figure Dorje and Jampelyang, (both around 5,958 m), before
12, Figure 13). moving into the lower altitude regions of Chatreng and
Dechen in the southwest and Mili in the southeast that
are each characterised by their own unique styles of local
Example 2: Farmhouse in Dabpa houses. Whereas the high-altitude meadows of Litang were
The region of Dabpa spreads south of the grasslands of traditionally inhabited mostly by nomadic pastoral commu-
Litang across a high-altitude region with an average eleva- nities, the region of Dabpa, progressively dropping in eleva-
tion exceeding 4,000 m towards the provincial border of tion towards the south, has an increasing farming popula-
Sichuan and Yunnan. The cultural region is largely consist- tion with a distinctive local style of houses (Figure 14).
ent with the present day administrative region of Daocheng This high-altitude region is characterised by distinc-
County. The region is flanked in the south by the three tive microclimatic conditions. Influenced by the western
monsoon from the Sichuan Basin it receives an increased purposes while the exterior wythe is treated mostly for its
precipitation resulting in a climate that can be described appearance. The stones used on the exterior are roughly
as humid and cold. The annual average precipitation is 646 squared and laid in irregular curses whose height is de-
mm while the annual average temperature is as low as 4.8 termined by larger riser stones while their beddings are
°C4. Despite the high altitude and low temperatures the filled with small chip stones. Large trapezoid capstones
region has a considerable coverage of coniferous forest, are laid with very thin or no gaps in the corners. Remain-
with a tree line reaching as high as 4,400 m, due to the in- ing unplastered and uncoloured, which is common prac-
creased precipitation. tice in many other regions building with stone, the pat-
The availability of timber is reflected in the sturdy post tern remains visible representing a strong architectural
and lintel structure in the houses. Another important re- feature (Figure 15–17).
source for the construction of the local houses is stone. The example presented here follows the traditional
Locally available igneous and metamorphic types of rock local building style. It is located at an altitude of 3,950 m
are used for the construction of buildings elements. A in the village of Sumdu. Though not more than 20 years
specific local kind of slate, that can be spilt into very thin old, the building displays the same typical architectural
cleavage planes is used for roof covering and other build- elements and construction methods as an approximately
ing elements that are designed to lead rainwater away 180 years old building we surveyed in the same village.
from the building. The construction of gabled roofs cov- The settlement of Sumdu is dispersed throughout a wide
ered with slates was traditionally restricted to buildings valley flanked by mountains on all its sides. The refer-
with sacred functions, as the dressing of the stone was ence monastery Banpu is located on the mountain slopes
time consuming, expensive and required the skills of a south of the village. The houses scattered over the valley
master craftsman. More affluent farmhouses built with a floor are interspersed with barley and potato fields located
significant sacred room feature such a gabled roof cover- in close proximity to the owners’ houses. Vegetables are
ing the religious part of the building only. Stone is also cultivated within the walled-in yards of each house. Large
commonly used to cover the elaborate entrance gates. herds of yaks belonging to villagers the are grazing on the
The elaborate stone masonry is a strong feature of surrounding high pastures. As in other places of Kham
most local houses in Dabpa. The visible exterior wythe is some of the family members live a semi-nomadic lifestyle.
laid in a distinctive style of chipped broken range rubble Similar to neighbouring regions the collection of caterpil-
masonry that results in a characteristic pattern of the lar fungus and the Matsuatake mushroom provide an im-
wall. The central and interior wythes serve structural portant source of cash income for the villagers.
0 1 2 4m
The house is two floors high with a gross floor area adorned with two timber frieze bands that create a slight
of approximately 280 m . The battered stone walls are overhang directing the rain off the wall surfaces. Typically
covered with a flat roof, giving the building a distinctive for this region, the protruding arrayed timber heads are
trapezoidal shape. The house has a compact structure placed directly into the stone masonry. The roof is con-
without differing heights or any incisions or recesses into structed with several layers of specific soils compacted on
the building body, such as terraces, that are a common top of the beamed ceiling structure arranged with wooden
element in other Tibetan cultural regions. The window beams and joists. The ceiling claddings of the first floor
openings characteristic for Dabpa have one or two verti- are made with wooden boards, whereas left over timbers
cal struts with decorative curved tops in contrast to lat- of lower quality are used to clad the ceiling of the ground
tice windows typical for other regions. The wall tops are floor (Figure 18, Figure 19).
