Pasive & Semiactive Disipation Systems 2

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State of the Art of Structural Control

B. F. Spencer Jr.
Nathan M. Newmark Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801. E-mail: [email protected]

S. Nagarajaiah
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice Univ., Houston, TX 77005. E-mail: [email protected]

In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to research and development of structural control devices, with particular emphasis on alleviation of wind and seismic response of buildings and bridges. In both areas, serious efforts have been undertaken in the last two decades to develop the structural control concept into a workable technology. Full-scale implementation of active control systems have been accomplished in several structures, mainly in Japan; however, cost effectiveness and reliability considerations have limited their wide spread acceptance. Because of their mechanical simplicity, low power requirements, and large, controllable force capacity, semiactive systems provide an attractive alternative to active and hybrid control systems for structural vibration reduction. In this paper we review the recent and rapid developments in semiactive structural control and its implementation in full-scale structures.

Supplemental passive, active, hybrid, and semiactive damping strategies offer attractive means to protect structures against natural hazards. Passive supplemental damping strategies, including base isolation systems, viscoelastic dampers, and tuned mass dampers, are well understood and are widely accepted by the engineering community as a means for mitigating the effects of dynamic loading on structures. However, these passive-device methods are unable to adapt to structural changes and to varying usage patterns and loading conditions. For example, passively isolated structures in one region of Los Angeles that survived the 1994 Northridge earthquake Nagarajaiah and Sun 2000, may well have been damaged severely if they were located elsewhere in the region Makris 1997. For more than two decades, researchers have investigated the possibility of using active, hybrid, and semiactive control methods to improve upon passive approaches to reduce structural responses Soong 1990; Soong and Reinhorn 1993; Spencer and Sain 1997; Housner et al. 1997; Kobori et al. 1998, 2003; Soong and Spencer 2002; Spencer 2002. The rst full-scale application of active control to a building was accomplished by the Kajima Corporation in 1989 Kobori et al. 1991. The Kyobashi Center building is an 11-story 33.1 m building in Tokyo, having a total oor area of 423 m2 . A control system was installed, consisting of two AMDsthe primary AMD is used for transverse motion and has a mass of 4 t, while the secondary AMD has a mass of 1 t and is employed to reduce torsional motion. The role of the active

system is to reduce building vibration under strong winds and moderate earthquake excitations and consequently to increase comfort of occupants of the building. Hybrid-control strategies have been investigated by many researchers to exploit their potential to increase the overall reliability and efciency of the controlled structure Housner et al. 1994; Kareem et al. 1999; Nishitani and Inoue 2001; Yang and Dyke 2003; Casciati 2003; Faravelli and Spencer 2003. A hybridcontrol system is typically dened as one that employs a combination of passive and active devices. Because multiple control devices are operating, hybrid control systems can alleviate some of the restrictions and limitations that exist when each system is acting alone. Thus, higher levels of performance may be achievable. Additionally, the resulting hybrid control system can be more reliable than a fully active system, although it is also often somewhat more complicated. To date, there have been over 40 buildings and about 10 bridges during erection that have employed feedback control strategies in full-scale implementations Tables 1 and 2. The vast majority of these have been hybrid control systems. Although extensive analytical and experimental structural control research has been conducted in both the United States and Japan in the last two decades, with the exception of one experimental system installed on a bridge in Oklahoma Patten et al. 1999, discussed later in this paper, none of these full-scale active control installations are located in the United States. Many possible reasons can be cited for this disparity. For example, the civil engineering profession and construction industry in the United States are conservative and generally reluctant to apply new technologies. The absence of veried and consensusapproved analysis, design, and testing procedures represent additional impediments to the application of this technology. However, more notable is the lack of research and development expenditures by the U.S. construction industry. This situation stands in sharp contrast to the Japanese construction industry, which invests heavily in the development and implementation of new technologies. Even in Japan, few new structures with fully active control systems are being initiated. This situation is partly due to the modest number of tall buildings and long-span bridges being planned for the near future and partly due to a number of serious challenges that remain before active control can gain general acceptance by the engineering and construction professions at large. These challenges include 1 reducing capital cost and maintenance, 2 eliminating reliance on external power, 3 increasing system reliability and robustness, and 4 gaining acceptance of nontraditional technology. Despite the impediments that exist to wider application of control to civil engineering structures, the future appears quite bright. Semiactive control strategies are particularly promising in addressing many of the challenges to this technology, offering the reliability of passive devices, yet maintaining the versatility and adaptability of fully active systems, without requiring the associated large power sources and can operate on battery power. Studies have shown that appropriately implemented semiactive dampJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ASCE / JULY 2003 / 845

