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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Ali Haider Jasvi1, D.K. Bera2

M.Tech Scholar, School of Civil Engineering, KIIT University
Asst. Professor, School of Civil Engineering, KIIT University

This paper emphasises on the methods of using low cost housing technique in India. It provides us a challenge to use the natural
materials and their by-product so as to reduce the wastage or bye products obtained from industries and environmental pollution.
Various natural materials with their property, advantages disadvantages, and their availability have been discussed. The main
challenge is to use the materials in structural component for low cost housing and their adaptation to factors like – technical,
social, ecological, physical – through different products. It encounters the idea about the need of housing in rural India and
explains different uses of materials and the techniques of building construction for LIG people, urban poor’s in different aspects
of building. It covers the use of local materials in the different components of building to make the building low cost and it makes
an affordable houses for low income people.

Keywords: natural materials, low cost techniques, low income group, structural component.
Basic need of man in today’s world is food, clothing and In a country like India, where population is very high and
shelter. House construction is a dream for low income the number of houses are few to accommodate, it’s very
people in our India. Whether he is a farmer, labour or important to use the alternate housing methods and materials
private employee. Cost of construction is at high because of to fulfil the demand.
high wages and high material cost. A poor man has to spend
his entire life in construction a house [1]. Low cost housing 2.1 TECHNIQUES
is reasonable for low income owners, if they can invest 30%
of their household income. India as a developing country, Too understand the techniques better, building should be
has 20% of high income population that can afford a house divided into different parts like roof, walls, floor, and
[2]. High and middle income people takeover most of the foundation.
low income housing [3]. There is a need of cost effective
construction technology and materials. A low cost housing 2.1.1 ROOF AND FLOOR METHODS
doesn’t mean to sacrifice with strength or build with Filler Slab
operational materials but it means effective use of local
materials and techniques that are durable and require less A filler lab material may be a waste material, used to ensure
maintenance. Low cost material reduce the cost by using advantage over RCC slab [10,5]. Used in India, but mostly
alternative techniques [2]. in South India.[10].Simple and innovative technique for roof
construction. Steel is good in tension and concrete in
India’s urban population is the second largest in the world. compression. Difficult to remove concrete from tension zone
The country needs a plan for land acquision and rapid but can be replaced using a filler material. Materials are
construction. 40–45% is slum population which is growing placed in such a way that strength is not comprised, thereby
day by day [4]. Current shortage of 17.6 million houses is removing unwanted concrete from below, hence reducing
being faced by India [5]. Mumbai is the largest populated the material and increasing the economy, saving cost, and
city of India having a population of 16 million according to reduction in dead load; for more advantage internal cavity
2011 census which has seen an increment of 15.98% from wall can be provided. Different materials used as filler
2001 census [6]. material like Mangalore tiles, coconut shells, etc. [10-
12].Advantages are cost effective, improved thermal
India’s population grows by 1.3% per annum which is a coefficient, reduction in carbon emission by 20%, and better
main problem as 37% of population is below poverty line appealing, material recycled [10], [11], [12].Before deciding
[7]. A need of using low cost and easily available materials the design of slab, filler material should be decided. Size of
and technology. Shortage of 17.6 million houses generates filler decide the depth of slab and spacing of reinforcement.
the usage of local available and natural materials in rural and Filler should be soaked in water so as it does not absorbs
urban India. According to World Bank the rural and urban water from concrete [11].
population of India in 2013 is 67.97% and 32.02%
respectively [8], [9].
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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Prof Ing Peter Hayek et al. states that installing filler 2000 limitations [16].Disadvantage if is, it is prone to high
materials made up of plastics and recycled non-sorted plastic earthquakes. [18].
acquired from municipal waste can be used in shells. Refer
table 1 for comparison between convectional and filler slab Leonhard et al. studied flat slab by spread on seismic load
