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AVCS User Guide For L 3 Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS v1 0

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The Admiralty Vector Chart Service

The L-3 Communications
Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS

The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1823 723366
E-mail: [email protected]

UKHO 2010 All Rights Reserved

The copyright in this document, which contains information of a proprietary nature, is vested in UKHO.
The content of this document may not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied
and may not be reproduced, either wholly or in part, in any way whatsoever.

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Table of Contents
Conventions Used in this Document..............................................................................................................1
Purpose of this Guide ......................................................................................................................................1

Getting Started...................................................................................................................3
New AVCS Customers......................................................................................................................................3
AVCS Start-Up Pack...........................................................................................................................................3
AVCS Licence.....................................................................................................................................................3
AVCS Media Replacement.................................................................................................................................3
Pre-installation Checks ....................................................................................................................................3
Data Cleansing ...................................................................................................................................................3
Public Key Is the Correct File Installed?..........................................................................................................3
Background ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Check the Public Key ................................................................................................................................. 4
ECDIS Authentication Warning .................................................................................................................. 4
Emergencies .....................................................................................................................................................4

NaviNet ECDIS Start Up and Overview ............................................................................5

The Start Panel..................................................................................................................................................5
Supported Chart Formats ................................................................................................................................5
ECDIS Display Layout ......................................................................................................................................6

The C-Map Chart Manager (CCM) .....................................................................................7

Accessing the CCM ..........................................................................................................................................7
An Overview of the CCM..................................................................................................................................8
The CCM Dialog Box ..........................................................................................................................................8
The Menu Bar............................................................................................................................................. 8
The CCM Main Views................................................................................................................................. 9
Database List View ................................................................................................................................. 9
Collection View ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Chart List View........................................................................................................................................ 9

Preliminary System Checks............................................................................................11

General ............................................................................................................................................................11
System Checks ...............................................................................................................................................11
Check C-Map Compiler Licence Installed ........................................................................................................11
Check the installed Certificate ..........................................................................................................................11
Install New or Re-Issued Digital Certificate ......................................................................................................12
Data Cleansing................................................................................................................................................13
Remove System ENC (SENC) Database.........................................................................................................13

Install AVCS Licences and ENCs ...................................................................................15

Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................15
Permits General Information..........................................................................................................................15
The AVCS Licence ...........................................................................................................................................15
AVCS Data CDs General Information ...........................................................................................................15
Installing AVCS for the first time.......................................................................................................................15
Importing the AVCS to the ECDIS.................................................................................................................16
Installing the AVCS Permit File ........................................................................................................................17
Installing the AVCS ENCs ................................................................................................................................17
Creating a Database.........................................................................................................................................18
Import S-57 Charts - Additional Information .....................................................................................................18
Build the AVCS Database ................................................................................................................................18
Repeat AVCS Base CD Install Process ...........................................................................................................18

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

AVCS Updating ................................................................................................................19

General ............................................................................................................................................................19
The Weekly Update CD ....................................................................................................................................19
The Admiralty Updating Service .......................................................................................................................19
Installing AVCS ENC Updates .......................................................................................................................19

Finalising the AVCS (Base/Update) Installation............................................................21

Update Chart Headers Database...................................................................................................................21
Distribute Databases (to Remote Computers).............................................................................................21
Clean Up Unnecessary Data..........................................................................................................................22
Restarting the ECDIS......................................................................................................................................22

AVCS and System Status Checks ..................................................................................23

View AVCS Product Listing (ECDIS).............................................................................................................23
AVCS Status (Remote) ...................................................................................................................................23

System Import Log ..........................................................................................................25

Important Information for Users ...................................................................................................................25
System Error Log............................................................................................................................................25

Viewing AVCS ENCs........................................................................................................27

Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................27
Accessing ENCs via the Chart Catalogue ........................................................................................................27
Accessing ENCs from the C-Map Chart Manager............................................................................................28
Accessing ENCs in the ECDIS Viewer .............................................................................................................28
Changing the View Mode ...............................................................................................................................28
Moving and Resizing ENC in the Viewer ......................................................................................................29
Re-centre or Pan the ENC in the Viewer..........................................................................................................29
Changing the ENC Viewing Scales ..................................................................................................................29

Getting Help .....................................................................................................................31

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)..............................................................................................................31
Technical Support ..........................................................................................................................................31
Who should you contact? .................................................................................................................................31
Emergency Chart Permit Generation ...............................................................................................................31
Feedback .........................................................................................................................................................32
Contact Details................................................................................................................................................34
Company Contact .............................................................................................................................................34
ECDIS Manufacturer.........................................................................................................................................34
Chart Agent.......................................................................................................................................................34
UKHO ...............................................................................................................................................................34

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Conventions Used in this Document
Italic font is used for:
! program and component names
Boldface is used for:
! chapter and section headlines
! important notes
Courier New font is used for:
! any text typed by the user
! file content and names
The note box displays important information which should not be ignored.

Select from the Menu Bar:


Indicates the menu options to select a particular ECDIS function.

Please note:

Logos incorporating the Admiralty

are trademarks of the UKHO.


