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The Energy-Culture in Altitude.

Conference Paper · January 2005


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2 authors, including:

Isaac A Meir
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


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Plea2004 - The 21th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19 - 22
September 2004 Page 1 of 6

Energy-Culture Across Altitude

Ada Gansach1 and Isaac A. Meir2

Faculty of Architecture, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
DAUP-Dept. of Man in the Desert, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Sede Boqer Campus, Israel

ABSTRACT: This paper argues that environmental aspects of vernacular architecture are culturally
situated, and tests this proposition in the relationship between ecology, climatic conditions and
architectural culture. The site of our study is the Himalaya of Nepal, where sharp change in altitude
and ecology over short distances constrain and fragment human settlement. Migrants have evolved
to form delimited ethnic groups occupying delineated areas, and developed local cultures and
building traditions. We study and compare plans, sections, use of materials and people's
interpretations of their architecture in several case studies. We examine how these change in
relation to shifts in socio-cultural contexts in order to develop an insight into the formation of
architectural variety. Our study demonstrates how digressions, differences and contradictions
between house construction and environmental performance articulate the socio-cultural process of
their formation.

Conference Topic: 8 Traditional solutions in sustainable perspective

Keywords: comfort, culture, energy, environment, Nepal, vernacular

INTRODUCTION localities even in the most remote valleys. This

process gives us the opportunity to trace the
The paper demonstrates how local traditions relationship between climate, environment,
related to energy in the built environment are construction and organisation of space, and highlight
temporal, reflecting a cultural process, which the ways in which these are embodied in cultural
negotiates environmental conditions, and social and practices.
economic practices. Our study of contradictions and The first part of the paper looks at variations in the
differences in building design shows that the design of buildings within one ethnic group, the
embodiment of local knowledge of environment, Nyinba in the high mountains of Humla. We examine
climate and construction is a part of the historical environmental aspects of changes in the design of
process of change. houses and discuss the context of their formation.
We study a series of dwellings along and across The second part explores differentiation and change
the Himalaya in Nepal. Altitude here is a major factor in architecture across the same ecological zone of the
in defining the ecology, as it rises from 100 to more high Himalaya. We show how time and space, not
than 8,000 meters above sea level over a relatively only place, play a pivotal role in articulating the
short distance and cuts through changing environmental aspects in the design of the
environments from humid to arid, from cultivated land vernacular. The third part of the paper compares
to dense forest or bare desert. The fractured building traditions along the cross section of the
geography of high mountains sliced by deep river mountains. We look at architectural characteristics
valleys has fragmented settlement and sheltered a identified with particular ethnic groups, discuss their
process of localizing cultures, whereby immigrants differences and evaluate these against the yardstick
formed delimited ethnic groups with place-specific of environmental constraints and climatic comfort.
economic practices, social and religious traditions (of
both Hindu and Buddhist cultures), and developed
different building traditions. At the same time,
centripetal forces, propelled by the growing
integration of the communities into the state since it
was formed in the middle of the 18 century,
accelerated by the recent incorporation of Nepal into
the global processes, have acted to link, though
indirectly, the disparate communities, providing
common grounds for our comparative study.
The contradictory process of evolving
differentiation and growth of common grounds, which Figure 1: Marsyangdi Valley - view from the middle
has evolved in these circumstances, has articulated hills to the high Himalaya. [A.Gansach, 1992]
Plea2004 - The 21th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19 - 22
September 2004 Page 2 of 6