[10]. on a model of two span supported by columns, three
specimen were tested having one internal and two external
M P Jaisingh et al. researched on filler slab using cellular joints, these models were subjected to identical horizontal
concrete blocks as filler and stated that in two-way cyclic load by increasing target displacement with different
continuous slab there is a reduction of 16%, 44%, and 17% vertical slab loading. The result showed an increase in
of cement, steel,and cost; where as in a one way continuous vertical load will cause overturning moment and horizontal
slab a reduction of 33%, 46%, 25% can be obtained. [10,13]. replacement [18,19]. Brick Panel Roofing Pan et al. studied flat slab which had external joints
including 27 H shape specimen under seismic loading and
Developed by CBRI, Roorkee. IS14142:1994, IS concluded that the higher dead load, higher will be the
14143:1994 used for its design. The concrete is used in high deflection [18,20]. Tegos I A et al researched related to
compressive zone where as bricks are used in less deformability of internal slab column joist and concluded
compressive zone. Use of M20 grade or 1:3 grade cement that the study refers to seismic behaviour of joints and
mortar used for construction. Method use for making brick internal drift of multi storey structure. [18,21].
panels and precast joist. Made up of first class bricks
reinforced with 6 mm MS bars. Length varies from 900– L&T Flex Table System
1200 mm but width is kept 530 mm for allowing 36–40 mm
gaps between bricks. To increase the length of brick panel A better type of form work used to lay RC floor. Used for
diameter of bars is also to be increased [14].Suitable for heights up to 5.8m. Different prop sizes can be used like CT
rural areas. – 250, CT–300, CT–340, CT–410. Prop nuts are used for
height adjustments. Flat slab construction is done using this
Advantages are saving in cement, steel, labour, time and method. No bracing requirement. Smooth finishing of
cost, concrete and centring cost can be saved by 20–25% concrete is available. In flat slab, 0.8 man hours/m2 is
and 25–35% of complete slab cost respectively. [15,11].A required [22]
factory can produced approximately 1,20,000 brick
panels/day in an 8 hour shift and 24,000 RCC joist in an 2.1.2 WALL CONSTRUCTION
annum. Compressive strength ranges up to 150kg/cm2.
Standard size of brick panel is 1200x530x75mm and that of Soil Stabilized Block
RCC joist is 130x 00x3600mm. Compressive strength of In compressed block walling, cement is used as a stabilized
brick panel is 150kg/cm2. The number of skilled and un- soil to obtain wet strength. Other stabilizer can also be used
skilled labour required are 6 and 20 respectively [15]. Bick but they do not satisfy the requirement of economically and
panel weights 75kg whereas RCC joist weights 15Kg/m. readily availability. It is uneconomical to use cement of
[11]. mortar 15kg/m2 of walling. One method of stabilization is
compacting the soil to reduce void, thereby increasing the Flat Slab density and compressive strength and reducing the ingress of
Slab that is directly supported on columns without any moisture of block [23].The other method of producing brick
intermediate beams. Constructed in 1906 by Turner in the can be done by using AURAM press 300 built in AVEI,
USA by using some of the basic theoretical designs. Testing India in 1989. The equipment can produce 125 blocks/hour
of different slabs was done during 1910-1920. But Nicholas and at a single stretch it can put 17 moulds making 75
in 1914 gave a basic design method for its construction, but blocks. Refer table 2 & 3. [23,25].
Jacob S Grossman’s method of equivalent frame method
with equivalent beam is preferred by engineers to calculate The constituents of soil cement stabilization used are 50%
the analysis of work [16]. sand, 15% gravel, 15% silt and 20% clay and that of lime
stabilization is 15% gravel, 30% sand, 20% silt, 35% clay
Different methods came into existence for different types [24,29,25].Lime and cement are costly additives but locally
like for small designs, empirical method can be used; for available; but if not properly worked out can give
irregular frames, sub frame method can be used; calculation disappointing results [23]. In case of sandy soil, cement is
of reinforcement details, yield line method can be use. For used. Cost of this block is 19.4% less than fired bricks and
slab spanning 5–9m thin flat slab should be preferred, 47.2% less than wire cut bricks [25].Advantages of the
whereas slab spanning more than 9m post tensioning should block are high and thin walls can be constructed, high
be done. [17] compressive strength and water resistance, transferable
technology, and eco-friendly.Disadvantages are due to
Advantages are easy form working, less construction time, cement stabilization curing shall be done for 4 weeks,
easy concreting, [16,18]. Despite of all these advantages identification of soil is required, skilled labour required [25].
Indian engineers have to use ACI – 318 because of IS 456:

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 535
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Hollow Concrete Block workability should be achieved for mix. Special scoop is
used for scattering the mortar of 3mm thickness. Mortar
Expensive as there is arequirement of graded sand and large should be plastic for 6-9min and set within 10mins.Benefits
quantity of cement i.e. 12–17% by weight. If properly can enhanced by using jumbo blocks of 440mm length and
dimensioned; can be laid on 10mm mortar joint. Vibrating 430mm height [29].
table is required to settle the mix. To compress the material
a heavy lid is slammed many time [23]. Used in partition wall, cavities walls, solid walls and
separating walls [29, 30]. Advantages are high bond
Hollow concrete blocks are replacements of stone and strength, accurate dimension blocks, easy mixing of
convectional bricks. They are easy to place, and lighter than quantities, high sound insulation and fire resistance [28,30]
convectional bricks. In demand by different department like
housing board, PWD, forest department, road transportation Fly Ash Sand Lime Bricks
[26]. Standard size of hollow brick are 400x200x100mm,
400x200x150mm, 400x200x200mm [26,15]. These blocks A Sumanthi et al. had done an research to determine the best
have a compressive strength of 39–147KN/m. Different possible mix design for making fly ash sand lime brick, he
machines are used for construction of these blocks like hand conclude that the best possible mix shall be 15% fly ash,
held type block machine, stationary block machine, standing 30% lime, 21% gypsum, and 53% quarry dust having a
type block machine [15] compressive strength of 7.91N/mm2 at 28 days. Increase in
fly ash content, decrease in compressive strength. The water
Advantages are good quality, less labour required, durable. absorption for the mix is 10.9% which is less than the
Uses are interior and exterior walls, retaining walls, standard value of 12% where the brick size is of
compound walls [26], [27]. 230x110x90mm [32] Rat Trap Bond Tayfun Cicek et al. had done an experiment on the different
constituents of fly ash sand lime bricks, stated that with the
Masonry technique, where bricks create cavity in wall increase in content of quartz sand, the strength increases
having same wall thickness as that of convectional concrete. from 2.2–3.74N/mm2, the highest compressive strength of
In rat trap bond brick are placed on edge forming outer and 3.74N/mm2 is obtained at 40% quartz sand addition, also
inner face of wall with cross bricks [5]Cement mortar used found out that the highest compressive strength of
is of 1:6. In an 8 hour shift, 0.3 million tiles/annum can be 4.75N/mm2 was obtained at 12% lime, with increase in the
produced. Manpower required are 1.6 man-days of skilled, 4 lime content no extra strength is obtained [33].
man-days of unskilled, and 0.5 man-day of labour for 1m3 of
masonry. [15]Main advantages are less number of bricks are Size of the bricks is 230x115x75mm using volcanic ashes
used [5], 80% of reduction of load on foundation, same 60%, sand 20%, lime 15%, and gypsum 5%, production
strength as compared to other bricks, up to 3 storey can be capacity of 1.8 million bricks/annum of eight hours working
built [15]. time in two shifts. Equipment used are brick making
machine, pan mixer and mould. Land required is 2000 & Thin Joint Construction 150m2 of open and covered area respectively, 4 and 20
The method is used mostly in Europe and UK [28].It is skilled and unskilled labours respective.Advantages are eco-
asubstitute practice to 10mm sand and cement mortar. friendly, accurate dimension, reduce shrinkage, and use of
Supplied as dry–premixed powder in 25Kg bags which is industrial waste [15].
applied with special spreader of 3mm thick. Sets within
10mins and complete strength is gained within 1–2 Aerated Concrete Blocks
hours.Approach is different to cement and sand system. All Aerated autoclaved concrete blocks was first developed by a
blocks need to be cut according to specific dimension [29]. Swedish engineer between the year 1920–32 [34,36]. Since
A mechanic saw, circular saw is used instead of bolster 1980, increase in the use of AAC materials in different parts
chisel or club hammer as it would cause greater joint than of the world like India, Australia, Bahrain, China etc. In
3mm [29,28,30]. 1996, North America opened the first plant a more than 420
factories around the globe produce it [34,36]. Aerated
First course laid on DPC. The course should be allowed to concrete is a type of light weight concrete which neglects
set over night and levelled before instigation with thin joint the routine of coarse aggregates and includes high
construction. Regular checks of plumb, line, and level are percentage of void. A foaming agent is applied in the mix
needed [29]. Refer table 4, 5& 6. before the materials are poured in the moulds. Density is
reduced to 500Kg/m3 [23].Size of the block is 600mm long,
Different sizes of block are available like 610x140x200mm, 100–300mm deep, 300mm high. One AAC block weighs
610x215mm 610x270 mm having various thickness used for 12.23Kg where as one CMU block weighs 15.4Kg, AAC
cavity walls; all are manufactured in high strength, standard, blocks create 1.3ft2(13.98m2) of wall area whereas CMU
and solar grades [28].25Kg of cement and 5.75L of water is block creates 0.88ft2(9.46m2) of wall area. The first course is
mixed in a bucket. Electric mixing tool is used for laid in traditional mud block and subsequent course is laid
maintaining the consistency of the mortar. Four hour with a thin layer of jagged trowel [35].