Screen layouts illustrated in this user guide may differ from the actual one.
The information described in this user guide is subject to change without notice.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Purpose of this Guide

AVCS ENCs are produced and distributed according to well-defined international standards. However each
ECDIS manufacturer has implemented the ENC cell import module differently. Users who are experienced in
operating a particular model of ECDIS may initially encounter difficulties when managing AVCS ENCs on
ECDIS equipment that they are not as familiar with. The purpose of this guide therefore is to provide
equipment-specific information to assist users in managing their AVCS ENC holdings.
This guide has been produced to take users through the installation of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service on
ECDIS or ECS equipment. The actual instructions and screenshots for this guide have been compiled from
the L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS Operation Manual, a practical demonstration and
correspondence with L-3. It is based on the software version detailed on the front cover. However the
method of managing AVCS and other digital data, e.g. ARCS, is generic across equipment supplied by the
same manufacturer, i.e. different versions and models. There may be minor differences between certain
models and these will be highlighted in this guide where known.
The Admiralty Vector Chart Service User Guides are available for other ECDIS equipment; please visit
www.ukho.gov.uk/AVCS to download a guide suitable for your ECDIS equipment.
This guide should be read in conjunction with the AVCS User Guide, as well as the ECDIS Operators
Manual or other documentation as supplied by the equipment manufacturer.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

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29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Getting Started
New AVCS Customers
Your Admiralty Chart Agent will provide you with the following materials when subscribing to AVCS for the
first time.

AVCS Start-Up Pack


AVCS Quick Start Guide;

AVCS User Guide;
AVCS Base Discs (a set of CDs or a DVD labelled Base);
AVCS Update Disc (a CD labelled Update) 1 ;
Admiralty Utilities installation CD;
Admiralty Digital Data Services End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

AVCS Licence
This may be supplied with ARCS Start-Up Pack on hard media, e.g. floppy, CD, etc. or separately by e-mail.
The initial licence pack will contain the following:
! A Schedule A, this is a PDF document listing the Folios and ENC Units that the user is licensed for. It
also lists the Home CD where the licensed ENCs are held. This is particularly useful as it prevents
unnecessary loading of those CDs that do not contain any licensed ENCs.
! A set of ENC Permit files (PERMIT.TXT and ENC.PMT) for each ECDIS installation.
! AVCS Certificate (a PDF document showing your vessel and licence details).
For an initial installation, or a reinstallation of AVCS on a purged ECDIS you will need all of the above. If you
are applying a weekly update, you will only need the latest AVCS update disc and possibly a new ENC
permit file. If you want to install additional coverage on the ECDIS you will need the latest base disc(s), the
latest update CD and a new set of ENC Permit files.

AVCS Media Replacement

Most Admiralty Chart Agents will have a stock of AVCS Start-Up packs, so Base and Update discs can be
obtained from them. Usually digital files, such as ENC Permits, are sent as attachments to emails and these
may be stored in your email systems inbox. If not, your Chart Agent will often hold copies of any permit files
previously sent to you.

Pre-installation Checks
Data Cleansing
New AVCS customers who had previously subscribed to other ENC services are strongly recommended to
remove (purge) all ENC Permits and ENCs from the system before installing AVCS. There is a good reason
for doing this as previously installed ENCs may become out of date if they are not licensed in AVCS. If the
system is not purged redundant ENCs may remain in the system database (SENC) and be available for use,
even if the previous licence has expired. However unlicensed ENCs cannot be updated and the user may be
unaware of this if inadvertently navigating on one. Instructions on how to remove ENC permits and cells are
described later in the Data Cleansing section.

Public Key Is the Correct File Installed?

The ECDIS will not install ENCs from the Admiralty Vector Chart Service unless the correct public key is
installed. Under this condition the ECDIS will report an Authentication Failure.

Currently an AVCS Update CD will not be available if the customer joins AVCS coincidentally with a re-issue of the
AVCS Base CDs. This may change in the future with the incremental issue of the AVCS bases.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The ECDIS authenticates the source and integrity of encrypted ENCs from Service Providers against a preinstalled Public Key. The Public Key can be formatted in one of two ways, either as an ASCII text file (.PUB)
or an X509 Certificate (.CRT). Newer ECDIS (post 2003) often come with the IHO.PUB and/or IHO.CRT preinstalled as the IHO are the Scheme Administrator (SA) for the S-63 ENC Data Protection Scheme. The
UKHO is a certified subscriber to this scheme however, for historical reasons; it does not use the IHO Public
Key. The Admiralty Vector Chart Service ENCs are currently authenticated against the PRIMAR Public Key.
The reason for this being that many legacy ECDIS are configured to authenticate against this public key. The
UKHO intends to migrate to the IHO public key in the future when it is considered safe to do so without
causing any inconvenience to existing users.

Check the Public Key

Before installing AVCS ENCs the user must check that the correct public key is installed on the system. The
method of managing and viewing these will vary between different makes or versions of ECDIS. If the
PRIMAR Public Key is not present on the system then it will have to be installed before AVCS ENCs can be
loaded. See the Preliminary System Checks section for the method of managing the public key on this
particular ECDIS.