2. TRANSFORMATION OF ALTITUDE, central lobby on the first floor. This gives access to
ECOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTION the living space, Khyim (Nb.) in the middle of which a
hearth serves as the centre of family life, where most
The Himalayan folds rise from the low Terrai of the household activity takes place. The room is
plains in the south (at 100-200m altitude) to the high flanked by a Nangma Khyim (Nb.), a cold store at the
ridges of the north (reaching peaks of over 8000m) northern hill-side of the house, and a Lho Khang
(Fig.1). The climate is variable and topologically (Nb.), a general storage space at the south facing
complex (Fig.2) – where the summer monsoons of side of the house. The third floor consists of a terrace,
the humid plains and the middle hills stand in sharp a prayer room or an additional store and a partially
contrast to the arid areas at the rain shadow of the covered area where fodder is stored for the winter.
mountains to the north, where precipitation is limited
to mainly winter snow. Precipitation varies with
geography from less than 250 mm to over 5,200 mm
per annum [1]. The change in climate from the humid
east to the more inland, dryer west and distinct
microclimates created by the geography, gives rise to
intricate ecological constructions. This fragmentation
of the land and the variety of conditions for buildings
to evolve have created a variety place-specific

Figure 3: Cross-section, Yangmatewa House,

Nyimathang, Humla. [A.Gansach, 1992]

The rectangular envelope of the house is made up

of 45cm thick stone and mud-mortar walls. They are
Figure 2: Seasonal trends of PET at selected restrained by paired timber beams, one at the inner
elevations in Nepal. Spaces between the lines and one at the outer face of the wall, held together
indicate vertical gradients [2]. with a notched timber tie, at height intervals of 80cm.
The floors are made in red mud reinforced with
There is a visible link between buildings and the dried juniper branches, laid over rough-cut boards,
environment in which they are built. Mud, cane, stone resting on timber post and beam structure (Fig.3).
and timber are the main building materials in the The roof is flat, built like the floors, with an added
villages, used with little processing, where most of the layer of black mud and a final layer of fine white mud
labour is invested into the assembly process. Usually, beaten in to seal the slab.
local materials are used, and only rarely they are The house is divided vertically into three zones.
transported over distances. The living quarters are located above the heat
We begin by a detailed study of a house of the releasing animal space at the ground floor and under
Nyinba community in the High Himalaya, examine a relatively insulating upper zone where hay is stored
environmental aspects of the design and develop an on the roof. Such zoning is a typical reaction to the
understanding for the context of change. highlands cold climate, known from other areas like
the Balkans and the Middle East. The building
2.1 House in Nyimathang, Humla District, NW Nepal materials – stone, mud mortar and render of the
Nyimathang, the higher of four villages of the walls, floors and the roof are of high thermal mass,
Nyinba community, is located at 3,500m above sea thus providing a thermally stable indoor environment.
level, at the upper edge of the tree-line. It is an arid- The roof topping of white mud provides a
hyper arid environment (25-147 mm yearly)[3]. waterproofing layer suitable for the “wet snow” typical
Precipitation is limited to mainly snow during the of the early winter, although eventually, water
winter (November-February), though at the altitude of penetrates the roof layers and causes higher heat
the village it rarely accumulates. Today the slopes are loss through enhanced conduction.
carved into cultivated terraces, but stories tell that
they were forested at the time of the early settlers, 2.2 Variations Within Altitude- Changes Through Time
similarly to the present north-facing slopes on the The description above represents villagers' idea of
other side of the river. the typical house in Nyimathang. However, looking at
Nyimathang consists of 28 loosely clustered the storage spaces around the Kyim, which directly
houses at a fold in the topography, which protects the affect energy efficacy and level of comfort in the
village from the strong afternoon winds. house, a close examination (Fig.4) reveals a variety
The houses have three stories where animals are of forms. Whilst half follow the design described
housed on the ground floor, people occupy the first above, three houses (of freed slaves) have a different
floor, with servicing spaces and a terrace above. A design, and eleven have one single storage space. Of
ladder leads from the ground to the Phyi Khor (Nb.), a
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September 2004 Page 3 of 6