Table 1. Summary of Controlled Buildings/Towers Year completed 1989 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 AMD/HMD Building usage ofce ofce ofce laboratory ofce/hotel/theater control tower ofce/hotel experiment ofce ofce ofce/hotel ofce/hotel/commerce ofce ofce/residential hotel ofce ofce/hotel experiment ofce/hotel ofce/residential ofce/hotel ofce ofce ofce ofce/hotel hotel/ofce ofce/residential ofce ofce/hotel communication/ observatory deck Scale of building 33 m, 400 ton, 11 stories 12 m, 400 ton, 3 stories 58 m, 3,280 ton 1st mode, 11 stories 30 m, 364 ton, 7 stories 162 m, 62,660 ton, 34 stories 86 m, 2,570 ton, 5 stories 200 m, 56,680 ton, 50 stories 108 m, 730 ton, 36 stories 130 m, 39,800 ton, 21 stories 54 m, 2,600 ton, 14 stories 296 m, 260,600 ton, 70 stories 213 m, 107,534 ton, 45 stories 112 m, 25,391 ton, 24 stories 31 m, 273 ton, 9 stories 154 m, 83,650 ton, 43 stories 152 m, 61,800 ton, 34 stories 150 m, 83,000 ton, 35 stories 19 m, 154 ton, 5 stories 131 m, 27,600 ton, 30 stories 134 m, 52,000 ton, 33 stories 233 m, 130,000 ton, 52 stories 145 m, 26,800 ton, 29 stories 255 m, 80,000 ton, 55 stories 58 m, 5,760 ton, 12 stories 255 m, 65,000 ton, 56 stories 190 m, 62,450 ton, 40 stories 89 m, 9,025 ton, 18 stories 133 m, 53,000 ton, 30 stories 348 m, 221,000 ton, 85 stories 153 m, 5,400 ton Control system AMDa AVSb AMD HMDc AMD HMD HMD AGSd HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD AMD AMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD Number 2 Mass ton 5.0 Actuation mechanism hydraulic variable-orice hydraulic damper hydraulic servo motor hydraulic servo motor servo motor servo motor hydraulic servo motor hydraulic servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor hydraulic servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor hydraulic servo motor servo motor servo motor servo motor


Full-scale structure Kyobashi Center Kajima Technical Research Institute No. 21 Sendagaya INTES Shimizu Tech. Lab Applause Tower Hankyu Chayamachi Bldg. Kansai Int. Airport Control Tower ORC 200 Bay Tower High-rise Housing Experiment Tower Landic Otemachi Nishimoto Kosan Nishikicho Bldg. Yokohama Land Mark Tower Hamamatsu ACT Tower Hikarigaoka J-City Tower Hirobe Miyake Bldg. Hotel Phoenix Hotel Ocean 45 MHI Yokohama Bldg. NTT Kuredo Motomachi Bldg. Penta-Ocean Exp. Bldg. Porte Kanazawa Hotel Nikko Kanazawa Riverside Sumida Central Tower Shinjuku Park Tower Nissei Dowa Phoenix Tower Osaka WTC Bldg. Plaza Ichihara Rinku Gate Tower North Bldg. Herbis Osaka Itoyama Tower Nisseki Yokohama Bldg. TC Tower Kaikyo-messe Dream Tower

