Eynan Ain Mallaha

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Eynan (Ain Mallaha)

Chapter · January 2017


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6 authors, including:

Nicolas Samuelian Fanny Bocquentin

Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives French National Centre for Scientific Research


Anne Bridault Rivka Rabinovich

French National Centre for Scientific Research Hebrew University of Jerusalem


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34 Eynan (Ain Mallaha)
françois r. valla, h. khalaily, n. samuelian, f. bocquentin,
a. bridault, and r. rabinovich

34.1 INTRODUCTION Near East. While there are few indications of roofing, some build-
ings have post-holes. The most elaborate of them is from the Early
The site of Eynan (Ain Mallaha) attracted prehistoric people Natufian phase. It was partially destroyed but still preserves the set-
because of the variety and availability of resources provided by ting of seven posts arranged in two lines, one straight, the other
the slopes of the Upper Galilee, the marginal marshes and shores curved (Fig. 34.2A). According to pollen and phytolith remains,
of Lake Hula, a species-rich and abundant perennial spring, and some superstructures may have been made with reeds (Phragmites
the banks of a rivulet between the spring and the lake (Fig. 34.1). sp.). Each building has at least one hearth, most of them built from
The archaeological deposits were excavated during three sessions stone. Floors were identified thanks to these small installations,
between 1955–1961 under J. Perrot, then 1972–1976 under J. Per- sometimes associated with partial pavements of slabs or pebbles.
rot, M. Lechevallier, and F. Valla, and 1996–2005 under F. Valla and These indications could be combined with those provided by ash
H. Khalaily. Human visitors are attested during the Middle Palae- dispersals from the hearths, and by objects lying flat, to reconstruct
olithic and again during the Early Epipalaeolithic. Later, during the coherent surfaces. Several buildings display more than one of these
Natufian period, the site was one of the main human settlements in floors superimposed, sometimes linked to repairs of at least part of
the Levant, intermittently inhabited for several millennia during the the wall.
Early, Late, and Final phases of the period. Radiocarbon ages indi- Field observations indicate that some floors could be compatible
cate an approximate age of 14,326±266 cal BP for the Early Natu- with a function as a house, while others were not. Further anal-
fian occupation, whereas the Final Natufian layer is 12,466±179 yses of the finds apparently support this inference. House floors
and 11,895±141 cal BP in the lower and top parts, respectively (Per- attest to a broad range of activities not matched by the other floors.
rot 1966; Valla et al. 2007). The best case studies, from the Final Natufian phase, indicate oval
houses limited southward (upslope) by a wall associated with a row
of small constructions (hearths, post-holes, etc.) between its two
34.2 THE BUILDINGS AND GRAVES OF EYNAN ends, separating two spaces. Work places are indicated by concen-
trations of flint debris. They seem to be related to large stones, pos-
A hamlet of semi-buried buildings was constructed south of the sible seats, and are mainly in the outer (northern) half of the build-
spring. The extension of the settlement and the number of contem- ing (Fig. 34.2B). In contrast, the floors not intended for dwelling
poraneous buildings are difficult to extrapolate from the 200–250 are not divided. The activities, generally, seem to be centred around
m2 area currently excavated. In this area, the buildings take advan- one or more hearths, each of different shape. It is worth mentioning
tage of a slope overlooking the spring. They are delimited by circu- that the same building can change functions on successive floors
lar or semi-circular walls, sometimes still standing more than 1 m (Samuelian 2013).
high, which served as retaining walls. Their size tends to decrease During the Early Natufian, houses were associated with graves
with time. The oldest, from the Early Natufian phase, attain up to either under floors or in fills. Most corpses were buried individually
7 m in diameter. The diameter of those from the Final Natufian and flexed on the side, back, or even face, some of them with body
phase is 3.5 m. The walls are composed of a facing of raw lime- ornaments made mainly of Dentalium shells and bone beads. Stones
stone blocks applied against the vertical surface created by cutting were sometimes added on or around the corpse to maintain it in a
into the slope. Instead of a stonewall, one of the Early Natufian desired position (Fig. 34.3A). One interment included a puppy with
houses was coated with a red-painted lime plaster, which is among an old woman (Fig. 34.3B). Both sexes and all ages, from newborn
the oldest evidence for sophisticated pyrotechnical processes in the to elderly, are present in the available sample, which is too small to

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F.R. Valla et al. 296

Figure 34.1 Topographic map of the Hula Basin near the spring of Eynan-Ain Mallaha, with indications of the main natural ecological niches.