these, eight houses have only the Lho Khang, the The introduction of the Chulo, a metal stove with
outer storage space, which provides long term chimney, has reduced environmental comfort in the
storage for common items (like grain, salt, and house even more. It was promoted by an intensive
clothing), and sometimes serves as a place for a government campaign during the 1980s, advertised to
brother to live separately with a second wife (despite reduce the high rate of lung diseases, which
the practice of polyandry). Three houses have the developed in the unventilated smoky rooms. Villagers
Nangma Khyim, the inner storage room, where dearer agree that the stove is more efficient for cooking,
consumption goods like alcohol and meat, as well as keeps the house clean from soot, and believe that
household treasures are stored, and it is thus people are healthier (a belief that can be
perceived as more prestigious. substantiated by parallel research in other countries)
[4]. However, it lowers the temperature in the house.
Most of the air circulation in the old houses was
internal, as the traditional skylight was insufficient for
ventilation. This kept the houses warm (though
smoky) during day and night, as most of the heat was
retained in stone walls and the ceiling, and released
during the night, when the fire is extinguished and
people are asleep.
In recent years, two factors, new demand for
private dwelling spaces, coupled by recent decline in
animal husbandry, have worsened environmental
comfort in the Nyinba house. The rooms of the
animals on the ground floor are empty, and fodder is
not stacked on the roof, so that no longer is the living
space located between the heat source of the animals
below and the insulating hay above. Here, on the third
Figure 4: House types and adjacency, western ward, floor, under the little insulating uppermost roof,
Nyimathang, Humla District. [A.Gansach, 1992] enclosed by unsealed timber planks and with no heat
source, newly constructed bedrooms in some of the
We point out the discrepancy between an ideal houses, are unpleasantly cold. This, together with the
and actual spatial arrangement of the plans when increase in ceiling height and the introduction of the
they are environmentally analyzed. Considering the Chulo, has made the Khyim even colder. Still, with
climatic constraints of the region, an outer storage additional bedrooms and absence of animal odours,
space would serve as a buffer zone for the living this design embodies the recently acquired taste for
quarters and improve indoor conditions. However, privacy (there has not been a private place for
here, thermal comfort and climatic protection are individuals, and all activity took place in the shared
compromised for the sake of presentation of well spaces of the house) and sense of cleanliness
being and status the Nangma Khyim is considered to brought by members of the community who engage in
display (the windows seen on the external walls of trade in Kathmandu and abroad. Despite the
such houses are always closed by shutters, as we reduction in environmental comfort, the new,
discuss below). extended house design is valued as more
Diversions from the archetype like this illustrate a 'progressive' by the villagers.
gap between image and practice. The following These examples show how new desires are
examples look at the increase in ceiling height and imported, myths created and design ideas are
the use of metal stove. These changes, which exhibit incorporated into the traditional. These examples
aspiration to status, were recently adopted despite demonstrate how the application of the traditional
the reduction in environmental comfort they instigate. design involves situated decisions, which act to
Whilst this has been recognised by the villagers, it transform an imagined model, which is preserved in
has not, or not yet, checked, or informed the people's minds. Such decisions are located in time,
adaptation of the new designs. and embody shifts in ideology, social identity and
The new Nyinba houses, particularly those of the affiliation.
wealthier people, have larger Khyim (living room) with
higher ceilings - 265cm rather than the 180cm of the
past. As the same heat source, the fire in the hearth, 3. WITHIN THE TIBETAN COMMUNITIES IN
now has to heat a larger volume this results in lower THE NORTH
temperatures at the lower layer of air in the room,
which is occupied by people sitting on the floor. Having looked at changes in the design of houses
Nevertheless, higher ceiling height is considered a within one ethnic community, we now extend our
matter of prestige among the villagers, who construct examination across ethnic groups, but remain within
their new houses this way. "This is like the houses of the ecological zone of the high Himalaya, and within
Kathmandu" said the owner of such a house, who the domain of the Tibetan cultures. We study two
revealed that this change was introduced by an aspects of the architecture, which we test against
engineer from the community who returned after living their environmental evaluation: adjacency and
and working many years in the capital. He also window design. The first articulates historical
commented that the house feels colder than the old, differences, the second embodies cultural similarities,
lower ceiling house. and both embody the dialectical process of
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September 2004 Page 4 of 6