Location Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Yokohama, Japan Hamamatsu, Japan Tokyo Tokyo Miyazaki, Japan Yokohama, Japan Hiroshima, Japan Togichi, Japan Kanazawa, Japan Tokyo Tokyo Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan Chiba, Japan Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan Tokyo Yokohama, Japan Kau-Shon, Taiwan Yamaguchi, Japan

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1

72.0 4.3 480.0 10.0 230.0 0.8 195.0 22.0 340.0 180.0 44.0 2.1 240.0 60.0 78.0 0.5 100.0 30.0 330.0 84.0 100.0 14.0 160 320 48 100 100 10

Table 1. Continued Full-scale structure Bunka Gakuen New Bldg. Daiichi Hotel Ohita Oasis Tower Odakyu Southern Tower Otis Shibayama Test Tower Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel and Towers Kajima Shizuoka Bldg. Laxa Osaka Century Park Tower JR Central towers Nanjing Tower Shin-Jei Bldg. Shinagawa Intercity A Incheon Int. Airport Air-Trafc Control Tower Keio University Engineering Bldg.

Location Tokyo Ohita, Japan Tokyo Chiba, Japan Yokohama, Japan Shizuoka, Japan Osaka, Japan Tokyo Nagoya, Japan Nanjing, China Taipei, Taiwan Tokyo Incheon, Korea Tokyo Gifu, Japan Tokyo

Year completed 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001

AMD/HMD Building usage school ofce/hotel ofce/hotel laboratory hotel ofce hotel residential hotel/ofce/ commerce communication ofce/commerce ofce/ commerce air-trafc control ofce/laboratory ofce ofce/commerce Scale of building 93 m, 43,488 ton, 20 stories 101 m, 20,942 ton, 21 stories 150 m, 50,000 ton, 36 stories 154 m, 6,877 ton, 39 stories 115 m, 33,000 ton, 27 stories 20 m, 1,100 ton, 5 stories 115 m, 33,000 ton 27 stories 170 m, 124,540 ton, 54 stories hotel: 226 m; ofce: 245 m, 300,000 ton 310 m 99 m, 22 stories 144 m, 50,000 ton, 32 stories 100 m 29 m, 25,460 ton, 9 stories isolated 47 m, 18,000 ton, 11 stories 3 buildings: 195 m, 45 stories; 175 m, 40 stories; 155 m, 34 stories 69 m, 3,600 ton, 5 stories 184 m, 65,000 ton, 5 stories 138 m, 37,000 ton, 33 stories 210 m, 130,000 ton 48 stories Control system HMD HMD HMD HMD HMD semiactive damper semiactive TMD HMD HMD AMD AMD HMD HMD smart base isolation semiactive damper couple building control Number 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 4H 2O 1 3 2 2 Mass ton 48 50 60 61 122 330 440 60H 75O 60 120 150 12

Actuation mechanism servo motor hydraulic linear motor hydraulic servo motor variable-orice hydraulic damper variable-orice hydraulic damper servo motor servo motor H hydraulic O hydraulic servo motor servo motor servo motor variable-orice damper variable-orice hydraulic servo motor

CEPCoo Gifu Bldg. Harumi Island Triton Square

Osaka International Airport Air-Trafc Control Tower Cerulean Tower Tokyo Hotel Hotel Nikko Bayside Osaka Dentsu New Headquarter Ofce Bldg.

Osaka, Japan Tokyo, Japan Osaka, Japan Tokyo, Japan

2001 2001 2002 2002

air-trafc control hotel/ofce/parking hotel/parking ofce/commerce/ parking


2 2 2 2

10 210 124 440

servo motor hydraulic servo motor servo motor

Active mass damper. Hybrid mass damper. c Semiactive variable stiffness system. d Active gyroscopic stabilizer.