0.4 1.3
0.3 A
A A A 1.4
0 1 2 4m 0 1 2 4m
20 21
0.1 Entry with stairway. 0.4 Toilet composting chamber. 1.1 Central hall with toilet. 1.5 Sleeping room.
0.2 Storage for tools. 0.5 Stable for cows. 1.2 Kitchen/living room. 1.6 Sacred room and grain
0.3 Storage for dried grass and 1.3 Sleeping room. storage.
leaves. 1.4 Storage room with open skylight.
Figure 20 Ground floor plan of the farmhouse in Dabpa (Source: the authors). Figure 21 First floor plan of the farmhouse in Dabpa (Source: the authors).
Figure 22 Interior of kitchen/living room of the farmhouse in Dabpa (Source: the authors).
manifested in tall stone towers that have been constructed while others are left unrendered. This variation in treat-
all over the mountain slopes. Many of the towers have a ment of outer façades seems to be a common theme of
star shaped geometry and some rise to heights exceeding vernacular architecture in Gyalrong. In our example a
60 m, thus becoming strong landmarks within the sur- specific triangular pattern is applied on the back wall
rounding landscape. and the corners, representing the symbol of the unity of
The example of a farmhouse, representing the local sun and moon. In contrast to the whitewashed patterns,
building style, is located at an altitude of 1,870 m in the black frames are painted around the window openings.
village of Zhake. As typical for or this region, the walls are Their varying shapes are another specific characteristic of
built with stones, arranged in a style of chipped broken Gyalrong’s design. The window frames have a distinctive
range rubble masonry. Though irregularly coursed to the design and their protruding overhangs are constructed
heights of distinctive larger stones, generally the stones in a principle found unique to Gyalrong. Another typical
have rather irregular shapes and large gaps are filled with architectural feature of this region are the timber facades
mud mortar. Some parts of the masonry are white washed and protruding balconies on the top floors (Figure 24).
The small village of Zhake is comprised of a cluster of The whitewashed roof corners rise about 50 cm high above
six households, situated at the bottom of a steep mountain the roof terrace. The loadbearing structure is composed of
slope at the bank of the Dajin River. About 6 km to the walls and beams only and does not have any posts on the
south the Dajin River joines the Xiajin Rriver and contin- interior as many other farmhouses in the Tibetan cultural
ues to flow south as Dadu River. The region’s main town region have. The joists of the beamed ceiling and roof
and county seat Chaggo (chin. Zhanggu) is extends at the structures are interlocked with the walls’ masonry. They
confluence. Due to the village’s location on the roadless are laid so tightly on the first floor that they constitute the
side of the river it has so far only been marginally influ- ceiling’s cladding. The ceilings of sleeping rooms on the
enced by the rapid development of the town. The villagers second floor are decoratively clad with timber panelling.
use a simple ropeway that has been installed across the The flat roof is covered with several layers of soil (Figure
river for transport of people and the delivery of food sup- 26, Figure 27).
plies and small household items. Following a narrow foot The interior space of the house is mostly determined
path a few kilometres south from the village a narrow foot- and divided by the massive load bearing stone walls. The
bridge provides another access across the river and a con- ground floor dug into the slope is used as a stable for the
nection to the road. The narrow strip of land between the family’s pigs and is divided by two thick interior walls
bottom of the mountain slope that rises steeply to an alti- into three rooms. Those walls simultaneously serve as a
tude of 3,800 m and the river is cultivated by the villagers foundation for the entire structure. Due to the location of
primarily with corn, vegetable, fruit and walnut trees. Due this house leaning on the slope the main entrance door
to the mild climate the cultivation of chili is very common is reached via a small terrace that is accessed by a stone
in the region and bundles of drying red peppers are hang- stairway from one of the village paths climbing up the
ing from the balconies of the houses of Zhake (Figure 25). slope. In contrast to many other Tibetan cultural regions
Compared to the other houses presented here the floor the main entrance door of the house is not emphasised
of 95 m2 area is very small. The vertical rise of the house but rather imperceptible. The first floor is dominated by
to a fourth level is rather exceptional in the Tibetan cul- a kitchen room and adjacent storage rooms holding food
tural area. Another unique design feature is created by the and household items. The kitchen room has two window
strong recess of the terrace and the existence of a tower openings towards the west and two towards the south. In
rising above the topmost terrace. This tower is obviously the middle of the kitchen room is an open fireplace that
not just a visual addition to the building’s main body on is another feature that makes the house design of Gyal-
the top floor, but rather forms a structural unit of its own. rong different from other Tibetan areas. Traditionally this