architecture where social practices can override Kin and clan relationship is the basis for economic
economic or environmental considerations. and social association in Nyimathang, which was
In the Tibetan villages of the Himalaya, houses established in the 17 century, when four unrelated
are built close to one another. The desire to minimise families from disparate farms decided to relocate into
Man's imposition on the land by restricting the one space; since then it has evolved in a process of
dispersal of houses reflects the Tibetan idea of concurrent expansion and densification, where
occupation of space, namely, the relationship expansion was restricted by a family's limited labour
between Culture and Nature, Deities (Lha) and Spirits power to clear the forest. People in five of the total six
(bTsam), Order and Chaos. The close clustering of instances of adjacency in Nyimathang tell of a past
houses, which reduces exposure to the extreme fraternity between the families; however, with no
conditions of the environment, is ubiquitous in the traditions to depersonalise or administer liabilities,
Tibetan villages of the Himalaya. In contradistinction such adjacent houses are reconstructed without
to this, the form of adjacency, determined by the use shared party walls. In Tog.Khyu of Dolpo, where
or absence of party walls (a strategy of efficiency in association for agricultural work is based in the
terms of costs of construction, repair and energy use) distance between clusters, and timing irrigation can
we studied, varies. As we show below, it reflects local often bring up conflict of interests between
social and economic histories. neighbours [4], adjacency is common. However, the
In Braga, in Manang District, houses are grouped sharing of a wall, used metaphorically to describe
in complex clusters (Ga.Di), where residential units animosity between friends as "the devil between
have been added to one another over time, sharing neighbours", is vehemently disapproved.
one or more party walls (Fig.5). In Tog.Khyu, in Thus the presence or absence of party walls
Dolpo, houses are adjacent to one another but do not reflect differences in socio-economic formations, or,
share party walls: each house has it own external wall specifically, the difference between societies
constructed 10cm apart from its neighbour. In participating in exchange economy and abiding by
Nyimathang, in the district of Humla, adjacency is contractual ethics, and others whose practice is
uncommon, and where this exists, it derives from a essentially local and agricultural, and where kinship
historical fraternity, where households share the site, structures social relations.
but not a party wall [5]. Unlike Tog.Khyu and Whilst the above discusses differentiation
Nyimathang, where adjacency occurs only between between architectural traditions, the examination of
close kins, in Braga, adjacency is unrelated to changes in the Tibetan window design shows the
kinship; construction and repair of shared party walls growth of similarities between these different
are administered according to historical conventions. traditions in the same ecological and cultural zones.
The window in the Tibetan house has changed in
recent years. The availability of glass and industrial
paints has reduced the use of timber and the need for
specialized labour, whereby the design and the
expressive meaning it had, have altered. Traditionally,
the window has been the only, and the most
important expressive element in the Tibetan house;
its height is fixed by structural tie-beams, but its width
varies. Made in timber frame and fixed panels carved
with Buddhist symbols and patterns, the complexity of
the window reflected the owners' wealth and social
standing. Usually the actual opening is only 10% of
the area of the window, which is normally closed by
shutters, to reduce the penetration of cold air directly
into the living space. The ideas of lit spaces, brought
from Kathmandu and associated with modernity, the
notion of 'the picture window' embraced from visiting
tourists, together with the rising cost of timber and
Figure 5: Households, party-walls in the village plan. skilled wood carvers’ labour, have induced change in
Braga, Manang District, Nepal. [A.Gansach 1988] recent years. The availability of glass, nails and
industrial oil-paints has made it possible to construct
What has shaped the differences in the form of large windows with glazed openings, simplify the
adjacency with different impact on environment of the joinery and reduce the expensive decorative work,
houses, can be understood only through insight into where painting by locals has replaced the skilled work
the socio-economic foundation of the settlement. of outside carvers. It is obvious that such changes
Contractual conduct is imperative for a society to bring with them a different thermal behaviour of the
successfully manage the social and legal complexity building as a whole: poorer ventilation but also less
of construction and maintenance of party-walls. Such air infiltration and heat loss. However, whilst the
practices have existed for a long time among the villagers testify that the houses are colder, lack of
people in Manang, Nepal's international traders, who rigorous monitoring does not allow us yet to state
have depended on binding ethics of conduct they whether such changes are an asset or a liability.
have developed through their history of informal This displays the ways in which new materials
contractual relationship with partners abroad. make it possible to adapt the design to new ideals
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September 2004 Page 5 of 6