validate possible selections against young children and/or women. For the first time at the site, a few individuals attest to removal of
Hypoplasia found on some skeletons indicates dietary deficiency the central right upper incisor.
or infectious diseases during childhood. Dental caries does occur. The inhabitants of Eynan-Ain Mallaha share most of their phys-
Traces of trauma on the bones may reveal interpersonal violence, ical characteristics with other Natufian populations. Nevertheless,
but such traces are rare. they have somewhat more robust upper limbs, especially the males.
The Late Natufian shows a break in funerary customs. Many A relatively high occurrence of caries may be related to a diet richer
deep or shallow pits, some of them coated, were dug along with the in vegetal food (Bocquentin 2003).
buildings. According to the evidence at hand, they were mainly for Stratigraphy, ages, buildings, and graves all indicate three well-
trash disposal and burials. Most skeletons were found in those pits differentiated stages of occupation at Eynan-Ain Mallaha. The asso-
(Fig. 34.3C), some disturbed by up to 11 interments, most of them ciated finds support this subdivision.
successive. Decorated corpses disappear, but two skulls may have
borne gazelle horn cores attached to them. Large stones were some-
times added in or on the pits. A selection in favour of males becomes 34.3 ARTEFACTS
more obvious, and no newborns were uncovered. Hypoplasia and
caries diminish. Huge quantities of flint were recovered from each phase. They attest
During the Final Natufian, traditional habits return and graves are to a variety of raw materials, primarily good quality flint from the
connected to house floors. Typically, they accommodate individual nearby environment. Only the debitage of the Early Natufian was
bodies narrowly contracted in various positions and devoid of any thoroughly analysed. The technique was relatively simple, produ-
ornaments (Fig. 34.3D). No selection according to age or sex can cing flakelets, bladelets of two different sizes, and flakes. Blades do
be discerned. Hypoplasia is even rarer, but caries is at its highest. occur as a target but are relatively rare. These blanks could be used

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Eynan (Ain Mallaha) 297

Figure 34.2 Eynan buildings: the ‘houses’. A: Schematic map, tentative reconstruction and photographic view of house 131 (Early Natufian) (after Valla
1988); B: main knapping locations as suggested by objects distributed on the floors of houses 200 and 203 (Final Natufian) (after Samuelian 2013).

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F.R. Valla et al. 298

Figure 34.3 Eynan graves. A: Early Natufian H.15 lying on his back with stones on and around the corpse (Archives of Mallaha excavations); B: Early
Natufian H.104: an elderly woman buried with a puppy, probably in relation to house 131 (after Davis & Valla 1978); C: Late Natufian pit containing several
bodies successively introduced (Grave H.10) (Archives of Mallaha excavations); D: Final Natufian H.156: an adult woman laid on a floor of house 203.
The highest parts of the body were disturbed when the house was occupied anew (after Bocquentin et al. 2013).
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Eynan (Ain Mallaha) 299