ECDIS Authentication Warning

New build ECDIS, type approved against the latest IMO ECDIS Performance Standards (Jan 2009), will
report a warning when installing AVCS on these systems. The message reads as follows:
SSE26 - This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator
Users should acknowledge these, if prompted to do so, but should not be alarmed as the source and
integrety of the ENCs are authenticated correctly against the PRIMAR Public Key. Other errors or warnings
relating to the validity of the public key or certificate should be reported, see the section on Getting Help.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for a vessel to get access to an AVCS ENC at very short
notice, for instance, if having to divert from the planned route, e.g. medical emergency. See Emergency
Chart Permit Generation in the Getting Help section.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

NaviNet ECDIS Start Up and Overview

The Start Panel
The On/Off hardware button on the front of the Multifunctional Workstation (MFW) cabinet starts the NaviNet
system. Once started the screen will appear as shown below, if the MFW was shut down from this screen by
using the Shutdown button. After an uncontrolled shutdown of the system, the system will start up in the view
it had when it was shutdown. An uncontrolled shutdown happens when loosing power or pushing the On/Off
hardware button before the "Ready to power off" message is shown.

The applications shown on the MFW display above may be configured differently for a specific vessel and
depend on the products installed. The four buttons at the bottom of the screen are standard. In this example,
the start panel is configured to start Conning, ECDIS, Radar, Sonar and online documentation (Help).
To manage the installation of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service press the ECDIS button to start the ECDIS

Supported Chart Formats

The NaviNet ECDIS supports the following chart formats:
! ARCS: Encrypted Admiralty raster charts distributed by the UKHO. To install and display ARCS charts, a
NaviNet hardware key needs to be connected to each MFW The NaviNet hardware key is the same for
all MFWs.
! Unencrypted ENCs (S-57): Unencrypted vector charts. No hardware key is needed.
! Encrypted ENCs (S-57/S-63): S-63 is the IHO standard for encrypting and securing ENCs (S-57
charts). The S-63 standard describes the method for encrypting and authenticating each ENC. The
standard also defines the systems to develop permit files that are delivered to end-users enabling them

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

to de-crypt the data and use it for navigation. To install and display AVCS data, a NaviNet hardware key
needs to be connected to each MFW. The NaviNet hardware key is the same for all MFWs.
CMAP: Encrypted vector charts delivered by CMAP. To install and display CMAP charts, a CMAP
hardware key needs to be connected to each MFW. Each hardware key contains a unique user permit
for the specific machine.

ECDIS Display Layout

When starting ECDIS from the Start Panel, the following display will appear at the screen:

The display layout is divided into five areas serving different functions as illustrated.
! Static Information Area
! Dynamic Information Area
! Static Control Area
! Dynamic Control Area
! Chart Area
All AVCS installation processes are carried out in the Static Control Area. This includes AVCS Permit, ENC
and Update loading as well as Public Key/Certificate management.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The C-Map Chart Manager (CCM)

Accessing the CCM
The C-MAP Chart Manager (CCM) can be started from the Multi Function Window under the Service menu
or from the ECDIS using the CHART MGR button under the Charts menu in the Static Control Area. This will
bring up the NaviNet Chart Manager. Pressing the C-MAP Chart Manager button will start the CCM
application. The CCM contains the functionality that manages ENCs delivered through the Admiralty Vector
Chart Service.
Select from the Static Control Area: CHARTS CHART MGR C-Map Chart Manager
The Static Control Area (below left) contains the menu options and is positioned on the left hand side of the
ECDIS screen.

NaviNet Chart Manager (Default Chart Manager)

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

An Overview of the CCM

The CCM consists of a graphical user interface consisting of a menu-bar, three main views as shown in the
screenshot below and a number of dialogue windows. This is the GUI where all AVCS related import
functions are carried out.

The CCM Dialog Box

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains the following functions and options relating to vector chart import 2 . Those related to
specifically to AVCS are highlighted in Red.
Menu item



Menu Options


Install C-Map Database

Installs C-Map chart database

Import S57 Data

Read S57 source and create a chart database


Exits the application

Error log

List errors from chart install and update procedures


List all chart-licenses


Refresh display

Update chart headers base

Force an updating and copying of databases

Export USER.USR file

Create a computer identification file

Import SA Digital Certificate

Install a new or re-issued SA certificate file

Clean up

Force deleting of old, unused chart databases

Reinitialize e-Token HWKey

Removes all chart-licenses on local machine

Export Inventory to file

Generate an information file containing all charts

installed that can be used by the CMAP nautical
manager program

ARCS Charts are installed from the default Chart Manager (as opposed to the CCM).

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The CCM Main Views

There are three main views in the CCM dialog box as follows:
Database List View
This enumerates the databases installed and registered to the system. The system can utilize chart data
from several databases at a time. This view lists all the active databases. This includes the ENC database
that contains ECDIS approved charts issued by national authorities originally issued in S57 format and
converted to CM93 Ed3 format. The ENC database is approved for official ECDIS use.
Collection View
This enumerates all the zones and areas of the selected database. The items are often organized in a tree
structure, which is visualized in this view.
Chart List View
This lists all charts located under the selected zone or area displaying more details about each chart.

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Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

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29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Preliminary System Checks

The Getting Started section identifies some Pre-Installation checks that the user should carry out before
loading AVCS ENCs into the system. These checks are primarily aimed at systems which had ENCs from
another service installed prior to converting to the Admiralty Vector Chart Service. However it is prudent to
carry out the following checks when installing AVCS on newly delivered systems.