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 536
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Ahmed Aidan et al. investigates the production and condition, high precision of 1/1000 deformation is allowed,
characteristics of high quality AAC and the results suggest can be used 800 times [39,41], less error [40], speed
that AAC blocks are fifth the weight of concrete, having construction, earthquake resistant, no finishing required,
sand absorption quality, breathable wall system [34]. Refer reduction in frame cost by 15% and saves time by 25%
table 7 & 8. [41,42].Disadvantages are increase in the formwork cost/m2
for small construction, cost of equipment is high because of
Advantages are high wall area/block, low thermal requirement of crane, cannot be used for music halls or
conductivity, less moisture penetration [23], lighter than theatre, basement cannot be constructed, minimum thickness
convectional concrete blocks [35].Disadvantages are not of wall is 20 cm, continuous or mat footing needed [39],
suitable for heavy load bearing conditions, process is work cannot be done in high winds [41]. Use for hotels,
complex which is unsuitable for small scale manufacture house prison, barracks [41].
[23], fragile, water absorbent at surface, not aesthetically
pleasant [35]. Gypsum Area Separation Wall
Gypsum walls are lighter in weight, easy to construct, less
time consuming. Gypsum wall provide one to three hour fire Aluminium Formwork / Mivan Formwork resistance rating, sound isolation [43,44,45].Code used are
Building Officials & Code Administrators International Inc
One of the most advanced system which has less and Southern Code Congress International. In these codes
maintenance and high durability, this formwork can be used gypsum wall are also called party walls, fire walls or town
anywhere. The entire procedure has to be planned first. Slab, house separation wall.The requirement of UBC is that each
column, and wall can be casted together, saving extra time. unit should have one hour rating for exterior walls with no
The panels are made by aluminium are light weight, easy to openings if the property line is within three feet (0.91m). No
handle, strong. They can be used with a repetition of 250 need of parapet wall if area of floor is less than
times or more and if not then it is costly. The component of 1000ft2(10760m2). Two hour rating is needed for separate
this formwork are aluminium rail, section panels and sheets. portion of structure. Gypsum is non-combustible in nature
Having a thickness of 4mm skin plate and 6mm ribbing to and has been used since 100 years as plaster of Paris. Main
stiffen the panel. The manufacturing of these formwork are content of gypsum is calcium sulphate dehydrate which
specially done in South East Asia and Europe. After placing contains 21% chemically combined water by weight. When
the order the shipment is received within three months subjected fire, water is released as steam. This process
[37].Advantages are less labour, fast construction, reuse of protects the other side from high heat [43].Main content of
panels, custom design formwork [37], seismic resistance, gypsum board are one inch thick non-combustible type X
less maintenance, no tower cranes required gypsum liner panel, metal naming, and break away
[38].Disadvantages are finishing lines can be seen, planning aluminium clips which softens at relatively low temperature
should be done before construction, less modification due to [43]. Gypsum area separation wall consist of metal framing
casting is one, shrinkage cracks may appear [37].Suited for of I or H studs spaced on 24 inch centre to centre, panels are
high and low rising building. Rate of construction estimated inserted into the studs and supported with flanges
to be 4 days/floor [38]. [44].Products quality is assured for every unit by third party
certification and labelling. [45] Tunnel Form Work
Tunnel formwork is a steel formwork that is used to cast Advantages are panel weighs 8 to 9 pounds/ft2(0.33-
wall and slab monolithically. It can be of different size, 0.37kg/m2), more space available, scaffolding not needed,
shape and modulus [39,41]. Tunnel formwork are basically less use of labour and material. Meets various codes
of two types, one is classical tunnel formwork which consist requirement like BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI, thickness of
of half or full tunnel form work; second is railed tunnel wall is 2-4 inch [43], easy usage up to four storeys
formwork [42]. Either half or full form work can be used or [45].Disadvantages is it cannot be used in high humid
construction, it depends upon crane capacity and width of conditions like indoor pool, saunas etc. and also cannot be
the form. Half tunnel form are used for wide span and full used in temperatures more than 52°C. [15]
tunnel are used for short span rooms [40]. Mostly used in
UK [41].Internal size of cell is 2.4–6.6m wide which can be GFRG Panel Building System
divided into smaller rooms. The code used is BS 8100 for GFRG is particular significant to India, where there is a
one way slab. On an average a team of eight plus a crane need of cost effective construction technology. The product
driver is required who can fix 300m2 of formwork each day is eco-friendly as well as fire resistant [46].GFRG panel
including placing of 35m3 of RMC [41].40–45$ /ft2 of form system are also known as rapid wall or gypcrete [46,48].
work contact area is the cost of tunnel form work including Used in both load bearing and non-load bearing structure.
all accessories and heating system. This can be re used for Having modular cavities which are suitable for internal and
500–100 times [40]. external wall. Also be used for roof slab/floor slab with
RCC. Invented in Australia in 1990 [47]. Panel size of 12m
Advantages are time effective as floor to floor construction length, 3m high, 124mm thick, 48 cavities of 230x94x3mm
can be done in one to three days, independent on climate in each panel, 1440Kg weight of each panel, 10-12% light as

