Paper ID: CBM-023: 2.1. Utilization of Bamboo As A Building Material
Paper ID: CBM-023: 2.1. Utilization of Bamboo As A Building Material
Paper ID: CBM-023: 2.1. Utilization of Bamboo As A Building Material
The main objective of the paper is to develop awareness in the civil society on bamboo as a potential
building material for low cost housing and resorts in Bangladesh. To achieve the goal of the study, a
comparative study has been carried out between a two storied conventional reinforced concrete
structure and a two storied RC structure having bamboo partitions. From the cost analysis, it is found that
the construction cost of a two storied RC building having bamboo partitions is lower than a two storied
conventional RC building. Due to lower self-weight of proposed building as compare than conventional
building, it is also found that the earthquake load on proposed building is lower than conventional
building. Use of bamboo as building materials may reduce the demand of brick production in a country;
consequently CO2 gas emotions will be reduced. Bamboo wall reduce 53 percent of wall construction
cost. Furthermore, a bamboo partitions building is not only economically but also aesthetically better
than brick partitions buildings.
Keywords: Bamboo, brick partition wall, RC, CO2, resistant, heat, comfortable.
1. Introduction
From many years ago, bamboo has been used as a sustainable solution of building component of
structures in developing countries .It is a rapid growth material has made this grass an interesting
structural material due to its long durability [1]. Bamboo can even help the whole world by its
remarkable CO2 sequestrating capacity. Bamboo has historically been used as a building material due
to its inherent properties, being regenerating with high tensile strength and light weight [2].
Low cost technology reducing the cost of construction through the use of locally available materials,
without sacrificing the strength, performance and life of the structure [2]. The construction cost can be
divided into two parts [3]:
Cost of materials : 65 to 70%,
Labour cost : 65 to 70 %,
When bamboo contact with moisture or water its strength increase time to time. Brick absorb heat but
bamboos reflect heat so the house gives more comfortable life these are interesting characters.
At first, an overview of the project objectives is presented that include mechanical properties of
bamboo and current practice in joining methods and connections. Finally, a comparison of structural
rebar and estimating of a panel on our work.
lightweight and easy to replace [1]. Bamboo building is suitable in climates.Bamboo is a truly
sustainable unrivalled timber, with the compressive strength of concrete and the tensile strength of
steel. It’s lightweight, hollow, round, curving, and tapering. It’s also flexible, making it ideal for
earthquakes, as it will bend and flex long before it breaks. Growth of every ton of bamboo consumes
nearly a ton of carbon dioxide besides releasing fresh oxygen into the atmosphere. It is adaptable to
most climatic conditions and soil types [2]. It can withstand up to 3656 kg/cm2 of pressure. It can
have reasonable life of 30 to 40 years. Construction techniques using as main material have been
found very suitable for earthquake resistant housing. It is an environment-friendly, energy-efficient
and cost-effective construction material [4].
An interesting character occurs on bamboo that is when bamboo comes in contact with moisture or
water it’s strength will increase time to time [4].
Below figures presented bamboo bush and collection part of green bamboo:
(iv) The bamboo will not be exposed to direct sun, moisture and rain [1].
(v) Its need to use only straight portions from the bamboo culms for construction [1].
(vi) Bamboo should be treated against insects and fungus [1].
A comparison between 10 ft. brick wall and 10 ft bamboo partition is given table -1, 2.
4. Conclusion
At conclude we can say bamboo is a well-established building material. It is not easy to create
beautiful spaces by using bamboo, because it is uneven material. We try to control the accuracy of the
construction by applying unit-frame pre-fabrication. It is essential for us to educate workers and build
the construction together. Good plantation control and management, straightening the culms through
heat treatment, as well as good quality control can diminish irregularities of the material. However,
bamboo gives a good thermal insulation by reflecting heat while brick absorbs heat, so the inside of
house kept more comfortable.
5. Acknowledgement
Thanks to all of my friends, senior, juniors and well-wishers for their support and encourages to this
research work.
6. References
[1] Dr. A.C.Attar, Alternative Walling System for Low Cost Housing by Using Bamboo,
Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Sakharale, Kolhapur.
[2] Satish Pawar, Bamboo in Construction Technology, Dept. of CE, Shivajirao S. Jondhale
College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, India.
[3] Grewal, J., (2009), "Bamboo Housing in Pabal", EWB-UK Research Conference 2009 at the
RAEng. London.
[5] A.A.J.F. Van den, Bamboo as a building material, Delft University of Technology,
[6] Keenan. A. Georges.(2002).Green Building: Project Planning and Estimating, Kingston.
[7] Chung, K.F.,Chan, S.L.(2003),The Hong Kong of Polytechnic Bamboo University.
[8] Forest Research Institute, Deharadun (India).