System Checks
When installing AVCS ENCs for the first time you should carry out the following checks:
! A valid C-Map Compiler licence is installed
! The correct Scheme Administrator (SA) Certificate file is installed

Check C-Map Compiler Licence Installed

Before installing AVCS for the first time it is worth checking the C-Map Compiler-License is installed. If the
ECDIS has been reinstalled, it is easy to forget to re-install the compiler-license. If it is not there, the user will
not be able to compile ENCs from AVCS. The user must then contact L3-Valmarine service department for
To check that the Compiler Licenses are installed:
! Select Menu, View and then Licenses.
! A Window like the one below is shown.
! The Database Software Modules should exist with the two datasets CM933CMP and V3CATMGR
(ignore the expiry date)

If the Compiler-Licenses are not there they can be re-installed from the ECDIS installation CD:
Launch CMCLInstall.exe from the C-MAP S57Compiler folder on the ECDIS CD.

Check the installed Certificate

The Getting Started section refers to issues relating to the public key installed in the ECDIS. The following
section outlines how these issues can be resolved in this system. In the C-Map Chart Manager select the
following path:
Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: Advanced Import SA Digital Certificate


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The following Import SA Certificate window will be displayed:

As mentioned previously the IHO.CRT file is the default certificate installed in most new build ECDIS. If the
Installed certificates pane does not list a file named PRIMAR.CRT it will have to be installed (see below.

Install New or Re-Issued Digital Certificate

Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: Advanced Import SA Digital Certificate

Browse to the location of the PRIMAR.CRT certificate file 3 .

Click on the Import button
The user has now accepted the UKHO as the supplier of the AVCS ENC charts.

This process only has to be carried out once for a specific service provider. The next time the user receives
AVCS data from the UKHO it is NOT necessary to import the certificate again.
Certificates can also be deleted by right clicking the certificate in the list and then select Delete Selected
Certificate. Please do not delete the IHO.CRT unless you have a new certificate from the IHO.

This is currently stored in the root directory of any AVCS CD.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Data Cleansing
The Getting Started section highlights the need for new AVCS customers, who had previously subscribed to
other ENC services, to remove all ENC permits and cells from the system before installing AVCS. It also
outlines the reasoning behind this recommendation, the following section outline the method of carrying this
out on this ECDIS. In the case of the NaviNet ECDIS it is not possible to remove previously installed permits
as these are managed by the system.

Remove System ENC (SENC) Database

One or more database(s) containing ENCs installed and compiled into the CM93Ed3 format can be removed
from the Database List View as follows:

Left Click to highlight the Database to be removed

Right Click and select Remove the Database.

Once the Remove the Database action has been acknowledged it cannot be recovered.


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Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

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29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Install AVCS Licences and ENCs

The Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS carries out all AVCS licencing (permit installation) and AVCS Base/Update
imports from the same utility in tandem. The following sections provide general information relating to AVCS
licencing and AVCS data import.

Permits General Information

AVCS ENCs are currently distributed on CD-ROM media and are encrypted according to the International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-63 Data Protection Scheme. Initially the AVCS customer is provided with
ALL of the latest base and update discs which contain all the ENCs in the Admiralty Vector Chart Service.
However these cannot be accessed by the ECDIS unless a valid set of S-63 ENC Chart Permits are
installed. Each ENC Permit is unique and is the method which gives the user selective access to particular
ENCs required for an intended voyage(s).

The AVCS Licence

The AVCS ENC Permits are normally supplied by your Admiralty Chart Agent in a zipped file. The contents
of this file will depend on your bridge configuration as AVCS allows for up to 5 licenses for use with multiple
ECDIS. When extracted one or more set of permit files (PERMIT.TXT and ENC.PMT) will be copied
automatically into folder(s) named MASTER, BACKUP, RESERVE1, RESERVE2 and RESERVE3
depending on the number of ECDIS configured on the bridge. The contents should be extracted to a media,
e.g. floppy, that is capable of being read by the system.

AVCS Data CDs General Information

The AVCS Base data is currently delivered on a series of CD-ROMs 4 or a single DVD. Each Base CD
contains all the ENC base cell files and associated updates for those producer nations identified on the CD
label. Users are provided with all ENCs in the service but can only access those ENCs that they are licenced
for. The AVCS Base CDs are periodically re-issued to free up space on the AVCS Update CD, this is
currently about every 6 to 8 weeks. The AVCS Base CDs must be loaded first before any AVCS Update CD
can be loaded.
The AVCS Base CD label contains the date and week of issue. Users should be careful to only load an
AVCS Update CD that is newer than the installed bases. Users with internet access can check the status of
the latest AVCS Base CDs using the following link:
Click on the Licencing and Updating tag to view the AVCS distribution and issue dates.
Although ECDIS equipment and ENCs are designed to be very reliable, there is a slightly increased
risk of problems occurring when ENCs are being added, removed or updated. For this reason, you
must not attempt to make changes to the installed AVCS ENCs when the equipment is being used for
primary navigation or if the vessel is committed to an imminent departure.