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 537
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

compared to brick/concrete masonry [47]. The glass fibre and Japan [53,7]. G Leake et al. stated that the upper class of
length of 300–350mm is used having fibre content of Colombia uses concrete but in India upper class uses stone,
0.8Kg/m2 [48].Pile, raft, spread foundation is used for this middle class uses wood, and lower class uses bamboo for
type of construction. Basement plinth consist of RCC plinth construction [53].
beam [47]. IS 456:2000 is used for designing, for earthquake
resistance IS 1893 (part 1):2002 should be used [46].Table Mechanical properties of bamboo varies from specimen to
9: physical and material properties of panels and table 10 for specimen. It can be used in beams rather than in columns as
comparison bet convectional and rapid wall building. it will buckle. One of the major problems is connection of
bamboo culms [54]. It can be used for bamboo roofing sheet
Yu Fei Wu at al. states that the lateral resistance of GFRG which is strong, durable, light weight and fire resistance.
concrete filled wall comes from two different action, one is
from shear resistance of rapid wall and the second is the Earth
lateral resistance of internal reinforced concrete core [46].
Wu Y F et al. had carried a shear and axial load test for One of the oldest material but due to its limitation like
GFRG wall panel of 2.85m, width of the panel was 1.52 and erosion, water penetration, termite attack and high
2.02m for shear test and 1.02m for axial load test, the result maintenance it is less used. But this limitation can be
stated that under axial load filled panel failed due to flexure overcome by
tensile and buckling, whereas unfilled panel failed due to 1) Compressed earth block – developed from adobe block
plaster crushing, irrespective of eccentric axial load. He also or also known as earth block. Consist of cement using
states that there are to shear failure i.e. shear failure of panel manual press.
itself and shear sliding between floor slab and interface wall 2) Non - erodible mud plaster – Its constituents are
[48,50]. bitumen which is mixed with a specific mud paste. Has the
ability to resist water [3]
Advantages are dead load reduced by 50%, carpet area
increased by 8%, 15–20% reduction in construction cost, Straw fibre
resistant to corrosion, termite [47], saving in materials, The early use of straw was by Mesopotamian and Egyptian
reduction in C02 emission [49].Disadvantages is in low in 1500 BC. Straw has provided reinforcement to ancient
seismic zones, ten storey can be built [46]. products like boats and pottery [55]. After the removal of
chaff and grain, straw is obtained which is one of the by-
2.2 Materials products of agriculture industry. Toughest compared to other
Materials can be classified into manmade and natural straw. Burning causes breathing problems, so an alternate
materials. Materials like bagasse, rice husk, banana leaves, method is needed for it deposition. [3]
coconut husk, are natural available from the remains of
agriculture industry [7]. Materials like fly ash, ferro cement Applications
are an example of man-made materials which can be 1) Life extended thatch roof – environmental friendly. It is
recycled to make new product that help in low cost fire resistant and water proof [7]
construction [1]. 2) Improved thatch roof – CBRI has designed a technique
to make the roof more fire and water resistant by plastering
2.2.1 Natural Materials the layer by mud to make it more resistant to fire [7]
Fibres are hair like materials which are discrete elongated
pieces like threads [51]. Paintable, attractive, cheaper, rot– Bagasse fibre
resistance. Having low density and eco–advantages over Obtained from the remains of sugarcane or sorghum stalks.
other composites their nature is lingo cellulosic. Natural Waste quantity is same as the quantity of production.
fibre have a potential to replace glass fibre. But the main Around 500 sugar mills are present in India [3]. It is pale
dis-advantage is water absorption, therefore chemical green to grey yellow in colour. It is non-uniform and bulky
treatments is required [52] in size. Bamboo Fibre A Balaji et al. states that approximately 50% cellulose and
Bamboo being the second largest production in the world 25% of both lignin and hemicellulose is present. If properly
after China. India grows around 50% of world’s total share. modified, shows better mechanical properties. 85% of the
Around 9.57 million hectare are covered in India [7]. material is burnt or deposited on field [56].

Swaptik et al. stated that the tensile strength of bamboo is Advantage is low energy input, eco-friendly, reduces the
around 650N/mm2 and that of steel is 500–1000N/mm2. density of product [56].Disadvantages is less impact strength
Bamboo is more flexible than steel having low modulus of stocking problem, degradation of fibre etc. [56]. It can be
elasticity of 50 GPa (50000N/mm2) than that of steel [7]. used as bagasse cement board and panels, bagasse PVC
The readily availableness and rapid growth has made boards, biomass power generation [3].
bamboo a structural material in the area like India, China