Table 2. Summary of Actively Controlled Bridges Name of bridge Rainbow Bridge: Pylon 1 Pylon 2 Tsurumi-Tsubasa Bridge Hakucho Bridge Pylon 1 Pylon 2 Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Pylons 1 and 2 Meiko-Central Bridgec: Pylon 1 Pylon 2 First Kurushima Bridge: Pylon 1 Pylon 2 2nd Kurushima Bridge: Pylon 1 Pylon 2 Third Kurushima Bridge: Pylon 1 Pylon 2 Nakajima Bridge
a b

Years employed 19911992 19911992 19921993 19921994 19921994 19931995 1994 1995 1994 1995 19951997 19951997 1994 1997 19951997 19951996 1994 1996 19951996

Height m/ Weight tonf 119/4,800 117/4,800 183/3,560 127.9/2,400 131/2,500 293/24,650 190/6,200 190/6,200 112/1,600 t 145/2,400 t 166/4,407 143/4,000 179/4,500 179/4,600 71/580

Frequency range Hz 0.26 0.95 0.26 0.55 0.270.99 0.130.68 0.130.68 0.127 0.18 0.42 0.16 0.25 0.231.67 0.171.70 0.171.06 0.201.45 0.130.76 0.130.76 0.211.87

Moving mass, mass ratio %a 6 ton2 0.6 2 ton 0.14 10 ton2 0.16 9 tonf 0.4 4 ton2 0.36 28 ton2 0.8 8 ton2 0.98 1.15 0.170.38 6 ton2 0.152.05 10 ton2 0.32.6 10 ton2 0.41 10 ton2 0.54 1.01 11 ton2 0.32.4 11 ton2 0.32.4 3.5 ton2 1.0-10.6

Control algorithm Feedback control DVFBb Optimal regulator DVFB Suboptimal feedback control DVFB Optimal regulator DVFB H feedback control

Number of controlled modes 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 3

Suboptimal regulator control H feedback control DVFB/H Fuzzy control Variable gain DVFB H output feedback control Fuzzy control

Percent of rst modal mass. Direct velocity feedback. c Cable-stayed bridge. Others are suspension bridges.

ing systems perform signicantly better than passive devices and have the potential to achieve, or even surpass, the performance of fully active systems, thus allowing for the possibility of effective response reduction during a wide array of dynamic loading conditions Spencer and Sain 1997. Examples of such devices include variable-orice uid dampers, controllable friction devices, variable-stiffness devices, smart tuned mass dampers and tuned liquid dampers, and controllable uid dampers. In this paper we review the main classes of semiactive control devices and present their full-scale implementation to civil infrastructure applications.

active systems perform signicantly better than passive devices and have the potential to achieve the majority of the performance of fully active systems, thus allowing for the possibility of effective response reduction during a wide array of dynamic loading conditions Spencer and Sain 1997; Symans and Constantinou 1999a; Spencer 2002. Examples of such devices will be discussed in this section, including variable-orice uid dampers, variable-stiffness devices, controllable friction devices, smart tuned mass dampers and tuned liquid dampers, controllable uid dampers, and controllable impact dampers.

Semiactive Control Systems

Control strategies based on semiactive devices appear to combine the best features of both passive and active control systems and to offer the greatest likelihood for near-term acceptance of control technology as a viable means of protecting civil engineering structural systems against earthquake and wind loading. The attention received in recent years can be attributed to the fact that semiactive control devices offer the adaptability of active control devices without requiring the associated large power sources. In fact, many can operate on battery power, which is critical during seismic events when the main power source to the structure may fail. According to presently accepted denitions, a semiactive control device is one which cannot inject mechanical energy into the controlled structural system i.e., including the structure and the control device, but has properties that can be controlled to optimally reduce the responses of the system Spencer and Sain 1997. Therefore, in contrast to active control devices, semiactive control devices do not have the potential to destabilize in the bounded input/bounded output sense the structural system. Preliminary studies indicate that appropriately implemented semi848 / JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ASCE / JULY 2003

Variable-Orice Dampers
One means of achieving a semiactive damping device is to use a controllable, electromechanical, variable-orice valve to alter the resistance to ow of a conventional hydraulic uid damper. Such a device, schematically shown in Fig. 1, typically operates on approximately 50 W of power. The concept of applying this type of variable-damping device to control the motion of bridges experiencing seismic motion was rst proposed by Feng and Shinozuka 1990 and studied analytically and experimentally by a number of researchers including Kawashima and Unjoh 1994, Sack and Patten 1993, Patten et al. 1996, Symans and Constantinou 1999b, Nagarajaiah 1994, Yang et al. 1995, and