Installing AVCS for the first time

It is recommended that users read the Getting Started and Preliminary System Checks sections before
proceeding to install ENCs from the AVCS Base CDs.
New AVCS customers will be provided with an AVCS licence (permit files) and a complete set of AVCS Base
CDs by their Admiralty Chart Agent. The AVCS permit file must be installed first before any AVCS ENCs can
be loaded. A Schedule A should also have been supplied with the permits files. This document informs the
user which Base CDs are required to install all the users licensed ENCs in the Home CD column.

All the latest AVCS Base CDs are available for download from the UKHO website. This can be found using the
following link http://www.ukho.gov.uk/ProductsandServices/ElectronicCharts/Pages/AUS.aspx and following the
instructions in the Digital Products Downloads box. These are contained in a series of zipped files named
AVCS_WKWW_YY_BaseN, where WW is the week number, YY the year and N is number of the base.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

There are currently 9 AVCS Base CDs but this number will grow as more ENCs become available for
distribution within AVCS. It is unlikely that you will need to install all of the CDs in order to load all licensed
ENCs. Reference to the Schedule A can avoid the unnecessary loading of some CDs and save you time. A
small sample of the information contained in the Schedule A is provided below.
RFA03 English Channel

Holding Expiry Date 31.12.2010



Home CD

AVCS Update


Isles of Scilly and Western Approaches

AVCS Base 3



Land's End to Falmouth

AVCS Base 3

AVCS Update


Falmouth to Looe

AVCS Base 3


PACAS Asian Seas

Holding Expiry Date 31.12.2010



Home CD

AVCS Update


Tokongkemudi to Natuna Utara

AVCS Base 9



Pulau-Pulau Leman to Badas

AVCS Base 9

AVCS Update


Selat Karimata and Approaches

AVCS Update


If the user does NOT have a copy of the Schedule A then the complete set of AVCS Base CDs must be
installed to ensure that all licensed ENCs are imported to the system

Importing the AVCS to the ECDIS

The system is capable of importing S-57 formatted ENCs encrypted using the IHO S-63 Data Protection
Scheme. Imported S-57 data is recompiled into the CM93Ed3 SENC format and stored on the system in one
or more user defined databases. This menu is used for installing base and update data.
It is not possible to right click on an S-63/S-57 imported database and Install updates from file.

Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: File Import ENC from S57/S63 format


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

An Import S57 charts dialog as shown in the below will be displayed. This dialog contains all the functionality
necessary to licence and import encrypted AVCS ENCs.

Installing the AVCS Permit File

AVCS is provided encrypted and a licence file named PERMIT.TXT is required to decrypt the AVCS ENCs
purchased. Confirm that the box labelled Are you using a PERMIT file? (Encrypted ENCs) is checked
(ticked) as indicated below.

Failure to check this box will prevent the system from importing AVCS ENCs. Using the Browse button to
select the destination drive or folder where the AVCS permits are held. The example below shows the
source as the floppy drive.

The only time it is necessary to install the PERMIT.TXT file again is if a new one is supplied by the UKHO.
This will usually be supplied with a new AVCS Update CD or a new set of Bases.

Installing the AVCS ENCs

It is now necessary to Browse to the Catalogue file on the first AVCS CD. The Getting Started section
identifies how users can determine which AVCS CDs are required for loading. The Catalogue file is located
in a folder named ENC_ROOT which is located in the root directory of the CD. The example below shows
this to be E:\ENC_ROOT.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

If only the drive letter, e.g. E:\ is selected the system will not import the AVCS ENCs and will hang.

Creating a Database
The user is now required to create a database (new customers) or select from a previously created one
(existing customers) using the down arrow . If a keyboard is connected to the ECDIS then the user can
type directly into this field to create a new database. If not select the Show keyboard button and type the
name of the database from within the ECDIS.

The AVCS Update CD can only be applied to an existing database. Therefore it is important to remember
which database the AVCS Base CDs were imported and compiled to.

Import S-57 Charts - Additional Information

At the bottom of the Import S57 Charts dialog there are two further fields. The top one provides instructions
to the user to perform an action, in this example Please select a permit file. The bottom field allows the user
to obtain information relating non critical messages reported during the import operation.

Users are strongly recommended not to check (tick) this box as it will provide numerous irrelevant warning
message much of which will be meaningless to any but an expert in the S-57 format.

Build the AVCS Database

When all the fields in the Import S57 Charts dialog are correctly filled and the appropriate flags checked (or
not) the user should click on the Build button to start the compiler and import process.
The conversion might take a considerable amount of time dependant on the number of ENCs licensed and
the specification and performance of the ECDIS hardware. Critical errors will be displayed as they occur. All
errors will be logged to the "Error Log" available under the View menu in the C-Map Chart Manager.

Repeat AVCS Base CD Install Process

The user should repeat the process at 0 for all AVCS Base CDs identified as being required in the Schedule
A of the AVCS licence agreement.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

AVCS Updating
The Admiralty Vector Chart Service is updated on a weekly basis and is distributed via your Admiralty Chart
Agent on CD-ROM 5 . The only exception to this is in a week when the AVCS Base CDs are re-issued; in
these instances an AVCS Update CD will not be issued. This CD contains any new ENC Cells, ENC New
Editions and ENC Updates issued since the last set of AVCS Base CDs were issued. The update is
cumulative so the user only has to load the latest week number. Users can update their system using the
AVCS Update CD or remotely using the Admiralty Updating Service (AUS).