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 538
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Jute and Coir Fibre properties. So these materials started been using as
alternative materials. [3].
It is a vegetable fibre [57]. Cultivation of jute started around
800 BC. It has been spread in many parts of India. 33 Fly Ash
districts which have 98.41% of total area under jute
cultivation [3]. Jute is mostly used for packaging [58].From Obtained from the burning of coal, and recovered from
the husk of coconut, coir is obtained [52]. Two third gasses. Major constituents of fly ash is iron, alumina and
production comes from India. Its durability is because of silica [3]. Fly ash generation has increase from 68.88 million
presence of linin. It is grown around 10 million hectare in tons/annum to 131.09 million tons/annum from 1996 to
tropics. It has a length of 35cm and a diameter of 12–25 2011. But the utilization is only increase by 6.64-73.13
microns. Coir industry is located in India, Brazil etc. tons/annum i.e. about 14% [64].Fly ash can be used in fly
[59].Jute and coir fibres are used to produce coir – CNSL ash brick, bulk fill, filler in bituminous mix, artificial
board, jute coir composite, coconut and wood chips roofing aggregate [3].
sheet, geo textiles etc. [3,57,60]. Aerocon Panels Sisal Fibre
These are inorganic bonded sandwich panels consist of two
D. Chandramohan et al. stated these fibre are naturally fibre cement reinforced sheets. Made up of Portland cement,
available that have low price, high specific strength and are binders and a mix of micaceous and siliceous aggregates.
recyclable. It can be used as reinforcement to make These panels are eco-friendly, light weight, fire resistance,
reinforced polymer composite. Life span of sisal plant is 7– sound reduction properties etc. It has been used in one of the
10 years which can produce 200–250 leaves. 1000 fibres, a housing scheme in India under “VALMIKI” for slums. [3]
leaf can produce [51]. This fibre cannot be used in places of
wet spills, snow, and rain. But it can be used for paper Ferro Cement
production, cordage industry, tiles, geotextiles, roofing
sheets, and cement flooring sheets [51], production of ropes It a versatile cement based on the composite material made
[58]. by cement mortar reinforced with one or more layers of wire
mesh. It’s a high performance, good strength material. The
only dis advantage is high creep and shrinkage. Used for Banana Fibre
water tanks, cycle shed etc. as it is easy to build it can be
Banana also called kalpatharu. India is the largest producer used in post disaster management [3].
after Brazil. India has 5 lakh hectares of farms out of which
10% of waste is used to extract the fibre [61]. There is no Cement Concrete Hollow Bocks
particular method for extraction of banana fibre. It is a
highly strong fibre, with small elongation, light weight, Cost effective and better alternative to burnt clay bricks. Has
average fineness is about 2400Nm, bio-degradable, properties like fire resistance, durable, high speed of
environmental friendly [62].It is being used for the construction. As they are large in size less mortar is used.
production of building boards, fire resistance boards, and Strength can used enhanced as per requirement [3].
medical applications, ropes, mats, home furnishes. [3, 62]. Recycled Steel Reinforcement Rice Husk Steel can be used as a recycled scrap iron. Used in steel
Around 600 million tons of rice is produce every year out of reinforced structures like building and bridges. Main criteria
which 20% is waste i.e. rice husk. Either the waste is to be satisfied by the reinforcing bars is mass/meter run.
dumped or burnt. Rice husk ash is produce during burning Rolling tolerance in the range of +/- 7-3% depending on
of rice husk. About 220kg of husk is produce from 1000kg diameter is given by is 1786. Wastage can be reduced if
of rice and around 55kg of ash is produced if burnt. [63]20% purchase in standard length, but if not 5-7% may be wasted.
of the world’s rice production is by India. West Bengal has Electrical melting recycled steel produces 40% of world
highest production area but Punjab has highest productivity. steel. The advantages are high strength, bond strength,
Constituents of husk is 75% organic matter and 25% weight resistant to termite, weathering [7].
of husk which is converted to ash, 85–90% of silica is
present in ash [3]. It is used in power plants, roofing units, Precast R.C.C
rice husk binder, fibrous building panels, bricks, acid proof These are door frames with welded reinforcement. Indian
cement, production of activated carbon, thermal insulating standard manufacturing. Durable, economical. Fire,
bricks, production of some acids, production of building corrosion and termite proof. No cracks, bending, shrinkage.
materials, low cost sandcrete block. [3,63]. Site installation is easy. Much stronger than other door
frames. High strength to weight ratio than RCC and gives
2.2.2 Manmade Materials 20% saving on cost and materials [7]
Industrial revolution created many by products that were a
problem to dispose of. After a deep research upon their
properties, it was observed that they had best pozzolanic