Fig. 1. Schematic of the variable-orice damper

Fig. 4. Schematic of controllable-uid damper

Variable-Stiffness Device
Conceived as a variable-stiffness device, Kobori et al. 1993 implemented a full-scale variable-orice damper, using on-off mode, in a semiactive variable-stiffness system AVS to investigate semiactive control of the Kajima Research Institute building. Although variable-orice dampers can be used for producing variable stiffness in an on-off modeas a very high stiffness device due to hydraulic uid compressibility primarily due to entrapped air when the valve is closed or a device with no stiffness when the valve is openthey cannot vary stiffness continuously between different stiffness states. Nagarajaiah U.S. Patent No. 6,098,969; Aug. 8, 2000 has developed a semiactive continuously and independently variable-stiffness device SAIVS; this scalable mechanical device is shown in Fig. 2. The forcedisplacement loops of the device are shown in Fig. 3; it is evident from the loops that the SAIVS device can vary the stiffness continuously and smoothly. Nagarajaiah and Mate 1998 have shown the effectiveness of SAIVS device in a scaled structural model by varying the stiffness smoothly and producing a nonresonant system.

Fig. 2. SAIVS device a implemented as a STMD; b small-scale SAIVS device

Smart Tuned Mass Dampers

Liang et al. 1995. Sack and Patten 1993 developed a hydraulic actuator with a controllable orice, which was implemented by Patten et al. 1999 in a full-scale bridge on interstate highway I-35 in Oklahoma to demonstrate the technology, for reduction of vibrations induced by vehicle trafc. Symans and Constantinou 1999b and Symans and Kelly 1995 have analytically and experimentally studied the application of variable uid dampers for seismic response reduction of buildings and bridges Iwan 2002. Jabbari and Bobrow 2002 and Yang et al. 2000 have studied an on-off controllable orice hydraulic damper used as a resettable stiffness device. Many researchers have studied the advantages and effectiveness of tuned mass dampers TMD and multiple tuned mass dampers MTMD. The TMD is very sensitive to tuning frequency ratio, even when optimally designed. The MTMD can overcome this limitation of the TMD; however, the MTMD cannot be retuned in real time, thus is not adaptable. TMDs with adjustable damping, rst studied by Hrovat et al. 1983, offer additional advantages over TMDs. As an attractive alternative, a semiactive tuned mass damper STMD, with variable stiffness, that has the distinct ad-

Fig. 3. Measured force-displacement loops of small-scale SAIVS device note the smooth and continuous variation of stiffness

Fig. 5. Schematic of large-scale 20-t MR uid damper


Fig. 6. Experimental setup of the large-scale 20-t MR uid damper

Fig. 7. Measured force-displacement loops at 5.4 cm/s

vantage of continuously retuning its frequency due to real time control thus making it robust to changes in building stiffness and damping, has been developed by Nagarajaiah and Varadarajan 2000 using the SAIVS device Nagarajaiah, U.S. Patent No. 6,098,969 2000, as shown in Fig. 2; they have shown its effectiveness analytically and experimentally on a small-scale three story structural model. The variation of stiffness of the STMD is based on estimation of instantaneous frequency and a time frequency controller developed by Nagarajaiah and Varadarajan 2000. Varadarajan and Nagarajaiah 2003 have also shown the effectiveness of STMD in a tall benchmark building with response reductions comparable to an active tuned mass damper; however, with an order of magnitude less power consumption. Other STMDs that have been studied analytically are based on variable damping by Abe and Igusa 1996. Semiactive impact dampers have also been developed and studied, by Caughey and Karyeaclis 1989 and Masri 2000, and shown to be effective experimentally. STMDs can also be based on 1 controllable tuned sloshing dampers CTSD, and 2 controllable tuned liquid column dampers CTLCD. TSD uses the liquid sloshing in a tank to add damping to the structure, similarly in a TLCD the moving mass is a column of liquid, which is driven by the vibrations of the structure. Because these systems have a xed design, they are not as effective for a wide variety of loading conditions, and researchers are looking to improve their effectiveness in reducing structural responses Kareem et al. 1999. Lou et al. 1994 proposed a semiactive CTSD device based on the passive TSD, in which the length of the sloshing tank can be altered to change the properties of the device. Abe et al. 1996 and Yalla et al. 2001 have studied semiactive CTLCD devices based on a TLCD with a variable orice.