without modification (many flakelets) or shaped into formal tools ile points. Bone sickles, an emblematic Natufian tool, were found
by retouch. During all three phases, the same types of tools were in every phase, albeit rarely. Curved ‘hooks’ appear regularly in
shaped in approximately similar proportions: half of them were the Final phase. At the current stage of research, the main change
microliths, of which lunates were only a minor component. How- clearly attested from one phase to another is a reduction in the pro-
ever, these lunates, the hallmark of the Natufian culture, underwent duction of the ‘retoucher’, a bone splinter intended to retouch flint
characteristic changes from one phase to the other. The typical bifa- tools.
cial Helwan retouch was gradually replaced by an abrupt mode of Bones were also modified into body ornaments. The necklaces,
shaping, and the objects became increasingly smaller (Fig. 34.4A). bracelets, and other items found in the Early Natufian graves were
These modifications are all the more remarkable in that the smaller composed of a combination of bone beads and pendants with shells,
lunates, those from the Final Natufian, are the most difficult to pro- mainly Dentalia from the Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 34.4C). The char-
duce, whereas the function of the instrument, as hunting weapon acteristic bead is a sawn extremity of a gazelle phalange. Other
armatures, did not change (Valentin et al. 2013). shapes, which are dominant in nearby settlements, are less frequent
Flint aside, basalt was the stone most commonly worked into or rare. They may attest to contact with foreign groups. Bone orna-
tools. It could be found a few kilometres away, either in river beds ments are almost absent from the Late Natufian layers, perhaps
or in primary context to the west (Dalton and Alma Plateaus), owing to recovery bias, but Dentalia are also rare. In the Final Natu-
south (Khorazim saddle), and east (Golan Heights) (Horowitz fian layer all the locally traditional elements appear, but are now
1979). Pounding and grinding implements, namely deep mortars dispersed in the fill. Despite the conservative attitude usually asso-
(Fig. 34.4B), pestles, grinding slabs (Fig. 34.4B), and handstones ciated with body decorations some changes can be detected. Den-
dominate the assemblage; it is difficult to apprehend their economic talium shells are cut into smaller segments (Le Dosseur & Maréchal
role. In contrast to the expediently made and briefly used flint tools, 2013). Stones valued for their colour (green, red, black, white)
the basalt tools demonstrate a high degree of workmanship and were become a regular constituent, maybe under northern influence.
cared for. Moreover, they had a variety of functions, as is demon- Little is known of plant use during the Early Natufian phase.
strated by their diverse sizes (e.g. height of mortars is 12–60 cm). Emphasis seems to be on the exploitation of woody environments,
It seems that the flat grinding instruments become proportionally which is confirmed by the recovery of fragments of almonds and
more abundant in the Final Natufian. Some of them are stained with pistachios. Phytolith studies indicate an interest shift during the
ochre. Use-wear analyses show that large ‘saddle querns’ were used Final Natufian toward exploiting more humid areas. Reeds prob-
to process legumes throughout the entire sequence (Dubreuil 2004). ably supplied raw materials for mats and sedges for basketry. Mil-
One of those querns was still at its working place in a Final Natufian let was probably collected for food. There are also indications for an
house. increased consumption of annuals from drylands, but small-seeded
grasses are more abundant than barley and wheat, which appear in
few samples only, probably because it had to be gathered about 12–
34.3 USE OF FAUNAL AND FLORAL REMAINS 16 km south of the site (Rosen 2013).
Besides body ornaments, only scarce indications of the way of
Faunal remains are extremely abundant and diverse but heavily thinking were found. Only a few tools (stone and bone) are dec-
broken and incrusted. Methodological aspects need to be further orated. A handful of figurines do appear. Some are interpreted as
expanded to construct an approximate image of the role played by schematic human representations. Others are inspired by the ani-
the different species in the diet. Nonetheless, the location of the site mal world (Fig. 34.4D). A few pebbles bear thin engravings of pat-
between various productive niches was exploited with an emphasis terns also known from other sites (ladder-like, zigzag). Neverthe-
on humid habitats, resulting in a ‘broad spectrum economy’ (Flan- less, elaborate and comprehensive thinking is manifested by a com-
nery 1969). The occupants of Eynan-Ain Mallaha took advantage plex system of buildings and grave orientations according to the
of mammals, micromammals, birds, chelonia, reptiles, amphibians, cardinal points. A probable myth underlying the recurrent associ-
crustaceans, fish, and molluscs where they were available. Com- ations of objects such as stones, human remains, and dog, gazelle,
pared with other Natufian sites, gazelles are significantly less dom- and tortoise bones can also be suspected.
inant among ungulates, and the contribution of wild boar is higher.
Hares may be linked to new trapping techniques, and foxes are inter-
preted as evidence for the creation of new environments around 34.4 SUMMARY
long-term occupied villages (Bridault et al. 2008).
Osseous materials were worked on a limited scale compared with Eynan (Ain Mallaha) is uniquely significant in the history of pre-
flint. A large range of species was used, including small mammals historic research in Israel and beyond because it was the site where
and birds. Long bones (mainly metapodials), phalanges, and ribs Natufian architecture was identified for the first time in 1955.
were preferentially selected. Cervid antlers were less favoured. The Together with the large number of graves, the heavy basalt pounding
bones were heavily modified through a broad variety of techniques, tools, as well as the wealth of resources available in its and nearby
including abrasion and heating, during the entire sequence. Most environmental settings, this finding led to the conclusion that the
implements were points of various shapes and sizes, some of them Eynan people were able to experiment with a sedentary way of life.
very small. Many were intended to be hand-held. Others are project- As a result, it became clear that, in the Near East, sedentism was

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F.R. Valla et al. 300

Figure 34.4 Eynan human workmanship: some examples. A: Early Natufian (1–4) compared to Final Natufian (5–9) lunates, after Valentin in Valla et al.
(2007). B: 1, Basalt mortar (Early Natufian); 2, basalt grinding stone (Final Natufian) (1 unpublished, 2 after Samuelian 2013, photo M. Barazani). C:
Necklace under the skull of newborn H.176 (Early Natufian) (after Bocquentin and Cabellos in Valla et al. 2007). D: A rare Early Natufian animal figurine
from House 131 (photo by L. Davin).

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Eynan (Ain Mallaha) 301

a precondition for experiments that were to drive people to grow Bocquentin, F., Cabellos, T. & Samuelian, N. 2013. Graves in context: field
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lecting, and gathering societies were able to sustain a more or less site location and taphonomic process: A relevant combination
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