The Weekly Update CD

Your Admiralty Chart Agent will provide you with a weekly Update CD, when it is practical to do so. This CD
contains any new ENC cells, new editions of ENCs and ENC updates issued since the last set of AVCS
Base CDs were issued. The update is cumulative so you only need to load the latest week number.
The AVCS CDs are re-issued about every 6 to 8 weeks depending on the amount of data on the Update CD.
It is important that you do not attempt to load an Update CD that is not consistent with the Base CDs. For
example, you should not attempt to load an update that is older than the Base CDs held on board. When
new AVCS Base CDs are issued you must install these before attempting to load the latest Update CD.
Periodically you will be supplied with an updated set of AVCS ENC Permits. New permits must be installed
for any ENC that has had more than one new edition.
An AVCS permits file is specific to a particular week as described in the Schedule A. It is important that you
do not install these unless you have the corresponding Update CD for the same week. Failure to follow this
advice could render some of the installed ENC unavailable for use in the ECDIS. The only exception to this
rule is if additional coverage is required in cases of emergencies or changes to a planned route.

The Admiralty Updating Service

The Admiralty Utilities Installation CD which comes with the AVCS Start-Up Pack contains a copy of the
Admiralty Updating Service application. This application, when installed, provides the user with the capability
to download updates directly, via the web or by e-mail, from a server hosted in the UKHO. For more details
see the EOUS (ENC Online Update Service) Customer Service Guide on the Utilities CD.
Although ECDIS equipment and ENCs are designed to be very reliable, there is a slightly increased
risk of problems occurring when ENCs are being added, removed or updated. For this reason, you
must not attempt to make changes to the installed AVCS ENCs when the equipment is being used for
primary navigation or if the vessel is committed to an imminent departure.

Installing AVCS ENC Updates

The procedure for updating AVCS is similar to that of installing the AVCS Base CDs.
Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: File Import ENC from S57/S63 format

The latest AVCS Update CD is available for download from the UKHO website. This can be found using the following
link http://www.ukho.gov.uk/ProductsandServices/ElectronicCharts/Pages/AUS.aspx and following the instructions in the
Digital Products Downloads box. It is in a zipped file named AVCS_WKWW_YY_UPDT, where WW is the week number
and YY the year.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The following Import S57 charts window will displayed:

Sometimes (but not always) new ENC Permits are issued. These permits MUST be installed together with
the AVCS CD to update the correct and appropriate database.
Users, when installing the AVCS Update CD MUST select the database that the AVCS Base CDs were
installed to.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Finalising the AVCS (Base/Update) Installation

Update Chart Headers Database
After information has been changed by the CCM application it is necessary to update the chart headers
database. This is a register of all applied charts in the ECDIS system: S-57, ARCS, C-Map, etc. It is used in
several places in the system in order to display and select correct charts for display.
After certain operations have been performed the system will automatically prompt you to update this
database before the application closes.
The operation can also be forced by selecting the following:
Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: Advanced Update chart header base

Select all computers and press the Update button. Process status will be displayed for each computer
subsequently. This operation takes a moment or two, so please be patient as it is important to the behaviour
of the ECDIS at a later stage.

After the operation has completed a reset message will be sent to all computers. In some cases this can be
experienced as a disturbance on ECDIS that are running. In some cases it will be necessary to restart
ECDIS after the update process. Major updates of chart information are actually best to do with all remote
ECDIS applications shut down.

Distribute Databases (to Remote Computers)

When all the required AVCS CDs have been imported and recompiled to the specified database the chart
data can be distributed to the other remote ECDIS equipment as described below.
In order to distribute a database already installed on one computer to other computers, use the "Distribute
database" choice shown in the figure in chapter "Ordering chart licenses" to invoke the distribution dialogue
shown in the figure below. This dialogue is also displayed after a database has been installed locally, see the
chapter "Installation of a database CD locally".


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

This can also be forced by highlighting the database in the CCM and right clicking on it. An option Distribute
database option is displayed in a drop down menu. Selecting this will display the following Distribute
Database to Remote Computers dialog. Selecting the Distribute Database button will start the process.
In the example above MFW5 is the Source Computer where the database was installed. The dialog also
provides real time progress on the other remote computer operations and their status.

If the converted database contains updates, the CCM will not display correct update numbers for updated
datasets on remote computers when this distribution method is used. However, in the ECDIS chart display
the updates are correctly displayed.