controllable uid bearing has been employed in parallel with a seismic isolation system in Feng et al. 1993. Recently, variablefriction systems have been studied by Yang and Agrawal 2002 for seismic response reduction of nonlinear buildings. Garrett et al. 2001 have studied piezoelectric friction dampers experimentally.

Variable-Friction Dampers
Various semiactive devices have been proposed which utilize forces generated by surface friction to dissipate vibratory energy in a structural system. Akbay and Aktan 1991 and Kannan et al. 1995 proposed a variable-friction device, which consists of a friction shaft that is rigidly connected to the structural bracing. The force at the frictional interface was adjusted by allowing slippage in controlled amounts. In addition, a semiactive friction850 / JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING ASCE / JULY 2003

Fig. 8. Kajima Technical Research Institute with AVS system

Fig. 9. a First full-scale implementation of smart damping in the U.S.; b SAVA-II variable orice damper

Controllable-Fluid Dampers
Most semiactive dampers employ some electrically controlled valves or mechanisms to achieve changes in device characteristics. Such mechanical components can be problematic in terms of reliability and maintenance. One class of semiactive control devices uses controllable uids in a xed-orice damper. As shown schematically in Fig. 4, the advantage of these controllable-uid dampers is their mechanical simplicity; i.e., they contain no moving parts other than the dampers piston. Two uids that are viable contenders for development of controllable dampers are: 1 electrorheological ER uids and 2 magnetorheological MR uids. However, only MR uids have been shown to be tractable for civil engineering applications Spencer and Sain 1997. The essential characteristic of these uids is their ability to reversibly change from a free-owing, linear viscous uid to a semisolid with a controllable yield strength in milliseconds when exposed to a magnetic eld. In the absence of an applied eld, these uids ow freely and can be modeled as Newtonian. MR uids typically consist of micronsized, magnetically polarizable particles dispersed in a carrier medium such as mineral or silicone oil and can operate at temperatures from 40 to 150C with only modest variations in the yield stress. Further, MR uid devices can be readily controlled with a low power e.g., less than 50 W, low voltage e.g., 1224 V, current-driven power supply outputting only 12 A. Such power levels can be readily supplied by batteries. Through simulations and laboratory model experiments, MR dampers have been shown to signicantly outperform comparable passive damping congurations, while requiring only a fraction of

the input power needed by the active controller Spencer and Sain 1997; Spencer et al. 1997, 2000; Spencer 2002; Dyke et al. 1996, 1998; Nagarajaiah et al. 2000; Sahasrabudhe et al. 2000; Xu et al. 2000; Gavin et al. 2001; Yi et al. 2001; Ramallo et al. 2002; Yoshioka et al. 2002; Madden et al. 2002, 2003; Hiemenz et al. 2003; and Johnson et al. 2003; also see Moreover, the technology has been demonstrated to be scalable to devices sufciently large for implementation in civil engineering structures. Carlson and Spencer 1996, Spencer et al. 1999, and Yang et al. 2002 have developed and tested a 20-t MR damper suitable for full-scale applications see Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows the test setup for the 20-t MR damper; the measured forcedisplacement loops for the damper are shown in Fig. 7. Recently, Sodeyama et al. 2003 have also presented impressive results regarding design and construction of large-scale MR dampers.