while retaining the content of the traditional window In contradistinction to this, the Gurung, who
design. occupy the hills in the same ecological zone of the
middle hills, is a society of farmers; their agricultural
4. TRANSFORMATION WITH HEIGHT – subsistence economy produces little surplus, while
HOUSES IN THE MIDDLE HILLS employment and monetisation are recent. The
Gurung build their houses in stone, mud, timber cane
So far we looked at changes within and across and reed they gather (Fig.7). The labour required for
ethnic groups in the ecological zone and the cultural the construction work is unskilled, and is recruited
world of the high Himalayan Tibetan Buddhist from kin related networks in the village.
societies. We now 'zoom out' to look at the
differences across altitude and ethnic boundaries,
and continue to gauge our examination by the
yardstick of environmental performance to evaluate
the vernacular as a process intrinsic to cultural
Upon descent from the high valleys, one can
observe a series of changes and transformations in
the architecture: stone walls give way to timber, cane
and mud constructions, and the flat mud roofs change
to pitched roofs in thatch or timber shingles. However,
more than availability of raw materials, which is
constrained by climate and ecology, what
differentiates the architecture of ethnic communities
are the social and political structures which define the
investment of know-how and labour in their Figure 7: Gurung house, Ganpokhara, Kaski District -
processing. This we can demonstrate by looking at plan, elevation. [A.Gansach, 1986]
the differences between the architecture of the Newar
and the Gurung communities who occupy the same The Newar houses share certain elements with
ecological zone of the middle hills. those of the Gurung, such as the low plinth to raise
the ground floor level, deep overhanging eaves
restrained by brackets below a sloping roof and grilled
windows, which protect the house from monsoon
floods and its interior from the rain. The two ethnic
groups share climatic and ecological zone, and thus,
in environmental terms, that is, in terms both of
material and comfort, the houses are similar.
The similarity of environmental treatment yet the
differences in the architecture of the two communities
highlight the critical role of culture in the making of
architecture. In terms of materials, for example, the
Gurungs gather and shape them for their functional
role in the building assembly with very little input of
knowledge or labour in their processing. By contrast,
the production of building materials has constituted a
complex industry in the Newars society. Here
Figure 6: Left - Newar House, section [6]; right -
production requires technological knowledge and
Newar craftsmanship - carving at a corner of a
specialized skills, which are protected by caste
window-frame (detail). [A.Gansach]
delineation (such as the Awa, house builders; Loha
Kami, stone masons; Kami, carpenters and joiners;
Bricks and timber characterize the traditional
Kau, blacksmiths; or Tama, casters of metalwork.) In
architecture of the Newars (Fig.6) of Kathmandu
addition to this, unlike the plain village houses of the
valley. Houses and temples are built in a variety of
Gurung, the city and the architecture of the Newars
bricks with timber windows of different types and
are important site for cultural expression and a place
sizes articulated in a rich diversity of expressive
of representation of status and wealth. This is
decoration (Fig.6-right) under a variety of roofs [7].
embodied in the organisation of the city space, where
The complexity of the urban pattern, building form
centre and perimeter articulate caste-hierarchy, and
and details display the complexity of the Newar
in traditional building regulations restricting size, type
society. Enriched by the fertile land and the control
and the use of materials according to caste status [9].
over major trade routes between India and central
In the private domain, the Newars invest a great deal
Asia which cross the valley, the Newars have
in conspicuous expressions, articulated in rich
developed a highly stratified society with an intricate
symbolic decoration of the wood carving of publicly
vocation-based caste and class system [8]. Their
visible parts of the building fabric (like tie beams at
wealth and taste for luxury, art and refined
the walls, windows and brackets at the eaves).
craftsmanship has encouraged the development of
Thus in Nepal, where the fractured geography has
highly skilled artisans.
played a decisive role in creating territorially
Plea2004 - The 21th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19 - 22
September 2004 Page 6 of 6