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 539
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3. ECONOMIC STUDY cost effective technology will not only save money but also
reduce CO2 emission, save time and faster production. A
Filler slab is much more economical than traditional slab as cost reduction of 20-30% can be achieved by using
it saves 16%, 44%, 17% of cement, steel and cost in two- alternative methods.
way slab and 33%, 46%, 25% in one way slab respectively
Brick panel saves 19% per m and Rs 418 in cement, 19% cm: Centimetre
per m3 and Rs 21 in sand, 19% per m3 and Rs 127 in °C: Centigrade
aggregate, and 38% per m3 and Rs 536 in steel [11]. ft: Feet
G Pa: Giga Pascal
Soil stabilized bricks are 27.7% cheaper as compared to grm: Gram
country fired bricks walls, where country fired bricks use Rs kg: Kilogram
934 per m2 there soil stabilized bricks use Rs 736 per m2, KN: Kilo Newton
they are less air pollution, energy consumption, carbon l: litre
emission [24-25]. m: Meter
mm: Millimetre
Aluminium form work is a comparatively high cost mins: Minutes
construction but give high quality and speed construction MJ: Mega Joules
which can be used in places where speedy construction is N: Newton
required. rs: Rupees
%: Percentage
GFRG building saves around 50.8%, 35.2%, and 27.47% of $: US Dollar
cement, steel and cost to convectional buildings [47].
Flat slab the total quantity of steel and concrete used are
8.644m3 and 1294m3 as compared to conventional building [1]. S. S. Shinde, A. B. Karankal, “Affordable Housing
which uses 10593m3 of steel and 1505.25m3 of concrete and Materials & Techniques for Urban Poor’s”, IJSR, Volume 1
the cost saving percentage in flat slab is 15% in B+G+3 Issue 5, May 2013.
building respectively [78]. [2]. Vivian W. Y. Tam, “Cost Effectiveness of using Low
Cost Housing Technologies in Construction”, Elsevier,
Hollow concrete blocks can be used in those places where 2011, pp: 156 – 160.
the load is not coming directly on wall, the cost saving is by [3]. Oloruntoba, Kayode, Ayodele E Olusegun, “Local
17.78%. [79]. Building Materials: A Tool towards Effective Low - Income
Housing in Nigeria”, Journal of Scientific Research,
Rat trap bond are much economical than convectional Volume: 18, Issue: 4, 2013, pp: 492 – 497.
bricks. They reduce the usage of bricks by 25% andeee [4]. S. Deepak, V. A. Shanmugavelu, “Cost Effective
mortar by 40% [80], and reducing the load by 8% [15] while Techniques Uses In Modern Construction Projects”, IJSR,
giving same compressive strength with a saving of 57% in Volume 3, Issue: 5, May 2014.
cement cost, 20% saving in bricks, and 61% saving in sand [5]. U. J. Phatak, C. S. Chavan, Lalit V. Rathod, “Cost
[81]. Effective House by Using Various Construction Techniques
and Materials”, IJAR, Volume: 4, Issue: 4, April 2014.
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society. Improving housing methodology is essential. Cost Housing in India”, Geomaterials,March 2013, Volume:
Housing is segregated either by design or location. It is very 3, pp: 60 - 65.
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use development, mixed income development or co-housing. [9].http://www.tradingeconomics.com/india/urban-populatio
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wants to live in big houses which are comfortable. In urban Knowledge And Research In Civil Engineering, Volume: 3,
areas there is a shortage of number of houses. People need Issue: 2, October 2015
houses that are attractive, having more life span, larger [11].http://sepindia.org/ihd-sep/ceeef-technologies/filler-slab
space area, environmental friendly and cheaper. Therefore -technology/
cost effective houses and low cost houses are needed to [12]. http://arkistudentscorner.Blogspot.in/2011/05/filler-
fulfil the demand. The local available materials and slab s.html
technology serve a purpose for low income people. Using

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[13]. M. P. Jaisingh, L. Jaisingh, B. Singh “A RC filler slab [35]. Michael Chusid, “Building with autoclaved aerated
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Table 1: comparison between convectional and filler slab [10]
Slab Item Cement (Kg) Steel (Kg/m3) Cost (Rs/m2)
Two-way Convectional slab of 120 mm 38.4 71 415
Filler slab 150 mm thick 32 4 346
Saving (%) 16 44 17
One-way Convectional slab of 120 mm 48 6.5 450
Filler slab 150 mm thick 32 3.5 338
Saving (%) 33 46 25

Table 2: cement & lime content in blocks [25]

Description Minimum Average maximum
Cement stabilization 3% 5% No max

Lime stabilization 2% 6% 10%

Table 3: Ecological comparison of building materials [25]

Product and thickness No of units Energy CO2 emission Compressive strength
(per m2) consumption (Kg/m2) (Kg/cm2)
CSEB bricks – 24cm 40 110 16 40 – 60
Wire cut bricks – 22 cm 87 539 39 75 – 100
Country fired bricks -22 cm 112 1657 126 30 – 50
Concrete blocks – 20 cm 20 235 26 75 - 100

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 542
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table 4: Fire resistance property of CELCON bricks (Euro code 6: Design of Masonry Structures: Part 1-2) [29,30]
Fire resistance
Minimum Block Thickness Excluding Finishes

Load Bearing Wall Up To Non Load Bearing Wall Up To

Fire resistance (hours) 1 2 4 6 1 2 4 6

Solar Range 100 130 200 - 75 100 140 -

Standard & Hi strength 90 100 190 215 75 75 100 150


Thickness (mm) 100 100 190 215 100 100 100 150

Table 5: Material specifications [31]

Sr No Description Result
1 Colour Grey
2 Component Portland cement, non – reactive aggregates, graded sand and
chemical additives
3 Max aggregate size 0.5 mm
4 Water demand Approx 26 – 28% or 10.4 – 11.2 L /40Kg bag
5 Density 1.5 Kg/L (dry)
1.5 Kg/L (wet) for 21% water demand
6 Pot life Approx 1 hour
7 Thickness 2 – 3 mm
8 Coverage Approx 1.3 Kg/m2/mm

Table 6: Technical specifications [31]

Sr No Description Code Used Values
1 Fire resistance BS 476 : Part 22 : 1987 264 minutes fire
resistance at 1,300°C
2 Compressive strength BS 6319 : Part 2 : 1983, 7 N/mm2
HKHA MTS (2002/2004) Spec.
Part D, Cl. 2.1.1