Full-Scale Applications
The Kajima Technical Research Institute, shown in Fig. 8, was the rst full-scale building structure to be implemented with semiactive control devices. The AVS is a hydraulic device with abypass valve used to switch the device between the on-off positions to engage and disengage the bracing system. Thus, the structural system varies between the congurations of a purely moment resistant framing system to a fully braced framing system. The buildings stiffness is varied based on the nature of the earthquake to produce a nonresonant system. The observed responses during

Fig. 10. Comparison of peak stresses for heavy trucks


Fig. 13. Maximum responses El Centro, Taft, and Hachinohe Waves with 50 cm/s and assumed Tokai waves

Fig. 11. Kajima Shizouka Building congured with semiactive hydraulic dampers

several earthquakes Kobori et al. 1993 indicate the effectiveness of the AVS system in reducing the structural responses. In the United States, the rst full-scale implementation of semiactive control was conducted on the Walnut Creek Bridge, shown in Fig. 9, on interstate highway I-35 to demonstrate variable-damper technology Patten et al. 1999. Fig. 10 shows

the effectiveness of the SAVA system. This experiment constitutes the only full-scale implementation of semiactive control in the United States. More recently, a smart damping system was implemented in the Kajima Shizuoka Building in Shizuoka, Japan. As seen in Fig. 11, semiactive hydraulic dampers are installed inside the walls on both sides of the building to enable it to be used as a disaster relief in earthquake situations Kobori et al. 1998; Kurata et al. 1999, 2000, 2002; Niwa et al. 2000. Each damper contains a

Fig. 12. Semiactive hydraulic damper manufactured by the Kajima Corporation


Fig. 14. Construction site in the Siodome area in downtown Tokyo in 2002

Table 3. Buildings Recently Completed or Currently Under Construction Employing Semiactive Hydraulic Dampers Number of Height semiactive Stories m dampers Completion date 11 31 25 28 38 54 19 30 23 56.0 140.5 119.9 136.6 172.0 241.4 98.9 104.9 100.4 42 72 38 60 88 356 27 66 28 March 2001 December 2002 January 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 May 2003 December 2004 August 2004

Name Chuden Gifu Building Niigata B-project Siodome M-Building Siodome N-Building Siodome Tower Mori Tower Siodome T-Building S-Hotel H-Building

Fig. 15. Siodome Tower under construction in the Siodome area

sive dampers distributed throughout, is under construction Fig. 16. Altogether, the Kajima Corporation is currently constructing or has recently nished nine buildings in Japan that employ semiactive hydraulic dampers for structural protection. Table 3 provides a summary of these nine buildings Kobori 2003. When these projects are completed, a total of nearly 800 variable-orice dampers will be installed in building structures in Japan.

ow control valve, a check valve, and an accumulator, and can develop a maximum damping force of 1,000 kN Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows a sample of the response analysis results based on one of the selected control schemes and several earthquake input motions with a scaled maximum velocity of 50 cm/s, together with a simulated Tokai wave. Both story shear forces and story drifts are seen to be greatly reduced with control activated. In the case of the shear forces, they are conned within their elastic-limit values indicated by E-limit; without control, they would enter the plastic range. The use of the variable-orice damper has blossomed in Japan. Fig. 14 shows the construction site in the Siodome area in downtown Tokyo. There are four buildings currently under construction in this area that will employ switching semiactive hydraulic dampers for structural protection. One of these structures, the Siodome Tower, is a 172 m tall, 38-story hotel and ofce complex installed with 88 semiactive dampers and two hybrid mass dampers Fig. 15. In the Roppongi area of Tokyo, the Mori Tower, a 54-story building with 356 variable-orice dampers and 192 pas-

Fig. 16. Mori Tower in the Roppongi area of Tokyo

Fig. 17. Nihon-Kagaku-Miraikan, Tokyo National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, installed with 30-t MR uid dampers manufactured by Sawan Tekki Corporation

Fig. 19. Smart base isolated building using variable-orice dampers at Keio University

Fig. 18. MR damper installation on the Dongting Lake Bridge, Hunan, China

pulse earthquakes. An attractive solution may be to use smart dampers, such as MR dampers. Several researchers have shown the advantages of smart base isolated structures with passive base isolation and smart dampers Yoshida et al. 1994; Nagarajaiah 1994; Spencer et al. 2000; Yoshioka et al. 2002; Ramallo et al. 2002; Makris 1997; Nagarajaiah et al. 2000; Madden et al. 2002, 2003; Saharabudhe et al. 2000. In 2000, the worlds rst smart base isolated building was constructed at the Keio University School of Science and Technology in Japan. This ofce and laboratory building, shown in Fig. 19, employs variable-orice dampers in parallel with traditional damping mechanisms. Recently, 40-t MR uid dampers were installed in a residential building in Japan Fig. 20 along with laminated rubber bearings, lead dampers, and oil dampers to provide the best seismic protection Fujitani et al. 2003.