Clean Up Unnecessary Data

It may be useful from time to time to force the deletion of old or unused databases. The reason for this is
because the hard disc can become full of redundant data, for example from databases that has been
incompletely deleted or have failed installation. Older databases are automatic removed when installing a
newer issue.
Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: Advanced Clean up

Restarting the ECDIS

When just updating existing chart databases it is generally not necessary to restart the ECDIS, but when
new charts/ENCs are installed, the ECDIS must be totally restarted. ENC charts and C-MAP charts are
correctly reloaded, but automatic change between ARCS and ENC will not discover added/removed charts.
For this reason the manufacturer recommends that the ECDIS is restarted after each install of charts. For
simplicity do the restart after the final distribution of the databases.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

AVCS and System Status Checks

View AVCS Product Listing (ECDIS)
ENC Service Providers that support the IHO S-63 Data Protection Scheme issue a full product listing
(PRODUCT.TXT) on each CD. This contains a list of all available ENCs in their service including each ENCs
status, e.g. Latest edition and update number.
Make sure the latest AVCS CD is loaded in the appropriate drive. The latest product listing held onboard can
be viewed from the default Chart Manager as follows:
Select from the Chart Manager Menu Bar: View Product List

AVCS Status (Remote)

ENCs that are encrypted in accordance with the IHO S-63 Data Protection Scheme contain a file named
PRODUCTS.TXT. This file is held in a folder named INFO held in the root directory of the AVCS CD and
contains a record of all ENCs in the Admiralty Vector Chart Service. The latest AVCS Update CD (or Base if

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

re-issued) will contain the current status of ALL AVCS ENCs with respect to edition and update number and
their respective issue dates. This file can be used to independently check the current status of the system
database (SENC) against the latest AVCS ENCs available. The user can obtain a copy of the latest
PRODUCTS.TXT file from the following sources:
! The latest AVCS Update CD prior to installation. This will identify whether it is necessary to load the
latest update or not.
! The Admiralty Updating Service (AUS), the latest PRODUCTS.TXT file will be downloaded with any
requested ENC new editions and/or updates.
! The latest PRODUCTS.TXT file can be downloaded from the UKHO website using the following link and
the information provided below:
A window will be displayed prompting the user to type the following information:
Username: ukhopublic
Password: Public12345
Select the directory Digital Products
Download file named WKNN_YY_PRODUCTS.TXT (Where NN = Week Number & YY = Year)


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

System Import Log

Important Information for Users
The International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) provides definitive guidance on the validation checks that
should be carried out on ENCs produced by or on behalf of Hydrographic Offices. These checks relate to the
datas compliance with the various IHO S-57 publications relating to the content and structure of the ENCs.
Further validation checks are defined for implementation in the ECDIS equipment and these relate to
consistency in respect of importing ENCs. These are published in the IHO publication S-58 Recommended
ENC Validation Checks.
All ENCs supplied by HOs are validated using COTS ENC validation tools, e.g. SevenCs Analyser, dKart
Inspector, etc. Furthermore the majority of ENCs are also processed through the various Regional ENC
Centres (RENCs), where these validation checks are carried again to ensure consistency between producer
nations. Over the years a great deal of experience has been gained validating ENCs knowing what S-58
errors and warnings are acceptable and which are not.
Although S-58 draws a clear line between who is responsible for which checks many ECDIS manufacturers
still implement the full suite of tests identified in S-58. This can sometimes result in unnecessary errors and
warnings being presented to the user either on screen or in a log file. Users should only report instances
where an ENC has failed to load; these are normally identified by the ECDIS as a fatal error or ENC failed
import. In these instances the UKHO will seek to resolve this with the ENC producer.

System Error Log

Select from the C-Map Chart Manager Menu Bar: View Error log

This action lists errors generated during the chart installation and update procedures. This list contains
selected non-critical messages as well as all critical errors relating to installed ENCs.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

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29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Viewing AVCS ENCs

There are three methods that can be used to select and view AVCS ENCs on the ECDIS as follows:
! The Chart Catalogue
! The C-Map Chart Manager
! The Action button (the centre button)
The ENC displayed by the viewer is constrained to the area in and around the ships own position symbol.
The panning and/or zooming of the ENC are also restricted so that the own-ship symbol remains inside the
viewer at all times. To view ENCs away from the ships own position it is necessary to change the View Mode
to either Look-Ahead or Planning.

Accessing ENCs via the Chart Catalogue

In the CHARTS option select COVERAGE with OUTLINES ON. The VIEW option must be set to Look-Ahead
mode to select ENCs outside of the area of the Own Ship Symbol. A chart catalogue is displayed against a
world vector shoreline with the limits of the ENCs depicted. Licenced ENCs can be picked from this
Select from the Static Control Area: CHARTS COVERAGE OUTLINES ON

To select an ENC that is off screen and away from the Own Ship Symbol the VIEW option must be set to the
Look-Ahead mode.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

A chart can be selected by placing the cursor in the upper left corner of an ENC cell limit and pressing the
Select button. A yellow circle will mark the selection and an Information window is displayed with the chart
data. Press the Action button and a Chart Action Menu is displayed with three options as follows:
! Display Chart
! Display Notes
! Chart Info
Selecting the Display Chart option will load the requested ENC.

Accessing ENCs from the C-Map Chart Manager

ENCs can be selected from the C-Map Chart Manager by simply clicking once on the ENC in the list in the
Chart List View.

To select an ENC that is off screen and away from the Own Ship Symbol the VIEW option must be set to the
Look-Ahead mode.

Accessing ENCs in the ECDIS Viewer

Click the Action button and select Display Chart from the drop down menu. The VIEW option must be set to

Changing the View Mode

The View Mode can be changed in the Static Information Area on the ECDIS display toggling the information
box circled in the screenshot below. The following options are available for selection.