circumscribed ethnic groups, environment and culture from the shaded area below the eaves through the
together have shaped the architectural characteristics low windows and up the undivided interior of the large
of places. Building elements have evolved locally to space of the house creates operative temperature
become sites where ethnic identity and social differences of approximately 5°C between indoors
distinction are located. In this way it is possible to and outdoors.
understand how groups who migrated across the
territory maintained the original architecture of the 6. CONCLUSION
houses which they adapted to its new location.
Examples to this are the Newars who were exiled to The paper presented a mostly qualitative evaluation
Chainpur (a leper camp in the 18th century which has of the impact of architectural changes on
evolved into a bazaar town), in east Nepal, where environmental performance of traditional buildings
their brick houses and terracotta Jingati roof tiles along and across the high Himalaya of Nepal. We
differ from the Limbu and Rai villages around. In a looked at relatively recent changes, which we could
similar way, people from the Tibetan communities of situate in the social, economic and ideological
the high Himalaya, who have migrated to Pokhara context. They represent the incremental process of
and Kathmandu, have maintained, and even change in the local architecture. Whereas the original
emphasized, the culturally expressive character of material, technology, details, forms and volumes of
their houses. buildings are the product of local environmental
constraints, we can see that changes, usually
5. ACROSS ECOLOGICAL ZONES exogenous in origin, are incorporated into the local
traditions. This takes place in a process where a
Compared with the Tibetan houses of the cold society articulates its location in context by moulding
high Himalaya, where insulation and preservation of environmental conditions, ecological constraints,
heat dominate the environmental considerations in economic dictates, political ideology and aspiration,
the design of buildings, and with the houses in the which both induce and restrain change. We can thus
moderate climate of the middle hills of Nepal, where see that environmental performance is a social
protection of houses from heavy rains is pivotal, the construct, which alters as building traditions
reduction of heat load is central to structuring the transform, and that vernacular architecture is a
spaces of the Tharu houses in the low Terrai plains. dialectical process.

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[5] A. Gansach, Social Constructions - Comparative
Figure 8: Tharu house, Dang. [A.Gansach, 1990] Studies of Village Architectures in Nepal. Unpublished
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The Tharu houses consist of an elongated [6] V. Barre, P. Berger, Feveile-Berger, G. Toffin,
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with a thick high roof. They are made in cane, timber 1980.
and thatch; stones, a relatively scarce material in the [7] N. Gutschow, B. Kolver, I. Shreshtacharya, Newar
expanse of silt plains at the foothill of the Himalaya, Towns and Buildings - An Illustrated Dictionary
are used only at the plinth of the house, which raises Newari-English. VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1987.
and protects the interior from monsoon floods. The [8] R.I. Levy, Mesocosm. Motilal Banardidas
external walls are thin, made of woven cane mats tied Publishers, Delhi (1990)73.
onto the timber frame, rendered with mud plaster and [9] N. Gutschow & B. Kolver, Bhaktapur - Ordered
whitewashed. The walls are low - sometimes no Space Concepts and Functions in a Town of Nepal.
higher than 75cm, pierced by small openings below Kommissionasverlag Franz Steiner GMBH, (1975)34.
deep projecting eaves. Inside the house, except for
one partition to section off the space where animals
are kept, there are no full-height partitions, but rather,
Dahiri (2m high clay silos for storing grain) divide the
space (Fig.8). The house is covered by a pitched
thatch roof (which can reach 6m high) with a
triangular opening at either end. With the absence of
thermal mass in the walls, the natural circulation of air

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