In 2001, the rst full-scale implementation of MR dampers for civil engineering applications was achieved. The Nihon-KagakuMiraikan, the Tokyo National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, shown in Fig. 17, has two 30-t, MR fluid dampers installed between the third and fth oors. The dampers were built by Sanwa Tekki using the Lord Corporation MR uid. Retrotted with stay-cable dampers, the Dongting Lake Bridge in Hunan, China constitutes the rst full-scale implementation of MR dampers for bridge structures Fig. 18. Long steel cables, such as are used in cable-stayed bridges and other structures, are prone to vibration induced by the structure to which they are connected and by weather conditions, particularly wind combined with rain, that may cause cable galloping. The extremely low damping inherent in such cables, typically on the order of a fraction of a percent, is insufcient to eliminate this vibration, causing reduced cable and connection life due to fatigue and/or breakdown of corrosion protection. Two Lord SD-1005 MR dampers are mounted on each cable to mitigate cable vibration. A total of 312 MR dampers are installed on 156 stayed cable. The technical support for this engineering project was provided through a joint venture between Central South University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the rst writer. Recently, MR dampers have been chosen for implementation on the Binzhou Yellow River Bridge in China to reduce cable vibration. The installation is expected to be completed in October 2003. Passive base isolation is a widely accepted protective system against strong earthquakes Kelly 1997. Three types of seismic isolation systems, which are very effective in protecting structures from strong earthquakes, are lead-rubber bearing system, highdamping bearing system, and friction-pendulum spherical sliding bearings. However, recently there has been signicant concern about the effectiveness of passive base isolation systems for protecting structures against near-source, high-velocity, long-period

Fig. 20. Base-isolated building installed with 40-t MR uid damper manufactured by the Sanwa-Tekki Corporation

Structural control technology offers many new ways to protect structures from natural and other types of hazards. Although in their infancy, semiactive structural control technology, and in particular, smart damping devices, appear to combine the best features of both passive and active control systems and to offer a viable means of protecting civil engineering structural systems against earthquake and wind loading. They provide the reliability and fail-safe character of passive devices, yet possess the adaptability of fully active devices. Because of their mechanical simplicity, low power requirements and high force capacity, MR dampers constitute a class of smart damping devices that mesh well with the demands and constraints of civil infrastructure applications and is seeing increased interest from the engineering community. More information regarding MR dampers and their application to civil engineering structures can be found at: http:// and at A number of aspects of the semactive and smart damping control problem merit additional attention. One particularly important area is system integration. Structural systems are complex combinations of individual structural components. Integration of semiactive and smart damping control strategies directly into the basic design of these complex systems can offer the optimal combination of performance enhancement versus construction costs and long-term effects. Because of the intrinsically nonlinear nature of semiactive and smart damping control devices, development of output feedback control strategies that are practically implementable and can fully utilize the capabilities of these unique devices is another important, yet challenging, task. Once the advantages of semiactive and smart damping control systems are fully recognized, a primary task is the development of prototype design standards or specications complementary to existing standards.

The rst writer gratefully acknowledges the partial support of this research by the National Science Foundation under grant CMS 99-00234 S.C. Liu, Program Director and the Lord Corporation. The second writer gratefully acknowledges the partial support of this research by the National Science Foundation CAREER grant CMS 99-96290 S.C. Liu, Program Director. The writers would also like to thank Takuji Kobori for providing the information and photographs regarding the full-scale implementation of semiactive hydraulic dampers by the Kajima Corporation.

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