In Screen:

This mode indicates that the symbol for the Ship Own Position will always remain
inside the viewer. This is the default mode and is used for Route Monitoring.


This mode indicates that the system is set to Look-Ahead monitoring mode. ENCs
can be viewed that do not include the Own Ship position.


This mode indicates that the system is set to Planning Mode. ENCs can be viewed
that do not include the Own Ship position. Routes can be planned and managed
for an intended voyage.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

The Look-Ahead mode can also be selected

from the MAIN option in the Static Control
Area. The user can toggle between SHIP IN
Toggle the VIEW button to LOOK AHEAD (p)
to view ENCs away from the Own Ship

Moving and Resizing ENC in the Viewer

Re-centre or Pan the ENC in the Viewer
To re-centre or pan an ENC hold down the Select button while rolling the trackerball. Unless the system is
set in Look-Ahead or Planning mode panning the chart will be restricted so that the Own Ship Symbol
remains inside the display.

Changing the ENC Viewing Scales

The user can change the scale of the ENC using the Zoom function. This is done by holding the Close button
while rolling the trackerball. Move the trackerball down to view the ENC at a larger scale. Move the
trackerball to view the ENC at smaller scale.
Alternatively during Route Monitoring the user can
(minus) and
(plus) buttons to zoom
activate the
button is
the chart in or out. Each time the
clicked the display scale is changed by a factor of 2 in
respect of the current scale. Therefore a display scale of
button is pressed
1:50000 becomes 1:100000 if the
button is pressed. The range is
and 1:25000 if the
equal to the distance from the centre to the top of the


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

ENCs can have a scale between 1:1000 and 1:40, 000000 and will automatically select the most suitable
ENC available to match the selected range.
When radar display overlay is in use, the range 0.25nm, 0.5nm, 0.75nm, 1.5nm, 3.0nm, 6.0nm, 12.0nm and
24.0nm are the only ones selectable in this range.
Activating the
(Reset) button returns the current selected chart to its original encoded compilation scale,
i.e. not zoomed. The inherent accuracy of the electronic chart is not affected. However, the text Overscale
will appear yellow in the static information area if the chart is displayed in a larger scale than the one for
which it was originally compiled.


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Getting Help
Many of the difficulties that could be experienced when using the Admiralty Vector Chart Service with this
system can be avoided by carefully following the instructions in this guide. However, issues that are known
to have caused confusion in the past are detailed below in the Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ)
section. Note that the FAQs in this document may well have been superseded and the most up to date
version will be found at:
If you encounter problems that are not solved by referring to the FAQs, you may wish to seek technical
support. Please see the section below for contact details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

None at the time of writing

Technical Support
Who should you contact?
You will receive the most effective support if you address your initial query to the correct organisation. This
will usually be the manufacturer of the ECDIS equipment, or the Chart Agent you obtain your AVCS charts
from, but in certain circumstances you may need to contact the UKHO.
Hardware problems: difficulties with the keyboard, mouse, display or main
system console, failure of a floppy disk or CD drive.
Software problems: difficulties with configuring or using the ECDIS system
software, interfacing problems.
Chart installation problems: problems with installing certificates, permits and
AVCS ENCs, standard error codes displayed (see AVCS User Guide).
Chart content problems: display anomalies or mismatched data displays.
Problems that have not been resolved by your Admiralty Chart Agent.

ECDIS Manufacturer

Admiralty Chart Agent


Contact details are available on the last page of this guide.

When reporting a chart related problem it is useful if you can provide the following details:
! The AVCS licence number
! The ECDIS system (and model/version) being used (especially if you have more than one system on
! The date and week number of the latest base and update disks held on the vessel
! The issue date of the latest ENC Permits held. If the problem appears to be related to the permits it is
best to send a copy of the latest ENC Permits held by email if this is possible.
! Any error messages displayed on the ECDIS (see page 18 of the AVCS User Guide)

Emergency Chart Permit Generation

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for a vessel to get access to an AVCS chart at very short
notice, for instance if she has to divert her route due to a medical or safety emergency. In these
emergency circumstances only, individual AVCS ENC Permits can be obtained from the UKHO 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. These permits can be transmitted direct to the vessel by email wherever possible, by
fax, or simply by reading the characters out over the telephone or radio. Each permit consists of 64


29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Contact details for the UKHO are available on the last page of this guide. Please quote your vessel name,
the User Permit 6 Number of your ECDIS system and the required ENCs.

We hope this User Guide assists you in using the Admiralty Vector Chart Service with this system. If you
have any feedback on the content of this particular guide, or the online FAQs, please forward your
comments to your Admiralty Chart Agent or directly to the UKHO.

The ECDIS User Permit is issued by the system manufacturer and is a 28 character alphanumeric.

29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

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29 January 2010

Admiralty Vector Chart Service

L-3 Communications Valmarine NaviNet ECDIS AVCS Installation Guide

Version 1.0

Contact Details
Company Contact
If your company has a specific policy for obtaining support on IT and navigational systems, please enter
details here, with contact details for the Support department:

ECDIS Manufacturer
Support Hours (Time Zone):



Chart Agent
Support Hours (Time Zone):



Support Hours (Time Zone):


+44 (0)1823 723366


+44 (0)1823 330561


[email protected]





29 January 2010

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