3 Flexure strength BS 6319 : Part 3 : 1983 3N/mm2

4 Adhesive strength JC/T 890 : 2001 0.3 N/mm2
5 Shrinkage JC/T 890 : 2001 < 1.1 mm/m
6 25 times freeze – thaw cycle JC/T 890 : 2001 < 20 %
strength reduced

Table 7: Raw materials and typical amounts for production of AAC [34]
Sr No Raw Materials Per 1 m3 at 500 kg/m3 dry density
With Sand With Ash
1 Sand (Kg) 320 - 340 -
2 Cement (Kg) 65 – 75 90 - 100
3 Lime (Kg) 65 – 75 50 – 60
4 Gypsum (Kg) Anhydrite 15 -
5 Aluminium (Kg) 0.5 – 0.6 0.5 – 0.6
6 Water (Kg) 230 250

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 543
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

7 Pulverised Fuel Ash (Kg) - 320 - 340

8 Water For Steam (Kg) 140
9 Fuel Oil (Kg) 11 – 12
10 Electric Energy (m3) 13 – 16
11 Mould Oil (L) 0.15
12 Grinding Balls (Kg) 1

Table 8: Typical properties of aerated concrete (High pressure steam) [34]

Dry Grain size Compressive Flexural Modulus of Thermal
Density (µm) strength strength Elasticity conductivity at 3%
(Kg/m3) (N/MM2) (N/MM2) (N/MM2) moisture
450 70 3.171 0.621 0.016 0.12
525 80 3.998 0.689 0.019 0.14
600 90 4.481 0.827 0.027 0.16
675 100 6274 1.034 0.025 0.18
750 110 7.515 1.241 0.027 0.20

Table 9: Physical and material properties of panels

Sr No Description Value Reference
1 Density 1.14 grm/cm3 [46]
2 Water absorption < 5% [46, 48]
3 Sound transmission 28 (unfilled) [48]
45 (filled)
4 Elastic modulus 3000 – 6000 N/mm2 [46, 48]
5 Thermal conductivity 0.617 [46]
6 U - value 2.85 W / M2K [46]
7 Thermal resistant (R) 0.36 m2 K/W [46, 48]
8 Fire resistance 4 hr rating withstood 700 – 1000° C [46]
9 Ductility 4 [46]
10 Tensile strength 35 KN/m [46,48]
11 Flexure strength 21.25 Kg/cm2 [46]
12 Unit shear strength 50.9 KN/m [46]
13 Compressive strength 160 KN/m2 (unfilled) [47,48]
1310 KN/m2 (filled)
14 Axial load capacity 160 KN/m or 16 tons/m [46]
15 Weight 0.433 KN/m2 or 40 Kg/m2 [46, 47, 48]
16 Glass fibre 300 – 350 mm long [48]
17 Fibre content 0.8 Kg/m2 [48]

Table 10: comparison between convectional and rapid wall building [46]
Sr No Materials Convectional Building Rapid wall Method Saving in %
1 Cement 32.55 Tons 16 Tons 50.8
2 Steel 2779 Kg 1800 Kg 35.2
3 River Sand 83.37 m3 20 m3 76
4 Granite Metal 52.46 m3 38 m3 27.56
5 Bricks 57200 - -
6 GFRG Panel - 500 m2 -
7 Water 200000 L 50000 L 75
8 Built Area 154.45 m2 143 m2 8
9 Labour 1200 man days 389 man days 67.59
10 Construction Time 120 days 21 days 82
11 Total Weight Of 490 tons 170 tons 65
12 Construction Cost 18.27 lakhs 13.25 lakhs 27.47
13 Energy Consumption 215400 82921 61.5

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 544
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Fig 1: Reinforcement of filler slab [5]Fig2: A typical view of brick panel [15]

Fig3: Laying of brick panel [15] Fig 4: A typical view of flat slab [16]

Fig 5: Soil stabilized blocks in AVEI [23] Fig 6: A typical view of hollow concrete block [15]

Fig 7: A typical rat trap bond [65] Fig 8: A typical thin joint construction [66]

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 545
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig 9: A typical view of fly ash sand lime Bricks [15] Fig 10: A typical view of aerated concrete block [35]

Fig 11: View of MIVAN formwork [37] Fig 12: Tunnel formwork [41]

Fig13: View of gypsum area separation wall [67] Fig14: Cross section of GFRG panel [50]

Fig 15: A typical view of bamboo fibre [68] Fig 16: A typical view of straw fibre [69]

Volume: 04 Special Issue: 13 | ICISE-2015 | Dec-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 546
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Fig 17: A typical view of bagasse fibre [70] Fig 18: A typical view of jute fibre [71]

Fig 19: A typical view of sisal fibre [73] Fig 20: A typical view of coir fibre [72]

Fig 21: A typical view of banana fibre [74] Fig 22: A typical view of rice husk [75]

Fig 23: A typical view of fly ash [76] Fig 24: A typical view of Aerocon panels [77]

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