0.4 0.3 0.2
0 1 2 4m
0 1 2 4m
28 29
0.1 Open yard. 0.3 Stable for pigs. 1.1 Entry. 1.4 Kitchen/living room with open fireplace.
0.2 Stable for pigs. 0.4 Stable for pigs. 1.2 Hall with stairway. 1.5 Storage for tools
1.3 Storage.
Figure 28 Ground floor plan of the farmhouse in Gyalrong Figure 29 First floor plan of the farmhouse in Gyalrong (Source:
(Source: the authors). the authors).
0 1 2 4m 0 1 2 4m
30 A 31
2.1 Terrace. 2.5 Toilet. 3.1 Sacred room/ storage.
2.2 Sleeping room. 2.6 Roofed storage for drying 3.2 Flat roof with offering stove.
2.3 Sleeping room. crop and corn.
2.4 Storage. 2.7 Balcony for drying crops.
Figure 30 Second floor plan of the farmhouse in Gyalrong Figure 31 Third floor plan of the farmhouse in Gyalrong
(Source: the authors). (Source: the authors).
fireplace expresses a special sitting order which is deter- tower on the third level is reached via a steep trunk ladder
mined by the different sizes of the arms of the stone tripod from the terrace. It used to perform a sacred function
holding the cooking pot above the fire. The head of the though in the case of the example shown here it was found
household would sit at the longest leg of the tripod, that to be empty and no longer used for prayers. The flat roof
is situated opposite the room’s entrance. This stone leg of this level holds several protective elements such as on
would be further emphasised by an offering placed on top offering vase, an incense stove, as well as some prayer flags
of it. Other family members would take a seat to the right (Figure 28–32).
of the household head, while the cook would sit to the
left. The fire would be attended from the place opposite
the head’s seat, and the firewood would be stored in the
Example 4: Farmhouse in Pome
vicinity of the entrance door. Children were not assigned The region of Pome (also Poyul or Powo) spreads out
a specific sitting place. Traditionally the room would also to the east of Namche Barwa (7,782 m) the easternmost
have a designated place for a large wine barrel, though it high peak of the Himalayas that marks the rapid decline
was not found in our sample house. The sleeping rooms of the mountain range, along the drainage basin of the
are located on the second floor that can be reached via a Parlung Tsangpo River. The southern boundary of the
steep timber stairway, leading from the first floor directly region is formed by Kangri Karpo Mountain Range that
to the open terrace. The two rooms face toward the west does not exceed the altitude of 4,000 m. The decline of the
and have decorated timber facades with lattice windows. mountain range and the deeply cut gorge of the Yarlung
Typically, the terrace extends to a balcony that is used for Tsangpo River around Namche Barwa allow the humid air
drying and storing harvested crops. These balcony struc- masses of the southwest monsoon to reach further north
tures form a unique element of the architecture in this onto the ridges of the plateau, thus creating unique climat-
region. Together with massive stone walls, terraces and ic conditions and a large biodiversity, with many endemic
towers they contribute to a unique identity of the local species. The region is largely consistent with the present
vernacular architecture. The room inside the top of the day administrative county of Bomi.
Slightly lower in altitude than the neighbouring regions, Pome is drained by the large basin of the Parlung
though still ranging around 3,000 m, Pome has the warmest Tsangpo River and its many tributaries. These numerous
annual average temperatures of 10.8 °C and the highest pre- riverbanks provide the ground for human settlements,
cipitation of an annual 946 mm, compared to other regions mostly in the form of dispersed villages that are spread all
on the plateau6. There are such heavy snowfalls here that over the region. The region has numerous lakes and gla-
parts of the region were cut off in the past during winter ciers, the largest being the Rawok Tso and Ngagung Tso
months. Due to impassable geographical barriers such as at the foot of the Lhagu Glacier. The glacier situated in
deep river gorges, thick forests and glaciers the region has the very south east of the Kangri Karpo Mountain Range,
not been situated along one of the major trade routes of the spreads over an area of 30 km in length and 2-5 km in
past. The trade routes connecting the settlements of the Si- width, with an average elevation of 4,000 m and peaks as
chuan plain and Lhasa bypassed the region in the north via high as 6,882 m (Mt. Ruoni). Large sections of the Parlung
other main towns in Kham such as Dege and Chamdo. Tsango flow in a broad basin at an altitude between 2,900
to 2,500 m that is richly cultivated providing crops like and heavy snowfalls of the region have resulted in a tradi-
highland barley, wheat, oil seed rape and corn. The villag- tion of constructing sloped shingle clad roofs. Most com-
ers also cultivate fruit trees such as apple and peach and monly the houses feature one or two floors with walls
nut trees, such as walnut. The regions is also known for mostly constructed as a mix of log structures combined
its richness of medical plants and fungus. The agricultural with post and plank construction. The log structures are
yields of Pome are so high that surplus is provided to the built with circular and/or planed timbers. The gable walls
neighbouring regions. are closed with light structures made of woven twigs,
In this part of the Himalayas the tree line reaches as that are characteristic for the region. Many houses fea-
high as 4,500 m. The mountain slopes of the Parlung ture balconies and recessing or circulating open veran-
Tsangpo and Nyang River valleys have a dense vegeta- das with decorative timber railings typical for the region.
tion cover with a great variety of plants and a significant The window openings are adorned with a great variety of
coverage of subalpine conifer forest. Dominant conifer timber lattice designs and decorative frame carvings. An
species growing at elevations between 4,500 to 2,500 m outstanding feature of the region is a special variation of
are hemlock, spruce and fir, less widespread are species of the post and lintel structure whereby two parallel beams
larch, pine and yew trees. Species of junipers might grow are carried by one post. Another characteristic is that the
at even higher elevations, while birches are found among posts are often placed not only on the interior of the main
the dominant conifers. Lower elevations have canopies of shell but also on the exterior. The houses are enclosed with
evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forests consisting of wooden fences and stacks of firewood piled up to volumi-
species of oak, walnut, maple, magnolia, whitebeam and a nous walls. Secondary timber log structures, unattached
great variety of rhododendrons that flourish at elevations to the main house, function as stables or storage rooms in
above 2,000 m. The availability of timber and the mild the yards (Figure 33).
climate is reflected in the construction of the local houses Our reference house for this article is located in the
which are often constructed entirely with timber. Timber village of Dzhongsa lying about 30 km west of the town
is also widely used for the construction of furniture and of Zhamog (chin. Zamu), the seat of present day Bomi
a variety of tools. Wooden bowls from the region were County. It is situated at an altitude of 2,666 m. The village
highly desirable goods in the past. The high precipitation of Dzhongsa sits at the foot of a forested mountain slope,
similar to the natural environment with no need for pres- had to be paid for rapid modernisation are a loss of iden-
ervation efforts. Current developments in many countries tity, broken families with the elders left behind in villages
shows that this is a serious fallacy. with little income opportunities and a rapid decay of tra-
In contrary to the common perception, rural vernacu- ditional building cultures.
lar architecture forms an essential, however extremely vul- Social and economic changes entail changes in building
nerable part of what has been called ‘cultural landscapes’ technologies and the aesthetic preferences of local people.
(UNESCO 2012). Moreover, with its symbiotic adapta- For example, traditional windows become increasingly re-
tion to local climate conditions and its reliance upon local placed by glass windows with plastic framing, traditional
natural resources, rural vernacular buildings can provide roofing materials such as shingles or slates are supplanted
a reference for the development of modern environmen- by corrugated tin. All those material changes bear impli-
tally sensitive and sustainable architecture. The lessons cations on value systems, local markets and the aesthetic
embodied in this kind of building practice have hardly value of cultural landscapes.
been studied let alone been utilised for bridging the gap to Reviewing the four reference cases presented in this ar-
modern development. ticle and drawing on broader evidence from our research
The past decades have brought a large number of project three general tendencies can be identified:
changes to the entire area of Kham. Increased accessibility, 1. Neglect and lack of maintenance: There are cases where
modern communication facilities, tourism and the mass the houses of families who have been more affluent in
media have exposed even remote villages to new building the past, which becomes visible in spacy and beauti-
materials, new life styles and value systems. Many of those fully adorned buildings often including special build-
changes have made life easier by reducing the hardship of ing parts for religious purposes, are neglected and can
daily life for the residents, for example by providing access no longer be properly maintained by the family. This is
to piped drinking water, medical services, infrastructure partly due to the increasing prices of building materi-
and monetary incomes. On the downside, the price that als and lack of traditional technical knowledge, partly